The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, March 04, 1858, Image 2

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    Cjre Jltoana Crifcraie.
***?**** ara “nltjoowp- to xa, onr rule for odver-
JM‘hBl» 1 to require payment iutj vine-, ora guarantea from
WWM PftMH. It iftherefore useless for ul such tbsend
*** offering to pay at the end of three or »ix
trc+PtOf. Where advertisements are accompanied with the
“MR whether one, five or ten dollars, we will give the
Buff)tiler (he full benefit of cash rate*. '
_ Wiiune will hereafter bo famished to subscribers at
•be following rates;
mAm ol ** oneyoar $1,60; in chib* of 10, to one address,
hyw-per copy; lu clubs of 20 or more, to one SI ,OO
Pwveopy. Payment in all cases must bo is adtaso*.
• swnewals should bs prompt, a little while before thoyear
;«S{U«i, In order that we may make all m-ceseary arranKo
rnuply the paper regularly.
ntf&SD WRAPPER or tho name written on tho cv
RED INK; or KIEL. Indicates that this time paid
1 fordsebont to expire and that we desire a renewal. If how
•ver.ln.Um haste of mailing, this- signal should bo omit-
Sedj Ws hopa onr friends will still not forgat us.
Bottftaycxs.—-Send payment by safe hands, when con
t.Or send by mall, enclosing with ordinary care, !
Mp : troubling nobody with a knowledge of what yon are
ming. ror a largo amount, sond a draft or Urge notes—
J< sL°°* ? r two P a P<i«. gold or small notes.
To make change, send postage stamps, or betters till, send
for more,papers; say $2,03 for 70 numbers, or 1U» for 38
MBftßls ■
BflBU Wc haye been delayed a day in the
publishing of our paper this week by a
variety of causes, prominent among which
sickness of our “ Devil” and a
rush of Job Work (always welcome, wo mean
the job-work not the sickness.)
o “ Mum-Budget” Again.
If blackguardism was wit aid pointless ridicule aonnd
, I '<Jc, th»n i wtU might the Standard mas be considered the
gryateet.wit and soundest logician the irprld ever produced.-
i , In, ¥* Wrfyeaterday he devotee nearly a eolumirto n»,
in whkhbe aOmpit to answer our article of }aa,t week, by
pointless ridtcnle and threedbaro blackguardism. Heaeama
t» autertalnibe opinion- that a lauieh, no matter how forced,
will «jtw*igh an argument, and that ridlcnle and abuse
will annihilate indirputaMc fact*. However that may be
i-with him and others of bis clam, with sensible men they
! considered to be indubitable evidences ofa weak
■ caw. and alack of ability or fumsty on the part of Ui do
; fonder*. With these prefatory remarks wo pass to a brief
coryUeration of bis Inimitable compendium of meaningless
bombast; pointless rldlcalaon.l twita.
twra blackguardism. ■■',.■■' - '
out by imparting the astounding Information
that he expected to:be “annihilated” by ns but waa sadly
We hatfe no doubt he did expect and fear
andtf consummation,, No sane man. In his position, con
hcleasaUko oftho wcaknessof his cause and his own titter
I^^®% J t tip, could have expected anything
a miracle, and can only be nc-
on the ground that fools are lucky. Judging
from thalengtbandtenor ofhis reply, his “disajipoiatment”
aa “ nothing" lit onr article must have been very
/?■**. a«we have never seen a more labored attempt to con-
facte rcsnlrin to complete a failure. Hi*
iri**n>ew6wi»r **mmch grtftte* thon-we ctdculatod 'on, ’
: 1 next ttys that the conclusion we drew from his .pre
vious article, Chat Hon. John McLean and other celebrated
men,who reviewed the DtedScott dccliion, should hare been
MMp«a w akvtaijor*," is fotlocidmi,and attempts
thatoatheoame grgund “we (he)
Ifreanmatha.t If we <hs) madethe premlso that pick pockets
w«m. clothse, then they (we) would say we (ho) declared
. John MaLsno a pick-pocket, because be did tbs same.”—
aud worthy of its wise and ds-
His assertion ‘-Thus ire last w
*»<n'whota api«grUta sphora 4c,’*'#here was no porticn
” *•!** «*h»b«r or kind of men .referred
tav loutoa the natural inference was that he meant aU ih«r
decision., Adopting his assertion as a prem
■lso, t?» conclusion we drew Was a natural consequence,
la regard to the ippers that denounced Mr.
Budiraejia policy woe of a similar character, the inference
ohsious apd the, conclusion deduced as Justifiably as in
th» former easel the oenUlees rtdioulaofthe BtamtaMman
% the charge that our attack on Mr. Bn
chaxun’a Kansas policy was low and-s-urrilous;' If it wax
“T* h^ .»• Walker, tVise, Forney, and a
boat of veteran democrat* m>.st shoulder the responsibility.
Ibey denounced the Locomptan Constitution as n swindle.
By a simple syllogism, with this os a premise, ,we deduced
the legitimate coaclastonthat its friends and supporters were
swindlers. If it hit the President,|t was not ohr fault but
his. It Was sound Democratic doctrine. Now we don’t be
. llere thotjscurrUUy consists in publishing the tmthl If it
does, Trkagh may .rest easy. He will never be subjected to
the charge. - ■
;He next sajj Jhatw»- ambit luusno excsiTn - ** abuie^
mid Bißngsgate,’’ but lack .the ability.. Ah I getting Jealous
of us/are yotil Poor follow, ,tae pity you. It is a charac
teristic of some men ta suspert everybody of attempting to
(appldhtthem In their jwcuttar vocation. On that
howsver, youcan rest easy g*regards ns, foras Nature net
’ if assigned W» for bisckgtiaiito, bj withholding from us the
ability, there Isno probability of cur ever “treading on
your corn*," *
\ After scalß ptofesslng.somw for ns be manifests his
QleM by another tirade of abuse against “independent pa
pita?’ tPoor -follow! they nre l an iyworo to lilßi. Devoid
ond maißtaeas” hta4if,'ixe cannot bear that
'thoee pssseaeed and exercised by others.
Kaiee fails continual abuse of u Independent papers;” How
, •W»Uka thie puppy that backed at the moon his yelpings
prodooo no offset,
He hart attempts to rtdicafe otw siding with Bongos,
Toiwy> -Be- In this Itp, only shows his own insignificance.
She raOingt of the are tho croeses of tho righteqa*.
righteous) we havp i‘set cmr fin*’’ fai;tbe
.sSgM direetfoD, and are able to boar oar cross—the railings
/ «nd'abw^ ; oliimoroaa, timo verring trimmer^.
“ crusher,” that our criticisms op
tb» Mts tapthe pohtical parties are worth about as much aa
• our Aeadamy logic.” N..t having any knowledge
of«s|l seiencei, ire know not jte mine. We do know bow
; ereT, criticisms, .whether worth .anything or not,
atwsys throw tho Standard man Into “ flts.”
, Bni ali tbls time the Standard man has carefully Ignored
lb* subject at I«ue—the Lecowpton. swindle. Let him
“tiMHie setatcb” if he dare, and not attempt to cloak bis
poltroonery personalities, and we’ll then-argue the
mbJ'&with.blm to blsbeirt’* content Cotas, don't skulk
any linger. ; Be a man, or ctatfees yon ore nut and> tben
Bask Note and Commee-
oial B*app!aTEE.—Tliis valuable publica
tion, whichis issued weekly and monthly
in Pittsburgh, hy 1L Wray Jr,, comes rcg
larly to hand. To say that it is a voluble
J| guide ,ft>* the detection of counterfeit notes,
would ponvey but a slight idea of its mer
its. It is Well worthy; the patronage of
our fofjneaa men, and in fact.of every per
son who has any thing to’ do with paper
money. Term# Monthly 01 per year;
; i : Add#e«# &
A «lppfcment lo the $BOO Exemption
Law his been introduced in the Senate.—--
Xt proposes to extend the power to retain
$3OO worth of property to any kind of
stock, judgment or other iudebtedess to
thp person taking advantage of said law.
It proposes further that any person other
wise entitled to the exemption provided
for in the act and tie act to which this is a
supplement, shall not be deprived thereof
in consequence of any contract hereafter
made by which the right to claim such ex
emption shall be removed or released. The
Harrisburg Telegraj)\ in relation to the
proposed supplement, holds jforth as fol
lows: ■ : V'tr"' :
“ The firtt section of thisliill/’is intended to
correct certain defects in the law of 1849, so os.
to enable a debtor to retain any kind of property
of which be may be' possessed, to the amount
of three hundred dollars in value.
The second section is designed to protect the/
poor mao against the machinations and schemes'
Of remorseless Shylocks, by preventing the debt
or from releasing or waiving the {stay of ..execu
tion on the property so retained, land thus ma
king the etay absolute under any |circumgtapoep, :
This .appears to us to Jbe a vhry vyise and proper
provision, and one which is calculated to pro
tect, the fanulies of poor and hnfortuirate deb
tors ..against the possibility pf the loss of their
household goods by the imprudent release of the
slay, as is teiy often, done; to,satisfy tho exac
tions of the heartless, creditor. This is really
the true intent opd spirit of the law of 1849.
The design of Legislature iupnsslng the law,
certainly was to protect the poor man in the
possession and enjoyment of three hundred dol
lars worth of property, and just as certainly is
some provision proper audmeceaaary to protect
him against the loss of it under npy circumstau
ces, as the the eeoond section of
this supplement does. It was an oversight in
|the original law aud is necessary Carry out
its tine intent” ■
However that may be in some cases, we
think that in the majority, itl wilt afford
but a greater premium to rascality. The
Act of 1849, designed as it‘ufos to protect
the honest poor from the grinding oppres
sion of avaricious and remorseless creditors,
has been in nine cases out of every ten , in
which it was taken advantage of, been used
merely as a protection to rascals. We know
of of this character which
have happened under our own supervision.
However, if the Supplement ; passes both
Houses and becomes a law, it will be an
other step towards the adoption of the cash
system, as no man, who wishes to succeed
in business will careabout investing money
or goods, in folks who have no more than
the law allows them.” In this aspect of
4he case we are in favor of the passage of
the supplement, but we think it will N be
foupd of less advantage s the honest poor,
thab is expected by'its frienqs and suppor
ters. However, time will tell;,
A short time since, our Philadelphia cor
respondent gave us an account of a. “shhm”
duel between a couple cjf medical students
in that city, a counterpart tio which has
just taken place in Pittsburg, as will be
iseen by the following, which wc copy from
the Union of Monday last-
Badlt 6oid — A Wood street! merchant was
badly sold on Friday, evening by a jolly
steamboat captain and his friends. The mer
chant find the captain quarreled on Tuesday
evening, about some disputed point in a game
of billiards; and the merchant challenged the
(captain. The challenge was accepted, pistols
were chosen, and Collin’s Park wns-nsmed for
the bloody encounter. The merchant and his
second, repaired ithither, accompanied by a sur
geon and a referee and ti e captain and his
Were also -on the ground. • The preliminaries be
ing all arranged—the merchant having made
, his will, and' prepared himself for falling to rise
no distance was measured, the signal
given, the pistols fired, and the captain fell
The surgeon picked up the wounded man, and.
as he raised-him he daubed his face with a good
imitation of blood, .and the merchant fled in ter
ror, under the full belief that he had slain bis
all a joke—the., jpistols. jrara-aoi
TSRTrgcd with ballsTand the marchnntwas most
.shamefully victimized. They repaired to the
city scon after, and had a glorious time laughing
over-the encounter—all at the expense of the
merchant, who has since been denominated a
VDead shot.’’ The joke was a most cruel i.bne,
but it has effectually cured the merchant of .his
duelling propensity.
&SS* The argument in the case of ?as.
Kelly, convicted at the recent tern of Oyer
and Ternimer, at Pittsburg, of the murder'
of Henry Wiseman, was to have taken
|daco bn last Satarday, bnt. waa ppstponed
until Saturday next, when it will positive
ly be argned. Thp defence expect ip prove
mispbaduei and drunkenness on the part
of the jury which <»nvipted hiin.
-—-——-H——- '
.. Xettsr ■
Through tho tiridness of the gentleman
hy whwji the following letter was repeivcd)
\re have been ;peroutted to copy it. it af
fords an insight into affairs in that Terri
tory which will be interesting to our read
ers, and may be rhHed on os jdorrect:
£cexltiu.e, V- X., 80,-1868.-
■ Dear Friend, —We are about
114' miles from Omt Salt Lake CHy, and do not
expect to get away until springapd perhaps not
before ne;xt fall. The Mormons arc determined
to keep us oat as long os possible, hat os Col.
Johnson has sent for supplies and reinforce
ments, I think they will regret the course they
have taken. ; Brigham Young, jh», connection
with several others, will certainly; be considered
traitors. The shrewdness and tact with which
he manages his affairs is worthy of a better
chase. They are undoubtedly the greatest fan
atics in existence. A Mormon is a living hum
bug. The heads of the Church are Mormons
because it pays them and 'without it they could
’?h«» JU a’ £ cf'
■ *■
Anelher “Sfasuu” | Duel.
**>*i*«y**» bmtm ***%&&&
*&«Ial»r»g clam tf
I tbiuk, would repudiate Monaowiam it they]
Wuli Tbii io tbs tpisioTi of xnes nbo have 1
lived in the Territory and have been Mona on a. I
Brigham ia ruler over jail the people and the
Territory, and all who jdid not embrace Mor
moniata last spring, hadall their property and
goods)confiscated, and;if not murdered were
compelled to leave thc Territory. -Brigham
w prkSj everything to his; own advantage,.,
he says, “alt. to the honor of Israel’s God.” If
a mah comes into the city with a good span of.
horses or mules, and Brigham takesa fancy to
them, (or if the owner is not strong in the faith,
be merely says, “well Brother —the Lord
has appeared imto me In; s Vision/” and that is
thtjt is necessary; he forthwith takes the
span and the poor sent oh a mission.—
It is so wkh all property! they have. It all be
longs (o the Church and ' { the Church belongs to
God, njnd as Brigham is liis prophet or agent, as
a mattjer of course it alt belongs to him. He
tiow has all the money ip the Territory, all the
goods,j(exocptwhat we have here,) all the stocks
anp everything ®lso of vplue and consequently
he is a great man in Israel.
-We here about the 20th of November.
Col. Johnson not haying)sufficient stock to put
us through, nor enough ;to stay where we are
the soljiiers having to harp wood on wagong, they.
acting jin the capacity;!of mules, there is no
doubt (hat his conduct vrill be a matter of con
siderable speculation in ihe States; but he has
done what any honest apd prudent man would
have dpne under similar-circumstances, labored
for the; greatest good* of; the greatest number.
He has sacrificed his own! personal ambition for
the good of others, what; very few military offi
cers would have done. TVe are in the midst of
the Rocky Mountains, Jwilhout any means of
transportation, and even If we hod stock, it would
bo useless to attempt going through. Each
canon is blockaded with rocks and snow.
We l}ayc about 8500 troops here, with tbe
-volunteers —two regiments of infantry, one of
dragoons and about 500: volunteers. We have
sufficient supplies to last until spring. fiapt.
Marcy,| with a detachment of infantry, left about
the flrs|t of this month far New Mexico, to bring
supplier in the spring. I heard there was n de
tachment ordered from Fort Laramie immedi
ately. ’
Cou’jt opcncd on the 7th of this month. Judge
Eckel is the only Judge present, no other? hav
ing come out. John M. -Ilockeday, tho Attor
ney Gdneral, is an able: lawyer and a perfect
gentleman, as is also Mr. Dotson, who is Mar
shall. i Gov. Cummings is tho man to lay out
Brigham Young. He. may bo whipped out of
the Tovritory, but can't lie talked out, and Prig
ham s tongue won’t do him any good, so far as
tho Governor is concerned: The governor might
be induced to do a certain thing, but all b i
could not drive him to dt| it.
Although the winter h.%s not been unusually
severe, we have only had: one mail for 4 mouths,
and not much in that. If some one does not
get tho mail contract at a price that will enable
him to put it through tin time, I will take a
small walk to the States toyself, as I am sure I
could carry it through on my back as soon as
.the present men get through with it. I could
come through in'two months at least, about the
time it:took them to get 1 through with the first
mail. The September mfttl is all they have got
through yet. If they gej: one started on the Ist
of each month it is all they care for, it matters
not whether it gets thrpugh before the Ist of
July. They will soon have all tho mails on the
road. It is a humbug—iau imposition on the
people for a man to uiqiertake to carry mail
monthly each way, a distance of 1200 miles, fdr
$32,000 a year, through a country where corn
and feed is worth $8 per (bushel and everything
else in proportion. Congress might cs well give
it to some Abolition society, (then they would
be sure it wept to tho Devil,) as to pay a sum
that would not cover ths blacksmith’s bill for
one year. It will take $jl!6,000 a year to put
it through monthly each j way, and until that
sum is paid, it will not |be done right. Wo
don t know who is Governor of old Pennsylva
nia. We don’t know anytjhingfaftmut the States.
There might be an earthquake in the States and
we not ; know it far six mohths.
Give my respects to all, that is (as Pat says,)
if get this. Hojnng you may receive
it before next j,
. I remain yours,
To J. 6. Adlum, Esq. : j
Ak Important Bax.—Jjbv Kill, from Frank
lin county, read in his plafe to-day a very im
portant bill', entitled “An | act relating to the
collection of taxes in thd counties ofthe
State.” The first aection pfovidcs that the Com
missioners of every county shall cause their'
clerk to make out the tax dap', icates immediately
after thensseasments aro-iuiide, certify the same,
and hand them over to the County Treasurer. -
The second Section makes k the duty of euch
County Treasurer, within Guriy days aftersuch
receipt of duplicates, to give at-least thirty days,
notice in one or more weekly newspapers, sta
ting thnt hy Will attend Ilt jcaSl tWO (lays In each
township and boro, proviov(a to the first day of
August in each year, for the purpose of receiv
ing the .taxes duo by each Person residing in said
township ; if such person ;|i|ay the taxes before
the first day of August, he phall be entitled to a
deduction of fiye per cent bn the amount there
of. The third section provides that in case of
the taxes remaining unpaid for a period of thirty
days after the first day of! August, tho treasurer
shall Issue his warrant to tjho constable oft the
township or boro’ authoring andrequirihghira
to;cplleCt'such backstandihgf thxcs within ten
• days after he has made demand for the same;
If the person refuses to pay hiS taxes, said con
stable may seize and sell hts goods for'the taxes
due; and to pay all cost of fuch proceeding—
The other sections prescribes various penalties
for the non-performance ofj the respective duties,
by thfe treasurer and constables, all of which
will be noticed pash tha bill should
pass and become a law. We consider this dbe.oft
tbemost important bills .of ths session, ns*'tt'
changes the entire mode of collecting taxes all
over the state. It : will abolish all the taidjoli:
lectors. —Barruburj Telegraph, Fep. 25tA.
Death Warrants.— Sheriff Rowe, of Lnnens
ter county, on Monday, received from Governor
Packer the death .warrants of Alexander Ander
son and Henry Richards,’ c mvicted of the mur
der of Mrs. Garber and Alda. Ream,' in' Decern-,
her last, He proceeded to the orison about ten
o’clock, to read the same to toe unfortunate
tea- Tho frarnuit was read to Andeaonfirat.
tel the etaoff Andmoo remarked J
la ppl; u a Tfmaret from cx-ShenfT
I Mardn, to the effect that his days wars how
numbered, Anderson again said, “ Well gentle
men, I will be prepared to die.” The party
then silently left his cell for Richards on
the opposite side of the corridor. Richards was
standing up ia his cell, hoppled by one foot,
and gr*e;cd the party as thcyicatercel with his
usual good-hnmered smirk. 'The warrant for
his execution wti's in the same words as that of
Anderson, (except the name,) 'and when the
reading was finished- he remarked in somewhat
faltering toncs£ “ I hope 1 will be prepared.”—
asked if he remembered from bearing the
paper read, what day he was to be executed, he
said in April, but did not remember the day.—
It was repeated, and the prisoners were left
alone with their own reflections. Anderson is
now engaged in writing a complete history of
his somewhat eventful career, to which he will
cause to bo appended a .true confession of the
facts connected with'the Manhejm tragedy. The
prisoners are to bo hung onthe 9th of next April,
in -lbe jail yard.
Tfie Cheapest Paper Id the County!
’ With the present number, the Tribute has en
tered upon its third volume. Commenced at a
time when the confidence of the citizens of Al
toona in newspapers and newspaper publishers
'was considerably shaken, if not totally annihila
ted, it has slowly but surely restored that con
fidence, and now stands upon a sure foundation,
and is universally acknowledged to be one of
the fixed institutions of our town. But this re
sult has not been achieved without a hard strug
gle, and considerable expenditure of time anti
means on the part of its editors. The steady
increase of patronage, however, has a (Forded in
dubitable evidence that their labors have been up
In entering upon tho new volume it is almost
unnecessary to say that the Tribune will contin
ue to be “ Independent ix Etlrttui-no, j * be
ing biassed neither by fear, favor nor affection,
in favor of parties or sects. In this respect it
is only necessary to say that the past affords a
fair index as to our future course.
It has always been our aim to make the Tri
bune, a reliable first-class Local Paper, ns we
believe, that in that character alone, country pa
pers can successfully compete with their flashy
city neighbors. To this end we hove secured
correspondents in various parts of the county,
who furnish us,with all the items of local inter
est in their vicinity. Wo purpose adding others
to our list as soon as we cm obtain them. Du
ring the next year we shall redouble our efforts
to make the Tribune a perfect compendium of
Dome'News—a rkliarlk, must class Local
Paper, second to none in tbe country, and as
sueb a welcome weekly visitor to our patrons,
whether at Lome or abroad.
But while tiio Local Department shall he our
special'care, wc shall also devote a commit ru
ble space to Literary Matter, F»a and iiu-
M ut, and the chronicling of events of general
interest to our readers. Wc purpose also pub
iishir.g fr an time to time “Original Sketches cf
Men anti Things ” which will be furnished by
our contributors. We have made arrangements
also to have a weekly letter from Philadelphia,
and juclgi.jg from the reputation our correspon
dent sustains as a popular writer, these letters
will be a rich treat to our readers.
As we are decidedly journalists of the pro
gressive school, we have concluded to aaopt the
cash system in our business. The neglect of
quite a number of cur patrons to pay up prompt
ly, and the rascality of others, has compelled
us to adopt this course. Time and experience
has fully proved to our satisfaction that the
credit system will not work with newspaper
publisher.;. From this date no paper wiii be
sent from this office, unless paid f-,r in advance,
and at the expiration cf. the time raid fi.r, if
not renewed, v;111 bo promptly si. pped. This
arrangement does no injustice to our patrons
while it wifi protect us from the impositions of
soilless scoundrels, ami. enable us to devote
more-attention to our paper.
Recognising, the principle that contracts to
be satisfactory should bo fraught with mutual
benefit to both parties, and as money in large
amounts, in advance, is of more value to us than
when received in driblets, ts an induce
ment to numbers who would otherwise discon
tinue, as well as to those who have never vet
taken the paper, we offer it at the following
low rates for the coming year:
, 1 copy, one year $1 50
10 copies “ ($1.25 por copy) 12 50
20 “ ($l.OO per copy) 20 00
and all above 20 ot the same rate—sl per copy.
The money must, in all cases, accompany the
By the above it will be seen that our paper
is emphatically the cheapest in the county.—
jis to Us merits we leave in to the public to de
cide. We earnestly request our friends through
out the county to “give as a lift,” as wo have
no doubt each of them can readily obtain a club
in their neighborhood.
. Casvasfehs W.vxted.,—Several energetic bu
siness men wanted to canvass the county for
subscribers to the Tribune, A liberal pcr-ccn
tuge will be allowed.
Jm BRUTHKH, hnrmtert and Dealers in Winer, moi
Liquors, return their thanks to their friends fir the liberal
share of patronage heretofore bestowed, and respectfully eo
lielt h continuance of the same, at the OLD LsTAULItJI
MKNT, SO. 5 N. FKONT ST., where they
h» voalargeassortinentofWlNES and Li QCOIJS of tltochoie
cst brands and qualities. Having made arrangements w ith
some of the first houses in Cogiinc and Rochelle. enables
them to furnish to their customers upon the most reasona
ble terms, the following brands of Cc-giiac and Rochclhi
brandies: , - " "
Otard, Hennery, i'arclt, ■ PinnelU CUtlillinn, Martdl,
-? Jiines, Eeilevonin, jJ. J. Drpuy it Co.
Champagne, Old Oporto, \Jlnrgundy, Madeira. Teneriife,
Claret, Sheraf, Lisbon, \Jlndc,Muscat it-Malaga limes
of various.brands mid qualities.
Holland Gin, Scheidam Schnapps. Jamaica Spirits, Scotch
and Irish Whiskeys; Peach, Apple, Lavender, Blackberry,
Raspberry, Cherry- and Ginger Brandies; Cordials, Wine
Bitters: Amsterdam Bitters, At.
Also, constantly on hand, an extensive stock of OLD
XEFJS, of various gnides. some of which wo guarantee to
be superior to any in the country.
CS-From our lung experience in tho business, nnd thor
ougli knowledgw of .the tastes of the community, we Hatter
oucEelvcs to be able tq'fiU all orders that may be entrusted
to us. Order# from the country (which are most respectful
ly solicited) will Ik-promptly attended to.’ Great care taken
in packing nnd shipping. . ' •
AU gisMts Ecnt from onr eatahlislimcnt are gnarantohd to
give satisfaction, with tlie privilege of being returned.
• geb. S6-ly] , J 3. P. MIDDLETON A 880.
- * E. KsirmtAjt wdnld icspebtfidly Infurm the
lodfrs of AUoona and vicinity, that tncy con
linue the above business at- their old stand
site SoilArs* Drag Store, and have Just- received their snbnly
they will sell as low as Any other cstabllshmenl in the place-
Dresses and all articles of ladies wear made t- order on shert
reasonable terra*. ’ fApril 23, ’67-1 y.
■ A RARE CHANCE.—The subscriber
l\ offers at Private sale, about 60 Acres of the best qual
ity of Prairie Land, situate in Illinois, aboutW miles South
west of Chicago, in a well settled neighborhood, and ono
mile from n thriving town. . Two, UaiiroecU pass near the
property and there is An excellent' supply df wood and wa
ter convenient. The Ideation Is considered very healthy.-
Payments to bo made in six yearly instalments. Apply to
Pab.2s-3t] -v ra,R v ß.Shops.
jLlJßonchtpd "
or TUB
XV K&A&T 1(0.1, AiMOv
KAllooaa, AiaOtnu.) ' ? -«7nrTWT'
- The fottowtog PahWaattonawe oonatmOyAßSSfgßP'
weetveff and fcr mate at this cstshliihßun%VMlSEßldr
st PabltshefeprlM*, f.
■■■ ’
Lodger, DoOfi JFOw#, 1 DoOy
Morning JVsna, Sc*niag Journul,£vouu(gßuLkiin ami
MratingArgw. '!
"NxwVofiX—flcmU, Tribsm* aiidtim**.
BAmwos'Pmrssmu! —Body Dispatch. '
■ ■ WEEKLIES.. ; •
Pnn..u>!tPHiA— Saturday Meeniitg B»t. The Press, Sun
day Transcript, Suttdav Dispatch, Sunday Mercury and
DMor Sewspaper.
Nsw Voek—.V. Y. Ledger, S’. T. Leader, Harped* JTitk
ly, Frqnk Leslies’* Illustrated Ltaspaperf SeientifiC Amsri
ran, Irish American, Irish Vindicator, Irish L~eus, Lift Il
lustrated, .V. Y. Clipper, notional Pclict Gasette, Mcmstt-atc.
Bo jios— Ballou’s Pictorial, TKrrerJy Magasine, plag e/
Oar Union, True Flag, American Union, Ftali/r CLskrt,
Spiritual airgraph, Boston Pilot etc. ■ J :
Front- Leslie's Monthly Pictorial, Harper's ilagdsine,
Leslie'sn’ru> York Journal, Putnam's Magasine, Jtasrfer>- Magazine, United Stu’*: Magazine, Chamber’s Journal,
Graham's Magasine, Gbdey'sLady's Book, Ladies Jttustra-..
ted Miscellany, Mrs. iXepheii's iV<w Monthly, Ymkee nptions,
nic nut. Dinrmore's and Aiidrton’s b’aifrcad OmJcSi
To tho above will be added all the new publications «S*
they appear, ; ,j;
I ibitier mydf that I present ns great a varbityof'liter
ature in the above list, an can be found inany cataUlsumeat
ofitelde of the isfgc cities. ' '
STAtioNcuv.—l keep constantly on hand a great Variety
of Stationary, oucb as Hilt, Cap, Lettor and Note T«i>W,En
vcloper, i*nwi, I’encile, Slates, Ao.
Setwoi, Books—l have »ml shall constantly koep phihand
a variety of School Books, such as are used in this mild but
rtmudins diatrlcu. Any book I may not have I
sb'ii f notice. ;jj
I‘wjikr i Br.ornrE’s PußUCATtotfs—Tlio stock frdin this
IloUie consists tf Children’s Toy Books, in groatvarltly too
numerous to mention; Dream and Fortune Telling Books,
t'omk* and So, g Books, lisMdy KecUoners, Letter Writers,
■Cook Books, CoiiVersaUon Cords, Cards, Saako and
otle-r Oanies, ie.
I'icii keep constantly on hand a groat variety of
Pic turns and .'..tlioeraphs cither wi:ii or without fremca.—
I have jnet received a beautiful variety of largo Pictures,
to which I would call the attention of every one, ik they
must bo seen tj bo appreciated. These pictures can bo had
either in gilt or.mahogany frames to suit circtuiißtancc?.
1 am now prepared to frame pictures of all sizes, ip gilt
moulding.' 6ir parties who may Lave them on hand mnlvne/i
them framed. * • r
Toys and Fancy Aanctrs-—Such, a* Dolls, Gum; Palls,
Whistles, Jowshorpa, Marbles. Topj-.Jlxipd, Jumping Ropes,
Dominoes, Dice, Checker-Heard*, Ac? ; I;
(,T.; vr.s and Tobacco —l keep coustpntly on hand a stipply
of tho very best Havana ami Domestic Cigars and Tobac
co, from the old and popular establishment of S. \V,. Ayers,
South Third street, Philadelphia.
Fishing Tackle of every description constantly oh bund.
1 urn solo ug”nt in this place for Dr. Rulin’* German-Com*
pound Ointment, a Salvo that has never been known to fail
la curing any sore whatever. Try it.
HOOKS and novels kv GREAT TAIUKT?.;
Thankful for the very liberal patronage lies to wnd upon
me hitherto, by the citizen* cf Altoona and vicinity, fhonu
by “trie! attention to business anil on accommodating (De
position to merit a continuance of their patronage. ■ 1
• Jan. syaT-tfl il. FETTiyOKR, Propricf-jr.
Ww. W AIjLAC is,—
yjsiny Gl f STEAM F.XOIKK FFT.* HI. tan lefryr,
i’.'j, oul, ;•;» f. o, >7y :f., UmitUfidd zL, FilUbtrg, A
hit am engines fur Saw la d Flouring Mills generally on
hiiiut ami modi- to order. i'- :i-TS for u: Sue OU sln.'i t
mb burr Miil htoius;. old ami dcw steely of my
rune, ahviys on hand ».t the lowest prises.—
■'lni ’r, Mill Iroint, Mill amt Ilcgulmlnc Screws,
l’:M. n Wire I OI :i and Cob Grinders, Cast Iron Prool
Shifts ami Leather Beltings always on hand. I TM
Lnii’s I’at.nt French Furr Smut Machines, a superior ar
ti ;le, iwJ in ot< r 600 of the best nulls in tlio neat. They
nm light, clean well and fast, end will last a life time.—
11 i:> n t h. ybt come dull, the edge can be renewed bvcts-ch
ing Uk- linn. We annex a certificate from one of the larg
’ i?t flouring in dls in Ihe went; and for further particulars
:. far to our handbills.
, Pftrraraww, Jnr.p 2J. IES2.
W. >v. ii lac?,, F.sq.—X><far AVr:—'Wo have d4'¥ !fa bj*o
:h our mill, two yf jour Hmr Smut MacSihicri; they work
\c our i*ntjic* aaf function; thfv are cJnniLJe, cot liableto get
"X.x i’f o: J;j*, tiuJ v»e conai-icr ilicra the bc«t reaching ticn
• c u *’- . WILMHAIU 4 KQI&S.
All urd- m promptly attended to
~ w. W. -T.UUiSB.
>acb 1C lyl 310 Liberty Strert. P,Uii"rg. f',i
I ’ ‘>il-—li>i» valuable preparation can bo bad lit the
M_)r« of Henry Lehr, in Andrew Green’s oWslucdJjiorth
Ward, laeattentionof thepubilrj* invited to the following
/Vent the temAurg Chrratfele.
r, v,.ie,'- 11 '-!.va;;:c Oia.— The above medicine bss bn-It
distributed throngli our county for the Erst tirn'r. tvilljia the month. 1 1- regard to its powerful preparation tire can
say. ii i, roc >:u;u uded by Uie press in stronger tenafr.thisi}’
atiy other preparation ever brought b-fore the publicii . Sti
lly instances of aimert mirswaihma cnr-S have bet nmjdnltHl
by tlto use of the above preparation. it is eaiii-lo'ict liy
Imparting to the nervous system n current of electficitv.—
And it i= applicable to the cure of all sor* and painful dhtcasea
Prom the Locistamn Aurora.
I have been afflicted fcr'U;; yearswithChronic Diaiyheea.
and hate r.-re,-.,. t l more, benefit firm Duvall's Galvaais Oil
LLr.n any other medicine I ever used. '
Oliver township, Mifflin c/unty.
Tbiy is to certify that ’ tare «u<d Duvr-il’e Geivwtic Oil
in my iittmiy in eeno of Use dis,-fiscs-for which il iftrpcom
r.ier. i. d. mi t found A to act almost sp '.utaiiecmiiy. .1 re
commend it to all who suffer from para.
, A - M. IOTRAM.
Sept, o. -Btn.i Df-catur township. Mifflin county.
SLLLKUfe, AgsnL, again tips I*lh beaver a
to the cUi7.i*ns of AUooda aiui IKO public pencr- ; ' ff
aliv aiul infjritid “all the worMuQfi
r ' H t maj*K :: I." that bo has opeonul out,
tLvir onpi t' n* a HRftiEECTi
at his oM sior-2 rwia on street.
Ho visitod Philadelphia and strarwl
ono of the best and raosf reliable wholesale
icul hnu-»-». a lure* ami coc:preh«ni»ivc- awortiamt qf
whioii lie ofiers at prices that defy competition. :
lie has flu-d ii|> his store in a creditable and comfortable
manner, and Hatters Idmsalf that he will be side tet luhiter
entire satisfaction. Ills stock of prugn hard been carefully
selected and arc warranted perfectly geauin)*. ; > i ,
II is.-stuck of varieties are large and con: pet lie mi VO.
Cam phene and Burning fluid always on hand. 5 :
But we have not room to enumerate all, ■ suffice It ft) say
that he has constantly for sale everything usually ;kept In
a Drug and \ ariuly etore. Give him a call and see what he
(Jan. 15. ’57-tf.
Jf JR 1 ,f LS -, subscriber is manufacturing Portable
Hour Mills, of a quality superior for simplicity arid dura
'' lily to any other now in use. They can be driven by
steam. water, or ’horse power. And will prove a volnnhlb ac
qusition to non masters, stock finders, and lumbermen.—
Tiierp are hundreds of persons throughout thc couctPk Who
have enrplus water or etcam power, or whose
cmp.oyed a portion of IUo time on otherlnwineaa, trho, bv
introducing one or more of these mills into their establish
meat* may greatly benefit themselves, and at the ssztHilme
accomniothit ? thr public. . .
• One of these mills (29 inches In diameter,) grinding d*<T
12 bushels feed per hour, run he been daiJv in oneriifiolVM
tho Ofl and Food Mill of Mt*srs. Snydarn £ Co., on iiob&c*
btreot, Swain Engines; Boilers and MUfinr»
mslfTnjft on hand nnd made to order. Orders and inqiioic*
na* ndo(I to with dispatch. W. W. WALLACE '
March 12, ’ST-ly] 329 Liberty strut, PUU&itrt& 1 F&
T A \ .Unable l-.trm of seventy-nine acres of limestone
land, situate about two miles cast yf «
MiUu-frmu ttiu ri'minrcatlSlTon the road loading to Scotch
> al!-v, Is offered for sale by the subscriber. J L Jft '
Sixty acres are umbo goodcullivatiou, and jgaflSpPki
the balance limber land. The -improve* £5 £ j jCS
ments consist of a good two-storv’PLAXtt wm a fJiK
water at the door, a largo orchard contain- WSSSCpSSH
ing Apple, Pear, Plum nnd Cherry trees, in goad benriiig
condition, nnd every convenience necessary to n famJ : ■
Terms liberal. For farther paiplcnlars nnijv to > !
Fob. 18-at] / JOHN SHmbtAkEn.
The cassville seminarl^.^
ONLY 52-2,50 PER QUARTER.. ' | i
This School for Young Ladies and Qen- •
tlemeh Is probably the cheapeatono ofthe fl§gl| S.'SIA
kind In the country. The expenses fur<£n9 a »THL
room rent, furniture. Aid, board end ~tnl.
tion in common English, are pcr jqnartCT^~- lg *t l^l, 'M
as above, or per year only §SB. v '?? 4
Piano f* orfiy $5 per quarter. AU the Langhnwe*
and the Ornamentals are prejwtionaUy cheap; iSendWr a
circntar. Students are expected to notify me befbre ecta-
H'n'M.-r 3 ? « ' JOHN D. vvf
Feb. 25-2nt] CagsviUe, guntingdonCoi,T»- X
XjL Notice is hereby given that
on the cfltftte of George Half, late of Logan tuwnshlfvßlalr
county, deed, have been granted Hr tho of said
county to tho undersigned residing in Altoona. All per
sons knowing themselves indebted to Mid estate are reqnce
ted to make Smmbdtete payment, and those haring claims
.to purchase two Promfcsory
Notes of $5O each, given by me to George Smith, of Antes
township, fflair county, datedjanuary 2, 1858, one paya
ble In three months and this other In six months, sad am
determined dpt to pay said notes unless compelled bv law
never havmgre eelved value therefor. . 1 u '
Peb. 2»Bi«[ john mathes.
nS 8 ’ £L A PRUNES,
Citrons, and. Currants In store and for s&
March 3X ’W-ly] 191 Norfft Bff Wb^SSfo.
A walnuts;
Pntax Hu»*nftJilhri*a In store and for 'sale h| ; -
tfflAJrrt W ,
la, no doubt, the most wonderful dircovsry of thtfek&bof'
progress, fox it trUI re«tore, permanently, gniy v hsJc,A»4J*
original color, cover tho head cf the bald wltk vUUn l»*4*
riant growth, reir.cvo at once all daudiuiT end tht*
all scrofula, and other cutaneous eiupiiuns, spot U Ml 4
head, etc. It will cure, as if by magic, nerve tutor p*xkdi
ed headache; make the hair soft, gicccy cad/presert* Ih#
color, perfectly, anil the hair 6cm foiling, ti extreme eld
age. The following 1* from adlstingulshedmsmbor ,0| th#
medical profusion;
St-PAfi, .TaatiArtl, ISM.- ,
■ P«o», O. J. Ifoon—Dear Sir I ssndjjn
■ this certificate. After being nearly bold for a loog tlaV
and having tried all the hair restoratives iafc&h«attMvtiig
no fkith in any r I was Induced, on hoering of yourt, to give
it a trial. 1 placed myself in the hamla. cf a barber, and
had my heed rubbed with a good stiff brush, and the n*to>
rative then applied-ami well rubbed In, till the sosjp was
aglow. Thfe I rcjwatcdvTery morning, and In three *seta
the young hair appeared end grew rapidly from Aeiu»tU*i
till tho present time, and is now thick', black and strung—
foil and pleasant to the touch; whereas, before, ttwsahanh
and wiry, what little there was of it; and that Utile wea
disappearing very rapidly. 1 still tuc your HeStorsAlV* ’
about twice a week, and shall soon have a good and perfect
crop of hair. Now 1 hod reed all these. Hitto—and who ,
has not? hut have not seen hitherto aov case where .##»
parson’s hair was really In ueflKed by any ofthvhalr tonic,,
etc., of the day; and it really, give* ms pleasure to record
the result of my experience. 1 have rs'o,-mmSi>ded your
preparation to others, and it already has a large m*»ete»i ■
d ede throughout tho Territory. The people her*laew
Its efiects and have confidence in It. The supply you ss#t
us as wholesalivagr uta lhr tho Terriforv, Is nearly fibsop
t-d, and dally inquiries arc made for i;.* Yi n dlssrt* CM|A
it for your discovery, and 1, fee one. return you mycthank# .
my the benefit it boa done foe, tor I certainly
long ego of effecting any such result. Yours, hastily. -
’ J. W. BOW>.
Firm cf Bond A Kelly, Druggists, Bfclnl. 1
/Vor» f\t Editor of Ou Seal Eliott Adi ixxiitef . ■ ‘ :•;
_ . _ : Bukos, M*rchiC,lMs.
Pisa bm;—lTarir.p become prematurelyqUltegrpyJl Wae
indw od, some sis weeks since, to mokc atriftlbfyewrßiMtO
rative. I have used less than two bottles,: but tha gray
hairs have all disappeared; aud although my hair-ho* nut
fully attained its original color, yet the process of change
Is gradually going on, and I am in great hopes thtt to s
short time my halt will boa* dark as formerly. lltMlki,
been much gratified at tho healthy rr-uisturo and vfger of
thu hair, which before was harsh and dr; ; mil It haeeutsad
to come out as fonucrly.
lUspcctfuUy yours, D. O.M. RUPP.
Citms, Illinois, ,Tun»T9ilW6.
I b tva usedPVof. Wood’s Hair fteatoratira, and have ad
mlrt'd its wonderful effect. Myhulr was becomlrg, aa 1
thought, prematurely gray, but by th* use of hießostor*-
tive, U has resumed Its original color, and hhvu'no’ doubt. ’
permanently so. BiDNSY BREBBE,
■ - Es-Rciuitor United States.
0. J. Wood A Co., Proprietors, 31 d Broadway If. Y, and
111 Market et.. Si. Louis. Missouii.
For sale ty G. W. KKSoLKH. T/ntagl*t. Altoona, [t-ly
la i i.umd to cure &njr one troubled with Urer.CyuplaioWh
titii a#<i the mojt desperate cf coses, when the StsUnf: battle
«m. wilh scarce a aingh failure, roetorc U>opftlivuHo'h*iiltli
and vigor. Wu wishlo call the attention of all hv thess
facta, the. lavigoniUjriacwaponndcd by a physician
'"lie Una used it iu Ips practice for the last twenty years v. Ul»
a success almost credailuß, end tt ia entirely Vegetable, 1«>
in;; composed wholly of gurus.
domo idea of the Btreugth of these gums may he
when it is known one bottle of the Invig.raturcontains as
much strength aa one hundred doses of Calomel without M>y
ofils deleterious effects.
Onejbcttle in the enrost thing known to Carry stray th*
bad effects of mineral .poison 01 any kind. ' ( 7
Only one bottle of it is needed Upthrow out of the fjrtvtß
the effect of medicine alter a lung sickness.
One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all yellowntea cr
unnatural color srum the fckin. ■ ~; .
Oco dose after eating Ifsuflicieat to reliavA the atemoth
and prcTuai the food from rising and souring 7 * "
Only one di*e taken before retiring prevent* nightmans.
One dose taken at night loosens the bowels gently, aid
cures ccstivcmts.
One dose taken after each nicul wui cureTyoptpria.
One dojo of tws tsa-apoonfuls will always rdut-T* Ekk
Headache. ■ N
One taken f. rfetaolc obetrcctlcus removes the cans*
of the disease, and n.hkea a perfect turo. '
Only cue dose uumcdUtciy relieves Cholic, while vnsdoss
offpo rtp( cited is a cure cureifor Cholera 3f orlnSf'Uidkatu*
prevrulat'vc of Ctoiera. . '
One desa tak‘-n oft .-a will prevent tho recurrenra of bU- '
Ileus ntiacke, "bile it relieves ell painful feelings. ' ,;7
CsJ- One or twa doses taken occasionally is ensofthebes*
remedies for cold evpr known. - , -
Thousands of cuvtri* cf iullauiincticn and wcshnsMcf the
lungs hare b;Mi cured by the iKvigoicU'.y. "' '
Ons dose taken a short time before catingiriVee Tt®W’" ; '- , =S f,k
its appetite end make* food dig-gl Well.
Oao Jo.*s often repeated cure* Diarrhea* la It* worst form*.
«bi c tumicer and bowel complaints yield almost ttMljha
Or.c cr t*h ;iw cures caused by. wonn«i while
for worms in children, there i* no surer, safer and apbsdidr
remedy in the world, w> it never foil*. • ■'
There is no exaggeration la, there statements, they ar*
plain and sober lacta.that Wr’c-tn giro evidence Wprove,
while all who nsedt are glfiog- their nuanUnbns teetttnoar
in Its favor - ‘ ■
"‘f wish all who arc elek and debilitated to try thia rta
edy, and test It thoroughly, and any who are not benefited •
by ite use we ehouldliketo here from, as we have yet-to *
hear from the first person who lias ustdabotllftoflnvUcOlW' '
tor without receiving benefit for there are such astonish ins
medicinal virtfec? In It, that all, no matter how lemr they
have been nflccted. If their complaint arise* from a joracw
vi liver, will be benefited. If not entirely cured., ’ t
Swdbrd 4 Co„ Proprietors, 340 Broadway, New Torhc- -
,br.O. 11. Keyset, Druggists, N 0.140 Wbod Street, PitUtnr*.
fccleeale Agent. For sale by 0. IT.
Altoona. . April 3,.57V1y
vi STCU OINTMENT is the only, remedy
cureB that decoded disease—the fijCTKII :
it.vhb ITCH—now prevailing t» so greaiahexteal* Ik*
usual remedies, such as Brtmetons, Tar and PreelitaU
Ointments, are of no use. *Mjmy who have Wsed thwtßS ‘
been eompellcd to use BarneT Itch Ointment, and fcnadih- u
tae only cure. It is now tOe only remedy la which Wjyil
cians place any reliance.!,
bas recommenced bis reign and EABJfBT
EIMhlfX lOK PROSTKD PEBT Is the oulv one thatWtM --
cure thpee whom he has attacked. Apply this remedy for
a few days and a cure will be effected. The first appUb£
tien gives relief It has cured coses whore the sEmAo* 1
t-urrted. ■ '
, The celebrated Linimeijt called lIYDEK ALI MIXTTRK.
has cured more cases of Rheumatism than any other known
For the cure of Pains In the Side. Limbs and BacfclS** *
Throat, Swellings of the ‘ Joints,? and Limbs,, Sprains sod
Bruises, It has no e<juaL As a Liniment fur Horses, In'eW*
riug.Galls, Guta. Scree, Stfafns, Swelling*, and Mlnthtr r*l
ITi4, IU^ I!ri ,?\ I!une Spavin only accepted, all wbo hays
used 1; give it the urtferencc ovtr all oOnirs.
* SYRUP, ccfcubosed entirely of Tec*. .
tables, i* a sure cure for Coughs,Colds and Bronchitis. tS
Tb, >i nt exception.Tha best remedy known,
foct.thousands cantMtHf, It will be found tho
dy that can be used forthildren.
Stem. Trenton. H.
Piulbo y r g : gEBtJAR| “'T*’
S*™ 1 *I" ttoUOOM<^ci:ly‘oS»S^*oS^-
£”wi* ?? rt#e«t, where be will be barmy to *»«•■
bibit to.them bis splendid stock of -Hr ““
which will ba {bund entirely, new and fresh. HU stork U
corefnllv selected and was purchased strictly for l CiBtt ;) 7
which jmt at this imrfprtant time ha* enabled bint to'bsir - r
esceedlndly low, ap<t having adopted the *
. lieA|)y-pay system, '
U Q9t«nnine44o uakhut “ Small Profits and Quick Bala** 1 * • I
Among feKstock will be fcnnd esery thing . ’
,to Lsdito'bnd Gentlemen’s Wear, as weU «5 idl4tisSS^r’'ti-
Groqeiies, '
■ , ,i ' Qtieensware,
/. *
Hardware, 4c., ,
S'* J?* 40 *®' W conntry »tore. Ha romctfuUr
uivttc* b lmpcctlon of his Btodc." ■ : . ■■i
Altoona. Oct: 1. CHARLES J. MASK. -.
Lime i lime i lime ! »
Thei subßcvlbef has now In operation throe large tbnr.
Kune, producing dally a large quantity of the BEST WHITE
LlME—superior to any Lime burned in the interior of CU V
Staie which he will sell at the Kilns, or deliver hr the ter ' 4
or wagon load in Altoona &nd vicinity, and at all pointi’S'' ‘
n^n l vl C !- a p l or t R 8 e Railroads, at lower prim .'
toan it pan be furnished by any othtr person, Ordsrs
from a distance will bo punctually attended to by addremiat ■
a noto by mail to JAS. FUNK; • ri,
inarS-ly] Duncansrille, Elair Oo n fa /
Oh’S.—COO boxes Oranges apd Lemons in stori sag
for sale by W. N. SITUGAED. r ' j
marlS-Iy] - 101 N.M street, Philadelphia, • ... i*
eU Wilmington Pea Knts in Store, and for saleW''
Mar 12,’57-1 y] 101 North 8d street, PhUadclpJjJfc ’
m sMUWnlfttm*
-S% “.i
following I
(tromul obi
•otitalnf so much tru
KiUuil ti w> Inimitably
.gifted lapubiishing U.
itahfeßfafc ani is ao3ioi
i'kjWUft fedull&quent ever
ftdly anvl ponder ever i
mlrwdy chentod et Are
fitator. *nd may •• th
tbAklaj • case,' (thy
fafcri" -
.. . ii# honest men etlond
; ; * ,vZb# |MloaS fcct—tho
< >-cr wh#ow»eabUl,’tisj
. , As starlight lu
. . .XhAths should coma
Xh#t‘s If hi out—that
yg- i- r
ial see ho puw his pc
, t. . u SMk over," to
Xfct Printer to clu-aK ;>
\ ■- tk* Am nucniuory oi
,■ , v .■ & weekly whi»n jon
'4., - Tout trua and 1
■ Aii i*3 «ud sight lio '
;M broiM lo ftuulih
' Bat mUk of coa*ctenca
pay the toil;.
/•o'.;. , ? wii Juwwn, Of ought t
■ dw« an aeauorwd.
Ami tf apt paid, hefrl
la debt—Hr IW
■ SStSKttifi
j Sum <wt his towi—
That yyn don’t;
... .HJa.wU»andlittlopmi
JU* now depend la ; up
. iUi>) If nss p4r Uis sco
Wocossitr can't»
‘ .< Baitfyoa don't, w gm
vfTvtU thru writ your coj
■ And bland tun Clrelma.
.. Ofhlmahjch.u
Tho cats n-ta mew ,lttt»
: Tbadugs will hiti you r
\ And eeerr urchin that i
tflll roar with to
Look to your pockets-
Ths ohnp that w ears the
Bow proud, though ever
Xhs grub, Ej gna>
'WSf* Wobhrg kocn aa«
iq lb« mothca of a aet, t
gHtig to fr«« itself from »
koitrd A when
ia and liateuei
orcblfrtooapap# tl.echn
lrulUa#*lUidlud-c:ou3 ti
tompts of tba Stanford
*riggU kimself 'out I cf■ t
la which Le ima Leea pin
ia tiatUing in imaginary
nominktei)) political oppo
though to him unhapp/, i
gayd to tiio popjiltirit/ i
rainlj attempts »o turn ti
Icolo, but jt ia manifestly
i* on the wrdng fiile of hi
1* JSHiiSlSft t
Ho ujt wo attempted 1 1.
thlo ii Incorrect, ca We at
ipg hia ftiontla apeetjaden
eToa.” • to pur i
aaya, would require la re
-Mrtie&h but 4ietAkoa[goO,
M that would oumo ncarc
anything we intend to as;
at with additin
ftng«ra, 4ind joajt U ji&id
the sro,** bef whl hardly i
- Hp coni tky* we juke
wide of the defonalye, bo
ocmmlMntdon. Wtang
defroaire wjte outs in the
■ M notyetbeca dislodged by
exciting; commiseration, s
will pimtto the inosti In hi
sayis he I
porthlaassertion that Mi
1« i when ajnd wl
3j| disputed point and palling
M an: asserti
incontinently.. OreHrheh
.f| .We will not attco|pt tu
all his wandering
|§irrele»ani to (bo pmioinjf
Ifa desipeto drop the sabje
him to be ipore cov tious
hereafter, opless be has p
■MAM«.-|lf there be an
that wp.Mi ? March pomes
cot tike* limb,” wjs pin;
The first of Marc
anmwj»qnall*, followed by
waatbpr ha*; been vc ry di
qqence. Indulging the he
bring joyous spring,! tto i\ a jcouplo of wee
» Apropos to (be subject, w<
_ rereMaddrejsaed to f Mart
sm : 1 punsters, Jol
» thoogb uot muhl to the la|
|S Temher,” art nevertheless
||9b . “iSftutM
ft* . requited
;. OhJttt»4
• 'HW; , aisnraDH «7
Aram tun .
: .[iA • ■ Otapriug
"wKk j>g^'Ww{yonrairs: that u
;%3fc r*~y°ur conduct;
J**?}*® 0 * n , to tako theit
I JP? ***>—''iJfore/*
I iCTimatixa ■ —Th q war
by ope 6f t
It appoara tljat aliuut the tj
libfti,** fiSi the shape Of'the
county, were
tfrijktetion, jjhe IFAiy was
and, th(
ty&f (o;ti»e, liejiitcr an
the in
» and charge
inoerity of fa
lotted by the
ifntd the era
' *y
ifybot tbe
f., .A
B* simply Just, und donv
Yourself, hut beg Ui» “ I
Toahnw tlwt harden'd i
That hdbsiy mny
Thla douei. man will witi
And all Will hnvo th» '• i
Th«B wilt th« •• Edltcrl..
. .... i Support n weill pa
Ktuta I have no z
id one like a larci
W”—jrouknow t
a you, it niuat be
fiagojtcd—“ Mar
k the bright *um
Wtry zephyrs pa
[1 to frosty rime,'
blng iu the Tory
t —confound you!