The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 11, 1858, Image 2

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    F ptotrnii Crifeif.
f"»iJ§iss^ rc^Vtlwi are.nokuown to us,ourrulefoiradTar..
tulvM » c ». °r a Kuamnteefrom
uis there, ora melees for all such to Mdd
? ff6rf n s to pay at ike end of three or *ix
“J™* 1 : here advertisements are accompanied with the
~ > irn?gs?.--yy tJ> ”.cne. five or tea dollars, we will five the,
to© full benefit of cw*b rates.
't^^d!riS|jreto»- L?r<! * ft * r 64
a» l «f? Kr °«.J«wsl-50; «n clubs of 10, to onsaddrtss,
f *> «■ mor^tooooaddwSrjKoO
p«r wyman t In 4U cum must biw asvavcc.
v b*£ro»pt. *UttUw*tl«b«Jbi«tfe*jwr
\ |o ot4*t lh*t we mw mike *U n#c*iB4FT Amw#^
\ mmu tn supply the paper r*kuUrly- :
The or the name written os the na>
INK or KIKIt, indicate! that the time paid
forfrafoyt toaxplrs and that we doalre a renewal. If bow,
•^jr r m Vi9Jizm of mailing, this signal shoald be omit.
.ted, Wl hop® our friends wDI atill not.forget uv |
ItpfirTjLjrM.—Sond payment by safe hands, wb«i eo&>’
ewnlenf ..Or send by mail. euciaein? with ordinaiSTcare
and troubling nobody with a knowledge of what ytju are
For a largoameunt, send a draft or large,
For ,or two papers. a»nd gold or small notes.' I)
v Ta make chans", send pis tag? stamps or better still; send
ore. papers; say SS,O3 for 70 numbers, sr $l.OO for S 3
BtjattNre. ■
We this week; forward a copy of th£
Tribune to all those in-arrears on our hooks
whotesidc out. of Altoona, containing a
note on which they will .find a, final state
ment oftheir accounts. V» T e expect the
to be settled immediatoly^X
/. Mfegsage. jj
On Tuesday Oic 2d inst., President Bu
chanan pressed the Lecompton Consti
tation-to Congress, and op
portunity^ inj tedi
ous 4n Tnrhicli' Bp not only mis
represen ted\or .wilfully suppressed innu
merable footy slanders- thousands of citi
zens of Kansas who arc, at least, as.honfest
as himself, but also, assuming himself! to
possessed of wisdom’and
intelligence .. to
mortals, He .complacently
ho that they are laboring under agreat de
lusion in regard to Kansas affairs, and that
if they desire to he put right, they must
unhesitatingly .r^ire' ; iiuB; ;^^;^^ ; ,as-.
gospel. He commences by suppressing
all the history of Kansas, prior to the as
sembling ofthe thus
attempting to remove ,sie solid frame work
on which the opposition of a large major*
ity of the citizens of Kansas to the Le
compton swjpdle] is based, and to purge;
the record miserable .minority who
support the Wihdle, of many foul blots,
in the shape of ugly testimonials as to
their wholesale fraud, corruption and ini
quity. . ; ■ .
With assurance unparalleled, io sfelf-
assumes that idj the citizel is
of Kansas who oppose tlSs Swindle aye
rebek aiid toutors, aud that themiserable,
rascally, Gjod-foKaken scoundrels, who ori
ginated it are pure patriots and loyal citizens,
taken into consider
tim.e ,baqk, its promul
recognized it,in his
office hie
in Kansas., Sis at&mpt,’howev
er, Bt this p> >nd .gloss
over the iniquities perpetrated by the
“ Border Rftffi*uiB° in Sarfeas, which first
gavenrigiit tb4he Topeki C%tvention; is
ridiculous an^oßtettiptible■ Sis labored
4O bolster up .bis groundless
asaeffiopfr: %^iiotedoiM. ; Yroin Walkbrk
y> as .misled by .the. false reports .poured in
to lis self-same
llufiuths//.and before he had got his eyes
open to ,the real facts of the case, eviden-
of itrickery*, worthy
Iy .bf a ibhld-’rate pettifogger, or “Tomb®
Shyster.” The unfounded assumption
that the admission of Kansas under,the
r . *
Constitution, i. e. } its aalave
State, will restore peace and loealij!e,the
slavery irjuestioii—lt* a tampt toprove that
fastening the yoke of slavery on an unwil
ling people is the easiest way to free them
from it —i» short, every part of this
a wholesale,' reckless fraud
second only to thosepcr
.MtSr -fli the insulted and outraged
'f~~ Kansas. Take it all in all, it
. contemptible concoction of miserable
'philosophy arjicl fanatical sophistry, dis
graceful to the head, not to speak of the i
heart, of a Ch\ef Magistrate. Its great
Jengtb, added to our pity for its author,
pft-hom this bantling stamps as an imbecilej
Lr at least a lunatic bn subject of sla^
L?ry, prevents bur puhHahihg it. ( '
■ i- ~ -,-J
Tno roccuipion Constitution.
Ori Monday bet the decisivevote oh the
reference of the Lecompton Constitution
was taken hi Congress, and wo ate happy
to say it resulted in the triumph of the
Anti-Leccmptouites. There was an im
mense crowd i« the House, and the galle
ries were thronged by an excited crowd.
The attendance of members unexpec
tedly large." 6he member, Murray, from
New York, left a dead ,qon and a' sick wife ■
at home, to be at his post to do his duty
in the monientous struggle. The vote was
tellers op a demand for the
previous question, and resulted, Yeas 110 ;
Nays 105; au Anti-Xiecompton triumph
Tote on ordering ques
tion was then Yeaa; and Nays,
vaulting in, Yeas IK ; Nays 107. Next
the vote pn Sir. Stephens’; refer
to the Compitlee on 'Territories,; which
would have; been avirtual' acceptance of
Constitution* as the’ Lecomptonites
k®*® a brge majority on said Committee,
resulting in, Yeas 113; Nays 114; Le
compton being beaten one vote. Then
the decisive question came up, f. e,, Mr.
Harps motion to refer ,the Constitution
to a select committee.of fifteen, to be ap
pointed by the speaker, with instructions
to inquire into all the foots connected with
the said Constitution, and the bws -under
which the same originated, andinto all the
fitete agd proceedings which have trans
pired since the formation of the Constitu
tion, and whether it is imtisfaqtory to 4he
voters. The stood, Yeas 114;
Nays TH. Majority for the reference 3;
l||ainfit the administration 8. A motion
M reconsider was made, fyit laid on the ta-
without count. Thb is really a: proud
triumph for the Anti-Licbmptouites, and
hxust prove anything but gratifying to the
Administration, .which most unscrupulous
ly-brought every political engine, ante dis
posal, to bear upon the Democratic mem
bers, in order to force the Lecompton
swindle through. However, gratifying as
this result may be, yet, |as the New York
Tribune says, it cannot bo regarded os ab-
solutely decisive of the Huai result, but it
must go very far toward insuring the de-
feat of Lecompton. Mr. Speaker Orr can
hardly fail to give Col. Harris a majority
on his select Committee-—not, indeed,
Lecompton Contri
vance undersoil circumst«.w__' ~
, j i . . „ „ °i»« at all
hazards, but in favor of an honest and
searching inquiry into and report upon
the machinery by which that contrivance
was produced, and the v favor or aversion
with which it|<is regarded by the People
of Kansas, This inquiry must take time,
and cannot fail to result in the presenta
tion of startling facts in a shape which
must command general credence. Our
confidence that no Constitution will be
Recognized by ‘Congress, as that of Kansas
until that‘People shall have fairly and free
ly accepted it, is materially strengthened
by yesterday's proceedings in the House.
jA-TrENTiON.—-Tlis attention of ourread
er? is requested to the advertisement of
C-E. Todd & Co., 392 Broome Street,
New \ork, which will he found in an
other column. We have received from
them a splendid gold pencil and gold desk
can be seen al: Our office.-r
• send the money.
-■lt to tpy. their luck in such
/ wo think, Hud the above
.rm an honorable one. ! '
ENTEP/rai'sE.—We invite atten
tion to tW card of Duane Bulison, which
appears in our advertising columns. We)
know from .experience , that Mr. Rulisdu
is honorable man to deal with, ami those
wl|| trder books from him niay upon
he|telfairlj dealt With. In buying books
from this house pm-chasera always get the
worth of their money, whether .they get a
prize br not. ;; ; v
The Sunday MiEttoa.—This is the
title of new Sun day paper, recently started
in PhUtuleiphia, by H. (jopdal. It is
a retd spicy paper and
It can be had at the. Central Emporium of
H. -Fettingcr, every Sunday morning.
J “ Moket Order’’ SyammutTHß Post Office.
—The annual report of the Post-muster Gener
al refers to a plan matured by hispredecessor,
by which orders can bo transmitted by mail for
small sums Of money, to be paid at such points
on She routes at which such orders are due \ or
in other words, that the postmasters may issue
orders upon other postmasters for the payment
of such sums as may have been deposited with
them. A similar system has been in operation
in England for mariy years. Some measures of
kind will bo especially re quisite in case
the project of abolishing small notes is carried
into effect. Specie is too cumbersome for trans
mission by mail, while the money order system
would be fur more preferable in regard to safety
The plnnj wc think, is a good one. No one would
object to : the payment of a small sum ou the
amount thus transferred) when all its advanta
ges are taken into consideration.
Ste asluoat Bubjcbd. —Louisville, Fell. .V
The steamboat Colonel Crossman, from New
Orleans, oa her passage to St. Louis. burst her
boiler, about a mile New Madrid, Missou
ri,) last evening. She was burned to the wa
ter’s edge. ' She hud on board two huodred pea
sengors, of whom from twenty-lire to thirty are
reported lost. The captain, ipate, abs fire In
dies, era fcntogg’ the Sjfcyjii' ;'
A BeauUltu Picture.
who do not take papers
ceedings of Congress,,we copy the follow!
ing beautiful scene enacted on Saturday
afternoon last. The Pennsylvania mem
ber was pluck and well backed, and Mr.
Keitt evidently found itCa more difficult
task to administer a chastisement upon him,,
that he did at the time he and several 6th
ere attacked a single, unarmed man. But'
read the picture ■ ■ r ’•
WAsniNGTos, Saturday- Fcb.6—2 a. m,
W A has just occurred do the floor. The
House was very quiet, did Mr. Qdttnan of Miss,
having risen to make a proposition, Mr,* Grow
ot Pa. -was passing downtiieibisle of the Demo
cratic side of the House, when Mr. Keitt of S
C. accota^hlea^MK^lld-Missl/oa^^J
to him. Mr, Grow objedted to Mr. Q«»tmau e
polkingMiy remarks, Mh Keitt said, if you are I
going to object go oyer to yotir owa side of the
House. Mr. Grow replied this is a free land
pleases* ““ *** ' a right ~ to be where he
. Mr. Ke?tt then came up to Mr. Grow and said
he wanted to know what he Meant by such an
answer as that ? : - *
.4 9 t0 * he meant jiist What he said,
that this was a free land, and-a mau hadaWght
to bo where he pleases. , f ■
Mr. Keitt took Mr. Grow by the throat and
JSS - * 1 w,^ t . ,et knw ypu are a damned
Republican puppy’*!! ,
Mr. Grow knocked his hand off. and said, I
shal! occupy such place 5n thd Hall a* I please.
,and no can crack his whip over
,roe. ■ ■ ; i ■'■ •
Mr. Keitt then seized Mr, Grow by the throat
again,\ and Mr. Grow ktiockecljiiin down.
. Mr - Davis and several other) Southern mem
bers attacked Mr. Grow, who defended himself
bravely. ■;
The .Republicans rushed in (i body to his as
sistance, and a general fight ensued in the mid
dle of the Southern side of. thf* House; it lasted
about two tninutes, and was terminated by the
Sergeant at-Anns, who rhru%f himself, among
the combatants and with his sncu and aided by
tlje cooler members restored order. The House"
as if sensible of the grave and , disgraceful na
ture ortho event, became immediately quiet
In the hiew \ork Tribute, of Saturday
last, we,fiud the following article, ©n Mr.
J. D; Williamson, who has lately been up
before an investigating committee of Con
gress, and by his refusal t<| give satisfac
tory answers to questions ; pasted, was re
peatedly remanded to prison, thereby im
mortalizing himself; after the fashion of
his namesake, who was imprisoned by-
Judge Kane, of Philadelphia, for contempt
of Court. -
Some men are born great; some achieve
greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon
them Can any oue tell us in which of these
categories we are to*place Mr J. D. Williamson!
We have lived in tins city somewhat over nquar
ftnd with the de
late lamented SLW ,i>s - the
paUtic voeiferator of vFo
thing on this board for fo-o o-or
her austere Judges, cminnnt
2"™* mi „„ fu" UT
eung, wcjuoubt not—of J. D. WiMiamson w*
cauutered by the banka of tbeTentbscot
been lemed across the AleiritmUs. ; fished tathc
S « Th nag ° UU,J T T diy b * y?her
tmd?hk hK^^ 9,e9 ‘ steftme d down the Soane
th/ponn Con whirled along the banks of
the l o and the Arno, gazed on the muddy Tiber
amUavedl in tlic salt blue Mc.hterr.meanjbut
nowhere in our travels, whether In hovel or man
sion, in palace or prison, whether dining at the
I-reres or lunching on Mpiitauven, have
we any recollcot.on of meetinguMr. J D Wil
liamsou. How have our eyes been eclipsed that
his fame bursts on them with the suddenness
°o a fl,lSh from Uiiniulll's Drum-
SStaSSt *•»» » k ’ “ J- D. ;
Curious Physical Phenomenon.
A 3 oung Man Struck Deo/. Jhnjbimd Blind
ag 1 nrr,- w ymwg ■
ly, R. 1., was the subject of a <jor on* physical
pn.eiiom.eaon, a short time sired? On the liiitli
of October. L iving *6m ■ business to transact in
another village, a short dL-tuiict) 1 from Westerly
he was proceeding to transact it, "and before he
entered the place, while walking along bv the
road side, ho suddenly felt as though a* dark
clou,d was ( passing, athwart hisLlface. and the
jjext ipstnnt lie was stricken entirely blind.—
In 9 moment more he lost the u&B of his speech.
■46 that, by all his endeavors, he was absolutely
un thle to utter a word.
To crown all, his 'calamities-were increased
by the loss of his sense of hearing, which in
stantly left him, and then ho Was without the
power to see bis way, to call foji assistance, or
to evade danger by getting out qfthe wav. not
knowing what whs to happen, fje stood "like a
stone, till luckily one of his cqbipanions, pas
sing that way, saw Bowen and: went to speak to
hiin, but he received no answer. |ke shook him •
he turtle.! him round; but ho neither spoku nor
opened his eyes, but pointed to ills tongue, and
toon, to his eyes and ears, lid? was conveyed
t» Ws home. Pistols were fired near aim. with
out making the least impression, lie was the 5
incarnation of mystery. When j»c eat, it was
with a spoon When he walked,ihe was led like
a blind man. ; ;
He kept along in the same situation seven
teen days. At the end of n this! time, Sunday '
morning, Npvember 15. as beiiwas going to r
church, Ihe obiud was dissipated,; and he again I
saw as formerly. tie Went to the church, car- i
tying with him a smallfilaite. to write i
questions ah 1 answers. Whet* 4he music was I
begun, the sense of hearing returned, though i
speech on me not During the morning service
he wrote some, on the slate, and when the 1
preacher got through, Bowen returned to his
home; rejoiced at the sudden return of his sen
ses; and apparently in' as good as fie was
when he first experienced the palaliMfjt. We |
have the aboye facts, from th.e physichm-who at* I
tended him.— Providence 2Viiune.i?
IfEoaolsa'cnßßCTio? At FAyEtffcvil.lE._Chi- , T GGrAN - JH-OT-E'L."isfTfl-F ;
cngo, Feb. 6.—There la e.yuipdr&ort Fayette- rT-4 “ nd *' r,ii iFa < "t respectfully informs * : - J
villa. Arkansas, that a fearful inßhrrcctionliod c £r e £ a - BIaJr 1 couf > t y mid others, 4 ■Jjas'-'iv
cited by two,whtte men The- neetoea attacked ’ at tho . wwt end f.,rn.»Mif»WH»iaaL
two settlements, killing 28 iTerfebiis burntnir pt ■*‘* n S«a *»«* .
* ; I inkurraciiqn , thenow re WN l in
WrtS hnally subdued by the OWU&ationArvol- I .The house is largo and commodious,Ana .‘well calcnlutisA
unteers, who killed seven and captured oiebteen ! .."vT
of »tc iasurrectioniata. The ruu^ris |oUbted. j ke?c J^flU Hi nt
•" .■; render those-who may choose to faror h™
For more than two yearsj Mr Georce I <u,(! ll , apwr during th«Virtny withliSn
has his editorials by' a&pnutntig, his i Bec * ll ' Ws7,—tf.] r r, 1 r J&HN KBiFVEn •
hands being paralysed to suoh ; a decree that he A -r-r ■ —«-~-
: ' ! V"■
a (
! Beg lf«ve to infonn their fricn.Ta and the citizens of AW
tiE ttUd >icm(ty. that they have ojyjm'd a * .
In Uie wbm tonerlyownpic,! l.r John ti-ur, on Virginia
street, next door to Patton s Dali.; where they will ho l
all who may favor them with awU.
ft*Ei*goand select ono* consiatlngof
Flaur, , \Fced, Bacon,
Pork, Sugar, Coffee, V
Tea," Molasses, ’ Fish,
Salt, ; Potatoes, Fish Oil, i
FtuM, Camphenc, Alcohol,
■ : Cigars and Tobacco.
As they purchase id! their, goods for the HEADY (HSU
ftiMi sell for tho Kimc, imrson3 desiring of rnrehastag any’
Shr 8 to give them acalh as they
w 111 sell at but a trifling advance, on first cost. Wfc ask no
man to pajrfor anything but what he hoys: Of n Sif ft*
al and see If wu wont miike our .words g00d..; fjan 7-.t#
: S4V
Important Imw Cam.
caws wopo lried in
'tana,. last. We copy
L : r *^ ,rt of th ® trials from the America*.
I Wn; of tbe
! ttie “ 3e of thoi School Bireelors of
■ nlhlr towi i s ! n P- against Fanes, l«herd and
others, was tried in onr . Court last week, it
was a scire facias upon a judgment entered on
) M^‘ V r I ?D-o CnSe un,,er the actoffAsseffl
j..b? of 1808, cntiUcd V an; S?t-;t0 .wgajlate tlie I
j Sgle of intoxicating liquors.” '~a\. j
r .y he P”noipal obligor hsfcl been of j
wiling liquor m violation of the Act 0f1854. i
commonly called the- Bucksaw Uw. whoreuphd l
thq District Attorney entered, judgment on tbe !
atid issued a scire facias quare executio i
non, to which the defendants vinont. f
wi b leave to give tbe Special mutter in evidence. !
At the trial, the defence set up was. that the
bond was merely a security for costs, and the
fr St 2 °/ H'® P roac VHtion having, been, paid by if
the defendants, the bond was hot forfeited ; or :
If Topfeited. remained as a security for costs that ;
W ,*s ljt .2. ccrue ° M subsequent convictions! The !
plaintiffs contended that the conviction caused i
an absolute forfeiture of tlie bond, and that the I
whole penalty i was recoverable for the use of I
district w* l * relied upon the *
LbUi. isth and tMst'sections of the Act of 1850 i
as sustaining this view. 1
, T ,, f.^ ur t instruc ‘ cd t!ie jury to find' for the '
pliuqtiffa . Verdict for the plaintiffs fbfSoOO.
ihe case ot the Common wealth of Perms vl
vanmfor the use of the School Directors‘of
omrleysburg Borough against J. O. Lightner
nnd others. was like the above, with tho-cscep
tiou that the conviction was for a violation of a
st«>te Jjoense bond urn hr the Act of 1850, .
The defence was the same as in the above
case, with the hddition that the bond was not
executed i 0 the Act of Assembly.
Ihe Court instructed the jury to find f„ P the
.plaintiffs, Verdict for the plaintiffs for $50.)
These cases me new and important, and will
probab y go to the Supreme Court for final ad
judication. ’
A Fobtune Chasixo a Pkcttv Woman bt
Teleouaph.— Some two weeks ago there nrri
| ved in our city abeautiful young widow of tweu
ty-fivc, (a Hungarian by birth.) on her w & y to
j New Orleans, en route to Havana, where she in
tended to engage in her profession as a female
physician She was alone—an exile from Hu
ngary, where her husband had lived aud died a
patriot. On Friday last an agent from the housa
of Kothchilds. the great bankers, also reached
our city in chase of the beautiful young and self
reliant widow. who is intent on her'journey to
Havana. He had been dispatched from Europe
to seek out the desolate wanderer and bear her
the “glad tidings” that she recently tact come
into immense possessions at horric. a,„j to invite
her to retruccNher trip Vnth the aid of the tel
egrapl,. he lea rued that she Lad arrived safely
in Wew Organs, and was stopping at the St.
b«Outd Hotel. A second-dispatch, urging her to
await his arrival, was forwarded, and he has
tened on to bear her the information that sifo
h,ad a fortunept eleven'millions at home await- ■
mg her disposal —fyinsoille Uem. i
I TCH I ITCH ! iHtgH !’»
.-L ITrH OINTMENT is the only r-n.Jjv
WBA^S , V?J?IS 1,,y CUa ’ S di«BBe-the SEVEN
xISAKs xrcu—now prevailing to so en-af -n extent Th.-
usuat rcmtalics, such us BriiitMwie, Tar and I‘mipinu.
Ointments, are of no use. O-iany who have u-aYheiu Im.“
r if , ch ° int,:Kut - *
Iterate: e OIJl ‘ ram>ioin k - b^-
’W» reign ana BAItXES’
REMEDY 1011 FROSTED FEET Is tbq only oue that will
cure those whom*Apply; this remedy lor
«H» uffiicted. The first applica?
bunted™ Met 11 cu:eJ cases where the j/*ch hat
Th? celebratedLiniment,called lIYDER ALT MIXTURE,
has cured more cases of UJieuiuufisiu than anv other known
For cure of Pains in the Side. I.inibs and Bock. Soro
Throat; wWellinjjs of the joints, au-i Limbs, Sprains and
Unuses, it has no equal. As a Liniment for Horse o in ca
ring balls, Cuts, Seres, Strains, Swellings, imd all other e\.-
ternal injur..*, Boue Spavin, only accepted, all who hare
used li give it the prefcn ncSpfever ?J1 other?
n (nvrai COUfi liti AND COLDS.
ttODOU SYRUP, composed entirely of A’c-'c
wnia.’.hnvt!' 0 CUr ° for p" u K w > «,td Bronriirtis, it I
laet im„;;L 1 ’ t . ~,n' J U ' J r, m "‘ , .v known, or which
,K .n„r ? 8 can K ' st,f y- lt wiu be found the host mu...
dy that can be us-d for childr-u..
i tojswed only at BarnoV Dm- Store. Trenton. N. I -
Sold byU. W. itKSSLEK, Alt-.,n... and B. »W iv
Pittsburg. fMny 14, 07-ly.
/ hftB| gifts:: gifts:::—ApVize
VA to.every purchaier.
500 dollars worth of guts::
ct*nsisUn" of
Hill Ei; Distiuhi tsd with nritr lOvo j;o- kj.
Tli« attoiitii'ii of the public is resj«x'.;i'ullvs.dieite.Lt.o the
extensive assortment of valuable Standard and Mhc'diane
nus Books, which are offered for sale at the lowest Retail
Fives. A OUT WURTH FROM 25 CENTS T'> dM. n-ijl
b.-|gj v en with every hook. A compete Cataloitno. giving
fuU Information, with a list of Prizes, will bp Einvarded on
Linwrai. iNTH'Ci.trrvrs OFFSEtm,—Persons wishing to or
der at once; can order any Took published in Philmi. Inhia.
New Turk or Boston and it will be furnished at the pub-
Esher'sprice. with Gilt. Any person ordering 10 Books
will receive for commission an extra Book with Gift. For
I oatago send stamps, 18 cents for *l.OO Books. Address
DUANE ItL'BISON'. Puhlubr,
No 33 South :i.| sire- 1 Pldi-dMphin.
-f- The subscriber lakes pleasure in am.uun
dug tp the cHtzens of Altoona and Us vicinity, that he ha
opiuied it STORE In the ROOM formerly occupied by 0 W
Mrti»n,;on Virginia street, where he will bo happy to ex
hlbit.t.rthemhis splendid stock of
which will be found entirely new and fresh, ilia stork is
carefully selected and was puiciaised strictly tor I'ASII
which just at this impor'ant time has enabled him to buy
exceedingly low, and having adopted the J
is determined to a-dc hut “ Small Profits and Quick Sides' 1
, A’»da g his stock will lie found everything appertaining
to Ladies hud Gentlemens wear, as well us all articles ul
Ilanl tvarp. &e.,. &«.,
usually kept in a town or. country «inro. lie rcsnectfliEv
invites a cnrefitl inspection of his sbick. J
. Altoona. Get. I. o CHARLES .I. MANN.
; ' • ’ AXO ■ -
M ,: pi#ici|K j>rogka
mV K ]^M 4 W^ qB!^9^o l^ > EV*H*»PBsp»
Lit:'rn r y’©CVt. - .Accuts fretting
M^T^i l °vhi ,?MEKBO - N ;.' B ' MA^ AZIj;E »“<J PCX'
MOMJILi baa given to the consolidated work a c
t V?w C ' to Liu one similar publication in tlio cc
Ci«DUiurtkm ofUter«n-aD<f(
takmf|mobaHy unrivaled by anyotherm^imT
w..n,1.' During the flirt month, the tale la the tree
demand from subscriber* exceeded 90.000 conic*, ai
numborjs already issued of the consolidated work ai
vcrsally conceded to hare surpassed, in the rich's
their Uicrary content*, and the beauty anc yu
ness oftholr pictorial illustration*, any magazta
before iwuf'd from the American press/ tncoanm
these evidences of favor, the publiabch have determi
commetjcn tb. new volume m Jautary with nlUadd'
attractions, and to oflbr rnch Inducements to ■□bar
os cannot fail to place it. In circulation, attbeheadbf
lean magazines. With this vivwthey nuvr annonut
fallowing splendid programme. They haveptirchsafe
superb and costly stwPplate engraving,
, and will present a copy of It to every thrao dollar tii
i r J[ J . r , r^- ,y e " rlf! was engraved At a cost'of
( L&OOO by th* late Jclebrated A. L. Dick, from th" orii
i of Raph.vd Morgh& after Leonardo Da Vinci, snd U
1 aver ektcutcd in thlacou
being three traesMe rite of thrcfrdoTiitf engravings i
I nr / : .'; ® M V, mp Hllp“9 pf this engraving are held'at
and it was the int&itfun of the artist that mine of Ui«
egb ba offered for a tim sum
ing richly 'sorth Srat am -unt, Thus every threcrd
‘ W, . U r ?s< vc »>>* Magazine one y«*SL!&S
te£ .h^neS^ 10 ** riCh,y **"»#
We shall cornmejfjco striking off the engnivtuCT Imr
atoly, in it can hajfrliy be expected that indentions c
Urge n pUle can Ut; taken u« fast as they wul bo callec
A* shail, them S
aivi 1 /' 1 hT • ch /^ !^ :rlplir ’ 6s * n %nived. These whd
eirt to obtain their-engraving and from the firs?
J -rL/,n ?™v-‘ UUI ' j ifc 1 thoii ' sulli ‘ c,i P ,i 'M» without dehj
Xhe ongi living can Tie sent on rollers, by mail, dr ini
j other manner, ns snbsirrlber.i shall order. • !
i v £*y®o ! is works .or art. i
i pi's “ ' , , to , , , h ®' BU P er,J engraving of “THE LASTS
• briber 1° ,>Te, 7 thWe-dollsr
. ..rjOcr t..r lf>sB the publisher* have itompletcd arrai
moots for the distribution, on the 25th of December, A
ofa ai-riesiof splendid ;work« of art, consisting of onu j
i- “’ll ,ar o“ vetted,at S*rn4
I 000 each. Also. 2.00 u mSgnlficint Stcel-Plato Kmnavll
! *? / l,r " l 0 & '-Vti, and 1,000 choice Holiday 1 Bd
. ViO tfi from *1 to $6 e&cli, tonkin? in &11 nmf tiii
"H-sro* .«3
I ‘ ThbTlast supper,” :
j prxzes! 1 '" 06 10 diaw<>, f thew “TintßE THOpSA
wnr tpr snoa.D scmctiss rca
For If£B.
* rrt -' ,:, i ra 'y Contents will, dnrlngithej
emlnnrc ceirributiuns front over os* RCxuasr) dlffe
writers Hnd thinkers, Bt|min'ring among them tha r
‘iistiiiifuisiiful vl Anifficiiii authors.
* c "™ : fk-caiiso its uilitodal departments, “Onr Stni
Inr W inflow, and • Opr OIL," ill u conducted by
« «le editor-—and it will jil,'pass. K: the vaiiety aedrich
l, *wlcon«tnis,«ny othcAmagazine.
Thnv: Ih cause if will contain, during the vesr ms
ttx hundred oi ijtim.l- pidt.rial iilast.-ati ms from design
the first artisL. *“
y a. th : 15... aus? foi i|e gum of JS yc„ will Waive- J
epl -imiu Monthly, tuoreitkttiiy worth iii»» sum than' J
BCrPElh"th?l th * ,UP '’ :beas --' u *° f ••THETaI
Will l j™w erne ofthcthJ
ber i's“s l *no;'-, 3 ,Us ' l i! “ re ‘ 3 tl<c
ter. isaS—peviu.pgjiDu that is worth . 1
V nV i‘. ~KSC estraoulinory luducemen
can hardly w,l to aoc nopiish the objects of the publish*
without nirthci* eftorts. yet tir-y hove d-rtermiried to ca
l:r>uc tiirougu tho y* ir.
To any person who wlirgct.op a«u<>oftw»ntv-fon-But
s-.-novra, «ifhj.r at one or more post ofiicee. we will preset
a *;w«‘i:ilui Lihniry, cunj»i>ti:ig uf ovet i'orry .Ccnc
Aoiurai-s, euibrotliig tno most pc-puiar works In the 'shark
-1L»: cluh be fuui»d at the ciub DriCc*, a vest* -pio
o« th* or at the full price, s3.Vith the’ rncr
v o! Supper to c-Kch subscriber. Ibrt sb>
scriptam of the Library, and SPr-timcn ropy t.f the \tv£
veeipt of sB J S r
CT 3 have already been distributi
lo^ Ce l r(J i lu ‘' c wI '“ t^i “ offcr ’ w<! should be ic’.ad of a
ttatomito'l t ‘ C ’ or *° s,ja,c on - a{ pwwffice I
The snccesa which oar agent. are meeting with b-UmoK
aatomidimg. Among the man r evid, neoiof this fact, w
are i*-rmitte.l to jmMbh the ji.Uowimt • • “ ’ .
followmg facta iaVelatin., to wtut you
* ■ h,? in of cfl
i r . *", m * tuua 1,1 *»«*i of emfiioniiimt. The If£v
' vS'' !;ia,x ' - W iitiC(! la *t Osrfet
"itw yi' 41 ' n '- v ' x Mr - Iji,rid M - Heath, o
J.flgl.v Mo, vopr M«..;ral Agent for Platt denote. is m»
kmi, I" i day c oach hah Agent emj.V.ted hv hua. an;
M. aj.ra ol (hT K (.n. Me., yo«r Agon
U'l Unit County, a*? fr.»n> u* 5£5 p,. r
y.’»:r hi»mMt; mtvuri I»a* mrufc. -mcr- tkn ‘w* mb (Kv o
lost January, oy.-j- *!,7ou. besides jwvii.p 6>t :yy , P "*> °
l unl out ol the business worth ov. r iIAHHi. Von on* a
cx-rty to publish this statement it jW Uie, and 10 rofej
U» Ul»\ of tii<? |jartl» *5 liuiuod.
With u .,-i ■ LAN lEL GREGG. Carrolttm 110.
With kucli m ’t'-'■•inputs »• we offer, anybody’am oi.ulir
"'' ‘AvAi cv-iy goiHlenmn om of em-dov
m nt. and every lady who dreir-s a pleacnt no-n.y-io.Liih
?w:'y t M . t>ns * *•»* »S-I»ey. Applicants
f.( u . ill jin' -6 emts lor a *pucjm»*n conv'ifUieMitfiUiiiK
l ' e f ' jrWa,<l, ‘ d " ilil toappheatJot
As wo desire to place til the hands of event person wh<
prop s ro get uj> a Ini', anrf aj>n ac**jit, e rrmi
stre to act tts agents or to form Ad'lrrs,
Jan ie,f o- OAKSMITtI t Co.
jHn ~ 1 tf ' i >«• SH New Yoik. i
Xliiß company has been organized with the above canita
f r s'Sn” I ?vmnv the d,lmaml for the - P
TJi**y have purebred the entire machinery bosincs*
hvretoiore earn**] on hv J. M. A R,
Montgomery Works at Voi.kcre, on the .Hintonnw thl
c ,) - "''»•> i|he experience and facilities o<Ail,|Sri it
<- eamzi mu arc prepared to furnish nmchin-'ry of ail
Mint's. Lmwiso.v * Go.—Gentlemen r X have fried tin
sawm,!! purchase;.l of you, and will eu v ih«U»pSfo„
well, and more Ulan meets my espeetaimhs T
pieced with its 1
if.*?* 1 J -'- nKtni L t wat °r about as thick as nwlitttefln
pr, which was ranch more than sufficient to bunnlv the
b.dhT Hear., able to cut »-«X> f W { of beUafffi,tW
It t"th'' nn ' ".'ii 1 less than one cord of wood.—
It Is the very thing wo so much needed in our
H a . lo, ’ s m r, " ? th a «;tlp trouble and
are able to naive ft from flva «, ten miles h,‘r dfi
it up in the heart of the tmdo>r, which natmthn's’s n *°*
den of hatdingthe logs a long dism nee m the^lf^* 1 "^
Yours, respectfully, JESBB KEltn. jß.,'
to the efficiency of the milll ' **• TluB • dd » femtly:
la maim far.mod only by this Company Jt is n f i■
construction, and sold for 25 tier eentle«i «,.,!?
of nogreater capacity. A VfS °l h ' r mUI »
l« sold for $l6O tom. a U -. l h .~ M ’" Ch *•»'«»
er is sold for $2,200 ' 7““ a-O heraoengine and boil
one 'to 100 horse power; LOCOMOTIVE TninnS ijM
prhes from former quotations, '0 ; reduced
t I illinery and man
iXl** OtW T|fT| , T|||uiu W i»' For'luformation, apply at this office."*** ~ '
A lWats Somethino
XJL New. Bautin—OusmTocm.
P'} 1% do doubt. th<» most wonderful discovery of this age: v^ey-h;*
for it will restora. permanently, gmy hair to it f ■ .
fj color, cover the bead of the bald with & moot luxe* -
r tr r “ h * remove at one*- all dandruff and itching, cure
5 • scrofula, aadothcr cutaneous eruptions, such I* mU
P (’bead, etc. It will core, Mif by magic, nervous or pariodV
? j'**! headache; make the heir soft, glossy anil preserve tbo
■ [ Color parfoctlv, and the hair from fiilltr.g, to extreme old
‘ i. a B*- The following la from • distinguished member of the
■ luedlcai profession;
M' ' St. Pxn, January 1,185#.
•j,?*OP. 0. J. VToo—lMar A>:—Unsolicited, I tend you
After being nearly bald Tor a tour time,
,jind having tried nit the hair restorative* extent, sndhsvlog
jlw lUtb ln ai»y, I was induced, on hearing ol yours, to glee
.at a trial. J placed myaelf is the hands of a barber, and
I ij*<l ®y head rubbed with a good stiff brush, and the reeto>
I I ratire then applied and well rubbed in, till the aealp waa
g j gglow. This I repeated every morning, and in three Week*
i the young and grew rapidly from August last
! till the present time, and is now thick, black and iTTnnr '
Soft and pleasant to the touch; whereas, befyre, It was harsh
and wiry, what Uttlo.there was of It, and that little waa
disappearing very rapidly. 1 still use your Seetotatlv*
; (ihont twice a week, and shall soon hare a good and perfect
crop of hair. Now,l had read ell those things—and who
has not 1 but have not seen hitherto any case where an*
! persou’e hair was really bencfUted by any etthehair tonic,
etc., of the day; and It really gives mo pleasure to record
JjherMSult of my experience. I have recommended your
preparation to other*, and it already has a largo and gaaer»
I til sale throughout the Territory. the people here Know
it its effects and bare confidence in it, Tlio supply you sent
D U» as wholesale agents for. the Territory, is nearly exha us
g ted, and daily inquiries are made ice- it. You J-eerre cred
it it tor your discovery, and 1, tor one. return vou my »*«»*«
a tor the benefit it has done m«;, for I certainly had despaired
M Ipng ago of effecting any such result. Your*, hastily,
pv . . J. W. BOND.
' „ _ , 1 .r SSMM, MarcbJC, 18M.
• Dear Sir : Having become prcipa turcly quite gray, I win
Induced, tome si* weeks since, to make a trial of roar Bcsto
Oltivc. I hate Used Jew than two bottle*, but the m?
hairs hate nil disapprov'd; and although my hair has act
ftilfy attained Its original color,; jet the process of change
is gradually going on. and I am Jn great hopes that In «
short time- my hair will be as dark as formerly. 1 bats also
been much gratified at the healthy moisture and rigor of
thfc baXr, whleh before was harsh nod dryjcndlt hsrriwiisil
to eomcj.ciut as farmerlj. v. " ' . /
: Ksrpcctfully jour*.' I IVC.if.JROPP.
, v „ -Caninn, Illinois, June 19,51W5i
:} ll »eJ Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative, (md bars ad
mired Iw wonderful cdfcct. Mj hair was becomlr g, m I
thought prematurely gray, bnt by the use of hlsißMtQtft
tire. It ha* resumed Us ordinal color, and bare no doubt*
permanently so. V fIJPNET BREBSJ3,
. : E*-Senator United States,
j. O. J. Wood A 0o„ Proprietors, 312 Broadway H. T. and
pi Market at- St. Louis, Missouri. ! ■ v '
: For sale by Q.’VT. KEB3LER. Pfnggtet. ,Alhx>nA. ffelf A
Js . MUire.l to cure any one troubled with Lived Coinblatnta,
«m.-»s the most desperate of rases,- when tlMntotuf bottle
«n*. with scarce a slu gie failure, restore the patient to health
I »ua rigor. We wish to.rall the attention of all i< thew
facts, that the Inrigorator is compounded by apbysicWm
I W "Q nas used it in his practice'for the last twenty yran with ,
. a Success aimost credulous, and U la entirely vegetable la- ■
I iug composed Wholly of gums. ' . - ■ '
j. Some idea of foe strength of thesa gain* miy beJbrmed •
i 'flu's it is known one bottle bfthu Tnvigonitor as
:hach strength as one hundred dbsot of Calomel without an v
Of ft*'Jolctonons effects. ■
; One bottle l? the surnt thing, toown.totony ww* W
bad effects of mineral poison of any kind. / •
~9 one bottio of it Is needed'to throw but of tkosTitcns
: the eilcct of metlieine alter,alcmg sicknesa.- ...
tuhen for Judbdice removes all yellowness oc i
; ll! ihathra.i color ftonv lho eklrn
;; One dose after eating is sufficient to relievo the stomach
j#nd Mcvcut the food from rising and assist •’■
j, S 000 ! ’*' 3 biken before retiring, nrcyeoti nightman).
? one dbw taken at night loosens the Bowels jwgtfr.' and
; :urcs costiremse. ,■ ‘ \
£ Pne dosetaken after eethm*alwnienrei)v«peMta. ~ .
I , r Oae uose of two taa-epoonfal* will Uvwya- wßevu'.SlM:
f dCftdache. -'i
f: .One i-ottle taken for female obstructions lemons tie ckuso
- d the disease, and ninies a perftet cure,
r V*'* “9® *•? immediately roßsves Cholic. whUs or.c dose
s' )!teti tejicated !« a sure cure for-Cholera Morbus, aiulasure
f ireretttative of Cholera. ■ v-c s '
One do# taken often will prewht the roenmmou of bib'
atmeks. while it rclieree idl p:dnful feelings, ■ :
f or two doses^token occoslonaUT is one of the best ’
'reiut.ilief for cc‘M ever known. ‘ . i-
J Thousands of cures oflufiaiomatlon and weoknessof the
;|uug3 here been cured by.the Inrigorator. . i
si One dose tak?;i a ahvirt thne belbre.catinc rtree rtbor
|he ippctite end nidkes food digest welh , i,™-’ ,
I One dose often repeatad cum lts wnratfemua. -
lehdesuminer anil boweleomplaiita yield almost tO tib*
| One or two dose? cures cawd by
|!ur wunus i.-i c.uldrcn, there is no surer, safer and epsedler -
Ir-liudy in the world, ae it nceer Culs. ’ •
I There Is no exnggemioDin thm statements, tliey are
Mam and sober Ca ts, lhat we can evidence- to pro Te.
jin'll-: "**.“*^s
‘ fft wish »n who are slcgSind debaitated to fry this rem
j«l>, and if.-'t thoroughly, and tiny’trho are not benefited
jjy its use we aliould lige to hero &Tmjvat we haTs yet to
hear from the find person who has used a bottle oflnTleors
t°« ntthont n-ewsing tsuefit, for there ar»eucfiajUbM3itDK 1
mediciual virtues in it. that aU,uomatter h»w
[^r v b ! c “ !r arisesfrom a denmg
ied hieriwill be benefited, Jfucd entirely cured. ■ - 4lu d{
A ”-
fourth year, or the >-t
Cosmopolitan Art Association. 7
I■- - ■
| as# wtorncs wests '
I^L*7. U v rchl,sc l for * ir with
Mrcd other works of Art. iq Faliltlngl, o r '
k&TJST *' rcmiua,s ba iw f* dedto th» ; v
pwho euuscnbe before the 2Stji of January. IESB w*,i.w
ktrac the awards will take -W^K
| _ terms of SUBSCRIPTIONS. t : ’
H iieiHliMto > '
8dM l ”lon t 0 tho Dqssejfiorf •ndCk*woj>oHtoa«*j.
iotm^^rTCc^ v^^ : a ,,^^ Wuy<doliirajiaich thosnb
also She b.,aut ( ihlly Illhstratad J «:• >
A «l*Wnted 'with o. Certificate in ttos .
» «•
„s° to restricted to a single share. Thou taWnw
|v? mcmliersliins, remitting kl 3, af e entitled to .n'tJSf *
Engraving, and six tickets. ’ *■ ea P t,e< ?, *° •*?
Pull particulars of the Association-are civen In tiui
idarcst. - C. I. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A-‘ '*^-V
-'- A .■--- [ SVtSroedimy, yno-Tbtk.
. 1 FOR SALG.~lfho 'euMctiber of- 1
ent at Privatetjje 1 jmv—J
property. Situate on fhs eecimd lot
.'’IS *o° f°rner >of MahtandlAnnlests., all&S|B9Bk.
t the Railroad Depot, in Altoona. The
oifso is a large twevatory frame bniid- *IHV
ig cove ring flic entire front of the lot and bavin* ’
■logs extending back, one ‘6f which c. itah's a
ssss»^ t ss
;e, vanl. The home, is well’ttCdfor
1,1 its central position and convenience tntfliS
f.' W ■ '- l -i
BcE.r.rem EtrencK.—
. come* otT ou to-n
U&jLffnmlseß to be on<
-|Wi. Two Uckrta arc
["■'mm tiehig “etnigbt oat
!• k “citltODa" coi
•B three parties. The ofi
. One Chief Burgess
Five fown Councihpcs
Oae J ustice of the Tea
One Constable
One Assessor
Two Assistant Assesso
Quo Amfitor
Two School direct jrs
Three Judges of Bleed
Six Inspectors. \
The- Citiaens’ T.cket”
Vfctf lferffev.~ii >l. ,
:.l-.r^'n4luuhdl —James
John .
11 A A
Peter I
\" ohn Mode
.1 '4*l /feCwdanvsl Price
- ■' 'David Dehul
»'■»!' <•*
J ; J:wi'/onrr-TboDii3 McMi
I —C. C.
ft ■:?**:.■■■■ c. u
I ' Sltefioru. —J
W ;-•:•■;• 4 ; Jo'
■ " ih^fWor*.—-J. L Reilsi
P. v . ”■,. f -■■;. Michael Cl
■ •;■,? : : David Cou!
■" Wo. Vrtlca
m : c. mc
v> ’• i; ■■ D A Beck.
Kpoondldates were put
iiperaona are Independent c
m. Jutlict o/tfa Pt<tes.-~J<d
M-: i': ' ' M
S C«nsta Jowp h Alois'
t W. A. B U
The i “ straight-out" Dctu
*>«ed fbllo Vs: -
yTojoa Council—Jacob Hi
■■. r wo»: b« 3
■ " Jfna. Co
v • A. turcc
••" * , ■ J. Ke>jih
Juttict o/ tht Peqet —Jik
ConsiabU~r~}. K. B!y,
Asuuor. John McClclla
A**- Zto, Coulter
AudUor ~139-jTgii B. Cra
SiAool iJUrecto’c.—Nelso n
- c. no;
Juiyt* af EkcUtm. —Q. V
■S'-' ftoU-rt
' «->' vim.-. Used. :•
’Tii H'-th rv'Jidaarc now f;
JtTlit itwi tltlcjg j* to elect U
PirticjorV of the feu
W the Tc’.l'>T : og yieriteiieotajv’,
* isj. Cal, TJ A Scott, the 0
General. Supcßiiteiulen’t j
!“ Tha position of General
?h filled by ih«npf o ntn:e! ■
q... wh.V Baa beini cmtiV
rtntiou department since i
« rfctiyl sinic the dperiit'
•tu wu-f t»tclwk>d b?yo: ■.
peviviendeiit of the Wes;
i succcs-ful ndniinistrnti
ore confided t» Jnm. tlit\.
once tbit ; lhc ; liiglv refill..
ti'ty (.nd thc.cispatdi of
lypreserved/tthde n * >
ah rrtEce duties Will’ c-iiilib
indent to «icj*d«e a inr_
ilihgj the. economical man;.
the rittaburj
a high compliment to a w
at it is nj>t / stronger that
•| tp’hy all who have
| Mriac|3 acquaintance with
i to.** We cordially cc
ah ita rcnjarkB. ,and arc
bo coiiourredin by all '
the gentieup*n tefcrrcU
J Pontic Land* sst iotr.v r
formation 6f those of our i
■ making' in West
the following from a p
‘ gjvitlg notice thi.i
’•es-bf Government lands i
■ed nt Public Sate njt the f
i.-ih that State, and at t!
J»ne 7; Fort D
Sioiw C'.ty. Jaue 7 and
June 7 and I
: D«s Moint's, June 1
Tue sale* to commence c
L-tiutjJO Male to he kept o
'■ * aV ami no private entry
tion of the two weeks.
Xirnpr Dr KaSe.—Oury
l|«e*ter» Esq., ttnagcnt fu
Excellent book,' ia no
ttioila. lie purposes c
<pe those of oar citizen
the book, and who tiiat
Of Kane don’t, will .give
Vis the production c
liter ry editor of the
’ot up V Childs and P
is only $1.50.
■ — Altoona rei
fyrlitly mistaken iJ
- WI4O announces u!
its. as a candidate for t
independent one. No 1
ed in his card. Wo
candidate for nominal
•i> x
■i ‘ -tv-,’.
IQ. Astoti
” we think
re few men
;han the pen
e lourn froi;
’andard, thi
miller at
stepping ir
•e floor, con
eg upon a wj
around, Vi