ALTOONA, PA. THURSDAY, MARCH 18,1858. parties ar> unknown to us.ourrnleibr adver tlMbK-I* t° reqijJre payment in advance, ora guarantee from JUtown persons. It is therefore useless for all such to send • W* advertisements offering to pay at the end of three or six months Where advertisements are accompanied with toe toooey, whether one, five or ten dollars, we will give the jj&fttlwr the fall benefit of cash rates. Cosmopolitan Art Association# Humors affecting the financial reputa *of>the Cosmopolitan Association being cur* (be Sandusky Register gives tbe fol lowing version of the matter, which has given rise to such unfounded reports. The >|jwbHshers f of Emerson’s Magazine and Put ’ipun’s Monthly published a card in the N.. '"■yprkpapcrs, a week or so ago, cautioning ihejpnblic against the Association, on the alleged ground that the latter had failed .<<♦o carry out a contract with them on ac- subscription to their magazines. . •/-"In reply, Mr. C. L. Derby, Actuary of ,tbe Association, publishes a card, in which the Asscc'.at'oa “ having be come fearful of the stability of said Maga- ,*ine, it having failed and changed' hands .repeatedly, and the Association being res poteiblo to ite patrons for all subscriptions ,JbrMaga*ines , it was deemed prudent to .refuse payment for a year .in advance to Qakshiith & Co., but have offered to jMgr f cash forall Magazines already furnish ed, and pay for them monthly in advance ; balance of the year., and give am- for the performance of the yggjjc?' 3!hepublishers sued the Actuary, #*d,this simple little litigation, involving, webelieve, some $1,200, is the only foun dation for the startling report in some of jfew York papers, anil which was also mpt: broadcast over the .country by tele f£«ph, that “ the Cosmopolitan Art Asso ciation, an Ohio crncorn, had failed." .As far fis our experience is concerned, * pe. .can safely say that the Association is fifove reproach, and well worthy of the confidence and patronage of the public. In •Iff omr dealings with it, we have never yet sml apy cause to complain. It don’t be come Oahsmitb & Co., to talk about swin dling. They had better perform their, prmmses first. ■*' Pateioxism.— At the late Convention, Mrf Cassiday, of in pressing the claims of hie friend, Wm. A< Porter, Esq., for the nom ination for fhip'reme Judge, said that he (&<*•) teas willing to run on any plat- Convention might adbpt., Talk, yonr Fourth-of-July patriotism now. Why if “ he hod fought, bled and died for las country, and then walked over the bare footed ground,” he could not have given a stronger evidence of the intense patriot- porvaded his whole being. That a|Kßt sentence confined avolumeof mean ing. It meant that he freely offered him self ,SS a sacrifice, to be put to death in any Bftftttaer his executioners might decree ; that he was prompted to do this by the .phr rest tff motives—rthat of zeal for the pres ervation of the now in such peril aid that he scrupled not to undergo any t■ A leakage in the inuun gas pipe wggdiscover ed, last week, on Allegheny street The Com pany hare long been under the impression that there was a .vacuum somewhere, through which the gas escaped, blit jno certainty was arrived ut until a bole was! idfog, on srid street, -to the main pipe, when it wks found to be entirely bro ken off. A temporary stopple waa applied un til a new pipe amfed. The notable aba| Celebrated “Gutta-percha pen” man, was arrested and lodged in the Car lisle jail a ibw damage. Maj. JB. F. Bell, who has been making | loadable efforts to have him arrested, and whol l rntd previously obtained a warrant from tbU plajee, pent the Sheriff to have ;him brought here. Sheriff is expected in a few days, when confinement in our jail until bis trial, and, if justice be awarded, afterthat a' snug little room & \ the Penitentiary will be Mr. “ Gutta-percha’s’.’ jast desert and reward. It .is said that spmej tqn warrants were present ed for him when his arrest at Carlisle was made public. : | i The gas lights in Ithe Presbyterian Church suddenly went oat ptfSabbath evening last, just as the benediction hud been pronounced, leaving the congregation tojretire in total darkness.— Some blame several unknown and mischievous persona with turning Off the gas. The circum stances render this qqite probable. If such be truly the case, it speaks little for the principles let alone common djbcency of the guilty parties. However, I do no£’ pretend to say whether it was the result of accident or mischievousness,-- but hope it was the; former. VERITAS. Many people do not know what their own busi - ness is. Sotne suppoae it ia that which their own narrow and covetous minds suggest for their own benefit. | Others know that it implies something more thin; that—the protection of justice, the maintenance of truth and the pro motion of virtue, o i in other words, the best in terests of themselves and fellow men. To the f.rtner class it is evident “Alpha” belong?. I hurled back into his teeth his false assertion that the inhabitants, of- this end of the valley were’adicted to “foul-mouthed lying” Sow, he attempts to sneojk put of it, by saying “ I do not mean all.” Why did he not say that at first? Why did he not then make some distinction ? We take a man ns he says, not oa he means. His first assertion waai“ Especially if he (Stans) sboald get up intoj ‘ texas,’ they’ll give him the full benefit of their • foul-mouthed lying.’” Whoso “ foul mouthed lying ?” Evidently that of tiie inhabitants. The assertion certainly jus tifies such a conclusion, it being both plainly expressed and plainly- implied. But, “ Alpha,” you speak of some “ defraud ing neighbors,” you should first “ Cast out the beam that ia in thine own eye." Before talking thus it would look better if you would first “square up” with jour numerous creditors throughout the couhtiy. You also speak of sdme who would even knock their own wires down with a hoe-handle,”, and of “ some marking ahdep.” Now, “Alpha," you •ughtn't to speak about several of your relatives in that manner! It don’t look well. However' I suppose you wanted to speak the truth for v once, for you know one of them will a- appropriate without purchasing, tujd another will engage in “ fisticuffs” with bis wjfe. However/1 believe the neighbors have, not been troubled about los ing sheep, since they drummed you away from amongst them. If you bad only been as definite in your former assertion ,as you are now, yon would not have mimnderilocd. ■ You saj youftrwwilling “to draw the bow with mo at any time, and in any manner.” Why, you’re growing desperate. You’ll fight, I sup pose 7 “ Time and place often make men brave.” There must be more “ispunk” about you now than when you flatted |br Mexico, or when your head was “ shaved” on “Governor’s Island.”— I won’t chalenge you, however; you’ll only choose “ shavings” for weapons—distance, a good run apart. : | As for the vindictive bilingsgate you have so freely lavished upon ni o . I have nothing to say, other, than that such language could emanate from no othersource than a polluted brain, and is like its author—sinhll potatoes. I hold it in the same estimation as I would the brayiogs of a jackass; -.] , Bat to leave this biding subject, I must in form you, Messrs. Editors, that a wood chopper by the name of Clark, presiding In this valley, met with a fatal accident on Friday last While engaged in chopping, !*© accidentally fell with his knee upon the bit of the axe. The bit penetra ted through the joint oif the knee, entirely sev ering bis Teg from his -body. He died within toinutes after the accident t. He resided in Ironsville,' where heleaves a wife and two children to mourn his in timely end. MAC; The snow has left os, and the balmy sir and the warm pajrs of the son think that Spring is not far distant. I had the pleasure, last Wednesday evening, of attending a spelling-school in the district scbopl'house. I.wpk surprised to see the large number of pemmß.prcseni. targe and small, old and young were there, The meeting was called to order by leacher at aboat 7 o'clock; captains werej selected and sides cho sen. ‘ Before recess; they used Webster’s tionory, and after. Cobb’s New Speliing Book. Considering* the number of persons spelling, they did admirably.; The number who took part in the exercises wah not much short of Sfty. The young folks heiie still continue to hate parties—“ taffy parses” as they call them. So ciety is here divided into three classes—No. 1, 2 and 3. No. 1 has a party; then No. 2 gets a little envious and it has one; then again No. 8, keeping pace, gives one. Whatever may be the result of this exclusiveness, I can tell'yob it causes some spirited scenes. I on! in a dilemma. Not attending any of the parties, I do not know to what class they reckon me as belonging.— Perhaps they place nta a notch belojr either pf them, who knows? i Well I’ll havo to hearlt Bcih’tynupUriao! t) temporal dmoritf i-skr •* . Sinking Pallet, March 15,1858 “ TheG idled jodo wincea.” Arch Sprinc, March 16, 1858. Ttor the Bbreagh -jrf Altoona. for the year ending ■ Mareh2,lB6B.' - r'■ ■- I jaoob iiEsagßj avwewr. Dr. To'amoant wotWi from former Treasurer—« - anee in Treasury-MarchS, 1857. ■ j . ; ■ , jWfiQ “ amount receive I of J, Good—balance on BrtlF \ cate foryear 1856, ~ ' , 414X5 “ amount of taxes collected and paid In by John . McClellan, Collector for 18S7^ : f . ; 1«2,7S “ amount paid in by BoigtM, license fbrJCxhfoK v tions, ■"{•■■■■’ ' i- 83,00' “ amount paid in by Burgees, being amount're ceived from sundry persons for toying pave: tuenta, ''-'.'v|88,33 Total Receipts, , $2163,73 JACOB HESSKH, Tftatttrtr, Cr. By amoantiuddWm.lfoydeu : folj6apyi«(iitoidou'r V' Digest for use of Borough Council, $6,00 *• amount paid sundry persons for work, 107,01 a a a u a a* gjl qq « « «W. T. Marriott-for lot, 4£)’oO “ “ “ sundry persons for work. 83,12 “ “ “ J. JS. Houston fcr lumber, 127,21 “ “ “ sundry persons for work, 155^0 a <« a u < . u • «< ' ur 135,29 , w “ “ R. A. McMurtric, fees for obtain- Ing Charter for Borough, 66,06 “ ■ “ liewisPiack for stone i work, . 160,00 “ “ « sundry persons for wdrk, 2*9,44 “ “ “ E, IL McCormick fcr Wtober, 88,28 « “ . «J. E. Houston, i“ : « 78,45 « . “ “ C.J. Hirst s « 3,16 “ “ “ sundry persons for work, 09,42 (i it U tt « it ,» 43,44 u « u h. A. Sellers room rent, 8,00 ” " ” Burges* for preparing and entcr - ing Mens 9,89 ” ” ” J. £. Houston for lumber, 126,36 ” a ” J. Hesser for materials furnished and Work done at Lock Dp, 421,60 ’* " ” John McClellan, Clerk to Council, 26,00 ” ” ” McCrom A Allison for! printing, 9,00 ” ” ; ” Burgees expenses entering liens, and recording deed,; 6,10 , ” ” ” .J. Good, for preparing lien, 1,00 ” ”, ” ffm. Walton for hauling, 60 ” ” ” Treasurer, his per rentage, 42,46 i 1 1 Total Expenditures for the year $2203,98 Total Expenditures, ' $2203.96 ” Receipts, 2163,72 Leaving a balance dne the Treasurer of $50,24 Taxes outstanding on Duplicate lor 1857, on which noexhoueration has been made, $939,00 Due Borough for pavement laid in 185 a, 116.76 ” ” ”j| ” ” 1857, 28,00-, Total! amount due the Borough, $1081,75 Deduct amount due Treasurer, 50,24 Balance due the Borough, 41031,61 JAMES LOVTTHEB, Burgess. —— P. C. We Certify that wo have examined the account of the Treasurer of the Borough of Altoona and find it correct. john McConnell,) March 4-341 6. D. THOMAS. J Amftlerj Money saved, by subscri. bing to HODGES’ JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND BANK REPORTER - , because it gives /nil, mmplete, early a id reliable information of all Bank Failures and changes; true descriptions of all counterfeit, altered and spurious bills; genuine bank notes; quotations and sales of Stocks, Bonds, and Securities; financial and monetary affairs of every nature and kind. Containing ten limes more original important and valuable statistics and reading matter per taining to Banks atild Money tban any other Detector or Reporter ever published. Also gives correct quotations of buying and selling rates of Money, Land Warrants, Ac, corrected by the most experienced and responsible Bankers in New York, Pliiladelphia, Boston, Cincinnati and Chica go, making FIVE REPORTERS IN ONE! No business man can do well without this work. Terms :—Monthly, one year, $1,00; Semi-Monthly. $1.60; Weekly, $2,60; iucruding book of all the Coins in the world. Any one sending us five yearly subscribers, will receive a copy of the SAFE-GUARD and the Weekly Journal for one ye r.jice. Twenty-five per cefit. allowed to Agents and Postmasters. The only week ever published giving correct deliueatiociß and fiic binjfle aU the Geniiiue Bank Notch, is HODGES’ NEW BANK NOTE SAE&GDARD. It cost to arrange and publiali U)is great work, over $20,- C>oo, besides years of time aud labor. The book Is splendidly bound—about 14 inches in length by 10 inches in width—containing 400 pages of Bank Sole I'late dvlincafTcns, being equivalent to having rp wards of 12,000 GENUINE BANK BILLS to compare with and de tect the counterfeit and spurious, in advance of any des cription in any Detector or Conk Note Reporter. It condemns the wrong by showing the right. With this Book, it is almost impossible to be imposed upon by bad money. EVERY BUSINESS MAN SHOULD HATE IT. The SAFE-GUARD is copy-righted, published and sold : exclusively by the undersigned, and will bo sent free of postage to any part of the country on receipt of $2 —25 per cent, discount will be allowed to Booksellers, Agents, or to the subscriber to Hodges’ Journal of Finance and Bunk Kejiorter. Address J. TYLER HODGES, Banker. March 11,-2t] 2TI Broadway. N. V 17 P. MIDDLETON & a BROTHER, Importers anti Dealers in Wines and LiqUors. return their thanks to their friends for the liberal shore of patronage heretofore bestowed, and respectfully so licit a continuance of the some, at the OLD ESTABLISH MENT. NO. 5 S. FRONT ST., Philadelphia, where they ha ve a large assort men t of WINEB and LI QUOK S of th e choic est brand* and qualities. Having mode arrangements with some of the first houses in Cognac anil Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers upon the most hie terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle Brandies: BRANDIES. Otard, Hennesy, ifarett, ■ Pinnett, Castillion, UarteU, T Hines, Mlerorsin, IJ. J. Depuy A n>. A. Seignette, At., erry, Raspberry, Cherry and Ginger Brandies; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, Ac. . Also, constantly on hand, an extensive slock of OLD WHEAT, HOXOXGABELA and BOCHIioX H’HIS KEFS, of various grades, some of which we guarantee to be superior to any in the country. C®-From our long experience in the business, and thor ough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we flatter ourselves to be able to fill all orders that may be entrusted tq ns. Orders from the country (which are most respectful ly solicited) will be promptly attended to. Great care taken in packing and shipping. All goods sent from our establishment are guaranteed to give safistiction, with tho privilege of being returned. Feb. -26-Iy] E. P. MIDDLETON A BEG. Altoona select school.— The Second Term of this Institution will commence on the 6th of April next, under the superintendence of J. B. EWING, iii the West Ward Public School Houto. The scliosl will consist of pupils of both sexes. At the com mencement of each session .the scholars will be examined and classed In that department for which they are best fit ted. ‘ Tho course of instruction wilt embrace Mathematics, ordinary and higher English branches and Latin. The Session will continue Four Months. TERMS. Primary Department —Alphabet, Orthography, Reading, Elements of Arithmetic and Geo- graphy. (3 50. Junior Department —Reading, Writing, Prima ry Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic, 4 50. Senior Department— Grammar, Geography, His. tory, Arithmetic, Algebra,Geometry, Natural and Moral Philosophy, Elocution and Latin, 6 00. Scholars in the Senior Department will be'permitted to study any of the brandies taught in the tithcr departments. No deduction made except in casesofprotracted sickness. IA complete Set of Maps, Charts ahd Globus, together with a'nmnbet of pieces otPhilosophical Apparatus are connec ted with the Institution, according every advantage to stu dents that can be obtained at distant Academies and Semi naries.' ' ' - ! A competent corpStof teachers will bc employed. ■ It wRI bo tho aim ofthe Principtdto make the Institu tion .worthy the confidence of the public). .March 4, tf '\rOTICE.-NOTICE IS HEREBY giv- X i en to all persons not to purchase two Promissory Notes of SSO each, given by mo to George Smith, of Antes townshlpvßlair county, dated January 2, 1858, one paya ble In three months and the other in six months, as lam determined not to pay said notes unless compelled by law, never having received value therefor. Feb. 25-3t*| yj JOHN MATHES. I^JTILHARY HALL. —The subscriber IfX hegs' leave to Inform the public, that his large and oomnwdtOw apartment, entitled “Unitary Hall,” is at their aerribe, fiif Moetings, Balls, Ac ‘ Terms'] reasonable. ; Hfe alwayskecps in his Saloon, In thelsame bnQdlng, the best quality of Lager Heer. Giro him al call. Altoona, March 4,1858-4t.*] A. BHULTZG. A CHANCE FOB BARGAINS.— XjL Ihe snlwcriber offers tit private; sale, two splendid JmU mavery desirable pert of the' town of Altoona. Tie lota ere in fliioorder, with e nnmberbf choice Frnlt Trees pleated thereon, Which ere In e thrifty condition. Enquire of [*«*>• 26-lm] GEO. B. CRAMER. QHBEIFFALECY.—I ofemyself as acandldate for the offita ofSUEBJFFf of Blair coun ty, at the ensuing election la October next. If elected, ! pledge myself to discharge, the duties' appertaining to said office to the hett ofmy ability. •- r T ' • Feb. 4, 185840] , JOHM B. WABFEL. T> AIS3INS.—T,OOO BOXES JOb Bunch and Bayer Kafilns In storH and for Bale by W.». BHUOARD, March 12,’6T-ly] 191 JVSwfA 3d s*, Philadelphia. T?IOS, DATES, PRUNES, JL Citrons, and Currants tai atore and-for sale by . W. K. BBHOABB, March 12,’W-ly} 1»1 yoraSd Strut, PhOadOphia. AK^SB WINES. 'ARYiLANB STATE LOTfBMBS IT I TOE BAMS, 1868. R. Feakc* & Co., McmagerSi .■We present to our customers throughout theCuk«i,eome of the meet magnificent Schemes for the mouth of Hareb,. beer atfoKAa Ae Maryland State Lotteries ftiy the aafM* Lotteries tbrpnrritaae rickets ic. Tlrey are fi»frly;djasrahy .the State, Lottery Commissioner, in public, and all prists afe promptly psM by the Managers. Ail who desire and will take the trouble, can soon ascertain that tpc Maryland Sate Lotteries, under the sole management of ;R. France k Co, are Cio ontv legal Lotteries in Maryland,'and are, drawn by authority of Law. T. H. HUBBARD A CO, will Ml all orders in the Mary laud Lotteries promptly,- and all communications held strictly confidential. _ ' ASd- Tbe country is flooded with swindling bogus Lotte ries, holding out Test inducements, in the sbape of large CtpUato,fera small price of Tkkets. Bewareiof all such, aba when you want to try your luck, renMibliw. Aat the Maxtuakd which have been drawn; for the tost forty years, are .the best Lotteries to order Tickets in. ukAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, CLASS 7, To ho drawn in BaltimcreClty, March-13, 186& x artmint nw muu senna. : 1 Prize of &OJOOO 6 Prizes of i' 1 Prize of 10,433 6 Prizes of 2 Prizes of 6,008 IS Prizes of : ; 4Prizeeof. iflOO ; 3M,Prizsst ; of-.i;T-r Ac*' Tickets slo—Salvee ss—Quartern SUO. Certificate of Package of 2S Winder ■ 'I ■ $140,00 Do do 20 Unlres, j ' i) •! »20 drawn Ballots in each Package of 28 Making more Prizes than Elanks,: 11(3 rand Prize of $66,000 1 Prizo of 1l I $2,000 1 Prize of I&6M 1 Prize of 2^oBo 1 Prize of 13,558 t Prize of - - I^oo 1 Prize of 7,800 1 Prize of : 1.5C0 1 Prize of 7,600 1 Prize of : < , WCD 1 Prize of 1 - 6,000 iWisof f! : %2I« 1 Prize of 6.00 Q 1 Prize of ; V*o 1 Prize of 8,000 20 Prizes ot |i f- 408 IJPrizeof 3,000 85 Prizes of j] ; ‘ 300 1,000 Prizes of $2OO each. is ■ > . Tickets $20 —Halves sl6—Quarters st-Elghlh» $%60. Certificate of Package of 26 Wholes, ■: ,i $300,00 Do do 26 Halves, If Do do 26 Quarters, ’ J 1 75,00 Do do a 26 Eighths ij , 37,50 HAVANA PLAN. SIXOLS KCMBSBS—KVEBT SDJCBEE PUT IK TBS WBltU, AKB ALL PHIZES BRAWN OVT. i! Every Prize in this Scheme ini ut be Promt MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS;: ; ' 20,66 D Prizes! 40,000 Tickets!! < WHOLE TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS. Maryland Lottery to be drawn on the Havajia Plan. GRAND CONSOLIDATED EXTRA CLAES 3. To be drawn In Baltimore, Md., Saturday, March 27 th, 1568. .NO DEOCCIiUK OK PEIZZS. PWLLS PATASLZ ik POLL. 1 Prize of *35,000 4 Appr'z to |3OO 1 Prize of 11,980 4 260 1 Prize of 4,000 a « , ~wv 1 Prize of 4,000 * !; ' 1 Prize of 2,000 c 1 Prize of £oool * ■ ISO 1 Prize of I,GOD‘ . . : . tftn 1 Prize of> l!S00 ' f . 100 1 Prize of 1.2501 g f, M 1 Prize of 1.2607 I w I Prize of 1 000 1 „ „ *1 Prize of 1,000/ w 10 Prizes of 400 40 ■ !“ 60 10 Prizes of 300 40 ’ 40 100 Prizes of ,200 400 ’ 20 30,000 Prizes of JS each. Whole Tickofs $lo —Halves s6—Quarter*! $2,50. _ ( If you purchase two Tickets, one of them draw $B. Certificate of Package 16 Wholes, will be sent fur $90.00 “ - 16 Halves, “ “j 46.00 “ “ 16 Quarters, “ •»! 22,60 “ “ 16 Eighties, li “j : ' 11,25 All orders for Tickets in the above splendid Sf hsmee will be faithfully and promptly filled. Address, T. U. HUBBARD- i Co.. Boz 40, Baltimore. MJ. #3” Persons in the West or South can have (heir orders filled,in the Shelby College Lottery, of Kentucky, exactly the some as the above—and also dratrif under the management of R, France A Co. Address 1 T. H. lIUBBARII'A CO,, Louisville, Ky. March 4-1 yj WW. WALLAib E,— • FBENCH BUSH MILL STONE, MILL FEB NJSfIJNG sT r tf. SAVING FUND, FIVE PER CENT INTEREST, NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST 00, Wal nut street, Sr W. Comer of Third, PhUaHelphta. imx/rpo rated by the State of Pennsylvania. : : ; Honey is received in any snm, large or small, aid Inter estpaldfrom the day of doposlt to the day of withdrawal. The office Is open every day fromfl o'clock il) the morn ing till 5 o’clock-in the afternoon,'and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o’clock. i • ! :f;j Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, PreTt. ROBERT SEIiFfUDQE, Wce-iPrtrL - Ww. J- HotuHehryL. Benner, - F. Carrol Brewstac, Edward £. Carter, . Joseph B. Barnt 1 ■ Robert Seifridge, Francis Lee, Sam’l K. Ashton, Joseph Yorfcea, .; C. Londreth Mtmns, Henry Dteffendertcri Money Is received and payments made no tice. ’ . , ; ; ,,- - - ; . The investments are made in, REAX ESTATB MORT GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and snch fiAl clatia Securities as the Charter requires ;.yV., i [Har2-sm. TIHE CASSYILLE SEMINARY.— ■ ONLY. $23.60 PER QUARTER. This School for Young ladies and Gen- SMHfk tlemen is probably the cheapest oneof the I lIA kind in the country. 1 The expenses for §| |K room rent, furniture, fuel, board and tion in common English, are per as above, or per year only $BB. ! Mntkria only $6 per quarter. All the Languages and the Ornamentals are proportionally cheap. ■ Send for a circular. Students areexpected to notify me before com - JOHN D. WALSH, Yeb.36.2m] Caasvflle, Huntingdon Co., Pa, A DMINISTBATOR'S notice.— rfvenUiat lettorsof Administration ontteeststa ofQtorge Huff, late of Logan township, Blair by the Keglrtcr of said county totheundersigned residing in Altoona. All rer ■spns knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are reqioe tedtomako immediate moment, and those having claims wl r Pre**nt n» same duly authenticated tor settlement. Feb, 11-1858-61.] J.B. HILEMAN, Jdtn’t. A XjBAPNDS, waolhuts. Is, no doubt, the most wonderful discovery of this tga Of progreee, for it will restore, p. rmnncntly, gray >*. oriniukl color* core* the lira*! of th* tali! with ti mostUtt®* i riant powth, remove at one*- all dandruff and iteMng, cure all scrofula, and other cutaneous eruptions, such aff aeaw head, ate. It trill euro, as if by magic, nervous or tBW cal headache; make the hair suit, glossy and pweKTU'A"* color perfectly, and the hair from falling, to v** l *®* age. The following Is from a distinguished memhurfl^the medical profession; tea* , St. Pi cl, January 1, 1860. tier. O. J. Woo®—flear Sir Cnsolicited,, ! . •»*&£*<• After being nearly bald for a lon* ranr, and hating tried an the hair restoratires extend andhaWag no ffritfa in any, I was Induce*!, on hearing of yonra, to fftra U a trial. .1 placed myself In the hands of a barber, and bail my Head rubbed with a good stiff bm»h, aad, thy wuto tative-then applied and well rubbod in, till the «eaip wy* aglow. This 1 fcpeateil every morning, aod In tbwi veekj xhe young hair appeared and grew rapidly from August last till the present time, nud is now thick, black and strong soft and pleasant to tho touch; whereas, before, i t was harsh and wiry, what little there was of it, and that little Was disappearing Very rapidly. 1 still use your BsatoSatke ' about twice a week, and shall soon hare a goo 1 cud perfect crop of hair. Now I had read all three things—end Who hail not? but have not seen hitherto any cos a where any person’s hair was really beta-fitted by any of the hair tonic, etc., of the day; and It really gives me pjeastfre to record the result of my experience. I have recommended your • preparation to others, and it already has a targe and gentr- . al sale throughout the Territory. The people here anew its effeetkand have confidence in it. The supply you sent os as wholesale agents for the Territory, is nearly wkw ted, and daily inquiry* am made for it. You deaerva toed it for jourUMCovery,and I, for one, return yon roy thtiifea for the benefit it ha* done me, for I certeinly had despaired long ego of effecting any such result. T ourabartUj^'^ Finn ofßpnd A Kelly, Jt. ttti JVoor the Editor of the Beal Edait Adxertiter. -j ■ i Bosrox, March W.lSifc 1 Dia Sis:—Having become prematurely tj trite gray.lprsa induced, eome six week* since, to make* trtolof jon» *e*to rotive. I hare need lee, than two boltlea, but hairs bare all disappeared; and although my hair haS noi fully attained be original color, yet the process of change la gradually going on, and I am in great hope* that it s •hort Uino my hair will be ae dark ss formerly. Xharejuews been mnch gratified at the healthy moisture and vigor of the hair.whichbcfore was harsh and dry; and H hsaeeasi j to come out oa formerly. r".,'. Respectfully yours D. C.->L®CMS --fi • nilwfc JwlKwHW’ I have used Prof. Wood’e Hair Restorative, and kava ad mired ifa wonderftd effect. - My hair was beccan&g. ae 1 thought, prematurely gray, but by the use of his ' Restora tive, It has returned its original color, and have no doubt, permanently ao. Ri-Senalor United fftdiae. ' 0. J. Wood A Co., Proprietors, 312 Broadway X. Y. and U 4 Market at-St. Louie, Missouri. : ; w ' For vale by 0. W. KESSLER, Druggbt. Altoona. f9-ly $2,000 1,200 vm T ONLY ONK BO.mE OF DR., SANFORD'S I INVIOORATOR OR LlVEtt REMEDY, > i-iulr.-C to cure any one troubled with Llrvi; CotupUhiU, um,*«s the most'desperate of eawis, *h« lW*»clhf»* fact*, that the Invlgorator la eompoundedE by who has need it m his practice for the but twenty years with a success almost credulous, and it ia entirely vegetable, lie ins; composed wholly of gums. ' ]: a . ... ... Some Idea of the strength of theae gum* maybe Jocined when It is known one bottle of the Invigorator ootvtahw ia much strength as one hundred doses of Calomel without any ofits deleteriouseffetw. , One bottle is the surest thing known to cany flswf ths had effects of mineral poison of any kind." ' ■ i "' Only one bottle of it is needed tu throw n»t nf tilt sj slm the effect of medicine after a long sickness. . , One bottle taken for Jaundito removes illydlsttiiM or unnatural color hum the skin. • » a - . One do»e alter eating is sufficient to relieve thettuora&i and prevent the food tom rising and souring .. ■ .';.,*,isS dose taken before retiring prevents uichlmart.. One dose taken at night loosens tha bowels cures coativeneea. a, i ‘i : One defer taken alter each meal will cure Oyspepwi. One dose of two tea-spooufuls will always rvlisT* Sisk Headache. : One liottle, taken forfomale obstruct Urns remotoltht&ttM of the disease, and mnk«* a.psafsot once, • Only one dose Immediately relieve* Oiollc.'whttt dhsitis often repented is a sure cureldr CUtdcra Morbu»,«aj4a*Wra preventative of Cholera. ... v . . » One dose taken ofteu wilhprevent the r&nimnrwnfSsftl- Unus attacks, while it relieves all painftU fcetinj(^ J J\ .A Aj ’ JtSr Ohd or iwo doses taken occasionally h CMonfiaMst remedies for cold over known. , Thousands of cores of luflammntion apd weakhcfsaf ths lungs have been cured by the InvigonUdr. ’ One dose taken a short lime beforeeating give* tte* the appetite and makes food’ digest well, ‘ One dose often repe-ited ctwe« Irtarrhaw in its worst tfewrs, while summer and bowel complaints yield almost totha first dose. "■■■>-••■' One or two cures attack* caused by worms, whUs fur worms in children, there is bo surer, safer and »peedl«r remedy in the world; as it never (stUk. .:vif : ;J There is no exaggeration In thesa statements, lijttXiMO plain and soI«r Cicta, that we can give evidence to prom, while all who use it are giving their unanimous teatmaouy in its favor ! '' ' W» wish all who arc sick and debilitated tel try thto Rim 1 edy. and test it thoroughly, and any' who up* not benefited by its use we should Hcetohrre from, mot to hoar from the first person who has us»fd abottlooflnrigota tor without receiving Wncflt, for there ate anch astonishing medicinal virtues in It, that all, no matter how lung they -have been affected,' if their complaint arises from a dense* ed liver, will he benefited, ilf not entirely cured.' '’■■' * ■ Sanford k Co n Proprietor*. 310 Broadway, New York.— Dr. O. 11. Keyser, Druggists. Xo.ltoWood Stwt. Pittsburg, Wholesale Agent For sole bv O. W. KESSLER. Altoona. lApril2,^r-lr ITCH ! ITCH I ! IT<3H|I! X BARXES’ ITQU OIXTMEKIf U the remedy which thoroughly cures that dreaded. disease—■taKVßV YEARS’ ITCU—now prevailing toyjgnattwtC'm usual remedies, such as 'Brimstone, Tar;and Predpitata Ointments, are of no use. Mafiy who bayer osedthemhato been compelled to use llarqcV Itch Ointment, and fotradu the only curej It b now the only remedy fn which phyaj-. - cions place any reliance. v FKQSTEDI FEET. . ; Jack Frost has re-commenced his reign and BARNES' REMEDY FOR FROSTED; FEET to themfly one £*t Wfil cure those whom he has attacked. Apply thto'ttmedy for a few days and a enro will l» eflSeetcd.' The RrtfappUetft. tion gives relief It has cured caags where UiarltotJ *” RHEUMATISM. • - The celebrated jjniment called H YPER ALT MITi nB V has cured more cooes of Rfremunttoratliati any other know* For the cure of Fains in the Side. Limbs and Rack; gore Throat, Swellings of the Joints, and Limb*/ Sprain* and Brntoes, it hoa no equal- As a Liniment forTlorsee, Ik.MR Cuts, aores.Strains.S welling*, and all other «. ternal iitfunes, Bone Spavin .only accepted, all whVLsVd used it giro it the preference over all others. COUGHS AND COLDS. BARNES’ COUGH SYRUP, 1 composed entirely of "Vege tables, to a sure cure tor Cbugh»; Colds and Btonchltto,if to without any exception, tlie best remedy known, of which fcrt tbousands can testify. It will ho found tho beet dy that can be used for children. „ Prepared only at Bamea’ Drug Store. Trenton. N.J.— SoJdbyG.AT. KESSLER,- Altoona, and B. Punlbifru Pittsburg. [MaytyaT-ly; clng to the eittken* of Altoona and its yiclnlty, OiatbaiHHr opened a STORE in the BOOM formerly occupied by G. f. Patton, on Vlrgfada street, where he wilt be happy to ex* bibit to thgm his splendid stock of •’ *. FASHIONABLE FALL GOODS, . which will bo found entirely new and'fresh. His stock to carefnllr selected and was purchased strictly for CASK which just at this important time has enabled him to toy exceedingly low.andfcavlDg adopted the • -mW 9 BEAJ&V-PAY SYSTEM, to determined to ask but “ Small Profits and Quick Salee.", Among hto stock will b« found everything appeitalnlttg to ladies amlGentfatpah’s wear, as .well as Ml artfcto* A Groceries, ™ Qu«ensw**c, ~ . _ 'Hordvr&ro, 4c., 4c.,' *&***, Oct i; MtVtt CH.VRLgfi J. MAiW. ? T IME I LIME I LIME M JLi Theiubßcriber has now in opmttmithree largo Lime. dally a largo quantity of the BE9H ttHXQ! Lisp—rjnoWor to any Umt burned in the interior of. the wnlch lift will sell at the Kilos, or deliver by the itr or wagon load In Altoona and vicinity, and at all points dn tho Pennsylvania and Portage Railroads at lower prices than it can be furnished by any -other person. Ot&n from a distance will bo punctually attended to by addressing, a note by mall to JAS. FUNK, marS-ly] ; Xmnonsville, Blair Co, fa ORANGES AND LBlfePf 0X3.—500 boxes Onnget and Lommatn for lale by W. N. SHW3AJBD. T?, marl2-ly] 191 X. 3d atre«,|>hitod«lphta." a> PEA NUTS -5000 BUSI ti eb Wilmington Pea Nnta is Store, and for'eale 'by ’" WM. N. BHC6ABB.. Mar 12, ’67-ly] , in North 8d street, Philadelphia*. P ONFE CTION A • Sterehia, tr-ifi . in J- ■ ' ■.■.v ,- r • * -da Miiiwb/ dUaouraihg mi . w< f w|> bff*ebl%ht pr m*, Eber)« a: 4aaigaof this u x vjJWfpatdoeffaion sad t offic Bund re-coj i|m employe mtmftry tributi Super Mad st our el vdHnilM, be inf the Baud •sßffaolutions t*d bjr tbo empi {Art of the evoG tlaM appeared i Mrideaes. -As sdmond J. Tun RhHUe, r«f d ta Ptssmble and r At* tiMMtiog - |L E. Cos, la g« YM«bU« and : PMrcat, by 1 tk.Tl. Go., Hern Bnr Saperintem (roller, thereby delphis, therefor Sttohtd, That with one so tb< ' pl*oo, our ocoupi JUtolvtd, That ttf lh« strict disci those considernd Ing of his Subord nark the man, Retolved, Tlntt harmony existini ments, as one of ability, which ha 'ted in bis admiui Retolved, That to sympathize wi In: oar dlfficultic! Ruolvtd, That (feelings to know mors sxalted an phra to his own b Retolved, That nod esteem, wc t Isr Momxnihut. Retolved , That rsaldepce, and tb Ores, Alex. A. Batpb Qrccnwoo- Nichols, G. R. Hi llawkeswsrth, Wi A. C. Vsaclnin, ( derson, Frank Mi Warful, David R. M. QUtuttng. Ilei Roltanon Boyer, S*iid M, Green, him with this exj with it otir tru fatttre honor, wcl Ruolvtd, That ing be published After the resi t-omboert return* red upon him in snarfcs. As be sj moment, without wc. were tumble, 0 out a report on t: trust to oar mem ll i ■S i He commence ejiecckmaker, as ewkt not be otbe ' this manifesto tim Staling all the tin fl