THINIJ r?v. ( w\ WP. v* v , i vi rj-.rf thle aßti of ' si-sy' hair, to It#; ! v, ,t!i A m{St luxe- [ i r !.?■>’. adUpg. cure ) !.o, ascii r.s ecAJd :■: or pcrlril o:.'l pi._scrrrt ti<« to t-xtmre old :oJ member of ti-a roas.-err I.lB£f. '* ‘ttd. 1 fend Jw» f-r s lent? . tlraey' ,:-v -T.U M;d hnv!c;{ i c: y-,uri>. to cirei f n 1-orl-cr, ar^d ■1 tu:d the r(‘ht<>i .1 111'- scalp »a* i-’ 1 t?jn.c*rcdcs tion. Augußtlaat d> «u». iiwi®- n-. I: v,Oßli*;»ii tlir.f little w*a o>;i- liisturatito ifcd and perf-cl ti.oij-.s-i-nCd wbo two wlicro any ■ tonic, '■l-.-Slr: to nccc-:d c:idod jour i. ir.’. si- fittl gi-ior - -i-ii l.crc kSiiW t.!•;•!«( v-tv wr.t U'.-'nlj. pjritiuir i; ;!• r*T* h ctr 1 - . my tJjnaJ:ii ■iy ■ .•,« •- huitSr.’-" r.-:':p. St. ’ -:cii 'y it proy.J'PTS ■fvt.crlUAto I vt :!:• J g- sy . btir *!R* ; • » c t cfc.inyv \rt ;btt'k) a r'.y. i It.vcs’ o ‘ ut rn:»ti»cf'ia* OT’" au-aEddnii* I» cf VI- -tcrtifl-sit ’t.'ro uf jtf' l J VdjTt? :i> vT-j'. - I.'"'-"-u ,1-r f if-or '• i->f iife-4, ■1 :tstias-.i;y ' —m ~~ - J ; :■ I Urjarg* y^r.~ , ' T , ‘‘k = , r £> - Prorr-*, r y-i- r M’- if-d er'4 t-< ■-• d vita POX, •' r'S+m' I : r t'.Ji.p: •; : ,’-*;Sar3 , '■ ■•-ii c.rot*J ; \ -‘K tint # ■I'TSt”, vaiie. 1 "i - r-'i* W: .;rry . -Jt-. •!ti* ' "i- two ' *.*" 51-' i ■ !.’uko ■ '-*■ ’.A' * . . > '•.» , ■' i/i * ■ ' f !. ini V •* . A . ‘ * F & l r. ';V'^^vi _ „.'M+ r.?j Ik&i ■ : * \ -rj ' -> iff? 'Jdfrj*?- 0, v.f m iti my k ‘ (x ■' , :;;• J if £T.. -U LOCAL items. . factotum of the Standard, in this plate, Ukchls greet prototype, is one of Cbpt jlaas "though vanquished often yet can argon Still," and in the last number ofthepa -jw.uamedf treats its readers to a lengthy item, which he endeavors to make up in Swords what, be lacks in argument, but unfortunately by «0 doing be contradicts himself in thefirst A few weeki since he stated'that ■ lir. Warfel wad dn “independent” Candidate for sheriff but was not popular. We corrected statement by eaylng that Blr. W’s claims Were subject to the decision of the American-' \ ' Republican County Convention, and that the re i mark that he bicked popplftrity ae there were few mqn more «ipec-; ' tin community. Hon. Tips wq think. ought to hake been auffii eiont to Satisfy any reasonable person. Butj no ; the Standard reprtor continued his unwar^ ■ on\ Mr, W. last weeki and at tompted to prove from his „ M-AiKit; 35 \ 20 13 •> m 61 ' 25 >26 18 12 22 52 IB _ 81 50 138 II 26 ' 83 , 13 83 91 11 30 87 12 26 S 5 ll' 27 -v 82 12 27 85 32 49 130 29 47 126 83 52. ISO' 33. 49 182 ■B3; 49 i , 1|B;';. 63 V 82 ! 248 IS 'B4 . 18*. 18 84. V 88 4s 146 .. i; ■]./ : , 82 84 18 1 83 8* 49 'S3 38 Dibtjussiko Tburs&y evening; Miss. Catharine Beech, a J * hplp’.* lint the “AltooEa Hoose," met with a serious Adri ft. which may prove fatal. She had accoin pinlcd some friends to the Branch train. Which now etandfl on the sod was in the act of returning back to the house, as the Al toona Way Train, was coming into the depot.— Col. Cramer, the conductor of the branch-train told lier nol to eross thesidingdn whichthe Way ’'“Approaching, until the train bad atop ped. Bntabe, confident in her ability to dross or bewildered by the head-light of the locomotive stepped upon the track right infront of it. Col. Cramer instantly seized her by the shawl to pull her hack but unfortunately the shawl slipped from rhouldeis. Perceiving her danger then, for the first time, she caught, hold of the Col. to pull herself back,, but his feet slipping on the icy plxt .form both fell on the track .right in front of the locomotive. The cow-catohor caught the Col. and threw him off the track, but he was unable to get Miss. Beech off. Kerfaet werc caught be tween the cowcatcher and the trills, horribly mangled and one leg broken. She gave vent to the moqtheart-rending shrieks, which wore dis tinctlyheard at a distance of two squares. As soon as possible aha was extricated from her perilous situation andlconveyed to the “ Altoona House; 1' Pra. -Chriaty and Thomas were prompt ly 'Calied in and did all in their power to remedy tbddnjuries anJ.allevlate the pain'of the unfor tunate girl. They decided that the amputation of cjne foot was necessary to the preservation of her life, but she refused positively to allow such operation to be performed. She said she Was butia poor girl,-dependent>upon her labor for her support,, and to lose a foot or a leg would incapacitate her frdm working and, render her a public charge, and she would rather die now than sustain such a .position. Her wishes were j acceded to and up to the present time the phy - siciana arc trying to saVe her life without ampui bitiqu. They may succeed but the result is doubt ful. At tbeALme of writing this (Wednesday .afternoon) she is still living and seems to be mending. Wo trust spe ia. This is a sad case which ougpt to call into exercise the benevolent jeriiugs of bur citizens. [■ Something ought to be done fur her and it only requires .some . ope to •take tho initiative. ; What themselves a-Committou tb solicit contributions I in her behalf ? The noble attempt made by Co!. Cramer, to save her, calls faith the hearty com mendation of aIL He is a manly, whole-souled fellow and it is not the first time he has jeop arded his own life to save that of others. We trust that ho may never have cauje to regret bis alaoity in complying with the dictates of his noble heart. 'WajssiKOTOK’*, Bibth Logan Rifle Rangers. appeared in our streets on Monday, to ceiobi ate the anniversary of the birth o'f Wash ingtoo, and, although the number on parade was Email, they made a very creditable appearance. We .observed a few persons dressed in the uui form ofibeQuarils. but saw aqlhing ofthe com pany 6a parade; How comes this ? Has the compajuy be.eoiisbaudeiL. or is there B o little patrio ism member?, that they ednnot devote five hours to the celcUration of the day that gfve birth to the' ‘‘iFathe/oVhis£ountry ?” We he id the last supposition is erroneous The 1 miUtary spirit appears to bo rising iu other farts of the jeountry; companies axe being organized and thfji? ranks fast filling ; v hy then is it flagging in AUobna » Is the spirit infused pe riodically nad'iu different localities at different periods, that patriotism and pride- iu military affairs is ia aaort-lired ? Certainly this is not the case. Thou where else will we rest the cause than with the members of the company. To the Rangers, also, a part of remarks are ap plicable* Their numbers have sadly diminish ed of late. We hope that this .will not long be the cas£, and that by the time inspection day comes dround their‘mnks will be full. If Ko t. other p|irts of theeqjinty, with fewer advantages, will bear away thejaurcls of the day, which ba\re been awarded tojhecitizen sol diers p|‘ Altoopa. ■ We lWa; ahad not prove the case. . j ■ Basb Chances.— The of onrrtaders is requested Iq the advertisements of Messrs. Cramer and Davey m-another.column, -The pro perty of Mr. Crainer is wt« aitimteii, and from (ho itopVovcmentfl made thereon, JsVeally desi rable to any person wishing# Ipt in Altoona,— The lanaofjjfr. Davey is very desirable to any' person wishing'to purchase a home ia the west, j Total ,76 ■9B j 06 109 66 61 17 * .. AttposA, Febrtiaiy 28, 1856. j 7;. m £?L **' e Association was licit! in the Town Kail tins evening % the of devising means to raise funds fortfie rfcljef of the distressed. On motion Geo. W. Patton was me^thig R ‘ Btated object of the ■#** fedst slid West mst 1 "*. with ft request that devote one day’s oolleotion iin their i 188 T *h e &afl*ht of the .poor. i _Th» relief Committee of Wat lyiml reported whsmf 1 •? e r th ® C * Se of^rs - hraijejin, agai^t l whom » wnt of ejectment waf in the the Constable for oxccation; It was moved and*' secondedithat in yiew of the urgency ofthccasf the inalhihty of Mrs. Bracelin to assure r n 0 -5 rBnt 40 other parties, that the Belief committee have power to aid her, by procuring for her and her family a couple of rooms, and to draw on the Treasury for the ne cessary amount ■ ■ U "'■ as P * esolTed > a Committee Rraifn i app , 9m^ efJ to wait on the Altoona wS? , d 6nd ? tacr Bands ' and see what ar-' rangemen s can be made for giving 4 Concert -** ■. ,B. p»«.. ss , wraoij, owr>. I, im :f 'W 186 112 i§o l '■ -V' d, 1 .; : ''. ?hapfer.*£ s) tlik’t Vpv w/i» ibkt* lilt- to, UB rfc:“life's t a!au ex jboat the lit extend iiljthe last syllable of time has been written by tbe Ee cotdiojg Angel.” If; then, this be so (; above contradiction—atruth, selfsusti necessary that the training of the imm of man be attended to in a proper. and rational manner. If it whs like the body, so composed as to be perishable and subject to annihilation by death, then the storing of the mind with use ful material, the training of its affections, and the insrtllUng.df virtue into it would all be. of but little importance ; but when we consider that it is Qodflikc in its form and destined to lire in co-extension with the Great Eternal himself, ihen it is that we are impressed with the nitudo of the work that is to be done. But how “"ten is the sparkjof eternity neglected—how of-; ten ds it shrouded in the dark magics of with its twin-slater Superstition, when it might have been basking in the glowing light of intel lectual greatness. land crowned by the never-fa-,' ding wreaths of wisdom and knowledge. “ Tin’ Man himself Has coat away his own nubility." Through his own errors, his soul has been rendered discordant—his own passions have bound him to the service of ignorance. And if these—the last paradise of the heart, are ever again to be restored—man himself mast .da it -This must be done, but it can only be done, by a lit*.rue of labor. That labor is expressed In.the single worJ— “Education.” That word must be the “talisman” to open up to man the wonders of his own, being, and bring him to the knowledge of his own vast ca pabilities. Docs-than desire ad gaze upon the b-. autt bus fields spte .d out I.efoie h m n nature's own gorgeous garments to Lis own benefit ? Does he wish to regd the starry Heavens and gaze upon the worjds above him, each revolving with lightning speed urmud its own centre ? Does he wish to tear, from the bowels of mother earth, her treasures and her wonders 1 Does he wish to force “Old Ocean” to disgorge her ill gotteu booty ! iiejmust educate his mind. Does he desire to havo his imagination, wing its way beyond the confines of time, to expatiate upon tilings that “ eyo hath not seen” and listen to strains of music which “ear hath not heard?” In short, .does he w£sh to make oftime, and after that to enter the Klysian fipjlds of ev erlasting blis?, and,to waik thisestre.ils of shin ing gold, and “ mpro out Then he must educate, ndt only -the mind, the . 4 * It was my purpose to have given you sthe tp~ suit of another visitjto one of oar of which Mr. J. II; finlej is iustruo tor— ;pany with my friend Mr. N. Royer, Iftit want of time and space warn me 9f being unable to do Justice to the topic. i On Friday evening I2th inst. wo had another j spelling school, whidh well attended. The j leaders. Misses C. Muure and M. A. McLelland, j Conducted the affair jmuch to their credit. Sev eral pieces of music, iamongst which were, .“ The Beautiful” “Float Away” and “Bright and : Wt ; were well performed by the class. I aw sorrj that 1 cannot devote more space to this little meeting. So then “ Neaniscws” has something to say “ Alpha’s” running around. Well I should like to give him a call, but-as he most uncere moniously “footed” U past my domicil, on Fri day last, he mnjt not espect me to undertake a Walk of ii miles to see 1 tfim. ALPHA. Feb. 23, 1858, At a convention of jthe Teachers of the com mon schools of this county, held on Inst Friday and Saturday, in the fiourt House, the expedi ency of the estabKaliiraent of a Normal School • w f*® .discussed. , A nuhibOjrJijf placea were sug gested as suitable fdr its location. . Upon a res olution, it teas left to jthe decision of the County Superintendent to located! either in Martins burg or in JffoJlidaysbdrg. place of fefs the greatest inducement in the way of ac- I [ ce 58, board, interest on the sal>- Je <; t of for procuring the use pf Ac., will likely be tho locatiotf, Hisilidaysburg is tlie most central Miw-s Docnr, Events, ! *0 75; equally -fi»^fc4i?^%aSsaKBS w»|h, nndm some things surpasses, Martinsbur<'. **?SNL ho was to discharge the duties of hkof quiets and hence your correspondent will sing E * A,a I>c.nnr, 1 - 4 , CoaTcution, -agipuntiDg to $B, were, upon mo- h° up woa t come outof the a«*." The Borough’eleotiOn passed off onietlv T -. ; V .oriso. citizens votes as a matter of the;othey. Themen elected will make good of- kier 3“? ck - . , -. >■’ ■m f#=!> M f ss» .h. - S£ an favorable tytto lighting of our streets. We Vr^ l ?-L t % I “ l ” ve "V ra f ? r printing Kotic™ to K%. town enjoy the benefit pf lighted streets. If a I*? 61 ? 1 ? Hna^totype-— y v r 0 ’ ■ that beginning is M*> Mb l»Hi.n surest, but the whole-town should be lighted. tiicmseiresoffas on ®. needs flic im|rovemeat an Mas the Other. :...;■ *'■:.&'■ ■ ; : cnsduHlly “clowd them up.” g ' “ 00* Bm%U scale broke out in Qaysport Thekduu !“ t . W “ k ’ *Bwokcbouseielong log to Mr. Tsie poly loss sustained i$ wnArienoe.' - Jrt has loft to^^thoutsettli^S Con that had to suffer. Vj 3 With thetmoTo tufie, ami then her In pne nf. ore b#ks in our ridhliv’ who «ff by : *** 1 i . ■ • . -•. L,: . '?* Tuos,Lee,Jr leftprwn owing u»i // {lt|e« ik 1 i has been laboring under|he efibetsof^‘liquor f^ l^o JZri several days, wh|pbhad assumed Che appalling W. Okuaieij do. ■ 11./! ,’ fonp of mania potu, was ifi'one of laming v** 9 ' ’ - do *'-|'i ’• "f'~* J/ Jsm flights, sent into eternity to meet his God. ta£ ? , , .?■« 1 . ' ; ' "*»' prep OT ..•■■ . , ; • •fdU not.l(Wm;from fhas* example to be temper ate or disregard it? Wiia^- better argument for total abstinence than tiris' tone example. ; - Yeaterday, the 22d oC February And the birth day of Washingtou, ms celebrated by. the Fen cibles and Junior Sons of America. The former matte the drot time (fntheir uniformand-unlitary eqaipments,|"eifly‘ia the afternoon. The company elicited many cnco ninma.npon their taste, beautiful dress, milita ry air asd skilful 1 evolutions. At half after i 3 o'clock,, the Junior Sons formed in procession at their Had and paraded through the principal streets.' TheAltoomt Camp was well represen ted- The.proccssion numbered near seventy per sons and was preceded. by in art ini inusiq. The Juniors also gave a party in the Town Hall in the evening, at which speeches were delivered which.were very creditable to the speakers. It M said that much enjoyment was the portion of alt presetit. An excellent'supper having been served up for them at the “ American House,”, they nb. doubt did justice Tbeday woe commemorated (by private par ties ahd gatherings in the shape of oyster sup pers. In one\of this kind the Odd Fellows par ticipated. \ (YE RITAS. . (' r ( Valuev* Feb. 18, 1858. I presume, from mat accounts, that you will think wo are a very insolent and prevaricatihg -set of people in this “neck; o’ timber.” Be this as it may, ever sipce I have been in this regiop, (termed Texas,). I have always found peace end harmony predominating: and a more obliging and benevolent people is nowhere to be found. All live to the interest and welfare of their fellow men, and delight in sustaining the cause of education, promoting' truth, and ban ishing from amongst them, (not by stratagem,) such poor, insolent little scamps as “ Alpha,” who once had his residence here, and who has lately assailed us so violently. We had no suspicions whatever of any hos tile attacks from Springfield, or any other source, but I notice iu the last number of the Tribune that “ Alpha ” has been coming down upon us with a vengeance, accusing us of being guilty of v faul-mouthed lyiog.K Yet be this as it may. we are well able to, stand all such “ wraps,” es pecially when we consider the source, as it ap pears from late accounts that his veracity is very much to be doubted. If#ot, I really tlunk ii somewhat derogatory to hia dignity ns a school ketpcr (not teacher,) to express his sentiments in such an erroneous manner. I want you to tell him that “ Stuns” well knows how to take cure of himself and don’t thank him'for his sym- pathies, and also, that I think it would be advi sable for him to “simmer” right down, or else look out for breakers in the future, But to change the subject, things on this side of the mountain are passing along smoothly: The generality of our enterprising farmers are busily engaged iu threshing out their crops, of the yield of which they can not complain. Sbiue hove done and are now hiking their case, waiting the return of spring. x I’bo cold aiui dreary snows c.f stern Winter navd cancelled from our view the decayed leaves, and burled them in his icy coffins at the dead of % i iu g blasts now sing requiems o’er JS r:l,vt;s - He has also chained the rills to homes, and hushed tLe murmur offtbe Spooks. Winter is cold, yet it still has ite-g.cpsuras and utility, and how beautiful it is evergreens swaying Lack a.ud Jorth, beckoning the return of .spring. OUa BLACK LIST. I PAID THE PRINTER 1 Ha! Da! - 1 •. i \ :x,\axa i ahuos kv i CAREFULLY COMPILED BY THE EDITORS ! x COMMENTS I3Y “J3LBMI” ;/ Published for the protection of our breO,rtn of the Press and the PuLiie generally. SWAMD KnillW BT FEAIt, PAVOIL, SpR AFPECTIOV. TVS PlTirr SPEAK Of MM AS WE ftS'l) THEM. '. Tt lo following named Individual? hare “ victimized” us to the tune of the amounts sot opposite to thfir mimes.— Our bfetii-en of the Press and the Public generally will do welt to he on their guard while dealing with them. He Wtio woulu Cheat the printer would ternpleat nothing ■. ’ s * pbosJpeotljs JA&POONA TRIBUNE. Tfiuß SYSTEM ADGPTSIH Tfe fn the Conti^l... With the present camber, tho TSfifiane has en tered upon its third volume. Commenced at* time when the confidence of the oilmens of JM tooaa in newspapers and newspaper publishers was .considerably shaken, if not totally aimihiia ted, it has slowly bnt sorely restored that coto fidence, and now stands open a sure foundation, and is universally acknowledged 4o’ bjs cue of -the fixed institutions of our town. ; 'Butphis re sult has not been achieved witbout'hlidr|f strug gle, and considerable expenditure ,; of tinW and means on the part of its, editors, i The steady increase of patronage, however, hs| afforded in dubitable evidence that their labors hafeboen sp cinteti. ... • • I'; In entering upon the .now volume! it is^almost unnecessary to; say that the Tribune will poutiu,- uc to be “ IsDKPsxoEST ix Brufratxb," be ing biassed neither by fear, favor uor affection.- in favor of parties or sects. In this respect it is only necessary to say that the pHst affords a fair index as to pur futurecourso. i’ 1 i' It has always'been our aim to niOke the Tri bune, a reliable first-class ,J.ocal IWcr/os, wo believe that in that character kloqei country pa pers can successfully compete with' their flashy city neighbors. To this end we have secured correspondents in various parts of the county, who furnish us with all the items of local inter-- \est in their vicinity. Wo purpose adding others to our list as soon as we can obtain-ihepi. Ba ring the next year we shall redouble our efforts, to make the Tribune a perfect conipendintn of Home News—a reliable, first-class Local Paper, second to none in the country, and as such a welcome weekly visitor to Our patrons, whether at home or abroad; Put while the Local Department Shall be our special care, we shall id so devote a considera ble space to Literary Matter, Fra and Ilo mou, and the chronicling of events of general interest to our readers. We purpose also pub lishing from time to time “ OriginaliSketches of Men and Things ” which will befarnished Jby our contributors. Wo have made arrangements ! also to have a weekly letter from Philadelphia, and judging from the reputation ou|,ooiraspon derit sustains is a popular writer, lettera will be a rich treat- to our ; v i A s we arc dcddedly. journalists of the pro gressive school, wo hate concluded to adopt the cash system iu out business. Thd neglect of quite a number of onr patrons to pay Up prompt ly, and the-rascality of others, has compelled us to adopt this course. Time and;'erperioace lias fully proved to our satisfaction that the credit system will not work with publishers. From this date no paper will be sent from this office, unless paid forjinadvance, arid at the (xpimtion pf the tiuje ipaid’for, if no; nut wed, will be promptly stopped. This arrangement no injustice to our patrons, | while it will protect us from the impositions of Soulless scoundrels, and enable us to devote j more attention to our paper. Recognizing, the principle that contracts to ne satislactury should bo,fraught with mutual ocnofit to both parties, and as money in large amounts, in advance, is of nipre J veluo to us than when received in driblets, as an induce aieut- to numbers who would otfaerwise;discon tinue, os weli us to those who have never yet taken the paper, we offer it at theifallowing low rates for the coming year; ’ . ° 1 copy, one year - . : ' STS() 10 copies •• ($1.25 per copyT 1% 5Q ‘‘ (SI-00 per copy)! 20 00 and nil above 20 at the same rate—Sliper copy. The money must,'»/i all cases, accompany ,the order. ■ i 1 ’ IJjr the above it wilt • be seen thatvour piper is emphatically the cheapest in the gounty.— *V,' l ° itd ,uorUs leave in, to the public to de cide.. TV e carncatl y request our friends through out the county to “give as a lift/' aiwe have no doubt each of them can readily obtain a club in their neighborhood. c Casvassebs VVA.vTEn.— Several encigelic.bu smess men wanted to canvass the chatty fur subscribers to the Tribune. A liberal! pcr-cen tngc ■will be allowed, 1 MAC There arc plenty of young gentlemen as well as plenty of old ones, whose wards arc turning grey, winch gives the former a great deal of uneasiness, and exposes the age of the latter. To avoid these little perplexities advise such of our readers to useTrof. Wood’s II aii - Restorative, which- will, ih tho coiirse of a ;ew weeks, change the .hair to ita natural color. It does not dye the hair like the most of the hair restoratives, but produces a gradual change of color from the roots of the Bair to the final cud, and gives it a fine and' glossy appearance. ’ e have seen many persons who have- used it successfully, and pronounced it the Only inven tion which has come tip to their idea of ft “ cure for grey heads.’? We commenced usingit about two months since, and if we arc any judge of I U, B e Qn v beauty, it has tnhde us at least ten -years younger; in fact we are beginning to.look quite young, and feel very much like gettTpg h young wife. The change is'mlipachlbus/and it would be as difficult to find a grey hairihow as it would be to find an idea in the healtj of the Buke of Buckingham. We know several old maids and some young widows, whose are just beginning to assume a silvery hue, mid who have been talking seriously about resoking to this remedy, and we advise them not to delay any longer. It never fails .~Sr Lortttyinttd . a&’ Xlioinoat' slcpticol pcdple 'em W ! co%-‘ Vl “ c ® d ria J all the faulty medicines are not humbug, aud/tUat aroong’ the ’Wall butterfly life there are a few of greet uefjl, and undoubted worth. Of these, Dr SandfoW’a In vigjoralor, or Liver Remedy stands tijist aiid foremost among the .remedies of thej dhy that can be relied on as a medicine that; is Ull it is jecoumcndedl, i^4 ro l>petws- yIH Mfcrtiaes -ityelf on cVcry trial, fer thetoatohbhf‘ Wbrous& Jt but tell then friends to do so, and Solti goes from mouth to mouth ail nil the pebpl* of the Lnion have learned the. good of thistruljvalu able. medicine. It id recommended with j monmls to prove its virtue for the core of iireri complaints of every kind, from the wprst Dvs pcpsia to a common heudacW, and iapurficulw fcwrfffi! i l -Deranged Stomach, Bowel Complaints and diseases of children. One or tw6 dbees aiVe suid to iTctda with scarce a fajlnrg, worth oLHriarfbr thia nlopo. ft ia. particularly adapted to of ladies, particularly those of sedentarf habits.— Some ladies of the highest standing'-ini iocietv have given their certificates of its efficacy. ahd wo say to all whe are nQSng, try oneitottto and you drill never be without ft. ? v !*..«£!“• ; 8W) Sitoesm sATrixßisb tits Ibojt Cm CoMMKItCIAV COLLBOfi ‘ AT, PlttSBt'KQH, ipA.- This Institution is'now a popularity and patronage far above. any Institution lof the kind in the united States. It has Won its way to Ifs present * minepce by the energetic action ph the part of its managers and the employment of twclvc tenchers in the various departments of , aufeoHbr qualifications. exclusively, i Fouifljtrge [halls are now occupied by the School ; yet more .tooths arc to bo fitted up. aud additional teach i ,«w tO , su PP’y the - demands bf the 1 AWSlfor a thoroitg^prtmm. .JSSjMS- F - w - *** Or?CH>sr* ■■ *• "r- ; : : TimOiof tile 4loatn§^d ■anif o«aMr . ; Av . i r r.-1-vU ■'■'Wat^&OtStT--.' • my at ■; ■■ .: rX’mku* .Afsatcra B'JOdt jCM. -EastoraT&tougKHaU ■ ’ ‘ tf .* ;• ' 'L - , . . Hip;..'"- u ■ u T /' •, a. &K<£Sf. -r.,V,' Mi. Jnaei.’SlrtH JQg>? Sailed, *tAl- Eipresa Train Eartarrivoe 5.43 A. M., Wvm%BB v. “ “ West « 8,3$ -V - “t BjM «•' Past “ East « 1,43'p. Ji. « Sjt.P'iS JT«*t. “ U.CO « > :- AIiTOOSi A WAY TRAIN leaves Altcona tu*. PfaQadrP «u>4 returning arrtvua atAltdoaAst re ttalu Weat, Altoona Way Train East and s* Past ManTifttoEss > •■ • ,' ■• -v &tst “ d *Wtf ahd Sein Pad.2l,;s&-tfl • - --■■ ■; TnQ9. 'A. V BfcoT?, £uy«C ara iw^aabW^. gS^ : #PW* «»« r Sie'n&wi: P«l» «0-jwtaaß nefe-hnt have been ufrjdhy t&aducfimSfr ®W jearvhoth In Fr ance and America, with urjpnraMcd success in every Case; by xianv ana who have used them,'to main thb MiepnbUc, fcrtha alleviation of tiidsosnfferiag from any irn'cnl-attlrs ofw&t eyer «atOf&,»ss Well M to pteytat pregnancy to to thotk- la dies whose health will not permit an iuerewe of family— Pregnant fvmMft, or those supposing themselves so, are cau tioned against tiling these Pill 3 while pregnant. airthcFro responsibility after the abovc . • • •; < “■■"■; “ ■ '.;« n. LEHS& Iio\a ; 3«AEKCT.' ' fthhL Fxtra. Family Stow:- Extra Extra Supertax, Superfine, i- ~ . . . UrcahCreeJt, - vl KS&S* )nsu;6xB. iliTi^e 1 m Pa> ’ to *“* »Aa^-4»S'«»*^sdjr l rsr. (X. X. fribmif pleaas copy,)" A - CH A N ' CE FOB BABO.USS.-j A *Jr The subscriber too? rnd&Hiafrt ** < * at ' Bn Acre* of the l-wt s*t^> T&JeStsS*& ?It "fe lUb »o!*,aVcot'f,El{^SomV mile *s£f 1 .. . . r - . ™^££lSL*-4 SOT3CE.-2fOTICE IS HEREBY «v.: JE&S&BS aaafeaaw^j^S»j&^ T H £tJ ASSyiLLE SEJIINAUiT.— •4L to iW ,«BMO WJB QUARTER. P This School, tor Young Ladies nna Gen kiel,Hef„te.{!rob * bl3 l tt ' e chea »'«*t one of the ItA ki&4 In the country, The expenses tbr from rent, tnraitnro, fuel, boardeml r~r tioa m common English, are per nnaitei as shovis, or ph» year only j>B. “ on . !y f H ' r 1&»rt«r. All the T-aagnsirre end the Ornamentals are proportionally cheap. Send Tore Stnaeateeie expend to J«y AfIOMSS -' JOHV T»‘ W ifcr*t -feb. p-2m J \ lhjDrro ^an - A MBIIOTYPES—THE PLACE ft> jiX- gct Amlrrctypes fur yourself, your friends or rol*. t^9- fl,u rth story of P;;tt«a‘» Iluilding, übere *ll « poretms cjn bo acrommoiitof on the shortest notice, win! ... - and double glass. 3fo!;vlnot.rpc* taken oh Ensslin Jf-Sbl 5 otypo pUtw. Also,' Pictures taken in the now BtrlotniW vS f C i r ”TF“^f ra^h, " R; ~ <>n I ' n!ullt father, which atvimpe* * wimble, apdnrc tutendud principally for Insertion In my I clos of jcw«iry, and transmitting bo moiK (vs thev do alt » rcqulro. to be put in a wise. - * "r - mires copied on reasonable tonus ■ Pictures arn oil warranted to please before Übwn , Picture* talteii K 3 low as filtv c» n ts Mten»W»jr. r - Mann's %!£** "**’ * U * '3. W. CLABADQn TTALUARLE FARM for SAi:«T-~ - on rSIS&iSSSS^ Tnlloj, |* offered B>r mle by the robaerlbcr * y -«y t. > Sixty, ncrea are ntrJo* goodcaltivatioii, and mffSSmai - tho bujance timjjor- land. The' inwevri #S»j •fl*'- - nt n F nrK i two-story Pt.ANK WMI A-IfBF--'- wator t* M a ff'Oil' fountain ff i water at the door, a orchard c ut-in- | leg Apple, Pear, Plum and Chom- •tr*n«Yte'' K *- ’ F^l^rf* 1 - *'* fcrtlw * F,b ,Wt i JOHN eHOiJMiOH. . V,. .V - f • 1m *mc-~Uws,n. ia tfewTorlf seomff to be on-|Ke increise. huhi« oltyeverythinggees on ahtootilyl and the only faHarca-yra have beard of rwo the fail urea to fatniat good fits made by como inferior clothing eetewTslxiaoufc*.. ■ There is. do auoh liifllouHy to encountered by .those Vl..t p*.flroniz«r tho Stqinc Clothing Hull t 31- • itt * w '-T-i, ft n'.'-te >i i » ♦- "■. &*r . -U *4O /f.® ■«:. .v*rf JOUV MA - i •' .- 'I m ■ ?:.