jtJRE XS ■ ir, 3£*r^f •'.i t«; r jj i .im' ,'ia! ai Or- ; ■ r Mtnrni^ •f TMunmjth », Lou itf r XHf : .ii .'if .. i KTII &BXZM jw lirlglaateO, lvp. hcovtry. it I'.mt u)l»«u Kl' till* 'llffyjflfltt E.il RfUt«d feU I-;u.t «itt)lint r'y orbnliiirtiu * .uuii fioin ■ti*# I iast ItHlti of r. \;ji in dishy . iiiisiug tq 4* IT.y ruff, * I i' tin;;reats»J [ v ui' Consump- L:,l should ten >ir c i« 6CATCO- I'linitj into ths . r .ill to cnrotho -rreifia with :w ctuferer lau> net cause ...?•• w cnUUfcd i_ljii«tlluUqiMs - svuichh€trityii I ll'inl ether .»f -l ■-. cntidllnitllp* 1 ..he ulngtWn [.-. to Itßilth, tif [■;, di- ifcts cau- I , ill.iSving Ua [. - 'ji euUcriag I; Norrouß ajs l, . c.lUs« U»JI- I ;un lit of tilt) and all I> ■ k'd iu.wy I train of I the- fullest eon* I:v il-Abuee tK»t It ;ili;l with Ulfl I .Ji l-.i rcitdtfwf .fi’jtuit Mod • ifx it- the. col ■ uu'.'arj suf : wim-lhy Hi» ,ilv i.pfcwuia ’ carefully ■ iit « and find hmnl»vwUUH» 'nil ft 4*»l' deKwlci Uia i nso arc pet .. • '!■.> un .■■u. u;ui aft-- ■:'.v.u syrtMU, .•D. LU'lit’T rfr ,j.u! fetnait* ' l-ars of Jiriio : r^jiajfiublu ■ ;.(iv :.;n:i;:ur;ilijig .ill ucc strictly. : SI. Pi, . - Tn-Jnh, . ' >. T-jlul- •I >?;iKtrnicnf r.‘! u-.Vi fit- -lid. usApor* rr/iiM. (JLitf, .if- :•■■■*■ ■ of de-tinctiar •' !,•' 'l. CfpUCllf* I. li di—l.Ka llj ,»urg«.'n, > ;>• 11 [i- . in I" 11 V. 1.. ■ Itjij.lv It i n. ■ m.rr ■ .i. Miie Jiut i-fTy y ‘urge. It 1< fi..!- tli- Jiij;!i I ' :n- .'cxu*l . i-.' ruceljit tjf "I'.lTß^CAlr . .-•u:. No. 2 S. li Director*, i i. y’m’f. o-i y- fKSANDS ti .5 v ,On Sr-cr k rch.mlfio I f N-rvijus'fflt- I ' ■■ r.i. hfiptf I : I luih.ftba .;a:,j.asr.^ it- Kv.-id-nt, f: : ’.11...1tV’ < i .-.iiMuffiai-if riit'n hy « lllftflJV -;It i r.>; trow : .i-I written in MmuM he In i'.ii :i:ij li3pi>(- rf whldi-lt < il. KLLNE,. •il6 AND ’■ly icr.iicin* *•: -';u aiidL J it (h 1 f„r •:» fure *U -•a', y 1-i euro (•> (HrStfr in ■fiM'jy !■ wiin«;n*u ••W’.f.pt jva,* MiU v.- iuv, ■ ; in. it*, 1 1 ha- been' ■i 'r»iUcnr» . t! -i( i! vdlV :. tflicrcTctr -O'-r.ycc.to. i v; n tttrir !:■ }. rxiCft ■f.-.n-.U-tt,,-? !KB 0> ■’.<) N.trroni ; otc-acj.aislf v. >l, n.--' : ' : y vnlli. m»r <’ thk tuuuU • i.; !;or. fnllycjp-' 1 Med to cur« ft. UiereWjr ■■■ e»iled ea r nfii.Axirr, o -.i ST-iy. riTTJS.-w j fniiag* '■ tbrougpont, s.,ix, CdmbiSl^' ■ : ,y' r . ft raontb*, if' '• ibdMumtt*' : ■- 'jMMtc,■ ' r- il- City. MTE.O ’.-•.fcX TOOSB r i otter. aflfee- : “ t state of the. i ‘ ansox otoct . KKSM-ER. .. 1 OK EX ES. -C-1,-, nmX iav clrcimiatiu- r. KatSLCR.:- , tg NB .€*Tl* .■J-At’ MoOEUM & ALLISON* ! L '' -f' ' " ‘ ■ ' VQL. 3. TIIE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. Per in adraßCjb |l£o All p*perm discontinued ft the expiratiori of thrtime paid lor, : , tut** or Ammon. \ liosettkm 2do. 8 do. )foar line* «■!•*(, $26 $ 3t}£ :$ CBUn*»A '6O - 76 100 Two “ (16 “,) 100 1 M 200 Three “ (21 “ ) . . T» 200 260 Or*r three weeks and leu than three moath*,'2&c«ntj per •f oar* for each insertion. 1 A Smooth*. 6month*. 1 year. CIX Md**o* Us*> i . . $l6O . -pftijOO f<&00 One square, 260 - .4 00 700 Two u 400 600 10 00 Three“ 6:00 8 00 >otuv« 6 00 10.00 Half « column, - 10 00 14 00 Oneootimn, >l4 00 -26:00 Administrator)! «pd Rzfcntors Metises, Merchants advertising by the -year, three squares, with liberty to change, - 10 00 Professional or Business Cards, .not exceeding .8 linos, with paper, per year, 6 00 Communications of a political (Character or luJlvalual in terestwill bachargud, according to the above rates. Advertisements not marked with the number of Insertions „-dssleofl f .w/|ll-bD contbuiod till forbid and charged according to theaboyatenps. notices fire ccnts per line for erojfy insertion. Obituary unices exceeding' linos, fifty (cents a square. PROSPECTUS OF THE S .AIiTOONA TRIBUNE. THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED! The Cheapest Paper ia tlie County! ■With the present number, the Tribune has en rtcrcddpon Its t flirt! volume. -Commenced at,a time when the confidence of the citizens of Al- ; stoona in newspapers and newspaper publishers/ was considerably jrt^Bv;ij^t ; totn!lyannihila tted, ' the salt gle. and means on the part of ibr , ‘wjttors. The steady increase of patronage, haa afforded in dubitable evidence that labors have been ap 'J-:: ; \ In entering Upon the new volume it-is almost- Unnecessary to .say te will tjoutin/ tie To tvsErrHilto,'';Be- ■ ing. biassed neither by dear, favor nor affection, in favor of. parties fir sects. In this respect it is.qnly necessary to say that the past affords'a fair .index as to our future course. Always opr aim to make thi JH- 1 - butie, a reliable first-class Local Papeb, ns we believe that in that character alone, country pa pers cap successfully compete with their flashy city neighbors. To -this end we have secured correspondents in various parts of the county, who furnisfl ps with all the'items of local inter ’est in their vicinity. We purpose adding others to our Jut as,soon as, we can obtain them.. j)u ring the next year we shall redouble our efforts to make the tribune a perfect compendium ol iIoUE NEWS—A RELIABLE, FIRST CLASS LOCAL Papeb, second to none in the country, and us such a welcome weekly visitor to our patrons, whether at home or abroad. £ut while the Local Department shall be our. ipeoiol care,' we shall also devote a conakU.ra ble apace to Litbraux Matter, Fcij ax.u Du* Maß,andttoxhromcling of events of gjenerjil Inpjrert.to our rcadera. -We purpose atad pub liahingfrom tiwe to tirae Meu|«iiv Things” which •will be fimnshetf by our contributors.. Wediave made arrangements aleo to hare a weekly letter from Philadelphia, and judging from the reputation our correspon dent sustains as a popular writer, these letters wtU.beA.rieb treat, to our rcadera. ; - As * 6 ar® decidedly jouroalista of the pro* gressUe Scheol,| we have concluded to adopt the cash system in our' business. The" neglect pf quite a number qf oqr patrons topay up prompt ly, and the rtmoality of, others, has .JidmpeUed wto adopt tills course. Time and ~e*p«rie)ice our satisfaction that the erttfif .system willnot work with newspaper i pabiishets. From this date no paper Fill be jest from this office, unless paid fur in advance, expiration of the time paid for, if .■ ptoppt-d. -rimr - .dogs, injustice to pvr pitrpns, * protect oif from the impositious of sodlfeits scoundrelsj enable .uis to devote moreattehtlohCO itiif papier. ! ’’ Recognizing,the principle that contracts to tfiutual benefit tnboth partiee.andas money |dE| latgc -is of more ntiueio tis titan when received in ‘ as J Sh : ' . nieht to numbers who would otherwise discon- V- $ 1 •!*- • -■".'•fwj .«-*/?/}•£» j»l i ‘,{ >r . y*. f 4 j: i, twtfe r ‘« well Mito ttios? wkoiJunye negerjet taken tho paper, we offer if Ittff rates for the coming year: -■ ' * ' *f*tipy,one year ’ ‘ '*sss:? ! “ <51.26 per copy) IgfiO - 30 « 2OW' _Md*»abaf3m»t ito *py, ¥>*>*• in iUlUatet, accompany % order, '• -JBjr lha above it will beraeen that our paper la emphatically the cheapest in',^^,uhty.—. As toita merits we leave in to the public to de cide. Wecai iiestl y jequeatour/rienUs through out the county to “ give as a lift,’’ as we |mv.e no doubt each of them can ifeodily obtain a olub in their neighborhood. _ . | man men wanted to canvass the county foti i r:1 p ; .-.b i■ :• : >.' v ; f, .-v ■/( "■ ■ “’i ’■"■:•■■ - i.’,r] •’.•,. i./ ■'V •■■ -; '. - r •»., : Held Htarg. > WWvw> from tit A r . I'. Sunday Timet. THE DESPERADO'S LAST LAUGH. , Hero worship is an 'instinct of the hu man heart; In all ages and nations, and with every class of the species, it bravely commands the key which opens the dour to the temple of fame, and, with itß tierce "hand, writes the passport to universal pop ularity. Prowess is the master-word of all history, and has the force of a magical in cantation to move-thc mind or inflame the feelings iof both old and young. It is tae' Onvy of’ the one,sex, and the admiration .Of the other. It inspires poetry, eloquence and art,, and forms the life-breath and be ing,of the political world. Some philosophers endeavor to degrade this glorious attribute by the contemptu ous epithet of “ mere brute bravery/’ us if the unreflecting ferocity of the wild beast could be compared with the conscious j courage’ of intelligent man. The lion and tiger,: in their most bloody battles, have at most but a dim "' perception of the conse quences to result from their encounters, and, therefore, their fury flows from ani mal impulse, without fear only because without the sense of individual peril.- But what we admire in the rational hero, is, the danger, and, yet defiant of death, though marshalled face to face with that .almighty foe; for in this case the jjrowcss must be in a great degree mental and vol untary,; rather than physical—a pure man ifestation of the will far more than the ef fect of organization. Nevertheless, there are strange mysteries and .caprices connected with the subject, as there lire many varieties of huump cour age. Some heroes, that; can cOofrout the most awful perils of a peculiar character, shrink like the veriest 'cowards from oth-, ers of a different an i often less frigbt.'ul description. The Ipld on.tor, who.-,e un rivalled! thundersand fearless manner lit eraily- appalled the fierce democracy of Athens; fled ignominiously from; the field of Ohaßroueaj and the .World’s highest he ro who'nished through the horror of fierce hail that swept the blood stained bridge of Lodi, audrgazed with a fearless eye ou the carnage of a hundred battles, yet turn ed pale and trembled before the Council of .the hive Hundred. Amopg the desperadoes and duelists of the south and west, 1 have never known one whd had not his “ cowardly days”— seasons [when he would use every dishun orable’ means to avoid the very personal difficulties which at other times furnished his chief amusement and delight. Some men are heroes only when intoxicated.— Others .borrow all their bravery from the passion of love and revenge, iviany fight well in [the la. ks of an army, yet liy in terror fpm an individual fbej while some display the most reckless daring in all sin gle combats, but run away at the first fire of a platoon! The most remarkable peculiarity and in consistency of-desperation may be found among s the Mexican braves of the Itio Hpudd, who evince .the jUtppsi. fear at the sigh* of pistols, especially, revolvers, but shrink [not from the most terrible combat with bowie knives; indeed, they never re - fuse the challenge of even an American, provided they can have the choice of these their favorite weapons. As it may natu rally lib supposed, they become wonderful ly expert in the use of tbeir deadly imple meats. | 1 have frequently s ren them stand, ,fnd, without terrqr or token .of af fright, iiew each other in pieces, until one or both adversaries sunk down dead or exhausted- ... 13 00 14 00 30 00 «40 00 176 But; [woe to the unfortunate enemy who did not possess their marvelous dexterity with the naked dagger! 'lhe first blow, one mortal Mexican stab, always, in sue! i cases, terminated the.struggle by piercldii the cbibbataht’s ’heart. ’ P . P A »iiontf4hc.jnowt' »oe<>riqtra~TlttOltaß' la this safage speetes of. Pedro Pa lacios, |pf BroFtisviUb, wife altogether pre emiueut. He boasted, and duiiblless with entire |trpth,\bf ;a.kcoir;o pi men ,oo tho iiio besides auJtnowh in otldbr parts of Mexico, lie ibllowt|d the profession ~bf a gambler, and. therefore, wandered ftbm the mouth of the and;lnu tims, v|atil his name became the terror of the whole frontier. ‘ It mayjseein strange ip pemons iliar with the coujatfy, th?it ' lie was hot doomed to legal puaishpient for his deeds'; Vuf thp singular nation] lor two or three years alter the way thp courts were not besides, he perpetrated all icicles In fair fight, and according to jihe forms recognized by the code of honor; and,, mpieover, when prosecutions assailed —hvhe obtained security in the chai*uCter of the Jurors called to try the, issue. . ! It must not bo iinagincu, however, that his coputless quan-cls Originated at the ga mjng-ljnblQ, pr grew , out of the questions relating to his fairness in dealing cards was both mpre rotuantic ani fe- His wile Juana, one of the most' JWBWftBg hora in Megioo, n CHABUS SUMMOUnK^. i : N ■f 1 ■■ ™_ 1 “ ■ ' .• 1 . - 5 I i* v : - ' ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1858. accompanied liim as a partner, and bewil dered) the adverse players as much by her extraordinary, beauty as the husband did by h's skill 5j while on every occasion, and wherever shp; went, her ehaitus. inspired the beholdera with a sort of frenzied pasr aion tbat,in; spite of reason, prudence and.; peril, brought adventurous lovers to her feet. '; But Pedro Palacios was jealous even to . madness, the slightest attentions to| his bewitching siren aroused his murder ous wrath and vengeance, and he never failed to throw the onus of the challenge m ■i 1 O on his enemy, 5 or to provoke the first as sault, when ;one blow of hife bowie knife usually settled the controversy, and Silen ced the. wooing of his rival forever.! In the mouth of September, in 1852, the District jCourt was inaugurated 1 in tlie town of Laredo, and a grand “ fandango” was given op ithe first night in honor of the new judge, and to the boundless de light Of the lawyers in attendance. The multitude assembled in the public square, and fdll mojjjn| in cloudless splendor, ren dered the air go luminous as to require no lamps or torches. The entire Mexican population turned out, the mem bers of the bar, and all the young officers of the army jftom the neighboring fort A scene of greater gaiety or animation could not well; be pictured, as the merry dancers floated like fanes in the. moon light, and every tope’ seemed radiant with smiles of love and; ihappiness. But all did not enjoy the thus innocently. Near one corner of the old stone church, which occupied thej centre of the • square, gath ered a large! circle of both sexes around that altar of Mexican worship—the monte table. ; " H i Juana Palacios was dealer of the cards, ■ while her husband, raked down the money won, or paid the lost hots. And never did a stronger -Contrast present itself than that which is toed revealed in the appear ance of the couple ja»t mentioned. He was a man of Herculean mould, with dark, frowning, ferocious features, mostly con cealed by coarse masses of black hair and a long, bushy jjeard 3 indeed, little of his visage; couldj bp seen, save a pair of sinis ter flashing toy es, ami a nose resembling the beak of a 'hawk. His clothes wore costly, and adorned with glittering jewels, while the silver handle of his* enormous .knife shone popspicuous above the snowy ruffles;of big shirt bosom. The wife was a fair, slender woman, of exquisite sfyape —every limb and feature being alike!/fifll of grace —with shining ringlets,, black us the raven’s hue, a face beamy and cjeaiuiful as a star, and eyes so large, Uark]i(jheamy, and overflowing with Are, that they sbemed every moment melt ing with thC, warmest emotions of unut terable iovei j And this look of tenderefit passion couCf titled the magic of her pow er—-the indbliniible and resistless charm which cnclijjjined the gazer’s heart, and fettered evdjy thought to the footstool of tuo mighty; enchantress. Several officers wearing the uniform of ‘the Unitedtolratop) and a young attorney, esteemed the mofet handsome man in fux as, one Ivllicjn AVallace, approached the monte table,|aud uttered simultaneous ex clamations pf sUrprlse when they beheld the lovely vi|siup presiding as dealer at the game.: f( -.i How bdiiutifull” cried Captain Brew- ■ton. ' “She is an Angel!” added Lieutenant .fucker. ; ! [ 1 ' '1 be black whiskers of the jealous bus band curled 1 ; sridh ire, like those of-an in furiated tig?’, apd such a terrible gleaui shot iypm hi i diabolical dark eyes, that a dozen ol tly; spectators grew pale with fright,; and several retreated from the cir cle in anticipation of an immediate explo sion. i . (ip ! lint the young lawyer, Elbert Wallace, who was hit|sel|f of a most fierce and Iras cible disposifion, and who felt.insulted by the scoyufuMgiahfces of the gambler, pre o i pitated tropire by ah act of reck less audacity!. iTakiug two steps forward, he thrust Ms. fingers playfully into the shewed ,of fayeO addressing the beautiful Juana ih ' fender'tones, he said '■ T' •- ;- “ Eretty Cjneil come, leave that ugly he .greaser, andlgoihome. with me to Jlrowns • ville. ;I will you mistress .of a fine iap jl that yyill be better than fol- vagabond jus i ft look pf name-' l^s^lie was on the point husband snfdtcaea up a handful of silver from the tahlle, and • dashed it ini his luce withsuch ftiry* ai“ to bring blood both from bis lips and pc|sc, crying "out at tho samc iime:—r,P;j( (| s;r i : '- n ' r -y ’v agly tubf fight about it. if you dare"’. ;;Pj v ; V\ ;Wallace;tetorned the bjowandthe then rate, proved very brief, forthe attorney seemedpowerless as .as"an infant in the Herculean. !&nds, of Palacios. • The fojes were fioon separated, yef. lajr &ojiu bew& satisfied. • lie lawyer .enriwj«fcyi*| h initial? [independent in everything.] defeat, and shouted in accents of thun der :- “ Dog of n Mexican, I defy you to mor tal, cbmbat! One of us two shall never quit this ground alive!” “Do you challenge me ?” inquired the. gambler, in tones of savage triumph. “ Ves, yes !” replied Wallace, in a wild phrenzy of ungovernable passion. : “ 1 accept, ' answered the other, with ferocious joy. “ I choose .bowie knives, And will settle the affair as l soon as yoft lite!”\ : v ‘Let it be now, then—-this instant!” cried Wallace. 1 !“ : Oh, no, my friend.;” remonstrated Capt. Brewtou. Surely you will not meet a Mexican gambler, ami half negro at that, on equal terms ?” “ What else can I do ?” demanded the lawyer, fiercely “Mo gentleman would advise me.to endure such shame I” “ Take a pistol, and shoot the rascal down like a wolf!” said Lieutenant Tucker. “ Yea; that is the way to’ serve him !” echoed twenty tongues together. “ Never!” exclaimed the high-souledat torneynever will I slay a human be ing, whatever may jje the provocation, without giving him a fair (fiance for his life. I would die toyself a (thousand timep rather than murder the mekuest wretch in Mexico!” \ In vain the judge and all) the members of the bar essayed to shake the young man’s irOu resolution. The preliminaries were speedily arranged, and the (Avo mortal ah tagpnists assumed their stations at the dis tance of ten feet apart, waiting for the word to rush upon each otlrer with uplif ted knives, or advance slowly, as pleased them best. 4 Ihc countenance of each presented a very different appearance. The fair fea tures and vivid blue eyes of Wallace evin ced .Cahu. collected, chivalrous bravery — the ideal of honpr and lofty heroism, with out a touch of malice or token of revenge. But the bearded visage of I'alacios, with those fiendish, sinister eyes, so cruel and gleaming, and those thin sneering lips writhing in a murderous smile, looked ab solutely infernal in its lurid rage and un utterable hatred ; while the naked knife of each glittered in the clear moonbeams like a blade of burnished silver, as a thousand spectators stood around in a great circle to witness the horrible strife. At last, Cupt. Brawton as the friend of Wallace, gave the signal; and the yopng lawyer, leaped like a lion towards his foe, and aimed, an awful blow at his bosom, whtch the other as rapidly parried, and re turned with a thrust likclightning. It was the true Mexican stab—one. only one, that needed not repetition —for it penetrated the heart of the attorney, who fell upon the earih, and expired w'.thout a groan. Then I'alacios held up the reeking kuite in the moonli-ht, and utti red a loud laugh, so wild, fearful, and unearthly, that, it sounded more like the battle-cry of a devil than any intonations of mere Jiuinau or gans I But it proved to be laugh; for at the moment the pistol of a Texan ranger roared on the night aif, and the Mexican dropped down on the corpse of his enemy, with .a blue bulletholc through the centre of his forehead. And such nearly always is the ead of the desperado! “ The operations in Wall street,” or the scenes about the Stock Market in New York, furnish a theme for a funny article in the New York J/i ruhf, of Tuesday, of which we give the following sample para graph : “ The Olympic game)’, so intimately con nected with the rise of Grecian power and , influence, are destined tu immortality.— -The game of poker on the eon sec rated soil of Arkansas and'.MjLssissippi. has achieved a promine ce equally classic, and is to the intellectual vigor of the! Southwest what the' Olympic games were to the manhood of Greece. Whether practised across a whisky barrel oyer a “ picayune with tlie chap be, of ‘‘doubling the pot,” with the suggestu c bottle and revivifying contents oh one sidej and a tallow candle on the other, under the shade of a cotton wood on flip grass* in the.apartmentsofthc hotel, or in the ciabia of the steamer du ring the small hours of night, where the s< | ppt” souietimes Tuns up to hundreds before the call, poker is the pride of every class—planter, merchant, railman, 'deck hand and darkey! He wlio in the future seeks to perpetuatethe memories of the glories of the sunny land discovered by iJe ■ Soto, will collate the many traditions and stales connected-with the game of poker* and' with these ap the basis of his Uteraiy ; side tpf seif tUe ip depict his snhjeot m all ifs poetic grand ; To this follows a showing up of the erations in stock gambling l , -eotniparOd ’ to jvhich “ poker”,t/and llng aredeolaw4 hn the whole we guess the is right, in this instance; *■ \ isiike/ thp.-in.oa%an 3$ *?**« s '«**»• r ■■• •_-• • ' r*'v v : •c, *-** *• ■ Operations in Wall street. . > J‘T'l "7;-JT We have already mensjhed editorially a concerted measure for l i ' t W'hippitfg the Peril around the stump^’■ and junporting: African slavCs.in guisopf Apprentices, by some of the southern A telegrain to the New York papers. February 26, says : ' v ‘ : Au editorial article in ’Delta of. to day asserts that the- So,t(&f :.Jws. already opened the African slaves and jthata regular depot has been established qn Pcarl river, in Mississippi, wbetc : have; been received, and the negroes soldandpttt to work. The Delta gaged in thetrade genemllyiise the French flag, because the British cruisers pri the African coast will not-troublje; it.. Pearl river is a large which de bouches info the Gulf of Mexico, arid un-; less prevented> by U. S- cruisefs, as good? and easy an opportunity is there afforded for debarking slaves as at Cuba. We scarce know what to think of, this announcement. It may be' a pdnard ofthe most pro-di-gi-ous sort, but if it be true, then it amounts to a declaration as import tant as it is startling. It is not for a mo ment to be supposed that theUpiteclStates. Government.will quietly sit f by and see their most sacred laws openly and shame lessly violated through auysuch miserable subterfuges and sophistries as have been concocted among plotting slave States. These traitors and flesh-traffickers may dress up and disguise their measures as they please, and call them by what names they please, hut it will all scarcely deceive any others than they who are immediately interested in the movement Strip this dark and horrid plot of all nonsense and tomfoolery, and it remains ! nothing else than the African Sltve Trade, revamped and revived with all its hqrrors, in the nineteenth century, too, and oh American soil, which, if we be’not mistaken, poets cull the “ land of the free arid home of the brave.” - : ; « Should the Southern States attempt to legalise the introduction ofsfaves,orevade the United States laws by si fly such ridic ulous stuff as importing thtm under the name of apprentices, it requires but little skill in divination to presage a very short tether and less grace allowed them. Kan sas, iu the event of any disturbance there from, would have to “pale its ineffectual fires.” William Bowlegs, Esq., bead man of the two hundred Indians, 'pegroes, half .breeds, mulattoes, &c., in Florida, yclept iSemiuoles, has, for a term of years, beep one of the leading heroes, ip the war-like, annals of the United States! Snugly es co c d in the, fastnesses of the everglades, U ahum has bebn vainly sought by mar tial bands of dragoons, mounted, riflemen, and the like, at the rate of we know not how many himdreds of thousands of dol lars per annum to the National'Treasury. All sorts of schemes have been tried to catch him, and as none have succeeded, an attempt is now in operation to bribe him and his followers to. go, to ] the. West] it will scarcely be credited, yet a Florida piper soberly tells us the fact, that the lioverument now has an agent in Florida!, authorized to offer Bowlegs and cretf ten thousand dollar s in cash, at:once, if : they will only go to the Seminole; tract, west df Arkansas, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars immediately on their arrival there, twenty-five thousand dollars per annum forever after, and land fp .bp given for cul tivation, with farmers, blacksujiths, ect., to do their work, under pretext of teach ing them civilization. Under ;such cir cumstances, there are a great ipany white folks who would like to as the offer secures a handsowe'fnture to ev ery man, woman and child .of-the whole, two hundred. If Billy scorns that bribe, it will be a question . whiclf predominates in bis composition, the patriot dt the fool. OSt" u Pray j, tell me my dear, trhatjs the cause of those tears ; ) r v , v > .: “ Oh I such a disgrace Ij cl h|vpp]£Bn§ci one of your letters, supposing it to hc oue addressed to myself. Certeihly it looked more like Mrs. than Mr.” 'i ; ; r:‘ ■.o ; “Is that all? No great harm isdone;” .“ But the cpptents--^Buch f , a ■ jlisgraee.” “\yhat! has anyone dared to write me a letter unfit fpr my mfe tp read? I’’ 1 ’’ " \ “Oh, ho! : It is couched inthemost chastelanguage. i But theidisgrace -Uh-&L The husband: eagerly tookppthelettpr, and had been the means qfbreakinghiawifes heart. gtiete 1 ‘the: cause in a cooh's age; - It# top ho other than a bjdl frorif the year’s [ that there 1 is reason-te “believe that one of was anatjypflfQhi o - , pee Lzra VII, 4, iySch of Zerahikhj ; the sdh" pf (a y Jhschi.*f fit ij i •“*'. ■•■?'.*'» 4 ' gjSi* 4®Sftk at fti^cent £■ The Slave Trade Reopened. High Price for Indians. • "' •‘ It - '-f t 1 '< \ :>; r [ i '*• ; -vi rj i.-.: ■ .' > ’ • ; ; ’ i*! 1 *; , t EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. r»S;1, ■?r~: - | Theaccounts hitherto'given of the state of affairs in’ Mexico since the flight of Com onfort havebeen by no means favorable the Liberal party . The leaders of that party,,,have been represented as divided’ among themselves, and rather engaged each in strengthening, or attempting to strength en, his. own position than in combining to resist the reactionary Government estab lished in' Mexico. They have also been represented as numerically inferior in mili tary forces to the reactionary Government, 'and as likely to submit so soon, as they could secure terms., We publish elsewhere a letter 5 from Vera Cruz, received by the last arrival, and in the correctness of tho statements contained in which we have every reason to place , confidence. That, letter puts quite a different aspect upon the state or Mexican affairs. According to it, the united forces of the Liberals un der Parodi were far superior in numbers to those which Zuloaga had been ablh ta* send against them, and the writer believed that a battle must already, before the date of his letter, have established their ascen danoy. In the State of Vera Grits itself there was, besides garrisons, a disposable Liberal force of three thousand..men wiGt : eighteen pieces of artilleiy; If (his wri ter's anticipations can he relied tbe next mail may be expected to ;hring im- ; portant information. From the ftbt that •. all the sea ports and almost the entirein terior were held by the Libends, Zuloaga seems to have been udder the-nepessity of assuming the offensive, since by success in that alone could he obtain the means of ' supporting his army and carrying on his Government. From thwgraat unanimity with which all the Mexican States danogn ced the attempted coup d’etat QfGpimon fort and the zeal exhibited by themin fa vor of the Constitution, we hare stiilgi«at > hope; that the Liberal party may oome4ri- >' umphantly out of the present > struggle, -5--, .... Should they do so, they wiUocoupysGoq-- ger ground than ever before, and the pro ject of secularizing the church estates will* receive a new impulse.—JV Y. . A plate of batter from the cream of 4 u “joke.” V • ■ A small quantity of tar supposed been left where the pitohed theSi' tents., ' ’■ ■' The original brush used “ signs of the times.” t ‘ A bucket of water from “ All’s well.”;' Soap with which a maq was washed QTor-: - board. V-' 1 " T ; The strap which is used in slikypgq the water’s edge. '' The pencil with the wave. ' ' "V"‘, A portion of the yeast usetl : in Typing the wind. v< .i 5l A dime from the moon whenushe gavo change for the last quarter. 1 c The saucer that belonged to the cup of sorrow. A fence made of the railing qf a gchld ingwife. . The in' Wluflli £ lke;'■ will eat off .the color. ; The 1 Age op MiBACLEB>-The New* York papers state that several remarkable conversions to religion have talcen r place; city among the “ shp;dder hitpfrs’- ; and other “ hard cases,” but in PhUadel phiaa ijtill greater conversion is reported, i reran old note-shaver” is said to have turned j“. philanthropist I” Verily.—-‘ Why, Siah.l’m astonished/ ' sai4 a very worthy deacon to ah inebjiate he met on the street; ‘didn’t #e take you into our church a short time since?’ ~ ‘‘l believe so,” hiccupped Siah,“ and be tween you and me, it was the dasodeat ‘take in’ you ever saw or'ho^.o£”'^ ; '■ ' rrrd&Tr"." * Ifcßeaaii . ■ uo-ili fl?v rhi^s t y . f >i i MejJco. WaaßteA^'-'.^K *** 4#£- i.’- t T* i* *' V NO. 8