The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, March 11, 1858, Image 3

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: dmntyofthe Standard" fhror» his
traders thisweek with another of his extremely
tka»U and productions. Unable to meet
let alone oontrotertthe charges we made and
the ‘ i«sdi*jmtable facts’ we adduced, heattempts
loaooilatethem at one fell swoop, by ablastof
bis iwofjfoy sarcasm and overpowering ridicule.—
Be) tjiat.we are rain—wc bare proved
him so; he tnatauofe* .that we are wilful falsifi
ers—wehave proved him one; he acetutt ns of
scurrility—we hate proved that he Is afinished
blackguard, who deals In nothing but scurrilous
abuse and thread-bare blackguardism.
Ho says that neither Douglas nor Walker erer
called the President an ‘ldiot’ or a • lunatic.*—
True, they did not, but what is worse they pro-
Ted him such. •'
He next complacently Informs usthat' he be
lieves we are’ 1 vermin.’ Thisiann unfortunate a-i
-mission fpr him. For as in old timSs '• Termin’
were sant to aQict the wicked as a special pun
ishment their iniquity, and «s now ‘ termin’
only annoy the filthy portion of humanity, it
naturally follows that if we are ‘vermin,’ tho
beauty of the Standard must be an awfully wick
ed and deplorably filthy specimen of humanity.
We bare no doubt that he thought we were ‘ver
min,’ judging from the amount of teratehing wc
hate compelled him Ip do.
lie says he never accused us of being black
guards but only with the inclination to be such.
This Is the uakindeit cut of all, for it is calcu
lated to injure us in public estimation, by crea
ting the impression that he is our model, and
thst*we are envious of his i cell-tamed reputation
that of a finished blackguard. Now, Traugh,
please don’t. Wo can stand anything but that.
That la taking us foul, while in reality you have
no cause for jealousy.
He denies that ho ever intended to argue the
Leoompton question with us, and says that when
he wishes to argue he can get gertlemen to ar
gue with. Ahem! wo should like to sec the
gentlemen. lie don’t seem to understand the
meaning of the term. If lie dobs he was not
justified in using it as he did. Perhaps he dubs
as gentlemen
“ The knave the tool, the brute."
Wo advise him to stick to his gentlemen, as bis
j.*r,diar qualifications mayenable him to ‘gain’
something by nguing with them.' Ho ‘can gain
nothing by arguing Kith us,' as be himself con
fesses —tbo first time, b j the war, within oar
recollection that he over told the truth. He
gan gain nothing by arguing with honest men
Tbo following lines contain about as ‘correct
a description of his charaoter{?) and abilities*? )
as if the autlr.r had had him in tick when he
Wl'ote them
“ A gmvar coxcomb we nujr tomelimei tun.
Quite Ik ebaurJ, though not so light m he:
A (bellow brain behind & aerl.iu* uuutk.
An cracli within »u empty cask,
Tho solemn fop; (ignifleuut nml budge;
A fool with judge*, .amongst Ickjlj « Judge;
ilo uya but iiuia, eud that little said
- Owes all Its wrl-ht, like loaded dice, to load.
Hie wit Ijjvitm you by hie look* to come,
But whan you knock it never U at home."
Thb Balmoral Skirts. —We last week slated
that, as jet, our ladies had studiously avoided
complying with the caprices of Dame Fashion.
la the matter of wearing red petti skirts.—
We again refer to it to ask why is this? Why
Lave the fair sex who have always hitherto
manifested such alacrity to follow her whims
and caprices, even to inflating themselves to
such an extent that while promenading on the
street in company, they have to go jt goose
fashion," that is single file. Echo answers,
why ? We must confess we have a strong de
sire to get a sight of a fiery red meteor, “bobbin’
around*’ the streets. We wish to compare our
feelings at the s'ght with those of the reporter
of the Detroit Prut, which he thus describes:
“ We had no words to describe
Nothing but the poetical muse would do it jus
tice, and accordingly we rushed to thcsauctmo,
seized the key, and wouud up the poetry machine.
Throwing into the hopper some old scraps of
‘tvbite paper, a lot of old steel pens and a spoon
ful of tar, wc chucked in the last page of By
■ron's Siege of Corinth,.and shut down the lid
With fervent anxiety wo. awaited the result. It
came with many groans) shrieks, and jars of the
eternal machine.
And such poetry ! Mortal ear never heard
its like. In the name of the nine muses and
Griswold’s Poets and Poetry, Just listen to it:
AU scari-'i, 'lwra» of Cery hue;
And all moving llfo that nv
That vermilion thing, pondered!
The barn pigeons flew, the cur-dog fled.
And howling lift the unbinshiog rod!
Pray horses from thtir tethering broke;
Hackney steeds forsook the yoke,
The peanut vender {ra*"d amain,
And took ta fright to the nearer* lane;
The she bear's note from out the (llamtr&znck) marsh
Hose—deep, and loudly harsh;
The tom-cats yelled from the caverned UU,
And echo answered, yelling still! ;
The'Jackan hone, in eta infug cry,
Brayed from afar tumultuously.
With a mixed and mournful sound,
Like vagrant cows in cityfemnd!
With sudden wing and ruffled breast,
The gr»y_goote left her noon-d ny rest.
As tun scarlet assailed her startled eye,
And made Iter higher si«ir pndjcnr,
SThtfgsw smiwmtr lOit aiui WOP.”
1 Wont some of our fair damsels lead .off in this
matter. are so dull we want some, ex
citement, to wake ns up. All that is needed is
only a commencement. Everything will then
go •• merry as a marriage bell.” Who #lll be
the heroine?
Book Auction. — -Mr. H. Young, of the firm
of Mo T»y, Young & Co., of Lancaster, has no w
i a large assortment of books opened for sale, in
| the Masonic Temple. Books can be had at pri
[ rate sale during the day and at auction in the
I evening. He has books of nil kinds, suitable
| f° r dl dosses of readers and put up in different
Myles of binding. Those in want of books, who
f *»d> to obtain them cheap, will do well to at
[ .tend the auction sales, which will be coptinned
every' CTenmg ton-a. week or more. The ladies
are united to call daring the day.
Bab* Cuakce.—Each jtnd every .one who
wishes ts patronise a good, first -doss Magazine,
are hereby informed that we willfnrpish them
with the “AtUutic Montlily,’*-l.the '‘Excelsior”
of all thtrUagazines of the day, together with
ly&uni tot one year for $3,60. The .regular
T»iOf 9 f tl »o Mapmmo is and ofjhe Tri-
By clubbing the (^otogdher;.yjou
I will thus 'get»first-class Mogaaine kind
. .Botmi-r-As ‘
we Bjinonneed htat wmk,a concert for the ben
efit of ihe Poor and vicinity, will
V ghrtri in W ■ 'lss. Ward ifichool House to
morrow evening. Themamigorhasnlready ae
wared the services©?tkeAltoonaßrass Band;
BdmondH. Tn«e*, -Planiat;Messra Delo and
Boone, Violinists; Messrs Bennett, Daugherty
and Nagle, Flutists and Quitanats, and Duugh -
.erty & ,Bennett, Vocalists. The cause is one
which shoaldenUat the warmest sympathy of
our citiaens, and 611 the House to overflowing.
Judging from )thc acknowledged musical talent >
of the performers, the concert will be a rich
musical treat.. Turn out then one and all, and
show by your patronage of this concept, that you
possess the virtue of all virtues, charity. Re
member that ‘
“ Teas charity mskM others’snots their own.”
'* • ..Vi
This week the Standard's Altoona Re
porter winds up an article, which he says is his
last, in reply to Local of this paper, by saying
that for the sake of his reputation ns a wit, he
drops the subject Verily, a wise conclusion.
It would have been better for his reputation for
veracity also, had he dropped hU first article on
the subject in the stove instead of allowing it
to appear in print He again reiterates the as
sertion that he proved the unpopularity of Mr.
Warfel, but when or how, we’ll let our old hat
that not one of tho readers of the Standard can
tell. As to our dropping the point in argu
ment, that may do to tell those whnhavc not seen
both papers, but with those who have, it won’t
go down. Since Mr. Reporter has “caved,"
wc have no disposition to pursue the matter
further, feeling perfectly content to let tho pub
lic decide upon the case..
BEr’« 1-scioKiAt Sveup.— Rosa, the Correspon
dent of the Evening Chronicle, in a letter to the
Editors, speaks in the fallowing commendatory
terms of Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup, for sale
at the Drug’Store ofO. W. Kessler in this place:
Dr. Key ter's Pectoral Syrup, is highly extolled
j here. I have to note the fact as given to me by
| several of the Members, who have made use of
I the Syrup.. They state that by the use of a bot
tle of this invaluable Cough Syrup, they hare
been relieved of a distressing Cough that caused
them much trouble. It is but j ustice to the Doc
j tor to say that they arc loud in their praise of
j this Medicine, and should the Doctor deem it ad
j visable to appoint an agent here, it would be
to Ids advantage, as the Syrup would meet ready
sale, it is pronounced good.
Black List. —We publish to-day an addition
to our Black List. We have still a host of names
in reserve which ic»7l appear in due time. Those
who know themselves in arrears upon our books
had better soon “square up,” if they don’t
wunt themselves published. We are always
ready to make all necessary corrections when
parlies whose names arc published pay up in
SQP* McLain & Lehrarc selling Extra fami
ly Flour at $5-per bbl., and Superfine at $4,7f)
and $4,87. This appears more like living pri
ces. If money is scarce, the necessaries of life
are approaching n figure which will enable us
to obtain lin-m. Wc think no one can now com
plain of the price of flour.
Rktl'kxed.—We learn that Rev. S A. Wilson,j
has been returned to this station, by. the confer
ence. We can not say whether or not he will
fill the pulpit ia hia church on Sabbath next,
but presume be will.
The citizens of Martinsburg seem determined
to have the Blair County Norpal sohool located
in their town. We have been informed that it
is now reduced to a certainty, (so sanguine are
they in their expectations.) although the C lur.ty
Superintendent, in whose power it has been left
to decide upon its locatiqn.has not us yet made
the fact publicly known trom the interest ta
ken by .the people in this neighborhood, and the
many flattering inducements'which they hold
out, it will be a difficult matter for the Super
intendent to locate the school at any other place.
A short time since a meeting was held in Mnr
tinsbnrg, to devise ways and means to have the
school brought to that place. All seemed to
manifest a deep interest in the matter, and the
meeting was largely attended U was deter
mined that the town hall should be furnished,
for the purpose of holding the school in, free of
expense; the preceptor, during his stay, should
be furnished boarding, “ free, gratia, for noth
ing; "boarding for teachers, who attend the
school, should be reduced to the low figure of
two dollars a week; and a committee, to receive,
and secure comfortable boarding places for the
fcmalcteachera was appointed. Can Hollidays
burg hold out such inducements ? we think not;
and as the place which could extend the best
inducements was the. one to be selected, Mar
tinsbprg is certainly A No. 1, on the list Quite
an excitement.prevails in this neighborhood on
the subject of education. It is the principal
topic of conversation. From what is said one
would infer that the brief sojourn of the teach
ers in oar midst, will be very pleasant and
agreeable, and 1 that the two months they expect
to bo there, during the time of the Normal
school, will be spent in about a week and half
or two weeks, i
-The newspaper which was to harp been is
sued in Martinsbnrg.on. the Ist of January last,
has not altogether “fiw’.ed out” yet, Air. Hul
s’nger, .the projector, is determined to “put it
.through,” although fpr the present he isgoing
to carry on a job office. He Is manufacturing
his own press, and expects to be ready to com
mence operations by the Ist of April. How a
job office can be supported in a town the size 0/
Martinsborg, or a newspaper be printed for the
nomind ran of eighty cents apopy, (that is the
price offered Jo subscribers) is one of the many
Of printing ! yet/to learn.
Ur. Hulsiirger, however, is a moat enterprising
jPW», USdW® hare Imeninformed tbatwhaterer
heiakeSintoJus headtodo, he nerer giTes
jip until success has crowned bis efforts. We
hive erf ry Tmo* to bsUers that is geoA ■ piper
[From Oar Own Correspoadsatn.j
Head Waters or Pinky C«kek, ?
March Bth, IBoS. /
would be ably supported. '. , - -i
ofthejnbfhty swans.
On which the ana afpragiew kens.
Has'* Boldest mMon to advance, ' .
Hlawoeaeamiega. hl* weal enhance, -
Hi# righto enfcrceihto wrong*
Hitmrum or llwbtt a tas pens.” -•-■*-
Mr. Jacob Stoner received a severe stroke of
paliy, on Friday last, (tbefith Inst,) while in
the bam attending to his daily avocations. Mr.
Stoner isa man pretty well advanced' in yean,
and was among the! first settlers of Martmsburg.
It is said that bewas 'exceedingly rigorous for
a man of his years,- and could, before be met
with this unfortunate occurrence, perform as
hard a day’s labor as almost any young man.—
We hare been informed that the stroke is so
severe that be will never again be able to leave
his bod.
“ Alpha” is undoubtedly mistaken, or wrong
informed, in his ‘•chapter” of the 18th ult,
when f be says we “most unceremoniously
“ footed” it past my (his) domicil” some two
weeks ago. We did pass along that way about
two months ago, but not since. At that time we
understood he was from home, and hence we
were deprived of the pleasure of visiting him.
We did not mean that ‘‘ Alpha" should “drop
everything, and walk sjx miles,” merely to pay
us a visit, we would have indeed considered our*
self somebody of vast importance to have done
so. Our intimation, was, that when he again
found leisure to visit schools, we sbould be glad
if he would visit, some up in this direction, and
at the same time “ drop in” and see ns.
Holliuatsbubq, March 9, 1858.
A slight fire occurred last Friday, in a build
ing belonging to a colored man named Williams.
The flumes being, as it was thought, soon extin
guished, the first alairm did not spread. Short
ly afterwards, however, flames burst out
again but were soon checked. All the damage
sustained was the defacing of one room
The mania for.duelling belongs not exclusive
ly to Washington Congressmen, or Navy Officers,
nor to Philadelphia Medical Students or Pitts
burg Merchants. “ One-horse” towns claim the
same distinction. Honor is as dear to the hum
ble citizen, as to tho profoundcst statesman,
or most high-minded officer, or aristocratic mer-
chant. All seek redress in the same manner
and by the use of the same weapons. The
“Code of Honor" of the present day demands
alike of the high apd low, rich and poor, learned
ami unlearned, a resort to arms and challenges
to mortal combat. But to the case : This same
cruel and arbitrary code caused a young gent in
our (in Pittsburg style; “ one horse” town, nam
■Hed Henry Speilmnn, alias “Tuaky,” to send a
' challenge to a young man who had charged him
with stealing mackerel, etc., of which accep
tance was made. The due! came off in the af
ternoon of Saturday last, in the warehouse of
W. il. Cannn & Co. The seconds and a few
particular friends were there. Between the
; words one and three the parties were to tire;—
; The utmost coolness nnd self possession was ex
i hibited by both combatants. Scarcely had the
. word “one” escaped the second’s lips when
■ Spellman fired and bis antagonist fell. The lat
, ter was taken in charge by hia friends and is
likely to experience no dangerous results.—
| Spellman immediately made tracks at a 2.40
x - ate, limping over fences and with a movement
, considerably accelerated by fear and the vocif
erations of his pur.iuers, sped his way, it is said,
to Ernnkstowa.
-Or last Sabbath, eight persons were immersed
in the new Baptistry of the Baptist .church.—
This is the first tune, the tout has been used.
The male portion were baptised in the morning
and the females in tire evening. The church
was crowded to overflowing. Every available
spot in the gallery anfl church was occupied.—
So Urge a congregation perhaps never before
assembled in tins church. A very unpleasant
circumstance, which might have proved serious
had it not been timely discovered by a'couple of
gentlemen, occurred during the services. The
large heaters in the lecture room were closed,
and becoming red-hot began ’o heat the wood
work, when the smell Ojf.the scorching pine nt-
j /
tnictcd tho attention of two who
soon discovered tho cause and thus prevented
the building from taking fire.
A Seven-Dajr Baptist, named Mr Rice, has
been visiting our to*h‘lor several days, declaim
ing against the first day of the week as being
the right and truly ’Christian Sabbath, lie is
well versed in the Scriptures; can quote it very
readily and refer to almost any passage in it.
He is moreover greatly opposed to slavery and
tobacco in every form, and is a decided advo
cate of temperance. He offers $2O to any one
who will find a passage in the Bible which says
that the first day of the week is Sabbath. Al
so, §lO,OOO to any; one jwho will prove from
the Scriptures that sprinkling is baptism'. He
has no converts to his doctrine as yet, nor is he
likely to have from the disposition of the citi
zens towardi him-
I notice an improvement being made in the
Railroad Office of the P. R. R., by enlarging it
to twice its former size and re-painting it. The
enlargement has been needed for some time, and
will, not only expedite the transaction of busi
ness, but will bo n more healthy and comforta
ble room for those who are almost constantly
necessitated to occupy it.
Mabtiksockq, Mabcb 8, 1858.
I presume the next charge to bo preferred
against me, will be that I am given to running
around. I cannot help it The old '• Simon”
will stick out But as I am attending to some
'of my own business, I hope that “Mac” at least
will find no reason to'object to my doing so.—
Now this thing of attending to one’s own busi
ness is a queer sort business, after all the
fuss made 1 about it, add some people, really, can
not find the time to do it, for if they do they
will have no time tjerote to other people’s
business. I think this is “Mao’s” fix. He bos
eome down on me like a few “ thousand of brick”
because I chose to speak the truth. But he says
that “from lath accounts his” Alpha’s “ vera
city is to be doubted,’’ Now if his meaning is
that. I did not tell the truth about AtTawayvbfc
juol cajy gratuitous, butllketheauihor
-of it, aa low. t 'now rwwei*
that Te»U (I db not |mean all, because there are
duce) does contain those who arc given to
“voptriiOOXSSD LTtsto,” and if It be be deemed
necessary I can nome them. But lam not done
yet. They will not only lie but they will de
frand their neighbors. And I verily believe that
there are some men there who would even knock
their own wives down with a hoo-handle, who
would merit other peopWt theep, and be guilty of
various other things that I would denominate—
“ litilt mean thing/."
His (“ Mae’s”) advice as well as bis threats I
despise. I would have him know that I am
willing (at least I am not afraid) to “draw the
bow” with him at any time or in any manner.—
As for his “ breakers in the future” he may rest
assured that 1 bold my own helm and do not
fear them.
“School keeper (not teacher") I suppose he
means by this to say that lam on a level. with
himself. There are people in the world, who
feel their own insignificance and try to drag
others down to their level.. But he is by this try
ing to make me, what nature made him— a fool.
But for the present he may go with the assu
rance that there is no fear on this side of the
water. But as he did we will change the sub
I am at present enjoying the hospitality of my
friend Col. A. J. Crissman, who is one of those
who may with all propriety be called men , wo
have enjoyed the off denied pleasure of talk
ing old times, over.
This is certainly a beautiful country. And
from all I can learn one of the most productive
valleys of old Pennsylvania, you will evidently
think this is rather a short epistle, but us it is
given on,the impulse of the moment you will
have to be satisfied. ALPHA
For the Tribune.
Miscellaneous Enigma.—l am composed of
16 letters.
My 15, 8 and 4, is a prominent citisen of Al
toona and actively engaged in the grocery busi
My 13, 12, 11 and 8, la often looked for but
seldom found.
My IC, Band l,is what some persons desire
very\ much to be.
My 6, 2 and 16 is of vegetable origin, the
proper extract nud frequent application of which,
results in muck benefit to children.
My 3, 5 and 7 is the ancestral name of a very
mstoorntic family.
My 10 and 3 was never yet said by a blind
My 14, 16, 11, 8 and 6. is the general expres
sion of young ladies in making known their in
dignation at being kissed “ vi el artnit.”
My 9, 7 and 15 ore always found in brandy.
My whole is the name of the most celebrated
poet and scholar of the present genon t on
Published for die protection r.f tuy breibr:\ r/ Iht Prttl arid
tin Pi '. Hc generally.
&Mirnrn »t tear, iaVox, nor affecttom, wi shall
The follow!rig named individuals have “ victimized” us
to tho tunc of the amount.- set opposite to '-heir names.—
Our l-retnren of tint I’tese and the Public s?n'-rally will do
troll to be on then- guard while dialing with them. Uo
who would cheat th- printer would scruple at nothing.
X. 4 1. I, vMBJtr.T c Co., Philadelphia,
These contemptible scoundrel, ns Advertising Agents
for n Cider Press, put-oni-ed us to the above tunc. If we
ever cornu across tin m w e ll ur*u their tuisera! ie carcasses
into their priglnul
David Axr, $2 SO.
Mr. Axe is one titer of our honest patron?. lie victimized
us out of the above sum. and sloped without axe-ihg u.l fur
a settlement. That Ait was rather sharp for us.’
Biciiaiis Allen *2 60.
This g'nt graduated in rascality at our expense.
J. J Boiorr, i-2 50.
This gent should not ho called “Bought-off” but “Slope
off.” If he is not good on a buy ho is <n a jJJ. We have
one consolation, however, and that is that he wont be able
to cheat tho Dot il.
M. Bortnrr, Bellefonte, Pa. «3 00.
We don’t know whether this chap Is redaUd to the other
DottofTnr not. If ho ain’t ho ought to be, and if he is he's a
credit to the family.
J. A- Bradley, Crossone. Pa.. Jl 00.
This ‘ sneak’ snealciugly sneaked off, leaving ns to co.irole
ourselves as wo b’nt could. Ho is each a Veritable "sneak'’
that he would sell his soul (a very small one) for a “ fip”
(a big price) and alter pocketing the money sneak out of
tho bargain.
Tilos. Hot. $2 60.
This promising young man promised to pay u« but didn’t,
lie has lately been married in Hooding. Poor fellow! Ills
punishment toon‘overtook him.
A. ?. McCuntock, Patterson, Pa. $3 00.
This is another of onr honest patrons, Such a small
souled wretch is not worth a longer notice.
P. Flanigax, Pittsburgh, Pa., $3 00.
This representative of the groat ” Flanigan family” walk
ed into one affections "a feet.” “Fire away Flanigan,”
but please don’t “ hit” us in future.
Moses Dot’ll. Esqum*., - $6 7S.
Cheating us out of the above snug sum, aflonls a fair spe
cimen of the manner in which Moses dispensed justice, and
how well qualified he was to discharge the duties of his of
fice. After impairing the eyesight of unite a number of our
citizens, ha “sVped” for Ualtimo. e, loavinga host of friends
to mourn their loss. We command him to the "Plug Ug
lles,” “ Rip Rapa,” Ac.; as a fit recruit for their ranks.
£. A. C. Dodtt, , $4 00.
This lazy puppy's a ‘chip of the old block,” who exem
plifies the truth of the old adages “like daddy like child,”
and “ what la bred in tho-hone won’t come out of tho flesh.”
Uo also has “sloped” to tho more congenial atmosphere of
Baltimore. • Good i idduncc to bad rubbish.”
Dr. W. E. Hoyt. Syracuse. X. Y., §7 60.
Tills impudent quack bled ua to tha above tune for adver
tising. He is ao> arm at knave, who, miking ills living by
means of tho Press, is mean enonrh to cheat printer*. We
hope, when sick, he may be quacked to death by some bro
ther quack..
Eex. W. S. U. Kets, Tyrone, Pa,. ' $2 00.
This political parson who sports the “ cambric" exten
sively, owes ns the above gum for printing Notices to K. N.
Councils, stating bis terms for'loctaring before them. Wo
should think that his “ Intense Americanism” should lead
him to pay his honest debts. Wo baud him over to tho ten
der mercy of his conscience—if he has any—lf not, to that
of bia triend and prototype .
h. Palmer k Co., Trarelliug Opticians, (1 50.
Tho above firm was composed of a couple of precious ras
cals, as “ dutch as sour croot,” who passed themselves off as
opticians. Whether they were or not we don’t know, hut
we do know, that instead of improving the sight of our
'•peepers,” they effcctnally “closed them up."
CCMXixos k Co, Travelling Ambrotypista, . $1 25.
. This is another pair of contemptible knaves. Their 'skill
was strikingly exemplified in our sod experience, they hav
ing left an indelible imvremtm on our memory, that we
were the victims of misplaced confidence.
Richard White, $1 00.
: This falsely named pent has left town without settling up
with us, thus leaving, a Hack record against him on our
books, and getting his name On our Uaek list. It is not the
only black act he rns been guilty of
A Clarke, $1 SO.
v We suppose this gent liad not time to settle this small
bill before leaving, as ho left town about a hundred yards
ahead of the constable, making 2,40 time.
0. W. Taros, $2 60.
- Thl* gait tried us on to the state tnne, and than pnt ns
off by «iwjtt.itulAtlng witUnut paying.
laos. lin. J*, loft town owing as . ’ $t so.
hmkWuma, do, 4».
DintuV; foron, d* 9 SO.
1. . do. ' 10ft.
Hi. Asasssos, do. • f <|ft.
VTiixtM* fcmple material tor a da*cn £or*> wiki
will appear in das time. ■ '
Answer next week
pKhty ofytninggeptisffien
a* wall as. plenty of old out*, whose beards aw
turning grey, which gives the fonder * great
i deal of uneasiness, , and exposes tbs ' : m of the
latter. To avoid -these little
. advise euoh of our readers to use Frp£- Wood’s
j Hair Restorative, which wilt, in the bourse of:s
' few wec&l. change the hair tbits natirral color
I It does not dye the heir like the ttost of the
; hair restoratives, but produces* gradual change
of color from the roots of the hair to the final
end, and gives If a fine end gloss; appearance.
We have seen many persons who hare used it
i successfully, and pronounced it the only inven
| tion which has come'up to their ide» afa “cure
I for grey beads.” We commenced using if .about
[•two months since, and if we ore any judge of
age and. beauty, it bos made us at. least ten
years- younger; in fact we are beginning to look
quite young, and feel very much like getting a
young wife. The change is miraculous, and it
would he as difficult to find a grey hair now aa
it would be to find an idea in the' hekd of the
j Duke of Buckingham. We know several bid
| maids and come young widows, whose looks etc
| just beginning to assume a silvery hue;; and who
j have been talking seriously about retorting to
this remedy, and we advise them not to delay
; any longer. It never foils — St. Loidt Herald
ggi. The most skeptical people can be Con
vinced by trial that all the family medicines are
not humbug, and that among the thousand of
butterfly life there are a few of great merit, and
undoubted worth. Of these, Dr. Sandford’s In
vigorator, or Liver llemedy stands first, and
foremost among the remedies of the .day that
cun be relied on ns a medicine that is all it is
recommended by its proprietors. It advertises
itself on every trial, for there are njme who use
it but tell theit friends' to do so, and so it'goes
from mouth to mouth till all the people of the
Uuiou have learned the good of this truly valu
able medicine. It is recommended with testi
monials to prove its virtue for the curb of liver
complaints of every kind, from the Worst Dys
pepsia to a common headache, aud is particular
ly adapted to Jaundice, Deranged Stomach,
Bowel Complaints and diseases of children.
One or two doses are said to cure a cold with
scarce a. failure. It is worth a trial* for this
alone. It is particularly adapted to the use of
ladies, particularly those $f sedentary habits.—
Some ladies of the highest standing in society
have given their certificates of its efficacy, and
we sny to all who are ailing, try one bottle, and
you will never be without it.
Woodland Ceeam,’’ —A Pomade for beautify
ing the JJair —highly perfumed, superior to any.
French article imported, and for half the price.
For dressing LadieS ilatr it has no equal, giving
it a bright glossy appearance. It causes Gentle
men's Hair to curl in the most natural manner.
It removes the dandruff, always giving the Hair
the appearance cf being fresh shampooed, Price
only fifty cents. None genuine unless signed
FETRIDGE &. CO. Proprietors of the
“Balm of a Thousand Fioiccrt."
For sale by all Druggists.
When Du Vail’s Galvanic Oil was first
introduced into the market, it never was thought
of being applied, by the proprietor, to Lung di
sease, but its being applicable to almost every
other disease, the afflicted have used this prep
aration in Consumption, and, although it has
never cured a purely consumptive patient, yet
it has.saved many who have been prone to the
disease from an early grave.
The Panic — Mobs Faildbes.— The panto in
New York seems to be bn the increase. In this
city everything goes on smoothly, and the only
failures’wc have heard of were the failures to
furnish good' fits made by some inferior clothing
establishments.. There is no euch difficulty to
be encountered by those who patronize the
Brown Stone Clothing Hall of ilockhilland Wil
son, Nos. 603 and CDS Chosnut street, obove
sixth. Gentleman and youths never fail to pro
cure capital fits at this popular establishment.
The Best Cough Medicine.—One of theory
best Cough Medicines to bo found anywhere, is
Dr. Keyset e Pecton.l Syrup, sold by G. W. Ecss
ler, at 50 cents per bottle. i *
stated Councils of
tho “ Wimsehaoo Tmde," No. 36, I. O. K. M., are hold ev
ery Wednesday evening in the I. 0. 0. F. Hall, in tho Jla
souic Temple. Cuuucil Fire kindled at 7th run 30th breath
Jttnu 26, ’67-lyJ A. LBr.HLii, C. if K.
{2 60
tyGgZ* Time of the Closing and
Arrival of Mails at Altoona Post Office.
Eastern Wav at 1 00 P.M*
Western >•' “ 8 00 A.M.
Eastern Through Moll 800 “
Eoeteru Through Mail, 8 38 A. M.
Western Way and Uollidaysburg, ; 1 40 P. M.
Eaetcru “ “ '1 15 “
Uollidaysburg mails close at 1,00 P. M. and 0,45 P. M-,
and arrive at 1,15 P. M. and - 7.30 P. M.
Juno 4, ’57-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKEB, P. M.
Time of Arrival and De
parture of trains running on the Railroad, at Al
toona station. v
Express Train East arrives 3.18 A. M, leaves 555 A. M.
“ “ West “ 8,35 “ “ 8,66 “
Fast “ East “ 1,40 P. M. “ ‘i,UU P. M.
“ “ West “ 11,00 “ “ 11,10 “
ALTOONA WAT TRAIN leaves Altoona for Philadel
phia at 6,00 A. M., and returning arrives at Altoona at
7,15 P. M.
The HOLLIDAYSBURO BRANCH connects with Express
train’West, Aliooua Way Train East and West and with
Fa-t Mail Tiain , as
The BLAIRS VILU.E BRANCH connect* with Johnstown
Way Train East and West, Express Train West and Fast
Mail Train East.
Doc. 21, ’SG-tft THOS. A. SCOTT, Sup't.
A Card —To the Ladies.
— Rn. Utro.vco’s Oolpex FExxon I*lll3 are infallible in re
ntiving strqxigrs and irremdaritits of the menita. Those
IMls are nothing new bnt have boon used by the'dpetors for
many years, both in Franco and AmcricA, with unparalleled
success in every case; and he is urged by many thousand la
dies who have used them, to mako the Pills public, for tho
alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities of what
ever nature, as well as to prevent pregnancy to tti those la
dles whose health will not permit an increase of family.—
Pregnant females, or those supposing themselves to, are cau
tioned against using theso Pills while prcgnanr. a* the Pro
prietor assumes n» responsibilityaftertheabovoadmonition
idtho* thoir mildness would prevent any mischief to health;
otherwise these Pills are recommended. Full and explicit
directions accompany each' box. Price $1 per box. Sold
wholesale and retail by Q. W. KESSLER. General Agent for
Altoona and vicinity. He will supply dealers at proprietor’s
prices, and send the Pills to ladies {confidentially) by return
mail on receipt of $1 through the Altoona Poet Office.
Each box has my signature, J.DUPONCO, New York.
Samuel .Bresliu, general agent for Tyrone City, [ly-27
flour—SuperOue, ft bbl,
“ Extra, ft “
Corn Meal, ft cwt.
Buckwheat 9 “
Potatoes, ft hiuh.
Apple*, V “
Butter, VI 1b
Lard, ft “
Pork* ft “
Side, ft “
Eggs, ft do*.
M’Laln 4 Lehr sell their Flour at the following rate*;—-
TThite Wheat Floor, Extra Famflr, ft bbl. . $&JOO
“ « “ * Superfine, • 4J6
Brush Creek ** “ “ WO
“ “ “ Superfine, “ *35
Patra Family Flour* ♦ hW. Ij 83
Extra : ■ , ‘' *: \B. 80
Extra Superfine, “ • ' f<- *J*
Superfine, “ jr * W
Brush Creek. * : si fi uO
pj , (v-. .».
Military wfeber
begßJeaea to Inform the public, thathislargiand
Aitooaa, March 4,1358-tL*] 4. SBCfSqi
BJontKwIBXBB* became tt tfwe /kO, eomvbts. etrriy
aid rmtWi tofcffnatfam of all Bint Mtni ocd chonaea;
tnMMnlptitn of all counterfeit, altered ami spnrlotja
bflli: gniuM tank notes; qnotattons and tale* of Stacks.
Bondi, and Seebrlttee; financial and monetary aUltra of
kind. Containing ten frtncrinort original
important and saleable statistics and reading matter pst*
taming to Banks and Money than any other Detector or
BcPOTter ftf gnbßshed. Also give* correct qtwtatlo** «f
buying and .awing rates of Money, Land tVarmnta, to,
corrected by the mget experienced and responsible Banker*
In Jfew Task, 'Philadelphia, Boston, Cincinnati and Cblfl*»
Vo btnlntn mao can do trill without thi* work. '
Term*Monthly, on* year, $1,00 ; Semi-Monthly, fMV)
WwkJjr, S2AO; Intruding tocfe of all the Cohl* to thowwld*
Any on* andinona fire yearly inbecriher*, %U 1 ratal** C
copy of th» SAFE-GUARD and tho Weekly Journal fet
T,frtt. Twaot||r* per coot. nUowsd tpXpat^
The only work m published tiring correct JellaeaQadd
and be simile deecrlpuonaof all the Gkaulde Bank KadM.)r
Xt oost to arrange and pnbUab this gnat worlboeartUp
O0O» beeidca yeataef Urn*and labor. >.- ... *
The book U splendidly bound—about Id Inches in length
by 10Inchesla width—containing4oopaged of BaakXB|a
Tiate delineation*, being equirelfct to haring coward* at
12,000 QJtMJUJB BAKE IULLSto compare with aad#»,
tect the counterfeit and ipwlowKln adnata of any dee>
criptitm in any Detector or Bank Jfote Beporter. ,
It condemns the wrong by ahowfag the right
this Book, it is ale oat impossible to be Übpoaed npoa by
bed money. ■-
The SAF&OBARB i* eopj-righted, published and mM
exclusively by the dnaendgncd* and wiU be aeat free ! of
postage to soy part of the conntry on receipt of s3—3b
per cent, discount will be allowed to Bookseuen, Agents,
or to toe subscriber to Hodges’ Journal of Finance and
Bank Beporter. Addreee J. TYtEB HOBOES, Banker,
March llyHt] 271 proadway, K. Y.
Maryland state lotteries
FOB MARCH, 1858.
R. Peanob & Co., Manager*. ■ : .
Wo present to our cos tamers throughout the
of the most magnificent Schemes for the mbnthof iMkrch,
ever offered. The Maryland Stats LotJtrrUs srs tW» aaflMt
Lotteries to purchase tickets In. They are fhlrly drawn by
the State Lottery Commissioner, In public, suaell prize*
are promptly paid by the Managers. Alt whodesir* and
will take the trouble, can soon ascertain that the Maryland
State Lotteries, under the sole management of B. Francs A
Co., ere tho only legal Lotteries in Maryland ana ana
drawn by authority of Law.
T. U. HUBBARD 4 CO., will fill all ordara in the Man
laud Lotteries promptly, and all communlcaUodi'MU
strictly oinfldentiaL
country is flooded with swindling bogus. Lotte
ties, holding ont vast Inducements, in the ebapaof Una
Capitals for a small price of Tickets. Beware of all twco,'
and when you want to try your luck, remember that Atli»
MartiaND Lorrzßrea, which bare bceh drawn for the teat
forty ycare, are the best Lotteries to order Tickets In','
To be drawn in Baltimore City, March 18, ISM.
$lO,OOO 6 Prises of
10,43 a fiPrizos of
6,000 10 Prlzsa of ' ,
v 3,000 336 Priaea of
Ac.. Ac.
Tickets slo—Halves ss— Quarters $3,60.
Certificate of Package of 28 Wholes, $llO,OO
Do do 20 Halves,, Tojoo
Do do 26 Quarters, MBA
u Tht Chnat Scheaunf t\e ifonlA."
To be drawn in BaiUmorp City, March 39,186!L '
, kaooticcic* seaside. .
*S~ 29 drawfl Ballots in each Package of 36 Tickets
? Making more Prizes than Blanks.
X Grand Prize of $66,000 1 Prize of UOOQ
1 Prlrpof 13,658 1 prise of 3,000
I Prise of 13,558 1 Prize of UOt
1 Prize of 7,600 1 Prise of I Mi
1 Prize of 7,500 1 Prise of v Uh
1 Prize of 6,000 , 1 Prize of . IJa)
1 Prize of 5,000 1 Prize of 1,000
1 Prise of 3,000 20 Prizes of 1 , 400
1 Prize of 3,000 05 Prizes of 300
1.600 Prizes of $2OO each.
Tickets $20 —Halves $16 —Quarters ss—EighthsAUO.
Certificate of Package of 20 Wholes, $BOO,OO
Do do 20 Halves, UOiOO
Da do 26 Quarters, TUB
Da do 26 Eighths 'tfj|
.1 Prize of
1 Prize of
3 Prize* of
4 Prizes of
usau iroxuu—svesT ncxßxn rci nr xm vajutt, imuy
Every Pritt in Ont SOemc must U Dravmt
20,600 Prizes I 40,000 Tickets!!
Maryland Lottery to bo drawn on the Havana Pluk
To be drawn in Baltimore, Mil, Saturday, March 27th, lift.
NO DZCCCTION ON nuzu. FmZES tiTUfll of mt"'
1 Prize of £35,000 4 Atipr’a to 1800
1 Prize of *U,980 4 *S ■
1 Prize of, 4,000 \ • « :
1 Prize of 1 4,000 f °
1 Prizo cf • - 2,000'
1 r-nze or s|ooo
1 Prize of 1,500'
- 1 Prize cf 1,900
1 Prize of , 1,360'
1 Prize of 1,260
1 Prize of' 1000
I Prizo of 1.000
10 Prizee of 400
10 Prizes cf SCO
100 Prizes of 200
20,000 Frizes of J 3 each.
Whole Tickets #lo—Halves $5 —Quarters $2,50.
If you purchase two Tickets, one of them must draw 19.
Certificate of Package 10 Wholes, will be sect for s9(U)tt
“ 16 Halves, “ “ -48j00
“ “ 18 Quarters,“ 22. M
“ “ 18 Eighth*, « “ . UJ*
All orders for Tickets in tta« above splendid BotiMwif wBt
be faithfully and promptly filled. Address,
t. H. BBBBAIU) * Co
ital 40, Baltimore, Md.
43* Persons in the West or South can hare their.orders
filled in the Shelby College Lottery, ofKectuety, BcgemtS
exactly the same as the above—and olio drawn uodlir 0)*
management of B, France <1 Co. Address 3 .
Mnrch 4-1 y]
• BROTHER, Importers and Dealers in trine* 01*4
Liquor/, return thoir thanks to tfcoh - friends for the liberal
aliars of patronage heretofore bestowed, sod rwapoctftUtyao*
licit a continuance of the same, at the OLD ESTABLISH*
MEXT, XO. 5 X. FIIOXT ST, Philadelphia, whew they
have a large of'ortmentol'WlXESand LlQCOllfiofthe choic
est brands and qualities. Having mode arrangements with
some of the first bouses in Cognac ahd Rochelle, enables
them to furnish to their customers upon the most ressonnf
ble terms, the following brands of Cognac Rochelle
Ward, Her tuny, SfardX, ■ Pinned, CMiUion, Matted*
T Hints, PdUvorsin, IJ. J, Dcpuyd Co.
A. Seignette, <£c, dEc. I
Champagne, Old Oporto, \Burgundy, Madeira, Tetterm,
Claret, Sherry, Lisbon, iifcci, Muscat d Malaga TVbW
of various brands andmialities. J
Holland Gin, Scheidam Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch
and.lrish Whiskeys; Pooch, Apple, Lavender, Blackberry,
Raspberry, Cherry and Ginger Brandies; Cordials, Win*
Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, Ac.
Also, constantly on land, an extensive stock of OLD
KEYS, of various grades, some of which we guaraniee to
be superior to any in the country.
t®,From cur lung experience in. the business, au thor*
ough knowledge of the tastes of the commmiity> we flatter
ourselves to be able'to fill all orders that may be entrust*}
to ns. Orders from tho country' (whfoh aw most respectful
ly solicited) will be promptly attended to. Great care takas
iii packing add shipping.
. An goods cent from oul establishment aregnardhteed te
give satisbetion, with the privilege of being returned.
Feb. 2f—ly| E. P. MIDDL&OX ABpb.
Altoona select scHOOL.r-
The Second term of this Institution will cdmaienoe
on the. 6th of April next, under tbs eap? rinteojouce ofj,
B. BVfiNO, fu the West Ward Public School House, the
school -trill consist of pupils of both mxm. At, tba com
mencement of each session the scholars •will be ex*mine<|
and dossed hi that department for which they arebaat fit
ted. The Course of instruction wilt embrace Mathematics*
ordinary and higher l.'ngllsh brsaehea and Latin. tm
Session it ill continue Four Months. ' ; ' '*■
iVunury Department —Alphabet, Orthography,
' Heeding, Elements oT Arithmetic and Qeo>
graphy, fSIO.
Junior Oeportaient—Reading, Writing, Prim* . * ■
ry Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic, . 4M.
Senior 1 Department— Grammar, Geography, Hie. .
torr, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Natural
and Moral Philoeopby, Elocution and Latin, 6 (0,
' Eoholars in the Stator Department will be permitted'to
study any of the branches taught in the other departmaata.
■ No deduction made except Incaeeeofprotraeted sichneaa.
A complete act of Maps, Charts ahd Globes, together with
a number ofplece* of Philosophical Apparatus are connec
ted with the Institution, according every advantage to stu
dents that can be obtained at distant Academies and Semt
A competent corps of teachers will be employed.
It wiQ be the aim of the Principal to make the institu
tion worthy the eonfidenee of the public. .March 4. tf ;
* MILLS. The Subscriber is manufacturing Portable
Flour Mfila, of a quality superior for simplicity anddnr*
bOHfy to'any other now In use. They can be driven by
steam, water, or hone power, and will prove a valauble so
qnsltfon to iron masters, stock feedon, and lumber men-
There ate hundreds of persons throughout thecountrv, who
have surplus water or steam power, or whose power Is only
employed a portion of tho time on other business, who, by
introducing one or more of these mills Into their estabLUH
ments may greatly benefit themselves, and at the same time
accommodate the public.
One of these mills (29 inches in diameter,) grinding ova*
iTbnahela food per hour, can be seen daily In operafW at
the OQ and Feed Mill of Messrs. Snydsm A Ox, on B*rfa%ka
strost, Alleghany. Steam Engines, Boilers and SOU
nlshlng on band and made to order. Orders and tnuhftml
attended to with dispatch. W. W. W4I, ■,
March 12, ‘57-ly] tSODdcrtp Knot, fittsim-p, fis
• '*? VO
« -
a •
• “
40 «
40 *
400 •*