The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 04, 1858, Image 3

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*&&&& ITEMS.
goiTOßefiSolTtlUNOs.—What better common-;
taiy «o thwrtmissness of newspaper
to peffoAß'.iheir duty manfully, than the follow
ing brief article, from the pen of a Burlington
(If, /ijjfltor/ Although abort, it
• veriJ of meaning. Wo advise every one of our
rwlem to reatl lt carefully and; reflect arm it
rtorionsVy. Those to whom it does riot apply,
y\\] then sou wjiat a fearful sin they have re
!V;iincil from while those to whom
it Joes/ sbOUHl'hc prompted,byitH perusal, to
to such complaints.:
. fntnre: ' ■■ -■= -✓■ ; ■ ■ . .‘ 'i
‘ Wh«re >3 fronHto pay
per for oar next wsuoij? We cannot get a quire'
- iv. limit the cash in advance. We bayeborrew
(...) until our cr*dit-i8 gonq. We have worked
two yeiiPs ! f«r:utdfM«g* «n« boarded ourselves—'
, r ndber.qur w\re bji« boarded • free, gratis,
1< r nothing.” Our compositors Want their wa
gi s. Our landlord wants his rent s Our children,
w i it shoes, apdourwife wants I a new calico :
dres, We aretjutofwqod. out of potatoes, qut
of fl i«r, oot of meat, out of sugar, out of patience
in short nearly every thing. Except jyiflenr
conscience? We dodged the Suci jff hutiV w| could
no longer, and have dodged 1 our creditors until
wu s-re tired We haVe not a shilling in out pock
et ahd thousand dollars' We
ate trying to live a Christian life, and hope to get
t > satisfaction to think
we si all meet you ,-lbere. We should greatly
prefer t<v have you-pay us. anil thereby, reinovo
a very, gre it obstacle inypur way ofi caching that
place of rist.” , j
MAuntAflis awn Bsnths.—Wo have frequent
ly requested pur subscribers and other/ to fur
nisli ns with the particulars of all the marriages
nod deaths; of which they may be cognizant, in
~r , Ur that we may publish the same- Many of
ourirsmiers expect us to publish all the cases
’of this.hind wijich. «cur in the town and sur
foiffiffinffjMwmtrr: and we would cheerfully do
jbo cou'dwe obtiin the particulars in ta h case,
but we have not. got time to hunt them up,
even if we ku'ew of them, though in many iu
stai’.ces' not hear of’’them nt aIL As we
publish sueh jteins ifreo of charge, we think if is
"^skftiigvhiit, we ba furnished
.-with the particulars. * Within the last morth
•we hare observed three or four funeral pro
cessions'piss' our office .each week; and yet we
have not .been furbished with a single notice.—
We furnish our paper free of charge to minis?
ters'of all denominations, and only ask in re
turn that they furnish ns with nil the marriages
at which they; officiate, or deaths which occur
ia their congtegatipos,, Wc hope they will do
Uqts ( SßE«.vKiao —On lust Sunday evening?
same person or persons broke into the clothing
store and Cllman, in this place, and
relieved the proprietors of some small change
which was in the till, a revolver, « pair of
boots.and a vest. The thieves effected an en
trance through the back door,V by means of a
'ChUdlU'’|^;^WifelW«* -left as an offset for.
the things dakeu; Friend UJlman does not
seem at all satisfied manner in which
•his revolver *• went off.’’ TV hen- is is barken in
s to conaideration that the robbery was perpe
trated between 7 and 9 o’clock in the evening,
the daring of the thief or thieves seems ro s
markable. Our citizens had better exercise a
watchful core over their premises.
T«* Since- our last article on
this V* been a decided change. —
'The e «rth is now covered mantle of snow;
some two or three inches decp.iiwhile the f\\r is
considerably cooler. We are Satisfied with the
chunge. if il will continue long enoiiih to afford
a good supply of ice for next summer's consump
tion.'All doubts N are now almost
removed, as we learn that the river is frozen over
at" Holliduysburg. i If we had n few inches more
-snow, good sleighing could be had in abundance.
■We wonder what has become of his ground hog
ship, ns y»hep l on last Monday he
-failed,toWo suppose he bus
“again. T' " • |
Qua Black Lut—As many of our Contempo
raries throughout the State are publishing a
* ■'Black List,’Via which the names of those who .
have swindled them ard' promitwntlyjßpt.fftEth.-
.to : C?fo1iow suit.” We arc
busily engaged In getting one up, and next
week shall publishphaptcrl. It ip emphatically
one sweetness long drawn oat.”
nwd m 8^ r wbo do not expect it, wih be sitr
prised lo see their names occupying prominent
positions in it :Ye who coolly swindled
daring the last two years, if ye don’t fancy
h®d betters pony up”
“ instanter,” as M :no Ifcvor sways hs, np fear
shall - I" -i . j? : V -.V'"' 'V
' iMPßOvadEaT.—Wejmiotice i hat workmen are
front of bub ble, tojtonnect with thesidiugbn
which "the Hollidawpntrg Branch train, phd
.passenger anmbaggage cars used tostnnd..
When c^det£d,^ jr| uhdeirstand .that th« cnj|-'
ty eprs Will be plac|l below the switch in fronts
of our office, the Xvan^h' train will-stand upon
the main track, app nil' the
f bliicb hike meals here, w«U switph the si
. ding, and thus stop in the Lo- j
gan House. This is a
* - .1 _wi'tl be of great the) travel- i
, •übUc, especially in weather,;.i
' Orrtcryy —Julm W. Undies is out
'gWM$ X • ' for Justice of
;b elecii,on.T~,
ill if elected
'is Hl»\
ti#d M^^ta^^bof^tfeattoes—seotimental and
comic, which are now ■going' off like hot oakw
lE© lovq-tdckswninaand damsels Who ate head
.fact are allowing •« concealment like a worm'
|||jhe hod prey oayourilatnask cheeks, *’ bad
’better embrace the opportunity afforded you by
St. Valentine to send, a love missive,. 'lt may
save you years : of sorrow and may gain you a
life partner. Try it on. ,
( . T allot, Feb. 1, 1858; J
Pardon me for :the Intrusion of sending you
another communication. Since I Inst wrote to
you, halting of .importance has transpired in
this part afbeau monde. For ibis reason I have
select©! three subjeota .on which to diffuse my
x mfedU>tiona. ■ v , ;
ofiipse three bear qii)d4y swny witb-men,’’
,Tbe Sword,itiie-Sceptiw and the i*eu.”
, Fearful indeed have scon the blighting con-
Bcqmrtcea occasioned sword. Kingdoms
have icon almost deluged in blood,.and cumpires
laid wiste hy its devastating influence. Conti
lients.mive been set in commotion, and their in-
Uahitsuta appalled by its glittering edge. By
it, miflity revolutions have been brought about
whiclj changed the position and destiny of
nation-*Crowned/ heads have trembled, and
thrums have crumbled before it. The sword in
the himda Sf an Alexander, a Caesar, a Hanoi
- s* t
bul, or a Nupolepn, was weilded witli skill and
power. In their hands, it was the instrument
of Bhr.ightering x miliions of human beings, over-
dynasties, filling the inhabitants of pop-
oi ties with terror at the mere meution of
and causing families to flee from
their j!iomes and seek shelter in the solitary and
■drear* wilderness. These are but a few of the
jhumorous,esil results <>f the power of the sword.
iFroihtinp immemorial; it has been thejnstru
‘ munt|with which haughty tuonarchs and opi roa
aors jf people have maintained their away.
Wheiauy darling scheme was projected, with
a via* to further their avaricious designs, their
resort was to the sword. Time would fart us t<f
apeak of the different eras in the history of the
world, that were Xmprtalized by its stupendous j
; They were characterized by scenes of
■ carnage and blood. History reveals to ua, in
chnr4';!era of livid light, that the sword has
?caus«i heinous critaes, *iised to eminence and
ilistitction the basest of mortals, and subserved
the qosl injurious purposes of those whowicld- 1
cd it} while it suppressed truth and propagated
superstition in ail its cursed forms. On the
other hahd it has ameliorated the condition of
man, released the prisoner and thrown from off
fiia mck oppression’s galling yoke, propagated I
the cause of religion, advocated justice, 'and
aided in spveadhig truth and commanding res
pect io laws, civil and ecclesiastical^
The sword did the work, but the sceptre, in
s too unity cases, was the object to be obtained.
The Wisiga of royal authority and power caused
ambitious.minds to seek no other gratification
than that Its possessor might bear'd!, whether
acqn red by himesty or stratagem. Every oth
er object in life was forsaken, every principle
’ sacr,tood at itp'shrine, by attempting to reach
taat .ruveted.goivl.' Hence the bodies.of millions
were consigned to torture, their characters held
up Tc iguOtnhiy and shame. That was the cause •
gave keenness to the edge of the sword
and berved thqWtiQ that held it. All other cir
cumstances were subordinate to ife*'tt was gaz
ed upn with envious eyes, us it was held by
rivakkuigs. Stratagem and treachery bore con
spicuous pass in the attempts to gain it, and
no artifice was left untried by die cont-nding
parties. The sword has slain its thousands, but
the Sccptre nsa tortured its millions.
misery of oppressed nations Speak of the wrongs
sustained by Its cruel sway.
W e turn with pleasure to a more pleasing
part iff our subject—the pen—the mightiest and
most potent of the trio. When we consider
the gurious results of this champion of civili
zatiqi, we are ready to despair of portraying
theutia their proper light. As we look hack
alongthe mazy stream of lime, we see that the
ns of the pen have never been cngulphed
benenh its ebbing tides, nor censed to shed their
light upon the benighted minds of na-
ifhe. aabievmpnts of the pen reveals
ionising unto us of greater moment than,the
slauilrering of human beings upon ambitious
blpol-ttained -ttltars. llow unlike the lauded
actims of the'renowned Votaries of ambition'.
Instad of spreading ruin, and desolation over
the l|id, it lifted the veil of darkness that en
shrojicd natibtrs, and light and intelligence en
tered. We have tho gtent thoughts of genius,
and Re words of surpassing eloquence handed
dowgo us through succeeding generations.—
Altlaqh theiands that pebned them aro-now
motvre», yet the authors' names are still hon
:.d appreciated by Christian hearts, and
ued p)|ly to ; be admired and loved. Their
ordsi upsullied by the flight of ages, and.
red/ram the ruins'..of! corrupted nations,
usHiflted to us in ttll their ,beuuty,pathos
-adity. The “ Words of life” were first
uM&tyen given to us. They nave been ■
Spre cobffjjtd and/caat over continents by other
pea? of superstitious minds have
beee j is
i this o n d more. It has been
the i liberty, the proclaimin' of gltid
tidin i iff . the weapon <af de
fend! eVror and the vindicator of jus
tice. Un preserving their righto un-,
,traml<|h4iftve fcjicd it most May'
it fj|r noble purposes,inpJeserviingf
opr Reading, truth and promoting;
virtue, |day it wer serve as a beacon light fd
Warn the (ipppotjoh of danger, wteraoj
■.ire mas(rioid th& calamities and vices of
to whlct humau nAtursis heir. f .1
%r highly respond citizen; Mr. Robert Craw
ford, Sao, a few weeks ago, met with arvery so-.
v imuB nchrient, while crossing the mountain, is
soon o*able^Oibobaround” again.-
' ; ? '***&
and |
!e ia •well
. by reference
wnsmnr, John
f being a can
tlie next Ooto
•eod man sji4
■ S?WK«p^^« < ;E,FCT..I»t,IB6B..
* ■ ■
' ’ •‘' 1: : •■' ¥v/ ■■'
[From Our Owa'Curtwpondont*.]
! becoming remisim his duty, Ibttt
are euohaqmot; unpretending sort ofpeople,
thatnrm are scarce;, We have no litigation .to
disturb us, no Military to excite our' patriotism
timdruuketiness to disgust ns.
Beligioriand■Education are the themes tf
nearly all conversations, this to aidour mindsih
their searclPattei- troth, that to enoble
ply Its principles to onr necessities,- Singe;. I >
have been in this eeotion’of this country (five
months) I have notvri nessed a single quairreV
between neighbors; and it is but seldom that pro
fane language is beard. This certainly speaks
well for this place, where are found representa
tives from many nations, and as many-different
creeds. We hate here the Lutheran, Metho
dist, United Brethren. Presbyterian, Catholic
and Wiuebrenajdnn, all living together & peace
and harmony, eich seemingly interested in the
other’s welfare.;
On Friday last I started to vigit some of the
Schools in this with the intention 6/
giving yoti a report of ray visitation. 1 started
accordingly, fob Williamsburg intending to give
Prof. Miller the first call, but unfortunately the
door was “obaei-atus,” the Prof, having gone to
Lecture before a Teacher's Association. This
put me a little but of sort, but “what can’t be
cured, must bejendured” was my consolation.
I nest knocked at Miss Cunningham’s door
and was promptly- admitted into the Girls High
School. llcru wLM v many smiling faces, which
were very sure; indices of happy hearts. Several
classes passed through their accustomed duties:
very creditably!, not only to themselves but to
their instructress. Indeed the manner in which
they spoke or read or whatever was done, at
once showed tlfat they had been under the di
rection of one whose .duty was under-tood and
well The room is commodious and
comfortable,, blackboard surface good, desks cal
culated for twolpupils with aisles between. Many
of the desks aid i some of the windows wete de
i ;t . <
corated with flowers and other Cxings of which
the young Ladles kuow much better the names
and uses than T.
The ieachcras ua 1 iubt.e I'y well prepared to
conduct a schofol. of this kind, as any one will
evidence who jjviU give theniselyys tlie pleasure
of a visit Offing'' to want of time I. made no
more visits thdt day,. but promise myself the
pleasuj‘oyiierealter. The next tiling in order was
to prepare the-•‘matches” for the home journey
which was perforated well.
! On Saturday evening SOtU ult , we Imd ai
spelling match" in the Furnace School house
At an early httur the’houseVus filled, and the
parties arranged themselves in battle array, af
ter having sutig-several pieces to enliven and
stir up the troubling hearts of the youthful con
to,'t!ii:ts, an 1 the spelling began. It was a well
f .ucht battle-—“ Greek met Greek.” 1 In an
hour's spoiling only twenty eight words were
misspelled After intermission the Class sung
* Home, can 1 forget thee,” “A Tear for every
Gallant Soul,’: and -Little Drops of Water,” to
the evident satisfaction of all present
Now came the "tug of irar,” spelling off the
floor. Roth parties now spelled their beat, and
-the contest wits yell sustained, but ull thing?
(except a rir.ti) have ah end. The victors were
Master McAlister, son of the Mana
ger, and Miss Maggie .1 Tipcrry. daughtcrof
J \V. Tipcrry. ex County Auditor. The crowd
dispersed very orderly and .much pleased
I had intended giving you a description of
our Hail Il&ajl. but have already I suppose,
run you out of patience, so I will give you
! that at some other time. ALPHA.
ygg- Who that is troubled with any of those
disagreeable Cotupluiuts, such as Jaundice, Dys
pepsia or Liver Diseases of any would
like to know Of a remedy for .th|s9; uhseendy
visitations ? We feel that we are doing oqr in
valid readers iiu invaluable service if we can in
duce them to get a bottle of Dr. Sanford's In
vigorate!, pm! take it, we know irom per
sonal experience that it is one of the greatest
remedies for general debility, and consequent
inactive bodily powers ever before usedi Its
action is so perfect and complete as to give re
lief and if it does to others
half lt is
needed. We 'know of nothing ye
mend with such confidence, as a family meoi l
cine, .as the lavigor.Uor.
Woodi. v.NDiCBE vm," —-4 Pomade for beautify
ing the //air—highly perfumed, superior to any
French article imported; and for half the price.
FOr dressing Lad top Hair it has no.equal, giving
it a bright gldOsy appearance. . ltf,a nac*i<Jr,'itte
men’s Uair to curl in the most natural manner.
It removes the dan dm IF, always giving the Hair
the appearance pf being fresh shampooed, Price
only fifty cents. None genuine unless signed
• f KTILLUO L & CO. Proprietors of the
, ■ ‘“Balm of a Thousand Blowers."
For sale by all Druggists.
The Panic—More Failures. —The panic in
;New York seems to be on the increase. In this
city everything goes W smoothly, and the only
iailurcs we have heard of were the failures to
furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing
establishments. There is no such difficulty' to
be encountered by those who patronize the
brown Stone Clothing Hall of lloekliill and Wil
son, Nos. OOdnnd 005 Chcsuut street, above
sixtn. Gentleman and youths never fail to pro
cure capital tits at this popular establishment.
Du Vail’s Galvanic Oil acts on the sys
tem by imparting to the diseased part it natural
current of electricity, by which the restoration
of all. the natural function! are produced imuve-,
diately, and a cure is at once obtained. This
is the great secret which no other picdicine in
the world Ims gut, hnd bench the great'success
this medicine ;has incuriug diseases.
['ime of Arrival and De
parture of trains. ruuniug on the I‘tuu’n. Railroad, at Al
toona station. ' I ■
Express Train East arrives 2,48 A. H, leaves 2,55 A. M.
. West ■■ 8,35 *• ; 8,65 “
Fast “ Edit “ 1,40 P. M. “ i 2,00 P. M.
« « West 11,00 “ “ Jll.lo "
ALTOONA WAY TRAIN leaves Altoona for Philodelv;
pbla at 8.00 Av 31., and returning arrives at Altoona an
BaANCirconoccts with
train West, Altoona Way Train East and v
BRANCH connects
Way East and West, Express ,
TUB LAnres.
Sseu by Urcdoctpni fcr
hA iitrrcti) hv many iliutwatultß*
altho* th«lr would prevuui. an^
Son receipt of
u ;£■ ii; v ” '■ ’ '' iOr-V'V| ? ;
The Cheapest Paper in the County !
Withtbe present number, the Tribune has en
tered upon itvtlurd relume. Commenced at a,
dime When the confidence of the 'Citizens of Al
toona in newspapers and newspaper pubUshera
- watt considerably shaken, if not totally annihila
ted, it has slowly but eprety restored that con
fidence, and now stands Upon a sure foundation,
und ia universally acknowledged to be one of
the fiied institutions of our town. But this re
sult ime not been achieved without a hard strug
gle, apd considerable expenditure of time and
m&ini on the part of its editors. The steady
increase of patronage, however, has afforded in
dubitable evidence that their labors have been up
In entering upon the new volume it is almost
unnecessary to say that the Tribune will contin
ue to'be •• Inuepkjxdest i> EvpKVTruso,” be
ing biassed neither by fear, 1 favor nor affection,
in favor of parties or sects. Ip this respect it
is only necessary to, say that the past affords a
fair index as to our future course.
It hits always been our aim to make the Tri
£une, a reliable first-class Local Pabee, as we
.believe that in that character alone, country pa
pers cjim successfully compete with their flashy
city neighbors. To this end we have secured
correspondents in various parts of the county,
who furnish us with all the items of local inter
est jn their vicinity. We purpose adding others
to our list as soon as we can obtain them. Du
ring the next year we shall redouble our efforts
to make the Tribune a perfect compendium of
Home News—a reliable, x fikst class L ien.
Paveh. seeoud to none in the country, and as
such a welcome-weekly visitor to our patrons,
whether at home or abroad.
Rut while the Local Department shall be our
special care, we shall also devote a coiisi-K ru
ble space to Litkuaky Mattkk. Fin and Hl
m-mi. ami the chronicling of events id" general
interest to our readers. We purpose also pub
iisbiug from time to tunc “Original Sketches of
Men nml Tilings ” winch will be lurnisiied by
our contributors We have made arrangements
also to have a weekly letter from Philadelphia,
and judging from the reputation our correspon
dent sustains us a popular writer, these letters
will be a rich trout to our readers.
As we arc decidedly journalists of the pro
gressive school, we have concluded to adopt the
cash system in our business. The neglect.ot
quite a number ofonr patrons to pay up prompt
ly, and the rascality of others, has compelled
qs to adopt this course. Time uitd experience
has fully proved to pur satisfaction that the
credit system will not work with newspaper
publishers. From this date no paper will be
sent troiu this office, unless paid for in advance,
aqd at the expiration of the time paid for, if
not renewed, will be promptly stopped. This
arrangement does no injustice to our patrons,
while it will protect us from the impositions of
soulless scoundrels, and enable us to devote
more attention to our paper.
Recognizing, the principle that contracts to
be satisfactory should be fraught with mutual
benefit to both parties, and us money in large
amounts, m advance, is of m,ire value to m than
wnen received in driblets. ' us no Induce
ment to numbers who would otherwise 'discon
tinue, us well us to those who have never yet
taken the paper, we offer it at the following
low rates for the coming year:
1 copy, one year $1 GO
10 copies “ ($1.35 per copy) 13£0
-20 “ “ ($1 .00 per copy) 30 60"'
and all above 20 at the same rule—sl per copy.
The money must, in all cates, accompany the
by the above it will be seen that our paper
is emphatically the cheapest in the county.—
As to its .merits, wc leave in to the public to de
cide. Wc earnest!y request our.friends through
out the county to “• give us a lift,” as wo have
no doubt each of them cun readily obtain a club
in their neighborhood.
Canvassers Waster. —Several energetic bu
siness men wanted ;o canvass the county for
subscribers to the Tribune. A liberal per-ecu
tage will he allowed.
t|£g=*Tiine of the Closing au^
Arrival of MutU ut Altoona Otlico. f
Extern Way at
Western ••
Eastern Through Mail
Eastern Through Mail, r 8 3.i -J^M
t'^S2i VUV ttU<l 1 i
Ei~ .-I—-e , *«O9C lose at 1.00 P. 51. aivj 0,45 P. 51.
’57-tf] JOHN SI10E5lAla„.
of t,u ’ Buniugb of Altoona. I offi-r tnvwlf ae '
cmolutito oflt L *e uf JUSTICE Of TIIK I'KAOE at
t .<■ aUHuin- ( .1. 7 U0ii,-a.;d if .•hxted. will <*»!, avor to dih
clm.g- 0.« dntrcs of =auf to thl , ~f n , v V
>nb. 4,1808-U‘.J JOHN tV. itI’MES
Jl —l myself us a candidate for Hio
OUmi COSSTABtr, m «ir. anaujne el tiiorn f, ' , ,
1 pledge myself to use all my abilitlm iu maliitsUmJfJ' 1- '
tier, enforcing the Borough laws, ami i>er!bnfitng nlLiul,
duties appertaining to said office
Feb. i, 1858-te]
QHERIFF’ALiTY— 1 bffur myself as
|kj ii candidate fur the office of BflklUFF of illair coun
ty, iit the ensuing election in October next. Jf elected. 1
pledge myself to discharge the duties ai'jMTtuiiong to said
o lice to the best of my ability
Feb. 1, lSsfj-tc]
fi>r myself to the citizens of Altoona, ns an
cm candidate for the office above naine*l. at tlrf* ,n ? a ‘ n if
Borough Election. If elected, I pledge l«y»e!£r^ i '^" n | 5 L *
Uie duties appertaining to said office tu 1 J>° BKKD
Jan, 28, IRAS-te. . - ’
Borough klectP^,— at the
earnest V
i uifer myself th the c^*Sl^l v nf *k
n-\ToJxniDVTKforßre * iiit the
i)~M myself to Uomr Unty
enduing Jf abilty, without fear, furor, or
i.WU.LACB. r
jpwoiiy offer niywJfii* an ludeneudent can
qpce of COXStABLK, at the e mutiny' Bor
«K>n. 1 f ejected. X Jik-dgu raVaelf to discharge the
fpOTtaining to tl»at office, to the best of iur ability.
If mqtect to frionda or fixas.
iperflne, ii bbl.
t*«B, $ «
% cwt.
« «
It ft
« U
- ft “ _
pk i ltia sell their Flour at the following rates:—
Wheat ijour, *bbL $5.52
M’r VT ..** 1“.. Superfine, •“ - •
Cteefc \“. ■ w -• ■ < ’^Rsft
“ Suportiwi
it xzhs’s.gpjgg makkjet. ■ •
- > ~-i' "‘ : ;:^x " '■' ”■ •■ «-S
- ivt-ij ■■<&'<■' .' ’■
a family Hour,
- v-sr/.v-i
ear ts*
etatcd Couttcils
'At “WotManso »o*i’ , Ko.3*, LOi & if.
«rv WedfttCftsycvsßHw In ttt l, O. ft I. Usll. toft» »►.
eonio TVwplE Oonndf Wn» UnUed Btth tow*
JtmoSVH-ly] A. EBKBLK, C t)f S,
Gifts i gifts i i gifts i i i—a prize
to everyjpurchawr.
\ ' - «m*i«tiii([ of ; ,
Will. Bt DlStilßCiro WITH ETE»T 1000-BoaW.
The attention of tho public U reepcctfollx»olictt«d to the
extensive assortment of valuable Standard and SOaceUue
ooa Books, which are offered for sale at .the
Prices. AHI FT WORTH FROM 25 CENTS T’OtfOO.'will
be given with every Book. A/ complete Catalogue, giving
full infonnatiob, with a Ust of Prlwja, will ;be forwarded on
Liberal Tndvcekkmts orr hr ei>.— -Persons wishing to <>r
i. r at mice, can order any Book published In Philadelphia,
New York or Bouton, and it will b« famished at the pub
lisher’s price, with Gift. Any person ordering 10 Bmi
will receive Cir commission an extra Book'with Gift, For
Postage send stamps, 18 cents, for $l.OO Books. Address
DUANE It OLI SON, Publisher,
No 33 South 3d stre, t, Philadelphia.
in the Post 01
Utiiw-u, Mary '
Hall, Charles
Hum,, Francis 2
Brown, David
Baer, Abraham
Bond, Hubert |
Campbell. M. R. J.
Crider. Esther
Cawley, Denis
Cories. ilnrti'*y
C mway, Peter
C-ok. John ,
Cow. -il, ii. S.
Deurh, Peter
Davis Guirgo
Dlclier. Mr
D Mglierty, M J. j M.iuk. Jix'i jib j’J to.i-h, -humi-l
H i:bvst’r,Ji)liD I Mill-hell, Jm 1 Timliil■! -A.
K'lw'rls, Al IMcOolly, Jtaiicy IVilm-r, IT in. 2
Odll tgli. r 1). IMci'unly, N|i»ty J. Mfhlte Ttlrharil3
n’l-, r Mary A. McO-v rt A. W .ID> B, 0. 'V. ‘
II ntahcr Omru.l Met Ist eiy, S, : Va h ngt -n, Ct»-o.
il til lf. liar-let A. Mcnu.e Mary (Ward Jtnuio
lie want U. MV | , 1 : -
Dairy. John •Ilii ka U-«rgo lO’Xcal, J«m
Uuv -v. K.'.wirtl Lnig-f. Autau
Fitmuih railing for lut f t.*rK i'll tilt?) list Will pla**S® say they
ar t h*lvitll-«1. fl-t*M JilllX- SirHiMAKF.R. V, M.
House and lot for saik
The subscriber oli-n) at Private snle, a I'LAXK-
Klt AME JllL'-SE. 10x27 feet with a good cellar
Tin- lot is 50 feet front by 12>J f.-et deep, find is sufficiently
largo to admit of the i-rodlmi of two imiro houses as large
os tin- one now u;nii' it. ,'fhi proyeVty is situate «n
Uarrit-t street, tan Ward, Ihimodiately opposite the Com
pany's H.m-s. There is an excellent Wvli of Water on the
promises. For terms* Ac., apply to THUS. DAVtY.
jfltoona. Jan. 21. -it.*
pi uase copy lit. ami charge this office.) ■
/gL tire is hereby given Unit betters of Admiiiistrufiouon
iWoMiitß of Jacob Heigh, late of the IjOHiugh of Altoona
p.WHr county, dic'd., have licen’-grunt-d by the Register of
aaM countv hi the undersigned «-»iding us aforesaol. All
pulsions knowing theiuselvie indebted tu saiii estate are t»
in&tud to make immediate payment, and those having
cUUms will present them duly nuthenticated for settlement.
' shin. lt-6t.l -e. H. SINK. ddiit’r.
wish to And good employment, and make, money
with little or no investment- and without interfering with
vuilr regular business?' If yop ilo, mui/this advertisement.
C. K. TuHli & to. t of 302 Umonic Street. New Yolk, arc
manufacturing ami s-dliug massive gold Pencils for $§ each,
(wliich me citeapht that price.) tiud they‘throw lit a gift
or Prize with each Pencil, worth fr..m £2 up to $l5,
sik $25, $3O, $5O, $7O, $lOO. $2OO, SS<JS!. Uorct crj" out,
-llinfibug! Lottery!” If* no such tiling. The Pencils
are sold at their cash value, and all tin- profits over the llrst
cost are throw n inn. the gitlm which actually cost the pur
chaser noth tog. Tile prizes are dUtiibaledon a simple plan
oiMrawing. which would lake too much; room to- explain,
but whit'h t.iilttl jto j. r ive euitMfiictiuD.—
We lia> e drawu a-' 1 sent to purchasers jls3_gcld watches of
various pi iei-s. 74 purses ofipold dulb-.iiu-23d gold lockets, gol l chains, and a corresponding number ot other pri
zes, within two nu-mbs. > '
but. every purchaser draws a prize wurtii $2 certain, and it
stands thousands of chances to la- a Higher figure
\Ve want n g -od ag lit in every neigliborlusslrfliroughout
the couutrv to solicit purchasers, and liiiy agvrjl, to be suc
cessful. 11l list h ve a Pencil and prize to exhibit!. We pay
agents $1 ca-h for each pun baser he obtains. urJJ the Urrt
is-raou in ativ m ighborhood who applied for a Pencil and
gift, will rcc" ive the agmey for that locality. should. an
agent obtain a valuable prize to exhibit with hit Pencil, he
Would haw Utle di* r -ulty In obtaining eeoivudf puriha*-
eis, and making it a paying btlsiuesz,
We a-k nol oly to semi their money till they know what
prize thVv draw. Any person wishing to try tlrtir luck,
can first semi us their name and address, and we will make
th-ir drawing and inform them by return mail what prize
they drew, when lin y can send oil and take the
prize, or not. whichever they choose. We feive this privil-'
ege only euee to a purchaser. After the first drawing, every
pniehassr will Is- ie t |itired toseiuiin iiifvance, tluongh the
authorized agent. We will send with'each drawing the
iiiiml i r taken out, with full description ■of the plau of
drawing. Address. x • C. E. TODD 4 Co.. ?■
302 Brunmt .Veto J'nri-.
[ BARNES’ ITCH OINTMENT & the only remedy
which thoroughly cures tlmt dreaded disease—tlic SEVEN
YE.VI'.S' ITL’U—now prevailing to-oogreat anextent. The
us mil remedies, such its Brimstone, Thr and Precipitate
Ointments, are of no use. Many who have used them have
Wii compelled to use Barnes’ Itch Ointment, and found it
tin, only cure. It is now the only remedy lu which physi
cians place any reliance.
Jack Frost ha* ifeuminenced -MS feign and BARNES’ ' DR. KANE’S FIKBT . n. .
REMEDY FOR FROSTED FEET ia the only one that will Tar Imioi States Owaam. Eimurtos WS*A*CH9»«»
ciint those whom he has attacked.. Apply tills remedy for *«»» rt it-v a
I a few days anil a cure will be effected! The first applica- A personal nnpativo by Eusfi* KKJt KASE, V. B.
ticn givii relict It has cured cases;- where the ikin has Oiie volume 8vo„ upwards ofgO mwmMAig’, j
I hurJril stocl plateramd wood engravings,■ fea»-»—w, jfeJIWiWI,,., ..
- « His- \ „ JJJfi CAREFUL'TO WHOM
used it give it the preference over all others. f . :
COUGHS AND COLDS. Ta „„ Of '»». ■SSS/S^ki
BARNES’ COt’tm SYRUP, composed entirely of Vega- T E M OT BIUDr
taUes, is a sure iture for Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis, it is
without any exception, the bent jvni«<iv known, of wiitcu
xaci can.testify. It will bt* !fouuU the best reme
dy tlmt can \b* u-hm for children.
Prepsirwi only lit I>n»£ Store, Trenton. N T . J.—
bvO. W. KESSUtK, Altoona* and u. IWe Jr. 1 Co.,
u . ,-- t - . : [Mayl4, *S7-Iy.
form the mffiteiifESAK SiUTTI would respectfully in
j !“■ has,!uat and tbf public gcu.rully that
1 asooitflienf of : the East with i iarge nnd varied
HATS AND ua dc MB'
I ’A hich lie purchased at lew prices- *
and will sell ut
<,ri P in,,l 'i «*»'. His stock crimSS&ianali
are in want of anything m his line will 'do welVto
As 1 n . J a W U i toiL ' k {,t SADIES FUR
*\\\ h SvJP U **?’4 C * U) whicl » l» hmt** the attention ot
“i nJ a,BO eeutlcmim who wish to make their
ft hftinisoDic &nd useful present
lie is always ready and witling :o exhibit his stock free
iiSj’iSr “ "^“swii.
1 iX) P.M
8 IK) “
I'»t. P. M
ojvnetl a STOH£ In the IiOOM formerly occupied by O W
Patton, on Virginia street, whore ho will to iwppy to ex*
Uibit to them hf« splendid irtock of PPy **
which will be Cinnd entirely cow and freiah: TTi. Btoc v u
carebaiy selected and >ras pnrchascdstrictly for tUBIL
which Jiwt at this Important timo-hna enabled him fafSS?
escecdtoriy low, snd|i»Tihg adopted the •”
heady-pay System,
is dbternilm'd tohak bnt “ Staall Quick &i*e»
Among his stock wIU be fonnd orerythlng
to indies, and Gentlemen's wear, os' .■ w e u M *ll afOctedtS
Groceries, i'" : V K-V;.- :-v..^>rk
- .. \lfJ'{>•> "4f
. flnrdtrftTe. 4o K &&
fa aiown w eomttty-store, no respectfonV
ihrits* a carefolimmcctton of hisetnek. i y
AJtpwm. Oct.l; mr-tf. CHARf-W J. MtKy..
■JL/ tn'mct of weJlSclected iIQCOKa lias lj«n teertfed
,loJIW: '.' sbnrj, which will bo.
.•?*? cish prices.* wholesale of 'retaU. The
tnan Wbo'dTtnts fi*a only h<cnll. [Dwv.l7. tC.
. Citrons, and Currants in store and for sale by
ffsrcb 12, *57-ly} 1!U AV« M
■TtfSfcf KKt ElVEjr FUOM T?HZ£A
■W; delphls—iifiresti rapcbr«# CLOTBB.»n,i ni«CTwm>.
srfl» MMoa.acj sgtyu chmp fpr owb at ™““
4'. &&
tffIeo at Altoona, February 1,1858,
Hogan. Daniel ,Othonie, KaU
Johnston, Thomas Gkeson, Daniel
Jit tan. Charles , O’Brien. Mary
Jones, Daniel Qrhiun. Charles
King. Ueury 2- Price. J. K. 0
iKline, Mary 2 Peters. Thus. n.
, 1 Kinswl, Elisa A. Rupert Amos
Keys. Thomas Roberson, Josh 2
Kearns. Mieha-l Kuss, A.
L-.-U on, George Reed, Win.
Ltufmiy, E. n. (Hlggel, Elizabeth
Moyer, i’liilip .Sehmidhaiumer, J.
Moore. Henry Fndth Jusinh.
Many,Christopher Sclmiitt, Oeor*"
Cliarle* fie'l. A. B.
M;uv>haH. lint* ,T}!oma> .1. \V.
Uv ‘,
' <
' ‘ ~9
■ The Rfflowtogßohsw wIU to drawn byß. Swan * Cb.
managers of the Spam Academy Lottery, la each at ttetr
Slngio Number LlUarta for Febnmry, l&S, at ACOCSXA*
UearKla, to which city they iiiy* removed tAetr principal
offlco. '
To be drawn ia tlwWty of AUgm**. Gotfrgfa, fa pcbUe, sc
, Saturday, February 6; ISM.
•■■■■■ .£,. "CLASS a.
To be drawn UHM*CItT of Augusta, Georgia, fat public, «•»'
•B®totoy.Kcb«*ry IS.ISM.
To be drawn in the CHy of; Aogcita, Georgia, ia rntUct a#
Saturday, February *>, 1865. 11 ' ■
To be drawn ia the City N of Augusta, Georgia, in public, eat
Saturday, February Of, ISM.
nrc Taocsaau roc* ecroau am> naarr-Ara non it
Atari# one frCa to every A't'M lUdl I .
n u m>aw)i ucß eamoar n mtcai.' :
1 Prise of ‘ « Prim of > MB'
1 “ “ 30,000 4 " ' 6QB
1 « « 10,000 4 « « MB
1 “ “ L 0 4 “ f 000
1 «•< 4,000 M Prism of 808
1 « « 3,000160- “"■ . , ; m
I - « v 1.800! ICO “ “ ! 1 to
4 « •! i 1,000,230 “ - Dto
: approximation prizes.
4 Priiceof SJOO Approx’ *70,000 Pritoara IMM
4 « “ 300 “ “ SO,OOO « .*• tfiOt
4 « “ 200 “ ■ “ 10,000 “- “ 800
« 6.000 Mu
“ 4,000 « Mo
“ >,OOO “' “ • - $»;•-
«* uoo « « m
6,4&6 Prizes amonuting to •• 1 A
Whole Ticket* 410; Hair** fS; Quarters &C& :
The number* from 1 to 50,000, corresponding with iTiOSU
number* on tlm Ticket* printed on separate slips of pph#r»
are euciicied in small tin tubes and placed In one Wwics. \
■ The Unit 170 Prizes, suntboriy printed and entire led,*/*
placed in another wheeL. i. '
The wheels are then revolved, anil a nifrnherUdrktr*'
from the wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a Wto
U drawn from (he other w'teel. 'Tbs tmmbo’ -
drawn out ore opened and Mldhlted to the audience, and
regiatcrad by the Commissioner*; th* Prize being plnood
against the numberdrawn. This operatic nls repeatedun* '
till all the Prjzes art drawn <>dt. . .
AtVAukiM.ytto* Pants.—Thetwo praceoding and the two;
succeeding numbers Co those drawing the brat 7 Prim rit)
bo I'ntitled toilhe 28 Approximation Prt*e«. Por example;
if Ticket No. 11,260 draw* the $70,000. Prim,. those tickets
numbered 11.248, 11,24!*, 11,261,11262, will each be entWod
to $4OO, If ticket No. 560 draws the $£UkK) Prise, tadss
tickets numbered 648,640, 651, 662, will each be entitled to
$3OO. and so on according to the abote aohciuo.
The 6,000 Prizes of s2u will bo deter in the! atl 0;,
nre of the number that draws the $70,000: Prize.
muplo: if the number drawing the $70,000 Prise end»wlU|
No. 1, then all tha tickets, where the number end* *i> I, .
will bo untitled to SJo, If the number omUwith'Kv.’,B»
then all the,ticket* where the number-ends In 2 Will be'6f£
titled to $23, and so on to 0. « • .
Cenifleatjs of Package* e.'ill be told at the following rated'
which 'is the risk; 1 '•..-
Certific*te of Vucksge of 10 Whole Tickets, fell
10 Half - : W
10 Quarter “ Tf'
“ r “ J 10 Eight “ ;;
Enclose the money to our address, for the tickets ordered, •.
.or receipt of which they will, he forwarded hy firat utsJU— .
Purclmsers can have tickets, ending iuanjr number they
may designate. • ■ .i. , . , ■ k
The list of Drawn Numbers and Prises will bo sent to
purchasers immediately after the drawing. , , . :V :
; purchasers will please write th*tt signatures plain, and’
give their Post OCice, County and Stale.
a Remember tlmt every Prize drawn and payablo ItfftiU
without deduction.
All pplzca of $l,OOO and under, paid immediately after
the drawing l —other prizes at the u-;ual time Of SO days. '.
Ad communications strictly confidential.
Address orders for tickets or gertifleates to yt<
Si SWAN i CO, *•;, . {.>«
Person* residing near Montgomery, Ala,or AlnlanU,tH, ,-.7 ■s. , r if
can hard Umlr orders filled, and save time, by adJtessink ' ' f'"-h r - til
». Swan S Co, at either of those cities. / , ' ' .$L
A list di the humlM'r* that ara drawn from thewhe*l,V . - : p v
witli thewnumht of the prize that each one Is entitled W, V :
will I*- published after every drawing. In the Cillowlng J«tc
pers:—iiVVte Orleans Delia, Mobile DegisUr, Cbaffatknt'oMtK
Sard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta
IfieUy /Jay Book, Sara n 'mA-lfcrnfap ‘ ;
p'ltcti, \ew }'r,r!: Dispatch, ClarySS ■*?
A Jif/uilo IGeaA OmtMutimidSMt' ' ' . 1 jftTt.7 j ly.
4 MM I*s M
; 4 “ “ 100 “
4 “ “ 76 M
4 “ 60 44
5,000 “ 20 are
, **
Elisha kent kane^
In announcing the LIFE Of P.H- KAJiEj w are but an. *
ticipating the wishes c>rthousands,and tens of thousands
of the admirer* of thatgieat tninJ- ■ ",
Having been a personal Wetßi'df thedcceaged, and eti*
joying a fult share of hiscouAdeace, Dr. Elder is wcUqual*
ifled lodo justice tothe subject. i . VrI’’ 1 ’’
This work will be jeruediu one handsome octavo rttoaiy ‘
and. equal in every; respect to theaUperbvolUin'ethjr
“ Arctic .Explorations.” recently published. It wlUodntalii
a new ftill-tacc portrait, executed ou steel, as WeH%SW»tr»' )
tings of bis residence, tomb, medals, Ac. •'
lu’order to giro this work u large ctrculattoait tTltt'.et,
gold at the low price of <1,60. ’ ‘
*tmr THxy $300,000 boil> fitro SM •■: ;•
1» now helm; read by tuore thu,n two
IH'raons. old oml Voting, leuinedund uOleornCcb TtiAMlit'
Xh« book which eboula he owned and toSd Atwtb
cun. - '•' ’
Goto each pronounced It the moat rixoarkftife and max' -
velous wort ever published. ■
and the most distinguished rut-ant of Europe uro' ejil'liTfc' v.
.gamin its prnlse.j "I ; i- r ,
It Is more interesting tliau HOUISQN CRt?OQE; hsteElf
faithful account of privations and banishipe, the nafUUs; .
of which canuot be read without - 0 shudder. - ■- '-" <• '
Oh’U MOST EMINENT MEN have vied With eachoU«j|
in extolling Its merits. “ ~S::i
Two vols. octavo, superbly illustrated. TUBS! BilPltt-t r
EsaKxnsos. Price $5,00. -
tub actuor, aso EMmucwu AU tonimj
■ \ .-.IIOSS. *■
Superbly • with steel plate* and wood cotk ms/ i ;
graved onfe® the Immediate aupertotendeiice ofCoFiSl V -
niont, nuislittfirom taken mi I lie spot «S» > ••
*! be to*uefrm.»..*iyle to mated Dr. KjmeVtfoSr vl ■
will also coupUu a new steel portrait being the otto cor- •
rect likeness of Jhl* author ever published; J W
Two volumes. octafdr-$5,00 . '
_ _ T«K BB.AZIUAN9. ' '
" f ti,e , 4 t tl,o ' ils ‘ ChnfebV
, St, 11 *' ’ J : S' S? ■ Bretfbytyrit.nOintdt^
liili bcw anti *plt‘nfU'il_\MliuiatnUct| Wuric Yotio larzm tnf<
urarocterMpjanititfni style >ith tbo raiwtt
who,;m jrarclitre end-riiaiob*-
(anyonet'ffiomil poeittfn. as ActincTB^retjtiV«f^ J
m SUt*f Ration «t Wo™h.s e
*«e4a-«. »an 4 foil »f ir ggfJggZ*' ,
Vin be sent by r.«tl
AUfo^^^jiJl^ 1 * l*nWtohfcd price. •-.t?-'
' '
November 12,18ST*tf. PMadflpU&
0 coilncK? 3s|*-
opened «n excellent twelvod lb*
great care, expressly to' : ” u r°“*» *4kcted with
rioa vary cheaply I y ’ « w * *“»
; N Bwwn Sugars at 9 inji 10 cent* ' ,
White •♦. “ 12a dibits. ■
!'■.'■ Best Rio Coffee nt lV(SAiiti * ,
■ ■ :y..:ms£:
.STOSEW4EB. &C.. .■ -- £
all iwoportlon. rorsoaa wjabina to ' '4
"ISSilfi?S^" ,,? el ” •—“I- s >'&s
ONS—SOO boxes OKagot kU^
for .ale by " Vtta ** IW ■'V
4 HOtJSE & LOT^o
■%V os feasoaaMeWnn*. J j^pj T £ "r V''.
:; '■ • *
J- if
K? fcr »a!» j£4£«p ;-
■; , * “ x*\
. X
\ ■ r-
'•'. ■ V
**. ' >
. . :\
.. -gaa
- ~*4-»3
~"”V 'U
• ;* v 3ft
•• i
y ■
■ -
\ '•: V^
\ :!