The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 18, 1858, Image 1

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to. the cavitiea loUte fcwga
d coming. In direct WBW
tie tubercular
i-aav expectoration, ttwai
-■An renewed vital
•ae tlnd energy »o ihaiepeasa.
ih. To, be nbl'e toSUM**.,
curable by InhaUtion, hhto
u-taW It ii as.muchtunar
•,:it n any other ibnuidabl*
u:..jied eases ten is cured in
cut; in tbs second; but laths
~rr.- more than five per cunt,
the disuse in to bid deOanos
,r. in tin- lost stages. Inhae
>b -r t j tbs Buttering attea
r.V annually destroys ninety-
i.iti d State alviie; and.ecor
tie* pry sent imputation if the
.J 'i £b till the CoUiminpUre’t
: 4 no arrow so fathl u Con
-1 wii the grcat- immy of lift,
but sweeps off aliketbs
■el and tire gifted. By the.
nit whom comelh every good
:■» oiTt-r to the afflicted a per
■i;fitiuj>lion. The' first cause
«.,i. arc! the immediate eßecjt
it t!i - l iugri ls to prevent the
■■ evils which causesa
entire system. Then surely
. i Liitvr good from medicines
, v - than from these admlnls-
V patient will always findthe
■lst. after Inhaling remedies,
icdy, nevertheless it sets coh
jioweraad certainty than
Btiiuach. To proye the pow-
Ills mode of administration,
destroy sensibility in a
nr "re r-Ttous system,*) that
>u! !b“ slightest'pain; In*
■ * wiUdvßtroJ.lireinaftw
wUI row when j
'itio gdur of ntanjr of th*
-kin a few initiate* after be
khately detected In the blood. 1
iitutioaal effect* of inhala- .
. sh in nlway* produced by
evidence that prop-' :
i üb-ljwficlcualy
(tince the Imfipieil reaiiltaf
tunny thousands sulTeflag'
iiroah have been uudermy .
;ii-iwkslil* • cures,even .if- ■*
T’-rnt.eiJ in the Itut •tftge*, '
r •.i-uaipt/oa' b so loßocr,*.
cvus.uiapUon _is original, j.
snd'n tli-ronghin-roitlg*-.
iwi'.K iliv nature of taber
riiMi, Mitiilj, 'the Ttrlbna
■ :»uuipt!ch, and apply tha
;:.urakkD avi_-n In n single
■ with certain, petEo
i-.ra, enables 1 metoVelleTe
■ir.rutwl cheats, to eUuge
i.i»rt 4 • It renewed ‘l
S.ViteUl. i ■ .'I
- *-,nt tu asy linrt pCU*
i ;>nt.i comtimnicatipg|)l»i^.
vf'juVJ l>£ morece*t»ln
.- i. Titiicli would glvwn*
• Hud banU« me to
<md then-4l» cnlru
■;'in;r tiie pxtlciit again,
vr. IiIUHAM, M. D,
i No, ]«•.; litlow TwollUj,
;.Ih!t 23, '67-15- t ,
■ ilvii UWti'tlur’
fit! *tan<J, North ;
< i *
i r; i:,' iKjto the fullovrlng
: -k'N V :
. L<,v'i(hurg Chtonide,
a -v - uifdicUu- bn* bten
'• it the. first ,tiac within the
trial ijn-jmration we cat)
■ -'iastronger ternu than
iVK’ie tuo public. Mu-
■l’.ijjV I? J» x.«U Uj aetl»yi ]
-.cJMrrmt <‘f-electricity.— 1
i.'. .-vn-and {.Hlnfulifciieuiai
;ni It uts.Vu-h Aun/ro. ■
i «itti Cbltiulc IKutlmuo,
r uni tuv»Ul» Oalrmk OU
• TRaliip, JlitSJn county,
nd DaTail'B Otlvanlc OU
Ibr width it U
pj. tt spobtaneomly. T fe
cu pnic. ‘
A, M. IXOEAjr,
Mifflin county.
l 1j l A C E,*“
•nt ■ SIM'S. HILL rcr.-
.V - st.. rtad-urff.ib.-
Mill* on
fit-i'.ti t ::uva?ilocDiuiort
nftir stock;of ijjy
at tlf p.'wtst prices.—
' t-.ui Itegchtla* Screw*,;- 1
* tirir.iins, Cast Iron Proof
iii'en hand. ' ,1
Machines, i superior nr- j
-• uIU- tn tho Wert. Th«y j
’ will last e life time.— j
• .'.in be renewedby crack- 'j
!- :*tr fix 1:1 out Of the largt . d
in.! for further partienu**' ;] June 25.1552.' '■.!'s
tfr.-— We hare now In um /
tnu! Ms.chlncs: they work/.
*■ .otrabls, not liable to gi*-•'
the best xnachluet
V.. W. TVALIACE. : : : 'j
i‘:ttslurp. Fa, f.
vit.nafaciuring portable.?
! .r stinplicity and dura- .
ib*T can be diivcjj'by
i •'iil prove a valaublea&r
;r», and lumber
ihe country, who
power Isoiily
■t-v.T huaiaeag, who, tar
into their e»tabU»£.
i v -"!. and at the rome Utpe
grlodins ot*p : :
* ’n ilailyln operation It
!i vd. a 4 Co, on JUbott*»
• ■'■• Koi’cr* and MflJ y*uf>
■'• OrifTß and fa qobSi
'> M. WALLACE. -
'. PtUflntrff. Pa.'
from ,
style ' 3
•> in; all rzeptetoi.
•• the fl'J'.'g are *onrnil%r : .
; '. (H-rfectly and tim-- L ,
i if Uii* gt«rve mutt i*l~
. tiiversai loTorite. V .
P :.h.
* tooJ capacity—(!)• ;■ j
1 'i:h S'id i“ a iliomngti
adily l»t recommended
v ‘•icveej conctAntly m
f-'SKPir u. BCSXL . (f f
r \int ffoi , 'r. AUnfma. ” I
r ‘ Cri.'uc-- and CHitniT V j
‘i "I” tirrnhttfd thnmtfa»% ■
- ''itatTrial*,CffiAjml ■" :
i :i.f- ■•('■[uk '
: fl for j
■ 'IJ write their 1
they rrride (j
''tic Peace
:I ) fih
s!i!i;M agajnitt ng|H|
i uldi, and otter
■i •• '“xpr Sod tt'UaAjTtJtr ’
■: tinna! change* ofbw' *
r g. vr. kkssi-KR.
v Ko-icli' d, Ante, »nd ;
t-uii.-r any drcuinstap*
00 BUSH-
■ -K. and for by
) N A K Y.rr
ir.snnfrctirrcd and for
■«' K. HiCGAUB, ,
Si.. Philt.’deJph.ia,
a ud for sale by I
r. >■. EETOARD. .y -l
>i St-, Philadelphia. I
. \ s , >.i.aa ,vs.c JK
• . 4
✓TC; «
‘Spt-r -v
VOJ,. 8.
'• fi£o_
.Ailpaper* djecoatiaued atU»**pjation of the time
*** ••?’■■;•■
. . llaeertfon ,2 do. S ilo.
-' XarlfoMerlMs, . : ~*•%.;.*•*% * .«>
•®*o “: t» * ) . 4 00: XM ■ 400
jjSro"• !^; :-. -=:,->V-. ; -i --' : ,4r00 ,j# 00 10 00
JBbtm*'- V..- •; '-.••• XJM»‘.-. .1200
SeeT-M . 600 ,-,10 00. .14 00
Half a column, .10 00 14 00 53.00
.• •44.00 : - *5 00 « W
JtdmtotrtratocsanA Executors Notleae, 1 75
with liberty to change, • . ... ■ ~ « V* 00
■ rmteiVrhel' Tir v T*TirfTT~iT Caros, not exceeding 8 ’
--It-*-' -fr. 00
flwmmiaijim of «, political pharactor or ihdivldtal in*
WwtsilU'be charged according to tho abovexates. ■
Ml lurkfid vlth tbo of IwrUotu
3ded*wt:wiU baooSiaufid till forbid and charged according
totheabovoterm*., , ’ ,• ~
notice* five cents per lino for erery insertion.
Ottftoszy notice* excelling ten linos, fifty cents a souarc.
Mit & prank.
Why. don't you take the papers t
;!rhey’re the “life delight,"
And then ! read for spite.
Subscribe, you cannot lose * oent—
■ 'Whyshould you bp afraid ?
2>ar thus paid is money lent 1
On interest fourfold paid.
« i ■' * .' » • *
Axt old newspaper friend of mine,
'While dying from a cough,
Desired to hear the latest news.
While he was going off.
I took the paper, and I read.
Of some new pills In.force :
lie bought a bon— and is be dead !
No—hearty as a borae.
I-knew a printer’s debtor once,
Wrecked with a,scorching fever.
Who swore to pay her bill next day,
If .her distreas would leave her.
Next, moraibg she was—other word— *
Divested of her pain,
But didforget topay har debt.
Till taken down again.
" Here Jessie, take these silver wheels.
Go. pay the printer now 1”
Bbe, spoke, she slept, and then atroke
With health upon her brow.
C 5
X knew two men as much alike
As e'er you saw two stuulps,
And. na ; phrenologist could find
A difference in their bumps.
One topk the .papers, and his lifs
J» J»Bpior than a king’s;
Bit jsbildren all can read and write,
And' talk of men and things.
v ■ ' J-.:-. ! , ■... L
The other took nopapers, and
wSite strolling through tho food,'
A tree fell
,And eery good.” '
Bad bo-bww reading of h|s nejrs.
At homo like neighbor Jim, .
TU beta pent that accident
Would sot hare happened him.
Wbj don’t joalakOja paper t”
■' .BpT tom printer sneak,, ’
B«auae you borirptr of ids boy f
• A paper eyery week- - ■■ '
For he vho t»k<js Iko papers,
4Jid pay»-bi»-biUa when. due.
Cft& Uvo ia j»aoo with GodatidnuuQ, J (
■ -4Ad with the printer itoo. ,
v.-,•' i ' K. P. WILLIS.
jQtiywT.fMgcßiyriQy.—Tkere iaRD inscription
‘ Dll a it. Ln Point, Lajce Superior,:
r xwß as follow*f '
Mieixf Smith, aqcidentjdly shotnh > mark of
bis,b^«^he^. ,, J: , \ 'JZ
This, Bays the Forth tfaroftoion, reminds ns
df one on a tombston® .ne|Mr .Sad’ Diego, whirfi
tniuiJß&i'o'iioTrflj . :, ; ’ -
'cSolt’a reyDlTerr-onoof tjie old,Mod,
, of fcOcli ‘
• • .ktajtfro.” " ■;,•;■ ';y ! y; j;,y
; l!p ids bouse to partake of a julep, of whiol
fond. It was beaded tobiqa in ft silver >
gold. After sipping a portion, j|
o#t » end remarked that it was
', jijllpaishiqg yhat an addition a strawberry gavel
, -id thejflavor Of a julep. His friend replied that
,V- -.lift wasvery sorry that be did not have & straw*
. .' to put in it. , '
said 8., “ there Is-certainly, one iu
. '•;■ V*' V- ■ *T-■■ f ■ ~ '
Bilk” "
host's asserting the contrary, hein-
J ' ' that he saw It distinctly,: anddrained the
i y ! ; rgpblettp get the beny-rrwben, ; jlo, and
~. he found that it was only thercdectidn. of-hi*
- . nwn.noser
> ■> ./
iM -Xk
-• ,<* .. . * - **i'. * t -_ ~-X*i
... TVhile
cheap da
whose kSj
siqUms 4
not makd
him then
St# do\J
knew noj
'Arid so 1
no luatfcj
hinisclf j
.oo?ld ta
I _ „<, w
- i
by Arithmetical Pro
iprevdon. I
;ed in the tobacco and cigar
Esed to have fot i customer in
1, one of those knowing fellows
fledge hmwes better to bore his
A §dv,ance r jeeience. You could
im beUeve that—oh no I Tell
fere regalia cigars that cpst
I t per :thogsand ! it might do to
■be throat of one of them that
Iter; he was none of them.-
was With everything, he always
I It always appeared to be hiS
Irawme into .some controversy,
phat the subject was, to hear
Iwn forth. I tried every way I
k of to circumvent him, aud at
fd succeed in laying him out as
Saturday afternoon he came in,
mrchase, arid seated himself to
is usual potion; but 1 was awake
Iciigtli i
au&a hi
• Cai
ip,” said I, “I havemade'upmy
> to Oalifocpia, and if you wish
a speculation, now, time.”
w,” said he. , ’ ;
you see these fifteeb hoses of ci
there are two hundred and fifty
>x, and I will let you have the
een at a low rate, providing you
i all/’
well ” said my friend, “ let us
give me one cent for the first box,
3 for the second, tour cents for the
id so on, doubling on every box.”
e,” said he, “ fetch on your cigars.
S'uppJyou think I have not got money
gars, M
in eaql
take th
■ «vj
!iear tl
. Y
WO c<
•* fl at all, so Ict us proceed. Here is
year At box."
Hebrew from bis pocliet a leathern
pursefid out of it a Handful of coin.
■ “ Mi here is your cent,” said he, de
positA a green discolored copper on the
' «
ire is your second box/'
re is your two ceula."
>ry well, here is,your third hot:”
id here is your four cents/’ said he
ore is your fourth box.”
cactly. And here isyour eight cents!
,1 ha! old fellow go on>”
ere is your fifth box,” said I, hand
ma another.
.nd here is your sixteen cents."
[ere is your sixth box."
fe/'fAnd—ha I ha! ha! here is your thirty
|jtWo cents.”
Here is your seventh box."
• s .« And here —hat ha I the jokois get
t|§jta6 rich —here is your six ty-four ceu te,
atf hslf your cigars are gone.”
IPitere is your eighth box/’ said I as-
Sitag a cpld indifference that perfectly
ffinsed tlie fellow.
here ia\your dollar and twenty
«&it cents.”
H*flere is your ninth box."
Jjcre is your —Jet me see —ah! two
<feara and fifty-six cents.”
| |<Here is,your tenth box.”
| jfe drew his wallet thoughtfully, and
lathe slate made a .small calculation.
r it
it •
*?. -
tAnd here is your five dollars and
ve Cents.” ' . %
Here is your eleventh box.”
j* AndKerc is your—rtwice five is ten,
i|ice twelve is. tewnty-four- —ten dollars
m..tsrenty-four cents/' ;
| At this stage of the game he had got
<|ktc docile, and X continued—
“ Here iaf your twelfth box; hand over
fetenty (Collars and forty-eight cents.”
| Here the globules of perspiration, large,
at morrow-fat jjeas, stood out in bold re
nt bh his face,‘blit at length he doled out
He sura. " , ■' :
I“Heicis,your thirteenth box pile out
nrty dollars and ninety-six cents.”
iff* If I do> X but I will not.” With?'
fat he left, andlhavc never been able to
Iter Iron? A Pickpocket lo hi«
f: ' Ticliiu.
ij)r. G. H. Roberts, of Poughkeepsie,
dt&lAfewYork a few days ago, and'
exit JM» evening at the Academy'of Mu-;
t ' Wliiie; tMredie Had bis pisfc-'
of a wallet continuing foHy orluljr dol
|iirs In bank bill* and sotaepapers. After
returning honie be rqrahredfroinrthe pick
pocket the following letter, which he han
ded over to the Poughkeepsie. Eagle for
publication: ' ■ k ; • i-Vl'-f.. I f__._
Kew York, Janttary
J)r. Charles H. Ttobe-rts^—pesx r Sit ? I
had die pleasure of relieving yOu:,of your
pocket hook on the 2d, in a crowd at the
Academy of Music. I presume you soon
became aware of your dispossession, and/
have perhaps had some anxiety as to the
application of the funds it contained. You
have my assurance that they have fallen
into appreciative hands, and that every
.cent wiil bc applied jn gratifying the tastes
find fancies of a fellow Being whose amhi
i&m fidara.higher than his calling. You
elf yrith the>idea that I
heqau&i fever.
? »
.* *jx-i
you with liiy correspondence ; no, Doctor,
divest yourfcelf of that ambition.
I write you in accordance with /the ’law
of honor among thieves, and to do you the
justice of returning to you the enclosed
pieces of paper which are of value to you
and worthless to me —one 'being a note
payable to your order, and the.other a for
mula for making teeth —-neither of which
can ever he available to me, as my present
employment probably pays better, and ish
business! more pleasing to. my taste- ; Fronw
the date d# the note I concluded that you
had beeu !in town for several days,, which
may account for the lightness of your
purse. Now, doctor, a proper respect lor
gentlemen! of my calling should never al
low your purse to become so low ;itis liard
ly up to the average of usual collections.
Then I have reason to protest against
gentlemen; of your standing carrying un
current money. It is under serious con
sideration to return to you,the So on the
Morris County Bunk, New Jersey, which
I find at considerable discount; the six
fives on the Poughkeepsie banks go cur
rent, and! the few smallest bills can be easi
ly disposed of by a person of my habits.
Prom the name and recipe which I found j
in the pocket-book, I conclude that you
are the well'known dentist who not long
since did jnC much service in your line of
business,; -while pursuing my avocation
iu Poughkeepsie.
Now; doctor, don’t consider it New York
hospitality to extract purses in return for
extracting teeth, but remember that all
have to do something for a living. You
were following your avocation on me, and I
was only doing thesamc.on you when you
visited oui - city —and this case affords a fair
example of the comparative profits of your
business.! You spent.much-time and re
ceived asruallfee ; mine'was an operation
of a moment. When I. consider this dif
ference, find the gentle manner with which
you attended to me', I am quite inclined
to return;your purse and its contents, but
that wpujd be unprofessional, and beside,
would involve a loss of time on my part,
for such crowds do not Occur every day
even in New York; but be assured that,
had I ‘recognised you, I would have spent
the time appropriated to you upon some
person] t
The ,only reason I can . ascribe for not
remembering you is, I presume, that when
you come to the city you dress up in your
best, and look very different than when at
tending io your business at home. This
little lesson may ho of service to you, and
learn you that pocket-books are not safe in
crowds; und if you'are ever caught iu one
again, let your vigilance' be directed to
your pprae ip proportion tti its dimensions.
Yours, Incog.
A Barker Sleets WitU a Biter.
MrjAsron Lagg, an accomplished “bar
ker,” Mis yesterday standing at the door
of ids employer's clothing store, in South
Street, imaking the air vocal with importu
nate appeals to the personal vanity’ of all
who happened to pass by, whop he percei
ved a iD£xldd}e-aged iudmduallu very slo
venly attire, and with a very tall-crowncd
white Ixat, standing as if absorbed ; in ad
nurati6,ii of Mr. Lagg’s eloquence. Aaron
immediately insisted on the stranger's en
\ texing the' Store, and placing a n tu jd on
his shoulder, conducted him in, without
.meeting* with the slightest resistance.
“ Shad I show you somesplendid panta
loons,; or a magnificent vest or coat ?”
bhmdly .inquired Mr. Aaron Lagg.
“ Whichever you choose; —its all the
same to me,” carelessly replied the, other.
Pleased with the tractable disposition of
his customer, Aaron produced an overcoat,
decorated with a double row of huge bone,
and pude of a material much rc
sembhjog blue haiac^..
“Here,” aaiddire, “is the very last Paris
style J look pi that, Mr. Smith.”
Johu Granby is my napio,” quietly
observed the stranger.
“ Well, Mr. Granby, ■you cannot have
any objection to such a coat as tliatatuinc
i dollars/’ . ' .
ph no, I haven’t the least objection
again’gt it,” said Mr. G.
, “ Ydry well,” continued Lagg; “ you’ll
want-a handsome vest, fit to wear with
such U;coat. Something like this,” .
Herb he produced a sky-blue vest, cov
eredl - red devices, which? looked
like p Congregation of comets “ brandish
ing .fh'eiv fiery tresses in the h e ?ty e “ Si ” ' f :
“ Hfere’a a neat thing,’’ observed Mrj
' "•
“SiS it is,’’assented Granby. ’ i
HP hoard the jprice of the article with
I grdai’complacency, pnd when Lagg. said,!
L “ ¥ou’ll take that, I suppose)’’ he prompt-*
jy alwcnH; “ Oh lyes, certainly, jf you
A pair of inexpressibly, rather:
tqo for g cotcli plaid; jwas ■ nextJshtbU
ted, dud Mr, Granby aduntted Cthafr he
was in’ want of such an articlle, winciding
likewise that the price affixed to th® gar
ment was “quite reasonable.’’ ! de
lighted Lagg summed up the bill and da
rned the amount. V;-v:-
“ Why, you don’t think X'aa going to
j^lijhem!” asked .Gi^hy/-^;astdn-
“£>£ <»urBe-HWph# else?^.
that you charged nothing for examining
the clothes, and as I had nothing to do, 1
thought Td take a squint at them/'
“But you,said you were in want of a
pair of pants/'
‘And who says I'ain’t ? Look at these.
Twigg them patches. Bqt curse the cent
I’ve got to huy any more with.'
Here the mortified Lagg ordered G. out
of the store, and the latter very meekly and
respectfully took leave; but soon after his
■ departare, Aaron s mortification was re
doubled on discovering that the customer
had gone off with the brilliant vest and
dazzling pantaloons stuffed away under his
loose-monkey-jacket, which had d«?ubtless
been contrived for such purposes. —Lagg
entered a complaint at the police office, but
the thief has ■ not yet been arrpated PPress.
Tbc Fair Incendiary.
It is now about forty years, since a young
lady, the only daughter of ian ancient and
noble house in the north of Germany, from
having been one of she most cheerful girls,
became subject to fits of the 'deepest mel
ancholy. All the entreaties of horparents
were insufficient to draw from her the reas
on of it —to their affection she was quite
cold, to their caresses rude; and though
society failed to enliven her, she bore her
part in it with a power and venom of sar
casm that were as strange to her former
charctar as they were unbecoming her sex
and youth. The parents contrived,during
her temporary absence from home, to in
vestigate the content* ol her writingdesk ;
but ho indications of a concealed or di*ap- |
pointed passion were to be found, and it j
was equally'clear that no papers had been
removed. —The first news they heard of
her was, that, the house iu which she had
been vistitng had been burnt to the ground,
that she had been saved with difficulty,
though her fbom was not in that part of
the buiiding where'the fire bad commen
ced ; that her escape at first had been ta
ken for granted, and that when her door
was burst open, she was lbun|is.lill.dressed,
and sealed iu her usual melancholy atti
tude. with her eyes fixed on the floor. rShe
returned home neither altered nor changed
in demeanor, and as painfully brilliant in
| conversation!’when forced into it. Within
I two mouths of her return the was
i burnt to the ground, and her mother per
| ished in the flames. She was again foilnd
in-the same'state as on the former occas
ion, suffered herself to be led away without
eagerness or resistance, did not alter her
deportment upon hearing of the fate of her
mother, made no attempt to console her
father, and replied to the condolence of
her friend* with a bitterness and scorn al
most demonical. The father and daughter
removed to a Spa; for a change of scene. —
On the night of her arrival the hotel was
iu flames; but this time the fire began in
her appartment, for from her windo w where
the sparks first seen to issue ; and agj,iiu .
she.was found dressed, sealed, and is a
reverie. The hotel wins the property of the
sovereign of the little state iu ivliich the
Spa was situated. An investigation took
place; she ,was arrested, and at once con
fessed that on each of the three occasions
she was the culprit; that she could not
tell wherefore, except that she had mi im
resistible lodging ,tp set houses on 'fire, —
Each time ’she had striven against it as
long as she could, and was unable to with
stand the temptation ; but this longiugfirst
supervened a leV weeks after she had been
seized with, a sudden depression of spirits;
that she felt a hatred to all the world, hut
had strength to refrain from oaths and
curses against it. She is at this moment
in a madhouse, where' she is allowed some
liberty. She still possesses her memory,
her reasoning powers, and her petulcut wit.
Red or White.
The new; fungled red petticoat, which it
is said is about to become the rage on this,
as Well as on the other side of the Atlan
tic, gives occasion to Dr. Mackey for the
following delicately but respectfully wor
ded protest. We imagine, however, that
it is mote,ft matter of fashion than of taste,
and that the ladies must bo allowed toHset
tle it tlieir own way. We doubt whether
the poet's arguments in favor the ‘‘ white
as pure as drifted show, 4 Would hold good,
at least in this, at present, filthy city .
Olvtbe red, the flaunting petticoat,
' That charts the eye of day, - ■,
That loves $o flame and be admired,
; And blinks from far away
dt. majr delight the roving sight.
And chirmi the fancy free;
But, if idjiwejarer’s half aa bold,
- I’ll pass let her be; ; • i;. ■
Withher! ted, jher flaunting pettijeoat,
She’s not the girl for met ij 1
Buttbewhitoythe modest pettiejoat, .•
' i That ahtma .the, gttzo in otywded<;W9y.f: .
y. 1 iWJrextoi iDollies oomo‘ and go J " '- w ;
■lt atira the pcixnrose emits.patty:, , , <i
•y . Qr daisy on the Isay - r
And if the wearer’a like the garb,'. , .
‘ How bisautiful is she! * i| '• '
■ With her white, her modest petticoat,
• Oh, she’s the girLfor n»ef -
■ i.l ' ■ 'Air.
Jr—Ho t6e :
reason why man (Was niadofiafier Woty
thing elsfe; iwas, - lie
•J Vv-1’; - j -|
... . \ r'.'-:*
f \ f \
- ■'i; *|p' •
\ ' ! Z .. 'I . ~ . ;
Bob, you are about leaving j bogie., for
strange parts. You’re going to throw me
out of the game, and go it alone. The olds
is again you, Bob, but remember always
that industry and porsevetaticearc the win
ning cards; they are the“barter*. . Book
laming and all that sort of ; to
fill up with, like, small trumps, but you
must have the bowemtohaek’em, msethey
alhT worth shook*. "Ifleek runsagm you
pretty strong, don’t cave in and look like
a sick chicken on a rainy ; iday, put. hold
your head up, and make believe you are j
’flush of trumps. They won’tplay so bard
agiu you. I’ve Uved and traveled attiund
Sme, Bob, and Tve found; Pnt, as swa pa
folks tbought you held a weak hftnd, they, a
all back again youstrong. So,’when yon re
sorter weak, keep on a- hold ft ont,hut plsy
cautious)‘Be satlsfied withup’iat;;Many o
the hand Tve seen euchred ’cause they
played for too much. Keep your eyes
well skinned, Bob; don’t let’em “ mg’’you.
Recollect the game lays as much with the
head as with the hand.
Be temperate; never get drunk, for then
no matter how good your baud; you won’t
know how to play it; both bowers and the.
ace won’t save you, for, there’s sartin to be
a “ miss deal” or something wrong. AM
another thing, Bob (this Was spoken in a
low tone) don’t go too much fan the wo
j men ; queens is kinder 'poor cards; the
I more you have df’em, the,worse for- you;
I might have three, and nary a trump. I
| don't say discard 'dm all if yoixget holdpf
j one that’s a trump, it’s all good, and there’s
| sartin tobe-tme out of four. And above
S Ul, Bob, be'honest; never tdke a man’s
trick wot don’t belong to you,, nor *• slip”
! cards, or “ nig,” for then; you can’t look
! your man in the face, and when that s .the
j case, there’s no fun in the garnn; its regu
i lav “ cut throat.” So 1 now, ■ Bob, fare
j well; remember wot I tell you, and you 11
1 be sure to win, and if you don tsarvesyou
right if you get “skunked.”
An Irish Manner of Stopping a
Our folks’ hare got of the ver
itablcst kind. She is a queer duck, and as
good- tialiu'cd us a' ’basketof chips.” Wel|,
last Sunday, as we were sitting down to
dinner, we“ found the old cat, with three
young grimalkins, largely engaged in the
nursery business, under the- tabic.
“ Biddy,” said we, take this cat and
her kittens, and put them whejre we shall
never see them more.” A hint of dreadful
import, but not understood.
“ Faith, sir, and that I will-”
The feline family were removed, and we
proceeded to dine. By and by Biddy re
entered, with an expression on her face
that seemed to say, guess they’re in safe
keeping now
“ Well, Biddy, what have youdonewith
the old cat and herikittejxs V-
“ Bc-gor sir, they’re safe, though, sure,
D'ye mind the l wood - house forninst the
stable i Well, I|Ut them in there,
and fastcmicd the door and winches Then,
seeing there was a hole ]benpath where they
might get out, and X stopped that up too,
and so ye see, they won’t trouble yoa any
more.” s ;
We were satisfied “ ay coorse,” and we
ate ouy dinner: in peace ; afterwards We
walked into the yard, when we saw the
‘dintical’ old cat and bp* kittens at perfect
liberty. Calling we said
“ Bid you not say you fastened that cat
in the wood house i
“ Faith, an’ I did, sir.”
« And stopped the hole ?’’
“Yes, sir.” : :’ '
Well' she had, that’s a fact; hut what do
you suppose shef had; stopped. the hole
with ? She had stuck a section of stove
pipe into it! And therO sat One of the little
imps in the month of it, Just as it had
crawled out, licking its paws. „ ■
Tebeiblb Sufferings ’4>f a Sports
man.—The following remarkable narrative
is from the the St. Anthony, Minnesota",
Netcs of the 6th ult t-M A Germain named
Walter, who fbmerfy Y.,
while following a deor a few days ago, in
the vicinity at Ekfcte ldsi in the
woods, and was nhable td retrace hisstepsi
Duringhis absence he suffered much from
the intense cpljiL His gun got wet, and he
<mnld nmthpr MU game nor build a Are to
warm hiiu. ;. :At:thc, end of three days, his
hihiger becoming- desperate, ho killed his
dog, and ate a portion of him—of
cohise without any of the appliances Of
;<joofcoiry- Bo threaded the heart and liver
upon,; a Nnas around his neck, ajnd devou-
thegn the next day to keep himself
When he had
five nights, he was disoov
eied sitting oh the batik of a lake, his food
all consumed, and himself resigned to die.
He was conveyed to a cabin, food was given
him, and his boots were cut off from his
jfroicp fcctVbut for want of proper attorn
iioao moi’tification ensued, and extended
nearly to the aukle joint. Ho was • then
brought to this city, Whore-both, his- legS
were amputated at He lie^m
a tiredarfous state audrlt is thdughfchp can
fit V* w*»« : ijc
jMb ' .ttf, K ■
' 'il:-
■; his Son.|
The Sefcfetof tOhgc vlty*
[Tied to
ito means known, so for, of promoting J
longevity, have been usually
in sLort, pithy sayings, /as, ‘Keep your
head coo), and your feet warm/’ ‘‘ work,
much, abd eat little,’ ' as if the
whoto science of human hfo could be sum
med up and- brought- out- in a. few words,
whUe iia gtoateot pwciples were kept out
of sight One of the best of these say*
ingem'given by. an Italian in ;his 116th
who, Iwibg ashed the means ft ms
living so long, replied with that improvi
sation for which ms country is remark*-
. ‘«• wa»n l\nti®Bjr of Oio b«t X
' ' ttryMd WMmlkMpiuyWt!
i Mtaen my head fnaiOTn and rain.
* And let care* perpnx my bmin.
The following is about the beat theory
of the matter: Every man ia born trim
a certain stock of vitality, which cannot bo
incensed,but may' beihusbanded. V?ith
thia-atoek he may> live last or slow—may
live or intensively-T—may draw
his little amouiit of life over a largo space, (
or narrowit into, a concentrated one j but
when Lis stock is exhausted, _he .has no
more. |le who Uvea extensively—who
drinks pure water, avoids inflamatory di
seases, exercises sufficiently, not too -
laboriously, indulges no exhausting pas
sions; feeds on no exciting material, pur
sues, no exciting : material, pursues dc
biUtating. pleasures, avoids aU laborious
and protracted study, preserves an easy
; mind, and thus husbands his quantum of
vitality—-will live considerably longer than
he otherwise would do, because ho lives
slow j while he, ; on the .other hand, who
lives intensively-—-who beverages himself,
on liquors and wines, exposes : himself to
inflamatory diseases, or causes that pro
duce them^labors beyond his strength,
visits exciting scenes, and indulges' ex
hausting passions,' lives on stinidlatihg apd
highly-seasoned food—-is always debuila<«
tea his pleasure. -
< I reckon I couldn't drive a trade with
you to-day, squire f’''said a genuine speci
men of h Yankee, pedlar asndstOodatthtf
door of a merchant in St.Looia, i :: r;l
i tl reckon you cahadnt<|for
you can’t ’ was the aneeying of the
merchant. '' r . / ;■
‘ Well I guess you needn't ’gel huffy ; i
’bout it. Now. here’s a doBQO glmnnera- '
zor straps- —worth two dollars and f Wfjf v
you may have ’em for two dollars**
‘I tell you Ldop’twant yourjjtraps, so
you may as well be going along/ ; , '
‘Well now look here squire, I'B 1 hetyou
five dollars that if you make rafe an offor .
I for tl»eni we’ll have a trade r v. : >
‘ Dox>e ’ replied; the, merchant placing
the money in the handsdf.a byaj»nder-- x
the Yankee deposited a like suin' ‘ ! ’
‘Now said tho udcrchant. / I’lh give
you a aixpen co for the straps/ ~
‘ They’re youm/ said the Yahkeo a$ ho
pocketed the stakes.
‘ Bpi,’ said he,i after; reflection and with
gredt apparent honesty, ‘l’ll tirade back
with 3on;' 'W-i : i- ; '
The merchantacomiteaattca^fenghtened.
■ u’re not. s<r, fill,*
said he, < here we: jofur; me
the’money/ ’ '
‘There it is/ said thc TO-l
colyed the andpasaed bver the six-i
pence. .v
-‘ A trade is a trade; and now you. .are
wideawake, and next tiipe you trade
that' ‘ere sixpence, you'd do a little'bettor
than t 4 buy razoV. straps.- •’
And away wjdkekrthc pedlar with his
straps wager, iurildst the shoutaof the
laughing crown.
B&i Young man, a private word. When
you go ooartingj find outas soonas possi- >.
ble whether your affections are being plant
ed xhore in a bundle of dry goods and
things generally than a pnkating heart,
Hemmed in by warm ribs and all that:—>.
: Manyafcllow has laid hiinaelf put for a '
full-made; woman, apd only found a very ;
extensive assortment’of cotton, whalebone;
'Und bimilairi delusive Just
loot over the goods going to tho
f In iho hcaring of for
assault and battery, a coum —« cross
examining one of theiritrieMOSj-aakisdi him.
what the; hi# at $£ first
'ped at?, '•' ■: 1•- ■.' ■ : > •-.■•;: j V";
i‘ Four glosaOs of alo.* v• •’
* What next.r s
‘ Two glasses of whiskey* ~;i‘ : '"
* What next.* ” v '
‘ A-fight r
Phonographs.— Ladies,
speaking, (and 'tbpy; do : -sptjafe
pislite them, V reason of
no wonnnn/not ©yen the
the truth,when it is told plainly to bw;
face. ■■■"•■’
Bgfc.The yorst features in man's face
ishig nose—-when stuck into other: peo
fle’s business. Remember wha
to in llie'hiihit of bobbing around. ?
. : ■ ;»■■■.; t yv*y, ■isr-r ■ r»frr>i v - ~'- ■ ■ -
i#e^4ia , S &ts.
1 i < -V
no< s<
-r£jr. *y - •.. r