The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, March 04, 1858, Image 3

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every of ttl»of '
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t■’V. ! ■: wi !> a mbit tmr
Rlrti KehiafeCSM'
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black a:ni ttrjcg—
,?. u/r«. It tTHibank
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T life# know :
j -:;ip}>ly' jon-»Mt»
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- i'.. V. u desert* eretf
, yon
/ ■•'••■inly liftd <leej«lr«4 •
. Vour?, h»jlUy.
J. W. BOVp.
■ t'.-i.p .tUlijigt, f«d.
* TUZC7,
. : .s. KkrehSC. JWi.
1::;;_viu; tt gT*j,J. «u |
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r.- l.vdjind have ad-
Jwcnair* aa I
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-5 r*s. have : no' doubt,
■r L r nitoH B:«teU.
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2 . V all points on
. »: kwerprlow
reoa. Orders
1 ■ by nddreeeUic
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• A RY.- ' :■
iiictanid «Wl<g|r ■ •*■• C' • ■'•• :
,Ki l
•! JMT®* following poetical effoaifln which we
fladjßoatrOg around on tho ecu of newspaperdotn,
eontainjj *0 much truth and good sense, and
withal la so inimitably pathetic, that we feel jus
tifiedln'publishing It. It contains a volume of
jawudUg, ,aud is sufficient to melt the hardest
heart atfcllnquent over possessed. Bead It care
fully and ponder over it seriously, you who have
already cheated or ate uow trying to cheat the
printer, and may “the ‘ Lord of grace,’ thaw
\ foy ‘ case,’ (thy heart) that honesty may
JkheM* n»ea ettandto hear
: n»«atouact-the ttnca iu* dear:
:,W*W ewvs# hUI, ’tlajMtM ctaar
-.;i. ;Aa starlight in the triuter..
Shat ha should coma without dsliy—
Xbat’s Uht-cun—thM WU to pay,
And «M he MU hk pjotae «mty.
■ u fora over," to the PiiiUr. \
i ■ cheek kcdUbai red. ! 1
ILvttaa machinery othUheed
J la wetklag.wiun fon are la bed.
! Sow tnwand telthrul “Meutort"
All d*jend night ha. ween ,■ ,
JM>d brnlae to ntrnkh yon arlthnawa, /
lut nun of couckne* neV return
To paytho tolling,PrldUrv
... ’Tis known, or ought by «U,
i : .BladuM arc seutund, and they’re touUt
Atul U oot paid, Wj bound totall
In debt—for fuel, rent, or
. Zaras;* hi* paper; then; to aqaare
■Cp wttklUs hup—« doable ears ,
j : luWtdawahU head—npvr Ulttialr
That yon don’t pay the PriaUrl
Bis wife and little prattler*, too,
Are now depending uponyon.
And if »*t pay the score that’s doe,
PeOMiity can't atlnt her;
. yon doat. ni gna withe mole,
*Twlll through your conacirnco aat'a hblal
And brand tbs far-hoad Unw—“ No aonll”
Of btm who cluotH tlu Printer.
IhoestS trill u K itw beneath yrgr feet,
Xba dugs will bite yon on the atreet.
And ttery urehlathot you meet.
Will roar with voire of attntor,
".Look to your pockets—there be ros* —
The ebap that wear* the Printer's clr<th« (
How proud,though everybody knows,
TUa grub, br gnawed tbo Prialerl”
j Be sbaply JUtt, and don’t diegrace
, Yourself but beg the “ Lord of graee,"
i T«Wthaw that harden'd icy “ case,”
' That huncsty nay ent.r;
N Thii done. iuau will with ojanect fair;
And.sllwUl haro tbe <■ tiu’’ to rparu;
Then will the *• Editorial Vialr” , ■'
... :Support * well paid Printer,
';/ '
JfST WuhuTfi socn an eel wriggle yrhea caught
in the meshes of & net, sod watclied a fly strug
gling to, free itself frost -h apidet ’d iveb: we have
Ls.trd a rat squeak when It Lad one foot fast in
iron trap, and listened to the pleading of an
urchin to escape the chastening rod; but niorc
uuitlcss and lud croua thua all these ate the at
tempts of the Slundard't Altoona Reporter to
v riggle himself out cf unenviable position
la which he has bee x ti placed. by his undue haste
' 13 assailing on imagitiaiy (because ho ig not yet
nominated; political opponent, and a truthful,
though to him unhappy, admission of bis, in re
gard to the popularity of said opponent. Jle
tainly attempts to,turn the whole affair into rid
icule. is manifestly evident that the laugh
id on the wrong side of his mouth. . llis ridicule
ta .ridiculotfs than his arguments.—
lie says wo attempted to annihilate him, but
this is Incorrect, ca we are opposed to destroy
ing his friends spectacles, ‘ the “ light of their
eyes." Totaply to our article.oflast week, he
says, would require a repetition |of his former
articie. but ho takes good care not to repeat it,
as that would come ndarer annihilating him than
anything we intend to say. lie tried his hand
at .repetition wI(L additions.oucc, nnd burned his
fingers, and is said a “ burnt child dreads
the fire," he will hardly attempt it again.
He next saya we take pains to get upon th e
side of the defensive, hoping thereby to excite
commiseration. Wrong again ns usual The
defensive was oura In the beginning and we hare
not yet been dislodged by .Mr. Reporter. As to
exciting commiseration, wo think our opponent
will excite the most In lits own behalf. '-
Mr. Reporter says he brought proof to sup
port assertion that Mr. Warfel was unpopu-
What,_jf;hen and where ? *lf .admitting a
disputed point and calling an opponent a falsi
fier beqproying an assartion,. then we “ cave’
incontinently. Overwhelming proof indeed.
Wo will not attempt to follow. Mr .Reporter
through »U his Wanderings, sinco they are all
irrelevant to the previous question, and evince
a desire to drop the subject. We would advise
him to be more cautious/in making assertions
hereafter, unless he has proof to back them up.
r— — i "
i‘ | '
i i-
March.—lf /there be any truth in the adage i
that jerhon ‘‘ March comes in like a lion she goes
oat like, a lamb, ” vro may hope for an etrl|
spring. The; first of was ashorcd in jby
snow squalls, followed by a heary frost and the j
very disagreeable in conec-
Suencor Indulging the hope that the 20th will
ring joyous spring, wo feel resigned tp the in
flictiod of a couple hf weeks of winter weather.
Apropos to the subject, ( we find the following
ferseS addressed to “ilnroW in ; the last nqm> j
punsters, Jpjin Hronghman, and
though notequal to the lamented Hood’s “Jio-
Tember,” ore.nevertheless not bod in their way:
wm gust* I harono test
„ Jh*t>eiM on* liks »larch, \'
Dt ouittiu*”—you know tbs rest-*
-And with you, it tuwrt t>» eonfat.
I’m quite dl»gurted-r M March !"
jn* the bright snauuar thoa
sultry tsphyrs pan*.
, . Arorwini lto froety rlnTi,
iu the Tery prims • -
Of spring—confound jroat—
L^ ~ Th ° War ? f words now waging
betwee* .tfc Holliday sburg editors,' and^the
f the County
Conamia*ioncrß, bjr onfl of the aforesaid editors
It appears that about the time the “loaTes anil
flahea,” in the ahape of the Receipt* and Eapfu
dltares of the Jaunty, wero to be distributed far
publication, Whiff was thrown Overboard,
contrary to custom aud.the precious more el hau
ded over to the Rtgitttt and Stqmdari, forth
with the editor of the Whig pitched into the
chaises them with diabon
®f 7, but the « illo erity of hia charge* and mo-:!
bo stonily Ajftfaj the - - >v •••
V •.
•\ ••
•; \
bcek outhßlook-
, foraeveral day# to mo whether any of' our
1«h«» hare yet adopted the red pctti-skirt, a
fashionable garment first designed and worn hy
•Queen "Victoria while rusticating at Balmoral,
Scotland. It is culled in England the “ Bal
moral Skirt,” and was flonrished 'extensively at
the late wedding of the Princess Royal of Eng
land tp the jpung Prince of Prussia. It is worn
over a hoop, and the dress is to be lopped up
six or eight inches at each side, so as to give the
public a glimpse of the “critter.” Tljey ere
said to be very fascinating, especially when en
circling a pair of pretty feet and ankles, and to
be a terrible engine for slaughtering the hearts
of'tbe sterner sesi There is one sad draw-hack
however, to their jbse. that is the fact that a sin
gle-glimpse of thefn drives cattle to frenzy, and
several lndies in the cities have narrowly " escar
ped death in conSequonoo. v But as the ladies
wlioji they take a nofioo lo do or wear anything,
care .nothing about tlio consequences, ,we .sup
pose this objection to their use will prove of lit
tle niomeht. If they wimt to wear the fiery
*hirt3, they’ll dp-ii, in spite of men or battle.--
Wo expect bofobo lopg to sec the Balmoral skirt
all the rage intown and to have our organs of
vision saluted at‘every step by a fiery-red 1 me
teor peeping out Beneath the dresses of
our fair damsels, hot as yet, in .the expressive
language of have
been delighted with the sight of “norylred,”
this loathsome disjease is now prevalent in ad
joining counties, with every prospect of spread
ing, and as it. when not fatal, frequently if not
always seriously mars the features of its sub
jects, we have thought it advisable to publish'
tba following recipe, to prevent its pitting the
features. We cannot vouch as to its merits,
but merely give it [for what .it is worth. If u
ehnuld prove efficacious,-and preserve the fea
tures of any one visited by this loathsome dis
ease, who may try it, we shall consider ourselves
amply rewarded for our trouble in publishing
1 'Mi". Startin, the senior surgeon to the Gurney
Hospital for diseases .of .the skin, has comniuni
iCated to the Medical Times a very* important
plan, .which he has adopted daring the Inst 'ld
years, for preventing pitting in small pox, and
wh;ch s ho.Bt%tcshqs always. proved successful.
The plan consists in applying the acum cootha
rides, or any voeienting the acum cautharides,
or any vesicating fluid, by means of a catael
hsir bntsh .to the apex of each spot or pustolc
of th.e disease on all the expessed surface "of the
body, unt;l bUstcrjng is evident by the whiteness
of the skin on the parts subjected to the appli
cation, when the fluid producing it is to bo
washed olf with water or thin arrow root gruel.
The pain attending the application of the vesi
cating fluid is very slight and transient.”
, Towx ConxciL Pkocekdixgs.—We have heard
it remarked that the Town Council elected one
year sines were kunported materially on the
ground that they were favorable to the publica
tion of the proceedings of their meetings. How
true this,may* bo, jwo arc not prepared to say,
having heard nothing .of the kind intimated at
the time. Let it jbo true or not, however, we
think, it a matter which should claim and receive
the attention and favorable consideration of the,
incoming Ctfixncil. ’ It is certainly nothing more
than reasonable that the taxpayers of this place
should desire to know in What way the money
they pay into the Rorough treasury is expended,
at the time at which it is done, without waiting
until thq Annual receipts and expenditures "are
published. Othori reasons might be given in
supjjpt of this demand for the publication of
Sounoil Proceedings, but we deem this sufficient,
and make these remarks merely to call the at
tention of the new, Hoard of Councilmcn to the
Dead.— Miss Catharine Beech, whom we no
ticed in cur last issue ns having been seriously the of a locomotive, on
;t.ho evening the 18th nit., died from her inju
ries about 8 o’clock' P. M, bn Friday last. At
ty-at when her system reacted she refused to al
low amputation 'toj be performed, and would not
consent unfd several days had elapsed. In the
meantime mortification had commenced in both
iegs, andhoforcaljne of demarcation had formed
a pre-requisite to amputation atthut stage—her
spirit fied from its frail -tenement of clay. Her
sufferings worh intense, but we trust they have
been to her but the prelude to an eternity of joy
and happiness beyond the skies, iler remains
wore interred in the Lutheran Burying Ground,
in Collinsville, on Saturday last
Czakos 09* FaorniETOKs.—On entering the
oyster saloon, inext door to Abe Bank, afew even
ings since, surprised and gratified to
find behind the counter, dealing out the delicious
bivalves, our young friend Isaiah Taylor, late a
brakesman on the Accommodation Train oh the
F. R. B. Having purchased the interest of the
, former proprietor< of the'saloon, Isaiah is now
ih' a' different ‘ capacity- froth"
that of brakesman viz: with 'fine oysters and
other luxuries, add from the neat appearance of
'* ’V**** adtid|i,|icKmonl r ..aß»-4U»bl«-W^fnJ?r|
stands his business. He was clever and accduii
modating in his jfprmer situation and we find
him nqfmbre So jnhis establishment.
WewishWni plbntyoY customers. "
X)spahted.— il<fr J/B. A, Wilson, preacher in
t charge of Church irrthia .place, took
his departiro W Monday last Baltimore, to
.attend tlie Annua) Conference which mot yo%»
terday. ornotwo
can not Bay, aUhtmghjthe probability is that ho
H» labors in this placet. during the
past year, have crowned with! great. anO
and he was much esteemed by'his cougre
aho.pld he be. eent'elsewhere, he will
With him the Best wishes and' prayers of
tliose whom die has loftbehind for his future she*
cess injhisoallmg.’ . N
, -l i
MiiiTXET HAjt.l,. Opr townsman, Ml*. A.
Shultzs, informs the publie through, our columns
his large .-hail- is at their service on reason
able terms for public maetingS exhibitlons, Ac.
& i- ee , P i? gooJ “ iager” in his st^oon
•£ , 8a “? Those desiring niall
.er gopd .Lager”: will take notice. *
5 A®- WepubUs> in to-day’s paperthe -Be-
and .Expenditures” of the Borough fcr
; Brety citixpn ought to exannue
, " TSt
understand that the Qaamittgeihhi nowmakr
arrangements to get np a cbooert' for ihe bene
fit of fib)? poor in this place, on Friday. evening
of next wieek. The Altoona Brass Baud, a num
ber of performers on violins, Antes, piano, and
otb» instjrnmeftts, together with vocal perform
ers will; bp preset and discourse music on that
occasion. ..We cannot soy where the concert
will be field, butdueaotice will be given by
posters. . .
To CoK|nHrtiv£is —Dr. Geo. &
140 Wood Street, Pittsburg, Pa., prepares a
Medicine or Coughs and Lung Diseases that
stands without a rival. It would be well for
Consumpt ve persons to remember this, and up
on the first approach of a Cough or Cold, apply
this rcipe|y, which we- are assured from good
authority,jhas cured a great variety of Lung
Diseases. | You can buy it at the Drug Store of
G.,W. Kepslcr.
Select School. — Ab will be seen by refer--
ence to iour advertising columns, Mr. J. B.
Ewing pu -poses opening the second term of
his Sdcot School, in the West Ward School
house, pn Tuesday the 6}h !of April. The first
term of ha school, we, believe, gave perfect
satisfaction, and we have no doubt the second
will do rlil ewise. He is a good teacher and'
will doubt less bo liberally patronized. ' ■
whether tl
other kind
we can out
such cases
te m blow”
oar opppn
\ 1 From Our Own Correspondent*.]
llollidatsbchg, March 2, 1858.
Some of our citizens are' still troubled with
the thietiolg propensity, which a few daring
spirits manifest. I have to note two late opera
tions whicl reflect little honor upon those enga
ged in then >, may be, 1 or what the
circurastan :ea under which they were forced or
disposed to commit the disgraceful acts may have
been. 'One day lust week, the new firm of ■ W.
H. Cannon ACo. found, upon examination, that
on the evening previous, a portion -pf their stock
of fish and bacon had disappeared. The mode
In which tbs perpetrator, or perpetrators, obtain
ed entrance, is supposed to be through a door
in the lower story of thei Warehouse, which had
remained uipocktd, and linattcnded to, when the
building wajj closed for tho nighf.
Our fricn 1 and excellent Daguerreaaist, Prank
Proctor, bad. one of his beautiful pictures stolen
last yeek. Ho had hung it in front of his gal
lery for pul lie examination, but some unknown
individual fi otn some motive or other very on
ly relieved him of it. In both those
to necessity for tbciexercise of great
|ilance is seen, in order to avoid a
nd glorious (?) fight came off bn
ik at a loir doggery the canal basin
■3- McNally is proprietress. The
iiave been bloody and disgraceful.—
id faces of s omc of the participators
gave uamist ikuble evidence of the severity of the
blows adini. ustcred and the animal passions
called into exercise. The result of the whole
affair was'the holding the proprietress and the
three principals, over in the sum of $lOO each,
to keep tlie peace and appear to answer at the
next court, jVv ho docs not desire the abolition
of such grovelling holes and incentives to such
disturbances of the peace! The power of the
law in a form unmistakable ought to be brought
to bear upon such places. The offenders are
now in the hands of the law, and does not true
humanity anji good citizenship require that they
should reepivc-the utmost penality of their of
fence ? ■ ; i
instances, tl
cars and
like repotit!
A grand t
Tuesday we l
of which M;
scene must 1
The noses m
On Sabbat|b, a fj,re broke out in a frame build
ing situated jon Mbptgomery street, near the Ba
sin'; of the Cbnal, and destroyed the roof.- The
fire prigjnah d from; the stove-pipe. It was hap
pily discoyt: ed before tbe flames bad progressed
far, or Leljic, in ail probability, the whole build
ing would’in ive been consumed.
The late. Serenade of the Brass Band of.your
place was received, I and the music
highly appreciated by all who heard it and are
in any way. capable .of judging. A return of the
euro plim cut will no: doubt be made by ns, when
ever the members, composing our Band, have the
opportunity find are so inclined.
Our Methodist friends are about losing, or
have lost their pastor, Rev. G. JV. Cooper. The
cemgregatiod doubtless regret the necessity of the
change, for truly they are deprived of an able
uerendor of ralth, cxodlUnt preacher,
a useful! onid devoted man, aqd a successful la
borer in; thhfr midst for Oie I&t two years. Mr.
C*o dopaai^i< w wilfr bc huncntwl by the commu
nity lfo was well known and always
loved and respected. He carries away with him
the good wishes of all who know him and doubt
less Mie prater* of the true and pious of his late
flock, that jjo may be equally as useful, suc
cessful pud; popular; wherever he labors, in
maintaining; the cause of ids Heavenly Master.
■ i-- VERITAS.
; | i A&ch Spßtx'o, March 1, 1868.
From indieations it seems that the
BoamJ of al|(gh belli? will soon be hushed and
vefirj ht rs|s will have some rest For the past
two parties have been frequent
here and As prancing horses
hitched and sleighs, the elastic hearts
of youth with delight and the merry
laugh ro-eebbed upon the evening breeze.
,! ; f,Q’ c r^eflwcjSnow,"
while fevered by fortanh or profcp
ment j ? . ./"'T'::'; i
i >4with‘Jealous leer malign ' J
■j, Aye them askance.” ■ •
Soon tbejr juriveat the house of a friend, when
lively goes round.” How they eh
|py the evening—wheMier “ tipping the light fen
the room vocal with mol*’
muwpturipg ipusic, or indulging in some other
pleasure Tcfit&jt jmthe|m.
for I cua’itefi.
the person who oaks ns the question
e laws of a “fight” (newspaper of
r legs being too good to get into any
do not entitle him to thelost “blow,"
y answer that we know of no law in
wade and provided, and onr law is
lawny until we knock the wind out of 1
snt, or he knocks .1 out of us.
rovifalof reiiglon,*ucceas
fihl. jat leaijt; to all human appearances-is nowin
progress at the Lutheran church in this Talley,
conducted Rev. J. Crist pastor in-cbargeT assisted 1
by Mr.H. B. Fleck of the Theological Seminary,
Gettysburg. The Bev. S. Curtis of Altoona also
assisted the pastor dnringa portion of this week.
The church is thronged nightly with attentive
Hatchers, and quite a number seem desirous of
uifitihgvrltli the people offilod, feeling that “the
wageAof sin is death.” About half a dozen have
already professed religion.! May the good work
g® dn. ■ '•:.r, ' _
Our! distillery is gradually but surely ap
proaching completion; and perhaps ere this some
“ fire water” has been manufactured within its
consecrated walls-consecrated to the vile and de
basing! service of the devil. The simple contem
plation of this abominable hole—this sink of sin
—is fraught with imagery of dire portent; ab,
tis “enough to make the cliock of darkness pale!”
If there be any satisfaction ,or joy in hell, oh,
how the fiends of that black regionmust rejoice,
yoU, .shout with -gleethrough their dismal cav
erns at the thought of the erection of ttiia model
building,.whence shall issue deathand destruc
tion! Temput onnia revelat.
ti(Koia i Atmos hv i
FuUit£eti for the protection of our brethren of Vu Frtu and
the JPuUicgenerally. ' k
STAizn ssmnm nt mar, favor, kor, affectioh, vs euau.
bpjsax of mu as wr nan ibrm.
..The following named Individuals havo “victimized” u;
to the tuna of I lie amounts sot opposite to their name?.—
Onr brethren of the Press and the Public gencnuly will do
well ,to he on their guard while dealing h them, lie
who would cheat the printer would scruple pit nothing.
Mnsrs Dotrrr. EsqcHle, J 6 75.
Cheating us out of the above rnug sum, Sffords a tar spe
cimeu ofthe manner in which Moeoa dispensed ju dice, and
bow well he was to disoh. rgo the duties of 111'
fiee. After unjjairing the eyesight of quite a number of our
citizens, he •• sp-ped” for Baltimo. c, leuvinga host of friends
to mourn their loss. We commend him to ilie •• Plug Uc-
H**»” “ Rip Raps,” Ac., as a fit recruit for their rants.
E. A. C. Doimr, jq fo.
Thislazy puppy ! s a ‘chip ofthe eld block,” who Ta m
plifies the truth ofthe old adages “like daddy like child.”
and “ what is bred in the bone won’t come out of the flesh.”
He also has “eloped” to the more congenial atmosphere of
Baltimore. ‘Good riddance to bad rubbish;”
Dr. W. E. llovx, Syracuse, N. Y., $7 50.
This impudent quack bled us to the above tune for adver
tising. Ho is an arraut knave, who, making his living In
means of the Press, is mean enough to cheat printers. We
hope, when sick, ho may bo quacked to docth by some bro
ther quack.
.-Sstk W. J 3. XL. Krts, Tyrone, Pa* $2 qq.
Thfir pulitical parson who sports the “ edmbrio” aitcn-
Mveteowes ns the above sum for printing ’Notices to K. N.
Councils’, stating his terms for lecturing before them. Wo
should think that his “ Intense Americanism” should load
him. to pay bis honest debts. W» hand him over to the ten
der mercy of his conscience—if he has any—if not, tff that
of his iricad and prototype .
L. Palxer & Co., Travelling Opticians, $1 50.
The above (Inn was composed of a couple of precious rat
cala. as “ dutch as sour croc t," who passed themselves off as
opticians. Whether they were or not we don't know, but
we do know, that instead of improving the eight of our
‘■peepers,” they effectually “closed them up."
Ccmmixcs £ Co,, Travelling Ambrotypiita, gl "i.
Ttiis is another pair of contemptible kunves. Their skill
was stiiitingdy exemplified in our sad experience, thev hav
ing left an indelible impression on uur memory, that wc
were the victims of misplaced confidence, '
Eiciiac:) White, ' J 1 00.
This faintly named Q~nt has left town without settling up
with us, thus leaving a lAurh record against him on our
ln>oks. and getting his name on our WacU list, It la not the
only act he has been guilty of.
A. CtAKKE, 50
We suppose this gent had not time to ecUIA this small
hill before leaving, as he left town about a hundred yards
ahead of the constable, making 2,10 time.
0. \V. Tmro.y, 50.
Tliia gent tried us on to the above tunc, and then put u«
off by without paying.
Tiws. rixh, Jr., left town owing us jj 50.
1. i Waoscb do. „ 425.
DA.Mr.ixa W. Gai brrr, do. 2 50.
L. ■ .dot. _ 3 00.
A. J. Axdebsox,
The above la only the first chapter of our •' Life Pic
tures.” We have ample material for a dozen more, which
Will appear in due time.
There arc plenty of young gentlemen
as well as plenty of old ones, whose beards are
turning grey, which gives the former a great
deal of uneasiness, and exposes the ngo of the
latter. To avoid these little perplexities we
advise such of our readers to use Prof. Wood’s
Hair Restorative, which will, in the course of a
few weeks, change the hair to its natural Color
It does not dye the hair like tho most of the
hair restoratives, hut produces a gradual change
of color from the roots of the hair to tho final
end, and gives'll a fine and. glossy appearance.
We have; seep many persons who have used it
successfully, and pronounced it the only inven
tion which has come up to their idea of a “ cure
for grey heads.” We commenced using it about
two months since, and if wo aro_ahy judge of
age and beauty, 4t, has mode us at least ten
yenraVyminger; in fact wo are beginning to look
-auifie iauug. and feel very much like getting a
young wife. The change is unraciilous, arid it
would be as difficult to find a grey hair now as
it would bo to find an idea in the head of the
Puke of Buckinghaifi. We know several old
maids and some youdg widows, whose locks arc
just beginning to assume a silvery hue, and who
haye been'talking seriously about resorting to
this remedy, and we advise them net to delay
ixny longer. It never foils -±St. Louu Berrfd.
■ WooDIiAKd Jl Pomade for bcauify-
W the Hair—highly perfumed, superior, to any
French article imported, and for half the price.
For drcssing-Ladics Hair it has no equal, giving
bright glossy appearance. Itcauges Uentle
m Hair to curl ih. the most natural manner.
It‘the dandruff, always giving the Hiur
the appearance of being fresh Shampooed, Trice
only fifty cents. None genuine unless maned
FETESWE & CO; Proprietors of the
. _ “Prim of a Thousand Fbfwtn.”-
Fdr safe hy all Druggists.
'£ B@U When Du Vail’s Galvanic Gil was first
introduced into the market, it never whs thought
applied, by the proprietor, to hung di
sease. but its being applicable to almost every
other disease, the afflicted havo used this prep
aration inConeuraptioh, and, although it has
never cured a purely consumptive patient, yet
it has saved many Who have been prone to the
disease from an early grave; H
: Tk» Best Cough Medicihr.—One oftho veir
I*&tdrsByrnp. sold by O. W;TCe«s-
UMfe HJ cent* per bottle. , v
~ *•- .. tV*'-.
A Card— To the Ladies,
—Hr. Cufo.nco’s Golds* Fnucn Pans are infaUiUe in re
moving sigpages anu frmulurftfu <f the mensus. These
Pills are nothing now but have been tISCH by the doctors for
many years, both in trance and America, with unparalleled
success in every case; and he is urged by many thousand la
dies who have used them, to makethePills public, for the
alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities of what
ever nature, as well as to prevent: pregnancy to to those la
dies whoso health will nut permit ai| increase of family.—
Pregnant females, or those suppoaingthelntelyes so,arocau
tioned against using these PilU while pregnant, as the Pro
prietor assumes no responsibility after the above admonition
altho’ their mildness would prevent any mischief tojhealtb;
otherwise these Pills are recommended. Full and explicit
directions accompany each bog. Price §1 per box. Sold
wholesale and retail by 0. W.KESSLER.Generat Agoatfof,
Altoona and vicinity. He will euppiydoalersat
prices, and send the Pills to ladies jcomfcfcnh’dQy) by refuni
mail on receipt of $1 through Ihi!-Altoona foot
Each box has my .signature, J. DUPONCO, New iPjfk, "
Samuel Brcsliu, general, agent for Tyrone City. -
coaMcttn waaxT cr howrnn * u'coirsu.
Flour—Superfine, ft bbl. jjjfi
_ “ „ E ? tra * V " *6,60
Corn Meal, ft cwt. 2,00
Buckwheat ft « 240
Potatoes, *76
Apples, ft “ ST
Butter, ft B> 22
Lard, ft “ U
Fort, $ “ 00
Side; ft “ 05
Kggs, ft do*. • i«
M'l.ain A Lehr sell their Flour at the fallowing rates
White Wheat Flour, Extra Family, i Shbl. *5,62
“ Superfine, ’ “ 6,60
Brush Creek “ “ « («)
“ “ “ Sppsrfihev ; . “
Fxtra Family Flour,
Extra Superfine, ,
Brush Greek,
At Sabbath Rest, In this county, on the 26th ult!, Mr.
WXX,LIA>I BIGfiS, in the year of his age. ■
I 00.
MILITARY HALD.-v-*TShc subscriber.
begs leave to inform tho public, thathls largo and
oommodloubajiartment. entitled “MlHtary HSU,” Is attheir
service, for JleeUugs, Balls, Ac Terms reasonable.
Ho always keeps in his Salodn, in the same building, the
best quality of tiger Beer; • Giro hint a Call. ,
Altoona. March 4,1555-41*] V 1 ' A. SHCLTZE.
nut street, S. IE Corner of Third, I’hUadelphix. Incorpo
rated l>y the State of Pennsylvania, ■' ' ' '
Money is received in any sum, large or small, and Inter
est paid from the day of deposit to the day ot, withdrawal.
Tho office is open every day from9:o'clock la thomprn
ing till 6 o’clock In the afternoon, And oa Monday and,
Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. ■ 0 i ’■ ‘ •
I Hoh. HENRY t. BENSHR, Prtft
WM. J. R«d,
Bon. Henry
; Joseph k Baity,-
SohMgei , Francis Dee,
Bpil K. Ashton, ' Joseph Terkes,
.GLendrctb Mnnua, Henry Bicfibnderftr.
' Mone y » received
lice. '
„ ?5?J 0 !/ Mitm(rat * ore made in BEAL ESTATE MORT
if GROUND RENTS, and Such first class 'securities
as thb Charter requires ; ’ [Margftn.
■-£ja_ The Second-Torn of this Institution will 06 mntence
® n *s®,* of April next, under the superintendence of J.
B. EWINfIL in the West Ward Public School lIou?c. The
schoal vWfconaist of pupils of both ■*«<*. At the com
mencement of each - eassion the scholars will bo: examined
and classed in that department fcrwhichlfciiy ar* bat flt
tcd. The course of instruction wiU embrach S!athematics,
ordinary and higher CnglUb broncho* and ■ / The
Session will continue Four Months. - : J . -
=- TERMS. ,
iVoiorjf'l?raortOT<n#—Alphabet, Orthography,
: loading, Element* of Arithmetic and Goo
, gwphy.
Junior Department— Reading, ITrlting, Frima
rjr Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic,
SeUwr &fpartmnit —Grammar, Geography, Hi*- I
tory. Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Natural :
, jnd Pw»l'H>o«Bpl«by< Elocution aad Latin, 0 00.
Schol&rria the &m*or Peportmehtf-will be permitted to
j?? of thetifenehes taught in tjie other acpirtmenta.
ao. deduction made exempt in
A complete srf of Maps, Charts ahdulobee* together with
A n umber of pieces of roildsophical Apparatus are connect
ted with the Institution; according overyadrantago to stu*
dents that can bo obtained at distant Academies and Semi*
■ A competent corps of teachers will be employed-.
It will be the aim of the Principal to make the Institu
tion worthy the confidence of the public. ,March 4,'tf
/* The subscriber offers at Private sale, two splendid
Lot* in a very desirable part of the town of Altoona. The
tots‘are In flneorder, with a number of choice Fruit Trees
planted thereon, which are in a thrifty condition. ; Enquire
oT [reb.!ls-lm] GEO. B; CEAJIER.
offer myself as
O » candidate for the office of EITERIFF of Bkfr conn
*y, it the ensjinjr election In October nextr If elected, I
» ««
S«>. A IWtc] JDBCS' B. TTARm..
'-i --t-
skeptical people can becon
vincedbytrial that all the family medicines are
■tmlbugpbng, and that among the thousand of
butterfly life there are a few of great hierit, and
undoubted uWrtb. Of these, Dr. Sandford’s In
vigotatOt** or Liver Remedy stands first and
foretnoat among the remedies of the day that relied on ns' a medicine that is all it is
irecoimmehded ty its proprietors. It advertises
itself on every trial, for jpere are none who use
It bat tell then friends to do so, and so it goes
frohi mouth to mouth till all the people’of the
Union have learned the good of this truly valu
able medicine. It is recommended with testi
monials to prove. Us virtue Tor the cure of liver
complaints of every . kind,: from the worst Dys
pepsia to a common headache, and is particular
ly adapted to Jaundice,! Deranged Stomach,
Bowel Complaints and diseases of children.
One or two doses are aaid to cure s cold with
scarce a failure. It Is Worth a trial for this
alone. It is particularly adapted to the use of
ladies, particularly those of sedentary habits.—v
Some ladies of the highest standing in . society
bavo given their certificates of its efficacy, and
w.e say to all who are ailing, try one bottle, and
you will nevembe without It. . .
The Panic—More Failuees. —The pnnlo in
New York seems to be on {the increase. In this
city everything goes on shtopthly, and the only
failures we have heard of wcro the failures to
furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing
establishments. There isi no such difficulty to
be. encountered by who patronize the
Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Roolddlt and. Wi
lson, Noa. Go3iand 605 Cheshut street, above
sixth. Gentleman and youths never fail to pro
cure capital fits at this popular establishment.
USsr* The statist Councils of
the “WiastSAGO Tribs,” No. 85; li O. R..M- ate bold ev
ery Wednesday evening la the O.P.HaU, in the Mb
aontc Temple. Council Firu kindled at 7th can 30th breath
June 25, ’67-ly] ' Ta; KBEBLE. C. <jjf /?.
Time of the Closing and
Arrival of Mails at Altoona Post Office,
Eastern Way at • 100 P. M*
Western “ “ ; , 800 A .M.
Eastern Through Mall 800 “ ■
Eastern Throngh Mail, 8 36 A. M.
Western Way and Holiidayebarg, ’ 1 40 P. M,
Eastern “ “ 715 “
Ilollidaysbnrg malls close at 1,00 P. M. and 6,48 P. M_
aud arrive at 1,15 P. M. and 7,30 T. M. '
June 4, ’57-tf] JOHN; SHOEMAKER, P- M.
Time of Arrival and De-1
parturc of trains running on the Ponn’a. Railroad, at Al
toona station. < - j -
Express Train East arrive# 2,48 A. M, leave* Z£h A. M.
■ “ “ West “ 8,35 :«• 8,55 “ '
Fast « East 1.40 P. SI. « 2,00 P.M.
“ " West « UiOO i “ « 11,10 “
ALTOONA WAS TEATNleayes'Altopna fcr Philadel
phia at 6,03 A. ani returning -arrlves. at Altodha at
7,15 P.M.
tram West, AlloOna Way Train East coTWestJUtd with
Fast Mail Trail) Eos ;; : - j •' \
The BLAIR3VILU3 BRANCH connects with Johnstown
Way Train East and West. Express Train West and Fasr
Mail Train East. . ' c '*
: Dec. 21, ’6O-tfl
THOS. A. SCOTF, Sup't.
VbW . $5 62
. " 6 60
■ • “■ 8 25
“ 6 00
' " 4 00
$3 60.
4 CO.
V- -.J-
'v ° v ~
J.TJL FOB MARCH, 1888. ,
R. Franck & Co., Manager*. .
We present to our customers thrbog*o«lheCftloii,»om* .
of tho moat magnificent Scheme* for the month of March,
ever offer*!; Tho Maryland State Lotteries an the an feet
Lotteries to purchase tickets In. , They arethirty drawn by
the State Lottery Commissioner, in’ public, anil all prist*
are promptly paid by the Managers. All who desire and ,•
trill tak6 the trouble, can soon ascertain that the Mary laud
State Lotteries, under, the solo management of R. Franca A
Co., are th* only legal Lotteries In Maryland, and an
drawn by authority of Law.
- T. B. IfTTBRARD A GO., will ill all orders In tho Mary*
land Lotteries promptly, and all communications hau
strictly confidential.
AS" The country Is flooded with swindling bogus Lotto
ries, holding out rost Isrducements, In the shape of large
Capitals for a small prico of Tickets. Beware of all such,
nna when you wont to try your luck, remember that Uta
M&ktusd Lotteries, which bare been drawn fur tha last
forty year*, are the best Lotteries to order Tickets in.
To bo drawn in Baltimore City, March 13,1558.
B>umsu ra sotua scams, -
$40,000 5 Prizes of
10,432 5 Prize*' of
<y*» 19 Prlzsa of
3,0(10 336 Price* of
1 Prize of
1 Prise of
a Prize* of
4 Prize* of
v £c« , - -
J ... Tick«t» ilO-Httw $3 —Quartan $3,60. V
Certlflcata of Package of 20 Wholea, ; ftHOJBtf
Do do ' 30Halm, %OM
Do do 20 Quarters, . BUO
. / “ TA« fikarf s£me of,<A« Jfcatft* , ,
To 1» drawn ia Baltimore City, March 20,1858,
49* SO Ortwaßallots In oach Pscfcago of 20 Tlctoto^
Mftkiog more Prizes tbm Blaniui*
X GrandPriM of $65,000 1 FW*e of fafrM
IPriJiebf 13458 IPtfw of v . TISS)
IPrteß of 13458 IPriwof . ; 000
1 Price of > 7.500 1 Price of 140 ft
1 Pries of 7,600 1 Prixe of V .UH
1 Pries of 6,000 1 Price of UK
1 Prizeof 5,000 1, Price o< 140 ft
1 Prlce of 3,000 30 Prices of ' . TSSft
1 P*iMof ftOOO 65 Pri«M of - 400
\ ’?» • - 1,000 Prunes of $2OO HicE. ; IV ,
\TicS«s s2o—Halves sl(s—Quarter* ss—El*hlE« s£&
Certificate of Package of 20|Wholea, ■ jßoftjOO
Do do" SOjaWea, v ISSS
,l)o do vgSQtuirwra, , 1540
Do do 30 XighOia • «Qo
sisotz Kcsunae—ivxrt sum pctin tm WKUt, <»» m
£rpy Prinin thi* Scheme must he Draim/
au,€CO Prises I 46,000 Tickets I! ,
Uznriand lottery to bo drawn on the Havana Plan..
To bo drawtt In Baltimore, McL, Saturday. March2Stb,ltte.
no wksu.ciion os nuzzs. raizes Patarlz in poll.
JJS 200 ! (35,000 4 Appr'» to|Soo
1 Prize of 11,980 A •* 860
1 Prize of 4,0001 . ‘ •~
1 Prize of 4,0001 ■■■„,. 9W
ll'rizeof 1000
1 Prize of ‘
1 Prise of
1 Prize of
1 Prize of
1 Prize of
10 I Prizes of <
10 Frizes of
100 Prizes of
49 - «. ■
, gO9 , .40 i-;
' ,WX> ■ - ■ -400 , .•* ; ■
_ ; . ao,DM ptirtigof « tMh. - V"
- Ticket*slCV--H(aiee 45—Qoarters 42,60.
T »g» ° r tl ? wn “«»*l»w |fcv.
Cartflcato of Package jo gg wfll ho Mog:
I*: . “ 19 Quartera, « « •'■
“ 19 El3tW “ « , ivS
AllorJer* for Tickets Id theaborc anlendld Schema will
be fclthfully ul promptly flUfedT A&n*T ***
«rPer.ona in the Wert op ibnUi*nan wfen
filled In the Shelby CollegeXoUery, of Kentucky, Schemt*
exactly the ©amo a© the above-—and alao draws under (U
management of B 7 France A Go;__ Addnasa
March 4-ly]
Receipts and bxpensitcr«|B^
of the Borough of Altooos, fbi the yki eidliir 1
Slurch2,lBsB. , . , .' ; • . :
_ ■ 'WCOB Dtii i
To amount received Aram former TrMrarcr—bal- " V
aaca la Treasury ttu-oh 2,1867. ’ tSO&Ot
“ ain-uat reeded of J. Good—balance on Pupil- JrSJiS-?
cate for year 1868, «i«i
“ amount of taxes Collected and paid in by John’ * ■
McClellan, Collector for 1567, •IHU9-'
« amount paid In by Borgeaa, Uconso for BxblM- /
tloas, - V • • A' r - ~ jtumt '
“ amouotjpald to be Burgeas, betegamount t»- >
cetvednoto sundry persons fcttaylng pare- ‘
meott ' " / ; . m\, :
Total Beceipt*, ■. ■ , S3IM.T»
r - .> ~v
* ~ „ JACOB ITMjjBR, aVsawour, Cr>.>
By amount paid Wm. Boydon foTASpJ'of Purdotfa
Digest for use of Borough Council, «m
*• amount paid sundry partoni'for work, lOftSf'
“ “ “ ,<* « ii etrtS' 1
** “ * ! W.T. Marriott forlot, ' tun
“ “ “ sundry persons for wort. tttt '
“ “ “J. E. Houston for lumber,
« “ “ sundry persona for wort, . - MUT j
“ « “ B. A. Mcttuftrfc. fees for obtain.' ;
„ „ tag Charter for Borough, »fiS
“ “ Betels Black for stone/worki 180JM’
“ “ “ sundry persons for work, MLU
« « R, 11. McCormick for lumber,
“ “ J.E. Houston, « « SS
“ “1* C.J. Hirst « «
>•*>. jt f
" " *f Bimdry pertons for work,
« u . u.. ' « i « 4~
“ “ “H. A. Sellers rooiin reiit,^
” Burgees for preparing dfe snterV
tog liens og£
. n ”J- ®- Houston for lumber, . - '
" J. Hower furnished .' ’
.. ' and work done at took Up, HUM '■■
” ”, ” John McClellan, ciertt to Council, %M
’’ ” ” McCrum w Allison for printing, 9flO '
" ” Bnrgws exjWttMS entering Um% " •
and recording deed, Bjtt
■J *! ’’ J.Qood, tor preparing Hen* l*W
” " Wm. WaltonW hauling,
” ” ” Trcasurer/hla per centage..
Total Expenditure# tor tlw year $003.89
’’ Receipts,, , , ' 2143,73——4
XieaTipg a balance duetho Treasurer of - • (Wti
Tax** outstanding OB -pnpllcttto Ibr 1867, .
on whicjiijocihonerationluw been made. $338,0dr
Boro«gU iorpavwtiqnt.UlM in MiS.,, ucis
. '■'■* ” mm. asoL--- -r- -'.
' Total amount due the Bbrmigh* stn«T»« -
Deduct amount due Treasurer, • tSfit f
Balance due tie Borough, H103L51
' Wf Oertlftr that we have 'examined the account of ike
Treasurer of the Borough of Altoona and find it cormot”
Hatch «t] v . 0.1). THOMAS,
1 1 fu the Post Office at All
Aimon, Mary
Aris,. Catharine
Brleo, James .
"BrdWni Eftsind* ‘
Barenz, M.
Baker, Jono
Berkbeimer, Martin
Bronou, Edward 3
Banch, Mary Jano
Benton, Jona s
Bell, Alexander 2
Brooks, Mary A.
Casey, Mary
Conard, J. A.
Carr, Jrs.
Clark,, Win,
Conard, D. A.
Donley, M,
Dancer, Moicb .
Doarmit, L. C.
Dailey, Jno. .
Douty, Moses 10 .•.
Elliot,;Jno. , ,
Eastency, M-
Eicboltz, D. 1 :
Elenigan, jrio, , : *
Fowler, J. B- ]
Farrell, Miofy, ;
Grifo, Peter
jßibson, Spennna ;
GaVen, Jas. I.
Hoffman, Mabala
Hoiglan, Catharine
Ilewit, Pctir
Herzod, Philip
Horbison, A. K.
Hawk, Wm.:
Henderson, iSanmel
Hagic, gasaa Awi|
Harison, M}dry
Hoover, O. I|. 2
Persona calling for letters,
are advertised. ; j
/t<LABS Bxlo TO 20x24, AND CUT?
\T l»Nsrk *Mf. ZZliUb.
' J - W> ’ ’• Vj '
8 •
* “ 1M
8 “
r « • «8
Kona.-Morcli 1, IMS,'
Henley, Wm-
Irwine A. J C. 2
Jones, Ephraim \ r -
Kounsman, J. fl; ..
Kirkpatrick, Frantic
Kline, Mom ;
Kelly, Wm. .
Lobkioket, AL. i
Leris, H. H.
Lloyd, 0 B.
Lowy, Wm. I*. ' !
Mitchell, Elizabeth'
Morgan, Wm.
Manley, Marr
Miller; 8. B. 2
Miller, Jno, ,
Molten, Peter S
McCabe, Jno. '
Otterson, 8. A,
Oket»ou„ Daniel
Patterson, A.
Paisely, Path.
Ramsey, George
Rhodes, J.K.
Bwgh, Moi-gt. i
Sharp, Paul 8
Shields, W. & 1, 4?- \
Shaw, Ca|lta)i*;l£r£ r
Starks, C. W. . v‘l
Thomas, N. J. i .r ;
Washington, tl**,
Wantlung, Jacob ■’■■';
Wirej Mary 2
Oaaaiday, CatbWihi* v ;r"
Cleary, James f
Geib, Peter
Heinz, Cbaa. i ,
Hickery Patk.
Leleb, Fredrick
Schneider, NiehpUa ;.
Yoeger, Prank
' VW
. m
!(- >;
■I' 1 - ’■*
■' 'TrifV'
-I'.-•: ' ■£
•-■r' V“"