/ I _, v , . . . , J u ’f ' J *%Ti^ $10! ~m Scb?niu wilj be drawn by S. Swan & Co, Bmimri"dEiEe Sparta Academy Lottery, In each 01-tbeir ■fiOglaJnimtWr Litterl® Jbr March, 1868, at AUGUbTA, which city they have removed their principa WW: ■ ; : . CLASS 6, drawn inthe city of Augusta, Georgia, In public, JO > March «, 1866. CLASS 6, , : - Vtfhedtbwn in the City of Augusta, Georgia, in public, ou ; : , Saturday. March 13, 1868. v ■■ ■ CLASS 7, *» he drawn is tie City of Augusta, Georgia, Id pnplic, on . I . Saturday, March 20,1868. classs, ' .v.-t ■ ;■ JmmmismihUie City of Augusta, Georgia, la nnbUc,«m p Saturday, March 27, 1858. K - “ -Oif TOE PLAN OK SINGLE NCSIBSBB. V <•»'*■!***»» root Hcjamip, asd cwinva-nnu,! ,&tari» (mf I'rite .toswry Sim TiduUt . i' Vl-V •"UJWISnKCESf SCHEME! / f ■* psAwheaco •tatoßjuv ix remvait, - it&ftlmi*:. . *70,020 [ 4 Prize uf • ;«j0 ’ Siiif i* “ 80,000 i “ . ,|MO f:' H :*'• 4 «< « . 700 b/y> [ 4 ■* •*-. ■'■■■■ 800 . 4,000 60 Prizes of 1 660 ■.4?‘v.&*:- t B,ooo| 60 •< •• ,% ■ L*oo 100 m w . ••Mj 4 "* ** 1,000 230 « « 180 ' .■' V, .APPIWMfIMATION JPUHEBB - Approx*ting, to |TO,OOO ragose 4UBOO “ WO « •** « « 1490 ■ ;il: “ W» <« -« «MK» “. « 806 ■ff-,l*B . .« « fcooo " “ 600 , - “ ■ « 4j000,.“ ,400 - 4' “ “ 74. . . “ ADOO '« “ 300 : 4 «.« ... « m UOO “ « . i 200 99 an >(;:, 100,000 MB6£Hzea.mmonnting to 1. ' $32(1,000 tv . ...WholeTicks Halves f 5; Quarters s£,£o. j . plan ok the LOTTBay. ~ ■' ' jlhehwnbcrs from 1 to- 50,000, comwpoodlng with those the Tieketo-prlntod on separate sffpe of paper, #rearnolrclcd In small tin tnbcs aml.placed ln one Wheel. v*p«pr»t47s Prizes, simiiarly. printed and encircled, are •' IWiceCia another wheel." I i^o»Oyhe*l« arc then revolved, and -Ja number is drawn the wheel of Numbers, and at UiAaame.tlme a Prize' the other wheel. The number and prize , jtrfevn ontoro opened and exliibitod to tlie audieuce, and by the Onnmtsslofiera;' the Prize being placed .again st tbe number drawn. This operation is repented uii tt»;alI the Prizes aro drawn out. - - ■•• AM*o*U(atios Phizes.—Xlie two preceedingandtbe twol ifitWoertlug uutubers to those drawing the first I.PHzes will -** Approximation Prizes. For example: if'TlcketNo. draws the J 70.000 Prlie. thone tickets ■burtbered llnU* 11,251,11262, wUI eacli be entitled JdAliß. 'lf Ticket No. 550 draws the $3O/KK) Prize, those -wSett hmnbercd 518, 549. 661,662, will each be cnUtled to tP>o| »nd so on according to the abovescheme. Tlui SJKX) Prizes of $2O will be determined bv tbeliurt : draws the STO,OUU Pfae. For ex dnnplßi .lf tJie number drawing the 870/W0 Prize ends with lio.l, tU«n all tlie tickets, where the number ends inT, ;L 'WUI Upon titled to $2O. If the number ends ‘with No. 2, .then oU tbe tickcM where, the number ends in 2 wilt be en titled to $2O, and so on to 0. ‘ ~ of Packages , will be sold at the following rates -'.which,'itt the risk; Qiftmqaie'pt package of 10 Whole Tickets, ; “ 10 Half t : “ 10 Quarter “ ; .10 Wit “ -jj TiciqßTs on ceukficaiks. > JBnchwe the money to our address for the tickets ordered, Orraelpt Of which they will be forwarded by fifstmaiL— have tickets ending in any uuniber they . .#w.deston»to. .DrawnNumbers and .Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately aftcrtlie drawing, j .Stnialiaww will please write - their signatures plain, and •JAWe their Post Office, County and State. ■ .Henjeniber that every Prize Is drawn and payable in foil \wltlumt deduction. ' . v, vAirprizcs of $l,OOO and under, paid immediately after Aho drawing—-oilier prizes at the usual time of 30 days. AUoonunnnicatlans strictly confidential. Address orders for tickets or certificates (o . 8. SWAN Ga. ToMons residing near Montgomery, Ala, or Atalanta, Oa. can ( havu their orders filled, and save time, by addressing E.Hwan A. Co, at either of those cities. Adtstoftho numbers that arc drawn {ham the wheel, WUh.tbe amonhtof the priztr that hash difo Is entitled to. after every drawing, in the following pn i iftguftir,VliaHalt>n Stan danl, AasliriUc, Gazette, Atlanta JuUtUigencqr, Kpa York . Weekly Dtiyßook. Savannah Morning Arte*. Sihhmnud Dis patefi, Art a York Ditpdtch, and Paulding (Mitt.) Clarion Angutta (Gen.) C.>nititnlimwUrl. [janj-ly. flf'HE CRISIS HAS DRIVED, AND JL everywhere Banks, Brokers and Business men are Wwpeu.lihg or breaking up, under the overwhelming .Pressure. | Credit to destroyed and .Enterprise to ’partly pud. But amid all the hubbub and coulusioh inch jmsnt upon such a state of affairs, leave to inform fior friends and the public generally, that we have Just re jhmed from Philadelphia with one of the largest, best .Se lected and cheapest stock of • FALL & WINTER GOODS Brer brought to town. Our stock consists, in part, ot - X dress goods, as Silks, Shawls, Betaines;' Alpacas, .Cashmeres, Rib- Bpns, Ac,. Ac, in great variety; , ’ ~ GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, Cloths, Cnsslraertji, Vcstinm, Shirtings, Silk and Merino Undershirts, Cravats. Handkerchiefs, Ac. DOMESTIC GOODS, BJenchod and Unbleached Muslins and Sheetings, Ladies Outers, Slippers and Shoes, Gents Gaiters, Roots and Shoes, Looking Glasses, Umbrellas, tickings, and every variety of ln coiiiuiou uw. Wo respectfully Invite : the public to {call and examine our stock,before purchasing elsewhere. VWe iiavcbonght our assortment at such prices that wo camiot bo undersold by any establishment in the county. 1 Qct 16-tf] J. SHEAF GOODS AT McCORMICK’S STORE,—Wc have Just received, and .opened anex nt assortment of Goods, selected with great care, expressly to' ' fl . ' , SUIT -SHB TIMES AND THE SEASON. alt of which we purpose selling unusually low .for CASH dbQOUNTRY jRODnCE, with the View of either going out of .tbs business in the-Spring, or of adopting the cash system. In.order to. prepare the way, we will sell Grocc riasyoty .cheap—say ' *• Brown Sugars at 9 and 10 cents, " *‘ J 12$ cents, '' Best Rio Coffee at Id,cents,' mid Molnssos, Qils, 4c, equally low,;together with a lot bl clothing. - HATS CAPS 4 BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, DRESS GOODS, HARDWARE, QURENSWARETcEDARWARE, \ STONEWARE, &C,. &Ci; r all low In proportlun. ; Persons wishing to. purchase goods Would do Welf to ball and examine oar stock, wsscharge nothing tot showing our goods, and Will take pleasure in accommodating all who way give ds acaU. ; yojvdmher 12.1367-tf. '.v' ; ■ AMBROTYPES.— THE PLACE TO . getArobrotype* for yourself, your friends or rcU tjast9, ;la in the fourth story of Button’s Building, whore all Sim «»n ho accphunodatcd on tits shortest notice; with mdUfodike likenesses." Ambrotypcs taken'bn single ouhle glass. ' MelalnotypeS taken on Russian Mdain plates. Also, I’ibtnres token In the new style trane on Patent Leather, which arbiroper- Übahle, and orb intended principally' for insertion in srtl ejepsfjcwelry, and transmitting by, mail, as they do not nra|n tobe pdt'!lha’cnS,i. , ! '' 'TlCture* copied onrcasonablo terms. Pictures are all warranted to please before taken away. Pictures taken as .low os fifty cents. „ ‘ The subscriber respectfully solicits a liberal .patronage from tile citizens of Altoona and vicinity, as he Intends to ' make this his permanent'Station: 'Como ohe,'bmite alh-ond "Secure the shadow ere the substance ifitdea.” Don't for ,’mt.the room is in Patton's Building, fourth story. The jut story is occupied by Mr. Mann’s store: ' :yeb.-l»3tl J. W. CLABACOH. *CjpiiIiINERY AND MANTUAMA JH3I .KWO ESTABUSTIMENT.—Hissed M. F'C'KjwniiJf would respectfully inform the fya ladies of Altoona and vicinity, that tuty cou - MgadW (Sw fhOlabovo business at their old stand onpo-.35fc»- Jimßdllcp*’ Drug Store, and liare Just received their supply ofjSPRINO and SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS, which thOTft|l sell as low a« any otherestablishment inthe place Dames and all articles of ladies wear made f>. nrddr an short notice and reasonable terms. [April 33, ’67-ly. Tjr anted immediately—a fy girl to cook and do general hmee-work. Onethat naMme well recommended will find steady employment and good wages.. For information, apply attics office. AND LARD OILS, CAM- Mr" nhAe, Burning Fluid, Carbon Oil, Ac, at ■ . I EESBLEEJ 8, AIK OILS, COLOGNES, POM. odes, Shaving Cream, Toilet; Soaps, Ac. for sale by tj. '• ! \O. \T. KESSLER. IPjpEjrEY LEHR’S STORE' IS IN John Lehr’s old stand, .nearly opposite McCor- Stick’s store, in North Ward, ’ [June 18, ’57-ly. ONE BUT THE BEST CONFEC Uonaries, Nuts and Fruits kept at *elB,’fi7-ly] HKNRT LEHR'S. foil CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL kinds of Floor and Feed hy calling at AJB,’O7-1 Jl lUSSRY LEHR’S. IS' INVITED TO ami test the merits of the articles kept by vSoIS, ’57-ly] HENRY LEHR. T- OTB FOB SALE.—I 3 BUILDING , rf ■■• y f t..- ! L- Jrifciiiral CIATIOH for the sale of £13,787 worth of Sewing Silk. Pact pnrehaserofone doUar’s worthof Sewing Silk i will receive n itamtHrrcil check, which will cntltie-the hol der to one shore and u Voice In the distribution of the fob lowing list of Valuable Property, Ui be distributed by a Com mittee, chosen by Uio shareholders,. in such a manner as they may deem advisable and agree upon among themselves. LIST OP PROPERTY. 7 corner Lots on Washington street Altoona, 60 by 120 flit, veined at £lB4 each, £1,28$ " 17 lots on VfMhlngton st,, 50x120 fU, sls6each, 2,652 8 cor. lota on Mulberry st., *• “■ 150 “ X2iS 19 lots on Mulberry st, « 132 “ B^oB 2 lots on High Street, “ “ 68 “ 126 I cor. lot on German street, 50x175 It, valued at 63 ’• S lots oh German street, t 4 £l2 each . 12# 1 lot on Howard street, 50x1!3 feet, valued at ; 13# 1 cor. lot on Lexington et, 44 “ ■ 150 2 lots on Chestnut street, “ “ JflSleech, ' 262 1 Uold Lever Watch, valued at 100 IHorao, « lot: 1 Two-Horw Wagoo, “ « -42 1 SilverLepinoMatch « « 16 «Cd*t Patterns and TriranUnw*«o eqflt, 120 MPnqtaand Vest 220 Articles or Parcel* of. Merchandise, JWH) each, 226 100 > - ' “ “ 100 600 “ 76 “ 376 SfiOO |“ « ..**•: 60 “ 1,000 %000 ¥ “ I “ 30'“ 800 6,000 “ " " w ’ S “ 1,000 3,885 “ ■ “ 7 W' ■ 20 “ 777 13,787 Gifts, valmd «t *13,787 The Real Estate In this Enterprise Islatndsomely situated In the flourishinfe town of-Altoona, (Head-quarters of the Pa.:Oentratß.>B.Oo.) Which in a fiw; yean» has grown as if -by magic, Us present population being 0v5T3,000. fTbeabovo propcrty will bo delivered tothe persons enti tledto reoeirn Itvinuaediotely after the distribution. An ißdispdiablc'tilie to all the lots in the above bill will bedvenby ; - R. 11. SIcCORMICK. 1 The articles or : parcels per hill, will consist of cloths, coa slmerca, de lainee, ici, ic. ■ My object lsto ; d!sposo,of.tho siUcin the shortest possible time, and Xdesira everybody J to-purchase soon and become members bf tab Jtaffnificent Auociutian. The silk will be sent to ’any part of thoTJnlted States, with Certificate of Membership, (for each dollar’s worth par chased,)'on receipt of tlio cosh." Agents orclohe remitting £lO at one time, will receive in return £ll-Worthlof silk.and U; Certificates. AU orders must he addressed to JOSEPH MOIST, June 10,1850-tf.] Altoona, Mair Cb., Pa. All orders by niall, with postage stamp enclosed, prompt ly attended to. , ; •• Money saved is money earn ed, and in these hard.thnes,” it ito desirable to kuu\v where to goiu order to save money in purchasing DRY GOODS, GROCERIES OK'PROVISIONS. By way of information, I LowTliEii & mcdowell, . OF .CS3 a&D^aßic&a^Q . would respectfully inform the citizens.of Altoona, that ' they have jnat received their FALL MO WHITER OOODS, which they will sell at prices to suit customers in this Fi nancial Panic and that defy competition. Our stock consists, in part, of Silks, French and Printed Merinos, Plain nudiPrinted Cashmeres, Ombre Striped Eu genics, Detains. Dueals, Coburgs, Gala and Woolen Plaids, Stella und Itrecha Shawls, Chenile Shawls and Scarfe, Cloaks, Mantilfas’Velvets, iVelvot Ribbons, Ac. . Zephyr Goods, consisting of Mantillas and Hoods for la dies, misses and children, Yictorjncs, Ac. Our stuck of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, $BO 40 20 10 such as Idnqnsi Sheetings, Pillow Linens, Table Linens. Napkins, Drilling Crashes, Tickings Flannels of nil colors. Carpels, Mailing, Stair Cloth, Oil Cloths. Ac., is unusually large. Our stock of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, AC. for Men, Women, Beys, Misses and Children- is not surpas sed in variety or cheapness in the town. Our STOCK OF GROCERIES ore the best that could bo preened in the Eastern market. Wo have also Flour, Potatoes, Meat and many other ar ticles not herein enumerated. Bo fcurc ami drop in and examine our stock, and we will make it an oliject to purchase. [Oct. 2Sbtf. 11/rARYiLAND ST ATE LOTTERIES If I K. Franc* & Co., Managers. „ CAUTION NOTICE. | Persons living at a.distance should be extremely cautious i of whom they; order Lottery Tickets or Certificates of Pook ngesl of Tickets, The country to flooded with bogus and swindling Lotteries Jivery inducement is held out to get persons to invest money in them. Capital Prizes of from $20,Q00 to $40,000 head their schemes—with tickets at Onr Dollar. $lOO,OOO Capital Prizes are offered, tickets (5. All such, in every instance, are frauds; and if money is sent to them for tickets, it is so. much thrown away, witliuut the shadow of a chanceofgetting.a prize. Beware of all Lot teries where the Capital Prize to' unusually large in com parison to tliepricc of tickets. In every instance vthcre large prizes ore offered for ,a small cost oi tickets, put it down as a certain fraud. The Kentucky. State Lottery for the benefit of the Shel by College, under bur management, fa tlie only .Lottery in the United States which to legally decided by too Maryland Drawing)!; ail other Lotteries which' purport to be decided by the Maryland Drawingsiara frauds. THE MARYLAND STATE LOTTERIES. .Purchase in the Maryland State Lotteries, then yon are ' sure ofbting right. And in ordering In the Maryland Lo t teries, yoh are mire of fair and honest drawings. One thing look to, and that to, if you order from any li censed vender in Baltimore, do ,not receive any but Mana gera’Tlekcts nnd Managers’ Printed Certificates of Facka ,gcs. r The Mnnag«rt' Certificntef hftvc the numbers printed, and have Hie lithographed signal ure of R. Prance A Co. NO one has a right to semijito individual ccrtiilcates.and If he docs it. be sure there to a fraud at the bottom of it. B. FRANCE A CO, Fefy 18-3m.] Managers of Maryland State Lotteries. Gi. lETSI GIFTS!! GIFTS I S!—A prize A to every purchaser. 600 DOLLARS WORTH OF GIFTS!! 1 consisting of GOLD AND SILVER -WATCHES, . FINE GOLD JEWELRY, AC, Will be Distuiblted with ever? 10U0 Books. The attention of the public is respectfully solicited to the extensive assortment of valuable Standard and Miscellane ous Books, which arc offered for sale at the lowest Retail Prices. A GIFT WORTH PROM 26 CENTS TO ploo, wJU be given with nyqry Book. A complete Catalogue, giving rail information, With a list of Prizes, will be forwarded on application. AGENTS WANTED. Libejul IXbOctHESTB Otfebed.—-Persons wishing to or der at once, can order any Book published in Philadelphia, New Yurk or Boston, and it will bofnrni«he*?.(*',' mm ♦ QO OAJ9NE npHE SUBSCRUfERS WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE CITIZENS W ALTOONA and vicinity* that they hive now on hand and will manufacture bt Cabi net Ware,»uch as Plain,Eauryand'Drawing Bureaus,Toilet Stands. Bedsteads. Stands, Solas, ti.. ■'% ' esy COFFINS MADE TO ORDER ON SHORTEST NOTICE JB§\ , They wifi keep constantly Vm hand a large assortment of ; j Pbain* Fasct A*n Seat Chaies. for Parlors, Chambers, \ Dining-Rooms and Bar-Rooms, , • I w^i\ , ’ ' .PiAIN AND OBNAMEKTAE ROCKING CSAIES, Settees, and erenibifag in this line. , ' - ALSO—A large nnd excellent assortment of Ofc|c3 STRAW AND HUSK MATTRESSES, from f 3,60 and upwiu-da i from the country or a dfatancc promptly attended to and all ' “ •warranted. We totite aiilri»p©ction of our stock, feeling sure that we will l>e abw to give cnliro BatißiacUon. ; [ IVMf. ?.gll 2. ® h •t M O S g I lift The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens, of altoona & vicinity, thafhehas;uow on hand a beautiful assortment of the above articles, which be is prepared 10 furnish at the short eat notice pud atjuodenite prices, \ Persona wanting Grave Stones will please forward their orders by mail or call in person at our Miirble Works,'on Montgomery street, near the Diamond. Hollidayiiburg. Mono but the best woikmen employed, and all work wdnanted to give general satisfaction. [August 6,1567.] A. TV. KEN NEY. IRON CITY’ COMMERCIAL COL-' JJKGK. [ I PITTSBURGH, PENN A. j CbarUni 1565. | Board of 12 Trustee?.—Faculty of 14 Teachers. EMPHATICALLY THE . BUSINESS MAN S COLLEGE. I Largest and most complete Commercial Colleger in the F. TV. JENKINS, PniyniMi, J.jC. SMITH. A. M., Professor of AceountsA Book-keeping. 1.1. HITCHCOCK, Professor of Arithmetic and Com mercial Calculations. JOHN FLEMING, Autiior of the ‘•Notional System of Book-keeping.' Lecturoroiu Business. itsCunUiUisand Usages J. TV. BENTUNOKE; Professor f Aritlimc-tic, BooU ke rpiiig and Phonography. A. CiAVLKY and'A. T.iLOtJTUETT, Professors of Pla and Ornamental Penmanship. I). BAOuN, Lecturer on Political ■ Economy. JAMES 11. Hfil’KlNSfEsii.. of (he Pittsburgh Bar, Lec turer ou Commercial Low. JAMES TV. KENNEDY, of - Kennedy's Bank Note Re view,’ Lecturer ou C. unterfeit, Altered and Spurious Bank Notes. ■ i To furnish the best iiWuh for acqnirau; a THOROUGH business education. in the shortest time ami a! llie leaat expense, comprising instruction in DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING, as applied to Merchandising, Banking, Railroading, Ac With all the rocout Improvements, taught without extra ■charge. PEN MAX SHIP. Rapid Writing, with (-very variety and style of LuslntßH And a thorough couVsd lof Counting Ibalse Calculations COUNTERFEPIi iA.ND ALTERED NOTES. Full instructions given in this important branch of busi- i IT sag oh, Laws and Cnstonto of Commerce. Finance and Bank ing, Political Economy., Counterfeit Notes, and other sub jects having practical relation to active'business. Book-keying, Fall Commercial Course, $35,00 Stationary, about , 0.00 Board per week, cah bo obtained fur 3i>o Students are not chanted extra for Steamboat Book keeping, Arithmetic or diploma. Can enter at any time—(no vexation) review at pleasure— time unlimited —usual length of course from eight to twelve weeks. REFERENCE. Four hundred and eighty-eev.u students entering from tli City alone within one vear besides Uie man v from the country DIRECTIONS. Specimens of M"ritiug arid C.u ui.u s, containing full infor jnation. sent by mail free of charge. Iron City College, Pittsburgh.'l’a. PREMIUM PENMANSHIP No bss than EIGHT FIRST PREMIUMS were awarded this College in the fail of 1557, over all competitors. for best writing. These, with other previous Premiums, were given in Ohio. Michigan. Indiana, Virginia. Pennsylvania, and in Louisville, Ky., at th" I'uiled'Stafes fair, and all for work actually'dnuo with PEN and INJt. and nof ifor Engr/ired Penmanship. Our Penmen are fully competent t#do their ojvn work without tile aid of the engra- er to make it respectable, {aug-JT-ly Boots anp s&oes.—the un dersigned has hiiw on hand and will sell cheap at his store ilih the Masonic Tem pie, a Inrgo and complete assortment ofyOOTS AND SHOES, ready or mode to order, Overshoes, Ladles’lSati^Ui 1 , Gum Shoes, C«lk Soles, ond everything liirhis line of business, of thebest quality and on the most reasonable-terms. All custom work warranted: ' Jan, yae-tti] ' "%> J. SnOEMAKEIt. BLAIR COUNT* INSURANCE AGfeNCt.—The j undersigned, Agent of the Blair Vwnty Mutual Fito j (Insurance Company, is at nil itimes ready to insure against loss or damage by lire, Build ingt, Mirchandist, J>'upiilure and I‘roperl;/, of overy des cription, in ~ ‘ ns reasonable rates as any Company In the Masoriic.Temt.le. Jan.' V SUGfeIAKER, Hiijfnt.. 17 agent p.t«iT v BtfUdit. SeacHpt any tnm] Jan." c° gage*. G vh unia. ’ BOARD OF TRrSTKEP: llif p.\i:i;lkccy the Hon. Jaimes Buchanan, of lb',’ Unir.-il Sin,.-*. HOU. depot WfLSINU. HoN. JtCUi. UiiU’i 'N Hon. JriMjE Lowr.ii, P. I)I'FF, (author yf I)uff> liook-kerpiiiK, President. with a liUirut arid Jive t of Book kcyp ins, ami syv**!i yfh»»r toaHuM** atui torturer**.’ J, ?. DUNCAN, one of the best penmen in the c< uiitrv. (author of the gnus of business and ornamental penman- Professor ol Penmanship. DutTs system of Book-keeping is sanctioned la' the American Institute .and Chamber of fv.nine r cf \■ ■v. Volk, and many of tiie leading business men ol the East and West, as Lie most c, ;npn In u-ive and practical system of accounts now in us ■■ and after from ten to fifteen years practical application of its 'principles to business, over four huudred students have attesteditsaujioriority,(circular 10., All the arrangements: for teaching being perfected by near twenty years" experience of the principal, students gradu ate in about half the time required in other colleges, saving Jlf. or *do in board. Cowards of dOOo students have entered the Institution since founded. To obtain full particulars of the collegiate training foy business and the character of the institution, send for itaipamphlct circular of' 50 pages, with samples e-f Mr. Duncan's writing w hich arc mailed free, ' Dorr's Book keemsc. Harper's new enlarged edition,sl.- 50, postage 20c. • Dorr's Steamboat Book-kee; inu, $l,OO, postage 9c. Di'XCAn’s Bcsjxesb Xnd Ornamental I'i nm >n smp. crow n quarto, $5,00, mailed post-paid. Tills splendid work and DutTs Book-keeping, have leeentlv Imii awarded FIFTEEN PIBST PKKMII'H SILVER MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS, attesting flic fact of their being ihe beet treaties upon these subjects n( w in use. Ad **U*£antly IhjudU cop,)' of DuncatTa Porniirinship wpr» - flctifed t • every btuieut who hereulter gi aHuatp* in the ii** fttiiuUuii. t Duncan's* Copt Kooks. coiuph u 1 in imnjh*n>.-4tjuai o pnjri** on flue Demy paper-. with Mm* 'hulhnrs’.- dire. - tion« for leaching. Un* thorough hyst« ni lor .“cbool ii atructiuu puMNhriL »u>r iiuml>»*r. with a‘ lil .ril rio«irt fur cash and will •'••II at WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, IT but a small advance on the original c.yt. Ills stock comprises HATS mid CAPS of < v ry description, size and shape, All who are in want of anything in I[is linn will do well togivehim n call, a. In- feels confident he can suit the most fastidious, in qualify and* price. Jh; has now on hand a beautiful clock'of f.ADIKS FUR CAPES. GUIKS. i-c_ to which he invites the attention ol the Sadies, mid also gentlemen who wish to make tlieir wives a handsome am] useful present, lie 1, al ways read)' and willing :o exhibit his stork free d “ Bituminous “ - ' 8 *per bushel, Drv Hickory Wood, 3,50 ** cord,, Ouk *• 2.50 “ “ All orders left «t J. 1.. Ickes’ store, or at Esquire Douty’s Justice Other will Ih' promptly fillwb ( Office at residence in Buttonhurg’s building, opposite Rob ert Green’s, where all orders will receive prompt attention. Aug. Id. ’aO-tf] JOHN ALLISON. miPTON STEAM. SASH, FRAME, I BOOR,SUCTTMi FLOORING JI ANL'F AOTOUY, Tipton, Hl'iir Pn„ l 6 mihx East nf AU-iufm. The undersigned havingprdvkicd a 'complete 6ft of Ma chinery for the business, arid Wing practical House Carpen ters and CuSlders. are extensively engaged in Maunfectnring by steam, any, description of Carpenter Work, which we win fiirnish It low rates, and: Ship to any" point on tfie'Ku Kail road. Flans of every description for buildings with? Bjieciflcr.tiona and bill of timber prepared., Orders from a • istnnee respectfully solicited. I ■ J ‘ 1 June 4, '57-lyj Pennsylvania House. Xtyllerson. Juniata County, pa., REYNOLDS t COm% Proprietor*, Beg leave to inform their friends and the travelling* jmwib' generally, tlutt they'hate taken the above well-knownhouse, where they will be happy to wait upon all who may fi»ior theiii with ft call. Its con venience to the depot reuderi It a desirable 'stopping jilare or those win> with to get on or off the cars, also for travel* ers Wlshing to get .meals at moderate'chary«i—'2& cents. roayjg-tE]: y.- .j.■ j' JEST RECEIVED. A Jmge and feablopahW aasortmenti at the store of w ■ ' p. ■■■;■ J. B HILEMAN. ' pip COFFEE, Slfj&Aß, TEA AtfD I li all kind of Grocerlea'for sale by jTOWM.MW-ly] ♦ lIByRY T.BWW. T OVEBTNG AND MW OBEEANS Synqj Molwies. at fklr inrteM.ftt ■ i Jnne IS, 'tf-ly] I ; ...:"■ IljEUBy LEHB’S. A BDOMINAL-SC MJL M. iWI Sbovfifcr »p«* f l*t£] . V-f ' r 7T" JL .• -,y W i- is diseases of SS&s^y.tTlW &- *"* '^ ~- ,]i ■ i- : wtti<-Wen«er»t». Uw> pmnllM _io-.tha cavities ln-(helui>ff SimMatai Jnrtesr&sejsa of tf* ~' , ; tiie pMsages, and comiug, in direct contact . ,:'.. 1 Lmvt, Throoi. iYose arm . .s-HoS** wilh tl« dlae«, nentealW>» tl» tubewmlar. ipattwl al»|«v '• v 1 - fy<* tfcmiipon ... few widely^Mpecteratlo ni lie^tUr ;: . i-s- v >■>-• /;■ rttfJfctfy - lungaipuriflea th® Wood,-Imparta renewed vitality to to® .. orLiailtO-Viccrt v nwvoM »y»t?m, gitiag fta* tone and enerffir bo lisal*p«pi- /; iffotny. SpUfptic Fiit, ST. Mo for the restoration of health. To I* able to itato com ..... .fWjjfact.artaUdiuttman- i :■'..*»• . fidontlv tb*t ConKmaptina is caiabhs by inhaUtidn, te to ' ■ j i M froi» a alermgementjj/ % lfc ,; me ji source of unalloyed pleasure, it fa. as much under gaMitvek at &ertotU Trcmb&hU, J*at of Muimfrf the control of medical treatment ae any otterfemldabla Gautul TTcaiiim, ZHnntutf disease; ninetyopt ofevciy- hundred eaaw Moitior’ spite apprarivg Itfun tht Syet, Lou of the tiist rtigee, and fitly Jier.eent. In the secoudf *“_]■“ .-■ , S&U WiihrfulnKSt, Pynxpria, iirtr iH* >rs# third stage it is ImposfiWe tbsava more than fiTe, per «a»e , £ruptions o» the Jiiee, fliint - for the Lungs are im cut up.by the disease as ; ■•**** to medical skllt. Efon. hOffrt(*r, in the nult JrrtnvXcLn* .. latlouaffords extraordinary relief to the atten* ■- . •■-. ding this fearfiil which Ali IMPKOPE& DI3OHAKGES FROM BOTKSM**.- ■ fiVe thonsand persons in_theJLiUtcd ...tat® alcee.wnd a_fcbr It matter* not from vital cau« the disoasw orij>lad, root calculation shows that of the present popnlafioh uTlh* finwover Inns standing or obstinate die cas*,rtcos«tV *e earth, eighty million. ere destined to fill the Consumptive’* dliM gnvvc. • , ‘ , _ \ be effecteifliv lrvoUdent, eroti after (be duqMa Truly the quiver of death has no arrow eo fatal ne.Con- »S« ittllof ,mlii ml iiTij iti mil ineMffiiftll sumption. In all ages it has been the gteat «ion»y of life, ntcane of ctfiv. Thi; medicines arc pleasant wlftoaU for nether ago nor sex, but Mike die aoslcWw and fee* fretn mertury «S3ESI brave* the beautifbl* tlio gracelbl luid the s,lfWd. jßy the « temof I h&vo rtWMtdtook Ai h«p ofdiat Supreme Beiig from whom comedievwy good in thelaal^S^ and perfect gift, lam enabled to offer to the afflicted a per- dtscaaes bnd becagivch-npt& Atfty maneiH mid speedy cure in Consumption. The .first cause , i p.l, 'jchicii warrants mo .in promimS£,tp file of tubercles is fiun. impure Wood and the mmetlhjto effect nroduc*>d by Hieir deposition In the lunge is to prevent the . cure Secret dinoaaasare tbaenMMJ free admission of mr into the air cells, whloU Cause, a - toho^faiXy^ weakened vitaliiy through the euUre system. Theh surely siSSSSaa it Is ratiouul to expect groat or good fronjnS«Kciue» a rWP* entering the cuviiiod of the huigs (linn .frura thote> adiUiuis- fiwl. A Df fiflltilrlSro^K the stomach; the patient wl» aJ«iy« find the who Mt^iXvf^^crngio mnga free and the bn-uthlug «u*. after^lnbaUn™^. Thun. IrjbiUtlou u a local rewtilj, novtrtlieletfft wts con* wbficli. Wilb the dfiniKK hllttnfthfl stitutionaily, and with more power and certainty thad, mejiaswe, npnyow< remises by the stomach. To prove a hd ,be UoMtncnt notTirtacdwaih orful nnd direct influence of- thte mode of administration, tu.. tlrtitn marries. ’ .tlm cldurofotm IWisieel will entirely distroy 6cnaibl)ity in a tie children, who are bbni wfth feeble coi^ituuMS, few minntes, pablyzing the entire nervous system, so that “P®" r~*~V .l life corrnntod bv a virus w*d"»«TillM|s a limb may be amputated without the sUrfUestpaln; in- l^uutfciS hcliag the ordinaVburuins gass wUI destroy in a few Tiie iulialatiiiu of ammonia will ronso the system when W feinting or apparcufly dead. The odor of many of the 1 cpS w suitap i'„ nnrthor ibrmklable.vifrmr Visimtßtft* Uicdicims is perceptilil.via tbe.skin a few mlmilasaftw bo- bEl.g-ABl Sb Is anedhof inp inhaled, and u.ay A comiucing proof of VhC roillitutionW' cllccfs bfinhala- sos so.de-stnlctivOa drain;t»oo the aystem, tion, is the effect that sickness is always produced by thouswn^_pf** svw breathing foul air—ls nut this positive evidence-ibat prop- I down to an untimely J£i er .remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously ndmiuister- I tef«s tapWly. A# eJ ihroiieh Iho lungs should produce the iiappicst rcfalfs? j t:d prey “ts tbe W^-^-^*” During ciglaeen years- practice, many system.disqimliflfeM^ from eliseases of the lungs and Uiroat, have beeii under my eart.ily huppmesti, and leaves to. so& care, and I have effected many n marknWc cu«k even af- auJ wSbBL m^l ter the sufferers had been pronouacetl in the-; lait stages, morti to bo drca^W Ithau drtth which fnllV satisfies me- Huff r-otßimiptlon Uno ledger a &***> » fetal diseose. My treatment .of consumption W origilutl, » ?nytia^^Sd*M3 ! and founded on long eipcrie-ncc and a a*it^«m«trtfr^^uj|W»?ti C ?»il^rs tion. Mv perfect acquaintance with the nmutr of tulJ-r- torubu^-.v^Wy>b^- __ ZvXLXmAa. ck-s, Ac., enables me to • rcad|l>'vt»>i« various- the ‘ forms of disease tiiat bimuliito consumption, and cpply the IciWS, h , uf , proper remedies, rarely being mistaken evvii Hu a el.igle S" 05 case. Tills femUuirily, in connection with certain patiu- -^mu^^ei|tlt^:mto^OM lojncal and lulcr.iconic di*covtnes, « cublc«„ to rcliksvo >U e^ rom P° u, Hy^ the lungs tVoio the cm-rt-' of cohirteftfl rh.wtsi'taenlari o wort puma vended as Fat _n t jledit. lues. . (mrgruay iin ch.*t. puriiv the blood, imjs.il UI; renewed viulit.,, anitlyi-W mativjctf t I.so callnl l*atcM Wjttfind giving enel-gv and tone to the cum.: avstcui. ~ , «>»* n< ftrl >' a “ t>r«'cm contain^Cfefp«iv*fctfWtoiam,wWih Medicines M-n. full directicus sent to any .jiarl of the ■ m one ot the strottgeat I’nited Staler and Cauaitee by iuitieutactMummUbaUnqtheir I? ivkson, instead of c«irlug.lUq Jho -•vtiiptoui- by letter. But tnc '-af would be utpre icrtiun system fiTlitby ' , if tint palimt siiouldp.iy mo a visit, which whiffd give me Ihre-eCmrths of the patent nos. rums now iii uso anepst an i pi/,.ituuitj to examine tbf lungs and • aulde nie to pr<- W b.v ur.priucipiej add. igntraui iiersonj uu ecnlH-with much cii at. r'eertaiutv. and then the curt - dsr.'ttuid even tM alWuJmtpf the »jatoMd could be ejicelal without mv seeing thanatieut fliniin. eijoal.y as is. r.'i.vi.tr,,- Mvtior Uf.N. J. K. iMoOBUhAP, McCAULEV k CO. PPORTEHS, Tms- ui mm < X - 1 NUENSE EXCITEMENT !—A NEW X i'lllM IIiIOKK OUT IX A XKW PLACE.. MI-AIX & IaILHH U« S loftVf i*• inform ilt-ir fricnilt aml th.* citi7 ‘ As tiny purchase all their goods for the READY CASH, and sell for the wimp, persons desiring of purchasing any thing in tlicir line, will do well to give them a call, ae they will sidl ui but a trifling advance on first cost, Wt ask no man to pay for anything bat what he buys.. Give ns a tri al And see if wo won't miike our words good. I jfjan T-stf QTOVES! BTOVES! STOVES.—The 13? undersigned Ims just received from Thilal ■■■_ delpbia North, (hise * North’s celebrated Cook iug Stoves for 1557. THE ROYAL COOK . ■hhL for Wi .el or Coal. This Is'ituUTiil Cooking Stott challenges all competition for the exquisite s[yjs of oruann-nt and perfect operatiori in all ‘ respects. The oven extends under the fire-lejx and the fluesurt soarrau}- e.i that tbe whole oven oiirlace will bake perfectly and un - formly. The -lightest examination of this fijtovie must sat Isfy every one that it will became a universal favorite. THE SEA SHELL. ’! fir wo >d or coal. The lirt-bux is of good cajiadty—the ash-box i- d-ep—.the oven is capacious and hi a thorough baker. This stove is one that may readily be recommended for family use. in every particular. ' All kinds of heating and parlor stoves'jpcaisttutly on hand. JOS El’ll If--BRSU. April 10, TiT-tf] <>pjv*ite the American tfouAe. AU’r.jia. / COMPETITION IS THE LIKE OF V./ TRADE. —Fully convinced of the trdth ! of this say ing, the rubscriber wonid respectfully announce to tile citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that r ’lie'lias 1 entered the Held, bv opening a 1 MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, in the nMm heretofore o- cupied by Michael I taViagie'r, im mediately opfiosilo the Su|>erinten(lent’s Officf, wie-re lie will carry on the Imsiness as'ii-ual. lb' liasf|iist received an excellent assortment of CLOTHS, CASSBIEUES & VESTINGS, suitable for working and dress suits, which liei will maketc order, on short notice and at prices whiclj Cab not fail tr satl-fy. He has also r.-c -ived the LATEST STY LKS of ’ FALL AND WINTER FASIIjIONS, and feels conlbleiit that ha..can sat i-.fy.(ft.. TQ.S(f_fas.l.lloUr in’ this iiivrticular. and his clothing will be s mi)4e an ttejl -as clotliing can be tmule. In fine, he is determillid thatnotli• ing slinil be wanting on bis part to ruidiT tivf ((fraction tc those who mnv tavor him with their patronage. Altoona, Nov. 5-tf.j -JOHN TALROT. f i W. KESSLER—PEAGTICAL \ % • DRUGGIST, respi ctfally nnniiunccii F> to the citizens of Altoona and the public erttlly, tiiat he still continues tlie Drug i-n -In; ’ on Virginia street, where he keep., L'on-t.'i-ntiy nn liaud.fir sale. Wholesale and Retail. DRUGS?; BagWa MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, OILS, VAKNJSU- ’ ES and DYE-STUFFS. . T?i ~“* r By strict attentk-n to business, and n desire, to render sal iafiirtion to all sis regards price and quality, ho hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. - Physicians and merchants Biipplled on n.-aiohlble terms, and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. N Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. [l-tf. rpiN AND SHEET U\()N-WARE I EMPORIUM.—Thu undersignc4 J»as fcttustgntlv on hand s large assortment of •’ TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE which he will sell cheap - WHOLESALE OK RETAIL. Spouting put up nt shortnotiperih town or rrMinrry~.~HTm — x cu i ;;; .. The best ([Utility of Ctiokipg IStoves, of va riuna patterns, constantly on hand.’ j ; All kind* of Job Work done .with neatness and dispatch. Call and see. , >/OS.;|fii BUBII, ’ June 10.157-tf] Opposite Aitttriian Want^'XUoopq. Bell,Jolmepn " "■OFFICES AT :.■■■ Holliday slmr? and lltoona^ TABAFTS ON THE OmES, JLf ftn4rSUyer and GoJA for wlc.; Collections "made.— Moneys Teeafeatam deposit. parable on doptand, vithontiq t*roat< or-g|W|l ,(toc,iwitlr ntfoirrttfeSl: - #:t>. LT3T3I?; ';•■ ATTORNEY:aTJ.:^W ? Hf>LLi»Ais- BCRO, BIAIB COUStTV TMi, V ‘ v drill practise in the several Coorto of Binit, md Cambria counties, and attand PKanptw to all coUoc. Jdn a ntrusted to him. Office (ifc the pnwent| at bis r«2- doitce, corner Allegheny' and Penh ’Btrcetfe, HollV^-sbiti l^, WM- S- BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST, Office witb Dr. Hirst, on Annie Street door Went of -the' Masonic Ttipple. :f( c.: - j. ■; a. adlum, ■ .LPoaTjDliaq&a A'rttfejTA, BLAIR COUNTV, PA.‘ Can at all times lie found at the store Of J; B. HUemaa.i Altoona, October 1, 1857.-ly 1 SUBSCRIBER IS JL 1 - i» new prepared to furnish" a snperfor article Of soiwd wfteot.at tho toatal Mfll. • ; AH.IH STASpAKfIii PAjglft ‘At fr-tfp : Ijfltffayg. I; Hdwakd . ■■ ' -t&zii&t &£* .1 IXm-.-jUnl Jiuttluhcv, 'siouUfhrd u raat*~- far thi rcirrj' of tht tick and tlidi vlt nl ami Epidanie dheitui. —To at) jH'reonsaChtKd yrit|i St-xut matorfhva. Hxtuiit-- JnippUi tiiphiU*. (la rfcf of (Inanity' or >itf 'Tlio Jloff.U!® AsancuilOK. in view of human life. caua-.-d by Sexual I>j* proctiidil upon the itnfoiluh’utu viei Quacks, rveral years b~n needles* to #«T«1 that the ibi Medical skill of the kge, and-will ed modern trehtwent, ’ :: i v . ' Ihp pirt,atQra,,cu aoTeylcty- orUnbpMt, feel awßrqLttiM their labors In this sphere rf la novbb'nV onott- UaxYuetA • f great benefit to ■ Old hfftet and fhry Jutyo resojiyed tp devote thon&elr«., wit&Wabred •/.-til, to this very imp-utant inttnuch riegidsed c angs • ; Just puhllshM'hy the torftfva, or Scmtial tyvakne9», thn>l(i;of;QßaniJt«;^l«> tnrhatioa or Abuse. i\tnl other discos or the Sexual Organs, by the (VnsuHimr Surcftbiu vcHfcn wlll ISvei»it t#r taaiT a <-nv.',h>i>w./rt« qf chargt, on tha.ruccijjf.nf ' .vo pastajo'bdups f>r jia-a.fij.!. ' " ’•;*■ Addl e.-,-', for Bejs-vt or Xrcatmant, 1)1% GEORGE B.CAJU- Itd'S. Consulting Burkin. lio'.VHid 1 Ahsocintiou. vio. 2 8. Kudu stre-t. (huhi'hlphia.l'a. By ■1“/,RA I>. UKAIU-WflhL i'rtr't,, GEO. FAIBCffILD, SrcTt/. “ sd/. ' Bacon, Ooftb^, Jv-ft rciiiwukf. thp. DBBper matorrhea orlSeminll, Diseases. ,A scientific Treatise ou the treatment anirpejMfcct crire of biUty; Bemipal 'Wealing, rtajfr t !ii':“.'.Wt?ac v . Member ofthe Koyat College ofSnrfeebns ofEnglandL(tS37.l Licentiate of tne’llrjl p&jS/dfta RwhienV 1 Practitioner ini. indon; AnlhortfthemJnMtHd Hlralth. “tito-n Rook,” ‘How to and Manriiil Lifer’ sc. '■". ‘ . Tliia smalt. huthighiy valuable- TrvhtlsSi; lufei world renowned Physician end r jH3ifrfa ont |hp«&- Iv safe and permanent cm-.* 1 lor nttawtWwVcsmtloKarfila self abase,-mal Is she; only fifbUy*U»m£f i& t n benevolent spirit aadhy a scent Inc man. Itshould Bela thr K-uMta af all who! value their life'and ness here and hereafter. - •• 'li 1» «-.■> Price, t‘i rents, or 1 stamps, on: ths'rseefpt'wf ‘y/bVtVrHt will Iw Bi iiV P"SI free, ufol welle-nairgi-tij;,Dc.f:U.KL LXfc No. iJi) Ist Avenue, hdrS-IoSR. t’nl York, ': . Br ittx'.s Acacia, n- Itor.sh AIM tots* in use that will effectually crtc, Kln^nA'Spavin. and. Splint. It is,not claimed for this 1 tuirly all ytlior diseases which horse cr mu are heir euro the, above named diseases when n«cdr rwcdrilifig' tlons. Ringbone, Spavin and Sulint pve djscmips o(crcfl|i>iy similar charactor, TOnsctjmntiraWßarrfjii- übl&rfrftnjcmtw «tW cure one is adapted to S,h« other. yiusThnfmeptjpene. trates.lhc horse? shin, reaches end converts! necarjons into matter, and the dimsued ltimp -U-thenl dfecba&Mi ini. tho form of puss or matter through tye skin, withtJiitrpmoyhpß thehfthvif : pnf on According to said by those e lm have used the vfikulm (lib Poll Eytl and Varcy. It is ccitamV hOwevcr, Ihafltstill” cure or remove anycalloua jump? ftom a Uu&e, cvrhrrersg locate,!. Tryit, and ifafter using it n week, according to, difectlonsvyoa' rtrenot sstisfietl as to fw whiey; rt the Is)* lo the.agent ani be wiU thy V.ricer SI,OO pet bott. cFogWjleby jji IT. , : jVDtnilAtfi,. .isisiGii isaaßM id:xeb op i YOIiTUAND MATE EITY," inst-pTO' lEmcd, grqtit, the 23th thousand.i . , J A'fow.wotdk oh the Rational treatment, witliont ot Sponuaiorrltca or, lap Val tVcaknc*u, NOcflirtiai Emissions, (IcncraT and Jctyron* Debility, Premature dcciiy of tho System,: Imjkitcnfcy, aa«S Impediments to ilarrlagc gencrnlly. by j, ■ ’ i . 15. DK LANKY. Mi D. ■jXho Important feet that the many alarming complaint*,, originating in (be imprudencejand solitcde of vottlh, mar lie easily remoTcd IYUHORT ijtEDlCirill, Igin this kmafß tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely m-wand high ly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully cx tilahte [Qck 1 *$T-lr, 15-tf. A'pIONAL POLICE GAZETTE— 1 A This Great Journal uf Crime Atul .Criminals i* iu it* Twelfth Tear, and is widely circulated throughout the lt contains all th» Groat Trials, Criminal Cases, mid appropriate Editorials on the tonic, together with information rm Criminal Mutters, not to’he found miny other newspapor. . ♦IS-Suhtirjptious $2 per annum; SI for six months, t» '.J*~ . -H, «ij| V ~ M*eau ,'V 1 VQh. 3. THE McMQM* Vertanam, Cl 'i ptUL wrT toee or I»» ®rs Ortr three w*i m«an for «acU j tSI Unitor I#mJ 1 I OMetlanm, Admtairtratora s llsresaoU adTor with liberty v frefcotonri or Use* with (mi Oocunttnieatio latest will (k>