Wit%saam Ciltee. r" ; ALTOONA, PA. THURSDAY, it 'iteythm psrtlM trennkaowa-to tt», ottf role for *d»er •JtofcleJeMyiiwpejrewot lu «4raoc«, or agnawnwi frcm awnra' ft UtbereforeoMleM.for w »Bch to (end %;#rtyflti»mnniitB offering to pay at tho end of tUrea or six Wgmh* Wli#rs*dTorU*¥men(» *rj accompanied withthe ■Wtay/artwtlwrono; live or tru dollar*, are will giro the tJ»afiill benefit of cwb nttoa. Proposed. Reform., . Mt. Spinner* 111. 0. from New York, ; latelysuhmittod a resolution to Congress, I Vrhich was fa&ad, considered, and agreed to, tliai the Committee on the Post Office and Ifcgt Roads Iro instructed to inquire! into : theexpedienoy of abolishing the Rost office Itepartanent; and if they deemit expedi ent, then, that they report on the propriety ofrupeaUpg all the restrain in dividuals qr corporations from carrying mails or mail'matter; Tke Now York Tribune has long* *nd aMy advocated such arc-form. Until now, jtmwever,tho novelty of the project has printed it from receiving that attention which it. deserved. The Tribune is quite jttKlant ovcr the that it has been at taken up, in. Congress, with the pros pect of receiving due attention from our legislative Solon*. .Much has been said and much can Still besaid in opposition to the mo~ due operan dipt the Post office Department. The prominent defects in the present sys tem we hold are, ,tbemmtability of the of ficials; the irresponsibility for losses of the department; the cost —the receipts being insufficient to meet the the dangerous power of patronage it con fers upon the President. In regard to the first defect, the muta bility of tbe officials, we bold that it to a considerable extent interferes with the reg ularity and dispatch of business. For in stance, when one Administration is suc ceeded by another of a different political, complexion, hundreds of post-masters, who Aire honest and well-qualified, are immedi- r stely removed to make room for friends of die Administration. As the new officers are generally unacquainted with the duties of the often, it takes some time before they 1 get “ booked up,” and as a natural conse quence, die regularity and dispatch of the business of the office is interrupted for atone. v ' In regard to the second, the irresponsi bility for losses of the Department, we hold tlhat it la upon the public. The.Governtnent have entered into a con tract with the 1 public to transport mail-mat ter placeto place, at specified rates. Hue, we sjiould suppose, would place it on a leveVwith, and subject to the laws goveyninfc common carriers. As such it ought to make good any losses parties who employ it may sustain, while their mail matter is.cntiusted to its care. But, no : if aay losses are sustained, it refuses to] be held accountable therefor, and it even re fosesto inquire into the matter at all, un less the party sustaining said loss has reg istered the tjoail-matter, and paid addition al rates. This is most unfair,, and an out rageous imposition upon the public. The Government assumes the character of com mon carriers, and the lews obligatory upon them are justly obligatory upon it. Be sides, it is a recognized principle in law,' that the principal is responsible for the acts of his agent, whom he has clothed with full powers to act for him. The third de fect, the cost —the receipts being insuffi cient to meet the expenditures-—is so noto riously apparent to'all, .that hardly any thing need be said in relation thereto. It is *n undisguised fact, that every year there is «Ipavy deficit in the accounts of the De payt^ifnt/whiob.must be met by. appro from the National Treasury. Thepfisurth and la et defect, the danger ous power, of patronage it confers upon the President, is the most serious one. No matter what party is in power, the Post O&ce is made apartyenquire, to reward friends add punish enemies.—p This is not as it should be* The office of post*mester is one of grave responsibility, pnd no poet-master should be removed, ex cept for incapacity or dishonesty. The,of ®ee rfiould be- feeH “ during good beba- Mor.” By such-an- arrangement only, can different offices-be always filled by hon 'iest and efficient officers. Whether the proposed plan is the best that- could be adopted or not, we are not prepared to say, but we dp think that the present system is remarkably defective, sndthat an entire of it/ if pot complete abjdisbmftftt is RCflll, 1858. On .Thursday last, tbe 4th inst, the Democratic State Contention, met ihfiar nsbnrg, Hon. John L. Dawson wascho oen President, and a number of gentlemen "Vice Presidents and. Secretaries. ) After the matter of contested seats was " settled, a Committee of. •thirteen on -Resolutions was {appointed by the chair, and lie con vention decided to make no nominations until the Committee reported. This, to gether with the peculiar selection of the Committee, (all Lecomptonmen) gave rise to a spirited debate, tic minority contend ing that it was contrary to Democratic usage to' adopt a platform ..before nomina tions were made, and that the President of the Convention had attempted to gag the Anti-Lccompton members, by appoint ing none of them on theConunittee. Both of these charges were argued pro and con by tie “fiuthfal” for some time,butwith out any beneficial result to the Anti-Le comptoriltes. It is due to the President to say -that he promptly disavoiwed any in tention of acting unfairly towards the Anti- Leeomptonitcs. The Committee reported resolutions favorable 'to Lecompton. Mr. Stokes pf Westmoreland offered a series of strong Anti-Lccompton Resolutions as an After considerable de bate, which fras at times peculiarly bitter, the Amendment was negatived by a vote of 109 to 21. Mr. Calhoun then moved to strike! out the Ist Resolution in the Com mittee’s report and insert a preamble and resolution to the effect that the Convention recognised “ the principles entertained in the ebraska act and the National platform of 1852 and 1856 on the subject of slavery as indicating the only true and safe policy for tbe Federal Government to pursue,” and that it refused “ to join in the excitement c )mmon to any difference of opinion that may arise in the policy pur sued in canyiug out the views of the gen eral government” The amendment was defeated by p vote qf 109 to 18,3 members refusing to vpte. The vote on the resolu tions reported by Committee was then ta ken, and resulted in 111 yeas to 1 nay, 18 members realising to vote. The convention then proceeded tonom inatejeandidatea for Supreme Judge and Ca nal Commissioner. Wm. A. Porter Esq. ,of Philadelphia! was selected as the candidate for Judge onrthe Ist ballot, having received 195 votes to 24 scattering. Wesley Frost, Esq., of Fayette Co., was selected as can didate for Canal Commissioner,x>n the 8d ballot, by a ■vote of 94 to 34 scattering.— Both nominations were unanimously ap proved. the customary speeches, votes of thanks, &c., the Convention then adjourned sine die. fi@*Ono (lay last week we enjoyed the pleasure of travelling from Huntingdon to Lewistowi in company with Col. Mont gomery Monison, the clever and gentle manly conductor on the Huntingdon and Broad Top Bailroad. To say that he is an agreeable anjd entertaining companion, would be almost a work of supererogation, as everybody who knows “Gum,” or has ever travelled on his train knows that. He is the beau iscal of a Conductor and his popularity at ;ests it. "VW were glad to learn from him that the Broad Top Roai is now in a flourishing condition, and bids fair, under the judicious management of its efficientSu perintendont, J. J. Lawrence, Esq., soon to' overcome all the difficulties which have hitherto surrounded it. Suc cess to it and its popular Conductor. The Atlantic Monthly. —The March number of th s valuable periodical is al ready on our table. It presents a rich lit erary banquet to its numerous readers.—' Like wine it i seems to improve with age, I ing number being better than :r. It admirably fills a vac ;crary world, which the read re long since noticed and re like meat of die Magasinea of not afraid to meddle in poli icisms, are all made from an itand-pomt, and so far have t correct. Terms $3 per an tes Philips, Sampson & Co., every succeed its predecease uum in the li ing'public ha gretted. Ub the day, it is tics. Its crit independenti been pe?fedtl; num. Addrl Boston. WSf* W e call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Hodges’ Journal of Finance l and Bank Beporter, and Hodges’ New Bank Note Safe-Guard, in another column. The Journal of Finance and Bank Beporter is pus of the best, if not the best published for the detection of spurious notes, and the Safe-Guard the dh ly yrark of the kind ever published which gives correct delineations and fac-aimilc descriptions of $ll the genuine banknotes in circulation. See Advertisement. The the case of James M. Kelly, convicted of the murder of Henry Wisanian, came up foratgument on the motion for a near Ori el. Oti Tuesday of this week, Judge Mc- Clure delivered his deolsion overruling fch§ ipotwivand the prisoner andjeatenoedto be tang? 3 ~.. PBimmu! i; 185& Wat a kountry, jot,••% batplea?! A abort time ago and i'P«iic»” were all the rage. The papers were fall io overflowing with notice# of the “Great Panic,’,' the can sea which produced It, Ute onfy.mOMfi hjr which its headlong career eoold he checked and it» blighting influences be •obvected, ond s^oj OuU reeipet to guard against its return dmin£;t|ll coming time. Many em braced the opportunity to “ blow” about their superior sagacity and foresight, they, according to their own story, j haring foreseen and prophe sied its arrrival, months, nay years ago. How ever that may be,: the “ Panic” had come, and its malign and blighting influence was nowhere lightly felt. The' Immediate depression ia all branches of business that immediately occurred was astounding. Gaunt famine with all its at tendant horrors, stared in the faces of our me chanics and laborers, and the rapidly approach ing winter was regarded with more than com mon dread. The breezes no longer wafted o'er our city the busy hum of the spindle and spi ning jenny, and the load resounding anvil was hashed into silence. In short, Industry was completely paralyzed, and our banks, setting aside the requirements of their Charters, increa sed the general gloom and distress, by suspend ing specie payments. Any one then beholding our lamentable situation would have immediate ly concluded that it would be a long long time ere our “good time” would como again. So would we all have said then, but we would have been far from right.' For already the gloomy clouds are beginning to dissipate, and the whole aspect of our affairs to assume a blighter 'and healthier appearance. Everywhere Manufac turers have resumed or are preparing to resume business. Our banks have very guittly and modestly resumed specie payments, and specie is now so plenty that it is a drug in the market. The winter, too, so! dreaded and yet so mild, has passed away, and hero wc arc on the thresh old of Spring, u ith; everything to hope for and nothing to fear. Although she welcomes us in her most unattractive robes, yet it is only to try us, and ere long she will deck herself in her most dazzling and bewitching habiliments.— Then will new life and energy be infused into us and our affairs and our wilderness emphati cally blossom like 'a rose. Have we not then great cause for thankfulness, beholding as we dp the last trace# of the “Great Panic” fast j disappearing- But while we are truly thankful at such a consummation, may we not also justly feci proud that wc; have weathered the storm so J successfully. Yes, wc may, and for w&ut of ! some more elegant, though perhaps loss espres- j sive, language, may give vent to our feelings ! by exclaiming in the language of a venerable i Sour-Krout-Punisher, fresh from “ Yaderiand,” “ Mein Gott! vot a kountry. vot a beeples.” If a foreigner should take a retrospective view of the “doings” in our country, especially in Washington, during the last few months, he I would very naturally exclaim with the aforesaid j Krout Punisher, “vot a kountry, vot a beeples!” j When wo send legislators to Washington, it is, or ought to be, for the purpose of guarding and promoting our best interests. Common sense teaches us that we ought to send men of super- i ior qualifications there, and it is generally sup posed that we follow her teachings. But, it is a debatable question, whether men who make our legislative halls the theatre for choice per sonalities and bilingsgale, and for spirited exhi bitions of the “ mainly art,” not only Jiagrucing , themselves and then - constituents, but also bring- 1 ing reproach upon! us a nation, are not lacking in some or all of the requisite qualifications.— ; As it is the duty of legislators to make laws, so ■ we should suppose that it is their duty to obey tbcm.V But a public bar-room was lately, made the theatre, in which two of them, over their glasses, excited each other to such a degree that i a personal collision occurred, a challenge was the consequence, aqd for several days wo mo mentarily expected to hear of the death of one I or both of them. Such ruffianly actions, when coupled with bribery and corruption, now so no torious in high plaices, sufficient to excite feelings of wonder and disgust in the minds of foreigners, and to depreciate our character as a nation in the eyes qf the civilized world. Bat I have not (lone yet. Mormonisra and Kansas affairs must come in for their full share The one at first a mere speck upon our once fair exterior, has been petted and nursed by “the powers that be,” until it has become*a hidco us gangrene, which, unless immediately attended to by skilful surgeons, will gain such an ascen dancy, that nothing short of the dissolution of the body politic can be the result. The other has assumed such a phase, that already it is cited by the friends and jtpholders of Monarchy, as a proof of their favorite theory that there is no stability in Republics, but that, sooner or later, through tbc selfish designs of unscrupulous men, or the Corruption land partisanship of parties, they must be ovcrjbrown, and confusion and anarchy necessarily follow. It depends in a great measure uponjour representatives whether these evil prophecies will be fulfilled o'r not.— Let them seriously ponder over the responsibil ity depending upon them ere they act in the premises. In the pienntime let us indulge the hope that all oar difficulties may be settled wisely and satisfactorily, and that wo may ever, while speaking of pur country, exclaim with feelings of honest pride, “ What a country, what a people!" , The last week has developed little pf interest in our city affair*. ; The Kirkpatrick poisoning case excites Sumer interest in “ Upper-tcudom” circles, the parties; implicated being member.-* of that “.institooshSnV’ If you remember, the two. servant girls testified before an Alderman that they knew nothing about the poisoned pic, but since then thewliavo voluntarily confessed that they committed perjury, and have communi cated to tbe authorised certain facts, which have led to the arfet* of'Mrs. Robert B, Kirkpatrick. She is at present held to bail In the sum of $5,- 000 r The funeral of Jqdge Kane, (the father of the world renowned BrT Kane, j on Tuesday last, whs very largely attended hy the members of the bar and hit personal friends. ; Last Week two of the con tractor* for tho er ection of the new Pennsylvania Bank building, levied upon the balding.'and £ad a sheriff's no tiso" for- tie side oftbe same posted’ eonabieixe ously upon it Thpy have this mekaa IS-mo®** d«e llienlftr - £D BOIBBOBS. Dear—That "hna." *' 9ST Jubilant—The teller. Qo to the Concert to morrow night. gQrFiuled ont—The Tyrone Jltrald. tf3f* The “ Mum-budget” has at lut end or* eed the Lcoomptou swindle. , if^Qood —Ayer’s unrivalled tobacco sold by Fettingep. t&~ Conductor are we rnnning for, time to day ? No, sir, we are running for cash. SSf* Hazlitt says “ most people don’t think they only think they think.” Bend the letter from Philadelphia. It should have appeared Inst week bat was crowd ed oat. ■ OQk- “ Are yoa mate of the ship T” asked an emigrant of. the cook, who was an Irishman.— “No, sir; I’m the man that cooks the matt." ggjr A man detained his son at home for a couple of days from a district school, and sent to the teacher the following excuse: “Keptto- hamsortin Inters. ” 8881. Several deaths have occurred in London from-injuries received in the crowd which filled the streets on the Princess Royal’s wedding night. Icicle.—Our “ devil” has made many new discoveries in the art of orthography, but the following new way of spelling icicle throws phonotypy into the shade :—“ I see—l see Ellie I” CSL- Interesting—Cobb’s new story in the N Y. Ledger. For sale at Fettingcr’s, wherg^rSv can get everylhingyoa want in the shape of lit erature. A.lass!” as the old bachelor said when be wanted to marry. He made the same exclamation after marriage but he spelt it differently. Death of Monroe Stewart.—This un fortunate man, convicted in connection with Fife and Charlotte Jones, of the murder of Henry Wilson, died at Passavant’s Infirmary, of small pox, on Tuesday afternoon last. B£i„ Prentice, of the Louisville Journal , says that the fault with the female Yankee teachers who go westward is, that instead of teaching other people’s children,’ they soon get to teach ing their own. A couple of weeks ago a largo wild cal, some five feet in length and weighing St> pounds, was captured near Carr’s Tunnel, Westmoreland county. Before being captured it fought three bull dogs desperately for some time, end bit Mr. John Markle severely in the hand. B£&> Gov. Packer has pardoned Thos. Berry, formerly of Oreensburg, who, together with a number of others, was convicted at Carlisle, in November, 185 d, of riot, and sentenced to two years and nine months imprisonment in the- Eastern Penitentiary. figy- Levi J. North, the great circus rider, having been nominated for Alderman, in Chica go, a waggish anti-Democratic editor presumed that Levi was selected on account of his well known skill in ridisig two horses at once. The presumption has proved true, as Levi was elec ted. Railroad city lit- Kit.VUY Ji.MCoil] L'M, No. I, Ansa > A UoLsE AI.TOON K. Xiic following Publications ore c ;n*»tAnU\ received an-i for sale at thia vetabiibiimciit, at Publisher ® pi ieve. DAILIES Pun vdciphu - -Public Ledger, Doily Frr*s, Daily Morning J\ mrj. Evening Journal, Evening Mull'd:i tint Evening Argus, S E'v Yoke— lltrald. Tribune and Ttirtte. UAL7IM-JUL Daily Auk. Pittsduru— Daily Dispatch WEEKLIES. Pnn.iDuLPHU—S’u'urt/c.y Evening Ft>si , The Fress. Sun day Transcript, Sunday Dispatch , Sunday Mercury and Dollar yrisspaptr. Nkw Yokk—.V. J' Ledger, *V. J* Leader, Harper's Wf'l ly-, Frank Leslies'! Illustrated newspaper. Scientific Ameri can, Irish American, Irish Vindioti'/r , Irish yews. Life. It lust ratal, y. I’. Clipjitr, yittnMol Folic? Gazette. Magistrate. Boston —Ballou s Fictorial, W’avtrly Magazine, Flog of Our Cnum, True Flag, American Union, }\trior Casket, Spiritual Telegraph, Boston FtU< tfc. MONTHLIES Frank Leslie's Monthly Pictorial, Harper's Magatin Leslie's Xeic Turk Journal. Putnam’s Magazine, K nicker hncl.tr Magazine, United Slate: Magazine. Chamber’s Journal. Graham e Mayanae. Geley's Lady's liaol:, Ladies Illustra ted Miscellany, Mrs. Stephen’s Xcw Monthly. Yankee Motions, Xic Xsz, Vint more’e and Appleton's Railroad Guides. To the above will be added all the uew publications as they appear. 1 flatter myself that I present ns great a variety of liter ature in th<* above list, as can be found in any establishment outside of the large cities. SiAHOMEKT.-r-l keep constantly ou hand a gnat variety of Stationary, such a* Bill. Cap. Letter and Note Paper, En velopes, Pena, Pencils, Slates, 4c. School Booxs—l have and shall constantly keep on hand a variety of School Books, such aa are used in tlu'a and sur rounding districts. Any book I may nut have 1 w ill get on short notice. PtsiiEß A Brother's Pvbjjcatioxk—The stock from this Ilonso consists i f Children's Toy Books, in great variety 1. o numerous to mention; Dream and Fortune Telling Books, Comic and Song IBooks. Heady Reckoners. Letter H rittrs. Cook Bookja, Conversation Cards, Pluyiug-Oui.ls, Snake and other Game*. Ac. keep constantly on band a great variety of Pictures and Lithographs either with or without frames.— 1 have’just r-r-ived a beautifirl variety of large Pictures, to which I Would call the attention of every one, as they mustybe seen to be appreciated. These pictures can be had cither In giit or mahogany frames to suit circumstances. 1 am new prepared to frame pictures of all sizes, in gilt moulding, for parties who may have them on hand and wish them framed. Toys awd Fancy Ar.rtn.R3—Such as Dolls. Gum Balls, Whistles, Jewaharps, Marble*. Tops, Hoops, J umping Ropes, Dominoes, Dice, Checker-Boards. Ac. Cm arb and Tobacco—l keep constantly on liand a supply of the very bekt Havana and Domestic'Cigars anil Tobac co, from the old and popular establishment of S. W. Avers, South Third street, Philadelphia. Fishing Tackle of every description constantly on hand. I am solo agent in this place for Dr. Bohn’s German Com pound Ointment, a Salve that has never been known to fail In curing any sore whatever. Try it. BOOKS AND NOVELS IN GREAT VARIETY. Thankful for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon me hitherto, by. the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, 1 hone by strict attention to business and an accommodating dis position to merit a continuance of their patronage. Jan. H. FETTTNGER. Proprietor. A RARE CHANCE. —The subscriber offers at Private sale, about 80 Acres of the best qual ity of Prairie Land, situate in Illinois, aboat 75 miles South west of Chicago, in a well settled neighborhood, and one mile from a thriving town. Two Railroads pass near the property and there is an excellent supply of wood and wa ter convenient. The location li considered very healthy.— Payments to bo made in six yearly instalments. Apply to Thomas davey. v Feb. 25 3tl f Pa. R. R. Shops. A CHANCE FOR BARGAINS.— The subscriber offers at Private sale, two splendid Ldfa In, a very desirable part of the town of Altoona. The lots are in fine order, with a number of choice Fruit Trees planted thereon, which are in a thrifty condition. Enquire of [Feb. gii-Im] CEO. B. CBAMEB. SHERIFFALITY.- —I offer myself as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF of Blair coun ty, at the ensuing election in October next. If elected, I pledge myself to, discharge the duties appertaining to said office to tho best of my ability. . / Feb. 4.1808-tel JOHN B. WARFEL. T> AISINS.—I,OOO BOXES XL Bunch and layer Raisins in store, and for sale by .. w.n.bhuoard, March 12 ’«7-Iy| 1.91 Xorth tW St.. Philadelphia. T OTS FUR SALE—BUILDING Jtj. Lotaeltaatsindlfferenfloealltie*, {a this Borough
KOEIPTB AND KXPBjiJ^O^ XL of the' Botwqh -oflltocaa, ** *».#■* «■**« 1858. a. * JACOB BSfMEB, SWarune, Pr- To amount rseetved bum fcnnM Tmaswei—b«l- . / ' once to Mteury March $lB6Ri ' .jf's;-.. s®W9s «* am-untivcejvwi of J /Ooofc-bidaac* utf BttpUf, „ cate for War 1880, .. v- • 4*ms. “ amount csltaxce collected and #uMla.%.JwW , ■ ' McClellan, CoUsetor for 1857,’ , .-s 1«2,T» “ amount p4ld Inby Burgaas, Ueanat for SahlM* _• tiotiSy ’. v , « amount jwd in by Barge**, bring amcsint ra ceivwl froan sundry persona for laying pars- , ’ ments, ' V J 58,7« Total Receipt*, $2153,72 JACoiIIESSEB, JVwssurtr, Cr. By amount pdid Wn. Boyden fin copy ofPutdotrt Digest lor use of Borough Council, $*,CO x amount paid sundry persons for work, ~ 107,01 ti 44 4* 44 4. »4 U 811,00 u u u w. T. Marriott for Jot, f , 40,80 “ “ “ sundry persons for work. > 88,12 “ « « J. £. Uuuston for lumber, 127,21 « x x sundry persona tor work, • 106,9# 41 44 it 44 m 4< •* , " 185)29 x x u it, A-McMurtrlo, foes for obtain- ing Charter for Borough, 00,08 x “ x Lewis Hack for stone work, 100,00 x “ ‘i sundry persons for weak, 219,44 “ “ “ R. H. McCormick for lumber, : 38.2 S •« x x j. £. Houston, “ “ 10.46 x x •• c.J. lllrrt “ “ 3,15 x x <> jondry persona for work, 09,42 x x u . •• « x x 43,44 x x x n. A. Sellers room rent, SjOff " ” ’• liurge«s for preparing and enter ing liens , 9.59 ” ” *• J. y. Houston for lumber, 125,33 ” ” ” J. Hosier for materials furnished ami work doboat Lock Up, •421 <5O ” ” " Joku McClellan. Ci«ik to Council, 26.00 ” " " McCi mn i AliUoa for printing, 9,00 ” ” '* BurgLri* esfKiiwa encoring lion*. _ /j end recording deed, ■ 0,10 ” ” ** J. Good, for preparing lien, 1,00 ” ’’ ” \Vm. Walton for hauling,- . 50 n ” ” Treasurer, hid per ceutagv.. Total; Expenditure* fur the year $2203,00 Total Expenditures, $2203,96 ” Iteceipts, 2153,7 2——— Leaving a balance due the Treasurer of $50,24 Taxes outstanding on duplicate for 1857, on which noexhonrratiou has been made, $933,00 Png-Itomugtefor pavement laid in 1555, 11C.75 » ... >. •, .. » iss7, 2C,r' Total amount duo the Borough,, x Deduct amouut duo Treasurer, , Balance due the Borough, (1031.51 JAMES LOWTIIER, Buryat. B. C. We Certify tbat wo have examined tho account of the Treasurer id tiie Borough of Altoona and find it correct. JOHN McUO.NNELU { 4u \ Mtor . March 1-31] O. P. TUOM.fS, . Ww. W ALL ACE • FRENCHBURR MILL WTO SR, XJJLL FUR* St&itSQ k ST£AM KWJXF FSTARtmiMLWJ, 3 ILL 331, 333 Iaoc: ty *t., oppaitt IS with field ft.. RHtjlntrif, J\i Steam vugiilca fur Saw and tiuuriug Mills t'emjcsily on han-i and ni-wie to ordt*r. BoUcrtf for Kugdhrs made on «uort notice, h tvmjh Uuir Mill Su.*u»*h, old and new stock, of my own uianuluctuiv, Jtlw.*y-i u hum! at the U*wcai pricts— Mill 6| Mill 1 roii-f. Mill and lluguluttug Sm-ws. Scn » n >\*irr'. (Vni and O b (srindvn, iVooi St«uT* :tnti la»'ftih*T Belling* ahvay-* un hand. Lull't i\U‘-nt ir»*ncii burr Smut Machine* a :u ti-le. iwd in i>\* r . r *' ■*.» oi‘ the Wait indU In the They i.i:n !i.:ht ••iee.ii W-*JI and liwt. uurt will U-t a life tiu*^— \S hi n :be\ leonine dull, the edge can Ic mu. wetl by nark in* ihe Bu:r. V»V aicu x u n-i liheai * from c:w o: the bug e.;t tlouiiin. mill.* In the w.et; aud for further particular* refer lo our haudbilii. W. W. ulack, K.Hi*.— l)r\ir M’e have n«»w in use in our uiill. y»*ur hurt Snail Machine*: Shot v rk to tair enrii o ditthfuclh u; they er> durable, not lb. I dr-to get oat v. ’57- 1 yl I UT VAIJLiS GALVANIC ■ J I *ll. ■ 1];:* Vu. .iahh; pi epdriiiioli (..111 Oe. had itt the Here of If ’fry !,• hr. in Andrew On -u’a old stand. North Hard. ITk u* Lfii tii ’ii - f il.c puoiic is invited to the lollowing HOME TESTIMONY: fil m i-'ic L-.Kiiburri C/ronide. | I>iTtn'H G r >ic Or,— Hit above h;\a Won i di-tribai-i through ou. county fur the tin t time within the I la-u lu-.uth. * Jr. n»guid t<» its powerful preparation w»* chq j rti\, it is nooruiai ndt ‘1 by the pjtvst* in Htrongor Wut6 than ; any "*Wr preparation r w brought before th** public. Ma ! ny ahuosi miraculous cure* hav«r W«:u (vovi*4«hl ! by.flu* iib«* of the ah-n* preparation. It i» «yU tin- iu mats system » current of electt icity.~ . A a-i ic is applicable to th» cur*’ of all “or«un*,l painful didK.‘«scb ; Fn>m.the Leu-isUtvsn Aurora. I! I hav* h-*eti afflicted for year** with Chronic I»im rhu a. f and h.iv.* foeavc.i mor- Wu«*:U from Duvall s Galvanic cil } then any other uuUidiL-.- i ever u.atl. Tills is to certify that I have used Duvall's Galvanic Oil in .i• y family in sum'* nf the diseases lor illicit it is recoia mi'nii-i*.. a lid found i; lo act a’.ino-t "ponfauceUsiy. I ro. cumiuvud it to all who suffer from pain. So) ( c <; t. r. !Tj KI ’O S ! I) RUOS !~ H. A. Ji / .• hLi.dilt'. A•j’.nd again tip* hisl.tavc* to the cili/t ittf <>t A.i.fi’ii nu*l fh»- public gcruTr S ahy jh‘i .iO- lv mton.iA all ihcw.iHtUmi | DKl’O ASP CIIKMICA 1. .STOKE, MhfcM Lat hif hi -u*ro r„..:u "it Vnginm street. . ! ID- )i vir jjfij i’liiladviphla aii.l secured front ’~ !Tr *"™ cn«' t-f the bo.vl a lit] most reliable wholosiilc Chcm j ical houses, u lartfi* and romprclif*n**iv»' asKortmeiit of * DUUGS, CiIKMiCALS, OILS, FAINTS. &c. which lie offers at prices that defy competition. ’ He has fitted up liis store iu a creditable and comfortable manner, and flatters himself that he will be able to render entire satisfaction. His stock of Drugs have Imen carefully selected and arc warranted perfectly genuine. His stock of varieties are large and comprehensive. Camphene and Burning Fluid always on hand. But we have not room to enumerate all, suffice It to sal that he his constantly for sale everything usually kept id a Drug and Variety store. Give him a call and see what be has. (jnn. 15. ’57-tf. CAVING FIND, FIVE PER CENT P INTEREST, (NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST GO, IR.-I nid street, S. W. Q/rner of Third, Philadelphia , Incorpo rated by the StatVof Pennsylvania. Money U received n anv stun, large or small, an I inter est paid from the day of deposit to the day ot withdrawal.. The office is open every day from 9 p'clock-fn tho morn ing till 5 o’clock the afternoon, and on Monday and Tnuisduy evenings till < o'clock. H-m. HENRY L. BENNER, Pra’t. ROBERT SELFRIDOE, Vice Prts'i. Wm. J. Rzzd. Secretary. DIRECTORS.; lion. Henry L. B-uuer, F. Carrol Brewster, Edward L, Carter, Joseph B. Barry, i Robert Stdfrfdge, Franck. Lee. Sani’l K. Ashton. Joseph Yerkes, C. Lamketh Muuce. • i Hi nry Dieffenderfer. Money is received and payments made doily without no tice. The investments are mode in REAL ESTATE MORT GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first class securities as the Charter require* ' JMsrASm. TRAPPABLE FARM FOR SALE.— T A valuable Farm of seventy-nine acres of limestone land, situate about two miles east of Franketown, and one mile from the Penn’a Canal, on tho road leading to Scotch Valley, is offered for sale by the subscriber. .ft Sixty acre* are unde- pood cultivation, and the balance Umber land. The improve- 3jj ||A ments consist of a good tWo-story PLANK Sn 9 n m sHM. HOUSE and BARN, a good fountain of fIHQw&SiS water at the door, a large orchard contain- WSSSrCISiSaI ing Apple, Pear, Plntn and Cherry trees, in goad bearing condition, and every convenience necessary to a farm. Terms liberal. For further particulars apply to Feb. 18-Ct] JOHN SHOEMAKER. rpilE CASSVILLE SEMINARY.— I ONLY 832.60 PER QUARTER. JL_jd This School fur Young Ladles and Gen* tlemen is probably the cheapest one of the S | ;jtS kind in the country. Thu expenses for Hal g a tiR '• room rent, furniture, fuel, board and tni-jflHBMBBB : tion in common English, arc per quarter*^-*si33SBl' as above, or per year only $BB. , 1 Pin no Mustek only $0 per quarter. All the Laughsgc* and the Ornamentals arc proportionally cheap, Send «w a circular. Students are expected to notify me before coal iDß. .Address JOHN D.ATAL9H, Feb. kft-.na] Ciasville, Huntingdon Co, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.— . Notice, ia hereby given that letters of Administration on the estate of George Huff, lato of Logan township. Blair county, deed, have been granted by the Register of said' county to the undersigned residing in Altoona. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estath are reques ted to make Immediate payment, and those hiring claims will present the same duly authenticated fur. settlement . Feb. 11-1858-61.] J. B. HILLMAN, jiWnsV. ; NOTICE.-NOTICE is HEREBY giv-' on to all persons not to purchase two'Promhaorr Notes of $5O each, glren by me to George Smith. of Antes township. Blair county.-dated January 2,1658, ouo nsra ble in three months and the other in six months, as Yam determined not to pay sal¬esunless compelled brine never harm* received rain# therefor. ™: ■ ’ Feb. 2Mt*] ' , JOHN MATIIE?. |i PIiUNES. JL Citrons, and Currants in store sad Jbr sale by U s»th 4 3fL. aodnb*t> tastdreaadtir sele hy ; ■ Pirrt'Bnton. June. 25.1552. \V. tv. WAT.L.iCIh 310 T.tforty Shfrt. P.ti.sOiny. Pi 2 ALEX. McKKE. Oliver towvodiip, MilUin county. /. M. INGE AM. D"C..tur :■ -w usliip. Mill! in county J i WAY 3 I Is, BO doubt the most wonderful dUcovery of this <*#• 0< progress, for U will restore. permanccUy, IP»7 hsg ; *M» original 'color, cover the head of tno bald with a bom IM> riant growth, remove at once all dandruff and Itching, cm all scrofula. and other cutaneous eruptions, »«ch as acaJi bead, etc. It will cure, as if by magic, nervous or pcriqdh cti hoadscha; make the hair soft, glossy and MnaeW'jWl color perfectly, and the hair ftvtn falling, to eatreha*! oM age. Ih« fellowing I* from n diatisgniibed member; sjnpe medical profession; / St. Pact January 1,186*. ; . Pans. O. J. VToob—X>aar Sir this certificate. After Utog newly l»U for a jc-W ttt»s and having triad all the hiylr rystcratlvesertehtand havfag no fitith in any, I wua induced, on hearing of yours, V** It a trial. 1 placed niyaeif in the hands of a hud mv head rubbed with a good stifi brush, and the w#e nttiverbcu applied and well rubbed in, till the scalp, P** aglow. This 1 repented evnjy morning. end In threeiMWe the young lutir appeared nnJ grew rapidly from Augustus* till the present time, ami Is iiovr illicit, black Mid_etiMvT soft and plenaaut to the teach; wheftn?. before, It wash*!** and wiry, what little there was of it, and that little Wj|> disappearing very nvpMIJ. T still use your HeyWMlwi about twice a week, and shall soon have a sped acd posfrxt crop of hair. Now 1 had read all these tilings—and Who has not? .but have net seen hitherto any. case where any person’s hair was really bcuefitted by tuiv pf the hair. toAlct etc., of the day; end it really gives me pleasure to t**W the result of mv experience. 1 have recommteded your prejierdtion to others, and it already has a large'aiid qeutj* al sab? throughout the Territory, the poople hart kae/W -its effects and hare confidence In it. The supply ycd_S»W us as wholesale agents for the Territory, la nearly. cfhMa tod, and dally Inquiries wre mode for it. You dsaervo crto it for your discovery, ami. I , fur one. return voir KV than#! for the la>ncfit l it Inis dpnc me, for X certainly b*d long ago of effecting ally such result. Vours^oiPliL. Firm, of Bond A Kelly, Druggist*, St, Ws£ ; “ Fixtii the Editor if the Etui £*M* « BostOKeMtochac,,lW inifc mipeaed wholij of t unis. Some id. &uf tiie etrongih of these guma nifty be irrlned when it 1 known cue bottle of’ the luv'ieorator contain* M much strength a* one hundred doses of Calomel without any of its deleterious - ' One bottle i- the surest thing known to carry away tliS bad eficcts of Titinerai poitou of any kind. , - Oniy one hclth: of it is ueodul u> threw out of the lyitM* the effect of uiedicine after a lung ftickneeft. - ? One hot tie tab' n for Jaundice removes all yeUowse*j|. OC unnatural color from the skin’. : One dose after eatingde sufficient to relievo the lUataok end prevent thr food from rising H»d souring Oniy one dine taken before retiring prevent* nightmtT*. One d -■ taken at night loosens the bowels gentiy>-*a4 cur s costi - .cue's. One d.me taken after e.i:h meal will cure Dyopepal*. fine doji: of two lea-spoonfuis will elv.ivvs relieve tick He.^lae he. ' .' • ' Urie bottle taken for female obstructions removes th* cmw of tbo disease, and makes a perfect cure. , _ ■ Only one' dose immediately reliovc* Cholic, while on* do** ■often repeated i* a sure cutf; for Cholera Morbus, acdltiorw pr-vi ntntiye .>f Cholera. ■ One doe*- taken often will prevent the recurrence qt UV liens attack-,. wlii!" It r* litres all painful fcellnga. r C 3“ One or two doers taken occasionally to one of tb* beat remedies for cold ever known. j. Thousand? of cores oftiifliinunatibn and weakness of tl* Ir.np.j have been cured by tlie llivigoralor. On" do«" lot cu a short time before eating gives vigor ti.c appsiite un 1 m..i:cs feud digest wtSl. One dose eft.-n repeated cun s Diarrhoea in Ua worst forma, while summer and bov.cl complaints yield almost to flit filet dot>e. . ' ' v One o; two .low, cured attacks caused by worms, wh.Ha I’-r worm? in children, thorn in no surer, safer and speedier remedy in the world, as it never tails. There is no ernggeratiou |u these statements, tbsy nr* plain and sober tic's, that we can give evidence to prove, while ell Mhu use it arc giving their unanimous testimony ir. its favor V • • - We wish all who arc sick and debilitated to this n> • edv, and test it thoroughly, and any who are not . benefit)*] by it« use we should like tn here from, us jwji have yet to bear from the first person who lias used a brittle of Inrigor** tor without receiving benefit, for there are arch astonishing medicinal virtues in it. that all. no matter hew long they have been affected, if their complaint arises from a mmW ed Uvcf. w ill be benefited, if not entirely cured. ■ ' Sanford A Co., Prcprietors, Sl5 Broadway. New York.— -Dr. G.'IJ. Kcyser, Driiggists,No.l4oWoodStreet,Pittsburg. Wholesale Agent. For sale by G, W. KESSLER. Druggist, Altoona. April i. AT^y ITCH! ITCH!! ITCH MI I BASHES’ ITCH OINTMENT is the only mriad* which thoroughly .curfathat dreaded disease—the SEVER YEARS’ITCH—now prevailing to *d great an Client *fhe usual remedies, such ns Brlmatone, Tar and frectaUata ' Ointments, are of no use. Many wbo have used thorn hare beoa compelled to use Burnos’ Itch Ointment, aiuTfipUMi tt the only cure. It Is new the only remedy in which phrsl dans place any reltnnre. FUOSTEI) feet. Jock Front hag re-commenced hi* reign and «mv«» REMEDY FOR FROSTED FEET is the only cure those whom be has attacked. Apply this remedy tor a Tew day.' nud a euro will bo effected. The first apollca- ’ tion (fire* rcliet It has cured cases whete thesSnft* lurtlcd. RHEUMATISM. " The cJTobr.-.ted Liniment. called HYPER ALT MTTTTtww. has atnal more caeca of Lbeutnatihin than any.othsr known For tlie cure of Pains in the Side. Llmlis and Beck. Throat, Swelling,, of the Joinu. and Bi place, it has i« mna. As a Liniment for Hones, in co* ring Galls. Cuts, Sores, Strains, Swelling*. and ternn! injuries. Bono Spavin only accepted, all whohevn used it give it the preference over ail ofSers ' - COUGHS AND COLDS. BARNES’ OOTJGHfSYKCP, composed entirely of Twa. tables. Is a sure cure for Cough*. Cold, and BrmteWtU,trs without any cxceptlrm, the beet remedy known, of wbfc* fact thousands can testify. It Will lie found the best dy that can be used fori children. ■ . *mtT Prepared only at Parma’ Brug Store. Trenton: » KESSLER. ifi, Pittsburg. [Maylj, 'ST-ljv 7 IMPORT AN T X N|!OR* l M AXlOy-—The subscriber takek pleasure la atmoa»- ciftg to cijwont of Altoona and Us Vicinity. that befcJa opened a STORE In tho ROOM formerly occupied by Q. W ®“ Virginia street, where he yrlU be happy to e» hiblt to thorn his splendid stock of iVJ ' i FASHIONABLE FALL GOODS. which wUI be found entirely new,and fresh. His stork, fa C T?^ U . T ! c ? c *v? f““ w “ P UTC haeed strictly lor «>»« which just at this Important time haa enabled hltn to botr exceedingly low, and having adopted the v • HEADY-PAY SYSTEM, is determined to ask but “ Small Profit* and Qniea ■ Among his stock will be found everything to Ladle* and Gentlemen's wear, aa' wtfrV3 klffirHflrrw Groceries, Ilard'w&re, 4c.. junally kept in «town or country itoro, B# Invitee a careftil inspection of hie *t< fbr.sale by W.N. gHCOARD. ' :;- ' , 191 N. ad ttroet, PhlUdetphW ■ ■pEANUTS-5000 BUSH* X eb 'Wilmington Pea Nut* in Store, and for sala bp : ifar 1V67-ty] 191 ITorfli M stt^ S phfofrdpb<*- -sa* *•»-.« Qaeeosware, 3 ■|i^T trt Uai mini this w««! sdUstt and eiegeni lot feloM ooatro ft*,‘Unii»pottble i|pi>riUU them u»V thing aarcai St* ttnudfu that he tnstntl f*)Mp« haro pro .jeigrUity—we h; We*B»atd, who .IQmM and thread wtjs that n eaUnl th« Prtsiiit 's(s»* did itethiia such. ■ : .Hf MXt eompl; Hoftgwoart'ver for him. IMS* font to afflk Uhmtjat fur their onty' aondjr the : DatUßlUj follow; ■l*tuty of the Slat Cd ttiul deplorab!: W*b»Yf tio doub sdo,’ Edging fro hate compelled L ■ He says he nev< gaetde but onl; t This i« ttie uo,ki:t istedto JjJio a us ting the inipma liltHn areenrioi -—that of sfiauke pleasedon't. Wo JTitotis taking us 1 . -e. it v *. •.« so cuuse far Jealoi lie denies that I Leeomplon qucatli kc «i«kes to srgui guo with. Ahem 1 ftnilpn cn. lie dc tnenningof the tc Justified in-using i i ,1 se gentlemen ' “Tteki W« sdtiso him tu fjeuliur quallfieiftto something'b/iigui nothing bj avguta; fosses—the first t recollection tkst 1 '/ -£ : vl «*n yam nothing The .following 1 n description of id ns if tke author hi wrote them.* ■ coxc (frits M lUtr o, AlWUowbraJii An oracla wlthit Hu solemn fop; . A&dwithjadg . U> mjpt but ilia < OWWfttUU Wrlri ~ Uisarit lovitwj ■' But wbas juu k rM ®a» Balmoral ! H that, as yet, our 1 M complying with t'u • to toe matter of w 'I We again refer to ■’? Lave the fair stx •l-S- - 0. manifested, such a i| end capricea, ev«; || anch an extent thi M street in company. Hi faailoa,” that 1h why ? We must cl || sight < i>i|. acowK}’’ the street feelings et tLe s'gl , of the Detroit Pres %•; . ** F* bad po wg VyNetbing but the p I % ticei and according :w seized (lie kejr, and < sph TJprafaiug into (lie ?wKite paper, a lot jfu| of tar, pro child . -raps Siege of Corii VTVitb fcVvent anxid sj;'ttmewUb many gi ; f eternal machine J? And such poetry Its like. In tho n i ■■ Griswold’s Poets ' AlTscarlet, ’twas of 1 ,-1 r Xml all moving llf.i t 'M vermilion thin> :.ig The harn pigeon* d- And howling loft th* Bray hones from Ui &8 Hackney steed* fof^ jig® The peanut vender fr • And.took In fri.'tit t Zjm The »Ue bear 11 * note f fcg» Boao —deep, and lonO tp||j The torn-cat* yelled f : And echo answered. The jacks** horse, in Brayed from afar tm With a mlspd and ra :•'( f. I»tke vagrant cows in With sudden wing at Tiy The gray goose left h • ■ ,As the scarlet aasaile a) And made her hlghe - to SK Wont *om« of ot M natter. Times ar eitement io wake i tmly a commeucei “ merry as a m Wtlishcroiae T ; Booa-AocTioH.- •wpl Murray, Young large assortment ><«haMasonio Temp ; t>ate sale during tl ||j! Tenm B- He fans - ' ror all classes of r > V 'flpylee of binding. 7 Itrish to pbtaln the 'x-Jetend the auction ss ■•jfjKaTery evening for i to call \ i||| : Bak« Cuakce.- wiibes if patronift aye hereby inform* With tiie “ Atlantic of all the Mugazin ye thrice of the Magaz By cl | WIU thUB get a firs 111 ll 00