The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 01, 1858, Image 1

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Merchant* adrertUin* bythe joky, three jgnaree,
■ Withliherty tocbange, . / 10 00
Frofafitanil y Bonne** Cards,not exceeding 8
Upe*, with paper.per year, ( 6 00
" of a political character or.lndtrMoal ln
will be charged according-to theabove rate*.
jUtiertbementß not marked with the number of Inecrtion*
> de*lred, will bo continued till forbid and charged according
4othe aboye. tonne.'
'BasbweijaotfeM Are cent* per line for every insertion.
Obituary notices exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a square.
—MM ' ' 4 ’ f
The. Cheapest Taper is the-County!
With the present Dumber, the Tribune has on
ttted upon its third relume. Commenced at a
time When the confidence of the citizens of Al
toona in newspapers and newspaper publishers
was considerably shaken, if not totally annihila
ted, it has slowly but surely restored that con
fidence, and now stands upon a sure foundation,
and is universally acknowledged to be cue of
the fixed institutions of oar town. But this re
sult has not been achieved without a hard stran
gle, and considerable expenditure of time and
means on the part of its editors. The steady
increase of patronage, however, has-afforded in
dubitable evidence that their labors harb been up
- In catering upon the new volume it is almost
unnecessary to say that the Tribune will .contin
" jay-biassed neither by fear, favor nor affection,
in fivor pf partioa or secls. In this respect it
Is only necessary to say that the past affords a
lair index as to but futard course.
It has .always been our atm to make the Tri
hunt, a reliable first-class Local Paper, as we
believe that in that character alone, country pa
pers can successfully compete with their flashy
city neighbors. To this end we have secured
correspondents' in various parts of the county,
who furnish with all the items of local inter
est in their vicinity. Wo purpose adding others
to our list {is suol} as we can obtain them. Du
- ring the next year we shall redouble our efforts
to make the Tribune a perfect compendium of
Hour News—a reliable, nner-ciAsa Local
Paper, second to none in the country,'and as
such a welcome weekly visitor to pur patrons,
whether at home or abroad.
But while the Local .Department shall be our
special care, we shall also devote a conaidtra
' blc space to Literary Mattrit, FCn and Hu
mor, mud the chronicling of events of general
interest to our readers. We purpose also pub
lishing from time to time “ Original Sketches of
/Men and Things ’’ which will be furnished by
our contributors. We have made arrangements
alto to have a Weekly letter from Philadelphia,
and judging frem the reputation pur correspon
dent sustains as a popular writer, these letters
wUI be a rich treat to our readers.
As we are decidedly journalists of the pro
gressive school, we .have concluded to adopt the
<uu|b( syatejm in oar- business; The neglect of
qu\tA a number of our-patrons to pay up prompt
ly, ora the rascality - of others, has compelled
ns to adopt this course. Time and experience
bps fully proved to our satisfaction that the
credit system will not w«rk with newspaper
pnfryafrera. From this date no paper will he
•pjit from this oJEcc, unless paid for iti advance,
and at the. expiration of the time paid for, if
noifenewedl will be promptly stopped. This
arrangement doe* no ipjpstice. so xmr patrons,-
jsfcilett' will protect 08 from the impositions of
goalless scoundrels, and enable us to derote
more attention to our paper. • ■
Recognising, the principle that contracts to
be satisfactory' should' be fraught with mutual
benefit to both parties, and a* money in huge
amounts, fit advea tet, is of more .value to ns than
ith«£ 'rooaived in driblets, as an' induce-
meat to numbers who would otherwise discon
tinue. as' well as to those who have never yet
tshe» paper, jre Offer it at the following
Iterates forthecoming jear;
1 .copy, one year
lo cates ($1.26 per co)
, PCX' wjpy) i
f> on -‘‘ p°°iw«opy) 20 oo
*"*&&** 20 *t «e «n, rate-#! j*r copy!
* *“ **“• w»om^wiy:tt^
Till be «e«a tb&t our paper
la emphatically the cheapest. ia the county.—
A« to we leave in tp the publie to de
cide. life earnestly request our friends ihcough
outthe epnnty to' “give. as a lift," as webare
ne douhteach of them cjm
in their neighborhood. -.k-.,.-i
Ca»vas?*r« Wasiap.—Several e nergetiobo
wanted to CJUxypfi
mSSS*$* tifmM mfai&H,
' or ta*
$1 50
12 60
.-i; [- \
Sklfrt JJBscdlang.
■ " : Prom Bit PitUburgh ChritUan Advocatt.
Tire JVew Bechelle Blackbeny.
i ,t)ear I)oGtor-—yViiik your permission wo
Wish toeali the attention of your readers
to a new^ftuiti which byppmologists isjust-
Y most Talnable acquLsi
made tothpliet of fruits for manvyears.
We think no onp will behurprised at our
whctt we inform them
a fair representa
tion of thf actual size, as well as of the
general appearance of a cluster of berries,
ho larger than many we have seen, han
dled and tasted.
It is a new and perfectly distinct variety,
and not the |Coramon kind improved by
cultivation. - It originated near New Ro
ehqlle, New York, and was first brought
into notice by Hjfr. Seacor,. who is much
better entitled to the nameiof it thbn the
gentleman who for pecuniary advantages
wishes it to be called the Lawton.
The shape of the fruit, it will be seen, is
not that of the wild blackberry, but resem
bles the Hovey’s Seedling strawberry. We
are inclined to the opinion that it is an ac
cidental cross of the common blackberry
and the dewberry. We have been led to
this conclusion from the following consid
erations. The first year the plants trail
i,on the ground, very much like the dew
berry, but afterwards they grow uprightly
Very stoutly, from ten to fifteen high. The
shape of the fruit is not mulberry like, sis
the common blackberry is, but Resembles
the dewberry, though it is much larger, and
when perfectly ripe the flavor is quite equal.
The plants are very hardy and vigorous,
—more so than the common varieties, —
and stand the cold well. The fruit is j nicy
and fine flavored, with very few seeds.—
The size can hardly he appreciated by those
who have seen only the common kinds.—
Of about the average size, sixty to eighty
berries will fill a quart measure; while of
those a little above the. medium from forty
to fifty will, dp the same. An inch to an
inch and a half may be set down as the av
erage diameter, though larger berries are
quite common.
They commence ripening about the mid
dle of «Tuly, and continue from five to'eight
weeks. This is most opportune. .Ripen
ing ak they do just at the season when there
are no other fruits—when the strawberry
and raspberry crops have been exhausted,
and peaches and grapes have not yet ap
peared—hlackbenies could not well be
dispensed with, especially when w.e take
into consideration their medicinal and ben
eficial effects upon the system during the
hot season.
yield is enormous. One of, the ed
itors of the New York Tribune lays:—
“We received a few days since an invita
tion from Mr. George Seymour tbyisithis
nursery and view several acresinbearino-.
Wo arrived on the ground about 10 A. M°,
in company with a number of ladies and
gentlemen, who immediately began to in
sinuate themselves, among the bushes,
which were standing very thickly, and all
well laden with fruit. Astonishment seized
the party, and while viewing the gorgeous
duplay we for a time forgot to taste the
tempting berries. The bushes had occu
pied this field for two years, and were well
supplied with side shoots,- all loaded with
berries in every stage, from the smallest to
the largest ripe blackberry, and they were
blackberries! Those berries
produced on the mountain, or by the old
stone wall on -the homestead farm, which
produced so fine a flavor in pur youthful
-days, lostallthe delieiousness ascribed to
them hjr i lingering memory when wc had
tasted a fpw of the fully ripe New Rochel
les. Shall we say how many huphels offing
! fruit ate tekenjfrom ah acre ? We Hare
hot Wo had’ with us several horticultu
rists whp arc engaged in ! supplying New
York with fine fruits.; They counted the
hemes fin several hushes, measured them
in baskets, and they were so astonished at
the amount whioh .it might be possible to
grow on an acre, that they dared not to re
peat it to the uninitiated m the wonders
of fruit growing. We had learned from
oirchlars that fioni four to eight quarts
were produced by single oanes, and that
500 to. WOO ripe hemes were id be coun
ted on a cane of average size ; we found
one cane hawng'over 1000 1 Sent to the
city in quart bdaes, they bring 30 cents at
wholesalp i Raspberry baskets filled With
these berries trill sell for 15 cents, and the
retailers get whatever they choose to oak , ?
Hudgihg from the present demand, we he* ;
lievesooacres may be planted to.this
blackberry, and the whole results sent to
Jho New W market, they would foil of
being plentiful en ough to be within the
* ea fh- - aD. In fact we do not believe tft
market can well be ovcretooked. ,, *
T&JippmKjb, to™, nffc
most any wij., game caU T >ton iMomj
£ |
them planned on very rich and poor soil.
We gathered some of our best berries last
season from the poor soil. The editor of
the Agricitlturist says : “ The best growth
and fruiting wo have seen is upon a rocky
side hill, though perhaps not better than
others on <lark muck and peaty soil.”
host it height be thought that we over
rate this Tataous fruit, we will add the
opinions of a few gentlemen who are every
way competent to form a correct judgment
of its merits. :
Mr. Charles Downing, in the
turiat, thu* speaks of it: •*
“ Having heard a good deal said about
the New -Rochelle Blackberry, for the
past year ojj two, and knowing that many
of the new fruits were over praised, I made
a special visit, a few days since, to see for
myself, and I can assure you I was well
paid for nry; trouble. There is no humbug
about it, and the only wonder is that it
has not been more generally introduced
and propagated before. The fruit is large
and sweet, f: It is an enorngtpus bearer j in
deed the quantity (considering the large
size of the fruit,) surprised me, and the
berries were perfect.”
“ As to its size, it will surprise most per
sons who see it for the first time. At Nor
walk we saw several stalks bearing from
five to eight quarts, each. We tried some
that had been gathered over forty hours,
and found (he flavor quite good. A quart
of them numbered seventy-one berries.—
We picked in quart from vines which had
received nomanure for two years past, and
from which; the largest had just been se
lected for the New Haven Horticultural
Society, and found that seven ty-t wo of them
filled a quart measure.
‘‘ The vines grow quite large—many of
them over ain inch in diameter, and the
fruit hangs ip clusters, in size more like
very large Crreen Gage Plums, than like
the ordinary Blackberry. The flavor is
not apparently diminished by its large size,
and the fewpeeds is not its least recommen
dation. We think this berry a valuable
acquisition to our domestic fruits, and wor
thy of a place in every garden.-^— American
‘‘ We alluded the other day to the cul
tivated berrips, called the New Rochelle,
raised by Mi*. George Seymour, at South
Norwalk. They arc not the wild Black
berry, but a peculiar variety by themselves.
They grow to four times the size of the
common beiry, have a delicious flavor,
yield abundantly, are hardy, easily raised
and remain in bearing some six weeks.—
This fruit will be a great accession to our
list of common berries, and deserves the
attention' ofpur citizens, who are conspic
uous tor the variety and excellence of their
horticultural productions. - ’ —Xcw Haven
Journal ', IS5<3.
Much moire might he said in truth in
favor pf thisfruit, but we trust enough has
been said to-iuduce all'your readers, who
have an opportunity, to try it for them
selves. \ : A. Z.
A (ißArinc Picture. —The following,
from one of the Hong Kong papers, fur
nishes a brief, but truly graphic picture of
the attack upon the city of Canton.: Du
ring the brief pap.<jos, everything was still
as death in the city—no shotting, 'or
sounds of confusion ; not a human being
was to be sedp cither on the city side ci
on Honam, biit it seemed as if the stern
form of the destroying Angel was crouch
ing over the fated and unhappy city, aw
ing his victims into silence. The shells
were whirling through the air, their track
marked by the fizzing of their fuses, twink
linglike stars during their revulsions, till
at last, arriving at their destination, there
was a flash afid an explosion which told
how, accurately and fearfully these engines
of destruction do their work. Some of these
shells; reached even to Gough’s Fort, and
fragments wOro found there the following
day. The rackets, too, seemed to be / his
sing about every direction, and the elip
tical shell from the French ships caused
no little astonishment as "they hurried
through the air with a noise not unlike
that of an immense humming top.. The
scene was one replete with awe, and dread
ful must havb been the sufferings of the
poor people tjhus made to answer for the
sins of their rulers **
’ Remarkable Works of Human La
i bor. — Ninevah was 15 miles long, 8 wide,
and 40 milcs-Tound, with a wall 100 feet
high, and thipk enough for three chariots
abreast. Buhylqn I was 40 'miles within
the walls, which’ were 75 feet thick and
300 feet high, with 100 brazen gates—
j The temple of Diana, at Ephesus, was 429
feet to the support! of the roof. It was a
hundred years in building. The largest
of the pyramids is 481 feet high, and 053
on the sides ;?its bajse covers 11 acres. —
BO leet in length,
and the lasers are 308. It employed B®,
000 men in||)uildihg. The labyrinth bf
Egypt contains 800[chambejSj and 12 halls.
Thebes, in Egypt, presents ruins 27 miles
roujad, and l.Qp gates, Carthago' was 22
. n-jlgs round | Athens was 25 miles round,
f and: containedt36o,oooi citizens and 400 f
000 • |he temple of Delphos was
so rich in dpnations, that it was plundered
it*2oowtitoeBr - The -■ walls fthme wbM
[independent in eyeeything.J
I witnessed a short thne ago, in one of
our higher courts, a beautiful illustration
of the simplicity and power of truth. A
little girl nine.years of age was offered as
a witness against a prisoner, who was on
trial for felony committed in her father’s
- Now, Emily/ said the counsel for the
prisoner, upon her being offered as a wit
ness, ‘ I desire to understand if you know
the nature of an oath ?’
‘I don’t know what you mean/ was the
simple answer.
( There, your honor/ said the counsel,
addressing the court, ‘ is anything farther
necessary to demonstrate the validity of
my objections ? should be
rejected. She does hot comprehend the
nature of an oath.’
‘ Let us see/ said the judge; ‘ come here
my daughter.’
Assured by the kind tone apd manner
of the judge, the child stepped towards
him, and looked confidentially up into his
face with a calm clear eye, and in a man
ner so artless and frank that it went straight
to the heart.
‘Did you ever take an oath V inquired
the judge.
The little girl stepped back with a look
of horror, and the red blood mantled in a
blush all over her face and neck, as she
answered, ‘no sir-’ She thought he in
tended to inquire if she had ever blos
‘ I do not mean that,’ said the judge,
who saw her mistake. ‘I mean were you
ever a witness before V
‘No sir; I never was in Court before.’
He handed her the Bible open.
‘Do you know that book my daughter?’
She looked at it and answered, ‘ Yes,
sir; it is the Bible.’ !
‘ Do you ever read it V he asked.
‘ Yes sir ; every evening.’
‘ Can you tell me what the Bible is?’
inquired the judge.
‘lt is the word of the great God/ she
answered. i
‘ Well, place your hand upon this Bi
ble, and listen to what I say ; and he re
peated slowly and solemnly the oath usu
ally administered to witnesses. ‘ Now'/
said the judge, ‘you have bceu sworn as a
witness, will you tell me what will befall
you if you do not toll the truth ?’
,‘I shall he shut up in the State prison/
answered the child.
‘ How do you know ?’ asked the judge
The child took the Dible, and turning
rapidly to the chapter containing the com
mandments, pointed to the injunction,
‘ Thou shult nut Lear false witness against
thy neighbor.’ ‘ I learned that,’ she said,
■ before I could road.’
‘Has any one talked with }-ou about
your being a witness in c an t here against
this man T inquired the judge.
‘Yes sir, she replied., ‘ 'lt mother
heard they wanted me to be a witness,
and last night she called me to her room
and asked me to tell her the ten command
ments, and then wc knelt down together,
and she prayed that. 1 might understand
how wicked it was to bear false witness
against my neighbor, and that God would
help me, a little child, to toil the truth as
it was before him. And when I came up
here with father, she kissed mo, and told
me to remember the ninth commandment,
and that God would hear every word I
‘Do you believe this V asked the judge,
while a tear glistened in his eye, aud his
Bps quivered with emotion.
‘Yes sir,’ said the child, with a voice
and manner that showed her conviction of
the truth was perfect.
‘ God bless you my. child,' said the j ndge,
you have a good mother. ‘ This witnessis
Competent,’ he continued. . * Wore I on
trial for my life, aud innocent of the charge
against me, I would .pray God for such a
witness as this. Let her be examined.’
She told her story with the simplicity
of a child, as she was, but there was a di
rectness about it which carried convic
tion of its truth to every heart. She
was rigidly cross-examined. .The counsel
plied her with infinite and ingenious ques
tioning, but she varied from her first state
ment in nothing. The truth ,as spoken
by that child was sublime. Falsehood and
perjury had preceded her testimony.—
The prisoner bed entrenched himself in
lies, until he deemed himself impregna
ble. Witnesses had falsified facts in his
favor, and villany had manufactured for
him a sham defence, but before her testi
mony, falsehood was scattered like chaff.
The little child, for i whom a mother had
prayed for strength to be given her to
speak the truth as it was before God, broke
• the cunning devices of matured villany
to pieces like a potter’s vessel. The st rengtn
that the mother had prayed for was given
her, the sublime and terrible simplicity
(terrible I meap to fhe prisoner and his
peonured associates,) with which ijie
sppltej was like a revelation from Qpd him
self. ' ; v.
Sentiments join man to man, opin
mbs di.videthem. •?”' *
A Beautiful Story'.
•Anything else?’ asked the judge.
‘ I shall never go to heaven,' she repli-
Cheating tile oevll.
Squire H.j lived in jthe town of A., was
a man in easy circumstances, with every
thing enough, in doors and. out. In 'his,
yard was a huge pile of wood, sawed and
split, and sufficient in bulk!|o keep a do
zen families through th& winter, with
enough more where that eaihe from/
Across the street from Squire H., lived
Mrs. W., a poor widow wouian in straight
ened circumstances, with four mouths to
feed and four little bodies to warn* besides
her own.
Squire H., doted on his hrig wood pile,
and was in the habit of-iftltpg peep
it through the closed blinds of his windowr
before retiring at night. One night he
saw a female hanging aromid the pile, and
opening the door partially, tp get a better
view, saw her stoop, pick ajp a large arm
ful and start off. She had, hot proceeded
far, however, when sheistQpped short, and
he overheard the followingi: “I cannot
steal—the eye of God is upon mb/’ and
down went the wood and she walked off a
few steps and stopped again. *' I have
not a stick of wood in the house j the weather
i l s bitter cold, and my. poor;; children are
freezing. The Squire has enough, aud will
never miss it.” So sayingCshe filled her
arms again with the coveteq^foel.
Again she started and again hesitated—
“ What, steal ? I never before*, did such
a thing, and God forbid I 'should do it
now !” and down went the tyood upon the
pile again. But the thought of her suf
fering brood brought her oiice more to the
pile, and she filled her arms ;the thiyd time
with wood. Once more she. started and
again turned back'—“ I will not steal —
I will trust in God, and if if iis His will,
we’ll perish together.” So- saying, she
threw the wood upon the pile and the
Squire savy her enter her dwelling and
close the door. He retired/to bed, but
slumber was slow in visiting; his eyelids.
He thought of the poor widow and her
suffering children, and perhaps when he
slept he dreamed of them. s
Early the next forenoon/ widbw TY-,
was surprised to see the Squire’s four ox
team, loaded with wood, hauled up in front
of her dwelling and the Squire commenced
pitching it off. ~.C
“ What’s this, Squire H. ?*’ said the as*
tonished and half-mghtened/woman; “ I
didn’t order that wood and God knows I
can’t pay for it.” • •
“ It’s yours, and all paid for Ma’am !”
sung out the Squire, tugging away at a big
log. “ You cheated the devil last night.”
The poor woman insisted that there
must be a mistake about it.
“ 1 tell you it’s yours, foricheating the
devil last night,” said the Squire, “ and
there comes a man to saw it: up, split it
and pack it away iu your wood-house.”
The widow began to “ smell a rat,” and
stammering her thanks to tlib Squire, re
treated into the house. She; granted for
no more wood that winter.
Leaking Weli, of Others. —The,
follo wing article inculcates j much good
advice in a small space: Iftfcodisposition
to speak well of others were -universally
prevalent, the world would begome a com
'parativo paradise. The opposite disposi
tion is the Pandora-box, whichj When open
ed, fills every with pain and
sorrow. How many enmities and heart
burnings flow from this source! How
-much happiness is interrupted-and destroy
ed I Envy, jealousy, and indignant spir
its of evil, when they find i vent by the
lips go forth on their mission like foul
fiends, to blast the reputation-land peace of
others. Every one has his imperfections,
and in the conduct of the best there will
be occasional faults, whicht uiigh seem to
justify animadversion. It is;a rule, how
ever, when there is occasion - for fault fin
ding, to do it privately to th§ erring one.
Th is will prove salutary. It Is a proof of
interest iu the individual,. wh|eh will gen
erally be taken kindly. If fchp manner of
doing is not offensive. The (common apd
unchristian rule, Oh the contrary, is to
proclaim the failings of others to all but
themselves. This is unchristian, and shows
a despicable heart. ’ ; ’
Thirst Worse than Hunger.— That
disturbance of the general System \#bich
is known under the name Qf j|ging thirst,
is far more terrible thantfiat of starva
tion, and for this reason :—rlnuring absti
nence from food, the organism can still
live upon its substance, whijdh furnishes
all the necessary material j during ab
stinence from liquid the orgjinism has no
such source of supply within Itself V Men
have been known to endure absolute pri
vation of food for some, weeks, but three
days of absolute privatipp (unless
in a moist atmosphere) is, |erhaps, tho
limit of endurance. most
atrocious torture ever in vOntedhy'Oriental
tyrants. It ip that whichmoist effectually
tames animals. ! Mr. Astly, When he. had
a refractory horse,, ajvfpys .uppd thirst as
the most effective power of coercion, giv
ing a little prater as the df every
act of obedience, Thp histories ofship
wrecks paint fearful pictures <?f the Barr
ings enduredfrom•
most; apjelling cases w|S oelelH^
tflck tiafijj’s S^Ceclß
. Feller Citizens and Hones: —This- ar®
aads.y Ibrtfie poperlatiou of this Dcs trick,
like a bob-tailed chicken on a rickety hen-
to be lookin’ up. A crisis bate ar
rived arid sothething’s bust ! War are wF
-Here ! is, and I’d stand here and expirate
from now till tbe day of synagogues, if
you’d boon for Daily.
to pay an
we hain’t got any'pitchy Our hyperboli
cjal and nuQ#tio canal of creation nas nut
shipped ber rndden and the captain’s broke
his neoky and cbdk’a dlv downtotbo dcptba
of |be vasty deep in search of dinpuu !•*-*•>
Our wigwam’s torn to pieces, like a. shirt
on a brush fence, and Cities of these ere
latitudes is vanishing in a blue flame. Are
such things to be dia I I ask you in tbh
name of - the American Eagle, who was
' whipped by the shaggy headed lion, and
now. sits on the magnetic telegraph, if such
doings is going to be conglomerated?' |
repeat to you, in the name of the pcacbok
of Liberty, whfen he’a flowju over the cloud
capped summits of the Becky
is we going to be extemporaneously ip this
fashion T
Feller Citizens dfl'Waastahdingoa
the adamantine throne of Jupiter, ana the
lightning was flashiu’ around me, I’d cqh
tinue to spout. I’m full of boding hot 1
lather of Mount Etny, and”! won’t hd
quenched! I’ve sprung a leak add must
howl like a bear with a sojro head. 1 Flop
together—jump into ranks and bear mo
Feller Gittizcns:—You know me, add
rib ino.out with a mill garb if I won’t’stiok
to ycr like brick dust to a bar of soap.—■*.
Whar is my oppoueut ? lie’s un ifhar l
I was brought up. Omong ye, fchor citi?
zens, and paped in a school house, hui
they can’t get around me witb' tHbre' M&-
iutin big words. Hiotum, strictnmy al
bran to, catnip, Braszeel, Engloondy and
Baffin’s Bay—b-o-o-o;-! What doyouUusk
of that.
H Oo it, pokor—root J»oj, or ate.f*' _ _
as Shakspecl said wjhen Caesar stabbed luita
in the House of Representatives.
Feller Citizens :—’Lect me to CongHs,
and I’ll abolish mad dogs,
cents and had whiskey, and go in for' tie
annihilation of niggers, camppicetin’s add
jails. I’ll repubiate crow and fustiden
hawk—l’ll have poker playing every day,
Sunday excepted, and liquor enough to
swim in/ Yes, fellow citizens, ’leetme th
Goagris and I shall he led to. exclaim- lit
the sublime, the terrific language of Bony
parte, when preaching in the wilderness —
u On, then, onward to the
lop apace, fiery footed steed/’ , and make
the walking tremble with dnti-spasmodifr
yell for Daily. , "
Singular Circumstance.— -On the
23d ultimo a passenger came tp Portland
by the steamer Anglo Saxon; and took
lodgings at one of the city ‘ hotels.- Next
morning lie took- the oam-fop this oity in’
company with a gentleman who : had fo».
tnained at the same house with blip* over
night, with whose countenance ho, some *
how or other, \imagined himself familiar.
They got into
the Eastern railroad, butnbthipg transpir
ed to elicit the fact whethef or
had been old acquaintances. When* they
arrived at the depot, and had attended to
their luggage; one of the 1 gentlemendhqufc *
red in the hearing of the other for $ cah
to take him to a certain street inCharles-,
town. The other said he purposed going
tofhe same street, and the two, eh°uged
the same conveyance. On amvitigatihe
street in question
designed to Call on thc mdividUtd.--T
This strange series coincidence greatly
puddled both phut their' mutual surprise
and delight can be imagined but in a de
gree when they found! that they were bro- ;
thers, and that tbey bad thus aipgnlarly
met ut the house, of a third brother. One
of them .has been in the service of ths Pa
cha of Egypt for twenty-two years/ 'the
other has spent sixteen years in the East
while the third has BcCn in fhui ,
country during nineteen' years past. /The
brothers are natives of S<sUapch sgd have
not seen each other for twenty-four yeurq.
—.Boston Ledger, ‘ s
a party
gentlemen were skating one day last weak
at Jamaica Pond, a young lady promised
any man who could beat her across the
pond a kiss. As the young lady was rath,
er prev ail started off, and at the end of
the journey it waa foond that a young
(t darkey was the winner. The lad says
the lady gave the "buss '< as though she
was used to the business.
New York punster challenged a , •
sick man’s vote at a recent election, on ]■
the ground that he wag m ieaql
Perhaps it was fho airae-porsdniiiulf
wl» not ncUvril cycs cd
"Ohl answer m*,-
let me not blsib In IgnoruM." . <
as Shakespeol says. Shall we" bo bamboo*-
lefied with such, unmitigated
ness? Metlunka I hear yon yell—No>*
sir, bossily 1” -Then) ’loot mb' to” PongHs,
and there will be a revolution sartin.
“Richard’s himself again.”
“ Hence, ye brutal, broa<J-Me and glory,”
NO. 9