oW ba&<&Qd- asb tjeieoat aliofl, . _ . swilles in 'the ! B in dilt-ct d»#wtv ii| tsniar mailer, alleys'’ ectoration,- 9t **J& viultty.wihi riiurjrj- so mdispcnse?’ be able tOEtsius chafe Afi by inhala(ion,.ls'h>; : is w , mnch'nnfier’i *-3F ny other foniudahle uses «an be cured la - V • e second; but in the L : than five j.or cant, > ' iso ai to bid defiance » ' ic last stages, Inha the suffering attaa* illy destroys ninety" tie alone: and a cor ti t population of the 1! the OonsnxnpUTe’e now so fatal as Coo-' , greet ene my of life, b weeps off (dike the tie gifted. By the i cometh every good o the afflicted a por o:i. The first cause : Inn immediate effect igs la to prevent the il*<. which causes a ■ Then sorely r j hl from “medicines m in those adminie* will always find the - inhaling remedied. . V i i thelese it acts con certainty than To prove the post- ' cf administration, rcy sensibility In e' ■ i\i« system, to that c'slightest pain; ia d.V.ruy life in a b« uo ilit' gyitem when ior of many ofUio r v. miimteg after m> L-ioctvd in the blood uii e (Tecta of inhsla* iwjtys produced by ..TiJcnce that prop* iiciouily .■iJioioiJtfr bc Imppicst reSUiW . vliousnmls suffering been under my . •ibie cure-, even in the list stage*, .t U no lungers itnptloa U origin*!, thorough inveitigw ! i.t- nature of tuber ’ .judliy, the various lien, and apply th» ta even In a aingla -. itb certain pathov .nLles me to teUtvn.' i chD VtnoX l.md. ■p" ' ‘ a superior ar * rr. Clio weai. They -U hut a lift time.—' »- reusKed by cr«ck -t; u!im {ho Urg r rartptr panicclor* c v.. J.unc 26.1562. V t- Ijivo (,'Tif Jn usa fovhlne*; they’work il-u , not liable to get > )n-«t machine* Amt LITU t VOBIJL • WALLACE. ■ ’ . P. ftiUvrg. Pa, LOUR n vturieg Portable li. plMty anddufk '•■an b-.v drlrtrn by v t» a raikcwic ao re a luqibtr men.— ci thec iuntry. who f.-.ni power is only r I'u-tfztftt, whtvny their eotabUsb tame time t- r.) grinding orw s-ily in Opeiotlonat * Co, Mr Bebetu.' 1-n and Mill >or d< m andicuolrica WAttACk J'fathttrg, fa ■ .^~THE iii respect*. Ih# r 'i-jB are so nrrang . ((.riectiy and mu* ; | Stove, must Ut> i -al tav'-arlte. | >-d capacity—th« 1 i oil i* * thorough i recommended j »•« constantly on nu. bcsh. .. //■■ttfeJJltntma. lOjt G A* >:r'u:o'ar<) Crlmi} . nlHUxl through* : j’rinU, Criminal • trtgethervilth <• !»< ft,un4ln«ij . ■ r fti. month*, to ' ' riti.-jthteir name# V r«(i.|o plainly.) -VVMatU, • ’<••• Gate tto, u< T'irk City, k jFUH ■■■’ - utln xtel 1' . /Cl ttilrosjr tb* ajt- I ' i-ptx [• ■■ ':i:a p.'lase- Ui: j X >:'C - ''' i: .VOX-. ,3. HET inraijably in adraoce,) ,*jj 'Acjtpepere discontinued ht-lhe elplmUCa of thet f •■ paid~ibr. ■ • .msoortaramsaa.- " ■■■" ■■■■'" 1 insertion 8 do. 3 Vwyinu'oeim. | -86 $ tile « 6O ISi* * ■ -■■ 100 160 ■ ■ ;)*• .•:■•• ,iBo >oo j Over thjee weeksand left,than throe months, 85cents •. square fifrsachiuserihm. I-• "v ; Inwntha. 6months, ly Six lines or less, ' $l6O :$3 00 $ J Onesquat** 1 3, #o' id 00 . .! *W« .« ■i; ■ .4 00 600 11 •■■•■ ■ 6 00 3 00 1 *a& * ■'■■■■.. . «00 10 00 1. Half a column, \ ' 10 00 .14 00 8 »• ' One column, r | \ 14 00 85 00 ,4) Adoxl«l»trMor»and . ' ' ' ; Merchants advertising! by the yriw, throe squares, with l&erty to cJiaasß, T . t H Professional or Basinets Cards* not exceeding 8 \ tinea, with paper, per year. -I .Communication* of a political character or indivlduid ■ Cterest wiii be charged according to the abpvc rates. ' Advertisements not marked with the number of insert] desired, .will be continued till forbid andjeharged accord to the above term*. ■. Twiness notice* five cents per line for every'insertion ’ObitUaty notices exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a squ Tell me, thou mighty deep, / Whhse-billowe round me play, Know’stthoqsome favored spot, Some island (hr away, ' Where .wet\ry men mpy dud A place to smoke in peace— Where.crinoline is notj, ; * Anid hoops are out of place ? The wild waves sounding a perpetual shout, yßtppt fpr a whi|e, and spluttered,' “ Yoon «ottti' M . M • / ' • ! j ' MaTRIMOSiaI Dta[*BTEß. —“Fin getting agf 1 grawated,” said onejoijthoihen-peokedtoafzienii; whom he met in the street. “My wife is a sa| Ting criite^—{A swo|d 4f sharpness \ she cuts thfe throats of mjr Btabsimy happiness, ,ohop||. of my comforts, freezes my .prospects, ruins mj& reputation, ‘and pnips up all my |SandN|| 'M«qRUM & ALLISON, '* • TRIBUNE. I MeOWISI ifc ALUSON, Publl*h«r» gad Proprietor! Hll # Humor. Tell me, ye winged wind*, . c’ That round .'my pathway roar, \ J)o you not know some spot Wherewqmen fretfco more 1 > Some lone and plensant dell, Some ‘•holler” id.the ground, . Wfaero lmUea never yell, Where cradle* arc not found ? The land wind blow the snow into my face, And snickered as it answered “Nary place T” And thon, a«teuest moon, That with fflich holy face, Post lotik hpon the girls v Who with their beaux embrace, 1 TeU ipe ina| thy round, Uiqu ncjt aeen some spot . Where mn9liit''ie not found, And V inlliker”>a not? Behind a cloud jthe njoon withdrew In woe, And a.voice sweet, bit sad, responded, “Poh Tell me, ,017 secret soul, Ob! tell me. Hope and Faith, Is there no resting-place From women, girls and death? Is there no Mppy spot Where bachelors are blest— Where females never go. And man in peace may rest ? , Faith, Hope and Truth—-best boons to mortal given— Waved their bright wings, and answered l‘Y*i Hi Haavsk !” \ ~♦> Upwcan lie a man, when I belong to some f My hours ain’t my. own; I belong t> four people besides myself—the old woman an< three obpdton. I’m a partnership concern; am jot, their gng«3y in the pile that must.bust. I’ll break, and sign over all th stock ia\trade to you.” Maiuu*».---At Athena, Pa., on the £oth alt,! Mr. James Bee and Min Martha Atm Plover I Wellhathth|» little 1 Improved life’* shining boar; I ’ He gathers honey now all day | ewbet chdjton Flower* 1 ' And from this hire, if heaven please, He’ll raise a swand of little Beet. ' . - *■ -i ■ , \ - , . l|r One of the best puns we haTe'heard & »ay be fanny, but I’ve done it.— Ive got ; ft rib and a baby. Shadows de parted-royster stews, brandy cock tails, o%aif boxes, boot-jacks, absconding shirt buttons, whist and dominoes. Shadows present-—hoop skirts, band-boxes, ribbons, long stockings, juvenile dresses, tip trpnapete, little willow chairs, cradles, bibs, pap, sugarteats, paregoricihive syrup, castor pil, Godfrey’s cordial, toothing sy rup, rhubarb, senna, salts, squills and doc tor bills. Shadows future—more nine pound babies, moro hive syrup, etc., etc. I I'll Just tell you how I got caught. I was | always the .darndest, most tee-custard bash • fill fellow you ever did see ; it was kin- I dor in my line to be taken with the shakes every time I saw a pretty gal approaching me, and I’d cross the street any time rath dr titan face one. ’Twash’t because I didn’t like the critters, for if I was behind a fence' looking through a knot-hole, X couldn’t look at one long enough. Well, my sister Lib gave a party one night, and I stayed % away from home because 1 was too bashful Ito face the music. I hung around the i house whistling . “ Old Dan Tucker,” dan j cing to keep my feet warm, watching the r heads bobbing up and down behind the [ window curtains, and 'wishing the thun | dering party would break up so I could get fto my room.; I smoked up a bunch of ci ; gars, and as. it was getting late and mighty I concluded to shin up the ! door-post. No sooner Said than done— and 1 soon found myself snug in bed.— s “ Now !” says I, “ let her rip I Dance till your wind gives out !” And cuddling un der quilts, Morpheus grabbed me. 1 was dreaming of soft shell crabs and stewed tripe, .and was having a good time, when somebody knocked at the door and waked me Up. “ Rap” again. I laid low. “ Rap, rap, rap, I” Then I heard a whispering, cud I knew there was a whole raft ofgiris outside. {‘ Rap, rap!” Then Lib sings out,! Jack, are you in there “ Yes/’ says I. Then came a roar of laughter." ‘‘ Let us in,” says she. “ I won’t,” says I, “ can’t [ you let a fellow alone!” “Are you abed?” says she. “ I am,” says I. Then came another laugh. By thunder! I began to ; get riled. “ (let out, you petticoated scare crows 1” I cried; “ can’t you get a bead !: without hauling a fellow out of bed ? X l won’t go home with you-—/won’t—so you [J may clear out !” And, throwing a hoot at 'i the door, I felt better. But presently, oh! | mortal-buttons! I heard a still, small voice, ! very much like sister Lib’s, and' it said: 1 ; “ Jack you’ll have to get up, for all the girls’ things are in there I” Oh, Lord, what a pickle! Think of me in bed, all covered with shawls, muds, bonnets and cloaks, and twenty girls outside (v .»;• iljj-te te in 1851. The paost alariaiing feature in these ca scs is Apparent absence of any motive for assassination. Many murders have seem ingly been committed for thd mere love of killing. Thus, a colored man j named Fran cis Salters, was deliberately shot in Thom as street, without the slightest provocation or any motive of cupidity . The assassins, upon committing the deed, jumped into their carriage and*drove off, probably'with out even knowing the name of their-victim, . -.r* r -r -t ; ’ Bancroft on v fti panion, the brother Thf*aSr. cil) of Hamilton. The career ojifedutoo. distinct, and stands nut in their history, marking the glorious individuality of both. The measure: of fame, for both, was full and. overflowing. And yet, after both have rested for more thamhalf a cen tury in their graves —a son of Hamilton rises up a defamer of Washington. Gen eral Hamilton, if departed spirits were per mitted to return to earth, wouldbe the first and sternest to rebuke this sacrilege. But as the father cannot-mierpoae, in vindica tion of himself or bib friend (for the mem ory of both are greatly" loutragfid,) an older .and more loyal son can and. jibes speak.- The Hon. James A. Hamilton, a son wor thy of su ch a sire, in writing to an old and intimate friend, says that he is very much grieved by that part of Ms- brother’s book, the History of the Republic, which he attributes all or most of Washington's letters to his father ; and requests that friend to take every proper occasion to say that he, disapproves of the. not well-fbun ded assumption” ' The Paradise of ! RoaoEB.-~A > bill has been introduced into the Lerslituce - . of 'Minnesota, intended to etinmtate the immigration into the’ State, -much on tile principle that the founders of old Borne are said to have adopted in filling up their colony. This bill exempts aqtipil settlers from, all probesO of law! for the recovery of debts that wetc contracted before coming into the State. A Wjsb Decision.— -Judge Glosser, of the Vrbhate Court, of Windsor, Vt., has deoidedthat ft good family newspaper is one of tire necessary articles for the sup pert of n family, during the settlement of an estate, and as . such, the administrator, 'lp -is justifiable in pay ing for one—the widow to make her own selection of what paper she will have- Mr. Jones, don’t you think; mar riage is a meanAof r’ *f Certainly, anything is a means of tibai leWa os io repentance.” Exit Jones, working in the lead of a broom -handle- -*• _,■*■ *»- x - "•*' of -.••.-^‘e rV ' '-V • ' 4 ' ■ ' 'f-'l • ) r EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS/ A Botch Somnambulist. The Dutchman whose advertisement of £ haa been the rounds ofthepa^ pere, jjlsarA brother who is addicted to som nambulism. ■He writes aa follows in rela lion thereto, to Porter’s Spirit of the .Timqt i-rr • • J Vot I shall do mit mine proder Pretty, X no can dell. ~ He slants up vcn he lays tons; ttnt ooes vaikin arount vast avako ■yen he ish Tide asleep. He sleep in do in anpder room as me j I mean he sleeps inanoder room in der same ped as I, Veil nez veek, Saturday nltp, der doilor sonts home my new suit mit brod clot close. dinks next tay I varcs dem mitmeding.unt Parpary vill dinks I looks nicer ns mine rifal, Hen rich Bottshmirc. So nez morning 1 gets up early, like eye* rybody toes veu tay has new close, unt, looks apount, veu lo! and hehbf! I find mine close hadn’t 'staid put ! Te key vas locked dightiuit dor door on te insite unt. ter vindowa vas bulled to on te oataideof to plints, nnt notings vas -proke 'loose ho varcs. I looks on te pod, unt unter te ped unt arount to. ped,... unit Uko der old shentlemen Byron delist apout, every varo but in de ped,untl no vinta dem. Den I pegins-to aware in low Bensylvany dietch, vitch sounta much like der steam musio unt cat squalls meet,'nut ter noise vakes .up pruder Fretty. Sourkrout 'ttn'd grab apples I vot you dink ? ATe scamp has got up in der nite, tressed himself in dpm, unt come pack to ped mit dem on. Te smar dcst chew in Chatham street wouldn’t hafo sold der whole suit for vife thalers' " If I hadn’t a know Fretty tone it in his sleeps unt dat he vaS ipofe as a gopt teal strong* er as me, I’d peged him dill he vas plack* er as plew. No soul. —iA who Tj-nri r- —-*» r » rtfgg^e 88 to. Stutter some. &e settlement of an ac count with neighbor, found it impossible to xnake changer within three cents. Some days after, while the Judge was on the Bench, in the midst of 'a very important cas£,. the avaricious man whose brains could not rest while three cents were absent from his pocket; appeared .in the court room and unceremoniously desired the Judge to grant him an interview. The Judge arrested the progress of the case, and addressing the counsel, said apologeti cally, “ St4top a f-f-few moments, n-p -please, till ! speak to my neighbor p-p-P.” He therefore descended from' the and accompanied P. to a; private room, where, as he expected, he received a de mand for t|re delinquent three cents. He paid it,. de|aa4ded a. receipt, and returned to the court room, convulsing every one present remark: “ Th-they s-sis-say that at th-Hie m-mpment any one .d-dies another is b-b-borh, and th-the soul ofth the one th-that d-dies go-go-goes into th the b-b-body Of th-the one that’s b-b-born. Now, when n-neighborp-p-p-P, wasb-born, no-no-no-nobody d-died.” “”T V- r * r - . .. v IITTIIII 111 i il 'iTt ~n ~ * J *- ■ .i- , ,;;. - , i ■■■ i 11 1 i ' ■ -j_,-1L Iwne. K»j.; $3,00.'' ■ . •» •;«.<,*■ ■ ■' lly distinct frsm tbe«co*4 Atw»»pe ■ __ sms tnneh valuable tod lattMri&itMdi* 1 W; . .MBa liliabcd. ■ "KahpnU be oweed -w ■ “ Docs not the A , edly ?” |; . .; V ' ' ‘ “ Excuse nie, sir,” i; .- “ I hardly feel at liberty to ei| sentiments, being not impartial , i case— is my sister.” . “ I beg your nardou, sir,” answered the * stranger in mden confusion, “t meontthc lady in blue.” a 1 .;; ■ ' ' “ Your are perfectly right there” re*' plied the neighbor. “I haver often told ’ her ao myself j she is my wife.” Queer Dialect.—A Scotch lady en tered a store in Boston and inquired for a table cloth of a damhroad pattern. “We have some pretty broad,” was the reply of . the astonished salesman; “ but none quite so broad as that.” The lady explained that ‘ “dambroad was the Scotch term for a i chequred pattern.” t -tST : A quaint old gentleman of an ac tive, stirring disposition, had a man at work in his garden who was quite fhe reverse. “ Jones/' said he, “ did you ever see a. snail ?” “ Certainly/’ said Jones. “Then/’ said the old boy, “ you must have met him, for you never could overtake him.” t®* A Detroit paper mentions tho ar-‘- rest of a woman in that city, “with noth ing on her person but a love-letter and ' a’ daguerreotype,” Bather a a&ft “picturesque” costume. " * : i Some one says that dog» |i such zeal when one enters their } tT ' yard, that “one would suppose the premises, and that their master ly a hoarder.” ®o«.The amount of letter-writing in the. United States may be inferred from the number of stamps sold, which during the last year.was one hundred and fifty rink’ lions. ‘ : - BS-. Honeaty--C)bsoleU: j a barm for merly used in the ease ofa man who paid for ms newspaper and the ooatronhiatm^h V,; V 3 '• m ;> igymiSiSßsssi ♦: NO. 2.