C|t ptflima tom ALTOONA, PA. TSOjISDAT, FEBRUARY 18.1858. UflL- Whnr» partie* aro unknown to a*.' oof ml* for «dwr- UMog I* to require payment in advance, uracuuahteofrom kaowa poreons. It i* tUorefore owlew for all *och to acwl «■ •dTrrtUameuU offering to pay at the eni.of ttireo W»l* month*. Where advertisement* are aooompaoled with the money, whether one, fire or tea dollar*, we will giro the Ut# full benefit gleaeh rate*. teems or svßscßxmoir. ' The Tribunt will hereafter be focnUhed to robaeriben at ttaMwiag rate*: . 1 map one year in cluh* oMO, to.otte addrea*. eupy; itt dob* of 20 or mure, to one adJroes, $l,OO per copy. Payment in all cmm ntoit bo nt xorxace. Jt*Ml*al* should be prompt; a little wMlo before th.-of ity.pn the committee. It has always been tSe.custom for presiding officers to give the friends of a motion, a majority! on a committee created by the passage of such motion, hut. in this instance,. Speaker Orr teas taken advantage of his position to set snob .usage at defiance, and has appointed Jdgkt bitter opponents of the motion and j of it on the committee. ' £rpjy, there pinst he “ something rotten in Denmark,“ when the .supporters,of Le compiß are compelled -to adopt such means to foroe the swindle on popular sov ereignty through Congress, j EjtEcenyE CDKMBNcr.—Since the earnest and persistent declarations of Hen ry life and Charlotte Jones, made on the ' scaffold, that Monroe Stewart b innocent jof any connection in. the horrible crime which they have expiated with their lives, petitions have been circulated- in Pittsburg, aod are being numerously signed, praying the Governor to pardon or at.least respite Monroe Stewart. Thb b right, and we think tWs example should be followed by . cither cities and towns. What is to be done must be dpne quickly as he b to be ex ecuted on'the 2Ctii inst a®*We shall attendf to the frothy arti cle of the Standard in our next issue. In the meantime, however, would it not be as treU -for the editor of that sheet, before he takes others to task for boldly speaking nutthmrsentimentaonimportaatquestions, to shbw his own hand, and not “ Wiggle- on both sides as if afraid of his u . bread and .butter.” ‘When we engage in dlpcpssion we like to know where our oppo nent stands. Gome,: be a man or a mouse, or a long-tailed rat. Don't skulk questions yourself ami then pitch into others for not following your example. HOT On Friday last, Henry Fife and Charlotte Jones, the perpetrators of the horriblo &e Xeesport butchery, paid the ' dread penalty qf their crimes. Both died affirming that they had .made their peace with and protesting to the last that .Monroe Stewart was an innocent andsdeep ly injured man. A fall account of the exception' will be found in another column. BxccuUob «f Ilenrj Fife and •i?. -u: I. ; PANGMAK’s DAT. ' il ftvcrish anxiety was visible throughout the Mi; morning. Kuots of. then: gathered aroundand in'the vicinity of the qpurt bouse discussing the event about to transpire. As the Bouri>‘wore on the crowd increased till, before o’clock, it numbered several.thousand. The previous day thousands visited the jail yard to ' begratificd with a sight of the scaffold, but the throng became so dense that the avenues leading jto jthejail had to be closed. At ten o’clock the Du'iuesne Greys, Cqpt. Da 'vid Campbell; Washington Infantry, Capt. T. F. 'Wright; and the independent Blues, Capt. A. Bay, met at the armory of the Grey’s and sbort t Jj after marched, under command of Capt.— Campbell, to the comt yard, the Greys turning sixty-four muskets, Infantry fifty-eight, jiluea twenty-nine. Tho battalion passed through ' the Piambnd street entrance, and guards were .placed around the entire court yard, being re fie red every half hour. TEE SCENE WITHIN. The spiritual advisers of the condemned were wiihthem from eight o’clock to the last Be- Hginaii devotions, of n moat affecting character. #e(e hold in their cells, up to the moment of tbeir removal to the scaffold. They renewed their .assurances of preparation.for,death. About . half past one the condemned left their cell, ai d jmtceriied to the scaffold—the two linked arm {nana—Uevi, -Messrs. Brown andßoll preceding «pi Steriff Fottomen and Jailor PkflipofciWw- Prom t/>e PiUAnrg Vispatck. In* them. FJfowMdrsssed In M* wwal clothe*, •djaftodwlth much «o». Cbariotto wo»* white isrltoo dyea*. rafflnd at the sleeves. and drawn to the Wirt with a alight cord— a worked eotkr —slippera—and oTerhoi^shodltiers a shawl which aha requested, and which was -given to her sis-, ter, Mrs Wolf. They ascended the scaffold and took chairs Rot. Mr. Brown offered in their behalf a touching and earnest prayer, after which the following dying statements were read, Fife’s by himself and Charlotte’s by Mr. Wil liamson. While reading his statement, Fife was greatly affected, and frequently wept. Yet, with a resolute nerve, rarely exhibited on the scaffold, ho spoke in a firm unshaken voice:. rira’s dti.no dkclahatios. Gentlemen —ln a few short moments of time, I shall have answered with my life for the ter rible crime which 1 have committed, and which 1 have'already fteely confessed. It must not be supposed from what has been published in. the newspapers here from time to time ~"M> T T that I am 'indifferent or careless about the atfhl fate l am now to suffer; nor must it be supposed that I have suffered no compunc tion of conscience for the deed that has brought me to a felon’s death. . Ob; no. 1 have already undergone more tortureofsoal than a thousand deaths. ind.ob how often I havo Wished I could restore George W Ism and hissisterbacktolife. Vain thought. Maddened with a thirst for gold, and stimulated by dnblfo 1 gave them the fatal Wow that robbed them oflife, and arnttheir souls, without warning, to the bar of God. My fervent prayer nowis and. tong has been, that they have been made happy by my wickedness, 1 and that their immortal souls are among the re deemed of Christ, and I pray Almighty Clod &r bis pardon, and that I may be permitted to hope thjst in the world of'Spirits, X may bo. there, and ’ then bog there to be forgivbn Since my amgt, mush baa beendone of which •I have a sigh' to complain; not that I wqs ar rested, tried and convicted, because that is a just penalty for my crime, bat Ido complain of some of the means used against me before my trial came on. The public press bad so positively condemned ipe that it was next to impossible to get a fhir and impartial hearing pf my case, arid one of the papers, the very day before the jury was to be empanneiled, published nearly two columns of an article npon me. in wuioh it" that 1 was guilty beyond a doubt.— Haw is it possible far prisoners to get on impar tial jpry if they are to first be tried and posi tively condemned by the newspapers ? It ought to be sufficient for a prisoner to answer for his crime to an .impartial court and jury, Zho pris oner confined within the. walls of his cell has no i opportunity to defend himself from these attacks, and if it is continued the innocent will suffer with the guilty. Ido not complniu of the jury that tried uiy cum : T I believe they did their du ty conscientiously. During the eleven or twelve d iya I.w is.on tri> 1, my ouuiitel took a gie>t many exceptions tuthc opinion of the court on the admission of evidence, and when the case was reported from the Supreme Court, I obser ved none of those exceptions had been presen ted or argued; but I inquired of my counsel about this, aud he fold me they bod been lost out of the Clerk’s office and could not be found There -was a large number of these exceptions Who carried them off? I will not charge that Mr. Horner, the Clerk of the Court, had any thing to do with their being taken away. I be- 1 lieve he is an honest man. Ido not believe the District Attorney had any knowledge of what became of them, ,and I believe that my Counsel has in all things, acted in good faith towards me. Dot the guilty party, who ever he may be. however high in power, answer it to his own conscience and to nis.God. There will be a judg ment hereafter, not only for the pouf prisoner but for'some of those engaged in -judging him One of the witnesses at the trial swore i to my singing a certain song in the cell, at the Mayor’s office, in which I was made to-say that 1 killed George Wilson and! his sis'er. It is my duty to myself and the people that 1 leave behind, to solemnly declare that I never sung ; that song.— I did have a conversation with Charlotte and among other things, 1 said to Stewart that I would do him justice; and with the last breath tfiat God gives me in this world, I will redeem my promise to him. I have been charged with the murder of White, in connection with oth> rs Of his murder 1 am entirely innocent, and I re peat what I stated to Mr. Phillips in iny Coafes S:OQ, that 1 never saw Wm Junes until theuext day after the murder of White, ami as to any participation or knowledge on my part hs to who murdered White; I solemnly declare I know nothing whatever. During my trial many wit nesses were examined. What some of. those swore to they were mistaken'about. But I be lieve they were all honest except two, perhaps three. One was sworn, thentho others; for he not only makes me admit the murder; but act like a swaggering, reckless fool. But I forgive them all, even him, and humbly pray Almighty God to forgive theta. ’ 1 Since my confinement ip jt|il, ! hare always boon treated ; with humanity and hindness by Sheriff Patterson, anil God W‘H reward him for his goodness of heidrt, even if it should extend a little humane sympathy to me, so\ unfortunate as to become his prisoner. As to Jailor Phillips, he has always treated me kindly. In this respect I have nothing tocomplaiu of; bnt hcsLouldbe content to guard the body of the prisoners, and' not try to get confessions out of them to be us ed against them oh their trial. Wlwt I have here said is from a sense of doty, and not out of malice or bad fueling towards any one. lam in no situation to indulge in words of hatred or revenge, but rather in those of repentance and sorrow. During my confinement ! have suffered more in mind a thousand times for the crime I bare committed than tlic fear of .this death that is approaching. Here Is'.the fatal rope, the scaffold, and the hand that is to send my soul into eternity; but Ido not fear; 1 have inode my peace with all the world, and I trust with God. And now, before .these witnesses, and in the presence of Almighty God, before whom in a moment of time I expect ,to appear, "and with the last breath that I am permitted to breathe op earth, with a full knowledge of my awful situation and my nccountability, I sol emnly protest and declare that Mouroo Stewart Is entirely innocent of the murder of George. Wilson and his sister. The deed was planned and perpetrated by myself and Charlotte Jones, without another human being to plan, aid or as-, sist us. For odr crime he has suffered a long imprisonment, but 1 pray God that the last words of a dying mm, with no hope or motive 'to de clare anythiugibut the truth, while the jnst pun ishment of God would be visited by falsehood, will be taken and restore him to that liberty of which he has been so long deprived. In what i ever was honest he was my friend. but no part ner of mine in crime. He has suffered much for my crime, and 1 beg bis forgiveness. Monroe Stewart is innocent. May God have mercy ion my soul. . \ j Ilcxar Fins'. DYING DECLARATIONS OF CHARLOTTE JONES. 1 now Have but a few moments to live, and I wish to make a statement of 'the truth. Since my arrest, I have been represented os a person hardened, and destitute of feeling, and without penitence for the crime in which 1 have been en gaged. Any statements that I was not sorry, are untrue; because I liave suffered continually since the perpetration of that offence—more than tongue can tell; and if I had the power to retrace ray steps, and restore my uncle and aunt to life, there is nothing I would not be willing to do to accomplish it. The reason why I did this, was the great love I bad for Henry Fife, and in order to get money to go to house-keep ing with him. A short time before ibis crime was committed, Fife left me, against my earn est wish—giving me as a reason for leaving me, .that ho, was too poor to support me, and that he was. compelled'to leave me, and go and hunt work. JSe did lwvo bm, aad t was ud«t com* I ftppntanstttn whether he would return. 'Dop ing his absence, 1 suffered a greet (tad, «od I 1 would hare done anything in the world' to be , with him. When 1 next eat* him, it was at Col umbia, Washington Go. Pa; I was not willing ho should leave mo again, and I went with him —he going to M’Kocsport, and I going to jny. ! uncle’s. Then when Iwna at my uncle’s hpusc,, | I first formed the idea of committing the crime, I in order to got the money, so; that 1 could live j with Fife, as I was still afraid he would kayo me again. ] I also fully believe that Monroe Stcwifrt was trying to get Fife to leave me, and therefore I bad a great dislike for Stewart. . The deed was planned and executed, as I have stated in'my. confession to Sir Phillips, and the Btatoraenrqf the umrder, as Igkve it to ;Mr. Phillips, is cor rect, all but this :* I stated that I started to Washington to get the poison* but concluded to sto£ in Bionongfthela Gitylaad get it, and that I tried there and failed to get It, but I also sta ted what Mr. Phillips did not take do wn; that I got another person to go?for the poison, and this person stated that the ipoison could not be' got without swearing what it was for. I did not go fur it myself, abd never intended to be so understood. I wished to say id ma king my confessions, that 1 did expect from what Mr. Phillips said that J would have been cleared and taken as a witness for die Common wealth, and the reason that; I put Stewart in, was that I did not like him, because I believed he tried to get Fife to leave me, and I was afraid that the morning after the mitrder was oommit- N ted, he might have seen soihething, and been usedas a witness against liFifh and myaelfU— lhave been in the jail here, I have Al ways b«m well treated by Sheriff Patterson and Mr. Phillips. Now I expect to die, and have tried to maSo my peace with every body, and! hope to’ iurgkea by God fok my sins.. I know the a*tful~wgm#oa ia.wbioh l am placed, and know at this time I shall tell nothing but the truth, because I fttlly believe that I shall be accountable hereafter for what I say. With this fdll knowledge, I am willing to state, be fore man and before God, that Moohiu Stewa> t is not guUty of the murder of my. uncle oraunt, and 1 believe him to be entirely innocent. {am sorry that I ever put him in the situation that be !s now in. I have been visited by clergy man and other religious people, nod I feel os though lam prepared to die. I fully confess my crime, and admit that my punishment is j\»st. In regard to the murder of Mr. White in Wash ington county, it is my wish to say that I ;do nut know anything about it,; and the first tike f File ever saw n»y brother, Wiliam Jones, to my knowledge, was the next evening after Mr. .White was killed. To my , counsel, Mr. How ard. I desire to return my siueae thanks, for his services in my behalf. Ue has dona- every, thing fur me that a counsel ;cbuft) do. and I now bid the world and all my friends farewell. 1 trust in God, and hope to bp forgiven. THE EXECUTION. When Mr. Williamson had concluded the 1 reading, Rot. Mr. Roll addressed the Throne of Grace, the prisoners joining in tbe pnvycr. Fife retained lus composure to the lust. He stepped forward to the edge of the scaffold, with one foot on the steps, beckoned to those pres ent whom he knew, and who ascended and shook bands with him—taking a solemn farewell, and remarking to one, •• I »h;.lt die happy,” to an other, •* with the help of God. 1 shall die like a man,” and as we are positively assured, by three ey<-wittuBies—tho’ contradicted by another—af ter he had shaken hands witli all who came for ward, remarked generally-: ••Gentlemen, I want yon to understand that i die game,” har iug said which, lie went back on to the plutionn. During this tunc Charlotte sat on her chair lamenting Hysterically, praying audibly and iu terjectionnUy, and asserting over and over the innocence of Stewart- It was with the greatest effort that she maintained anything like compo sure. The chairs had beep iremoved and both were standing up immediately u inter the ropes Fife attempted to reassure, per, embracing and kissing her, and saying that 1 he was' there yet The moment,for the execution h.-id arrived A mysterious personage—rbjilf harlequin and 4jalf buffoon in his disguise, appeared; on the scaffold—introduced to pinion their arms -and adjust the ropes on their necks, and as a serio" comic character, we presume, to relieve the heaviness of the tragedy, ;Hc wore a head.mask ominously fiery, which loosely fell in front of his face to his breast—a Kentucky hunting shirt of the Daniel Boone cut. And green baize leg gings. As Fife’s eye caught siglit of him, he seemed involuntarily startled, and raised his hand —some present thinking he made a motion as tho’ about to strike the; disguised person.— His arms were then pinioned as were those of- Charlotte, fife, it is said, > adjusted the rope around his own neck. The] caps were drawn over their faces—at precisely two o’clock the" signal was given—the Sherifftouched the spring —the platform fell from qiidur their feet—and Henry Fife and Charlotte Jdacs were no more. Fife died without a struggle, not moving a muscle. His heart continued to pulsate for ten minutes Charlotte's ceased beating in three minutes and a half from the’ instant she fell.— Her death was less easy ; as she fell, h<-r'hand clasped on her breast, the Shoulders were drawn up. and the sentence of the luw had been fulfils led. . -The bodies, after hanging thirty minutes, were cat down and laid inptuin coffins provided by Undertaker William's. Subsequently tliey were removed to a car, by the lloss street entrance—where a mpb of several thou sand made progress utmost impossible. Tf the military were or could hate) been of any great service, it was then needed); but having been' discharged from duty, tliecj-owd tumultuously gathered around upon its wheels, and checked its progress.: With the sister of. the dead woman seated upon one of the coffins, this shameful cortege proceeded up Wylie street, followed by tm immense crowd of men, women and children. The bodies >wape interred'in the city'grave> yard—better known as the. Second Presbyterian—Center Avenue, Seventh Ward. , ISQIOEST3 OUTSIDE. During thp day the streets surrounding the Court House were filiedwuh nn excited, fever ish people—looking for an;) desiring t» he In all sortsofimpossible places, paly to get a glimpse of the exeoatiou. Where is thtKoeaJfolil “ Have Jthey been brought out yetT* *• How do they appear t” “ What have thcy'to say ?” were questions continually; asked but perer an swered Boyd’s Hill was blank with people, who could get n glimpae- of the cross beam of the acaffuki. There was ttb Rowdyism or riot. One over-anxious individual climbed over the Diamond gate, bat retre ithd'at the poiut of sev eral bayonets, somewhat'livelier than he got oven The door .of Ifao:: Associate -Reformed/ Church whs beselged by 'browdi, who i desired to mount ( to the steeple; a few succeed ed.v The entrances to tbeyard weredesperately crowded. v Those who had received permits from the Commissioners for entrance,: presented their tickets n't the Diamond- gate, and seemed great ly disappointed when informed by Hie guard that unless their bats were chalked by the dher iff they could not enter. One verdant coun tryman- had bis pocket relieved of sixty five dollars at the gate, while; clamoring for admis sion. A few women lounged aboulgtho comers, shivering in the keen air, and chatting all sorts of speculations. At hist jtbo faint wail of the woman rose above the clamor of the street, the report of the heavy beam asnt fell was heard,» sentinel from the yard erred, •* It is aU ovwv”- \ Her Cuaklotth t-f Joses, mark. : vm» The stockholders of this flourishing enterprise held their annual meeting in Philadelphia on Monti iy hist—Mayor Vans in the chair. “Prom tbe jannual report of the'eompany, we team that the Warnings of the road daring the, year wire $4,855,009.76. Deducting from tbw the sums paid in the shape'of tolteto-otbtei; roads, trans portation. expenses and tonnage duties, and we have $1,854,026,36 as tbe surpltts eandnga of tbe. road for the year. The interest on the fund ed debt, and money paid Tor main line, office ex penses, State tax, rest account. 4a. amounted to $751,77.5, 91, leaving a clear balance of $l, -100,160.95, which is more than sufficient for a dividend of eight per cent, upon the capital of the Company. , The whole number of passengers carried be tween Piiiladclpfaia-and Pittsburgh, is equiva lent to 143,616 possthg over tbe length, of the road, showing a decrease of 6040 passengers.— Upon the Harrisburg and Lancaster Railroad, adding the number carried over the Columbia branch au equivalent distance, the whole num ber curried was 140,829, being 8284 less than equivalent through passengers carried on the Pennsylvania Railroad; showing that tbe local business of the Pennsylvania Railroad, though traversing a mountainous region, interseole ! by rich valleys, to be greater than that of its asso ciate, though passing for its whole length t ir-.ugh the wealthy and prosperous counties of Dauphin. and Lancaster, v The report states that the gross earnings of the road, for freight during the year, were $3,- 376.616 26, being an increase of $132,280, anil that $1,088,896 86 is reqmired to complete the doable track, of which some 162 miles bave al ready been laid. - Resolutions were passed instructing the Board to .reduce the indebtedness of the Company os early as practicable, toon amount not exceeding three per cent on tbe capital stock already paid in, aha to examine into the affairs of the Mari etta and Cincinnati road, ascertain the amount necessary to complete it, &c., and report to the stockholders whether any, and if any what meas ures should be adopted by this Company, with a view to secure the traffic and advantages inten ded to have been obtained by its subscription to the stock of the Marietta road. 1 The meeting was very harmonious ; nnei'taluing to said oßico to the l>e»t of xuy ability. Feb. 4, IS&tc] JOIKN l>. WAKFEL. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE,—I OF f / fer myself tiv the citizens of Altoona, ns an independ ent candidate for file office above ipuncd, at tlie ensuing Borough Election. If elected, 1 pledge myself to discharge the duties appertaining to said office to the be.-t of uv abil ity. DETER REKD. Altoona, Jan. 28, IRoSrte. T)OROnyH ELECTION'—at the f y earnest solicitation of a number of my friends 1 offer myself to the citizens of Altoona as an INDEPEN DENT CANDIDATE for BOROUGH CONSTABLE, at the ensiling election. If elected, 1 pledge myself to do my duty fearlessly, to the best of my abilty, without fear, favor, or affection. A/W. B.LAUB. TO THE CITIZENS OF ALTOONA. —I rcsje-ctrrtlly offer myself ns au 1 ndepeiident can didate for the office of CONSTABLE, at .the ensuing Bor ough Election. If elected. 1 pledge myself to discharge the duties appertaining to that office* to the best of my ability, without respect to friends or foes. N Jan. 21-tf. J JOSEPH K. ELY. AI/rCM^A_MAKKJETS. coßascnm maa|.T bt lowtbeb * m’doweix. Flour—Superfine, bbl. |5.2S ' Extra, $ ** • $4,50 Com Meal, $ cwt. 3,00 Buckwheat fi* “ 3,40 potatoes, P bush. . \ 75 Apples, %! ■ 87 BUttcr. lb 22 Lard, » “ 14 Pork, “ Of. Side, « « 05 Eggs, doz. 10 M’LAINi A LEHR’S FLOOR MARKET. M'Lnin i Lehr sell,tljfir Flour at the following rates:—? White Wheat Flour, Eiftsa Family, f bbl. $5,02 1 “ “ <«' Sflmrflne, “ - 6,60 Brush Creek * ■ “ .... “ 6^60 ' M “1 Superfine, .*1 6-S5 ■H. ijEHR’S FLOOR MARKET. Fxtfa Family Flour, Extra . " ! • Extra Superfine, j Superfine, Brush Creek, DIED. In this place, on the ‘l3th inst, JAMES, sou of Joshua and Rosanna Kelly, aged 18 years. At the: residence of lu* eon, in this place, on tbo 13di inst., Mri aged, 13 years. (Lewistown papers please copyi) ‘ A MBXiOT Y FES.—THE PLACE TO f\ get Ambrotypcs for yourself yoor friends or rela tions, is in the firarth story of Patton’s Building, where all persona caii b-> accommodated da the shortest nOtico,' with lifo-like llkeiiesHce. Ambt-otype*' taken on single and doable glass. Mehinobpiv taken on Rimbn Mvlain otype pLttes. Also. Plcturestaken in the style trans ter-^4,natotfraphbiß~m Patent leather, which are imper ishable. Sod ore intended principally for Insertion In arti clfessf jewelry, and transmitting by mail, os they do not require to b« put In a case. ' • < Eleturea copied on ressonoblo terins. j -1 - Pictan-s are all warranted to pi ease bcibyo taken away. , Pictures taken as low an fifty cento. : The subscriber respectfully solicit* a liberal patronage from- the dtist-us of Altoona and vioihlty. as ho Intends to ‘ make this hU permanent station. jdtMne one, come all,and “Seeuretho shadow ere the sulutance fodes/ 5 Don't fur gnt the n>inj is in Patton's ’Building, Ibnrth story. The first story is occupied by Mr, Mann’s st Tyrone E.-—NOTICE IS J J_ X given that tiie undersigned I» ho top witli the Arm of A. * J. Cherry, in » certain orty. in Amis township. Blair county, and w sponsible for the acts or the remainingjatrtt: Antis tp. Feb.. 6, HUiS-St.*] -AMOABT OYSTERS, OYSTi In coneequouoo of the hard timer, I h to put down theprlee of my OYSTERS to th bla* standard. They will hereafter ho ren Chafing Dish at TWENTY CENTS, and mart and served np with all other accoraphnlasotf FIVE CESTA They will also bo furnished, cr wav, at prices to correspond with tho time ' " JOHN E Dec. 17. tC] tegah Honao, Hoi ADMINISTRATOR’S NOT! tice w hereby pivcj that Letters of Ada the estate of Jucob lUiglu Lite of the borough Blair county, dee d , have been granted by th said county to tin* undfv«lgn®d residing' as ft person* Knowing themftdvea indebted to said quwtod t«> nmko iiomcdhts payment, and \ claims will present them duly authenticated f Jun. 14-fit.] C B. SI? frClI! IT CM!! IT! JL BAHNES’ ITCH OINTMENT U the ®tlier ex ternal injuri'-s. Hone B[>avin only accepted, *3|hohaT6 used it rive it the preference over ail others. 3 coumis AND COLDS. I BARNES’ COUGH SYRUP, composed entlre&fVege tubles. is a sure cure for C'uugli 1 ’. Colds and Rronith. it'is without"any exception, tlio best remedy knowjfcfWhich fact thousands can testify. It will bo found the»if reip*- dy that can be used fur children. 3 i si V Prepared only at Barnes’ Drug Store, Trenql (f.- Jl — Sold byO. W. KESSLER, Aitpoua, and U. Pag*,! Co, Pittsburg. [May Vjfa-ly. / i i FTS: GIFTS !! GIFTS! I!—lfrjxc \X to every purchaser. f i t>oo DOLLARS WORTH OF GIFTS! 3' consisting of 1 > MBD AND SILVER WATCHES.- I - The attention of the public is respectfully sollwltothe extensive assortment of vain able Standard and EHeUaue ons Books V liirll :.re offered for at the lovafketail Prices, A Lit f WGKTM FROM 25 CENTS TOfM. will be given with every Book. A complete OatalOgwfWiuiC -full information, with a List of Prizes, will bo forirled on applicatiqn. J LIBERAL IXDCCEXENTs OFFEREE—Persons Wislllfctq Or der nt mice. c;u order any tSook published in PbiAphia. N.-w York or Boston, and it will be furnisheda.lppub lislier’s price, with Gilt. Any person ordering HBobks will receive for commission an extra Book with GB For Postage send stamps, 18 cents, for $l.OO Books, /press DUANE UCLISON. Publ#T. No 23 South Sd strea t. Philafßltis. 1 MPOHTANT INF|»U -1 MATION.—The subscriber tnk.-s pleasure! umonn cing to the citizens of Altoona and Its vicinity, t ihe has oia'iied a STOKE in the ROOM formerly ocenpiw r iO. W. I’atton, on Virginia street, .where he will be ha ’to ex hibit to them his splendid stock of , FASHION ABLE FALB GOOl , which will be found entirely pew and fresh. H stock Is carefidtr and was purchased strictly CASH, which just at this important time has enabled i Ito buy exceedingly low, and having adopted the HEADY-PAY SYSTEM is determined to ask but “ Small Profits SbdQii ; Sales’’ Among his stock will be found everything at rtalnlng to Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, as weU as all tides of. Groceries; Queensware, Hardware, i ~ 4c., usually kept In a town or country store.' He r lectfully invites a careful inspection of his stock,- Altoona- Oct. 1.1857-tt CHARLES J ANN. INTENSE EXCITEMENT!—ri NEW JL FIRM BROKE OUT IN A NEW PLACE. , . M’LAIN & LEHI Beg leave to inform their friends and the cljdEcr if Altooi na ami vicinity, that .they have opened a * « GROCERY & PROVISION ST( lE. in the rpom formerly occupied by John Lehr, < Virginia street, next door to'l’atton's Half, where they " 1 bo hap py to serve all who may favor them with a c . Their st.ick Is a large and select one, consisting qf ' . Flour, Feed, Bacon . Pork, ' Sugar, -Coffee Tea, Molassos, Fisli, >■,, Salt, - Potatoes, Fist IV Fluid, Camphene, Alcoh Cigars and Tobaccov As they purchase all their goods for the B£Al and soli for the sumo, persons desiring of pares thing in their Uric, will do well to give them it cj will sell nt bat a trifling advance «n first cost, man to pay fur anything bat what he buys! Or ul nhd see if wo won’t mnke our word* good. i* bbl. $5 62 “ 6 50 “ 6 25 « 6 00 “ 4 00 \riI.I.INERY AND IV If I TCAMAKIXO ESTABLI.SrrfMEXT.—MI see M i E. Kiomici would ridspectfrsllv infbrt tin- Indies of .Altoona'and vicinity, that -they Cm tirju» the above business at their old Aiand opp site Sellers’ Dmu Store, and hare just received tl of SPRING tuid SUMMER. MILLINEItV GQO they wil> will as low m any otherestablishmert in Dresses anil all articles oflsdios wear made t-,ord« notW.and reasonable terms. fAi-ril 23. TXT anted IMMEDIATELY .f* girl to cook and do general h .use-work. I can cotne well recomihendedvwfll find steady eras and good wages. Pur information, apply at this *3 pJNE AND LAMP O * Camphene, Burning Fluid, Carbon Oil, *c„ n ' i i KESSLER'S TTAtR UILS, POMAOE iftj CologneExtract*,ShavingCream,ToiletSuit* for sale Qr.Vf. KESSU TTAIR, hat, tooth, A ft: Shaving. Paint, Sash and Varnish Brushes at W«» : • '• " ' KBS?I/EH’8; HIGH TOBACCO AND JLV highly Savored Cigars, In abundance, can be bad a JnnelK.'67-lyl HBNBY bBUB’S. YOU CAN ALWAYS OB* tain Flonr and Feed by coiling at June IS. ’67-lyl UHRBY LF.TtR*?. EVERYBODY IS TNVI ft J fed to call and test the mutts of the articles kept by Juno 18. ’67-ly] HENRY LEHR. kHECMATISM. FINE GOLD JEWEM, AC., Will be Disteibcted with etest 10 b Bofa AGENTS WANTED. A LWATS SOMETHIKO X3L N»W. Kx*> *Jt» Twnw. ’' V l’ac k] imu »nH Idjfct to get itdrt from ckcftrtOnß keti|s* All lff j ft Mill t tO, jriiiUt the . p oftU Lot*' reefiß cv«u-. m*-where Ss put it program. for It will restore, pcnnanently, original color. cover fliehead of the bald with * most UUtn*-- riant growth, remove at once nil dandruff and ItchimftUMa wit scrofula, and other cutaneous eruptions, tucli as iwa bead, cte. It will cure, as If by magic, nervous or periodi cal headache; make the hair soft, glosvy and preserve the outur perfectly, andibe hair front baling, to oktmne old sgs. Tbs following b ftom a distinguished member of th* . St. Pitt. January I,ISM. i Paor. 0. J. Wood— Dear Sir Unsolicited, I sand yon tbta certificate, After being nearly bald for a long time, urfhavinE tried aU the habrcstomtiTe?extent. ■ no Iklth In any, I wa» induced, on hearing of youra, to gw* It a trial. Iplaeed myself in the hands of a barber, and had my head rubbed with a good stiff brush, and the recto xattre then applied and well rubbed In, till the scalp trea aglctr. This I repeated every morning, and In three ween the yonng hair appeared and grew rapidly from Augustus* till the present time, and Is now thick, block and strong soft and plcaaant to the tonoh; whereas, before, it was harsh and wiry, what little there wea of it, end that little wag dteippeariiig very rapidly. I still use your Restorative Shout twice a week, and shell soon have a good and bentef crop of haliw, Kow I had. read all these thing*—end, W,~ has hot ? but have not sees hitherto tiny case where aw prison's hair was realty benefltted by any of the hair tom, etcJof the day; and It really gives mo pleasure to? record the result of my eipertenco. I have recommended your preparation to others, and it alreadv has a largo and wiw» dl sale throughout the Territory. The people here know . Its effect* and have conscience la It. The supply you, seat ns aa wholesale agents for the Territory; Is 1 nearly eum> ted, and daily Inquiries are mode for it, Tou dqservnaw It fcr your'diooveay; and I, for one, return you my thajm tor the benefit It has done me, ftr I certakdy hud deepabeA Jongagoofelftctlncanystseßrostut, Ttwra^ha^r,^ Ftrraofßaad A KCIly, Ensgiti»ts,S:. Paid, yVcwt the Xiitor the fT*ui £stol( advertiser. , Bostcjt. March 2C,16»,. ; DsaJi Sas-Havft^boCioßmpretEiEturelyqultegreyJepaa Induced, some alx weeks since, to make ntrialofyourßoato tative.l have used less than two bottle*, bttl the psj hair* have all diaappqored; and althonghmy hairharwrt tally attained itswfgiaal color, yet the process rtiggfet. Altor-- of th* Sbel rLot»«X. l 2 Lsa^fWttil fbedtcWwl leajo® *w TfSausn ton any IV b«tSfau>»- u'.sa ilOo. EnTFlt. i 00. Kfi.rr BnhtrßtlOß UhtaßUlr ler « »«W r Allfur bjclite* ikkbt ooweeted iMDlprtP- Lot lie «k IBT. on lb* •b*U STT. r*tbs >NO tjdlioaon JpUDM, ifKsrof ttetre re bel having Ltiietaoßt. ! I i remedy StVJKN lut The ANLY ONE BOTTLES DR. SANRORTJ’S....... VIGOR ATOR OR LIVER RE^EWT, Is . uiuired to cnreartf onatroublcd with LlverOommalatS, aiuti the tuoet desperate of cases, whoa ths second bottfa* on. with scarce a siugls failure. restore the paUant and vigor. Wo wish to cal', the attention of all to those facto, that tho Invigorator i* esanpoundtdphysician who baa nsjditlnhis practice for thelnat twenty year* with a success almost crcdnlon*, and it is entirely bo iug cum posed wholly of gum*. ■ ■' „j , . Hume idea of the «trungtb of these gums may he formed when it it known one buttle of the Intr IgprStoc contain* SS mucli strength a* one handled dose* of Calomolwlthont any of its deleterious effects. One buttle is the surest thing knowm to carry away the bad effects of mineral poison of any.kihd. vv \ Only one bottie of it isnoedod to throw out Ofth* system the effect of medicine after a long sick nose. One bottlo taken for Jaundice removes aU ysUownass or unnatural color ffon the akin.. ~ , One duee after eating is sifßctsnt to relic to XM/StMSieb and prevent tho food neb rising and souring.. I ; i. Only one dose taken before retiring p-eventaAiightlimrs, One' dueu token at night lOoSens thSboweUgCijtly, and . cures custir .ness. ‘ 7 One dose taken aflcrcach meal will enrs Dytfpspafo. t- ' , One dose of two tea-spoonfhl* will always ndjavo filsk / ,■ Headache. ' \ ' One bottle taken few female obstructions rsnurfssthscasM of the din-aie, and.makes a perfect euro. i 7,t , J Only one dose immediately relieve* Cholic, whUsonSdeaw Tf, often repeated la a snre cure for GlmlStnMtwWarandMntf V. preventative of Cholera. One do*e taken often will prevent tho rscnmaood ofWb ■ nous attacks, while it relieve* nil painful fooling*. \ t&- One or two Uusw taken occasionally is oasofUwbeai , remedies for cold ever knowm ’s- , • Thonsands of cures of Inflammation' and weaknattof tbs \ lungs have been cured by tho Invigorator. Ouo dose taken a short lime before eating give* the appetite and makes food digesfowcll. ' One dosu often repeated curee IHorthooa In tfoffprstfoCWV while summer and bowel complaint* yield almost to t&S first dose. ' ’ : , '' One or two dosas cures attack* caused by worm whits for worms In children, there is no surer, safer and Spobdler remedy in the world, as It never foils, =.. .- ;• f , There is no exaggeration in these' statements, they pro plain and sober foots, that we can give evidence to wore, while all who nss St are giving their unanimous’ testimony In its favor ' r ?’ : ' We wish all who are sick and debilitated to tty this r«e» edy, and test it thoroughly, and any who are not benefited by itsuse we should lute to here from, as we have'. yet to hear from the first person who has usodabottlcoflnTlgorn- U>r without receiving benefit, for there are such astonishing medicinal virtues in it. that all, no matter how lions' they liave been affected, if their complaint arises from a deraag •i-ii liver. will be benefited. If not entirely cured. .• e ‘ Sanford S Co., Proprietors, 346 Broadway, Sew York.— Dr. p. IL Keyser, Druggists,?(o. 146 Wood Street, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agent* lV)r sale by G. W. KEfifitKß, Druggist, Altoona April 2. 67*-ly capitate i«B have! feand It ffiphysi- / i HEAP CkOOtiS AT MV \J COKMIOE’S IfftOPii-We haTe jnlrt received «*d opened an excellent assortment ofOoods, selected with great care, expressly to SUIT THE TIMES AND THE SEASON. all bf which w« pnrposo selling unusually low (brXIASH or COHSTBT PRODUCE, wrtn'the view of either gotac ont of the bpfdnbw In the Spring, or of adopting the can wystero. Inordcrto prepare the, way, w« •acs Very cheap—say Brown Sugars st &pnd: IQ o«at% WLito m , Best Bio Coffee wf 14 cents, and Molasses, Oils, Ac* equally tow, together with a let ot cLonnh'Q. BATS CATS A BONNETS. BOOTS AM) SHOES. ’V SMAWM A BiaBS QOODB. HABDWAEE. QUEENSWABB, CEDH\rABfi! STONEWASfi? 1 all Iciw in proportion. Person* wishing to pntchaac nods would da well to call add . examine oar itock, we charge nothing for showing our goods, and will take pleaaureni \ accommodating'All who may kite na a ball. ’ November I? 1357-tt VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY T 808 SALK.—The subscriber of fers atTrirotogalo- theRED LIOV HO- A T£BpPOJ»l4y,«ltu«te on the second lot . from the border of Slain and Annie ?t*., at the llaliroad Depot.' tn.Altoooa. • The JRsjsraßS9Bc house te a large two-etory frame build- . ing covering the entire front of the lot, and'having two wings extending back, one o!~which contains a targe di ning boom on' the first fiber. There is a good stiMe, bake house, and all other nebewary outbuildings on tlieiot. A cl:so waV-tHI and dry cellar extends under the whole bnlld ing and there Is a well of excellent water at the porch la the yard. The house is well arranged for a jiibltchouse, and ItaceDtmll potlti.nl And' couvoni. nee to the Railroad Depotstnnkea It a desirable property {o any person wishing. to engage In the business. Persons wishing to view tha property will call cm the 1 • Jan. 7-tPI . JAMBS HEARBKT. ■aabbey nash no nshtrh n 7-. tr N* ■ «noply .which a place, jn-nhort >7-1 y.: LOGAN HOTEL-THE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Blair 'county ami others, 4t ICftj thbnrwh •IK ; t»Jiice.vug •>£■. - have u vf -: thin ••j(’Ul*CI :M' ! : .a ;c!i ■M( . Wmwutu'o a-’few-vottv ■;|§ leddtJlSJlCN qf tfli ir po. IH •" -*® o ,||| ‘ Satltwiy pruaorijptivoiu «Gqiit jaaiftn—a« 't; thnj£ ‘' Devil; scniia i i ; designed for out] grntiti (decline, I and hope that ndt|nnoW lljcir hat on-. '. 'ebonie between -Bjorn*-courage Feb. ioH nunu twee >tlon, iviotij d ffej the e| ” tluj :t ! io hstop folloj linatf ’■ ll*4 ' • trith tie Fm>e-g j Ohd. tbp coftiitiftuihta u ' . ua. Til ' r*Soil V\ ty was.then to nil inti Ted.apdtheni w pur: \ ' inaugijiTiited. Judge ' . bhiree of the iow par qucnce, all wl|o buj j tblicar. r ■ r*' ,r; . with the Amoi t6e ciue , . the!) ;mocruti AiotSowi'ltci .. u .... r MftlQQ o£ IMrtte : t»Ofc #«* CUTTC gqpsafy.iu&tnri ‘-t9 »|}ijore the - ; : to;.j|«Un«i poi %] * t ->; poir' i |pHt if.} - ackatjwicdgo' ;••• iWlywmp'y ~ outthe names • : ' ticket: who. * good America ’ ~ } poklipMU*’ at i ilk atudie< I . , in, refy kail ta. • »>■ -makiugunr jr. ' ; j® «o*y«4 . £ Binf no public •■•.* .ii»t«a ,; .**Citi;: .sucha mover i i ■ ' 1 I; _ : ’ ,■ Had- m£:beea cognize "■ "have heartily cuten..’ politifttl feeliiig thou ..ltarpinph and Townsh q.; be the nim of a X ’ {toen for jsuch oil ’ or party / • notlco ougjlit to ha f t . whoileaired qouVd h i Ofirdihg remajrkaof r rUinfe ttepur' '< , agwmAtea Inj nomiuu H ' and ct jpjir that -r potajioation. But au Both XI wfc>V gochj men, a •■£s “' _ showlbc the pleasm v *lecitfrpm biith, the gjiftkii best qual fi * office*. Howe few BupubUcans Cannot ije satisfi ticket should i lUty as n| citizen to thcrefo a ticket to sui jf Od Monday 'Shultz's Hull, fere in dtteulun VftOUy.tqd the ci ■ ; 'i . u I reciui jfwo ev i rvjcc 18, 1 *»,■ wc roiopti ation. to w li win. i; in that |havo y ( \arital/l it vc w jlepubli (4«ng. :J lud; iiopui. loil wit; icau or we n but tl “Btr übtii:;a icra ,c; rtaad tli rl. If t ;S>tCUt hich po ias«rt tl an orgu iting c Ckct, U 3 jcjr f|ist but the id that of orthc with tin of at Ut O llftTC i Repui d “Ecii 1 fling a h ticket ste, bu :t are tl wp let i iction w notice. .ena’Ti icntwr. us wen loans V