The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 01, 1858, Image 2

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    \t Usnntß Cribimt.
V ...
Whore parties arc unknown to u*, our rale tor wlver.
tUingi* to require payment in France, or a. guarantee from
known peraons. It i* therefore tuele** for all inch to send
M adrercliwmente offering to pay at the end of three or «ix
month!. Where advertinfmentaaro accompanied wlth the
UMOey, whether one, fire or ton dollar*, wo will give the
adTe tUer tbo full lainelit cash rate*.
The Religious Excitement*
The excitement on the subject of reli
gion'urhieh is extending throughout the
oountry is, we believe, without a parallel.
the cities of New York, Philadelphia,
Boston, Cincinnati and many
-othcis, .together with numerous large towns
and: villages, daily prayer meetings are
hold and crowds attend them. The inter
,W mdnbited is strong and gathering power
with eyoiy audceediiig day. It is indeed
a “ great awakening,” and assures us that
.the hand the wdrk. Thous
ands who' perhapjj never before bent the
knee; in worship are now led to those daily
meetings, .and seasons. of refreshing arc
enjoyed. Classes are unknown—-for here
jbn find the hard-fisted son of toil kneel
With the man of wealth, you' behold the
mb .lady in her silks prostrate with the
hunHde and poorest of the poor—all Low
ing, inmeck submission in prayer to Jeho
vah. V,
• The .power of this movement is felt by
all and a new light seems to be dawning
upon .the world. The man of business
•ceams from his care, the laborer from his
.toil, the lady leaves the vanities of life,
the woman who earns her bread by toiling
.day and-night leaves her needle, and all
wend their way to the house of prayer.—
And there, surrounding one common al
tar; forgetting their positions in society
and looking not at the habiliments of their
neighbors, they lift their Voices in thank
fulness, ahd their hymns of, praise rise like
incense to the throne of the Most High.
- Well may we exclaim, what a change !
and whence cometh it f It is not man’s
creation, for many good and mighty men
have long striven to break down the pride
of the people, but without success. The
answer then must be, it comes from Him
whocan work and no man can hinder.’'
1 The “ excitement” has .been attributed
by some to the' recent “financial crisis.*”
iff'(his be the true cause, we are indeed
, glad, that we were afflicted as a nation, for
whatever tends to make people better in a
moral point of view is in reality no afflic
tion, but on the contrary a riph , blessing.
If this is to be the result of that “ crisis,”
none can regret it.
To show the feeling that exists at these
prayer meetings, and the character of the
persons who have been turned, it is to be
hoped forever, from the error of their ways,
through these instrumentalities we give' s
couple of extracts which we find in our ex
changes. A correspondent writes from
Newark, N. J„ to thc New York Tribune
as follows: —
“ What was my surprise, on last evening, on
entering the Baptist Church in this city, to find
among the seekers after grace old Wm. 'Har
rington, known. I believe, among the men of his
caste as u Boss” Harrington, one of the moat
notorious jprise-fighten pf the day. The old
gentleman had. been here on a visit, and was in*
duped to attend the meetings for several even
ings previous, until last night, 1 am fiappy to
•ay that her professed justification by. faith be
fore the meeting closed. He was heard to shy
before the meeting closed, ‘I have fought men
alimy life ; the rcst'bfitl will fight for Jesus.’ ”
The fpUpwing extract is from a New
Yorjc paper
“Awful .Gardiner was -present at the prayer
meeting inHie John street Methodist Church,
rriday. He lias a string voice, which was dis
tinctly beard in every part of the house.’ He
arid be wis not ashamed to declare that his past
lift had ndl been what it should have been. He
. had triedsdl theamosements and pleasures of
the. world, but never found any real satisfaction
, mihem,and had enjoyed himself more In one
his conversion than in all his former
lib. ' Ha wished it understood that he was on
the itord’s side. The audience, he said,' knew
huwftithlully he had served Satan heretofore,
. «ddie vras determined to serve the Lord as
fidtftfblly in the future as he had. the Peril, in
tW Awful" Gardner, as most of our read
. • was a notorious prize-fighter,
i frequent participations in
ftni»Aimtftya and his almost ITer-
strength, he
“ revivals" are not confined to
in.4hegreat ingathering of souls: ' One of
oV£ity religious exchanges computes the
number of conversions which have occur
, «d daring the last three weeks to be about
. from all denominations. Their list
over 17,000 they were
ycantof to condense
an# tenm&W* fartW additions save
'ftamthch' own dcnomin*tioii,--<triking
putthe Methodist portion entirely (as the
next hugest.) The whola number report
ed in that paper (hiring thelasttwdmonths
reaches at least 40,000. The total of the
following list during the last couple weeks,
as abridged, is nearly 11,000 Maine ; 202;
New Hampshire, 103, Vermont, 93;
Khodelslend, 226 ; Massachusetts, -716;
Connecticut, 578; New York, 1,691; New
Jersey, 357; Pennsylvania, 671; Onio, 818;
Illinois, 779 j Indiana, -800; Michigan,
680; lowa, 418; Wisconsin, 312; Missis
sippi, 180 ; Kentucky, 716; Georgia, 72;
Tennessee, 370; Missouri, 600;- Mary
land, 277; Virginia, 160; Alabama, 25 ;
District of Ccilnmbia,B); Canada West, 23;
Nova Scotia,;J3- . |
The revival apirit extends beyond this
continent. In England an unusual inter
est prevails, especially in London. Njor
is the excitement in the least abating. It
is Jeow spreading throughout the country,
and pervades almost every community. In
our own town an effort is making to kindle
the fire, and though the flame can not yet
be discovered, we hope soon to see it burst
fdrth in .all the brightness of a noon-day
sun. ‘ In most oases, heretofore, such ex
tensive revivals have been the result of
great efforts on the part of such men as
Luther, Calvin, Wcstly ahd others, who
stood a head and shoulders above their
IfellQW-lahorers, but in this instance it ap
pears to move on as successfully when
tended only by the laity of the churches,-
as whdn preceded by the most eloquent
appeals of learned divines. There is '.in
thief act alone much subject for thought,
and we sincerely hope it will induce those
who have heretofore given hut . little at
tention to such matters, to give it that
consideration which it deserves.
Printers Look Out!
A few days since we received an adver
tisement and circular from one Wm. E.
Hoyt, of Syracuse,; New York, a copy of
which has - no doubt been furnished to
many other newspaper publishers, reques
ting the insertion of, the advertisement at
reasonable rates, and promising to pay at
the end of three or six months. We warn
all publishers to beware of this shark. By
reference to our “ Black List,” .they will
observe the manner in which he has kept
his promises with us. He gives a number
of references, and among the rest several
ministers. Now if, those ministers have
.any regard for their reputations for truthr
and wish to save their credit, we advise
them to withdraw their names from Mr.
Hoyt’s circular as speedily as possible, if,
indeed, they ever authorized, him to use
them. When he pays up the “ old score”
with us, we shall be willing to enter into a
new contract, provided he pays cash in ad
vance, but on no other conditions. Those
publishers who insert his card on the
strength of the references given, must not
complain, if after having been warned of
his character, they do not receive their
pay. It is time that publishers of news
papers should put a stop to this system of
rascality, by promptly refusing to insert
such advertisements unless accompanied
by the cash, or the name of some
whom they know to be responsible. The
fact that one publisher (who Js eager to
grab up anything in the shape of an ad
vertisement,) inserts such a card, induces
others to think that theperson sending the
card is known to that publisher and re
sponsible, and thus many are humbugged.
For our part we Will hereafter publish no
advertisements unless the cash accompan
ies them, .or the parties sending them are
known to us tp be responsiblc.
Retire^. —-We are sorry to learn that our
distinguished and jovial friend, J. S. Barr,
familiarly jknowu as “ Yellow Moccasin,”
has retired, from the ..editorial department
of the Huptißgdon American, and hav
ing packed hia “ Michigan Band-box,” is
now en route'lbr the “wild West.” We
wish him a happy home and unbounded
prosperity; wherever he may locate.
80. The April number of the Atlantic
Monthly came tod late for us to notice last
week-* As it is a rechercfie number,'
filled to overflowing with the choicest read
ing matter. The Atlantic Monthly is a
perfect library in itself. We can’t see how
it can be published for the price, $8 per
annum. 'Address Phillips, Sampson and
Go., Boston. ‘
New Ajoybetisements.-— We call the
attention iof our readers to quite a string
of new in to-day's paper.—
Want of rime prevents our noticing them
at length.' They shall fie duly attended to
neact week. ■ v." v ■■■■’•
WSk*' Checkered.—ln a single building in
Boston, last evening, there was a prayer meet
ing 'oh one floor, a boxirfg exhibitionin the room
and. a calico ball in the Upper hall. A
pa»Mp from one room of the edifice to another
vro.nld have given a' good illustration of Pope’s
line: ' ' - "
‘‘ •‘from grave to gsy, from lively toeetcro."
' The
Last week we pubhshed
tioa, from the i®^
latioM©4he repeal ofi|he Tonnage Tax.op
tboPenna.B. R., which weconwdercd**
•plete with argument ibd deserving of the
consideration of our legislators and the
public. of the detrimental
effects erf this Tax upiln the,indnstrial in
terests of the middle jand western portions
of the State, it will “ the follow
ing copy of a petitions sent to the Legisla
ture bythe steumboatmen of Pittsburg.—•
It is prefaced by ani ; editorial from the
Greensburg Dcmocrqt , a paper that has
always heretofore opposed the repeal of
the Tax: H
The following isa copy of a petition sent to
the Legislature, signed by nil the Pittsburgh
steamboat men, (with, Perhaps bne. or more ex
ceptions,) and presented by Judge Wilkins to
the Senate a few days jjjgo, in favor of a repeal
of the Tonnage Tax on;|he Pennsylvania Rail-,
road. , This is certainiy lone of the strongest pa
perethathneever yetniade its appearance on
that subject; and although we hare hitherto
been opposed to the repeal of the tax, yet if .the
facts stated in this memorial be true, and we
have no reason to' doubt that they are, and the
Railroad Company willumake a corresponding
reduction in the rates of freight, we are free to
say that this petition of our Western Pennsyl- j
vania steamboat men should receive that careful
and honest Legislative inttenticin to which it is
entitled, and in consideration of the subject
should receive its just weight,
“To the honorable die Senate and Honse of
Representatives of thej Common wealth of Penn
sylvania : The undersigned, captains, and own
ers of steamboats, running from the port of Pitts
burg on the Western rivers respectfully represent
to the Legislature that .their business is languish
ing, a majority of theirifreights, and their offi
cers and crews disbanded and thrown out of
employment, while their accustomed trade is
diverted into other andcheaper channels, vis;
to the Eastern cities. 6y the Baltimore and Ohio
Emil road, and by the way of New Orleans.
The dccjline ofthcir. tradc commenced with
the opening of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
to Parksburg, and fbr ihany months past there
has been an average of Sixty five steamboats laid
up in the port of Pittsburg fer want of business,
and suffering a greater detcrioiation in value
than if fully employed, though the Ohio river
has been constantly in good navigable condition.
These boats wear out in five years, the cost
(of the sixty-five,) is ope million seven hundred
dollars, and the number of their un-employed,
crews is hundred and seventy
five men. The expense of running them—for i
wages, fuel, provisions, &c., —exceeds one mil- 1
lion five hundred thoUs&nd dollars! per year, j
which is chiefly expended in the Commonwealth
for its products.
In the struggle to retain the trade on the
Pennsylvania raule, the rate of freight from Cin
cinnati to Pittsburg, (a distance of fire hundred
miles,) has.been reduced to five dollars, per ton,
while the Tonnage Tax, imposed by the Common
wealth on all freight passing over the Pennsyl
vania Railroad, amounts to nearly half this sum
At equal rates the Pennsylvania route enjoys ■
a decided preference with shippers, but when
the markets ate not unduly excited, a difference
in the cost of transportation, no matter how
small,, decides the route.
With two hundred miles longer river naviga
tion and a Tonnage Tax of nearly one dollar per
ton against us, it is nbt possible to maintain the
business on the Qhio river and Pennsylvania
Railroad route.
Your petitioners would find immediate relief
by reduction of the rates of freight over the
Pennsylvania and to this end they
pray your honorable bodies for the repeal of the
Tonnage Tux.
Read the new' advertisements.
Beautiful—The weather.
gSy^Cool—The evenings and mornings.
ggy A moving Tiine—To-day. It tries the
patience of-those who have “to pull up stakes.”
Bgk. Crowded-'-The cars on every train that
passes over the Pa. Railroad.
What is the difference between a goose
and a tailor ? Who can tell ?
Disbanded—for the Present-Thc “ Owl ”
club. We suppose, however, it willre-assemble
at the call of the President.
SSf Flew off—Fottingcr’s “Owl." We are
happy to state however thdt it alighted upon
its appropriate roost? :
A young lady in Portsmouth, engaged
in gathering a dress.: a few evenings ago, took
638 stitches in three minutes.
A colored barber, named David Morris,
was found dead in his shop, at Mifflintown, on
the 18th inst. Cause—an over dose of opium.
Guilt upon the conscience will make a
feather bed hard; but peace of mind will make
o straw bed soft ahd easy
The Virginia House of Representatives
has passed a law making those who shall be en
gaged in a duel ineligible to office.
A large barn was burned near Philadel
phia on the 16th, add fifty head of cattle con
sumed in it. T ;
igk, Caught —The great sea “ Sarpint”—it
tains oat to be a inis? of sea weed, twenty feet
Bgk-The Tyrone slar is the title of a new pa
per about to be started in, Tyrone, this county,
by Mr. Jas, Bell. ;
. jj®TPaid ns a yisatr—Friend Humes, late edi
tor of the Perry Old Line Democrat. He
looks wcU. ] i
J. S. Barr, Esq., lias dissolved his connection
with the Huntingdon American. Sorry for it.
“ Jim ” is a capital;-fellow and we’re sorry to
part with him. Goodbye “ Yellow Moccasin.”
As to-day ia’i moving day and we’re “in
the ring ” with both; office and house, we can’t
find time to reply tjoTthe “ pedagogue’s ” bril
liant production this week. Next” however,
will do as welL [V «
We shfill tloke due enquiries as to
the credit of the Jersey Shore Bank; among
business men, befoijj ire reply to friend Dun
ham’s article, in tins Lock Haven Watchman,
of last week. '||i; ' , .
Owed to Lake Ontary—Green thy wa
ters, green as bojttle; glass, behoid ’em stretched
th&r: fine Muskalonges and Oswego .bass, is
chiefly ketched thdri WTunst the red Injuns
tbar tuk their delights, fished, fit and bled; now
most of the inhabitijits is whites, with nary red.
pay for ‘i dead heads.”-The San Fran
cisco [Cal.] Jfiwjt X&fo* of the sth ult, says
that the body of -SOOldead Chinamen are how
lying on one oftbeqUy wharves, , nicely packed
and directed, ready gor shipment for their long
home in China. . freight money on the lot
is $7,600. ?|:
0 “biped" of the ITAtyia sadly ex
ercised about our' plaekguardum of the Stan
dard. It '&'tbri|lg|!|kbw one blaekguflrd t jyjfi.
?ath>ses with, another when he is nnmasked.~
ou should eaw, however, gallyanl Mti-
wefw't “m In fortirAbfei-
I$: ' ; ; 'A:;
t ‘ ' : ji'
Distremng Cb«e.
Sun, dated
Holland, Erie couiiW Pa., March 16 ? says:
>■ A very affiictivedispensation pfiProv
idence has taken place within twenty niiles i
of this place. A Prcsbyteriah minister 1
named Heed was.goibg to'attend a meet
ing of the He stepped over
night with ahpther minister at a private
house. Mr.'Reed was taken with a fit in
the night and It was supposed he had
died. The other minister being in a hairy
to get to the meeting in season had him
buried the next day. On his return from
meeting he left word at Oxford that their
minister was dead and buried. His friends
went immediately to get his remains and
bring them to Oxford when to their great
sorrow they discovered that he had been
buried alive. The cover of the coffin i was
split, and his shroud was completely torn
off and he was turned nearly on his face. He
was a bachelor, and a very worthy man.
His dreadful death is much lamented. '
A Teeeiblk League. —The Paris correspon
dent of tbe New York Times, speaking of the
late attempted assassination of Louls Napoleon,
it It is reported that one of the prisoners,
Bndio, has turned State’s evidence, and that, in
his confession, he has revealed a plot that does
not offer a very smiling prospective for the Em
peror. According to Rudio’a confession, the
conspirators were five hundred in number.—
They are bound to their work by a terrible oath,
and their object is the assassination of Louis
Napoleon. Each year, or oftener, if circum
stances will warrant the attempt, the whole
band ore to draw lots from a box, in which
there will be five winning numbers.—
The five members drawing these are held
to put in immediate execution au attempt upon
the Emperors life, which shall be approved by
the whole society, and by those who are charg
ed with its execution.
!Xi\aia i ihhos w> j
Published fur the protection of our brethrai of the Prat and
the Public generally.
The following named individuals hare “ victimized” u«
to the tune of the amounts set opposite to theft names.—
Oitr brethren of the Press and the Public generally will do
well to be on their guard while dealing with them. lie
who would cheat the printer would scruple at nothing.
T. kL. Lakbcut i Co., Philadelphia, t 2 50.
These contemptible dcouudrels. a* Advertising Agents
for a Cider Press, pal'-ouiwd os to the above tnu*. If we
ever come across till m we’ll press their miseralle carcasses
into their original nothingness.
David Axe, . $2 50.
Hr. Axe is another of our hmttst patrons. He victimized
us out of tlie almve sum. and sloped without axe-ing us for
a settlement. That Axe was rather sharp for us
Bicb.uvd Auxa
This gent graduated in raacality at our expense.
j. J Bol'jip.
TUi* gent should ru t he called { * Bought-oflT’ but 4 *Slopc-
Qff” If he Is not good, ou a buy ho is on a I'll. Wo have
one consolatiou, however, udJ that is that he wout he able
to cheat the Devil.
M. Bottoff, Bellefnnte. Pa
We don't know whether this chap la relat'd to the other
Botloffor not. If In: ain't he onght to he, audit he ifl he’d a
credit to the family.
J. A. Uk.vdlev. Crcsdons. Pa.,
This‘sneak* sneaking! y eneakcd off, leading ua to console
our*elves aa vre beat could. He is such a veritable* “sneak”
that he would sell hla soul f» very email one) for a “ftp”
(a big price) aud after pocketing the money sneak oul of
the bargain
Tuos, Ror,
This promising young man promised to par uslnit didn't,
lie has lately been married in Heading. I’oor fellowlda
punishment soon overtook him.
A. 8. McCuxtock, .Patterson, Pa.
This is another of our honest patrons. Such small
scaled wretch Is not worth a longer notice.
P. Fluhoah, Pittsburgh, Pa, $3 00.
Tliis representative of the great “ Flanigan family" walk
ed into our affections "a feet.’’ “Fire away .Flanigan,"
but please don't “ hit” ua in future
Moses ,Doctt, Esquire,
Cheating ns out of the above snug sum, affords a (air spe
cimen of the manner in which Moses dispensed justice, and
how well qualified he was to discharge the duties of bis of
fice. After impairing the of quite a number of Our
citizens, he “BKped” for Baltimo. e, ieuvinga host of friends
to mourn their tout. We commend him to the “Plug Ug
lies,” “ Rip KapS," 4c., as a flt recruit for their ranks.
£. A. C. Docit, , t-l 00.
This lazy puppy ; s a ‘ chip of the old block,” who exem
plifies the truth of the old adages “like daddy like child,”
and “ what is bred in the bone won't come out of the flesh.”
Ho also lids “ Blojied” to the more congenial atmosphere of
Baltimore. ‘Good riddance to bad rubbish.”
Dr. Vi. E. Uorr. Syracuse, N. Y., f 7 50.
This impudent quack bled Us to thn above tune for artver-
Hu is an arraul knave, who, making his living by
means ortho Prpss, U mean enough to cheat printers. \Ve
hope, when sick, he may be quacked to death by some bro
ther quack.
Etc. VI. S. 11. Kits, Tyrone, |2 00.
This political parson who sports the “ cambric” exten
sively, owes ns the above sum for printing Notices to K. N.
Councils, stating his terms for lecturing before them. We
should think that his u Intense Americanism” should lead
him to pay his holiest debts. \ We hand him over to the ten
der mercy of his conscience—if ho has any—lf not, to that
of his iriend and prototype .
L. Palmer A Co, Travelling Opticians, $1 50.
TbtVabove firm was composed of a couple of precious ros
eate, as *■ dutch as sour crout,” who passed themselves off as
opticians. Whether they were or not wo don’t know, but
ire do know, that instead of improving the sight of our
“ peepers,” they effectually “ closed them up.”
Ccmkhob A Co* Travelling Ambrotypists, $1 25.
This is another pair of contemptible knaves. Their skill
was strikingly exemplified In our sod experience, they har
ing left an indelible impression on our memory, that wo
were the victims of misplaced confidence. ■
Eiciuju) Warns, $1 00.
This falsely named gent has left town without settling up
with ns, thus leaving a black record against him on ofir
books, and getting his name on.onrWuct list. It isnotthe
only Nodt act he has been guilty ot'
A. Clabke, $1 SO.
Wc suppose this gent had not time to settle this small
bill before leaving, as he left town about a hundred yards
ahead of the constable, making 2,40 time.
G. W.Tetos, \ $2 50.
This gent fried tts on to the above tune, and then put ns
off by absquatulating without paying.
Taos. Lie. Je* left town owing as $3 60.
■ Ij.vwo A Wisher do. ■ 4 25.
Dameua W. Gardhke, do. 3 50.
L. Karo, ' do. S 00.
A. J. Ahserso:?, 1 do. 1 00.
WB_The above is only the firrt chapter of our “Life Pic
tures.” We hove ample material fora dozen more, which
will appear in due dime.
I- 1 DEPOT.—J. M. HEW IT invites persons wishing to
purchase PAPEBTL4NOINGS to call and examine bis new
stock, which he gets direct from the Manufacturers, thus
saving one profit for passing through second hands.
Prices reduced to suit the times.'
March 18,1868-3 t.
QHEHIEFALITY. —I offer myself as
a candidate for the office of SHERIFF of Blair
tv, at the ensuing election in October ne*t. If elected, I
pledge myself to discharge the duGoe appertaining to said
office to the best of my ability.
? Feb.'4,XßsB-te] JOHN Bi ’WARPED,
.A. fisdShoolger Brace* forfitie fit
■y-ttj, • *■
Maryland lotteries
JOB MARCH, 18SH. " ' , ;
R. Fbasoh fe Co., Manafert.
Purchasers of Tickets wOl bear in mtod that „
land LoUerieMWe drawn ;
oator, ■gSj?:
and lair adlMßte* Mean h* W«te|s» »be WJtO
bad per*** purchasing MW tyWJW
certainly be paid- in the eSuymry domfe invented to a®
much thrown away. ■ ...vj.;, ■
_ MaoßnicaM Soman t» 17th Atm.
63,518 CAPITA 1* PHHE. .
To be drawn in Baltimore City, March 18.1888. -J
«B- U Drawn Ballots in each Package of Sift Vw*
' - : < HAOSmcKST setmn.
1 Grand Price of - $6i518 lO Prtoo of »,800
1 Prise of 12.600 UMnd' 'Mg
1 Priacof 12,600 10 Prize .of - I?S2
1 Price of -8.500 10 Print of I I,OW
1 Prize of 8»500 100 Prlae of ' l ®S2
1 Prize of 200 Prize of
IPrUoof 0,000 6i Prize of ■ , .>^l6o
1 Prize of 6.000 0* Prices of, .• •. 100
1 Prize of 6,000 .. 64 Prise*,-ofißs •••
5 Prizes of 4,000 «4 Prise* of ” ; »
5 Prizes of ' JMXH) 6,508 Prizes of 40
6 Prize* of,
34,412 Prizce, amounting to SIA7S|I7B..
Ticket* s3t>—Halve* sl6—Quarter* $6— Eighth* ss9o.
A Package of 38 Whole Ticket*, cost* $520 :
Must draw ' 28$
Risk, ; ■: .
Persons dee iron* of paying the risk oclv.can do *oanagez
a Managers’ Certificate of Package of 20 Whotca CW ■ s2B®
Do. do. JM Halves, ■;", ’l4O
Do. do. 26 Quarter*,' ■ , ■ g 70
Do. do. 20Eighths, , 85
In this plan, which is the old-heluuned, inode »
ererv Prize ia drawn out. : . _ !- , •
To be drown in Baltimore, Md., Saturday, Anru aTOfcMWi
-20,660 Prizesl 40,900TIeltetsir " ,
Every Erin paid in/uH without Wiiro«ii(|,,
1 Prize of " $35,000 A Appr'ttOfSOO
1 Prize of 12,000 4 “ ; 260
I Prize of 4,000\ . 41 200
1 Prize of 4,000 1 -
1 Prize of 2,000 g a 150
1 Prize of 2,000
1 Prize of 1,6001 •' a
1 Prize of 1,600 /
1 Prize of 1,260 . «
1 Prize of 1,260/
1 Prize of .1000 • u': 00
1 Prize of 1,000 J f
10 Prizes of 400 40 u ' K
10 Prizes of 300 40 “ 40
100 Prizes of 200 400 * i 20
20,000 Prizes of $B, determined by the Capflfel Pritio, being
odd or even.
Whole Tickets $10 —Halve* $3 —Quarters J£r6o.
A Package of 16 Whole Tickets, coels $l6O
Jliut draw 64
Bisk, m
Managers’ Certificate of 16 Whole*—where- person*
i to pay the risk only, will bo sentfcr ' $9O
Do. do. 16 Halve*, 4®
Do. do. 16 Quarter*, ? 24
Do. do. 16 Eighth*, 12
All order* (hr Ticket* in the above splendid Scheme* will
be laithfully itnd promptly filled. Address,
, Buz 40, Bultimord, Md.
O* Persons in.tbe West or South cun Lave their ordcrt
filled iu the Shelby College Lottery, of Kentucky, Scheme*
exactly the same a» the above—and also drawn under the.
management of R, Fiance A Co. Address ' '
T. U. Ut’BBARD k CO;
March 4-1 y] Louisville, Ky.
ITCH! ITCftl! ITCH 111 ITCH!!!!
BARGES’ ITCH OINTMENT is the only remedy
which thoroughly cure* that dreaded disease—the; SEVEN
YEARS’ ITCH—now prevailing to so great an extent. The
usual remedies, such as Brimstone, Tar and Precipitate
Ointments, are of no use. Many who have used them have
been tompolledxo use Barnes’.ltch Ointment, undfijund it
the only cure. It is now the only remedy in which.physi
cians place any reliance.
Jock Frost has re-commenced bis reign and DARNER*
REMEDY FOR FROSTED FEET is the only one that will
cure those whom he has attacked. Apply this rethedy for
a few days and a cure will be effected. The firstappUco.
tion gives relief It has cured cases where thojJfin kdi
The celebratcdLinimeut, called IIYDER ALX MIXTURE,
has cored more cases of Rheumatism than any other known.
For the cure of Pains in the Side, Limbs and BftgkvSore
Throat, Swellings of the Joints, and Limbs, Sprains and
Bruises, it has no equal. As a Liniment Ibr Horarf, In co
ring Galls, Cuts, Sores, Strains, Swellings, and all Other ex
ternal injuries. Bone Spavin only accepted, oil #hoiiav«
used it give it the preference over all other*. i;;.- -
BARNES’ COUGH SYRUP, composed cnllrelyioif Vege
tables. is a sure cure fur Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis, it ia
without any exception, the best remedy knowm of which
feet theusunds can testier- It will be found the beat reme
dy that can be used for children. ;
Prepared only at Barnes’ Drug Store. Trentoh- N. J. —
Sold byG. \V. Altoona, and B. Pagest. * Co,
Pittsburg. [May Id. ’aT-ly.
$2 60.
tU 50.
i \ Tlie Second Term of this Institution wilt commence
on the Gtli cf April next, under the superintendence of 3:
11. EWINU, in the West Ward Public School House. The
dchosl’will consist of pupils o£ both sexes. At ithe com
mencement of each session the scholars will be examined
and classed in tlmt department for which theyarb beat fit
ted. The course of instruction wilt embrace Mathematics,
ordinary and higher English branches and Latin- The
Session will cunanuu Four Months.
$3 00.
$4 00.
t'rimary lkj*:rtn,rnl —‘Alpliabet. Orthography,
Ponding, Elements of Arithmetic and Oeo-
fl 50
grapby. ( ; $3 60.
Jumor Department —Reading, Writing, Prima
ry Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic, ' f 4 50.
Senior Di.-jxirtmenl— Grammar, Geography, His- ] W
tory. Arithmetic. Algebra,Geometry, Natural
and Moral Philosophy, Elocution and Latin, r 6 00.
Scholars in the Senior Department will he permitted to
study any of tbo branches taught in the other departments.
No deduction maile except in cases of protracted Sickness.
A complete set of Slaps, Charts slid Globes, together with
a number of pieces of Philosophical Apparatus are connec
ted with the Institution, according every advantage to stu
dents that can be obtained at distant Academies! and Semi
|3 00.
$6 75.
A competent corps of teachers will be employed.
It will be the aim of the Principal to make the Institu
tion worthy the confidence of the public. , March 4, tf
Another reduction in price
at McCormick's Store. ' ;
Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, (or at least credit
will not be given to any other than those whojaris willing
and ran give satisfactory reference and assurance of, prompt
monthly payment,) and desiring to make it the interest of
.all to patronize our store,' wo nave made a vety'great re
duction in the prices of all descriptions of gnd will
give our entire time und attention to keeping np fin assort
ment to suit the wonts of our customers, inch as '
Goiters, Slippers, Hit* and Caps, Dried Fruit) fete., all of
which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest.' :
All articles of produce taken in exchange |dr goods at
their highest market price. 1
Thankful for past favors, we hope to share thp patronage
of those who are In want of goods. ' [March 25-tt
SALE-—The undersigned offers for saleia tract of
EIGHTY ACRES of land, situate inKurgnaontownshlp,
Clearfield county, on the South side of the ffaUtßranch of
the Susquehanna River, about five miles from CUrwcnsrlUo
undone below Lumber City. The pretnlses arecon
veniently situate!, and among other inducements to pur
chasers ore two extensive beds of , ' ? ;
one of which exceeds nine feet in thickness amhylclds (tom
forty-five to eighty per cent. There -is also an abandonee
of ■;
on the premises, making it a desirable situation to persons
wishing to engage In the manufacture of Iron-. J
There is the best of water power on the preipises, and
the river is navigable with arka, boots, Ac., Cram'this point.
Persons desiring any further Information wQI addreSS
wm. oi McCracken,
March 25-3ra.] New Millport, (RearfieldGo., Pa.
r Pine Grore MilLt, Centre County, At,
J. B. THOMAS, A. BV Principal;
The Thirteenth Session of this Institution wfll.conunenoe
April 28,1858, and continue five months.' ' jrll ■' -
Teems—Boarding and tuition in English Branches $56.
Reference—Dr. G. D. Thomas, Altoona.. [Mar. 25-ot*
—Notice is hereby given that fhn partiletrshlp here
tofore existing between the undersigned; tradihg under the
nameof Peter Seed * Co*, has beerr thb'dayT March 20
1858, absolved by mutual' consent. AU persons knowing,
themselves indebted to said Ann are requested, to make im
v EWES BfeßD,
“««*»?*?] JOHN BON A WITS.
March 18, 18564$ -
te, no doubt, the most wonderful ry ofth.* ap
nranvw, ft* ttwfllwWtore, permanently, gray 6*l?
orSbiTcolor, cover tho bend of the bold with a most luxu
riant growth, remove** once all dandruff and itching, cop*
all sorofola, and other cutaneous eruptions, such afl «c»iu
bead, etc. U will cere, a* If by magic, norvons or pwibp
cal hi silhWiiislrr'th- bsir soft, glossy and preserve *»*
: ettor pwfcctly, and the hair from
ipT The fouowlag fet * di*tingnJ*hcd oi *h»
l^edtoU profl-miou; ■- JaD yMS.
O.X WooD—/ictrr Sir-. —Unsolicited, I
this certificate. After being nearly bald for a loMtimc,
and having tried all the hair roatorotire* ex ** l>
no foith in any, 1 waa Induce*!, on hearing of
it a trial. Iplieed myself in the hands of* barber, and
had my head rubbed with * good *tiff: brush, and the
rattfa then applied and well rubbed lit, tni the scalp waa
aglow. Thitlmpeuled. every morning, and in three weeks
hair appeared and grew rapidly from Augustlaet
tm tfie, and la now thick. blade and stron£-
«nft nmi iilramn* to the touch; whereas, before, it was harsh
anifcwirßwtaU littloj there was cf It, mid that Uttfe wue
'dtoppearinrvery rapidly. 1 still hao your Rertorattpa
about twice a week, and shall soon have a good nwtMmet
crop of hair, Kow ( hod read all these things—and who
hasnot 1 buthayens*aeop hitherto any case
nelson’s hair was really bettefifted by any uf the hair tunic.
rtc„ of the day; and it really give* mm ptcasunto-MOO*! ■?
thuresuU of my experience,; I have recommended your
mpamtien t° other*. and it alreadv bus ajarge-awlmw*
al sale throughbnt the Territory. The
Ua effects and have confidence in it. The supply you, (apt
us as wholesale agents for tho Territory, Is ueai ty
ted, and daily Inquiries pro made for It. You deserveerefi
,tt for vour d&oovery . and I, for one. return you_»*y JUWW*
for thu benefit it me, for I certainly had deep*J|Ua
4dhg ago ofeffectinganyaqchnsalt. j
firm of Bond /k Kelly, Druggists,efeTpauL
PVw* tht £ft(«r i/lke Smt ErtaU Jdtatitrr. i
Boaron, March 2C, WM.
Dea& Bm:—Having become prematurdy quite gngApmm
Induced, tume six weeks since, to mute a trial ofyour BWto
ratlve. I have needles* than two bottles, bnl tho'geey
hairs have-alt disappeared; apd although my ,hafcf haa no*
folly attained it* original color, yet the process of -Clwnfo*
b gradually going on, and t Mn hi great hopes th*t m_ a
»lu>rt time my hah* will bo a* dark as formerly. IhitSaifo
been much gratified at the healthy moiatnrs - and Tigs? cl
the hair, which before waa hatahaad dry; and it baa sensed
to come out as formerly. •
i Keapoctfolly yours,
; ' Caiu.nx,lllinois,June 19,MM.
I have tued Prot llalr hir. a*
mired Its wonderfokoffset. My hair was bvcomirg, as I
thought, prematurely gray, but by the use of hia Katora*
live, it haa sesnmad Ua original cokmand‘
permanently an. . . alOJiftY Bp* %»»*> ~
Sx-Senator United fttktes.
O. J. Wound 314 Broadway N- Y. and
U 4 Market st- St. tools, Missouri. ■
For sale by G. W. KESSkiE, Druggist, Altoona. [My
• . ■ N of
Is t kiulrad to core any one troubled with liver Compialutt,
utuoas the most desperate of can*, when tha ScconahofyA
«m, with scarce a singlefallnre.restorethepatlenttohealth
and vigor. Wo with to call the attention of aU y thin
fact*, that the Invigorator is ctmapowded by A physician
who baa useditinhis practice lor the Iwttltcflt)fwft wltt
a success almost credulouuf, and it is entire); TsgetuU%
ing composed wholly of gtum. >
Some idea of the strength of these gums may be biM '
when it is known one bottle of the Invigorator contain! as
much strength as one hundred doses of Calomel WiUUatt any
of its deleterious effects. . . ..
One bottle is the sorest thing known to CArry away the
bad effect* of mineral .poison of any kind. ~ '-i;
Only one bottle of it is need'*! to throw out of the’usfeaa ,
the effect of medicine after a long sickness. ‘ ' '*
Ope bottle taken for Jaundice removes all ycllosch**t Of
unnatural color (torn the skin. '■ !7 - *
One dose after eating is sufficient U.reUevy the itqwaack
and prevent'the food from rising and souring. ’ ! '
Only one dose taken bet ire retiring {>reVent* nightmans.
One dote taken at night loosehs the bowelsganßy* gad
cores costivencss. - ' '
One dose taken alter each meal will can Bytpep4hu. •Oe
One dote of two tea-spoonfuls will always relieve Sick
Onje bottle taken for
of the disease, and makes w perfect cure. >■
On£f one dose immediately relieves Cholic, whilp fin«,di>j|
often repeated is a sure cure for Cholera Morbus, aafgiur*
preventative of Cholera. ! " '■, . r
One dose taken often will prevent the recurrence qf I>U
ilous attacks, while It relieves all polhfbl fMbtg*. '' v '”
AjJ-One ortwo doses token occasionally, h onecftlsibfl
remedies for cold ever known. ' . ’.
Thousands of cures of inflammation and weakness of-tha
lungs have been yured by the Invigorator.
One dose token a short time before cstlugglvts vigor
the appetite and makes food digest Wett. ' -x. . *
One dose often repeated cures Diarrhoea In It* Worst forms,
whi)o summer and bowel complaints yield almifet to tha
first dose. , ,
One or two doses cures attacks caused by wbraw,whHa
fur worms In children, thereds no sitter, safer amt speedier
remedy in tbe world, as it never fails. *
There Is no exaggeration In these statements, they are
plain and sober fects, that we can give evidence, to «n>bi
while all who use it arc giving their unanimous testimony
in its favor * ‘ ' ■ , ; . .*
Wb wish ail who are sick and debilitated to try this reta
edy. and test it thoroughly. and any who areinot benefited
by its use wc slmuhl like to here from, (is we have yet to .
bear from the first {terson'wfao has used abottteoflhvi|rara>'*
tor without receiving benefit, for there aresnchasyoUlshing
medicinal virtues hi it, that all, no matter how 1 lojig they
liavc been oCcctcd, If their complaint arises firdtev d*t*Bg»
cd liver, will be benefited. if nut entirely cored. -
Sanford 4 Co., Proprietors, 345 Broadway,' Sew York.—
Dr. O. H. Keyser, Druggists, No. 140 Wood Street, Pittsburgh
Wholesale'Agent. For sale by G. W, KESSLEB.Druggist,
Altoona. [ April 45T^
!i« Importers and Dialers fl# Wines ar.dLimort,
return their thanks tbeir friend*. (brthe liberal share
of patronage heretofore bcstowed\ J and respectfully #o
licit a continuance of tbe some, at the OLD MTtW.wit.
MUST, SO. 5 V. FRONT ST, Philadelphia, whm they
bore a large assortment ofWINES and LIQUORS of ther&ot'v
est brand* and qualities. Uaving made anangemenla with
some of the first houses in Cognac aid Rochelle, Mm
them to furnish to their customers upon tbe most rosaatf
hie terms, tbe following brands of Cognac and RochsUo
Brandies':'' >■'r-' y
Qtard, Bemejjf, 3/dntt, • PirnetL CtuUßJon, Jfceiua. "
T Bines, Ptiltrortinr, Id. Jr. Depay tfCby* ' * *; *;
A. SeigmUt, ‘fc, <&. t ... ,■„■ ■
■ WINES. ■: ** ■.-■■***
of rations brands and qacSfia.' ‘
Holland Gin, Scbeidam Schnapps. Jamaica Snirtts. ffrtdrfc
mid Irish Whiskeys; Peach, Apple, lavender, BUckbetrr.
Raspberry, Cherry and Ginger Brandinr Cordtik. W(&
Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, 2c. ' - • ’ 7"
Also, constantly oh hand, an extensive stock' oir OLO'
K£l & of yarious grades, some of which we guarantee V>
be superior to ahy In the country. 1 - - c#
«.Prom our long experience In the business, and the*.?'
pugb knowledge of the tastes of the community, we Utter ’
onnehres to be able, to fill an order* that may be entruatad
country (which are moat respecting,
wdiclted). wBl be promptly attended toi. : Great ceretaken
in packing and shipping.- • _
All goods sent Crum, our establishment are guarantied It'
glw eattafcction, with the privilege of being returned.
Feb.26-ly] , K. P. MIDJmJ&ON ABBOI
--fc subscriber takes pleasure In
Anoonßciu to .
th* citizens; of Altoona and its ricinity, that heUta -
opened a STORE in the BOOM formerly occonlodbjQ.Wi l
Patton, on Virginia street, where he will be happy to oxr
hibit to them his splendid stock of W J
which will be found entirety new and fresh. lib stock b
csrefaltT selected and was purchased strictly for CABU.
which Jnst at thb important time has enabled him to bur
exceedingly low, and haring adopted the
b determined to ask hot Profits and Quick Salsa. I *,
Among hte stock will ha tband everything apperiattifr\
to ladies and Gentlemen's wear, as welt ** *ll iurtitlbM?< \
Groceries, ' 'v •.
„ . .. Hardware 4c., <fi&,
““Hy kept in a town or country Hon. He wiMiail*
Inritee a carefol Inspection of bis stock.' x
Altoona, Oet. 1,1887-tt, CHARLES J. MANS..
X , ONW $22,50 PER QUARTER. ■•-■*■* -A* ;&»
“This Schoolfcr Young ladle* andOen
tlemen to probably the cheapest one
kind in the country. The expense* tbr •,
room rent, ftarniture, fncl, board and
tlon In common English, are per
as above, or per year only $BB. /
Piano Mnsic Is only $5 per quarter. AH the lAjigusg**'
and the Ornamentals are propoitionaUy cheap; Send tor a
circular. Students are expected to notify me before com
ing. Address JOHN D. WALSH,
Feb. 25.2m] Cassville, Huntingdon Cto, Pa. .
boxes Oranges and Lemons in store and for sale by
MarcK2s,.’sB-lyl 161 North 84 street, Philadelphia.
[ jkftmaw Human Sh
L*» ft man named Chaxl<
oqq child came to tl
wcrttntn circumstances,
support, (the former of
rlthin ft few weeks'of be
Lently sought emplojm
Cftd taken boarding will
kt the end of a week, h
mck and being unable i
Mth bis family out of d
C» enlisted in his behalf
kf our dthens, Mr. VI.
krnished Crane and fan
Mti in his own bouse, i
bens ensured for him a
hoed. Nor did his gene
k» had procured Crane
Uages, he moated one o
[which hO furnished at h
[the larder with a suffici
[of life, io last the famil;
iwagee became due.
To an honorable man
io part hr & otrmngcr wo
o#»tlT*.to labor late a
meroai ty, and to place
>e reach of want. Bin
e conduct ofCraue, tl
appellation. A 1
fly anti steadily <
mo asbigh us
ibnaof a few pall
•artof tho aunt ex
’•« hia benefectci
Hurt la uot th« «x
firoa fromhnbi
:t tyrant in. tbo ti
bleating her in til
houtany oaustf: I
i was brought to c
»c healtby-looking
to wait oa her.
ipolUng her to; go
dutie*, even when ii
, it not been for the
ib, who rendered her
ild spare f?om Her
,a wight'have perish <
Thar' things contim
\cn Crane without an
i wife and alter kneel
A most shameful mm
noise went in and a
it replied that his >
Aing np. The poor i
;nt and «nitl he had b
\str»ted f»ith the un
and tola him
icnoe towards his wi
% lesson he wouldi
dh<( would nut toucl
brutality! anil fci'l tj
olnrm be mem
.atening to cut her
thou beat her again
uhichthe poor tic
ofdeatli. to eadi
On Monday last this
•U tha money duo
it to bad on han«*s.
to fire »a engine to
inquiry, fdnnJ tb?.t
, Mr.Vpuolain, 911
telegraphed to Con
requiting bia <let>
, the par
bin, by cooly tel<
wife, that be waa mi
> would remain then
then started for Jo!
gdfcon ope of the ti
Since tbe&uof
His poor wife, left w
'• for her infant, an
>port, is in a trul i
jy she was pcrtcc
until prevented b
/, uhj> toot lier in <
it to receive relief
Association, and o:
icpl for the mere m
itely 'better withov
;nn« is a man abov
weigh about 146 p
bhired; h6okcd
Jag aligfatljr stutt
trade, and boa pass
'*b; .he name <
a high
art, indispensable
in of business. Th
ij in this work ore
Tiositiea of a splenc
|d to subserve a prac
fid the pupil who ha
I practical teacher, n
p writing can, with
ptermination, readi
jtt, without any furt
look supplied . A co
instated to vrtrj St
/ sfl
icing a
•well to
08 up:
id.. •
lie, not
U trail
liness I
irner fr