■«r , LOTTERSiSIftJ tiius OFoioidST -* Sm*to.ooo FOE Thefolluwutgtiohame will bo drawn by S. Swan A - Co„ M<4XUS3pS 4f 'tEa Sparta Academy Lottery, in each' ol thMr . 3tag|b, Nu«}bf J '- Lltterlcs for March, ISoa, at AUGUSTA, which city they have removed their principal ■i j ■/ ■ .■■ CIiASS 5, of Augusta, Georgia, in public, »n • ' Saturday, March C, 1858. • J " ’ ' '■ CLASS 6, ' To,berdr*.wn in the City of Augusta, Georgia, la public, on \ , ' Batoraay, March 13,1858. >; CLASS 7, r ... Tikba drawn in the City of Augusta, Georgia, in poplic, on ■'' y - Saturday, March 20,1868. ‘ - : CLASS 8, ~Tobe dcinrain the City of Augusta, Georgia, In public, on -* Hi';Saturday, March 27, 1858. . OK THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS, nn .WMCfyp>QPft HC-NDKtO AND EWHTT-nVI nou! ' ‘ Sen w out Prize in every Hint Ticket*! MAONIWCEST SCHEME I , ’MM PAAWN lUCIJ SATCRD.vV IN riaKCAXT. \ - 1 PrUoof 170A)0I 4 Prize of boo 1 " « 8&TO0 4 « « MO -1 ■*. “ 10,000 4 “ ' 700 t P' : P ■ ifiT' I 4 “ « M 0 1 ; >«i ■■■*• ': ■ < 4,000 60 Prices of COO 1 ■ «,.*» , • B,ooo| W “ “ 800 ■' 1:T •! « ' 1,600 100 *• « 125 • •*'. .J}..: " ■ ■ WOO 230 " « -MO 7 ‘I APPROXIMATION PRIZE®. 4 “ " 10,000 “ * M 0 •4 < •'« !“i.:lja “ “ 5,000 “ “ . Mfr 4 * 100 « “ 4,000 “ •* 400 ?4 ! « " 75 ■ « ■ ZfiOd u "■ -»» '4 * « CO « « WOO “ , “ • 200 C#W . * “ Mare 100,000 fi,4|(:£riaMamonntin£to $32(^000 IFlwde Tickets JJO; Halves $5; Quarters j . OP THE LOTTERY. Tbsjmmben from 1 to 60,000, corresponding with those Wpttbsrsbn.tto Tickets printed on separate slips of paper, aratswiirelwi in snptll tib tabes anil placed in one Wheel. wbcelof Nurabors, and at tlie same tlmo a Prize / U,)Jrawnfrom the other wheel. The number and prize dmwn.tttjt are opened ami exhibited to the audience, and rffiatnrjrift by the Commissioners; the Prize being placed noiabcr drauTi, This operation is repeated un till all the Prizes are drawn out. \ APngIXdUXfON ’Peizzg,—The two proceeding and the two nufe|ett|®emnbetB to'those drawing tbe'finst T Prizes will btfaSOTßa'totiii) 28 Approximation Prizes. For example: U’ Tlekiit Ko. llJloO draws the $70,000 Prize,‘those tickets numbered 11^48.11,249,11,251,11252, will each be entitled \ tos4oo. If Ticket No. 500 draws the $30,000 Prize, those tickets numbered 548. 040, 051; 002. will each be entitled to Jfld So on according to the above scheme. ThaikOOOprizes of $2O will be determined by thel sit nrsof. the munber that draws the $70,000 Prize. ‘.Forex* ample: l if the number drawing the $70,000 Prize ends with No. 1, tjion all the tickets, where the number ends in 1, wtUpe entitled to $2O. If the number cuds with No. 2, ttiehall the tickets wlicre the number ends in 2 will be en tid*l tCKS2O, nud so on to 0. ■ ' Certificates of Packages will be sold at the followlngrates which la tlievlski , . Certificate of' package of 10 Tfholo Tickets, I 1 * - “ : . ■< “ 10 Half “ “ i “ 10 Quarter “ ) -» « 10 Eight “ , . 1N OBBBRINO TICKETS OB CEBTIFICATJE3. Ilnclnae the money to our address for the tickets ordered, orAjodwptoffwhich they will bo forwarded by first mall.—- Purchaser* can baro tickets ending in any number they Numbers and Prizes will be sent to pawhjfcerSjinjinodiotel.v after the drawing. > iarcbitaerH vVlll please write their signatures plain, and gtVStiielrFost Office, County and State. wpMfttber that every Prize is drawn and payable lit full wnboqit deduction. 1 XU, prims of $l,OOO and under, paid immediately alter ti^dJrawlng— other prizes at the usual time of 30 days, communications strictly confidential. Address orders for tickets or certificates to , ,7 ■ ’ ■ a. SWAN & CO., Anyuta, Ga. Parsons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atalante,Go. , cab-hare their orders Ull.-d, and save time, by addressing Co, at either of those cities. Jfclirtofthe numbers Unit are drawn from the wheel, with tho amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, willboi published after every drawing, in the following pa wtrarMfGne Ortenne Della. Mobile Register, Charlatan Stan dard, MadniUe Gazette, Atlanta Intelligence! •, Acte Tori' Book, Savannah Morning News, RichmondKs jWßfcjJVtle Xorl: Dispatch, and Paulding (Mies.) Clarion Awtfiuta(Pen.) Pandit id iona!id. ‘ fjau.7-ly. , »TOE,CRISIS HAS ARRIVED, AN]) ■Rassrerywhero Banks, Brokers afll -Business men are tusptnalpg.or breaking up, under the overwhelming mmn. Credit is destroyed and Enterprise is paraly ,, aodT Tint amid all the hubbub and confusion inci lbg>jßßi such a state of affaiiS, we beg leave to inform ■i aw fnenids ami the public generally, that we have Juet.re- Philadelphia with cue of the largest, bestse- IsetSa and eheaiicst Stock of i & WINTER GOODS ' Aw bupght to town. Our stock consists, in .'part, 01 f LADIES DRESS GOODS. Such as Stum, Shawls, Delaines, Alpacas, Cashmeres, Blb ptmrM-.Mo in groat vanity. . A/GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. - . ;, and will take pletismo in accommodating all wlio may giro na acalt Kbveaibcrlit, 1357-tf. -• A M&ROTV PES.—THE PLAGE TO get. Amljrotypos for yaurselfvyonr friends nr rein ttonß, l* in the fourth story of Patton's Building, whore ail: per*«i G, W. KESSLER. B PERRY LEHR’S STORE IS IN l_ John Lehr’s old’ stand, nearly’ opposite McCor ’s store, in ’JorthW’nrd. [Juno 18p : 67-ly. •VTONE BUT THE BEST C.ONFEG IIj tloiiaiiea, Nuta aud Fruita kept at ■ June UKSRT-^ CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL if kinds of Hour wul Feed by caUftif; at June 18, , ‘ UKXIUT LEXIIf S. EVEKYBOBS ts I.NVITKI) TO ■mtm. fob Simula boiedikg i - ' ■"£■ e; ,t<,r *LSa ■ ’ 1 1 FOB THU PEOPLE. SI. DORADO GIFT A9SO OIAXION for tho sale «f :siaj7B7 worth of Sewing- Silk. : Each purchaser of one dollar’s worth of SmtfncSilk, will rcceivottnarabered check, which will entitiedhe hoi der td one share and a voice in the distribution ofthe tU* lowing list bf Valuable Property, tohedißtritmtedbyaConi mittop, chosen.bythe shareholders, in such a manlier as theymay deem advisilblc and agree upon among themselves. LIST OF PROPERTY. • 7 corner Lots on Wasldngtoa-strcot Altoona, 60 by 120 feet, valued at $lB4 each, $1,288 17 lota on Washington st, 53x120 ft., $156 each, 2,652 8 cor. lots onMulltcrry st., “ “ 156 “ 1,248 10 lots oii Mulberry st., “ “ 132 “ 3,508 S lots on High street, “ “ 63 rU , 126 * 1 cor. lot on German Street, 60x175 ft.,' valued at 63 8 lots on German street, “ “ $42 each 126 1 lot on Howard street, 50x133 feet, valued at 132 1 cor. lot on Lexington st., “ “ .“ . “ 160 2 lots on Chestnut street, “ “ $l3l each, 202 1 Gold Lever Watch, valued at „ 100 , 1 Horse, . « « r? 167 1 Two-Hone Wagon, « « 42 1 SnverLepine Watch « “ ’ 16 12 Coat Patterns add Trimmings, ( slo each, f . ISO 5Q Pants and Vest patterns, at each, " . . 220. 75 Articles or Parcels of M»rchai»dlse, $3,00 each, 225 100 « « «»' j : 2,00. « 200 100 « : « L 0 \ 100 ' .600 “ « “ 75 «• ' 376 2.000 « « “ 50 " 1,000 3.000 « 80 900 4flW “ 26 * 1,000 ; 8,885 “ “ ... SO « ,777 13,787 Gifts, valued at * *l^7S7 A The'Roal Estate In this -Bnterprtsaiahandsomely situated in the flourishing town of Altoona, (Uead-miarters of the ■ Pa* Central K. B. Co.) which in a few years has grown as if by megfe ita present population- being over 3,000. ■- f- -Tbs above property wiU be.delivered to tbe persons enti tled to receive It, immediately after the distribution. An indlrontable. title to all the lots in the above bill will be given bw r It . II; McCORMICK. ■Tho articles or parcels per bill, will consist of cloths, cos slmeree, d6,lalhes, AC’ ls to dispose of the silk in the shortest possible time, ahdXAesire everybody to purchase soon and l become members of this Magnifictnt Association. .The. silk will bo sent to any part of tbe United States, with Certificate of Membership, (for each dollar's worth pur chascd.) on receipt of the cash. -A Agents or clubs, remitting $lO at one time, will receive In return $ll worth of silk and 11 certificates. All orders must, ho addressed to JOSEPH MOIST, June 10,1656-tf,] ; Altoona, Blair i h. I All orders by moil, with postage stamp enclosed,,prompt ly attended lb. ' V . j I\fGNEY SAYED IS MONEY EARF 1v I ED, and in these -‘hard times,” itoto desirable to know whore to go in order to save money in purchasing BAY GOODS, GROCERIES OR PROVISIONS, i / By way of information, i ■/ EOWTHEU & MoDOWELL, i ' l V ' ' • ' Off THE : would rcepoctfully inform the citizens of Altoona, that ■ ’ '. they have just received their FAJLI. MD WINTGR CiOOOS, . which they will sell at prices to suit customers in tbis.Pi i naucial Panic and that defy competition.' Our stock consistH. iii part, of Silks, -French and Printed Merilips, Plain and Printed Owhmftres, Ombre Striped Eu genics, Delalns.'Ducals, Cohurgs, Gala and Woolen Plaids, Stella and llroqlia Shawls, Cheuile Shawls and Scarf), Cloaks, Mantillas, Velvets, Velvet Ribbons,He. Zephyr Goods, consisting of Mantillas and Hoods for la dies, tnlssos and children, Victoriues, Ac. Our stock of : DOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, such as Linens, Sheetings. pillow Linens. Table Linens, Napkins, Drilling Ci ashes, Tickings Flannels of, all colors. Carpets, Matting, Stair Cloth, Oil Cloths, unusually largcL Out* stock of ! BOOTS. JMOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, AO. for lien, Wcmenßiuys, Missus and Children, is not surpas sed in varietv or cheapness in the town. Our ' V STOCK OF GROCERIES ate the best that could be proeued in the Eastern market. We have also Flour, Potatoes, Meat and many other ar ticle# not herein Enumerated. j i Be, sure and.drop in and examine our stock, and we win make it an, object,to purchase. [Oct. 29-tf. sso 40 30 10 ARYLAND STATE LOTTERIES. 1 si R. Ruscu & Co., -Managers. „ CAUTION NOTICE. Persona living at a distance should be(yrtremely cautious of whom they order lottery Tickets or Certificates of Pack ages of Tickets.; The country is flooded’With bogus and swindling Lotteries. Every inducement Is held out to get persons to invest money in them. Capital Prizes of from $20,000 to $lO,OOO head their schemes—with ’tickets; at One Dollar. $lOO,OOO Capital Prizes are offered, tickets $5. AH such, in overj- instance, are frauds; and if money* is sent to them for tickets, it is so much thrown away; without the shadow Of ft chance of gettingja prize. Beware of all Lot teries where the Capital Prize Is unusually large in com parison to the price of tickets. In every instance Where large prizes are oflfcred for a small cost Of tickets, put it gown as a certain fraud. Tlie Kentucly State tottery for'the bpnefit.of the Shel by College, underour management, is the only Lotteiy In the United States which is legally decided by the Maryland DreWlngs; all other lotteries which'purport to I>e decided by the Maryland DrawiUgß, aire frauds. ■ 'T ••• ; i ' J THE MARYLAND STATE LOTTTERIES. Purchase iu the Maryland State lotteries, then ytlu are sure of he|ng right. And;in ordering in the Maryland Lot teries, you are sure of ikir and hbnefefdraWings: ' One thlngjook to, and thallii, If yon ordotfrom any. Ilf censedremter in Baltimore, do not reccivsj any but ilamd gore 1 Tickets nnd Managers’ Printed Certificates of Packa ges. the-Managers’ Certificates have the puraljersprintcd, and have the lithographed signature„ol R. .France s Co. Jioone lias a right to sendlitis individual certificates, and if he does it, ho sure there isla fraud at the bottom of it. i 1 R. FRANCK & CO., Peh. ISllm.] Managers Of Maryland State Lotteries. GIFTS'! GlFTS!!!—Aprize \JT to every purchaser. ' 600 DphliAllS WORTH OPGIFTSI! f i f r ~' : ‘ consisting of GOLD. AND SILVER WAiICUES, . _ . - • ! • HN£ GOLD JETVELRT, IC., ’R’lU.bzlhsrnißrrED WiTR zvzar lOOOßooks. ‘ *- Thoattontionof the public Isrespcctfully solicited to tlic extensive assortment of valuable Standard and Misccllanc oos Books, which ate offered for sdleat the lowest Retail Prices. A OHrC t W6IJ,T« FROM 25, CENTS T0:$100, will to given’with A complete Catalogue, giving fnjlinjbrmatlon, with, a ,11st of Prizes, wiUbeibnvarded on application. ' \ 3, B. ITIXEMAN. . - AGENTS WANTED. ’ Lnxkit Irai'CSKfxTs Offkrks.—Persons .wishing to or der »t once, can order any Book published In-Phftodeiphia, ■ Itthers price, with Gift. Any person ordering 10 Books will receive for coramiasion ha extra Book with Gift. For .Postage send stamps, 18 cents, for $l.OO Books. Address t • , 1 DBASE RULTSOX,' Publisher, ■ No 33 South 3d street. Philadelphia. HOTEL PROPERTY --rr» few at Private Sale, the RED RIOS HO- TER property, situate on the Second lot s_V fn)m the comer of Main and Annie ate., at'the Kail road lb-pot, in Altoona. The honso is a.largo two-story frame build- • rr ~. ■■ ing covering the entire’front of the lot. and having two wingsextending back, one of which contains a largo di ning room on the first floor. There is a good stable, boko house, ajefaU other necessary outbuildings on the lot. A dose walled and dry cellar extends under the whole bnild ing. and there is h well of excellent wafer at the porch in the yard. Hie house is well arranged for a public house, and its central position aud convenience to the Railroad Depot, makes it a desirable property to an v person wishing to engage hi the business. Persons wishing to view the property will call on tho subscriber. dan. 7,-tr] JAMES KEARKEY. T OGAN, HOTEL.-—THE UNDER. X J ■SlGNEDhespcctfully informs tho citizens of Blsir countv and others, ! jgA» —v-\ that ho haa Opened up the I.OGAN . S HOUSE, formerly kept by Sheriff Rees. JB sSgBB A i!h at tlic- west end of HoUldaysbUrg; reception of strangers anil travellers.— “ rr * Kverythihsc connected wirli the bouej, low boon refitted lu the new with the choicest fnrnitnre, Ac., Ac. Tbe house is largo and commodious, and well calculated for convenience and comfort. UisTAIBLK will be furnished with the very lieijt the mar ket can afford, and no pains or trouble'will be'spared to render those who may choose tO;C»vor Ipm with their pa tronage comfortable and happy during their, stay with him. llis STAHLIXfi is ample, and an obliging and careful hostler will'nlwuvs be in attendance; Dec. 17. Ifis7,—tf.] *, JOHN KEfFFER. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! OYSTERS I In eoneeijnene/i of the hard times, .1 Jmve concluded to put down the price of my OYSTERS to the lowest possi ble standard. They will hereafter bo served np on the Chafing. Wish at TWENTY CENTS, and roasted in the shell and served np with all other accompaniments, TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They will also be furnished, in every oth er way, at prices to correspond with the times. N JOHN KEIFPER, TiOgnn House, Hollldaysburg. Liquors.— a large amount of. well selected iXIQUODS lias been received at the “ LOO AN HOUSE,” Holllda.vfibnrg, which will ho sold nt the lowest cash jiricps, wholesale or retail. The man who wants has only to call. [Dec. 17. tf. ' Hams, sire, shoulder, dried Beef, &eX nlwaj* on hand nt ■ June IS,’S7-lj^ T7GGS, BUTTER AND ALL KINDS Kli of country products can bo had at "Xo IS. '67-ly HHKRT LEJEPt’g. ,EHR’g. Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, I’aint, Sish ami Tarni»l»-BruWies df," > - •—T: . KEPSI.KU'S. p IGID TOR AGGO AND HIGHLY JL\) flavored Cidn.ra, lualiun (Inner, cnnlxs.hnd at - jmi»ih,y] a flßh'BY uiHß'a.„ AND HRESER- «> .« M ' **■ •• ■ (1 M > Dec.J7.tf.] CABINET & CflAlEffliffiEßS & UNDERTAKERS The subscribers respectfully inform THE CITIZENS OF ALTOONA and vicinity, that they have now on hand and will manufacture to order all kinds of Cabi net Ware, such as Plain, Fancy and Dreeing bureaus, Toilet St an«iH,B<-iist etuis, Stands. Sofa.", Ac. / .COFFINS MADE TO ORDER ON SHORTEST : v . They will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of ' I; v- '■ ! _ , Plain. Farcy ass KanE Seat Chalbs. » for Parlbrs, Chambers, Dining-Rooms and Bar-Rooms, . r : - ,^’“ v ; j' 4 Plain and OaNAiiisKTAL Rockiso CnAH», f^Lv Settees,/and iijt this line. , : ' . -i ’ ALSO—A large and excellent assortment' of Jcf* t.STiBA'W AND, HUSK MATTHESSES, . nSgaßl from ss6o and tmjnßrds. ; Orders, itrom the country or a distance promptly attended to and all warranted. TVo invite an inspection of onr stock, feeling sure that wo will be able to give euUro sattK&ictlou. 1; f 19-t f. < (' 3 a 11 a g s- g mt I |8 | | g «*• •> ■ Tombs, rpHE SUBSCRIBER TTOFLD RESrECTFIiLLV INFORM THE CITIZENS OF ALTOONA & JL vicinity, that he Bus now oujhand a Beautiful assortment of the above articles, which ho is prepared to furnish at thcshortestnoOcOAnd at moderate prices. Persona wanting Grave Stones wilf please forward their orders by mail orcall In person nt our Marble Works, dnl Montgomery street, near the Diamond, Hollidaysburg. None but the best workmen employed, and all work warranted;to give general satisfaction. • ' [August 6, 185T,] A. VC. KKNAIiV. TRON CITY OOMiMEIICIAIi COL JL.jI.EOE. ■ ; I PITTSBURGH, PENN A. i Charttrei 1856- Bodrdof 12Trustees.—Faduaty of 14 Teachers'. - EMPHATICALLY. THE BUSIN SSS MAN’S COLLEGE., : Large** in r Hie - ‘ ■' ;■■■.■■ United Stab 3. In daily attendance upwardb of 3® Students,' r ,'YAIIjJUK« '■ P. W, JENKINS, ’ r . j PBtorraPM. J. C. SMITH, A. M.,Profesßorpf. .cconnt# & Itook-tateping. I; I. JPregHCOCK, Professor]it f: Arithmetic arid Com mercial Calculations. f * JOHN FLEMING, Author of it i» “National Systcpof Book4cecplnc,”liecnitarbnßiiSlnß isltsUnsn'dirisaadUmges J: W. BENTLINGBtt, Professor ofArithmetic, Book keeping and Phonography. A. COWLF.Y and A. T. DOUTHETT, Professors of Pla . and Ornamental Penmanship. 1). BACON, Lecturer on Politics 1 Economy, , JAMES H. HOPKINS. JE&p,.cjf Shis Pittsburgh Bar, Lee turer on Commercial Law. i r JAMES IV. KENNEDY, of “ E mfedy’s Bank Note Re view,” Lecturer on Counterfeit, A tered and Spifrious Bank Notes. ' f DESIGN OF THE DijSTITUTTON. To furnish the best means fur aScouiriug a THOROUGH bb’idlNESS EDUCATION, in jtliS (shortest time and at the least expense, comprising instrhdtion in; '■< DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING, as applied to Merchandising,Blinking. 1 Railroading, Ac. STEAMBOAT BOOKKEEPING, IT itli all the recent .improvements, taught without extra '■ chared,- { ’ PENMANSHIP. Rapid Writing, with every voriiUy and stylo of Business' and Ornamental Penmanship. . AIUT4IJIEXIC. . Anda thorough course of Conhithig House Calculations. COUNTERFEIT AND ALTERED NOTES. Full instructions given,in thte important .branch of ,buid ' ness-education. ' ; LECTURES DAILY, ONjBOOK-KEEpTNG. Usages. Law’siand'CustonisJof Commerce, Finance and Bank ing, Political •Economy, Counterfeit Notes, and other sub jects 1 raving practical relation tractive business. • - .. r ; . , -terms. c . • ■ Book-keeping, Full .Commercial {Course, r • .$35,00 Stationary, afcodt. -V r I' 5,00 Board'per week, cant bo obtained!for 2.50 - Students ore not charged Extra for Steamboat Book keeping, Arithmetic or Diploma!' STUDENTS Can.ontar at any time-r(fro vacation) review at phuumre— thne uulimitcd—U|uivl length ofjibur’se.froni eigiittotweiva' week*. 1 . !; Four hundred and eighty-seven students onloring from th City alone Within oneyenr.lieaidestlio many iVomthccouutry DIRECTIONS. Specimens of Writing n.nd Circulars* containing full infor mation. sent by mail free. of cluiggn. Address T 1 F. W. JENKINS. Iron.Cily,College, Pittsburgh, Pa. JKS' PREMIUM PENMANSIEQ*.—No less than,EIGHT FIRST PREMIUMS were awarded this College In the fail of 1S;«7, over all competitors, fori best writing. These.,with other .previous Premiums, 1 wen) ■ given In. Ohio. Mic’fgau, Xndiflum Vuglnhi, Peimayivanhii and in LrnilsvUle, Ky., at. the United States Fair, and;all fir work actually done with PEN and INK, and not for Enbnned Penmanship.' Our Penmen are fully competent to do their own work without the u/d of the engra* er to, respectable: (aug.27-Iy STOVES ! STOVES! STOVES •! The undersigned Ims for Bide, at his, Store jiijlasouic Temple, a large assortment of " OAtLAHEIVtt SUXJfJSE AIRTIGHT Cooking Stove, a new and splendid Largo Qven, Flat Top Stove, for Coal or Wood patented 1856. V JOHN SHOEMAKER, A-rf. N. B.‘ All klmli of Air-tig w.'Parlpr Cooking and Egg Stoves on hand. : / ': 'v- ' [Sept. 11, ■ Boots as® sh|)es.— the 'xjh defsigned has note an wnd and wiU ] sell cheap at bis stire in the Jlasonic Tem pie, a largc'and.complete assortment ofIJOOTS ' AND SHOES, ready nuute, or tnrido to order, HHe Overshoes. LadiA* Sandals. Gum! Shoes, Cark Soles, and everything In his lino ; o?business, of the best quality and on. tire mo&t'fcaionable tcnharrijl" ' custom work warranted. \ . Jan. 2, ’Sfi-dTI i J. anOKMAKKR.I BLA.HI COUNTY INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undefsigiled, Agent of the Blair" Comity Mutual Fire Insurance Companv, is at all times ready tolnsure against lossor damage f>y lire, liuitd~ t.jps. Merchandise, Furniture tind Property, of every des cription. Ih town or country, at as reasonable rates as aiiy Company in the State. Office iirtlm Masonic Temple. Jan. 3, ’56-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, AgtnL T YCOMING COUNTY MUTUAL 8 i FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY—The undersigned, apctmt of the,Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company, hr at all times ready to Insure against loss or damage by lire, Jiuildingt, SfoxhandUf, Furniture- and Properly of every description, in town .or country,'at.ns reasonable) rates ns any company in tiro State. Office in the Masonic Temple. Jan. 3, ’fifl-tf j . JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. Conveyancing.— all kinds of writing,done at the shortest notice'.—Deeds, Mort gages, Ac., executed in the neatest manner oy JOHN BHOEMKER, Jan. -3, 1857-tL] ’ Masonic Temple, Altoona. CAST IKON RAILING AND ALL kinds of Casting* executed to order, also Tin Spout ing put-up, to order,' at shortest notice, ripply to , > r J. SHOEMAKER, Agent for Jan.3,.1850-tf. McL.im.wot. A Varans Flour.— the best quality of FAMILY FLOUR for sale, IVbolesale r nudlbfaii— BTESRY LEIXB’S. Apply to ' Dec. U,.185C-tf. O YES! 0 YES!- —GENTLEMEN ■ draw nigh nitd bear. JOSEPH P. TROUT tniraun ces to the public, that he Is ready to discharge his duty as nji Auctioneer whenever called upon. ' ‘ [Jan. 2, ’56.' PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Paint, also Chrome. Green, Yellow, Paris Grcm, jry or. ground in oil at 11-tf.j f \‘~ KESSLER’S. TTAIIftWAItIJ OE ALL PBSCRIPv ADELINE ST., BAST ALTOONA. HOLLIDAYS BUUO MARBLE WORKS, REFEKENfcE. T • t i ; t J, SHOEMAKER, ' Masonic Tornpio. "ft - ■s’ TMJFF’S MERCANTILE COLLEGE ■ PITIBBLIIGH iPA. kkTAJSIiTSIIED IN 1840, oncorporaited by the Legialaturo e most comprehensive and practical system of accounts now in use, ami after from ten to fifteen years practical application of its principles to business, over four hundred students have attested its superiority, (circular IP.) All the arrangenn uts for teaching being perfected by near twenty wind-experience of the principal, students gratiu ato'ln m>ont iialf the time required in other colleges, saving $l5 or $2O in board. Upward* of 4000 students have entered the institution since founded. To obtain full particulars of the collegiate training fni business and tlie character of tlic institution, send for its pamphlet circular of 50 pages, with sampled of Mr. Duncan's writing which arc mailed free, , Derr's Book km-ixo. Harper's new enlarged edition. $!.- 50, pnslago 20c. Drse’s Stkamho.vt B-jok-kecpino, $l,OO. poWngdßc. Du.ncax's Rcstxrss ot Oiixajieptau Ptajux siue, crown Quarto, $5,00. mailed'post-paid. Tills splendid work, and Duffs Book-keeping, have recently-been awarded FIFTEEN FIR«T ; PREMIUM SILVER MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS, attesting Ihe fact of their being the best treaties upon these subjects new in use. . A u elegantly bound copy of Duncan's Penmanship la pre sent'd to every student who hereafter graduates in the in stitution. Dixcin's Copt Rooks, complete in sixnniuliera. 21 quarto pages ouch, on fine Demy paper, with the authors’ji. direc tions for leaching, the most thorough system for fuboo! in stmclioh published, 12'*- per v.mids r. with a liberal dis count to tlie trade, mailed postage IT cents, on application to the publishers, W.G. Joiixstcn 4 Co.. Pittsburgh. and aso Air. Duncan perf irni with tin- p«n. v Altoona Saying fund:— jes- SE SMITH would res|H‘ctfully inform the citi zens of Altoona, and tlio public g**mrally that ho has just returned from the East with a large and varied assortment Uf HATS AND CAPSJ 11 WB THucU he purchased at low prices fur ciudi.. Bj^Eß WHOLESALE 1 AND 1 11ETAIL, ,SSi advance on the original cost. His stock comprises HATS and CAPS of every description, si/.e and shape. All who ate in Want of anything in Ids line will do well to give him n call,.as he feels confident Jie can suit the most fastidious, In quality and price. lie has now- on band a beautiful stock of LAKES: PUR CAPES, CUFFS, Ac., to which he invites the attention of the ladies;-and also gentlemen who wish to make their wives a handsome and useful present. He is always ready dud willing so exhibit his stock free of cliarrp.. so that none need fear to call and esumiuebefore purchasing elsewhere.' i i ; Remember that his afore is on Virginia street, directly opposite tint Lutheran Church. [Oct. 15-tf. The great question which now agitates the mind of every person is, where can I get tho ! best article for mytjjSß money? In regard to other matters; the stib- eH scriherwould not attempt to direct, but if you H. want anything in the lino of By> . BOOTS OB SHOES heiinvltes an examination of his stock and work. 3a keeps constantly oh bund an assortment ofitoots, Shoos, Gaiters, Slippers, Ac., which ho offers at fair prices. He win- give special attention to custom work, all of whicliiiwiU be warranted to give satisCiction. None but the best workmen are employed . Remember mysbop is "on Main street, ne;ct door to B. Kerr's Old stand, now W. O’Neil’s. September Oj’ST-tf] JOHN H. ROBERTS. COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL!— The subscriber would ;-gk fully Inform the consumers of COALkC V A L and WOOD in AltooiOß that he ia.con-BC»M * stanlly receiving Hhd Will dellvim at W this time, Authriaclto Coal at jKJJO per ton, Irvin’s “ ' 3,l2Jtf « Bituminous « 8 per bushel, . J 5.50 -- || ««j,.. -- > All orders left at J. L. Ickes’ store, or at Esquire Donty’s Justice Office will bo promptly filled. ! Office at weldeuco in Bnttonbnrg’slmilding, oppositeßob- rpIPTON STEAM SASH, FRAME, JL OOOR, SHPtTf.'R* FLOORING MANTIFACTOUY, • Tipton, Blair Vr>i, 10 ntfet Ecui o/. Altooneti , . Tim undersigned having provided, a complete set of Ma chinery for the business, anti being practical Honsc Carpen ters and Btlllders, are exleiwlvclyengnged in Manufacturing by steam, any description of carpenter "Work, which wc will furnish at low rates, -andaliip to any point on thol’o. Railroad. I'lnns of every description for buildings with specifications ami- hill of timber prepared. Orders from a istah’ce, respectfully solicited. Juno 4, *67-ly] Pennsylvania House, Patterson. Jnntata County, Pa., KET.VOI.6s k Proprietors, Beg leave to inform their friends and Ilia travelling public generally, that they have taken the above well-known house, where they Will behappy to waitupon all who may fiwor them with a call. I{a cim- TejuiMico to the depot renders it adesirnble stopping’place or those who wish to get oii or off 'the care, also for travel erswishing to get meals at Moderate charges—26 cents. inaydT-tf.] , aUEENSpA^^USTREGEOTR A largo and foshlonahle assortment at tho store of . - •; T> 10 GO3?FEE, SUGrAEj TEA AND I 1) all kind of Groceries for aaloky .Time 18, 1857-Iy] T OTERINGr AND Ww ORLEANS 1 J SyrtipMolaases,atfalr prices*at -•''-■■t'i T - Jnno 18. ’67-lyj MBSRY LEtnVg. A Bl)0 MIN A L SITPEORTERS, Trus :J£L. jes, asd ghvuMor JBriicw for gal* at ; ■ t : -■ KESSI.KR’B. . JbJI wnwlrt* osßctftmcotofOwel^'SaTajint,,bo»>n re ■ J/- ‘ ' ' ' DISEASES or the LUNGS . ARE POSITIVE!/ Curable by Inhala whkh. convey* the remodke to the ct tkrongh tKe «r passages, ami coming iu - = with the disease nentrtd ices the tubercular matt*i, .j- i the coach, causes a free and cosy cxjKctortuon, neats tne , lungs, purifies the Mood, imparts renewed, vitality » ttw j nervous system, giving that tone and energy »* inaisjKinsa-t ■ ble fer tile restoration of health. To he to statec-on fidently that Consumption Is curable by inliuUtloii,.is to me u source of uualloyoil pleasure. It is 113 nuich imrter the control of medical treatment as any other formidable disease; ninety out of every hundred "cases can bo cured on the first stages- arid fifty per cent, in the second; but ittthe third stagoit is impossible to save more titan fiveper Wsi. for the lungs arc stv cut up by, the disease us to bid defiance to medical skill. Keen, however, in the hast stages, Inna iatipn affords extraordinary relief to the snl&reng Rtt«n-, ding this fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety five thousand persons in. the United State atone ; «ndtteor n-ct calculation shows that of the present population ofthe earth, eighty million# are destined to HU the Consumptive’s; g Truiy this quiver of death lias no arrow U flitnl asCiin sumption. In all ages it the greUt eneiayotlife, for it spares heiUier age nor sex: but sweeps off a!Bw the brave, thebeautiftd, the graceful and the gifted. Ityithe help of that Supreme &lng frotn whom comcth every good and perfect gift, t am enabled to offbr to the afflicted a jlir manent and speedy .cube in Consumpt ion. The first eatlsc oftnliereles is from Impure blood, and" the immediate cfßct produced by their deposition in the bangs is to prevent tbe tree admission of air into tho air cells, ; which causes a weakened vUalityUironghfhe entire-system. Then surdly it i» more rational to' expect greater 'good from medieuie* } entering the cavities of the lungs than from those adminis tered through the sfuiuneh-j the patient will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy, after "Inhaling remedies. Thus. Ichalotiou is tilbcal remedy, nevertheless it actvion- BtitutionaliY, mid with more power,and certainty, t|um Remedies administered by tiie stomach'; To prove the pow erful and direct influence of this mode of administration, chloroform itddiU d w ill entirely destroy "sensibility Jn a fiivv mihutee.puralyzing tie entire nervous inrstetu, eo that a limbjmny be amputated without the slightest poinpin helfug the ordinary burning gass will destroy life In a, fcw hours. ' r ''i: •; Tire inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting or apparently dead. Tiro odor of many of;tire medicines is perceptible in tho skin a few minutes after, be ing inhaled, aid may be immediately detected in the blbod. A convincing proof■ of the constitutional effects Of inhftht tion, is the effect that trident* is ffiwigs produced]' l»y. breathing foul ulr—is not this positive evidence that prop er remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously adiiiimshtt'- ed through ithe Jungs should produce tho happiest results During eighteen yenm’ practice, many thousands suffering from diseases of the- lungs and throat, have been Under my care, and ! have effected many remarkable cures, even af ter the sufferers bod bceu pronounced in the lost stages, which fully satisfies mo that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. Sly treatment of consumption is original, and founded ou long experience, and a thorough investiga tion. My perfect acquaintance with the nature oftuber clcs, £c., enables n)e to distinguish,, readily, the various forms of disease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even hi a single case. This familiarity, in connection with certain pidho logleal and microscopic discoveries, - enables me to ret,love the lungs from the effects. of contracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purify- the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tque to the entire system. ; -.! Medicine* with'fujl directions sent to any part of the United States find"Canadas by patientscmnciunicatingthiar syniptoirisoy letter. But the care Wonid be more ceptdin if the path ut shouldpay me a visit, which wbuhlgive me an opportunity to examine tiie lungs and enable me to .pre scribe with much greater certainly, and then the Sure could be effected without my seeing tiie patient ogam. : G, W. OK AH AM, M. Da Office, IIS! Filbert Street, (old No. 100.*) below Twelfth, | Philadelphia. Jdnly 20, ’o7-Iyi_ ■"o'v ?, Ob Or ♦ White Rutland Marble. lI'IN'. CiIARUS SIATLQP, (its. J. K. MOOSHEAB, McCAULET A CO. HEMLY. LEHR. T NTENSE EXCITEMENT !— A NEW FIRM BROKE OUT IN A NEW PLACE. M’LAIN & LErißi Bop leave to inform their friends and tiie citizens of Altoo na and vieinitv, tliat they liave opened a GROCERY & PROVISION STORE, in die room formerly occupied by John Lehr, on Virginia street. next door to Patton’s Hall, where they Will be luge py to serve nil who nmy favor them with a cnil. Their slock is a large and select one, consisting of Flour, Feed, Bacon, Pork, vSugar, Coffee, Teli, Molapges, Fish, Salt. Potatoes, Fish 051, Fluid, Campheuc, Alcohol, Cigars and Tobacco, k As iluiV all tin ir good* for the KKADY. CASH, ainl erll for the wafiio. thm-kohs »K -s7. THE ROYAL O'lOK {iSwSflt fcrVVooilorCo.il. This l»y>utifi’i Cooking Strivp cballi nges all conija tition fur the ex quisite style -T. of ornament and perfect openith ri in alt respects. (The own .extends under the fire-t i and the fines are so arrang ed thin tin whole oven surface will bnkn lijyfactly andyini funnly. The slightest exmilnatiou of (bis Stove mustaat isfy evtry one tliat it will become a universalfnvorito. THE SEA SHELL. for wood or cool. The fire-liox is of good capacity—-the ash-box i-deep—the oven is capacious and is a thorough baker. Tills stove Is one that may readily bti recommended for family use, in every particular. ; > AI! kinds of heating and parlor stoves constantly: on baud. , J.OSEPII 11. BUSH. ; April Id. V.r-f.'l Opposite the American //no*?, Altoona. / COMPETITION IS THE LIFE OF V J TRADE. —Fully convinced of the truth of til is lay ing, the subscriber would respectfully announce-to the cit Irens of Altoona an! vicinity, s that 'he .has entered the held, bv opening a • ;■ ;• MKROUXNT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, ; in the room heretofore occupied by '.Michael Gallagher: itu mediat-dy opposite the Superintendent's Office, why vti he will carry on tin business as usual; 'He has just received an excellent assortment of * i CLOTnS, CASSI MERES & VESTINGS, suitable lor working and drew suits, which lia will make tc order, ou short notjfce and at prices which can not failtc satirfv. He has niifc received the LATEST STYLUS of FAL.L ANp WINTER FASH-lONS^ and Lads confident fihat he can satisfy the most fasti-linn? in this particular, dud his clothing will ,ha made ns w.;ll ns clothing can bo mapo. In fine, lie it determined that noth, Ing shall bo wanting on lus part to l ender sutlß&ctidntc those who may favor'him with their patronage. Altoona, Nov. S tifi-l JOHN TALBOT. ¥ —" p W. KESSLER PRACTICAL \J • DRCGQI&T, respectfully; announces ■ ' to the citizens of Altoona ami; the public gen endljvthat he still continues the Drug on Virginia street, where lie keeps constantly W, IW On hand', for gale. Wtholesalaand Retail, DRUGS, jwSSS MJIDICIiS'KS, CIIKJIICALS, OILS, VABXIBHs.*U% ESnnd DYE-STtrilfS.. . By strict attentiyjr) to hnsiueag, and a desire to rentier sal-, isfiietion to all ns rngards price mol quality, hohopee to merit apd receive at share of public patrithage. / ’ ' : Physicians and nt ;rchauts supplied oii.,rea«Miabi? tsnws, and ail orders fromU distance promptly attended to. •' Physicians pniscifptiong-rarofnlly. componnded. ¥ njK rpiN ANtf I emporium!-' band a large asaorttai ,m* a?«) wn|Ei SHEET IRON-WARE -The. undereiguod Ima 'constantly 6u lent nf tMQnpttfc*! VESALE OR RETAIL. Spouting pu| up nt short notice in ton’s or country, l2\£ cents per Exit. 1 ' The bfisj quijlitT ot Cooking Stoves., of jra^ rious patterns, Smßthnltyonnatra. All kinds of Jol) Work doucwilh neatness and dispatch. Cull and see. . ‘ JOS. 11. BUSH,,' ; June 10; ’57-tf] i![ Oppntitf jmrricon J/nutt, Altomio. urtji illOTai Bell, Jojuusoa, Jack & Co,. i;-'-.. - Toffices at* ■-. nalUdaiparg an 4 AUoonn. Drafts o| the prikcifal cities, and Silver tund Gold for mile. Collections made.— Moneys received onlSapbsjt, paysldo ondemaridiVlftniit in terest. of upon tiiris with Interest. nt tiir rotes. jJd. debt, A. TTOKNISY-AT-LAW, llomjdays f\ XBCRG, BL.UH COCSTT, PA., *VUI practise la sevcnd Courts of Stair,, Huntlngdonx ind Cambria counties, ami attend promptly to all cfljlco Jon entrusted to'hlm. .Office ((or the p reseat) at hl» resi dence, corner and Penn streets, Hollida vslmrg, Pa. "■- . ' . ' ‘ ' ' ■ [i3Btf WM. iS. BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST, Office -with fir. Hirst, on Annie Street,' one door West iit the Masonic Temple. [Oct. 15-tf. J. Q. ADEEM, OP^Alte>aaa» & ALTOONA,' BI,AIR COUNTY, PA.' Count olltlmesbo Ccumd at (he store of d. B.HUoman. Altoona. Octoporg. 1857-ly T^LOUR.— THE SUBSCRIBER IS A I* n° w prepared to furnish a anpertor article of Flour, made from mind wheat, at ths CryiftaVMlil. ' Orders left with Mr.. 0. Jaggard *dl bopromntlv filled. "June lyfift-tf) - p / 'B%:BAftBK. 'fXMBHWf: , c .tte.jSxfy or lamb) Ouictrt ' . /,. j, ' ttrfrfrm ii JehxnotT»ent-if Ut SezwS OK , . /fflfd; Sttch It* AVWW IOtS pf Vutptjf* l z :-y Xom 0/ A«*r, Central lU- ,'•■ 4- ; . > ; —Toalf pereoiisaMictcil wlUigexnal DlsatHce, such n* .Wcr mati/vrhtex! Scrtial Hhib««», Impotence, tr.mrrhaa, weebf- SyiHiilti, the rice t\f pmtnitoi or &(/ Abuee, As3-'it;4TioT,Tn view; of the awful JestrUcttod " of human life, practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such dlsewKty Quack-, sc veralyears ago directed 'heir C-'pi«illittgSulgeAn,i os a c V inUhh act worthy of their name, to fti&n A l)iijsi»y iirj for the treatment of this elites‘of dlsMse* T forms, and to give medical, advice flrni£»,.lo idl oflwiaßtAT by letter, with a description of their condition; (aga,j*;cn* / pinion. habits of lile, «c.,> end iu onsM of extreme oml sofftring, tofurniih free M lid* Heedless to odd that the Association . Medical shilt of the age, and will, furnish the must appettv. •d mpdern treatment. " ' '• /*••.• . ... The Directors, on * review of the psn.PHnssnredAbM l ■ , in cilia sphere of benevolent ojfort. hjpfs bjSMi,, if great benefit to the articled, especially' ■to 'tlm “ and they have resolved’to deyfte tlieinydvpJi, Wvth t»tf6TWW ; aoa.l, to tliis very Important but muqh despised cMie. i . " / Just publi-tied by the Association, a Report bit:gpSran torrhceo, or Seminal Weakness. the rice of ODaiilsiniMip*. . tnrbaUon or Seif Abuse, Iphd other dl-'msos 'bf 'the Seturt Organs, by tile Commltlng Burgeou. whUtU till mall (In a scaled ’ n vcb >pe 1. /re eifeh a rye, oa the receipt ‘of wo postugn stamp’s tor |«>«tae». ' r ‘i x.a v-:'*. 1 ;- : Addrei# for'Report or Treatment. Dr. OKOP.CIE R. CA t-. IIOUN, fiousuTtmg SaVpwmi Howard .tSemdstton, Ro. 15.' ' Xmth street, Philadelphia, Pa. • By order of the Directors. ~ EZRA D. IIKAUTWELt. 7Wf. om. FATRCintT), Sce’y. [D»c:>ty. rpHE SHOALS AND QUICKSANDS L OF VORTH. ; swags lest rrausnun. tne tnnui Emrioa. Oa SsjcJCt mntwrrhca or Seminal Dli<-a*i>(i, A actenfiftr Treatise ou the tva-tT'.-.-'iit and perfect cure of , hility, Saiuiuttl Wcnknuss, ihvoluiitnry Rmisilnns, |mp ‘ Liccntiute of the tfall (lSa4,) and 30 yeJira RcaUent Practitioner ‘‘Green lk-ok, T ’ ‘‘flow to D» IXappj,” bffiipzla . hud MarrrlraMafin'’Ac. ■-. .-- r y This email, but highly vnlualdo JA' world renowned I'hysicmn Mid Snrgeen, pointsohfth? ly snrcapd permanent cure for nil Uißeosra - self abuse, and is tlie only pnldicatum of its kjndWjMttinln a benevolent aplnt and by a scientific man. At'sholihrfihiii .the hands of all who Baltic their Ufa imd. healUi;Ap trptes the horses Skln.reacbes and converts’ thccnliduijlhtp matter, and the diseased lump is then discharged la:thk ‘ form of puss or matter through t)ie skin, without nmiojtnjt . the hair, if -pht oh acoordliiK to directions. -It ha» been' said by thpse who have used the Ointment, that it WiUgKW;' the Voll Evil and Flirty.°lt;is certain, however; tharfbwßl cure or remove any callous lumps front a horso; Vhetowr located. Try it, and if after using it a week: according. to dtoctlcniyoh ira»*t«a«iidkdaa to its efflcfccy, return the box to the agent and hu wifi refund the money. Wn *l,OO per box. - : ' "vr -I’or solo by 0. VT. KKSSESjI. Altoona. [Jan. „ rnpß SECRET INFIRMITIES OF ~ F—.*p > 1.—..-.*... ... »..■ i.irrv t,.... - . . ■■' . ... flrrn/fr, the 251 h. thousand. • A'few -words Oh -the Rational treatment, «39Bv without Medicine, of .Spermatorrhea or Lo cal iSoakncss, Nocturnal Emissions, flcneral'antl Nerrnp* Debility, Prvpmtnre decay of the System,*lmpotcncy, and Impedimenta- to Marriage generally, by ■ l 11. BE LANEY, M. P. - ' Tho important fact tliat the ninny alarming complaint?;, originating in the imprudence anti solitude of vontU, may be easily removed'WlTHOUT MEDICINE, is in this email ti^ct, clearly demonstrated'; and the entirely new and high ly sftcecsefni treatment, as adopted hy tlio Author.fnljyet , plained, by - moans of which every one is enabled to tdf* himself perfectly and at tlio least possible coat, thaffby SToldlng aU the advertised nostrums of the day. • . Sent to any address, gratis and post free In" a sraleden- Telope, by remitting two postage stamps.to Dr. DE LANKY, 17 Idspcnard Street, Xew York. [Oct. 1 ’57-ly. RATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE— .X s This Croat Journal of Crime and Criminal* to- in . its Twelfth Year, and, ia widely circulated throughout tho country. It. contains all the Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials op the some, together wi* V information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in any, ‘ other newspaper. r ■ . s2 per annnm; $1 for six months, be remitted by should writa'ibdr B»inw and the town, couuty and Slate where they reside plalnlyi) ... To 0. W. MATSEtt v * CO,' v Editor & Prop’r. of Now York Police Gawrtte, 15-tf] jvvw r&r* ffly, Medicated fur chest pro-' TECTOP. A SAFE SHIELD ACIAIXST, THQS&' foarßii disoAses Bronchitis, Conghs, Colds, and other »TOe tlonn of the Lugs, which arise from the exposed state irfUja Chcet. apfiyrdivq to fashion nud tbo continual clianpea Ofont, climate, for sale attlm Drag Store of O. W. KEiiW.EE; >' lEVI’S PREPARATION FOR E& J tormina ting BATS, MICE, BOACHES, AKTB,'ii# Rofi-liugs TrllhoQt danger in ito use undotany , ;<*, for aftle at tho Dnig Store of ' ~ ‘ Jania, Wrtfl ■ - g t jf*. y{.' iV in iASS 20534> r.li, ■t&UJ ,i r i. i>- l&jfcS&tUM & ALI ■ i ■* *TOL. 8. ALTOOJ * ALUBOX, P '■; mm, (payable intaii dUeontioocd ai IjjMd.C. ‘lliv'UMtortaM, “ (31 “ ) . - OVor throo WMk* am) l«n t lmartlon. 'fife liossbr toss, ' V >§*(( • column, Ohs column, Administrators and Eiacntot Mafdutats advertising by tin wlthllbertyto change, Professional or Business Ca n ,Haas,.with paper, per year, v CMbmunications of a polio 'Mart will be charged accord! '■ Advertisements not marked dselred, will be continued till : bo'the above toms. ■*. Business notices live cents Obituary exceeding 3$ * , With th* present nun i Ured upon l^'third vo ; timewhen the onafi Jeru ‘toonain newspapers an 'Was considerably shake tod, it has slowly but ’s Stilt hiss not hfien uchivi , ■ v gl(j, and oonsiderublo c aßeaoa/on the part of i of Adbitalilo evidence elated. . ; In eutcring upon the unnecessary to say that U«tO b 0 “ ISUBPKHUKN' ing biassed neither by f lo favor of parties br s is only necessary to sej lair index es to our fun ; It has always been v.\ bune, a. reliable first-cla 'believe tbgt jn Unit ch i pors can sdcccsbfully c< city nelgbbafs. To tb nonoapondehta in vuri. who furnish us with uli eat in their vicinity. > to oar list as soon as w ring tbe next year we s to malco Tribune . a Hour Nnwit-—a belia Paper, 7 second to none such a welcome weekly 'wbetber at home or ala Bat while the Local care, wo shall space to* Jjltebab v Vob, and the ohroniclii interest to our renders, lisbing frdifi time to tin Men and Things ” wbh our contributor.!. \Ve •lea to itave a weekly Hn4 judging fconvUie 1 dent sustains as a pop' sritt,be;ft-ricb treat to i As we,are decidedly 1 ) ' ■ a * f gresaive school, we ha . 'cash system in oar b a nmubcx of our j ly, rasc-vlity 0 Uf'to adopt this courst kas folly proved to 0 credit system will no •publTsbcrs. From thi sent from this office, u ’ 't* f ' ’ - K .'. % i: •<-*. IvT ’iaS i mm *'. * i tuvi or i 1 PEOSP ALTOONA \ rt» 3 , THE CASH SYS 1 The Ctoeajfcst Pa; fid'ence, and now stands and Is universally ackt the fixed institutions of - W jrt .tfc»: