The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, March 25, 1858, Image 3

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w®. published ft choice j
wfpoetry, that whs ” floating around loose,” ;
Led “Pay the Printer.” It set forth the
L privations, Aft-, of printers, and placed
Lquents in no y«ty enviable light. ; We this
[ publiab ft kind of a sequel to “Pay the
entitled f‘ Th«i Printer's C«wolfttion,”
eli like the former piece is a Utertty found
, ..floating aroond|loose,” with nobody to
it. Wo are/ astonished that two such gems
L*rj con be allowed to go forth, Without
father’s” protection, ,»s we feel morally oer-
I that if we were jbe fortunate “ author” of
La child, we Should feel, at least eaUoy
Lh to invest it with out name. But here
[• cowment'is unnecessary:
I TtU me. jo geotjo wtfl*.
I That round my pathway {day, -
I j. there no ptaca on earth.
1 Where printers get their pay ? . ,
I The whispering brecac wo! t by—
I i With accents filled with woo,
I a voice borne oh tiie sorrowing air, ■ \
I In sadu -as answered “No !” I: .
Trfl me, yc flowing-streams.
That BmcolljJyilUo ttlyn^,
!• there one chensued place,
Where printers mo jI no wrong ?
The gentle brook replied—
In murmurs soft and low —
And winding pn its -senium way,
ll meekly aawered “Not*
Tell me, ye murky clouds,
Now rising in. toe we»t,
latherv upon the globe,
Oncipot by pouters blestT
The flashing clouds outspoke,
With an indignant glow—
■A voice that filled tho, earth with awe,
In thunder* answered •• No IV
T*Umo, haitf-hearted man,
Withholding Jay by day.
Is ihero no honor iu thy breast,
Xhe printer'-*bill to pay?
t’nansjiering turns he around—
liow plain, his actions show—
Ad ttttcrod oatjj capt hound 1* liuirl,
- Uis action. au»*er '• Xol ’
Well m«, yc gnntlo nymphs, ,
I Who bless IKb’s liourt, through,
(1* thpre no sodrod shrine
, Whore printers gain their due 1
A mantling Iduah hor chook diffused,
Did ten-fold grace impart—
A soft responsive sign replied,
’lie found in Roman’s heart!
Tell me, angelic hosts,
Vo messengers of love,
ghall suffering printers hero below
Have no redress above ? 1
The angel band replied—
eTo u w knowlwl-e given—
Deliu'iucuta on the Printer's books,
o*3 never outerHeaven’."
Altoosa March, 1G 1808.
lu meeting of the Pcnna. R. R. Go’s Eir.-
jeee Beneficial and Provident sick Society.-
d erening. tbc resignation of it.' J. Lotp
irt, Esq., 88 President, of the Society, was
routed. ■ ..
On motion a committee of three was appointed |
draft resolutions expressive of tic sense of
> Society, on the occasion.
The chair appointed George B. Cramer. Relit.
Steel and Robert Pitcairns, who iimacdialely
ulred, and after * shoil absence re appeared
.;h the following preamble and resolutions,
[lilch were read befoye thd,Bi)Cjet,y by the chair
[an oflheCoSmf tt&feittdd^Wtoi<nlsly.idopted;
IS'HEiiEAS, by the nrew organization of the
vun’a R. Road, that our
rorthy President.should reniioy eto Philadelphia,
id whereas in pursuapoe df this arrangement
has tendercJhis resignation, therefore,
Retained, That; it is with deep regret that we
o called on to part with one to' whom we, are
deeply indebted for the prosperity of our as
:lation \
dal of our respect
Raolvtd, That as a testimon:
r one who by hui modest demeanor and kind
aportment lias pinceuus under :uuimu‘ra’ulc uhli
juona, botii as Kail Rond employees ami meiu
lt! of thie Association* htS i'Ciiguation afi I’res
lotit he respectfully rejected; that the i-yc Luk
tqniriug officers to reside in Altoona be resc'm-
L-i in his -favor, .and Jio be eArnestly requested
> still honor- the Association by continuing as
|s President. 1 I .
[ Retolred, That a copy of these resolutions bo
Ut to H. J. Lombaert, Esq . sad .published In
ie Altoona Tribute. x |
ITiroxe k Cleabtirld Railroad. —At a meet
kg of the Manage**' ofthls road, lield at Phll
isbarg on lairif nday week, George W. Leuf
l Esq., fae V-octed-Chief j Engineer. Mr. L.
■ a man of much practical experience at engi
ftering, Laving been In the employ, of tie Pa.
Kentral company, afterwards was engaged, in
tennessee, and uiorc recently, we-beliere, upon
■he ft Wayne, and Chicago road. He is, per-
Laps, one of the best locating engineers inf"the
jUhited States, and his experience will doubt
less aid in expediting the completion of our
road. lie is to go over and examine the work
Lirendy performed on the route, and report at
Ihe next meeting of the Board. We understand
[that arrangements are contemplated being made
[with the Central -Company for furnishing tic
Su-qnjthat vßrbe.raquireci T«F e —&<*/*•-
town /ourjiil.
Sworx JS-—-J. K. Ely, tha.nevly electedßor
ough j»n|iable, r“,; iff nnd p r' atnnd ,g " n inia -
Argument court, held in Uol
iidaysburg, and already haa his hands ftill of
business. That Joe will make a good officer, w e
Lave no doubt, and those who entrust business
Lo hi? core ban rely upon having it attended to
romptly, ’ Some ef:the “ fast boys’* -who de
ight In kicking ttp a 4 ‘ rumpus” on street cora
ls aad annoying ,peaceable people after night
hll, had better keep an “ eyoround the corner,”
r u old Joe” may call upon them unawares and
boride them with accommodations for the night
h the newf * Lock up." whihh will he ready to
■enve lodgers in a few days.
i SnuutADX. —A young married couple were
leronoded on Tuesday evening lost, by the pub
lic band i> e. Calithumpiah. For some two
tears were ear* regaled by the most exe
crable music ever discoursed. Either the mu-,
licians were tyros in the science, or the instru
ments, especially the horse-fiddle, w«^-
cut of tune, for the strains discoursed
were by no means hs perfect as some we bars
heard. How the young couple relished the per
formance we can’t say, but we do know that it
fsadly annoyed the neighbors.' It is high time'
that such performances should be discarded- — ‘
; They too often lead tounpleasantamaa%Mncev
|ena wheoafin thrprssißt case, jM;
l-meely :■ ■ .■ v- V/
Company}®*® greatly top*h»i»i|g Mrinstreet, by
ipteajthigin front of ti«J«g*niflotise. Tfiirwul’
neftommodathm to t|i6 travelling pub-
Ifeyu in fißaf weather, they not h« «*«•
periled to plod Ibroiigh'.thwißdd to get on and
off.thenatis. In jgood weather our streets, are
none of tie btkt, bitin bad wpatber they «■«:
pwfcctty execrable. It would; not be out of
place if tbey wcrc /all either planked or, piked.
The ■ General, Superintendent-deserves credit for
setttog the esample, which we.hopre our “City
Fathers” will not be-slow to.inutate.
At. '
Pigeons.—Within , the'past week, we have no
ticed innumerable: numbers ©fwildpigeonspas
siug over this place, wending their way north
ward. This is considered jm indication of mild
weather hereafter, and we fiopc it may prove
correct, as we are satisfied with oontfires and
overcoatsforthis season. Although the birds
lire evidently plenty in this vicinity, we hare not
: learned of any having been “ brought down” by
hunters. Should! they tarry long; however,
there is; a fair prospect that their numbers will
bediminUhed, especially if we get among them
with, an old “ \
’ ;/ 1 ■ i4-~ ■.■ ’
,' ruiiMO.VAkr —There is- a. remedy
prepared by Dr. Geo. .If. Keyscr, of 140 Wood
Street, Pittsbargbv.Pe. that has won ; great re
nown, ift tho- wsy of cjfring the -various incipient
diseases of the Lungs' fthd : Phlmonary apparatus.
Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup is ao quack nos
trum, but has won and kept the confidence of
men of the highest standing; Dr. Keyset pre
pares; and mixes all the ipgredieuts of the Pec
toral Syrup with; his own hands, and says that
he will continue to do jSO. If you wish a good
medicine for a Cough or Cold you can buy ,it at
the Agencies. For sale by tieo. W. Kessler.
Iok! Ice!— Mr, John, Allison, lias requested
u.i to inform the citizens of Altoona, that he is
now prepared to serve them regularly with Ice,
of Urn best quality, and at low rates. Oar citi
zens have hitherto been at a loss to obtain ice
for summer use, but hcmjftcr they can oil be
supplied. Those of our readers who wish any
during the coming summer, will do well to give
Mr. Allison a oail, its they will procure a supe
rior article at lower rates from him, than by
: sending elsewhere.
Quoits. —The beautiful evenings we have en
joyed for the past week, has induced those who
are partial to the above game to bring out
the rings. It is a pleasant and . healthful game
and should he, engaged in by those who desire
exercise, in preference to many others now in
vogue. We arc always on hand for such arouse -
meat after 6 I*. M. x
Accident.— Du Saturday morning last, a son
of Dr. J. h. lekes, aged about 10 years, fell
from a wagon and fractured his arm at the el
bow joint, Dr. 0. J. Hirst was called in and skil
fully set die huno, which owing to the nature.of
wss ah exceedingly difficult task. The
little fellow is now doing as we}l as could be ex
¥ Moving -Da v ;—K ext 'Thursday is.poving day.
when the usual scenes'attendant upon the day
will be enacted. Those of our subscribers who
purpose changing their residences, will please
give us timely notice, so that we can make the
necessary arrangements to serve them with the
Tftr. Streets. —.is Spring is now here it be
houves our “ City Fathers" to see that our streets
arc put in order. There is nothing refects so
pinch credit on a town, after goad citizens und
good buildings, as clean streets. Ours could
and ought to be materially.improved.
Prateo Mef.tikos. —Prayer meetings are now )
being held nightly in all the 'churches in thisfj
place. May they be productive bf great good, j
There is some talk, of getting up a union pray- 1
cr meeting, similar to those held in the cities,
but we have not yet learned whether it has beer
Some weeks since, in one of my communica
tions,! was pi'ompted to niake a remark in be
half of “Stans.” J do not know that it contained
anything that would giro him offence, as he
knows, very well what I meant when 1 wrote.—
,lle knows too, that fast associations have never
revealedjany thing bat my best wishes. I do not
;know Whether or not he has taken x umbrage at
what I said, nor do I care ; but if he,has not, no
other person had. a right to do so. ?
But some people seem to have*a self-coaatUc
ted right to mcuJ’.o with other pboplo’s business,
and they labor so diligently in their calling that
you wtmld be led to suppose they were crudites
and philanthropists. Ibis class of persons you
will generally find to be of the Tam O’Shautcr
school, regular attendants at the three cent
whiskey shops'attbe card-table. In
this class alto y(ju wrtl find those who aspire to
the importantjrcpfd-ssion if teaching, and who,
indeed, are engaged'To the work—working to
I taklTcharge of, schools?
Are they fit teachers of the young? Are men
who are guilty of card-play ing, per
version Of trqth and mcnpapUy -to instruct, fit tp
take the place of common school teachers 7 If
they are, thejj ypnr'corresppndent/' Jdiic’’ is a
most iupcrlalively qualified person for this work.
He certainly standtrupon the pinnacle of bom
bastic; fame, and not envy him -his pre-emi
nent position in rumetucka:dojn. v
That ho is a mosft fit person for .such a busi
ness is proved by Bis oj^iwdUctions.
“ The common schooliof tbtotowdsWp the good
management of oor dlntiton have pee& suppUed with com
pettnt tenors.”*' ‘ •' " \ ‘ }‘,
Tbatlthey {the directors of Tyrone Tp.) had
secured good teachers' for soljpbis two and .three
is not] nor can not be denied. As far as No. 4
is concerned, 1 can say nothing. But when it is
known that .the above Is a quotation frem the
teacher: (?) of No. 1, Ido think that every man
whopopsesses three cents worth of good com
mon sense, (better than youi-’s will atbhee
j*scent the braggart and the fool. J \ ;
That is a good way *• Mac,” of blowing your
own horn. Teachers (?) of your stamp, however,
are compelled to blow the horn for themselves,,
ail nave never found that any person, but those
pf bar-room celebrity, are), willing to do it for
them or you. . But I think you are excusable,
because I suspect that the outburst was occas
ioned by the action of bad whiskey oti & weak
brain, and further it will require all the efforts
you onu> put forth” to keep up the tune. But
since you are getting on so fast, I thinkit would
be well to see how JW* stqpd. ■ ;;
**&*m-<t&***f*fyfitf- j- '
Sphisg Field Pcesace, March 23, 1853
- TUe Calf Bavr! a."
' 4a it tint mn jwrnlil nntgnlvfl those' twla
r qustioas ; jk“ Long Division”! jfmmptet} !~3?hnA
wrte bad; - Yotf
with an old “ Copy-bo ok’*! #■ A “ If Y<*«
ore not able to buy t*m
notinjure your ooowencti Ir your dbiriKitw
either, to /Heal them, s Mind ‘|M»c," Long Di
vision ' ,
wbfen; you;
'laid yon,‘*c«jld not teachAlfcobra.’ ’ , '■:;'
Sow fwoh|d not counsel; |yon to lie-—tbaF
would bat' it woiild have been 1
much more to your interest-aiid credit, to have'
went to work worse
still when you told aiMdh#4fo»y about it. I
would not say that you dm lie. but there are
two stories, out. - Which are we
to believe ! /itriwlji A
little more, Mac, just hold still. When you write
again, it would be hotter for you to have * Dic
tionary about yoh, you fyttehir the English very
much- You should leari whjit words mean be
fore you use them,' audybn should not.use those
“big" words, they are sh much higher than your
finite conception, that thjsy ofily portray you to
bo more and more—an a»s r
Tjien you/, make some horrid blunders in Or
thography,-jnadiyou a Tkachpe ! Now if you
are too stupid and dull ltd pidke progress by
yourself, come over herel • I will guarantee that
some of my’Sdhblars can| teach you in any of the
above named branches.' | Another “ little imean
thing” is, you should pot get any other person
to help you and will des
troy your hard earned rejnkamn
“ Mac,” do you not fciel sUkish after your last
great effort.? It is .powerful Indeed the re
port of a pop-gun,” or die bursting of a “ cab-f
' huge head” has spnkethipgiiji itself so much- re
sembling the. i i
“Pomp and clrcumatan*} otfgloriom war,”
tlipt although I “ still live” X am nevertheless
terribly “ skhrd" ■
“ Tli" cudgel in my uieve did shako,
Encli bf wtting linstock) like * stake.”
How very severe you would W* to be, but you
have a great difficulty t<> overcome, your inabil
ity to be severe ftnd -d«cen<. Your last eruption
is evidently your masterpiece. It bears the murks
of groat labor.! lie careful that it may not turn
your giddy brAin. I hove heard of people of
your ilk before, who after some great mental ef
fort, (such as yours) hive gone entirely crazy.
Now I would hate to htivc tO answer for making
a fool crazy.
You give me a nasty blow;, when you tell me
to “square up” with my numerous creditors
etc. Now Mac, you should mot have done that.
I may not have as muc|i mojney as you have.—
But then you asked for.your wage?, when you
had taught only tiro and from that fact
wo might infer that about as ‘ ‘ hard
up” usd am. Now my particular friend' Mac,
honest people always earn their wages before
they ask for them.’ Oficouyse I would not inti
mate that an eminent ? TKAbtiEE is dishonest. —
That would be unpardonable in me, a “ school
keeper.” Mac, tliit wisher-woman turned her
money, go aud pay her i,;Dont cheat her anyhow,
if t'nc rest do suffer. Ijeoplc who live in glass
houses should not indulge their stone-throwing
propensities. Hunt up Something else, Mac. Go
lo Mr. Hquecler, he can mhkti lots ol yarns dor
you. But you misconstrue my remark “Ifni
willing, at least not afraid etc. And since ybur
“ upper story” is dot jjist-as well fitted up as it
might be, I will simplify it for you. However I
must tell you before, that you accord me too
I much courage, I will not fight—legs are too good
! but this is what I meant. You called into ques
| tion my qualifications as a teacher—you say
j you arh a “ competent teacher. Now that we
mav both be underelood. \ I propose to simplify
my remark. Head it lliuS—l, Alpha, am willing
(a't least I am not afraid) to meet you, Mac, at
any place (except Canada) and discuss any ques
tion that may be selected at the time, go with
’ you to the black-board for the solution of ques
tions, to stand beside you in Mental Arithmetic,
in Heading, in Criminal? aud down to Orthogra
phy. l)o you understand me ? Or are you a
bona-fide Jackass ? to hr buffouery is excusa
ble, because of your igiioranco.
Now Mac. lam done with you. I have pol
luted my inkstand enough by writing your name
out of it, to keep my (nk black forever. 1 hand
you over to your friend “ Square-toe.” Tou
grovel in depths too liw for my use—and the
ccmtenipt of a good mid would die long before it
hjjniM reach yon. I fo«r yon not. nor do I ask
yenr favors. •Your ghdd Will and opinion would
be enough to curse the 'best of men.”
1 hereby give you full privilege to workaway
and give vent to’aU t'Jaiyour hair brain contains
as well as all that the; General and the Iqng
Squire can make fur yim-
But ks* v m ttitnk Bam uncivil.
To plague y<sh wltkthis drannting drivel,
Abjuring o' intetitiohsevil, /-
1 qnatmypen J
Tho Lord p eiarve na fra th; D—l ’’
A men, \CiCu
Ladies Gesf MmesWe would call
your attention to tho advertisement of Prof. 0.
J. Wood's Hair Restorative,’ which Appears in
the columns of our present number.
From our long acquaintance with the propri
etor, and with numerous - ' individuals who have
used his preparation; With perfect 'success for
the last two years, w;4foql no hesitation in rec
ommending the articles as superior to any of the
preparations now in Use for the same purpose,
viz: for, restoring grayj hhir to its original color,
a sure and perfect cure for baldness, andanev
urfailing preventative, for the failing of the hair.
It is decidedly thp best and most popular in
use for beautifying,: preserving, restoring and
strengthening .the hmr| relieving diseases of the
skin, and removing scurff, dandruff, and all
eruptions and feverish; heat from the scalp.
We speak in relation to the obove from what
wc know, haviqg penn'personally acquainted
with numerous persons who have used the res
torative for thWWbdvCi purposes with the most
gratifying results. i /
It is not often wq notice a patent medicine.
Indeed, we think weiMavo never puffed one be
fore ; but Prof. Wood’s llturßestorativo is some
thing so superior to most of the preparations of
the day, that we cannbt forbear asking the at
tention of our Tenders' tu It. —\ Catholic Vindica
tor. ■
WOODX..VSD Cue Pomade for leaulify
ing the Hair— highly perfumed, superior to any
French article imported, and for half the price.
For. dressing Ladies’ Jlair it hasno,efluol, giving
it a bright glossy appearance. It causes Uentle
men’s Hair to cjurl in jthe most natural manner.
It removes the dahdriiff, always giving the Hair
the appearance of being fresh shampooed, Price
ouly fifty 'cents. Nbiie genuine unless signed
FiJTBIDGB &pp. Proprietors of the
’ : FhSeft. n . '
•' For sale by all Druggists.
Tub Pasic—Mobb| FAitmEs.—The panic fo:
New York seems lo be on the increase. In this
city everything good ion smoothly, and the only
failures we hjive IjcflAl of were the failures to
- furnish good fits by some inferior clothing
establishments. There is no such difficulty to
be encountered by!? those who patronise the
Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Eookhill and Wil r
.son, Kos. 60S and 605 Chesnnt Street, above
sixth. Gentleniaii ifoi youths never fail to pro
cure capital fits at; s<s popular establishment.
Tub CpramfMßmcisE.—One of the very
best Cough Medicines to be found anywhere, is
Dr. Keyeer'e Syrup, sold by 0. W. Kess*
lor, atSO cents per bottle.
•••' ./ . ■ y - •••!■ : ■•> -. f -- —■ .
stated Councils hi
. --.I f p-l. \
miiti'n Hal
PuUithedfor the protection of our brethren of the Prest anti
the Public generally.
suited xekber bt-TEah, pavob, nor Arrnrnps, we 6nALL
The following warned individual-) harp “victimized «»
to the. tune of the amounts set opposite to their names.—
Our brethren of the Picas and the Public generally will do
twill to “bo on their guard while dealing with them. He
Who would cheat the printer wohld scruple at nothing.
T. & L. Lutßpr.T i Co., Philadelphia, . $2 jO.
These qpnteniptiblo scoundrels, as Advertising Agents
for a Cider Press',- patronised us to the aUiVe tunc. If wc
ever name across thi m we’ll press their miseralle carcasses
into itoir-orieiqal nothingness.
ofonr honest patrons. H>* victimized
us out of the ftitoxe sum. and sloped without cue-ms us for
%jwttlemeut." : Axe was rather sharp for us.
ihetusi) AUKS ... $2 60.
This oertt graduated in rascality at our expense.
*. $2 50
This &ent should not he called ‘‘noug’iit-ofr’ but “Slope
off.” If ha is not good on a buy he is cn a ml. Wc have
one consolation, ' however, and,that is that ho wont be able
to cheat the Devil,
M. Bottom?, Bellefonte, Pa.
Wo don’t know iwhethur this, chap is related to the other
Boftoffor not. Ifiho ain’t he ought to be, and if ho is lie » a
credit to the taiuijy.
J. K. BRADtEr, Cfessona. Pn.. ‘ ®? -
This ‘ sneak’snOakiugly sneaked off, leaving us to console
ourselves as wo best could. He is such a veritable “sneaky
that ho would BfSlI his soul (a very smell one) fir a hp^
(a big price) and pftef pockotuig the money sneak out of
the bargain. j
Tuos, Rot, ?- 50,
This promising; young man promised to pay us but dulii t.
He has lately holm married ip Reading. Poor fellow . his
punishment aoonovortook him. '
A. ?. McCu.stock, Patterson, Pn. f 3 **?•
This is another of our honest patrons, each a small
soulod wretch is nut worth a longer notice.
P. Pi.amo.vx, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
Tills representative of the great “ Flanigan fiiiunv talk
ed into’our affections “a feet/* •* Fire away llatiigan,
but please don’t * hit” us in future.
MOSES Doorr. KaqniM, , ?° Ta -
Cheating us out of the above snug sum, affords a fair t-P>--
cimeu of the manner in vvliich Moses dispensed ju.-tlce. ami
bow well quHijicd he wus to discharge the dutiesof his of
fice After impairing the eye sight of unite a number ot our
citizens, he “sloped" forßaltimo.e, IcavingaUpstoftnends
to mourn their loss. We commend him to the I Jug Lg
lies '* %i Hip lUips” ,w a rtciuii, for their nuik.v
y V C j Jr"^
This lazy punpy’s a ‘chip of the old lilirfk," who exetn
plifies the truth of,th« old adages ‘-like daddy like child,
and •’ what is bred in the bone v.on I come out of the flesh.
Ue also !>as - slop'd” to lb- more coug- null atmosphere >1
Baltimore. • flood I Iddauce to bad rubbish. ’
Dr. W. E. lIotT, Pynu use, N . V-, r H
This impudent quad: bled us to thn above tune for adver
tising. He is an arraut knave, who. making his living by
means of tbe Press, is mean enough to cheat printers. W “
hop-, when sick, be may be quacked to death by some bro
ther quack.
Rrr. W. g. If. Keis, Tyrone. Pa., • . $- 0-J.
Tills political parson who sports the “cambric exten
sively, owes us the above sum for printing Notices to K. >.
Councils, stating his terms for 1 -during bet-re them W,
should think that his " Intense Americanism should lead
him to pay his honest debts.- We hand him oy rtf“
der mercy of his conscience—if he has any—U not, to that
of his friend and prototype
h. Paimkr k Co.. Travelling Opticians. ■ .. f 1 : ' l} -
' Theovbove firm was composed ol a couple of precious ras
cals, aS“dutch as sonr cront " who passed themselves off as
oplfciAns. Whether Uiey were or not we don t know hut
we do know; that instead of improving the sight of our
“peepers,”-they effectually “closed them up.’
CMtMIsdS 4 Co.. Travelling-Ambroty,lists, . ,$ l J®-
This is another l>air of contemptible Knave?. Tlu-ir skill
was striking! v exemplified in our sad experience, they hav
in" loft an indelible impression on our memory, that wc
were the victims of misplaced confidence.
gen! lias left town without settling up
with us, thus leaving u I thirl- record again.-l bun on our
books, and petting his name on our block list. It is not tae
only black a«t hh has been guilty of.
W e suppose this R'-it bed is-t time fr» - .1 - siu i
bill before leaving, as he left town about a amdreo yards
ahead of the constable, making 2,i0 time.
W Tavav —— - 00.
Tins gent tried US on to the above tune, an i then put us
off by absquStulutlng without paying.
Taos. Dee. left town owing us t-
Uss 4 WaSSVA do. » -->•
DaXIELLS \V. a VP.P.NZ3I, do. ; ad-
L. Kaho. do. ->OO-
A. J. Anderson, do. 1 bo.
**L_The above is only tin fir-t .-bnptor of our -‘lafe Pic
tures.” We have ample material fu a dozen more, which,
will appear in due time.
of the Closing and
Arrival of Mails at Altoona Post Otilce.
B»st‘Tu Way at
Western u
Eastern Through Mail
Eastern Through Mall, » A. M
Western Way and Hollidaysbnrg, 1 40 1. M
Eastern “ " •; ► M j.
Hnllidavaburg mails close at ,1,00 P. M. ami 6,4 j P. M.,
and Arrive at 1,15 T.M. and TyiO .P»M.
Jtto*4, ’Ol-trj JOUJ? gnoEMAMCK. P. M.
Time of Arrival and De
parture of trains running on the Pcnn’n. Railroad, at Al
toona station.
Express Train East arrives 2,48 A. M., leaves 2,u0 A. SI.
u u West “ 8,35 “ “ 8,65 “
Fast « East “ 1,40 I>. M. “ 2,00 P.M.
" « West “ 11,00 “ “ IUO “
ALTOONA WAY TRAIN leaves Altoona for Philadel
phia at 6,00 A. M., and returning arrives at Altoona at
7 J. 5 'i*" \ '
ThcIIOLLIWAVSBUBG BI! A S CII rmineets w ith Express
train West. Altoona Way Train East ami W est and wttn
Fast Slail Train Eafi
Th 6 BLAIBSVILLE BRANCH connects with Johnstown
Way Train East and West, Express Train M cat ami Fast
MaU'Trafn East.
Deo. 21,
, A Card — To the Ladies.
—PjuDotoxcq'B Goldzx French Pills are infntliUtin re
nt and irremilariliet of iht Them
Villa ate nothing new but have been used by the doctors'.lbr
many yenrifboth in Franco ami America, with unparalleled
success lo every case; and be is urged by many tbou-auu lav
dim who have used them, to make the Pills public, for the,
alleviation So f thorn suffering from any irregularities of whatj
ever nature, as well as to prevent pregnancy to to those la
dies whose health will not permit nn increase of family.—
Pregnant females, or those supposing themselves so, arc cau
tioned against using these Pifts while pregnant, as the Pro
prietor assumes no responsibility after fhe above admonition
altlio* their mildness would prevent any mischief to healui;
•otherwise these Pills arc recommended. Full and explicit
directions accompany each box. Price £1 per box.- Sold.
Wholesale and retail by G. IV. K KSSLKII. General Ageutfor
Altoona and vicinity. Ho will supply dealers at proprietor’s
prices, and send the Pflls to Indies {amfidenlitdly) by return
mall on receipt of $1 through the Altoona Post Office.
Each box has my signature, j. DGPOSCO, New Turk.
Samuel Bredin, general agent for Tyrone City, jiy-27
Floor—Superfine, $ bl>l.
“ gxtra, %» •*
Com Mori, V cwt.
Buckwheat Y “
Potatoes, *hu»b.
Apple*, * “
Butter, V
Bard, ft “
Pork, »“
Side, . .
Bgg«, . ‘ f dot.
STLaln Ik Lehr ssUtiMtrJOoar at Ike faUowJng. rates:—
ttßttpVhestFlw.Bt . ’■ yW. &&
h T * •*. t : IvOO
--U- j. u U; , r W i ‘ i£|
, ■■ ,
1 00 P,M»
,8 OU A..M.
! 8 00 “
THOS. A. SCOT I, Sitpt.
!-♦ »■ -
March 25.’58-Vtl " Philadelphia -
\J fine Confectionary raaanl
March. 25. ’SfrTyl 101 Koi
U boxe. Oranges and
March 25, ’SMtI 101 North 3drtrcot, Philadelphia.
XV . ;
Match 25, ’5B-ly] 101 North 3d street, Philadelphia.
I aadCurranUin.torcandlor^eby girco . ,
March 25. ’5B ly] , 101 North 3d atreot, PhiUAapljfau
A- K«t3 and Filbert. In More aM for J
March 23, ’5B-lrl 101 North Sd street, PhlhnWlpfoK. -
SHML pint. Grove MilU, Cw(« (Sumfyi^ l :
Befrrt ncc— l)r. «•. D. Thorns, Altoona. [Mar. 2^t?
Dissolution of partnership
-Notice b hereby gi™ that the
toforc dieting between the undersigned, tradingunWthfl
name of Peter Reed A Coi, has been ‘
18S8 dissolved by mutual consent. All perwn>* »*»”
indeed to said firm
“"ST • john^naW
ttnd one mile below Lumber City. The
venieutly situated, awl wnong other inducements |o pbr
chasera are two extensive ’*
one of which exceeds nine fcet in thickncw arid y
forty-five to eighty per cent. There is also an abuhdarice
on the promises, making it a desirable *ituath*n to fcmtH!
wishing to engage in the mamilacttpe Sf-lwu. / .
Thi-re is tlto beat of water power on the premisfa, ana
the river is navigable with ark boat*, Ac..
V *«*“« d^ ri “B “">• JL T‘SSoBaSkST i
Nl-w Millport, Clearfield Chi- l >!t -
March 25-ftm.l
will not bo glvon tc
monthly lament,) unrtMeshing to make It tho
all* to pitFonizo our store, wo Lve mado n Tory great w
auction in tbo prices of sill descriptions of goods, *nd TfUl,
ulve our entire time and attention to keeping up an liMOrt
m«nt to suit the wauls of our customers, such as
Gaiters, Slippers. Hals and Cui«t, Dried irait, etc, all of
which will be sold os cheap as the cheapest. , J
I All articles of produce taken in exchange tor goods at
' tlit-li* hiirhut laurlvCt urict'. _ . \
1 Thankful St past tavors. we hope to share the pnbroMge
of those who are in want of goods. | March »»*.._
lj ELECT SC HOOD —The Spring Term
,f M-s M. E. KING.- SELECT SCHOOL, will open
ill IV-si Wat d. on MONDAY, March 39th. IjtfS-i «
TERMS.-Erotn *2!* to *5 a scholar,
terly. > —: ,
I A 60.000 Bhinglea .10,000 Lathes, J,
and all kinds of BU ILDI >U MATERIAL lnwer fen the
lowest, for Cash. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER.
WOOD! WOOD' 1 WOOD ! I !-r
-90 Cords of good dry OAK WOOD for sale by LEW
IB UWIN. 2 miles North of Altoona. >
March,!''. ISOS'-tf. ~ '■ :
Hollidaysb UKC W AEU'PA'PE r
DEPOT—J. M, I LEW IT invites persons fctohingto
purchase PAPISU HANGINGS to call and eianupif hisuew, which h- gets direct front the ManufactpfW, thus
saving one profit fir paesingdhrough second hands..
Prices reduc'd to t»nit the Uoicje
March IS, l?58-3t. .- i •
r\ The fWon'J Term of this Institution trill Commence
on the 6th of April n-xt, under the guperintemtynife of J.
B. EWfNG, ii» the West Wwd Public Sscbool Howe. The
wiiod will consist of pupils oflkuh *fS». MifW ”’ ni "
m.-nt of each session the scholars will be examined
aril claesnl it* that department for which thev arohuet
t ,.j comae of instruction wilt embrace Mathematics,
ordinary and, higher English branches tutjiia»»«.
ssi-it v. ill continue I'-mr Months.
.TEEM*. - • - i
Primary Department —Aiphaliet, Orthography, ; ; .
Ponding, Elements of Arithmetic and too- •
grtiplty.' . . C !
Junior Department— Reading- Minting. Prima-e;
rv Grammar. Geography and Arithmetic.
&n>< r Department —<l ratumar, Geography. ;
i ton-. Arithmetic. Algebra. Geometry. Natural
and Moral Philosophy, Elocution and Latin, 1 .
Scholars in the &vivr will be ponrmtou to
aludv Birv of the branch-* taught in the other degortmeuM.
No deduction made except iu ca-tes of protracts ttictnew.
A complete set of Maps, Charts nhd Globes. togMllerwith
a nuinlier of pieces of Philosophical Apparatus are . connec
i ted with the Institution, according every advantage to stn-
I dents that cun be obtained at distant Academia*|aad Beurt*
nR A competent corps of teachers wUI beonfcloy&,
It will bn the aim of Hie Principal to makeitht>. Institu
tion worthy the confidence of the public. ,MMfcl>
•nutttrui. & IE Oaver'of Thiitl, Philadelphia,, clficorpOr
rated by the State of Pennsylvania. •' j ■
Money in received Izi any turn. large or sraaßnUJ. inter
est paid from the day of deposit, to the day ot withdrawal.
The office is open every day from 9 o’clock ihtfte morn
ing till 5 o'clock in, the’afternoon, and on Mqndny and’
Thursday evenings till ? o’clock.
Hon. HENRY L. REN NE1.,; 1 rt* t.
Wsl. J. REEd, Sfwtar'j. . >; ;
• directors,
H..n. Henry 1,. Benner, K Carrol Brew-dCr,;
Edward h. Carter, Joseph B. Barry, ;
Robert Sol fridge, IranciaUc.
SamT K. Ashton. teiihi*; v
C. lAOdreth Muuns. I Henry Uicfteudejfce. \
Money is received and payments madp daily, without no
tlCf* \ . * *. ■ ■
The investments are made in REAL ESTATE
GAGES, GROUND KENTS, ond such first
n« the Charter requires . r |r>*ara-3Pi.
NO. 1. "ALTOONA HOUSE, AL+OOlf A* ?*»»
Where maybe luwHril the popular the
day, such as pally and Weekly Pagers, Magslfing), Kovels
and Romances, Miscellaneous Books, Copy
Books, Slate*. Pens, Pencils, Inks, Can and U-fttr Paper,
Envelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper, BlatKWWcaand >“
Hot everything in the Stationary line. Toys; Nations and
Gamcsnf every variety, Pictures and Picture; Bremw, To
bacco and Regars of tiro best quality, Ac., Ac , . ; , j
N. B.—We are solo Wholesale sniMetail Agent, it) this
itivehj cun? all sorvs to which it to applied. ; h'tf.
Thia School for Young Ladiesand 0«t
-tlomen is probably tlie cheapest one of tho J IJA
kind in tho country, tho expenses for WBj s ■ >Bfc -
room rent, furniture, fuel, board and
Bon in common English, are per quarter r r "7" 1 "”•
as above,or per year only $BB. ■ 4 ;l.
Piano Boric is only $5 per quarter. AU Uio Lahffnsgea
and the Ornamentals are proportionally cheap.:{Hpnq for a
circular. Students aro expected to notify we IBefore com
ing. Address ’ J
feb.2s-2m] • CobstlUc, Huatlng;l<?B Pa-;
Military hall.—The iujbscnber
begs leave to Infinrm the public, thath& W»
commodious apartment, entitled k*t their
service, for Meetings, Balhh A* ,u.
Ho always koepsln W» Saloon, In.the same hpUdlng, the
bertquaUty ofLas*rtt*r. Give him Wca&.a_ _
Xho subacriber offers aerate
to athri %Eo^A^
HEEIFfcAXITyI offer myself aa
O a c*n«(J*tefbr the office of BHEBDtB of; BUtr coun-
Ut October next. If etasteM
toditcharee tb» d«#sb !
ii** .%?£ ••••••"■* ' "^
rtured tad for sale; by '
h 3d street, Philadelphia.
the State lottery Comtulßmmer, In pubUft, mul l* '*■ ' v.■ ■.
paid by the Manager* Alli and
tHUtakethc trouble, can soon ascertain that AeHvyiaM
S&lal/rtterie* under the sole management of l^Pt»pte«.
mlt legal lotteries in Maryland, add art* -«•=»
J Tn'liraffi fill all order, theMa~ .v
iJd lottorlw promptly.' and all communication, befe .
. out rart inducement, W lho ahapeof br»
for a email price of Ticket, ,
and when yon want to try your luck, thehSt
JlutTLAioi LorHßm, which hare been drawdwr Urn »«* .
forty yiwr«.-are the boat Potter tef to order TickeW j». t
olt and oosWUD wnTreßY >fl a.Aa« it .v
To be drawn in Baltimore QUy> March 18, ISM. ■
irutawn wur pwx*a ecnmx. - ~,, .
1 Price of mm] i ISS rf •?££ *
Igg*, iSS
GcrtiflcWe of Package of MWhoto, . *wS? 1'
i 1M do SC HalTc*. JJWJS *: -
\Do do MQanrtew, ‘ **» i
"Tht Great ScKeau «f . i ...
, OKASI> Z," -
Tu be drawn In BnltlmoreClty, Harshs»> 1868. . f /•;
J-. , i...... .
drawn Balfots lheafihPnok»forfWTfcktt»-<l* f.
mieWMjUiatt Blank* __ * ■-
IJTirond Pclte of MW' JW» ; <SB ’§
■Wriaeof . 5 s£! $ -Stott *
IPrlzeof 15.688 I Prise «, .■.SfiK ■• ■
iPrtaebf J T,»| J£2°sr■ . -
VPrUeof 1 Pfbw 1 - ySS
■l. Price of '! B '9S? %*5 r i“.®L •'•:*'•■ iSo
V Prteo of #,«O JSL 1 * 'Sfc
.3Prise of, B,WO 30PrUoe of , / “?•' *
llPriaeof ' 3,qOQ »Pri?M.9f :; , 1 r: V
r . 1,000 Prize* of $3OO each. ..■/ , ;
TicVeU s2o—Halves sl«—Quarter* ffi — i
io >"gr““ rß ■ TO ■■;
Do'. do : ’ 'SftQuarter*, *jgg. '•>
. Do ■ ■. j .da . . *0 Eighth* .. . : ,
siaoLS suv" ’
# -y • .
BBiiia rw w tiu f •
PBIKtS PUAIM OCT. ; » • * J -
Jfitry PH*e in (hit Sihem* wut he
■. 20,660 Prlfeal 40,000 Ticket*!! -.
Maryland Lottery to be drawn on the IhtMß.Htßj . ,
To bo drawn in Baltimore, Mtt, Batrofay* March SitK^SSf«
iPrizeof $35,000 4 Appr'tU>*Mo
IPrizoof 11,980 4 - - 250
1 Prize of 4,000 \ a a; JSOO
1 Prize of 4.000 )
1 Prize of 2,0001
- -1 Prize of , 2,000 l
IPrizeof I,fii)oy
1 Prize of 1,500 f
1 Prize of 1.250 \
1 Prize of ' " 1,2501
1 Prize of 1 0001 g :«■
il Prize of 1.000 / •
Mu Prizes of! ,«0; « *
10 Prizes of £*> 40 •
100 Prizes of 2®o . 400
20,000 Prize* of $S each. . ‘ ’ 5
iVholeTicheW slo . .
If you piircliaso two Tickets ortei at them moist
Certificate if Paclcago 16 Whole?, will: he &r$9O,W
“ 16 Halves, ,« „ »■.;
“ “ 10 Quartern, . * ; • SWOt
“ “ 10 Eighths, “ u '
All orders for Tickets iii the above rolendM Schemei will
be faithfully and promptly, Cllod. Adji»*s. ',
. 7 • t. h.- wnauw* o&. ••*
i Boz 40, Bjtltluiufa,' sfdi' ■
03* Persons in the West or Sbntli can have thelrorde?*
filled in the Shelbya)!l3KbLpttfcry,qfKonfat;ky, Purine*
exactly the same ua the above— 1 -hud ftho drawn undy'tuf
uiunvgcment of 11, France 4 Co. Address ''"Vi*'.
Louis vUl.vJSy‘.-
March 11 j]
BANK REPORTER, because it gives /mN, 'COMfkte, W*X v f
a id reliable information «f ull Bank Failures ana Chaajjea;
true descriptions of all counterfeit, altered andapgtwtta
bills j geuuine bank notes; quotations and sale* «Jw***
Bonds, »ud Securities; financial and monetary attlJjV of
every nature and kind. Containing Uh tfwu WtoniWl
important and valuable statistics nnd readingmtttef .
tabling to Bauks end Money than any w»ef Detector or !•_
Reporter ever published. Also gives correct quotations or
buying and Belling rates of Money', Band it,
corrected by the most experienced andrcapOnalble Banker*
ip New Turk, Philadelphia,Boston, Cincinnati audChka- , „
go, making ■ ■
Xf business man can do well without this work;- ' ■ .
- Terms: —Monthly, ono year, $1,00; Semi-Monthly, *I,M«
■'Weekly, $2, bO; fnernding book of all the Cyinttetna World.
Anv one sending ua five yearly subscribers, silltHtMl
copy of the SAFEGUARD and the WeektyJodrnalfbr
one yo r./rtc. Twenty-five per csnt.allOWcd'tO,Ageutg •
end Postmasters. .. - .1 s,' ; . ?
The only work ever published gWngcorwrt
and fee simile descriptions of all the Pennine
It cost to arrange apd publish this greet work; overjpOrs, 7
PC'*, besides vent* of time and labor. • :v: _ - k ''
The book Is splendidly bound—-about U incheWinkengWr' , *
by 10 indies In width— containing 4<50 pages of Bank Note
Plate delineations, being equivalent to having upward* M
V2,tioo GENUINE BANK BILLS rto compere with amide- -
toot the and tpnriotur, in advance of any de»-
cription in any Detector or Bonk Note Reporter.-, _ ,
It condemns tho wrong by showing the right, with •. V.
this Book, it is almost Impossible to bc imposed upon by
bad money. ■ ’ Jj.'—ii'll;""
The SAFE-GUARD la copy-righted; published tUtdaoßr
exclusively by the .undersigned, and will bef aentftee- - •
postage to any part of the country on receipt of *2—» ;
per centl discount will be allowed to Booksellers, Agents,
or to the subscriber to Hodges’ JourrfeV orFtndlWk ahd : ,
Bank Reporter. Address, J. TYLER HODGES, liiiwker.' ■ ■
March 11,-2t] iftrßiroadw»r.y.;Y .
4 50.
I J a BROTHER, Importers and OttOtrt an'rf
Liquors, return their thanks to their Weeds for tB» Hoewil
shore of patronage heretofore bestowed 1 , and r *Js®Sv&«23 :;
licit a continuance of the same, att tbs Ol*l> BOTUBp .
MKNT, NO. ?;N, KMWT OT,„Pha»ddpto,_r*W tW ,
havaalarge assortment 6fW INKSand LTQuORoOf the enOiCy- ,
eat brands and qualities, 'Having made arrsnptoents with” -
some of the Brat houses in Cognac andßoawUe.wnassw i
them to Amdahl their customers; upott ttamosrteatoWb
Me terns, the following brands of Cognac -utd<X>odMM
Brandies: . > •. .. . '' : -U?' .. ,
; Pi**#, j ."±
T Vi, :
A. SapvtfU, ifc, - ift. • I.* „y' «• -i'v'-.’ i .
• WiJIESI • • *i
1 Champagne, Old Oporto, nrijtrm, ■
Claret, Sherry, lAthm, \Uo&,3tu^&m^mfa.
• of various brianat andtotaHaii,
Holland Gin. gcheldam Schnapps, Scot*
iW Irish Whiskeys; Reach, Apple,
Raspberry, Cherry ahd Ointtr BranditS; CwdialSt Wia*
Bitters, imstcrdoitt' Bitters, #c; ■ ' „ _ '
Also, conetontlv oii'hand, an extensive stock of OLP
KEYS, of various grades/ some of Which Wc guarantee to .■.
be sapeiter to ahjr hr the country. v ' :
From our lung experience in the hnsfaess, apd thor- .4
ough knowledge of the taste* of. the community, we flatter
ontecivee to he ahtfto fill alii orders thaMpay be entrusted. s
tons. Orders from the country (which are »o»tr»*ptctful-.;_.
ly solicited) will lie promptly attended to. : Great tore taken—
fin packing siwi Sbrpplbg. f .
AH' gooorsent fi*nst our establishment are guarantee* to>«
give natisbctlon, With the privlfcge ot'bolng roturtfed-'i ■£.
fcb. ffi-ly] > B.>»: Mll)p|.M , Oy
I subscriber takes pleasure in - an non*-,
cine tp'the dtllenfc of A'itoonn and its vfdulty, that Mi hu»
opened a STORE in tlic KOOSf formerly occijkjed by Q.W.
Patton, on Tirplula street, ♦hcfnhe wittbchappj' to ejK ’ :
hiblt to them bis Splendid stock of , • i . . •"
which will he found entirely new and fresh. Hi* stock %
cnreftillr selected and was purchased strictly (or OASlTifi
which just at this important tithe ha*’enabled him to buy.
exceedingly low, and having adopted the !
is determined to ask hut “ Small Proftts aiid Qnick Sales. > ;
Among his stock will bo found everything ttpcrtahflne
to liiwilc* and Gentlemen's wvdr, a* well as til artieleu e*
Groceries, . • ;> .
j ’ v Quccnsvrnrfe,. •
Ilnrdtrarg. &e<
usually kept in a town storb/' Be «SJ5*W.’
. . .
Altoona; Oct. j\jSsT-tt.' 1 ■ CHARGES j.MAyh,
IVOTICE. —A meeting of the member*
of the,Western Industrial Colony will lylgjd in th»\
Masonic Temple, on Thursday evening, March Btli, «7 .
o’clock* for the permanent organization of U>e (ASM. AH •
who have already signed or ere desitou* ofsigningthe CM*
stitution are invited to attend. Those who with to seem
for rheraselrw a homo in the far Ifest, with the prospector
speedily making a fortune, should Join this Colony, M lt|
principles are. Mutual Protection, Encouragement and A#
sistance, and its motto ia a In union there is strength.”
March 18-2 t.
fearful diseases Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and other MO*
lions of the Lugs, which arise hum the exposed state of the
•Chest, according to fashion and the continual change; of MI
climate, for sale at the Drug Store of 6. W. KESSUBB.
Ia terminating EATS, MICE, BOAOgto
Badicgs wlthouf danger in Its t\«» nawiSkf
Etejaof ■ ■ v ril |,
'sWf] .*
-S' •> ’ \
, r 4 : --r
Kf# 5 :
■; ■ r .r
v' ■*'
8 “
8 “
■ 'i
'w *•*
*T '< v
' ■ i
/ .-I
A * j;
* r-'t.*
. i.,
. *•--•iwfA
:■ VJ&is
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■* •- s
1 '/
• J . V