i 'i ;W '.:sW£ ▼!£• i- ■S3Bk : "-c IIROAT ntbota* Vt . —t, alloy . ncal* TO* ilily lo tls* ;udiAp‘. Mil dofiftOW u.p*, Icha '.■riiig at laa ■ti« niocty- y ; i-aii ft COP-^ -.-. ion of ta* isnaipliWi* Dial aa Coo- , itrar ofHfe, ■;i alike the" By lUe tvt ry good lictKl a poi* ■ llratoana* L-duitw o&ct ; ire rent tb* ’h v-JD*»a Hu a acnrsly a admitd* vnyr. findOiß H;'rciDcdk& - it saU Oojj txiinty thfca it- the pow -ii-iiitr in « at, -*«• tL*t -f pAic: lo ,ifc In a ttff : »hCB i.«ny of the .t— afbtr be- ' ii U..i blood. in'iifiDhalvt „• w'licod by i* that .prop-' n'lmipwtOJ :i at r>*Sklt»? ‘liffiaiti* ::: ÜB.ior iLT tn-C M- : -‘.rstti'-'T, , I.uc-.ra f' I- original, . <: ji tnbur-' ;,>■ Tarlcci the l :i Singh* :tr. p»lbo ' t-Uotb . ..i calory •I futility. -n of the ungtlrttr : ■ certain i i glm tae to pre i the ecn* ignia. 51. P, - Twelfth, . '&T-Xy. . \XIC ;"ti bt o*£ . >i. !>ortli - following 1 ■ ~j~iicU. C hl.r bed • ■ollblnlhc : 1;:! we cha ;<-i r rj than . Ua-. ,(■ lb net If /v.trlbliy.— r. iliibefceW. Aurcrra. .. PlmhoML LZi*a‘x 141 iKHC. - .. ccimty. -' iiTimic oa b , i b t«vm- CiUM, toaoty. .CE - - : 'i.T, yen r-vdrsJir on 1 >.. • :«<>& Sliest - ■ .ooi, sf 1.-1 ting JcriTl, —Piou* , '■ 'rat. Xbt-y » i.fj.tin’p.— *-' r-.i V-r citek- • .• ii‘ the brg r • 1 w£T;UC2. e :.-■«■ in nso they work h’.ihieio get >~i •.•.hicca.nc* I COBLE. T I.h.VCE. I..'. :rff. Jrt. OUR 5:.- Portnbfi*'” it; (vn«i durs* driven !>/ •ditnble M* >.t men.— ■;utry. wl*o •..er ii enly •..**, win'; l»y ■ir tutafdvh* . saia-t Iks* :r..iiti« ever. i+rfct'k'P ot :jn'Z!fcb«cu»' ' Milt i>up •• : iuqulrlM ■ : t-VCE. . ■' irp. r— ■ rxj find far. :vuAbl>, O XE3 ’jGxro). 'l ~ aii’pMa. JUST, :rz‘ .if C * ‘’ ] i i i--i ~‘ * ~ *t iw. £ t* &■- * - '*" | J ‘t * >'.jf 5 --%.:■.\ -, : -> t - v f 'P 4 - t • * - ?J r*\j vofr sl i; .]?!!£ AW'QOSA TiUBUNE. AhLiaoN. tA tw&ktan. to mlvaace,)i .JfLfitt \ ' lof the tune ' . ' f , ■' ' 1 insertion . 2 dp. .3 do. ' ' 10ft’ k& 12 “ ’iat >*o iv» ■*=» ■ 8 50 flu linker . Tim 33 oft ,*8 00. ■•nSSrffiSST ■ ' - 2.60 4 00 7 00 4«jo ■ 6 00 10 00 ■ W 00 VJS^Sft r•BKU-ai.' K :£2o 22 J 1 * 00 * joo , ~ Ad-aiairtrator* and Executor* Notleee, __ , * ,a Merchant* advertising by the year, throe squares, CanU, not exceeding 8 . ffhUcal character orind-vldialln taroiit j»MI lie clmrgwl succording to the above rates. “ Mrfrtteem. ati S-t marked with the number of insertion* desired. will be continued till forbid and charged acconhug ? srh v,! cent* P«r line for ejory insertion. Obituary notices exceeding Un Uneg, afly centsa : sqo*re. s' ibW WJtat makos Women l ■ *ir|j' - >'otJewrUed hand, complexion fattj Kot srawikji-farnvnor lofty ’ y«o»,paJat.,iior corU,'nor aplepdW bead ; r ' : "T[SMptattf teed/ nor eparkUng ojm, /tig* outvie*; : _ Jl«£ breaih ns. iwoe tas eglantine, ' ilot all the «twro» oMuhion'amftft; Kor yet the blandishment* of art;—• Piot one, nor iUIo: these combined, : C^ n moke ono wooD&Ti two refined,-. , net the casket thatwepHie, lh»t that which in the coeketiliea; Thee* outward cliantH that plaaaetheilght. T ire naught nnlesß the heart be right, fihe. to fill her derthwd and, Vr ti!apty ; goodnom Mend: Must H her cars 1 , To .i.‘ik horaeltwithjewel* rare; Or priceJe*ag«n>» muat.he' UPMiigewd, . Iu fobee cdlrichost beauty dressed; .;• \'at tliesoatjrtjCltHhe tha iawardinind, . Xu purity the mostrtfined. v . : . Sheitontcadscombtn*. ; C.-ii/mr-n’s rough nature well refine—•• ■ : >. ' - ; ;Ty nr i-t m«ther-*S»t«SP,reifc’; iSi/iuid ch-.-f|«h Wril till life dußi end. Wisnaniin ■ ' 1.. *Ol with ws« o’er lifj’e rough sea, . A n'd when the rtinmy crtJee 1» o'er Attend him to foir Canaan** ritor*. r Ancient PialmoflJ- ' i Tto race!» not Cjrtvergot .By hlrawrhu fcstest nsas— Kor.tho battl* by thw: : Who shoot with the longest guns. ■All hiUth* glo.-lirtp ran, . Bright os » new »ta |»n— riwa r,on §fk(t JJjsfdjbwi. BUI Gull’s Courtship. -fit got married when I was twenty.’ said Bill Gall cine day, ‘ I got married to \phebe Chalk, and all those voung Gull’s that you s e running ’round here, came from my lump of Chalk~by gull.’ Bill Gull always swore ‘by gull.’ It Wi-s his only oath, iihe was a lump of chalk as large one way as she was the other,— | Bill G nil was always a backward, bashftd youth, and some surprise was expressed that he over got married at all. fO‘ By gull,* said he, ‘my . grandmother’s Ghost did the job.’ ' job—-how’s that?’ i * I'U tell you about it. You see I was / fdjoat as green as a spring gosling, and I . tlmnghtTJmbfi _wasJ,QO. waan't 1 though—but she knew I was. We had a ■peakin’ notion of each other fot about two_ years, but it would not have come to any thing if it had’nt been for the ghost. I was toh bashful* in the way of making love. I couldn’t say as much as boo to a goose. And Phebe was just as bashful, that is, I thought so, but she wasn’t though, by a long shot. One night, about ahalf ah hour after I luid gone to bed, as I lay thinking ♦of thebe—for J had been sitting up with her till rather a late hour, as .usual, with- - 'out bringing anything to pass—-the .door of the room opened slowly and softly, end In walked a ghostly spectre. The mopn was shining foil in at my window, and I could not be mistaken. It was all in white 1 rose up in my bed; while my teeth chat tered, and the perspiration rap off in streams. It came almost to my bedside, and pointing a long, bony finger at me, that went through me like a red hot iron. I tried to speak, but 'twas no go. At last a husky voice said ‘ Bill Gull, I am theghostofyourgrapd _ mother. You must marry .Phebe Chalk right away. You have fooled your time loug enough. Pop the question boforoYo morrow night, for I will appear again—‘-do it. Bill Gull V 1 The old ladydiaappearedsoquick.that I couldnt tell where she went to. I didn’t sleep a wink that night. The sensations crft?lmg overw,.were awfut- i-, ,j I thought I felt my hair turn grey—toy teeth falling out, my legs and arms, drop ping off, and all kinds of queer feelings.— it was the longest night that I ever expe rienced. Morning came at last. I met Phebe in the dining room, while she was preparing for breakfast. She had been ovu housekeeper-ever since my grandmother died—three years. 'My mother died the year before.’ ’ i ‘ Bill, what’s the matter spldi-you ?’ Said Phebe. r i> c Y alie. ‘Such a night/said I.; < \V r hat was the matter BUI ? r grandmother’s ghoat.' ‘ You don’t say so!’ ‘ Yes, and she said that-s-' ‘Whatßui?' v / . (That:! must marry yea;* , ? ‘ What else, BiU ?’ ‘ That I mjist pop the question to-day, or she wpuld come again to-night/ 1 Bill, take my advicer— |>pp the ques tion and let the lady rest in .peace/ \ 10 00 ‘ I do,’ said li’ ‘ Well, Bill, I’ll have you just to keep ,the old lady .quiet, provided, Bill—that you won’t ask me tp-7-to —to—sleep with you' *1 promised^—for my grandmother’s ■sake/ •.-■••• . ■ < ‘Aftcrbreakfast,Phcbe spoke to the old geatloman about it, it was all be Chalk became Mrs. Gull.’ ‘She gulled you completely.’ .* ■ ‘ Yes, 1-found that out, and I’ll tell you bow. On th and arft.amply provisipiied, although due economy »# in ser ving wrUten i p itexpresaes will he read with igreat interest. Col. Johnston seems to ?think he will have jtojight the Mormons ’before there will be peace: ♦ * * We are still encamped at this -place, and will continue until we move in the Spring. The army has abundance of food anil clptbing, and is well sheltered ’from cold in Siblky tents. With your ■knowledge of camp-life, you would pro-; Pounce our situation one of great comfort. 'These Sibley teutk are all conical teats, twelve feet high and twenty feet in diam eter, open at the top, with a vane to pre sent its smoking, which it docs not quite j|p. With a stove, or fire built in the mid die, it is a great improvement in the com jfyrt of the, soldier, but not as good as a ’wl^l-tent^ ,?rith a stove, for an officer. *. * •£ 1 The djaybefore the reduction in our ratioPsTooklplace, we gave a dinner to the Governor, Chief Justice, &'c., on our surplus in the larperv Since then I do not think we couldfecd an extra rat at our mess, such is our health and so nicely is the quantity allowed adjusted to the meas ure of our wants. iWe, of coarse, find it irksome' here, but tfme will soon roll round, and we shall find ourselves in the midst ol those we love and admire. Uutil then we must be patient. jtVe fear our friends will suffer from groundless apprehensions on pur accbunt. We have no reason to com plain of anything but absence from our families. i Oamp Scott, near Fort Bridges, 1 December, 12, 1857. j Some think the Mormons, when it is ne cessary to make the issue with them, will submit to the Government. Ido not a gree with fehenn ■-1 think thewHiimarieism and vilainy will lead them to try one en- j counter at least; and I think our Govern- i meat ought to desire it as' affording a sim-! pic solution of udi&cult political question. If they resist,, a final settlement would be on the basis of a conquest. Wc could then dictate to them the terms of adjustment. Brigham Young wrote tp me a few days since, sending as a present some 5>OU Ids. of salt, or if preferred, we might buy it for the troops. Knowing they would de light in the knowledgctbat we wo’d starve or freeze, neither of which we intend to do, although we have no salt, I sent it back to him with this message': ‘‘That Brigham Younu and his associates are in rebellion against the Government; that until they return to their allegiance and obey the laws, I will accept no favor or courtesy from them, nor hold any correspondence with, them’; that when I advance, the peo ple who remain at their homes or engage in thpir private business, will bo undistur bed. If I find them arrayed in arms I will attack them wherever I meet them; that if thcV entertained the delusive hope that the arjmy would'retire from the Territory, they had better banish it; that the army’ will «| ever take one step back, &c.,t&c.” * * * M * * ■ Yours, &c., A. S. Johnson’. The Last of the M’Keesport Mur derers.—We stated in Saturday’s Chron icle, that the bodies of Henry Fife and Charlotte Jones had .been disinterred from the graves assigned them in the city bury ing ground, and shipped on board the Brownsville boat for Monongahela city.— They reached the fatter point about half past twelve o’clock on Saturday, and were met on the landihg by an immense con course of people, nearly every 4 ‘ man, wo man and child/ in the city turning out on the occasion. ' To gratify the public cariosity, ihe lids of tfie coffins were uncovered, and the liv id faces of their unsightly tenants exposed to the view of the multitude; r lhey re mained thus exposed for a short time, arid were then removed to the" house of Mrs. Marshall, Charlotte’s sister, where the cof fins were again opened, and the friends of the fiunily. pemitted te look upon add ex amine the features of tljio deceased- After reinain'ng IhereLfor some time, they were earned to the grave yard in Munntown, toward Hickory, where they weredeoently interred in the grave yard already eOfitain ing the remains qf Charlotte's mothcjr. ■ A Chip op tm ou> BLOCK.-r-Lprd Brougham's son, who is yet a minor, and consequeiitlydependent upon his father for support, has been noted somewhat of late for his attention to a young actress in the French theatre. Ilia father recently wrote the following laconic epistle: “If you. do not quit her I'll stop your allow ance.” To which the son replied; “If you do not double it I'll 1 marry her.” The son will enjoy a'seat da Purhmentwhen he become* of age.' : , - ’ i Ouf readers, says ihoJournal of‘Com merce, may have heard of the noted wo man Gottfried, who lived in BreijwHy a quarter of a century ago. She wajs 4 wid ow of fascinating appearance, inhor youth beautiful, in more .advanced life, still at tractive by those preparative and decora tive arts, of which' woman knowasowell how to avail herself. All her sickened and died in strange W and several children, dfcapp&Hredinashort period of time. It was her lotto order ho less than thirteen coffins from the under taker, who Jived opposite to i*o r » - and all for near and deartyiendsi Gqttfried faith fully nursed them durlng their painful 1114 ness. She was an- object of pity and symj pathy, while she seemed, wonderfully re signed to the inscrutable decree of Provi dence. ' A perfect Niobe in her childless woe she appeared to be, and a Niobe she Was. for her heart was as hard as that, cel ebrated statute. Received into good socie ty, her company was courted by persons ot rank and consideration. , ' J Twice a widow, she still had ; suitors. She had a well furnishcd housc, ahd easy fortune. But still she continued to drink of the uup of affliction, waa still pitied and prayed for. Amodel pf the tender affec tions, she, loved inteuaC’y, blit her love killed every object on 'which it- alighted. The venerated' parent, the manly husband, the beautifulchildreU, withered and died! A Mr: Bumpff and his wife, though, dis suaded by frieuds, took lodgings pq the, same house with Madame Gottfried. She was all kindness to them and theirs 1 , But Madame 11. was seized with vomiting, and died under the' assiduous Jursing of the disguised Alecto. The children and ser vants met the same fete and the same attentions. She gave them all their death-portion, and smoothed their dying pillow. Mr. Bumpff himself was Beized; hp ransacked the house from to cel lar to find the cause; he believed there was some decaying, substance, some fetid exha lation . like that of the National, which did all the mischief; he hud the boards lifted, and the walls examined, all,ip ,at ; length j bit of meat, which had beep left, ’and it proved to be arsenic. 'Madame G.wasar | rested, imprisoned, and; though at first af ' fecting. great'horror at the idea of being accused as a murderess,, finally confessed, to all, and to much more than she said' she ■ could remember l She was sentenced tp be beheaded, and that head preserved in spirits, and her skeleton, in a ease, may now bo seen at the museum at Bremen. The mostpainful and heart-rending event we have ever been called upon to chroni cle, occurred in this place on SflndSy etch ing last. (Ffeb. 7,) at 8$ o'clock, which re sulted in the death of Mrs. Hannah Eisen bise,. wife of Major, Daniel Ejsenbise, un der . the folfowing circumstances ; Ji.t .the tiwd specified she was sitting in her. rdom atone, engaged in'readihg the bible,by the light of a small fluid lamp,, jrhsch was on u table close by. and while in this position the lump was accidentally thrown from the table and fell on her lap, The top of.the lamp not having been fastened securely, tiie fluid escaped and speedilyigmted, and the next moment her entire person [was enveloped in flames. She ran to a win dow fronting the street and gave the alarm, and a number of our citizehs, including her husband, who had been at a neighbor’s, hurried to the scene, but uotwitbstanding| the most persevering attempt were made to speedily subdue the Barnes, they were unavailing, and the unfortunate woman’s entire person was burnt to a, crisp, iShe lingered in the'| most oxcrutiating agony until o'clock the sub>equent morning, when death relieved ; her of hot sufferings. Major Eisenbise, in his endeavors to ex tinguish the flames, had' his hands burned so severely that part of one of his Juigers propped off, and it is feared others will re quire amputation. Mr. Alexander EisCn bise also had his' hands badly burned.-—- Lcwtetown Democrat. Our readers recollect an anecdote ofJshn Mitchell, the Irish refugee, published a short time Since in the Gazette, in which he is represented as having said to a dar key he owns or Hires, “ Sambo, we are go ing to open the African slave trade, and bmgaset of regular jet hlack,iyory-tooth ed, Guinea niggers into this country.— What dd you think of it f ” Sambo re pleJ, “ Well, masssa, tink it would be a good- ting, and keep all dese low Irish out.” John seems to have been thinking seri ously of the darkey’s answer, and has fi- D .,hy resolved to be guided by his superior wisdom, for he is now denouncing,in the Southern Citizen —the paper he publishes in Tennessee —the naturalization laws, and fears that, unless they are repealed, “the United States is in danger of being made the common alms-house refugitum jpeccd torium and penal colony of the worlds i lincmmti Cfmetfe . Poisoning ds a Science. Dreadful .Occurrence. Joint Mitchell turned!!. BBrtORS AND PROPRIEtOBa Waa Reltt Knoclted Dow'nf - There Uachiviilric attempt on the part of lieeompton-Democratic letter writcrp \cr prove second inthe bloody oikSenatar Sumner) was not fdrtyknocked doWn.byGrow, when that gentlemanwas assailed by the choleic South Carolinian, -last Friday night. HU {Heads say “he tripped and fell,” at or about the time Grow’s hand was seen neiur his (Keitt’s) heiid. This attempt to ip maye {H«n.Keitt the just disgrace of be ing fairly knocked over, reminds us of a passage in the testimony in the case of the Commonwealth agt. Borrowseale, for an' affiray, tried at Boston, some years ago: Counsel—Bid you see William Borrow [giVe knock the man down ? . ■ ■ • v \ Witness- —William Borrowscale might do such a thing. U; me directly. Pid ypjj-. seedJorrbWscale knock liim {town ? - : “ Witness—l can’t exactly day that I did. The Mr. Witness, what you did see?. ■ • *' ' Witness—r-Well* I, saw William Borww acala take hithatid away frony themants head QUICK, and then the ma\t/eW rightavtay! r _ . '- . " '■ ’ The St. ! JLouis Democrat gives a westerti yiew pf the. Congressional scuffle : - f• ‘; “Wo do not approve of these. diagmef-• fnl personal assaults, which are becoming so frequent indeliberative assemblies, aha think; that gentlemen would find oil* er diodes and other places for \ redressing their' grievances. When assaulted, how ever, self-defence is an impromptu of jqs» ture, and all the fault w« 6&d with x Mr. Grow is, that he. was not more emphsdio in his punishment. Malley had gofinto a muss, and tiiig it to bis veteran monitor, - Considine, the latter, lectyred him very nevmelyft&r throwing & wine glass at his antagonhs, saying that it was foolish and thoughtfully added, ‘ a cut glass decaApf, seized by the neck, 1 well aimed, ahcnEßim* bly thrown, I haye known to do goodftatd* cutipn at a short distance.* In like mifr ncr we may suggest to N Mr. Grow, that* ■few bruisers about the head have known in follow up a knockdown 4dvantageoaslv**U j i The Sandwich (Canada West) is advocating. tfte erection of Canada into an independent kingdom.- Itwishea»p«i» manent ruler—:“pne not subject whims o? caprices of Downing Btreet m« norauce; one who shall ho responsible to the ; people he governs alone, and whoMi fortunes and fame will rise and fall with theprosperityand reveres of hisaubjectej one whom the people hiny Ipve aswell reboot, and whb is willing to take the rofc lonsibility of' the position as well as the mnor which it bestows. 11 • The most elfgi** gihle person to found a Canadian dynasty he mercury thinks, is a Prince of En gland; for, while his elevation to the throne, of the hew kingdom “would be a graceful tribute of loyalty to our gracious Queen,(it would remove the disadvantages nndet which we at present labor, and would hind ua more firmly, as an entirely independent nation, to the first empire in the world.—-; The sympathies of the British people wo’d follow him to his new home, and the warm" hearts of a yonng and vigorous nation wo'd cling to him as a brother, in founding an empire which may yet spread its banner over a continent! Greater results have, sprung from infinitely less prospects; and, though time 1 may elapse era even the ini tiative step is taken, we still hppo to live to bail a Canadian King I” Bqv Dbowned. —On Saturday morn- ; ing last, (Feb. 6,) a little boy about seyen ’ years of age, son of Sarah Stull, an inmate of the Poor House, was drowned in Kisn acoqdUlas creek. Ho was returning frbm school, and his dinner basket blowing tram his aym, he ran after ,it, and in going down the fitgep bank, lost bis footing, and fell id the crcckbclow. Ke Cricd tq his com panions (a little boy and girl) to help him but, but they were badly frightened, and hastened home and gave the alarm, too late, however, to save the boy. The creek was tten dragged to find the body, but without' success on that day. On the fol lowing mornidg the search was renewed, and at about 10 o’clock the body was found* —Levristoton Democrat. j Decapitate the devil and you have your character—evil. Drop the “e," aid you have vile ; strike out the “ v,” and ■’ you make ill j l< vi,” and it is c lf whichan Englishman w ill roughen into an uncom fortable ZocaZity- — hell. Of a truih, the deviZ is in the word. . BS9u Two young Irishman happened to" get into an affray, in which one of them was knocked down. His comrade rah up to him, and cried out: “Zounds, Dennis, an' if ye be dead can’t ye apoJce f* “ I!m not dead, but apaeb^ae/ ■ said the other. v ' tSP' We never vet sed to scorn the himself a fit object of stotorlto Wflßtv ■ s i <*■:< ii ■ ■ ■ .. vV* - ; 'k- [ : 'X; c. . i*sf • ‘' J*. - "jt: •; N& 4. s' i> J ;