The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 11, 1858, Image 3

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vorj- jf thi* ags : <
. p’»r hair to It t
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■ i h barber, and
wh, am! the reato
-1; the acalf> was
Mi Id three weeks
1- from Angsstlatt
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Dearly exbnos*
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t'ltr. I .
crch »%:1856.
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■ -
CbroogL, ;Electioih
which week, the 19th
one of more than osualin
■MMtk Two tickets ere already In the field, the
SM out” Democratic, while the
Other lB R “eit:tcna” composed of good men <jf
,«U tiiree parties. Tho officers to fie elected are:
Qae Chiefßnrgess
Five town Councilmen
, One Justice of the Peace. '
One Constable
One Assessor V," ;'V
Two. Aasutuot Assesson .T *U.
Oue Auditor = ; 1 ; v
Two SchoofJJirectors j.,. ...
'//Six l^pectors.
.// T ae *• Citisena’ Ticket” is conpoeediae follow :
// ‘"wf ,M V Jones. •
|. v '2\<xn Lowthep.vW. W.
John Allison. \«w
U A. McCormick,
Peter Reed, > \ v
'Nelaoh {Handing, ■
dMMMr.—:Johh McClelland. W. Vf.
Au ito.—Dapicl Price G. W. ;
; David DehalN. W. . i
.laditoc—Thopd.9 McMinn, r. .$
School Diree(ort.—C. C. Mason, E. W.
- ;• / \ C. B Shift, W. W. ! X
/ Alexander Riling, N. W.
John HVarfel, E. Vf, "i
L | w w
Michael Clabaugh. | w ‘ w *
; David Coulter,! > v w
1 , Wm. P- W
■Wm. G. McCofniick, ') „ '
E. Beck, / E - ”•
No candidates were pat in nomination for Jus
tice.of the Peace or Constable. | The following
persons lndependent for spid off
fices, viz:— . -. /
Jmlice of the Ptacs. —John W. Haines,
Jacob M\CheiTy,
: , Peter Uced.
, ,Cpnttabk.-r~3osoph Moist,
W. A. B Laub,
The “straight-out” Democratic ti(£et a com-
Ipogefiijifaiiowa; '• , . !
' ffkvf BuTgm.r^M;<Ln* Ihcr.
Taisn Council.—- Jacob .Heijiser,- W, W.
• ' * Win.' Hoyden, V „ _
' dqua. Conrad, ./,*• ”•
1 - A. HorceH. -
J. KOffhoy, i
Justin of tii Peaa —Jacob Ml.Clieiry,
CcmtabU —-J. K. Kly,
—John McClelland,
-dii. Do.— David Coulter,
Jas. Mdnt'.Vsb,
Auditor Qc.jrge B. Cramer.
-Sj-iioJ DVictors. —X•-•laan Glanding,*
C. IS Sink.
Judge: of EUctivis.—Q. Vi. Sparks, E W
D. H. Miller.'W. W
i David Ooultcrj N. W.
Ir.Tpcttcrs.~A.. Montgomery, -fe; 'W.
J.. H. .Roberts,* Wi W.
_ , Win. .JSlacti. N. W, >
Ti:.’ f.n'lifliteo are .now fairly; in tho field.—
in. iiiiog ia to elect -them. / ' 1 " ' '
.-t il ev.tbd Compliment —The aimual popcrt
rr . o Directors of tbe Pcana H. 11., contains
tat .
bi ii Col, T. A SooU.'.tbo efficientand energet-
SupcriiAeiidcnt of the Road:
•• f - i« position of SnijcrlntenXlent Ins
till’d Ky theapj o ntaieutofTh-iiD»9 A. scott.
iiiT; . >vh..* baa boon connected' with (ho trans-
?. -xt4.ii.-m tlejvirtmeut since.its orgauiz itiwib and
since the operations cf/that depart
.ic t « extended beyond the niountiiijs, us
dujjcri, leis-iciit of the Western division ; From
t'-f* i-aiccs-ful Jiili:nni."*tratlch of the duties horc
confided to him, the board h-w entire! con-.
Mel.*- tout the high reputation of the road for
5 ‘
4i< ty liurt tiu.* dispatch of its 'bus!peas will he
ii;:y pi'ciL-rveJ. while a comparative release
r I'ffi.ce duties WiU e-iable the General Super*
•Tei..ienf to exercise id larger influence.ia pro
a i.:ig the economical management of the roiuL”
In untieing it.the Pittsburgh Ditpatch says “it
p s -ij-icfi compliment to a worthy gentleman.—
p it Ls not stronger than deserved will be
fcertifieJ to by nil who have the pleasure of a
business acquaintance with the gentleman re-
it'erred to." We cordiallyconcnr with the Dis
\pa:ch m its remarks, cipd nro confident that they
[ will be concurred in by all who ore acquainted’
■with the gentleman referred to. *
[ Pcß Lands is lowa ran Sale. —Fur tho
L, formation of those of our renders, who design
ji.i .hng investments in Western lands,
iish the .following from a, proclamation of the,
'president, giving notice th\it a large number of;
acres of (joyerument hinds in lowa will be of-i
jiT-*d at Public Sale at the following LandOffi
ccs. m that State, ami at the following'dates,
iVi* • , 5
i At Osage. June 7 ; Fort Dodge, June 14 and
l-l; S.oux City, June 7 aud 511 and July I.
k}:•-incii J fluffs, June ? and 14 ; Dubuque, .tune,
U ;j Fort Dos Aloises, June 14 ; Chnritop, June)
[7 Tim sides to jcpmmence on tbe days appoin-i
i. i: but no sale to 1 1» kept open longer than two
; V . arid uOprivateeritry ofa'riy of the lands
i vrawKl.wUhhe admitteUuutit after the ex--
t .ration of the two weeks.
Life or Dr ■KASE.iOuryoung friend George
t«c!iester, Esq M an agent for the sale of the
ibove excellent hook, is now in town taking
• ■“ > • -'i,' ••••/,, )«r j* i* , /„ . t :.„ ”•
iu|«criptions. He purposes canvassing the town,
■e hope those of our citizens who desire to pro
iire thcbook.and whothat Jiasevcr heard or
■ltd of Kant-don't, will give H'ra their names.
•B work is the production of Dr. W. .Elder, the
Ktular liter ry editoroftheFluladelphis Prttt,
Bl is got up in ChjldBand?ctci;Boß*B beststyle.
Ifro jprlce is only $1.50. - 1 ~v ;
t • V*
■K’ •']
The Altoona reporter'for the >Stan*
Kls Slightly mistaken in stating tike
p? en ‘ ;ln whoiannounces himself through our
pans, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff
i t^i -independent pne. So information is
rnmined In his card. We understand him tl>
f a candidate for nomination by the Union
maty Convention. As to the remark that “lie
tka popularity,” we think it entirely gratui
ps, na there are few dienmore respected in
as community than the person in qnestihn. :
icciPEST.—We learn'from the Tipton corres?
ideat of the Standard, that on Friday last, a
i of Mr. Danly,- miller at Cayuga Mills, had
log torn off. by stepping incautiously through
opening of tie floor, near one of the husks,
his leg upon a wheoi.themotionof
|fc carried it aronndl whilst the revolving
•M*** it *g*Uwt th*J|aor., : " T:'s%
' / V
■ ! .
cr:tKcrpewmn or on
the 22d, |l,. to tbe extensive «tcnm saw
& Co >
sihmtcd $57%* iownship, Cambria wrantyi
-loiova iujjp Bangor Mills. • *
Tits B«r Corot* Memoikb— On® cf thcTcry
best Cough Medicines to lie ftund mywheie,
*t Dr. l&*crtr Pectoral Syrup. Bold by 0 w!
Kessler, a|o centsperbottle.
is readily cured by Dr. Key-
Bor’s Toot|cW Remedy, prepared at 140 Wood
Streep Piftburg and sold by Qco W. Kessler,
Aluunn, ajtiS oonts.
-conntry subscribers who
wish to pwtheir with, wood .will
.please: brijn It along ;as ■ soon as possible, as we
are in neepjfthe article.
Ojbonigma contributors most bear with
ua for a s|ct time. All nowion hand shall ap
pearas sc|i aswocan find time to put them in
- I - j ■' • '
jpom OurOurn Correipondenta.] '
*leap Waters or Riser Creek. V
| > February 8. 1858. /
' Once m|r-I have been successfal in rousing
myself frmnthaf lethargic state into which it
is my misfortune to full; how long ! shall stay
roused theuturenlone can decide. Nothing can
afford .me |pre pleasure than inditing an cpis
i tie to youjwekly. But, situated as I am. ife is
a hahl mattr to write a letter which would in
the least There are no .cars to
run off th%tackiand kill people; no thleyesand
robbers depredations upon mdveable
property; ii- lager beer saloons which might be
the cause |)occasirrnal tints; no incendiaries to
burn our bans apd: dwellings no assassins to
jjarrots or itiour throats; all of which are re
quisite ton’ the | local category, to make a com
munion tioh.atoresting to a morbid community,
aqd employ die attention of a-newspaper repor
ter. Dump the jdaj-time everything is still,
and there is nothing to break the calm but the
occasional rhginjj of the woodman’s axe. At
nigiit thoiiiue solemn. silence prevails, save
when-it is bpkec by the whistling music of old
Boreas throigh the forest trees, and
, ‘ . Many arc thonotos,
Waich fci Hi tuneful counw the wind drawl forth,
From rocJu| rs>odB,icaveriu, heaths sod dashing shores.”
Religion items to be toe prevailing topic of
conversation inthis section of the country. All
the Evange)kal denominations in Maninsburg
have been Eliding protracted meetings, and have
met with un;,imlellod success. The Winebre
nariaus seenj to be the most predominant. They
have kept i p .their meeting for the last four or
five weeks, and are still meeting with unbounded
eiicouragansut. Many have embraced the cause
of Chttst ari numbers[ are still enquiring the
way wh ; ch gads to life eternal. May the glo
rious wot k -.rmtiauo to prosper and much good
bo accumpljsicd-
This Ims leca a most extraordinary winter.
Many of the fanners, around here have been
plowing, an. some have finished. For farmers
to do all thcr plowing in Januaiy, is certainly
a very rare .commence. ground hog
saw hia intc-estingrcfUctioa on Candlemas day,
or “ground jog’s day,” and if there is any vir
tue in We will have to look out for v
squalls here.fter. 1 have been informed by the
farmers in iiis neighborhood, that the crops of
list year hh-o turned out miserably poor. Tiuue
whoso anntt's yield was from two to three hun
dred bushejsof wheat, can show but from 80 to
200 bushels. This is very, .discouraging, and
when we talj into contdderaiiau that soma .of
the farmfrs.Till hereto buy their own bread be
fere the next harvest, and that the next crop
bids fair to h a poor one. what pray, will be
come of ? .
It was vep gratifying to learnfrom * 4 Alpha’s"
last that he is taking sp deep an
interest in tie good cause of education, that he
ijS devoting hs spare time to school visitations.
Cut what saens strange to us, t he never gets to
any other po:t ttiftn, Williamsburg. Thp next
time he hasd-feut®, we should be very much
pleased to &j.bim wending his way up 4 in this
direction lie will insure him a pleasant visit,
find ho will fc; fuljy rewarded for bis trouble.
A man nojicd Louis Ake died suddenly, last
Saturday under very singular circum
stances. lIS bod been attending the Wine
brenarian meftitigs, and no doubt feeling the
need of a Savbr| he took.his place among the
mourners, pit. the -excitement proved to be too
much for hint ,nd he.became .W raving maniac.
It was with difficulty that his friends pre
vented him fjritu tearing the clothes from off bis
book. At bine he destroyed everything that
came withinlis retfeb-; After suffering in this,
way for two 0.-. three days, lie was relieved by
the strong ai|n of death. lie leaves a wife and
several small} .hildrcn to mourn their loss.
; I -f-rv-i KEANISCUS.
; !
♦V- • , SpnijpriEtD .Furnace, Feb, 5, 1858. '
- It teas my jhtention,' in my last communica
tion, <o bftTe|.>U ybuaboutoar Bailßoad.
. 'I have tol(|7on before that there are some
ycry entcrprjpiDg nieh an tlusscclion, which will
be folly by named improve
ment. A few weeks ago a new Furnace was
put in ln WdlUmsbarg.whichis part
ly owned by 3>. Good & Co.the proprietors of
Springfield f jmace. Part of the ore for the
former is sappliejl by the banks of the latter,
which would have to be carried about five and
a half miles, .this would create an expense
for the new eotnpanyVto foot,’’of about from
thee to fourjthousand dollars, fur teams and the
ct eeteras belonging to them, which with their
:feed would, according to Mr. McAlister’s silt?--
ment amonnt to near six thousand dollars for the,
first year. The two Companies have determined
to apply this , with as much more as may bo
Decenary to the building of a Bail Bond from
rwhat is known as the vnpper bank” to Williams
burg, intending to have It completed this spring,
to within one find a half miles of that place.—
The remaining part will not bo completed for
fine tod probably not for two years. The Bead
will,Re located oil the eaxternside ofthe dlvid-
tidge of this vollvy, running atari/ parallel
"- t
V •
d&for,* ’ PBM^PI^TUS' •
the the «:rc a^»ißr^W> « ‘ •■’ ’ '**&*"■ r '‘ ■
Uut ngain. Whg teams IVom ihU .. £^3^
Furniice arofei&gingore here, limy *ill tarry . ' ■ 4 ■
the Iron from I*ro to the mpper terminus uftho THE CASH SYBTEX ADOPTED f :
B#« d end from thence it will lio taken to WUI- ■' v i
Iniwttng l.j Hull, (has saving ten* to 'ake ft The Cfc&peSt Paper tO tile COH&t^t
direct r distance of five miles, whilst they frill - S' v-:|
m«ke each team;" kill two birds withonestone.” With the pwsent number, the 7H6«aeh#sen-
But whilst ♦kbim r„„ j . tered upon its third volume. Commenced at a
m whilst tb* 19 for self-accommodation,. 1 time when the confidenceof the bißrena bfAl
rßQOuia not De snrpnsea if* in the coarse of few tooa«k in’ newspnpcrs. and newspaper pablishcrti
years, the growitig iuterests of tbiavery prodac- W!IS considerably shaken, if not totally annibila
tire valley, will demand one for the use of the i c f it has slowly but surely restored thatcon-
: Puhlie umi mthiAu * . -I ■fidence, anti noV stands upon a sure foundation,
.1,,/; without-doubt,-would -■“• pay end is universally acknowledged to be one of
well. Are tee not n go-ahead-a- tire people? the fixed iiisti(utiona,ofour town. But this re-
Our community was quite enlivened on Thurs- sul£ has “ ot 1)6611 achieved without a hard strug
day by a party' &ot came off at Jas. Boiler ?,e ’ <u,d «« nBid6 »M* expenditure of time and
Eso’a tf „„ ~ n -,i , „ ’ Ine:vns on the port of its editors. The steady
** * ® as a Bridal Party to increase however, has afforded in
several of the yopng people who have lately \dubl(ablc evidence that toeirkbors have been ap
pointed, 1 and was, we are informed, a raagni- duted.
ficeht affair. Miiy the happiness th x ev esueri- In cnterin S ,l P on the « le «- volume it is almost
ennui *1 *1 , I*l* * , , unnecessary to say that tbeTWAuae will coi.tin
enqed there attend them through life; may their ye to bo "Indepenoent is Eveiu-tiung,” bc
futore pathways bc strewn with flowers devoid lug biassed neither by fear, favor nor affection,
of thorns; mfty .dio prime of their dives benspent | n * avor of parties x or sects. In this/ respect it
in doing goo 4, illmultiplying and replenishing J. 8 , 011 . 1 ?'necessary to _say that the post affords a
ti.n » -Iv. .u V. • 1 j b fanr „, dex ag t 0 our future course. :
tuo eo-th, that their old age may bo peaceful It has always been our aim to make the Tri
aos contented- -A <> So mote it be." * : hune % a reliable first-class Local PApen. as we
On last Monday we thought that “ Old Win- k 6 *' 6 ? 6 in'that character alone, .country pa
ter” had surely Cbme, but bo has again eluded P 6 / 8 - 611 * 1 W«*MlWly compete with iheir flashy
nnr-rrrnon inn -J• k. ‘ *j . city neighbors. To tins end we bare secured
uvgrasp, leaving with( ns the lus correspondents in various parts of the county,
having been about in the shape of frost!/ morn* > wk° furnish us with all the items of local inter
ings. Now thoy do say that as age increases es£ i u their vicinity. We purpose adding ethers
dignity and soberness follow, but this old gent, ** 88 w f T them - »“
. k I y ..vup oiu genr, ring the next year we shaU redouble our effort
seenrs somehow tq be somewhat fickle yet. May to make the Tribune a perfect jcon.pcndimn pi
his shadow, in a ffew months-grow -'** small by B«)He News--a beuabi.B; fibst class Local
degrees and beautifully less ” ’ ■■ Paper, second to none in tlie country, and ds
I .i.h J 0„ „a„M u,„-sL.- .h.t k„,w,„ g
well how to dp ;Sp,s we give him our sympathies. But while the Local Department shall be our
Now if he sboutd that again (for I very much special cure,\ we shall also deyoto a considira
auspect it was he kho had a hook on that night) ble sp “ ce 1,1 Lm:RAliy Mattee, Fcs and He
it will come to and worse Whv as turi "i* antl tUo chr,,n , iclin * , of ;evenU °f E ei, vrn l
A- • ,f J,' .. W,l> , aB bure interest to our readers. We purpose also pub
mtemg they It have him mairied on lishing from tune to time “ Original Sketches of
“ Thursday-a-icedc?' If be dont believe me, just Mon anu Things ” which will be furnished by
let him ask Mag,‘dr Dob. If he wants to got °nr contributors. We have made arrangements
his name up lot him stay there awhile and he’ll < WCe V- V leUCr frora IJ|lil ' ,,kl 1 ,,li ' 1 -
... ’ 1 ue, .inane u and judging from the reputation oqr com-spon
get it up with q vhngcapce. Especially if he dent sustains ns a popular writer, these letters'
should get up ipto \ “ Texas,” give him wiil 1)6 ar i tl oilt tu our readers.
the full benefit of thfcir foul-mouthed lying— As we are decidedly sjournalists of the pro
■Hopc he’ll got out;of that without getting into f sive « have concluded to adopt the
K » luto cash system in our business. The neglect ol
the General ALPHA. quite a number of our patrons' to pay up prompt
ly, and the rascality of others, him compelled
us to adopt this course. Time and experience
has fully proved tu our satisfaction that the
credit system will not work with newspaper
publishers. From this date no paper will be
sent from this office, unless paid for hi advance-,
.and at the expiration of the time paid for, if
not renewed, will be promptly stopped. This
arrangement docs no injustice to our patrons
prbile it will protect us from the impositions of
Soulless scoundrels, and enable r us to devote
more attention to our paper.
Recognizing, the principle that contracts to
be satisfactory should be fraught with mutual
benefit to both parties, and us money in large
amounts, '«« advance, is of mure value to us than J
wpen received in driblets, as an imbue ’
.meat to numbers who would otherwise diseon
linue. as well as to those who h■- —J
taken the paper, we Z 1 following
low *nc eothing year;
T.cSpy, one year tjl 50
10 copies “ ($1.25 per copy) 12 50
-0 •• •• ($l,OO per copy) 20 00 \
nud all above 20 at the same rate—s 1 per copy.
The money must, in all cases, accompany the
order. : 1
By the above it will be seen tlfnt our paper
is emphatically tile cheapest in the county.—
As to its .merits we leave in to the public to de
cide. \Ve earnestly request our friends through
out the county to "give ns a lift,” as we have
no doubt each of them can readily, obtain a club
in their neighborhood.
Canvassers Wasted.—Several energetic bu
siness men wanted to canvass the county for I
subscribers to the Tribune. A liberal pcr-ceu-\|
tage will he allowed
HoiiiDAi-sncßo, Fob. 10, 1858,
iCourt adjourned last Saturday night. The sec
ond week was occupied with the disposition of
civil causes. The case possessing the most in
terest was that of the Penn’a K. R. Co., vs the
sureties of W. J. Sellers. L. W Hall and W. A.
Stokes, Esqrs., were the counsel for the I‘lff., and
Col. 1 logos, S. Sf fßlair and T. 'Banks. Esqrs.,
for tjie Deits. The,-trial of the case consumed
tho evening of Wednesday and all of Thursday,
and was discusjsed and conducted by both
sides with an ability-rarely equalled in any court.
The jury fount* for (the Defts. The attendance
of the second .week was small in comparison
with .that of the first.
A j large porker| was the prize at a sh-tx-Un*
uniteh on last Friday and Saturday. It was
won lay Mr Coulter,, of the Summit. Another
shooting match is to come off this week, the
stakes of which ore; equally as valuable, and
will no doubt be juj exciting and interesting to
marksmen. j
J. C McLanahah, Esq , has received the ap
pointment of iigeiiC for the Lycoming Mutual
Fire Insurance company, for this county.
Those who desireftij insure Aheir property will
find him in his office at G.aysport Foundry.
Tho election for -Borough and Township offi
cers trill take place on the 10th in<t It is at-"
tr.nst time that nominations should bo made
I do not thiuk that jthe party moment will en
ter much into the election, or that it will bo a
very exciting one. I However, when the day"
comes I can tell better.
J understand that the establishment of a Nor
mal School is contemplated, and that the Coun
ty Superintendent calling a meeting
of the teachers duringf the liittor part of this
mouth.'to discuss and consider the subject.
The protracted meetings in the several evan
gelical churches of this place, still continue.—
Much good has already resulted from them, adn
the indications of greater fruits are encour
aging. Over hundred persons were taken
into the Lutheran johurchi on Sabbath lust.—
The Presbyterians! have increased their commu-
nicant list 46, the | Baptists about 45 and the
Methodists 80—mMtiiife. in all, about 270 per
sons who have received the ‘‘new birth ” du
ring this revival season. It is to be hoped that
the good work will nqt stop here, but may go
on until its benign influence shall bo felt in ev-
ery heart.
Several of our citizens were engaged in haul
ing ice yesterday, I This being the first opportu
nity that has offered this winter, and fearful of
having empty ice-liouscs next summer, they
readily embrace ill,; although the ice is not so
good as that of lasjt year. VERITAS. \
Rapid Waixisa 4-Jn a neat business hand—is
not only an' accoinplishmcnt, hut is of great
utility to the young business man. It carries
upon its f tco one of the best recommendations!
; The facilities fey.acquiring such a hand arc un
surpassed in tlie City Commercial. College,
of Pittsburgh, I’n.; Eight First Premiums hay-,
ing bcfin awarded this College during tho pres
ent fall Fairs, for ;tho best Business Writing,
speaks unmistrtkably of its great superiority in
this respect. In faqt, previously and wherever
exhibited, its Writing has always received First
Premiums. b*er «1| Those, then,
desirous of findings best facilities for acqui
ring such abaud,; arid also for" every variety
and style of Wijtbigs, yrlll
And tjie Penmanship in tins College, though ex
ecuted in this very superior style, wasactually
done with pen and. ink alone, while others, in-
Competent to do tbfH> own writing in tin accep
table manner, are [dependent upon the skill of
the engraver for both .copies and specimens. .
,‘*Wnr was Ph.vroah’s Bavohtbb Like a
Bbokkb t-r-Becausd'she got a little prophet from
the rtfthet on the batiks.” ; ' !"[
Tho above is a pretty good conundrum, but
It is not as good ns [the fact that the more rash
«s there arc upon, the banks of S. 3wan & Go’*'
legalized lotteries at Augusta',- Ga., the more
profit accrues to the parties making the rush.—
"We anticipate for-the next drawing a ruehfrom
nil parts of the Union for a chance of ilte pro
fits m the magnificent prize of $60,000. The
investment of $lO will entitle the purchaser to
n whole ticket; while 6 or 2J will giyo.the hdlil--,
eran opportunity of gathering n}p tJte
Vttle cr 30,000 dollar*.
JB@T Who that is troubled with any of those'
disagreeable'Complaints, sue!', as Jani'diee, Dys
pepsia or Liver Diseases of any kind, but would
like to know of a remedy for these unseemly
visitations? We feel that we are doing our in
valid readers an invaluable sergice if we can in
duce them to get a buttle of Dr Sanford's hi
vigorutof, and take it,, for we know from per
soual lexperienee that it is one of the greatest
remedies for general debility, and consequent
imicrlyc txiLUiy powers ever before used, Its
action is so perfect and complete ns to give re
lief tlte first Uuje taken, and ifit does to others
as it has to us, half a buttle will be all that is
needed. )We know of nothing wo can rccom
i.lend such confidence,' as a family medi
cine, «s the luvignrator.
W\)pnLvsn Cream,” —.4 Pomade for beautify
iny the Hair —highly perfumed, superior to any
French article imported, and for half the price.
For dressing Ladies IL-iir it has no equal, giving
it a bright-glossy appearance. It causes Gentle
men’s Hair to curl in the must natural manner.
It removes the dandruff, always giving the Hair
the appearance of being fresh shampooed, Price
only fifty cents. None genuine unless signed
FETillDGli &,CO> Proprietors of the
' “Balm of a Thousand Flowers .”
For sale by all Druggists.
The Pasic— SJouft Faii.ures. —The panic in
New York seems to be on. the incr'easo. In this
city everything goes'oil smoothly, and the only
failures wo have heard of were the failures to
furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing
establishments. There is no such difficulty to
be encountered by those who patronize th?
Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhilland Wil
son. Nos. 603 and 600 Chesuut street, above
sixth. Gentleman and youths never fail to pro
cure capital fits at this popular establishment
JB@“ Du Vail’s Galvanic Oil acts on the sys
tem by imparting to the diseased part a natural
curront of electricity, by which the restoration
of all the natural functions are produced immej
diately,' and a cure is ut once obtained. This
is the great secret which no other medicine in
the world has got; and hence .the great success
this medicine basin curing diseases.
oosucns inmanr or uiwtsek * m’dowoi.
flour—Superfine, bhl,
“ .Extra, » «
Corn Med, ' Bcwt.
Buckwheat % “
Potatoes, ' sbnth,
Apples, = V "
Butter, « m
i.aH i 9" - . j
Pofl4 :
side, 1 ■ ;® ” ;
■ ,;v.v:
- mxais t
t Irtihr sell OiclivlTloor (U th» following rate*;—j
WhlteWho«tFloTir, Extm family. fMS
“ ; ■“■ “ “ Snperflna, “ i 6,50
3nwh Creek s « S,y
u u
J - “ Superfine, *
> u
trti> fwpOjrfloor;
gas* ' ;
j 4 - ttr-5;-:
j, ’
;k r stated Councils- of
' the* WniwwTMßa" No- 86. 1.0. It. TU mw hidd «v
-to U>« I. o. 0. R Han, in tbe #•*-
•oateTstnple; Council Fire Undlsd it 7th nmSOthhrtKth
Jttna 25, ’67-ly] A. EUKKLE, O. qf S.
Time of the Closing a&d
Arrival of Haiti at Altoona Pott Offico. .
ftßtwnWtjrrt I WT.IP
Wortera • * 800 A.M.
eastern Through Halt 8 00“
MAttJt ABMTB. ' ; v
Eastern Through Mail, . : 8 85 A. 11.
Western Way and IToUidaysbarg,, >I, I4OV. Mi
Eastern ** “. •.■•■-? [ii. i H u
HoUidayabms malts dose at ABO P.M. tad 0,45 P. M,
and arrive at 1,15 P.M. and 7 jOP. Mi i!
Juno A ’67-tf] . JOHN SHOKMAKEB, P. M.
Time of Arrival and De
parture of trains running on tbe-Pehn’a. Jtallroad, at Al
toona station, i - ;
Express Train East arrises 2,48 A. it,': leases 2JU A, M.
“ “ West « 8,36 « . -■•*'BA6 “ :
Fast “i East “ 1,40 P.MJ 9” 8,00 P.M.
“ “ West “ 11,00 “ ■ :« 11,10 «
ALTOONA WAY TRAIN leases Altoona for Philadel
phia At 6,0 J A, iL, rnd returning arrives at Altoona at
7,15 P.M.V-
The lIOLLIRAYaBURQ BRANCH connects with Express
train West. Altoona Way Train East and West and with
Fast Moil Tiain Khs M
The BLAIRS VTLLE BRANCH connects With Johnstown
Way Train East and West, Express Train-West And Fast
Mail Train East. ,
800. 21, ‘66-tn
A Card— To the Ladies.
— Hb. Dctosco’s Goinxjr Fames Pius are ftyhZK6& fn re
rmmina ttopagu = and immdaritiu tf Ou tnenrvr. These
Pills arc nothing’now but hate Beep nsedbytho doctors for
many years. both in France and America,'With unparalleled
sui-0.-as in every case; and he is. urged by many thousand la
dies who have used them, to make thePflla public, for the
alleviation of ttioseso'.rerinpfroin any irregnlaritics of what
ever nature, as well as to prevent pregnancy to to those In
dies whose health will not permit an increase of family.—
Pregnant females, or those supposing tbemaelree so, are cau
tioned against using these. Pills while pregnant, as the Pro
prietor assumes no responsibility after the above admonition
iiltho’ their mildness would prevent atjy mteclucf to health ;
otherwise tliese Pills are recommended. Foil and explicit
dirdetirtas accompany each box. Price $1*. Sold
wholesale and retail by G. W. KESSLER, General Agent for
Altoona and vicinity. He will supply dealers jit proprietor’s
prices, and send the Pills to ladies (confidentially) by return
mail on receipt of $1 through the Altoona Poat Office. /
Each box has my signature. J. DDI'ONCO, New York.'
Samuel Brebiiu, genera) agent for Tyrone City, [ly-27
9 f voters of the Borough of Altoona, I offer rnyuelf os u'; f..r the office cf JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, at
tli- cunning election, and if elected, will endeavor to dis
charge the duties of said office to the best of i»y.ability. -
.Feb. 4, 1668-te.J JOHN W-JICMES. '
—I offer myself as a camlidnta for the office of 808-.
OCOII CONSTABLE, at tile ensuing election. If elected,
1 pledge myself to use all my abilities ip maintaining'or
der, enforcing the Borough laws, and performing all tho
duties nvpurtaimiig to said office.
Feb. 4, ISaS-tc] JOSEPH MOIST.
QHERIFFAUTY.— I offer myself as
n candidate for the office of SHERIFF of Blnir conn*
ty, it the • election In October next. If elected, I
l>i"<lgc myself discharge (lie'dutiea appertaining to said
o.iice i.. tliS I-.-f J-i my obility.
Fct. i, V-:,&-ta JOHN'B. WARFEL.
f f f- r mys. jl' to the olti/iaa of. Altoona, ta ur. indc-jtnd
-ut cab'iMiit n Jf<.-r the office aUivo named, at lit-? pinning
C>r»ujrli KU-qtinn. , If ejected. I idcdiaimyself todischarge
;*ir- duties ajinei tainilig, to said office to tins host of my abil
ity. ‘ I . PETEK HEED.
Altoona, Jua. £ a , ISoS-to. '
) ‘ Hrn-Ht folicitatioD of a number of my friends
I offer im ->i-ir to the citizens of .Altoona t iT
i i*-img ' witbout fear, favor, or
■ A. W. B. LAUB.
the crizKxs op alVoona.
1 —I respectfully offer myself as an Independent can
lldati for tin-office of CONSTABLE, at the coining Bor
offish Election. If elected. I pledge myself to discharge the
duties apperiaiTiing to that office, to the beat of my ability,
without 1 respect to friends or foc». ; .
Jaii-21-tf. JOSEPH K. Etr.
In thls'placa on the 4th Inst* Berth* daughter of Joseph
0. and Ev. lina Adlum, aged 2 yearn Cm iiCkh
In thisplacs on Saturday evening the 6th inht., HIRAM
WILLSON, infant sun of Benjamin F. arid ilariA' E. Rose.
Notice is hereby Riven thatk-ttera of Administration
on th- .-tote ufC.-orgn IlnlT, lato Of Logan township. Blah
emuty. deed., have been granted by the Register of said
county to the undersigned resiclinSf in Altoona. All per*
amis knowing tlfcn.selvcs indebted to Bald festal" are rcqttes
t ■ l to ni*k<> i imbed In tv payment. and those fytviny claltna
will pr ; -Keiit the same duly authenticated for settlement,
F.-‘> n-t»-3!»rO J, B. lIILKM VtV. AfmV.
S giv. n that the undersigned ia no longer connected
with th* jii n, (1 f a. ft J. Cherry, in a certain Saw Mill prop
erty. in Antis township, Blair county, mid will not be re
.spnii-ihie for th>- acts of tho remaining partner.
Antis t». V-h. f. lag-Vit. *1 ANDREW CHERRY.
in c.jiuseqvienc-j of the hard times, 1 have concluded
th put J'jwn the price of my OYSTJ&IB tptho lowestposai
? hp on the
Chafine Dish aWttfcMt CENTS, SuiuiTia»w*i m tuT ■ u
and it-rved up with all other accompaniments. TWENTT
FIV K CUNTS. They will also he furgiahed, In erery oth
er way, at pnees taeoAMpond the times.
logon noose, Hollldaysbnrg.
_Dcc. 17. tf.]
tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on
the estate of J acob Heigh. late ofjtWfi borough of Altoona,
ilinir comity, 'he'd., have been granted by tho: Heglstor of
said county to the undersigned residing as aforesaid. All
persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment, and thpse having
claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement.
.Inn. U-Ct.l I C. B. SISK. Adm'r.
Beatty’s An.un.tx Horse OIRTMEKT is theonlymedicir.a
in use that will effectually cure Klugborio, Spavin and
Splint. It is not claimed for this Ointment, its it is for
iH-rly «U other ni'dicines of the day, that it will cure all
diseases which horse or mnnare heir to, but only tocure
tho above named diseases when used according to direc
tions. Ringbone, Spavin and Spljntaro diseased of precisely
similar character, Consequently a medicine Uhibh will bene
fit or cure, one Is adapted to the other. This Ointment pene
trates the horses skin, reaches and Converts thecallpns into
matter, and the dteased Pimp is then discharged, in the
form of pass or matter through the skin, without removing
thchair. if put on according to directions. It has been
said by those who have used the Ointment that it wjUcnre
the Poll Evil and Farcy. It is certain. hoWever.that it wilt
euro or remove any callous lumps from a horde, wherever
located. Try U: and if after using It a week, according to
directions, von am not satisfied as to its efficacy, return
the box fo 'the agent and he wiU' aAaey.
M.nb per box. .... •
Forsjila by fi. W- KEPShKH- Altoona. fJanU’tt
-1 A of well selected LIQCQH-? been received
at tho “ LOG AX HOUSE," HMlidayaburg, which will be
adit at the lowest cash wholesale or retell. The
man who wants has only to call. ■ [Pfg.ll. It
T Camuhcnb; Burning Blnld, CarbonOU, Ac* at
Jan. S. *si’—ttj- r~; -ry 4 KESSLER'S.
'll eonfecttom»rles,Nnts and Fruits kept at
June 18. *6T-Ty] IfENItY: LEgR I S.
I B Cologne Extract!, 'Shaving Cream, Toilfet Soaps. Ac.
fS’S’oby • , ~ O. W. KESSLER.
■. iS
JUL shari“K< Paint, Sash and 'Varntah Brushes at_ _ ;
Lt|n ( " " KE9BUSKB.
$l-1) highly flavored Clears, hr abundance,. can be bad a
lOr-ly) ' ' ■ HENRY LEHK’B.
t 1 ■ tain Flour and’Feed by calling at • ,
; Tine ML'St-ljit I v ° HENRY LEHR’S.
.if ia in John Lehr's old stand, nearly opposite McCor
mick's store. In North Tfaid. [June 18.'57-1 y.
. PTi tpdtocaU and tost themerits of ibearriaaek^tby
fcLASS 8 BY 10 TO SO
AJT by« Glam «it tectder by O. W. SttSUSt.
... i -i C >■: r- r
! THOB. A. SCOT*, Skp’i, '
awfisat^ 1,
„Tbo following Scheme wlir Ik drawn by K. e«-%n A ftw
Manage!* Of tho fpwta Academy Lottery, la adi utAbafr
binK>» Number Littcrics lor February, 1668, M iCOBHtI,
Qoorgia, to which otty they faarvu removed IheSr ycin|^3
, CLASS 1, r; /
To be drawn in the city of Augusta, (honk, la nUL a|
. Saturday, February C, I6tB. ,
„ . . CLABB 2, '
To be drawn in tho City of AoßcatA, Oeoreda, to pabllKm
Saturday, Kebruary 13,15 M.
■; CLASS 8, 1
To be draws in the City of Augusta, Georgia, ia pnOt m '
Saturday, February 20,16C8.
\!- ■ • CLASS 4,
To be draws la the City, of Augusta, Georeta, is puhSec xM ‘
- • - . Batard*y,Fohnasy 27,1868.
nrx taocaiifs rocs aronun ass neait-ma rauul
Marty one Prise to etery Nine TiehtUl
taco s«at»*y a matrix*. -
1 Priie of $TO,(M>i 4 Pme of
I “3 • 4 “ “ ■
1 “•# »,W« 4 « « , «ft
I “f , 6,3T| 4 -*' So
1 « *, i 4,000 CO Prise* of . *5
1 “ “ B,ooo{ » «• «• , s M
I “ “ 1,6*»-tvo “ i* m
4 « « I.KWSSO . “ “ EJ
4 Prise* of 3400 Acprox’Ung. to s7(yjoo Prinara 41,(*C0
4 « “ 300 ■” * '*-$3,000 “ *» TUW
4 « « 800. « - M ttiMo <• <* TZo
4 « “ 186 “ , 1 • bfil* “, « . *•*
4-' “ “ 100 4fioff •»’ ** • i*ny
4 •• “76 “ " 4,040 «■ f 4vi»
4 “ “ 60 - •• 1,600 • « M
6,000 “ “ N*ra | IMgOQO
6,486 Prisa* amounting to. py.W
Whole Ticket* $10; Hal tea |6: Onartera s2ib, '
The numbers from 1 to 50,000, oorreeponding with theee
number* oa the Ticket* printed os aspirate alTps of paper,
are encircled tnamaOl «a tube* and placed In one Wheel
■ The_flr«t 476 Friias, alnularly printed and encircled, ara
pieced in another wheel.
The wheels are then rerolved, end a Owmber 1* drawn
from the wheel of Numbars, end at the mhie time a Prlaa
is drawn from the other wheel; The number end prise
Craws out are opened and i exhibited to the audience, and
registered by the Commisstynors; tho Pr'ro being placed
against the number drawn. This operation la repeated sS
till all the Prizes are drawn out.
AmtowMATioh Prizes.—The two prececdir™ and the two
succeeding numbers to thoee drawing the lint 7 Prises will
be entitled to tho 28 Approximation Prizes, For example!
if Ticket No. 11,260 draws 'tho 670,000' Prise, those ticket*
numbered 11,248,11,219,11,261,11262, will each be entitled
to S4us. If Ticket No. 660 draw* the £69,000 Prize, those
tickets numbered 649, 661, 662, will each be eutifletHo
$31)0, iukd no on ft£cordiDg>to the abuTo Bcliezu*,
The 6,000’ Prizes of J2o will be determined by thel Mt £_ ■
ure of the number that draws the 370,000 Prise. For ex
ample: if the number drawing tho $70,000 Prise entU with
No. 1, then *ll the tickets, where the number end* it. 1;
will bo entitled to $2O. If tlio number ends With Ku. iL '
then all tho tickets whore the number *nd« in 2 will be eft.
titled ta $2O, and so on to 0. ' - ■ ‘
Certificates of Packages will bo told at the following rata*
which ia the risk: ,
Certificate of package of 10 Whole 1 Tkkrtal tSO
“ w : in Hair •. .
“ •“■ ■ ; iSSSP' 2 ! ’/S '
is omikuso ncKosoß csitxincrTss.
Enclose the money to our address for the tickets ordered,
or receipt of which they will be fbrwartled by fifelmsiL--
Purcbosetß can bare tickets ending in ant number thev
may designate, * .
The list of Drawn Numbers, and Prizes will be text to
purchaser* immediately after the drawing.
Pnrohasm will please Write their signature* ptatniAnd
give their Post Office, County and State.’ • ■
Remember that every Prise is drawn and payable in full'
without deduction. 7 . •
All prizes of 31,000? and under, paid immediately «W
-the drawing—other prize* at the usual time of 60 days’^'
All communications etrlctly confidential. . i ‘
Address orders ibr tickets cr certificate* to
_ ... ; S. 81VAN A CO. t Jv<m*ta,-&£
Pcrscaa roaidlng near Montgomery; or Alnlant*; Qa.
can have their orders filled, and says time, by oddreitftiA
3. Swan i do., at,either of those cities. ”
A list of the cumbers that are drawn from the whtsk——
with the amount of the prize that each I 'll *i*i(il '
wUi be published after every ‘ l *"T'tor n ii Ti****
ZZliSsr&WßOok' Sxxar.noh mntingHelot, Sicfoacnd Vino,
pitch. New Tork Dispatch, and PaukUng I Hiss.)
Atiputa (gao.l Cbnstitutionoli.4. [ |aa.7-lyr ™
\ In announcing the LIFE OF PR. KAKE, wa ace hufgfr
ticipating the vriahe* of thousand* and teas oTthoomhla
of the admirer* of that great man, ' * "
Haying been a personal fl-lcnd of the deceased, and *<•
joying a tUll share of hUconfldenbo, Dr. Elder tstfeUbnal
ified to dojtistlce tothesuLJvelr f •
Ibis wore will bo Issued in one handsome potato voimnn, }
and equal in ■ every respect to' the superb'Toluina* of
“Arctic Exploration*," recently published. It wllioontfttt
a new ftill-faco portrait, executed oq steel, as wall a>engra
vings of bis residence, tomb, medals, Ac. >,
'ln order to give this wark a lafge circulation It wIU * >
sold at tholow price of $1,60. ■ m i.
kou mas 1300,000 ao»wt*HW in marts. -v . :.f*.
la naw being read by more than two hundred tbottesnl
persons, old and young, learned and unlearned.- It lajost ■
the book which should bo owned and read qy every AmerV
can. . . '- • -
Hava each pronounced It the moat remukablc and' attr
veßms work ever published. ” I '■;— *"
and the most distinguished tarans of Europe are eXtrstlfr'
gannin it* praise. • • • -
It is more interesting than RuBISOK CRCSOEthetog*' s - '
faithful account of privattona and hardships the nanttti^
,of which Cannot lie read without a shudder. . .
OCII Will £MIK£S!t ili!K lum.tM witli auhttbir
in extollingits merits. v ■ ■ ; :
iwo VoU. octavo, nuperldyv Illustrated. Tnszr Homom-
Exaumc*. Price $5,0;.'. ■ , ;
lag Dsiied St.vrxs GSKCfsu. Extimtiok iw suites or Sa
JoaxFßAysiis, ditrlngtha years
A personal ntrative by EU£3a Kin Kasi, A'. D:, C. 8. A.
One. volume Bvoe upwards of 550 ; pages, containing SUB ■*
steel plates .and stood including a ttM ■ :
-. Ifhe fcai ths socopd ill
pcdltion, and embraces much valuable ■nd ''
ter pstar before published. It should be owned byi6-#b*iy
U.iT- purchased the last Expedition, as It make* Dr. Enas’* >;
works complete. - -*■
Tfsxs nou 'Lot nr Basinor Xsyt You, Pxicx 15,09.
In press, .
cod. j. c. rsEMOsrs expiobatiqks.
Superbly Illustrated with steel plate* and vroed cuts, ei>
graved unper the immediate superintendence of Col. Re.
' monk mostly from Daguerreotypes taken on the spot and
will be Issued in a-atyle to match 1 Dr. Kane’s'works. It
will also Contain* pew steel portrait, being Urn only ouca
rccfiatenepi of tips author ever published,
Iwd volumes. Octavo—ss,oo
By Bet. D. p. of thollcthbdM Episcopal Church;- I
By Ret. J. C. Flptcara, of the Presbyterian Church, ’
This new arid splendidly-illustrated work (one laraTvoV
urn* octavo, te uniform style with the superb rolnmeaiif
Dr. Kane’s' Arc(ic Explorations,) Is the Joint effort of th*
above named gentlemen, who, as travellers and mMonas
rßs. (and one In on official position os Acting Secretary of
the United State* Legation at Bio.) have bad a long andr*.
tied ekperience ina land full of interrat, whether We fo>
gari'U in a natural, commercial, political or moral point of
view. Price S3,W. . ■
- .05* Any dr the above works will bo sent by mail ft** Of
thepnbUshed price.
CHILDS 4 PETER SOB, Publ&her*,
M 2, Jrck prat, ;
NotemW 12,1857-tf.
COBMICK’S STORE.—We have Juat received srd _
opened aft excellent assortment of Goode, (elected with
great care, expressly to . N «,
all of which wo porposu selling unumiallr low for CA*n *
or COCNTRV PBODCCE, with tho vie# of either
out of the business in tho Spring, or of adopting the rtfS,
system. In order to prepare tho way, we wRI tell 6ncy>
rias vary cheap—say
Drown Sugars at 9 end 10 cchts,
White “ “ 12} cents,
Rest Rio Coffee at 14 .cents, * s
and Molasses, Oils, 4c., eonally low, toga thcr with a jot ct
CKmUNO. . ’ , :
' ; STONEWARE. &C„ &C.;
all low in proportion;' Persons wishing to pnrohate rood* ■ :1
would do welt to call end our stock, wa chare* «
nothing for showing oar goods, and, will take pleaaS»M . **
accommodating all who may give Ua aoall. ■' V
- November Is, 1357-tf.
ON S^—6oo hoxM Oraagea and Larnnn* In utorn *nd
for tale by Vtf. N. BHUGABP.
_ .ir>t y. £4 atrtct. ThlflidelnV*.
A Mlo oa rsMonabletara*. Apply-io
2T-tO , ■ ... ; . . fIpiftEMAKCT.
I J XfOt» «tortain lowlit *vfn t&l*
pri* 03 wMonabU term*. hy\ Tffl-tf.l J. Sflpg
hwimiftriti* > JM*
<: .
l )'
f -v -m-**