The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 18, 1858, Image 3

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L-voty of'tWs t IJ®B _• tv.
I-, ;;:uy -hHlr to ftl * "*
L ; .ru)’rVni6ft Iwcn- •
L:r.ind Itchhjfo'CW ..
km, euch’ a* «ailX
pcryuufs or pextodl
| iliid prosftro th»
L. to cxtrm* eld
[h-.'d number of tk* ■
JanaftTy I,ISW,
ii>;ito*T, liMad'yeei
I it a- liW time,
or your*, to gif
a,barber, and
li, asd the rceto
tho acalp «il
d la UtTMWMk*
from AugaatUnt
lure, It-*sa batata
that ilrtZe «w
our r.eetortttr*
good tad per&ct
liagA—<tcd t»bo
cnee t:bcro aat
of the hair top*,
aruro to rvcoru
oaaacsded yotar
large and
here incur
'3?P*y jxu eejit
ir iteKlf
Tor dwm crcd- ;
y-JB my tbanka
■p.l'ilr Tuirf utepalrad
j. vr. BO.m
3:. PnaJ,
-Mftrch 3C.1566,
’f-lyri'aitojriiy. Jnaa
r. tr.iuorjrrtU-E«»
r ;«i. bat the gray
b my heir hi* act
> procc”.J cf chonga
p bepee ithat to a
(rtncjij. Ihamtai
plrtaK! and vigor cf
7: and 1: bucawpa
d. c. si. ntr?r.
. Jan* 19, IfiW.
..tire, aadhnv* ad
ra becomitg. aa J
:J have no doubt,
pr f!:itrd State*.
Lilwaj a: T. and
r, Altimn*. fWy
Lv D’S
1. l.iver Complaints,
1 the second botth*
| _ - :«tieot to health
la. n of all to theca
k-!.by a physician
I l t wctity team with
Li 4y vegetable, b*>
».V» may be formed
k’ratuf contains a* I
al.un.-l withoutaay
to carry away tbo
L y'ct of the system
- all relirwuoM «r
the stomacl)
■-. gently, and
.’t Dyspopaiu.
•a ays relievo Sink
Us removes the canae
u.Hc.trtvUs utwdnM *
> Morbus, andasßis
- recorreTiM of bU
ii p^iuga.
lly lii one of the best
iu -weakness' of the v
jtimg gives vigor
ka In Its fontbaoa,
I:-.!il I.Uncut to tXi*
■<i by trorinii, wbU*
r. refer sndispoodicr
itruients, they nr*
tvUknee to prore>,
.qLi.ouj testimony
sitv-.i to try this rent
L are not benefited
|m we have yet to
(i KlKittleof Jnvlgorn
ar. tiuch astonishing
[H l.ow tone.'they
ri- - from a derang
| ‘ UP J.
pay. New York-
I .'treat, Pittsburg,
| April 2. ST’-ly
AT M’-
juft received and i
udi, selected with
pliy low fcrCASH
It v.- of either going
I hdopiing the can
Iwe trill MU Qrrioa- \
tW with a tot ct
■HOES. ■
;to l urch gopdt
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;r. ar.ii haring two '
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> ■ ■'k’i Mtl lc. \
wa .' "P the iot . A
i tir- -.vholo build- ..
’ lit tin; porch in \-
u ) übite honae,
to t!.o Railroad
: ■.% [K-.*ou wiahlng
• to view the
1 1 •■< been refitted In /
wi.'i! calculated \
u-.ill lx- spared to
Kiiu with thWr pa-,
:i< ir btny Witbhiui.
lining and ckreful
\:jj> le-. n received
whlrtrvfUltw* '
lr or retail. The
iD. c. 17, tf.
I) IjEjM
k-.s'-n« In (.torfi and
f* VJiilididplUa..
Liu vUU Jkironab, |h%
Jt&feaL ITEMS.
If & 'Attftov.-^Otntlmrffi—
, .vitb the usual inteiestlimt per
imp* it to feel in “ homo matters,” t<r
tfte colwpiu ltac:.'" in your last issue, H
raiding it, came across tho following
.~4«fl[4hC reference to the political proclivities i
whose names were appended
Q*Bdtd*|e&on the “Citizens Ticket’’—viz:—
•*fdUln-'the other (t’ckct) is a citizen <’ composed
of good mien of all three parties.” This phraso our special.attention, wo care
fully looked over the names, and failing to
tice’among them a single one known in the com- ■
monityvW a-Republican, we naturally referred
again to-thu heading to sec if we had not read |
“ thfljttl tw’ ‘‘.two.” No—there it mentioned I
“Three,'!’ ■ V.- ' . . ■
Now.; Messrs. Editors, we as a party, not hav
ing yei that profound depth in “ par-,
tj a smart thing,”
wlioh it sarooceds in securing ji wavering vote—
truth, and.kave
to solicit pf your kindness to point out thenames
. • Noth in g.i” jem- this ticket are 'very -
prdiSkfth 'indeed;- The “:Bonl er• Ruffian’ ’ fra-,
tertiity-alsiica'hrejoice;,.Tit-ifilditioir ’to ~a iftdst
fnom- theTr.oVj* partyiinaV
from ass^iitlon
•fltttpftKoad cjtizeus.oltiie tltii^.^ , tji^'tOl^ ;
echo answerst-WheV^?!?’
frit .actjufiip
• tancerimhiing Repu Idican tendeneves, not due
apptmrs (hii^tiHheiaiet : tiffg-.«siV t»ver)- to hove
kuo ? -Mj t>t : .,sucn.aii: r/jteutiou asihat of
ting « Ticket,” N>ither do:wei,knojf
offtiy dnO-of thenT'who has seeii a publienotiCer
oallW-a^fr^a^^i^';- ■. - '
. AVe-therefore have no other alternative than,
•t/’itUeus’ 'Ticket' , aB a-bogus afv
fair, tfid.hy > Clique, ca trap |
to rocogal :
zed (jitfpgy^f.their possessors* nre feared-as; lost
,to Border Jbtffrau'vtm on; tlm pnehmd and .anti -
National prusoriptivonestt on-the other, j ,
God sends me.-rt,” and it is said
thnithc “Devil sen ds coo]c s/ ’ T hia.sp cc lal .dish.
• deaigned for our’gratification. w« respectfully,
decline, and hope.that oar .Republican friends
will not allow fhoir honest .simplicity to be' in»,
poaed npon, and recommend 'that rather .than
, ’choose between ttto evils they will have' the
moral courage to reject both.
’ ■ A fair Repcbuc.ujs.
AHoom, Feb: 13,4858. • -'
, fUma,rk»i ,1
; Wamust confess! we ire at a loss to perceive the
motive-which prompted the inditemeut of the
above communication. The quotation from ourar
tide of last.week, to which ** A Few Republicans”
take exception, was,inditedby us, .under the
honest;convi6tii>n .that we were, speaking the
tsctb, and iv€ have yet to be convinced that we
were not, five charitable assertion of A Few Re
publicans," that we wero lying for the purpose
<of gulling.the Republican Party, to the contra
try, .notwithstanding. - Our reasons fhrsosppak
ing are os follows; At the State Convention
which nominated Jiidgc Wilmot, fori Governor,
last-spring, the Republican Party was united
with the F-toe-Soilwing of the AmericanPnrty,
ond the coaUtlpniats assumcd'the Amer*
. The distinctive Republican
- >Wing-of the Amcrtean Par
ty was, then to all purposes dissol
ved, undtheiiEw p«r;yof Amcrican-Kepublicans
inaugurated. Judge IVilmot was the standard
bearer of the, and. as a natural consf -.
quence, all who supper ted .him wei4 lona fide
American-Republicacs, whether acting formerly
. with the'American or Republican parties. Such
being the ease, we naturally enough' concluded
that there Were but three political parties, viz :
the Democratic, “ Struight-ciit American” ‘ and
, Amcricau-Itepublican. and as the ticket is com
poseil of mvHibtTfs of ail these three; our asser :
j tion va toirretandthatof “ A lew Republicans”
pross!;/ iucprrcet. If they mean, nt this lave day
to igr-drs the existence.of,the American-llepub
llc;in partjk.wh'ich polled some 150,000 votes
last tali, and assert that there n “ straight
out” kepuhlioan organization, thcawo beg leave
ito decline pointing out any of its repreaenta
” tives on the ticket, as we arc cextalp we eonhft
not. Bu^;if.thqy such an attempti and
i» an Americun-Repub ■ :
i dh»n party,.and[that the support of Judge Wil
; ; iao't iwAs.a t.-.*st of orthodoxy, then we shall cheer
fblly coni ply’ with their request, and will point
out the names of at leastjfto individuals on that
ticket, who. we have £aod reason to believe, are
Rood American,“A few
publicans” and “ Echo*’ ansvereu now 1 ? '
V . |
’ -I
.. • 1
I he studied fling at the Americana and Dem
ocrats,- ou'both tickets, to any the least of it, is
rin very bad taste, but as we neither assisted in
making-por get are the particular exponents of
‘ ticket, we let it is worth.
. in conjunction with “ A few ; Republicans,”
Sfw no public notice* calling a meeting to nom
inate a “Citizens’ Ticket,” and did . not know
.such a njpvement wiu in contemplation, until
the ntmiißHtioua were handed to us: to publish,
fact, we should
heartily entered into it, as -we belieTethat
political feeling should be entirely discarded in
Borough and Township Elections. It should al
ways he the atm of all good citizens to select the
h«k men for such offices. iirespoctiveof party
associations or party prejudices. Hence a pub
lic notice ouglit to have that all
who desired could hive participated. The con
cluding remarks of -‘ A few Republicans,” ad
vising Republicans not to vote for any of the
we think are justly
and can only be palliated upon
the »appo«ition that there are no good ipejj in -
, „P°M*\ Ull tipn. But such a supposition is ridiou-
Jousijr absurd. Both tickets embrace the names
of and it is the duty, as it
be the pleasure S every good citizen, to
select from-both, thepames pf such persons as
he thinks best qualified to fill efficiently the dif
ferent offices. However, we heartily agree with
“ A?few Rupublicans” in this? that any man
who cannot be satisfied with the nominees on
either ticket should opt vote for them. But still
lusduty as a citizen will not permit him to ne-
to vote, therefore, in such ucase he shoald
frame aticket to suit himself and be sure to vote
■it '■■l'^-:.
sHor.—On Monday night; last, » bop,” came
off inShnltz’s in this place. Quite a num
ber were in attendance. Everything passed off
pleasautiyead the company broke tip some tipi a
■ A
Pa. 11. R., ! was attached to the Express Train! |
Westward, at thisplace. This is a “kink” In j
railroading, -winch lias fcoolong been neglectedl j
by the company. Travellers (male, of course,) j
who aro accustomed to indulge iU a “ fragrant
weed” after meals, are by no means veil-pleas
cd at being deprived of that luxury while trav
elling, and vo have-frequently beard them com
plain moat bitterly of the want of a smoking oar
attached to the trains on this road. Indeed, ma
ny who would have passed over this road, on
their way West, if they oonld have been accent
.mudated with a place to smoke in, have patron
ised rival routes, where each accommodations
-were afforded, thus depriving this Company of
who voald otherwise
: ronixedtho Shortest, quickest; easiest and best
conducted route to'the West. No later ago than
lose week, .a party of gentlemen fourteen in num
ber, in Chicago, who desired .to come East, were
discussing the merits of the rival rentes. All
acknowledged that the Pennsylvania Central
rbute was the shortest, pleasantest and best
managed, but decided against it, for the simple
repsoU that ah smoking cars were attached to
the trains; Unre at one time the snug little sum
of Ws,directly divertedfrom the coffers
;of t|mCompany,and indirectly frbmthe pockets
•pf. Statp, and turned in
to those cf arrival route and citxens -of other
States. . :Tius'is o.aly an - isolated instance of the
loss siiail^ned-’diteotly'-by the road and indirectly
from this cause. ,If all wore
■ Are would not be found'for wrong
Ji| it at,aeveralAhj)Ufland dollars an
, ;aUi»,ily. Butvow, we are pleased to See that the
, is belngreotificjl. and before long all
trains on the road will have a smoking car
attached. Success to the measure wo say, and
when wp next ‘•bobbin* around" may there
be'cite brain in which we ride. Afoot
VerroKi. 1
' Nsw Abbakobubkt. —The; new arrangement
in relation to the Passenger Trains, which wo
mentioned two weehsago asabout to take place,
has gone into operation. All Passenger Trains
thaitske meal* here are now . stopped on the
siding,'in front of the Logan Ilonss, formerly
mtad for the Holliduysburg Branch Train and
empty passenger cars, the Eastward bound
trains switching on to said track St the upper
end, and the. Westward at the lower aid. This
will be a' great accommodation to the travelling
public, especially in disagreeable weather, ns
they will not have so fur to travel to procure
the wherewithal to refresh the inner man, while
it materially improves the. appearance of the
Logan House, (one of the handsomest and best
kept “Hotels in the State) by removing the emp
ty cars which frequently concealed it fro In the
view of travellers in the curs.
Boboooh Election. —To-morrow oar Borough
election takes place, when it behooves out citi
zens to look after the niterests of oar Boroagh.
Two'tickets are in the field, both, so far as we
know, composed of good men. It is the duty,
of every good citizen to paaticipate in the elec
tion. If any one ' can’t support the whole of
either of the tickets in nomination, he should
unhesitatingly vote a split one. composed of
the names of those whom ho Lei oves beat qual
ified for the offices. If he dou t like to support
any of the nominees, ,'lm, should frame a ticket
to suit himself and vote P, but on no account
should he neglect to vote.
Ahbrotypes. —Our readers will perceive, by
reference to our advertising column'', that our
young friend, John W. Clahangh, is now enga
ged in taking Amhrotypes. in our town. He is
an adept at the art, and his instrument is ahrst
classone, thus ensuring a true likeness, ariisti
cally fiuisiitd—a .desideratum absolutely neces
sary to success in the profession. - Those of our
citizens who desire to “secure the shadow ’ere the
substance fades.,” of themselves, families, or
friends, will do well to give John a call, lie Is
a clever and gentlemanly young uem, and wo
bare no doubt will give satisfaction to all who
may .favor him with their patronage. Call
around and examine his workmhnsfaip, and if
you don’t pronounce it hard to beat, then: we
know.nothiug of Ambrotyping.
At a meeting of the Logan Rifle Rangers, held
on Saturday evening Feb. 13th, 1858, the fol
lowing resolution jwus unanimously adopted
Euolved, That the thanks of this Company
be tendered, to the officers and members {of the
National Guards of Harrisburg, for their escort 1
ah&nse of armory while on out lute visit to
their city. ' W. W. SMITH, Secy.
The Altoona reporter for the Standard,
can attribute our motives in defending the gen-
who announces himself through-]-Our
columns an a candidate for Sheriff, frpro his
unwarrantable assertion, to whatever cause he
ttaiiidts proper.; People generally judge jpthers
by themselves, and we presume the which
induced said reporter to fire the first shot} at the
gentleman in question,- was the same which he
has attributed to as* 1
Skubct SoHdot.--We understand, our
old' friend, M*. John Rutherford, purposes open
ing a Select School, in the East Ward .School
term of four months. We have ho doubt he
will be liberally patronized, as he is anold and
successful teacher, ' If bo can’t *♦ teaph the
young idea how to shoot,’\ there is little; ase of
anybody else trying. - ; {
. Ehrob. the different ti
nomination Borough offienp last ire.
ought to have put the name of John W. jHnmes
upon the “citizens Tucket” as their nominee
for Justice of the, Pence. However, wfi pub
lished the ticket just as it was handed ih, and
the fault was not purs, but tbatof the gentle
man who furnished us the copy.
WAnuNOToji’B Bihth Bay.— This Rational
I holiday, Which fulls on Monday next,.; will be
| celebrated, by the Hollidaysburg *G<imp f. 9. of
A., by a Social Party in the evening, in the Odd
Fellows’ Hall, in that place Oar hat is 4 chalk
ed,” and jhonld nothing occur to prevent, we
1 i*|ji•jwjHti’*'; r ;
(Extract from Minutes.]
<O6O. rßv<Jf*mdr, B«j;v
not wish to bca Mndidatpfw'tbb*^
be baa been nominated bythc Dwmoei«tic. party,
ss tbc duties bf bt% prwent situatbn irflVuqt'
permit him to’give tbc -duties of tbe office {hat
attention they ;ehoold receive,
■' ‘ .[Prom OurOvrn
■lloujdatbbwm,* Feb. ,16.1868.
OnlastFriday night, the
'Train serious!injured . a nan named Abraham
Buss, in itspassagefromAUoona to this place,
when near |Hatohitfon*a station,.; The injured
man was deaf‘and hence did not hear the whis
tle of the locomotive and ’other signals given by
the engineer. < The train would have been stop- ■
ped, had not ithe engineer supposed thd mau
knewjof 'bis 1 danger and intended to -step off;the
track in ito let the train pass by him, or
had he known of the deficiency in Bass’ sense
of hearing. But through the wiong supposi
tion of the engineer and the unconsciousness of
the near approach of the train on the part of
the deaf man: the latter was badly damaged by
being dragged about lOOyordsby the
er. One of his arms was broken and his; head
and body much bruised. We are .glad to learn
that his injuries are not likeljto proTc rjrjtal.
none of them jure internal. Dr. Coffey .was sqm-v
inoned io dress the wounds mid he is now .ip as*
comfortable a condition as could bis
This w e hope' will prove a warning‘ifcfjreitoite
bereft of the sense of hearing 4o tefiraig "from
walking oh the railroad. It is dangerous to
those even who possess the natural’ powers giv
en to man, hut still m«-re to deaf persons. ' 7
John Beidly, while engaged in cutting soh
upon the Juniata ri ver, last week, fell and broke
his collar bone, lie was brought to Dr. Irwin
who skilfully! replaced the bone and set it to
right]} again.; John labored considerably under
the effect ef ’ liquor, which, no doubt, rendered
him liable to lose his balance and make him
full heavier.;: Be will soon recover the use of
his arm again, and if wise, will heed the lesson
taught to him, that it is dangerous to enlist un
der Capt. Whiskey’s banner and become subject
to bis influence.
The sleighing in our neighborhood is excel
lent, and is enjoyed by our pcopli-v
The deprivation of It so long this venter bos
imparted an unusual zeal lovers of good
sleighing. Parties urefrequeut. The hard,
times bring into use the sleds more thau furmety
ty. Some high nolioned gents, who last winter
must have a fancy horse and sleigh just fresh
from the livery stable, tore now content with'
the old-fashioned sled-riding. For -my part I
prefer the Inker, when full of ladies and gents,
all" crowded together, andsll is merriment and
pleasure. However, every one to his taste.
Those of dor citizens who had not their icc
houses fillcdj were busily engaged in doling so
lost Friday and Saturday. The fear of having
empty ioc-Lduses is past, and those, who were
anxious to seise' upon the. pour ice of the week
previous lament their course.
The skatihg on the ~Ju.ui.ita on Friday last
was very good, and delightfully participated in
by the young folks. Perhaps fiO boys and men
were on the; fiver at one time, flying around on
their skates jwith great glee.
The Baptist congregation are having a Bap
tistry placed in their church in this place, simi
lar to those in the city churches of their denom
ination. This will be a great convenience to
. > I \
both-the paster aud people, and a more pleas
ant and effective means of administering the
right of Baptism. The’ out-door, or river sys
tem had its disadvantages, which will, by this
improvement, by iotuity obviated.
Head Watkus or I’iket Gb;kekl
! February Id, 1808. /
lam no meteorologist, nor am I in'the habit
of commenting much upon the weather, but I
must say that we are now having winter in
ncst. For the last two or three days, t|io weath
er in these jparts has been very severe, amldt
the time 1 write, the snow is fulling ut a i,4U
rate. The ground-hog sign has so far been tri
umphant. \'i
“ Sdelwintcr comes to rate thorarled year,
Sullen tutd Had, With all his rising traiu;
Vapors, and clouds, uud storm." •
But ten .Chances to one, by tho time this com
municution hppcars in print,' a new scenery will
present itself; the snow will he entirely gone,
•“ Old Sol will make bis appearance in all his
mcridiam splendor, and our fancies will almost
lead us to believe thpt We can hear &p sweet
musical voices of the early harbingers or spring.
Who can tell ? ’
. The Washington Artillery company, organi
zed in Marjuisburg in September, have received
their cnntioia, which is a six pounder, and a
fine luokiag'piece. 'This company numbers, in
all, about i'orty raembeys, and for the time they
have been drilling make a very creditable dis
play. At the time the company was inspected,
(New Yearls day) the Utah questiap was'pro
posed to them. They all seemed willing to en
ter the of their country, ami the vote, to
that effect pras unanimous. ■ From late advices,
however, things in Utah seem to be assuming
another .aspect, and in all probability their.ser
vices will not be required. '
Quite an;\excitemeut was created in Martins
burg on la|t Friday evening by ti»e appearance
of a street |>rcnolier, Vb<i was ,vociferously pro
claiming the gospel to a large assemblage of
men and lsys, on oue of tbe ' prominent street
corners of Ihe town. It mi a hard matter to
exactly what doctrine he iwus advo
cating. formed ||ie opinion from w|mt we
could heati that he was preaching the doctrine
of the‘‘)3even-day Baptists,'’ lie 'offered a
reword of | twenty dollar gold piece Jb any
loan, woni|n or child, who con show hima-pwf
wge la the Bible that says that the .fliniplsy of
tbe week uiaU be observed as th« *‘holy sttb
bath of the; Lord.” ■ ’*
fete in
t, we
The WjnebrenariaDs are. continuing their
meetings, end many are inquiring the tray Zi
onward. They spy their church doors shall not
be closed, juntil all who are desirous of seeking
the Lord shall come forward. They seem, de
termined ib their purpose, and it may be, their
peelings j#Ul be productive of much good, Mr.
. > |bed frow tip dfoetit of religious ex*
' T ; ' C ' r
wiuid>riricd on the-Bth inat A faner ■
wjoicc .bis death as aiyTcltf
hvy and Jtliiuk there is much rejoicing ip He&t
-m ottr that one sinner that rqienied. ; -
; - -•■- WEANISCCS.
'it" ; ' ''■ ■■ Vi .iii.~, ■ - ' :.. i.- .‘.;
Aww Prkrwa, Pebraaiy 111,1868.
;• weeks have elapsed since I laet wrote you. * 1 weald
'he*»s<rttt<«t thrice since had KBfltbM# fora iiMii flitji
'Xihiqjft/waa snffleisnt to cause m« to keep quiet,
~‘it yping tn write. l ean now,l thiak, ff?Uoct « fclfr lt<m*«rf
Interest to yourreadtva, I cannot apeak ofttetmliort dto
juten, of the conditioner banka, il the construction tlwS
foods and telegraphs as some of yonr correspondent do, hot
must content myself with reporting things pot ae important
to u young America.” ■ ' i !
you know that we are progressing (backwards) and
that we are interested In oor children's wrelCirc (“over the
left,”) 1 will ed! you of on jimppprement (!) which is being
fliade in this ‘•neck oVUmber ’ that wUI tril powerfully up
on the live* of many in after years. It is the erection of a
distillery • short distance from this place* The proprietor
tea man who understands hi* profession, though I doubt'
whether he ja conscious of hi* profession of religion ; being
well skilled in all the arts pertaining to his tpution, he
wHh I am persuaded, prove eminently successful in his at
tempts to ”put the cup to hi* neighbor’s lips.” In about
three' week* he hopes to have hia “ bouse ofdeath” comple
ted.' Would to God it may never be completed; Penetrating
tlie futiire, I soe—plainly see, the’ effete of that man's : la
hort. ’The decrepit form of the inebriate,, tottering hpon
the verge oftbe graveftells me plainly that it was that li
quor manoCieturer whoyto disgracefully brought him there.
Bolaeed by. no fricud ami cheered by no kindly spoken
words, hegoes down to bis grave “ unwept, niihonllred and
un*nng.’S J Tho sighs of the widow, the cries of thei orphan,
ahd the gnams of ttie dying. convey to. my mind the sad
tf*WSSf bfowtf wws, murders
jjqpths, If ho would avoid bringing bis fellow*mch'to dis
fgrkftrfi4 deaths ourf premaiure gravesi if be would prevent
rgadydicarte from being broken' and many fondly ties from
sundered; if lie would help to decrease thC many bit
set eTils that enrso our racej oh. then lot him desist from'
hispresent c'urse—dtleads to death) '"•' 1
OnTuftStluy morntng last at about 2 o’clufck the ‘ lafg**, -
JRrO) belonging to Jlr. Peter 1 Burket wlio Resides about two
from tiiis place, was discovered to be on fire. By the
■ time t!ie horses could bi got ont, the whole holding was
■enveloped in Homes. There was a large amount of grain
an threshed, a great deal of hay, gears, etc. etc., beside' ,a
hew carriage, whichjbelonged to Q. W. Patton, Esqr. ol Al
toona, all consumed. It is cither thought to have been the
Work of nn incendiary or the accident of a thief, who was
perhaps stealing chickens at tile time—the latter supposi
tion Col. Burket thinks the correct one. The loss is esti
mated at between S2oM and s3oo’) —two thirds of which
were covered by insurance.
■We have winter here in all its reality. There seems to
boa bard conflict between Sol and old Boreas, the latter
- thus lor bus bUinttd ait the efforts of the former in trying to
■ make be fell through the tliin garments which
envelops mother Barth. The merry lads and. lasses here
ore.making good use of the present snow. Did I say “ las
ses?” I should not bare done so; the ‘‘lads’’ get all the
sleigh and sled rides, and the - lasses” stay at home or, go
by “Wulkcr’s Express.” Fact. Fast place this—heats “Al
. phaV oil hollow
The interest which “ Alpha” (cols for my welfare is duly
appreciated. coming, as it does, from one who has passe-1
through the fiery ordeal unscathed. 'l’m keeping a look out.
Deecr Tribune: —'When I hate time, nothing affords mo
greater pleasure, thou to sit down amt scratch off, for your
especial benefit, a. few of the passing events in our usually
quiet city. For a short period back, your spirited and
highly , interesting sheet has not been encumbered with
any of my productions, oh account of my time being too
much occupied with other duties. To-night I once more,
take up my pen, to inform you of what I have seen and
beard during the last week.
I'ha greatest Jofcb of the season. is one that was played on
a young man last week. The young mau in question, it
seems, ut a social gathering, allowed bis anger to gut the
letter of his Judgment, instead of drowning it i& the wine,
which-.the good lady of the house luid set before him. De
termined to gratify it at oil hazards, he dashed the content*
of hi? glass full in the luce of one of i’ennsylvnuia’s sturdy
sons, who, it seems, hod “cut him out'’ of the affections of
some lair damsel. To make u lung story short, a challenge
to mortal combat was the result. The time set—the mor
tow; the place—the hanks of the Schuylkill. The seconds
chosen being men of great wisdom and discernment, con
cluded. that in the crisis towards which our country is
hasttnipg, (the Utah War) the recruiting sergeant would
soon be in our midst, and that it would be a pity that two
such valiant men should be lost to iheir country. In or
u*;r that they might he preserved, they placed in one pis
tol a th mM-Tiill of pow der, and in the other a piece of the
last edition of the Lalyer, as it was likely to be the weab
.* at e.trd least dilugerous missile. After apprising the party
who held the empty pistol, of the part tie was to perform
in the tragedy, the principal-.' took their places. At the sig
nal they tired. Both were safe, of course; but the one who
bad the empty pistol, staggered and fell on the ground face
foremost. IJis antagonist Ucd for parts unknown, a note
.which he left beheld, stating that he hud gone to iiurope.
ends the chapter.
, TUo value of Steam Eire Engines i« beginning Ip ija nppre
■eifttod by tho public. An enterprising company, tho Phila
delphia lies.-, had u steam, fire engine built fur them last
Falk At first they met with a great dual of opposition, but
the good service they have rendered, has gained them hosts
of irlends, fco much so that 1 understand that several oili
er companies are about gutting similar machines. These
engines are drawn to the fires by horses. In twenty min
utes they can raise, the steam, so that they are generally
ready for use. as soon as they the ground. Our
firemen find it so much pleasanter, to run behind their en
gine W'heu drawn by horses, than before, when drawing it
themselves, and then when she Is once in working order,
her efficiency is gratifying to every beholder, and the sub
-jeet of many 1 oastful remarks by Uie proud members of tho'
company. As soon as steam fire engines In come the order
of the day, aU that is necessary to make tlie fire department
perfect, is to pay ;tile members fur their labors. Then wo
will be freed from Urn rowdy crew, who are the hangers-on
to oil our fire Companies. We ura progressing towards a
perfect Firo Dejuirtment by degrees. Tbo steam fire en
gine is the longest stop in that direction that n o have to
ken for soom; time.
The change In the weather has modo.glad the members
©four many hire compouler We have already had sufficient
i coM ' weather to moke Ice thick enough for gathering. The
anpOraUelted mild Printer we have bod raised serious doubts.
Jn the minds of all, Whether we were to bo bleated with a
crop of ice from our neighboring waters.' Sam* of our spec
ulators went so £tr os to engage supplies from the East at
rates. ' ‘ .
am glad to hoc that you hare mode so desided a 'stand
f#t ihe Cash system, I have po doubt but that you have an
of subscribers, who will gustaiu you ln yom
efforts. To nil honorable and riglit thinking' meii,' the
course that you are at present parsuing will afford no cause
Ofceiwure. The dishonest, of course, will ridicule yon, a;
their only object is to derive benefit and en)oyfiient from
reading your paper, without giving you,any retpru. Once
free from them,'let thclf ridicule only servo os an incen
tive to iucreesed cffort, that ydhr p«peil may continue to
rank first among our Country journal*. ( S)<}M'A.
i Woodlasi>' Cbsam,” —A Pomade forbeautify
irto the Z/dtr—highly perfumed, superior to any
Froichartiolehnported, aridfor half the price.
Ear dressing Ladles Hair it baa bo equal; giving
it a bright glossy appearance.: ItcattaesGentle
meu’a Hair to curl in tbp most natural 1 planner.
Itremoves the dandruff, always giving the flair
the appearance of being fresh shampooed, Trice
Only fifty cents. Nonegenuine unless signed
FETItIDGE & Op. Proprietors of the
“Balm of a Thousand Flowers,'*
For sale by all Druggists.v’
When Du Vall’s Galvanic Oil was first
introduced into the market,fit never was thought
of being applied, by the proprietor, to Lung di
sease, but its being, applicable to almost every
other disease, the afflicted have used this prep
aration in Consumption, and, although it has
never cured p purely consumptive patient, yet
it has saved many who have been rron* to the
disease from as early par*.
Letter from Philadelphia.
Phoadelpiua, February IS, 1867.
■■■^1 jjftr, COMMENTS BY “ittbil” ;l
Pablithed/or Vie pntee&m (four brelhramfAe Prttecad
the PuUicgtntruUy:
swated naTBUBTno, favoe,iron ktrtxrto*, we bhaix
-ff \V
The C)li.i*lnsMined Individual* hate “victltniEed" w
to the tune uf-the amounts eetoprtjsite to (heir name*,—
t»ar brethren of the PitH nod Ow Public generally will do
well to beontheir guard. while dealing with,them. Ho
who would cheat the printer would scruple at nothing.
Uos s Doott, Esqoie*, , jt .f® 78 >
Cheating us out of the above snug sum, afford* a ftlr spe
cimen oftlio manner in which Moss* dispensed Justice, and
how wult mtaliJUd he was to discharge the duties ofbU oF
flee, After impairing quite a nututyr ofonr
citisens. In ’•sl-'ped' : lbrßaltiraa.o, lenyingahostof friends
to mourn their to**..i We commend him to “ Plug Ug-
He*,” » Btp Rap*,” recruit (hr theirranks.
K. A.O.DOOT*. v .1 ; : . $4 CO.-
Tlib lazy puppy '« a. ‘chl6 of the pldblock," who exem
plifies the truth of the old adages“ like daddy life child.”
and •‘what b bretlin the littnc won’t comfcoutdfthoflaw.™
l j(i) doiW' to tiicf wore congenial atwospbare of
'Baltimon.. ’Oiwd )l4»faßCd H to bad ruHjlah”
■ Dr. W. IMIotT, Syracuse, N. Y n -i . .. &•
Tliia impudent lyuacV- bicd ns to tha above ttmo for advcr-.
'lining'., uVisan arrdotkU*vc,whiVmakinghisliving by
luc-ans Of tW tress,-is mejuSvenough tpAfeat printers. We
hop , tvhen alek,-he mfy he quacked l»y eoina bn>,
therquack. * v ” ’
Tfeo.W.S. U. Tyrtmt Pall, * $2 00.
This political pdrsnn -who Jports thd exten
sively, (>wi« us the above nm for printing iMiq**;to K. N.
Councils, stating his torpu 6if lecturing before them. We
should think that his * Intoase should lead 1 ,
him to pay his honest debts. ' We band him overto the tau 1
dnrpiercyof his conscience—lf he has any—if not) to-, that
i of Iris n lend and prototype— ; ——. • j
■ i. IMIVtK k Cq., Travelling 'Opticians, ; $1 60.
Tim above firm win* composed of a couple of precious ras
cibCas ‘dutch as sour crout,” who passed themselves off as
opticians. Whether they were or not wo don't know, but
we do know, that instead of improving the tight of our
*’ peepers,” they effectually “ closed them up.”
Ctruwisas* Co~ Travelling Ambrotvpists, . ,$l 28.
Thb is another pair of contemptible knaves. Their skill
wos strikingly exemplified inoursad tixpertetwm, theyhav
ing left an 'lndelible fmorrisjou on ofe memory, that We
were the vlcthns of misplaced confidence; ■ >;
Kichsdd WmiE, , $lOO.
This falsely named geni has left town without settling Up
with us, thus - leaving a Udok record against him on our
books, and gettiug bis name on our Met; list. It iauot the
only thick act be has boon guilty oC
Wo suppose this gent had not time settle this' small
bill before 1 earing. os ho tuft town about a hundred yards
ahead of the cuustiblc, making 2,40 time. -
J rtujsr, ' ' $2 60,
Prating lurineu compelled this gent to lonvo town in a
hurry. This doubtless accounts for hiB forgetfutna*.
G. W. Trios, $2 60.
Thu pot tried ut on to the above tone, and then put us
off by absquatulating without paying;
Taos. Lzk, Jitn loft town owing Of >
L & Wagssb do.
Daxiells W. Gardseb, do.
L. Kino, do. 3 00.
A. J. Aspiatsox, do. 100.
WS,Tho above U only the first cluster of our w tifb Pic
turrat.” We have ampla material fora dojtoo mure, which
will appear in duo time.
••I Guess tou can Com* im tx m a Chance. ”
—Some good lady at the outset of Universulr
ism conceived a holy horror , for its believers
who contended chat all would be snvcci. She
kept a boarding house,, and applied a test of be
lief to nil who sought to obtain board. The
first who offered was a sea captain, and she be
gan with—
vDo you believe that all the world will be
saved T’
“No, Madame,” said he.
“ How many do'you think will be damned ?”
continued she.
Ob K’ replied hif, “ I don ? t know—perhaps a
million.” ’
“ Well,” the old lady remarked “that’s better
than none nt all, 1 guess you can come in for
a chance.”
A few days afterwords another old co.lgcv
made application. The .some: tost wits applied
to him ;
“ Wow many do yoj} thjuk will be saved I”
*• Not u d d one!” replied the old fellow.
• ■ Uli. 1 guess you:o>in eomein free,” exclaim*
ed the old woman delighted. We have'quoted
this story to correct it.' The reply oft he “old
codger” was mitde to'a skeptic, not in religion,
but in lotteries. The former.;lmd drawn a cap*
ital prise in S. &wan legalized lottery,
and being asked how many blanks he thought
was, lie replied, “Not ;a one.”—
S. Swan & Co’s lotteries draw every Saturday
at Augusta, Ga, V' / i
Sgfc. There are plenty of: young gentlemen
as well as plenty of old ones, whoso beards are
turning grey, which gives tie former a great
deal of uneasiness, atid exposes the age of the
'latter. TV avoid these little perplexities wo
advise such of our readers to use Prof. Wood’s
flair: Jlebtorative. which will.: iu the course of a
few weckg. change the hair to its natural color
It does not dye the hair like the most of the
hair restoratives, but produces a gradual change
of color from the roots of the hnir to thd final
end. and gives it a fine and glossy appearance.
We have seen many persons who have used It'
saocessfnlly, and pronounced? it the pnly inven
tion which has come up to theirhlea,of a ‘’'cure
for groy heads. ’’ Wp nsipg it about
two'montiis since, and If we are any 1 , judge of
,age and beauty, : it has; made usVt least ten
yeam younger ; arc.beginning to look
qUHe youngi aßa‘Jjeel very' touch n g a.
yoi;ng.J»ife. The changc mirnculous, and it
woulddns .as difficult to find a groy hair now as
it would be’tie find an idea In the head'of the
Duke of Buckingham;' .' Wo 5 know several old
maids and some young widows, whose locks are
just beginning to assume a silvery hUe. nndwho
Myo been resorting to
this reUiody, aud;we ml vise j them qdt to delay
any longer. Jt Miu J/eralJ,
Cabd.— rThc Principal of the Merchants’ Col
lege of Pittsburgh.; respectfully intimates to the
pupils and the emissaries of the Iron City Col
lege, that when they call and introduce them'
selves as such, -be and bis assistants will be at
al| timet'happy to show them the establishment;
but when they come as spies for Jenkins & Co.,
pretending to be strangers, in the company of
strangers, calling upon us on private business;
bp would suggest that they would bo serving
the cause of morality by teaching their teach
ers a manly antf dignified lesson in commercial
honor by refusing to perform a species of ser
vice for them autjJ their college, held in univer
sal scorn and contempt. by 101 l honorable men.
The Pasic—More Failures; —The panic in
New Fork seems to be on the increase. In this
city-everything gbes on emdothly, and the only
failures we have heard of Wero the failures to
furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing
establishments. There is do such difficulty to
be encountered by those who patronize the
Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Eockbill and Wil
son, Nos. COS and 60S Cheanul street,, abova
(Ltth- nevur foil topri^
. . w fa*
I *■ -a ' i‘
y'-tte Cheapest Paper in the Coimtji
With the present number, thp 7ristnth&n ML
tered upon IU tl>!rd volume. Commenced ata
time when the confidence of the citizens of AI-'
toon.i in newspapers imfi - hcwspijper.pnblUhe**
wan considerably if hot totally umlhila- ,
ted, it has slowly but surely restored that con
fidence, and now stands upon a sure foundation,
and is universally acknowledged to bo one of
the fixed institutions of our town. But this re
sult has not been .achieved without a hard strug
gle, and considerable expenditure of t»;ue an I
means on the part of its editors. The. steady
increase of patronage, however, hss afforded in-
dubitable evidence that their labors have been ap- ,
dated. '
In entering upon the new volume it
unnecessary to say that the TVibune will contin
ue ,U» be •* is Everything,’’be- '
ing biassed neither by fear, favor nor auction,
in favor of parties or sects. In this respect it ■
is Only necessary to say' that the past, affords a ■
fair index as to our future course.
It has always been our aim to make the Tri
bune, a reliable first-class Local Paper,. as we
believe that in that character alone, country pa-
pers can successfully compete with their, flashy ;
city,neighbors. To this end wo have secured
correspondents in various ports of the county,
who furnish us with all the items of local inter*
eat in their vicinity. We purpose addingotlsr&
to oar list as soon as we can obtain them. Du
ring the next year we abrill redouble our efforts*
to make the Tribune a perfect compendium of •'
Home News —\ reliable, Local :
Paper, second to none in the ommtry, and as.
such a welcome weekly visitor to our patrons, ■
whethcr' at home or abroad.
■ But while t\ie‘Local Department shall bo our
.aprotubeare, we ahull also’devote a considera
ble apace td Litbbabt Mattes,'. Fc.n and He-
Msh,jHnd,tbfi ufcorolijig of events of general
interest toour readers, we purpose also pub*
lishingffom time to time “Qrigiual SketchesOf
Meu and Things ’’ tvGioh ''will be furnished by
our contributors. We have made arrangements
also to have a weekly letter from Philadelphia,
and judging from the reputation our correspon
dent sustains ns a popular writer, these letters
will be a rich treat to our readers.
As we are decidedly journalists .of the pro
gressive school, we liuve concluded to adopt the
cash system jin pur business. The neglect of
quite a number of our patrons to pay up prompt
ly ■ and the rascality of others, has compelled
us to adopt, this course. Time and experience
has fully proved to our satisfaction th* t the
credit system will not work with newspaper
publishers.. From this date no paper will be
sent from this paid for in advance,
and at the eapjration of the time paid for, if
nut renewed, will he promptly stopped.' TLli
arrangement does no iiyuatice to our patrons,
while, it will protect us from the impositions of
soulless scoundrels, and enable us to devote
more attention to our paper.
Recognizing, the principle that contracts to
he satisfactory should bo fraught with mutual
benefit to both parties, and as mopoy in large
amounts/ 1 in advance, la of uiore value to ns than.,
when received in driblets, as an induce
ment tonumbers who weald otherwise 4»cc&->*
tinuo, ps well as to those who have never yet
taken the paper, we offer it at the following
low rates for the. coming year:
1 copy, one year ' ? SI (JO*
'lO copies l “ ($1.20 par copt) IU (50
20 •• “ ($l.OO per copy) 20 COS
and all above 20 at Iho same hde-^s!.pep,uppy-.
' The mC'neJ mdBt l rn 01l caues, accompany the
By the above'it will be seen that onr.jpaper
is emphatically the cheapest in "the cfooajty.—
As to its merits we leave in to the puhUe’to de
cide. WecarneatlyTequoatourtViendeditopsh
out the county to *• give ns a Uft, M he we have
no doubt each of them can readily obtain a club
in their neighborhood.
Cakvasssis Wasted.— Several cucrgefle bn
siness tnen.wanted to canvass the, county for
subscribers* to the Tribune. ] A liberal per- esa
tugo Trill he allowed.
'*!■ 60.
$2 SO.
; *l5.
2 SO.
Bgg*. The most skeptical people c&a be con
vinced by trial thnt all the family medicine* nro
not humbug, and that among the. of
butterfly life there ure a few of great meritand
undoubted worth. Of those. Dr. Siuidford’s In
vigorator, or Liter Itemed/ stands and
foremost among the remedies of the da; that
pan be relied on as n medicine that is all it is
recommended by Its proprietors.. It adtertkea--
itselfou every trial, for there are none who uaa
it but tell theii friends to do so, and so itrgoes
from mouth to) mouth till all the people; of the
, Union have learned the good of this truly valu
able medicine" It ia-recommended vrilh' teatL
mouiafc to prove its virtue for the cure of liver
complaints of every kind, from the worst Dys
pepsia to a common headache, and is pantlouhir
ly adapted to Jaundice, Deranged Stomach,.
Bowel Complaints ahd discuses of children.
Otic or two doses are mud to cure k cold with
scarce a failure. It U worth a trial for this,
alone. jlt ,1a particularly adapted to the age of
ladies, particularly those of sedentary habits.—
Some ladies of the highest standing in society
have given their certificates of its cfiicncy, and
we say to all who arc oiling, try one boUle r an(l
you will never be without it.
stated Councils of
tho‘*Wi:o«Aoo Tribe,” No. 35, I.\o. K..3L, are hold ev
ery Wednesday evening in tbe 1. 0. 0. F. Hull, to the Ma
sonic Temple. Connell Firo kindled at 7th ran Sdthhti'Olh
J«me 25, ’sTr-ly] A. EiiHHLK. C ii.
Time of the Closing and
Arrival of Mails at Altoona Post Office. ‘
Eastern Way at , 1 (Kt I.V
Eastern Through Mail ,4»- k
Eastern Through MaQ, ; ‘ | Blf A. M.
Western Way and Uulildaytborg,. ,' T # P. SJ.
Eastern •* , , , fl 9 “
ItoUidaysborg mails dose at LQp P. M. abdSytS P. M.,
and arrive at 143 I*. M. and 7AO K M;‘
June 4, ’O7-tfJ, JOHJI SHOEMAKER, P. M.
Tiinie of Arrival and Be
pturutre of trains running oft the reftt'a. at Al
toona ethtiOD. 1..'
Hninu Train East acrirca 2,49 A. M* le»t«l A. M.
■ “ • “ West “ 8.85 “ * f , 8.55, «
Fttst “ Eirt “ 1,40 P.M. “ .2,00, P.JL
« “ “ 11,00 “ * 11,10. “
ALTOONA WAY'TRAIN leave* Altoona Ibr Philadel
phia at 6,00 A. M, and retornlhij arrives it Altoona at
7,16 P.M."
The HOLMPAYSBDRG BRANCH connect* with Kapma
train Wot. Altoona Way Train Bast and Wert and with
Fart Mail Tiain i-*«
The BLAIRS VILLR BRANCH connect* with JohMtown
Way Train Kant and Wert, Express Train West and Fast
Jlail Truln East. - ■
Pec. 21/56-111 ■
; s
A Card-—the Ladies.
—Hb. Dcpojtco's OoiDtV Ttixsca Paw. art i/ijiiißiMe Hi re-
Mwi'nj stupogtt and irrrmtaritiet p/tht meartM.Ttw'rt
Pills are bathing new bat nave been used by jSe doctors Jar
many roars. Ixjtli in Franceand America, wTGitcnporaU'&.-i
sUccesslu every ca*>; and he is urged by many tnoiro)nd la
die# who have used theni. to make the 1*IU» public, jjbt th*
fdfeviiitiou of those suffering from any irregularities xif wh»t.
ever nature, as well as to pro rent pregnancy to to tboe* la-'
dies: whose health will not permit an increase of fatally.—
Pregnant females, orthoeo supposing tbemsefvwso,‘mean*
tloued against using theao Pills while pregnant; ts >tu» Pro
pTictor utemmi-s no responsibility after the abore itSinoaW'm
aithb’ their mildness -would prevent ant misdhlef to hi-ajth t
otherwise these Pills are reconnaetidej. Pull ■ »
directions accompany each box.- Pjt«* $ per bo*. Said
wholesale and retail by G. 57,
Altoona and vicinity. He will supply wslsesathttjfrifltaf’a
price*, and tend tbs-POla to rtqya
mail on roooipt of UAUrengh ths AUiroaltat GSioa.
THOS. A. SCQf I. dbp’f.