i CriJiMe. • ALTOONA, PA. f. • THURSDAJ, FESRUARJ 4, 1858. 3SS»,triioro pMtio* aro unknown to tu,mirruiifor P*uu{ i»>0 J iß4iiir«,pn.jiianoeuj_dvftnce,or»Ku»r«ntoefrota lt in thtrefuri) linen** for all sucli to aend n* adv*rtl*Bm«nt* offsriag to pay at tlia end of three or »lx noathf.; WhOro «df orttwmeßti are accompanied wltU the ,wh"tlv"- 'ini. 8v«or ti n dollara, wo will elVo the •4»ertt»»niA Ml benefit of eaab rates. TBBMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. . The Tribune will htronlUr be furnished to scbscriber* at The following rates: u » a s’ oar J l - 50 : /in club* of,lo, to one address, i Pw copy; In clut*.of 20 or more, to one address,sl,oo* por; copy. Pay me at iu all cases must be ix iDVsNcr.. ! Renewals stfoalii-be prompt, a liUlo while baforo.th:>year i \eipirw*. la order that wo nnyr umko all necessary arrango ; acuta u> rupbly the pjtptr regularly. I fhn it El) \V IA Pl’ilt or tlto name written on. the pa per with It El) IhK or KIEL, indicates that Iho tune paid for Is «bov tto expire and that we desire a renewal. ] f how- I ever. Intho haste of umillngi-tbia signal should be omlt i »*d, w» hopa friend* will still not tyrget ui. ■■ Rtwimsclie.—‘Smd payment by safe bands, when con- T*>bteht. Orsttid by. tnaii, enclosing .with ordinary care, Aral>roubltng|ih*]y>:ly Vith a knowledge of what you are , ; .;lvtV*ikr*»amount §»nd a (Iraft or largo notes.— e "f /i'ie oi twif papers, send gold or small notes. ■V*» /aaU« change, sr ud piatagc stamps, or better still, send *-r mbsvpapotr; say {iyiv i:r- 70 numbers, or $l,OO for 33 - ftuhibrts. ■ • * communication of our Phila- .correspondent was received too late 4A-appear* in this week’s paper. Prospectus.—We; this week enclose ■ f - • - l'. ; prospectus of ourpapeV to a number of our friedde in the county, any /of whom can easily raise us a club in tEnrvicinity. We hope they will do what they can for us and well return the* favor, some way or other. B®*,We this week send a number of pa- peri' to. Oid at a distance whose t<me has expired, bat who have not yet their intention of renewing, with a rdH‘wrapper on thetn, or addressed with , to intimate that their time is up | anp;-T?e desire a renewal. Those who jle eito to-renew fnust forward us the Amount of subscription, before our next issue, as wo now ,go on <the cash principle. We ! It is an old saying that “ Humbugs are ■jttlwflja populah” That it is a true one, iwe think no one need question. It is a notorious fact, that quacks in every profes sion are always better patronised than those . , r A who have spent the best part of their days, \ : lhe“ BenUner*|”Courtesr. in booking themselves up in everything 1 ? . , TtH,.. i , t. ' relating to that lt seems to he Tic armor Kiitpr ofthe Juara- that: the public lore to bo U &»aurf, laat weak displayed hm roar- httmll of to, we pub "W ■" acluuMtemUcmaunto Hc pub. fag below an article from the Ohio Sla,* lUbed our note, wbioh be bad refused to do publi , hed in Jm i SS7 , in before, aud prefixed’it W# some of 4m, of tbe Ohio Life la-! Tcuraerf rematla, done up .u hie_usiiabjl«.- T(wt c imposed— tyle. He atlompto-to juattfy bm The flgureB „retakeafroiujLord’sDetec. waatJo^coiitt^r ( by?ayidgthat (< p 0 tor Ato reading to article, and rellee. ting ou the fact, that tbe depositor. i„ that gcai’monj hut treated it with almost silent i, ..... , ■ . ... ; humbug baniu retted to listen to this warn and tfa,t‘Ot >F oal4 bare,WnJ thm aotlhe JautorEd. eenBdeuee in tor of JhaM paper fTnbuuo) made it the it increa6ed , unti , it ema^d ; hundreds aad thousaods *&***. i« I oed. hgfi«tf mto the bebcf that he «* md preoipitiabg, the raoat ‘ by ante .person or i ate flMncia l criiU whitohook vergems jhat itirgigbt Vre^c^j r^^j-^r ,^. ;i^ ul _g I^ is V ~ ; * s *»*SaSSS^<g liopeaU wll renew promptly. ” editors of the Sentinel ia getting up the paper .report referred to, did tect upon them, and if it dd not have done any refusal corniced us that j ;t, averse tq,shaving the if pot immediately inter circulated and believed, jp on the merits of our Ut- all we will say is, that of approbation or .not, th«pv at leaht, -possess the merit <£ originality.— t depend on “ Scissors” aeirup (ritr pap^- 'fim v atesLicQ* h EepuWic ia again cursed President Gomonfo^t,^- thxe ? °?' e worn jand nsurpedthe At first sliced seemed to foVdt Ws attfcmp : ,^ 3 ; h T#na«r^ by Ckmoiifort’fl bat tW wore repulsed. AHfoitfgneiß'lioistedilie flags respective countries. Conftision ifeigns at the capita!, while plsco to place is attended With oertainrob bery, if not danger of life. And as if to fill the cap of miseiy bf this imhappy country, tie grey-eyed man ofrdestiny pfilUbuster Walker, is said to be making ix tensive preparations to invade it without otherfilUbusteriug expedition. If he does, we sincerely hope that he will meet the just fete which he has so long courted. ) ° Ceil. Walker. . The grey-eyed man*df destiny ,-whoper petrates his outrages on inoffensive neighboring States with impunity, and boas|Lngly defies the power of our govern ment, met with an enthusiastic reception in Mobile oh Saturday, the 23th ult. He was received with a notional salute, and the | hospitalities of the city formally extended iito him. On the next day—Sunday—he | was arrested on border from New Orleans, j A writ of Imbeds corpus was sued out, and i he was discharged /from .custody, Judge Gale.quashing the proceedings. Of course I Who would dream of anything else, when he is regarded with such favor by the “pow ers that be.” No wonder that a Judge should desecrate Sunday by such an act. On the evening,. Monday, an en thusiastic meeting was held at which speeches were delivered by Gen. Walker, Parson Brownlow and several others.— v Gen. Walker disclosed the, secret of the government opposition, and a proposition to go to Mexico to unite in the wrar, With the view of acquiring territory. Ah ! then this is thejailk in the cocoa nut, which ac counts for jthe leniency with which our gov ernment .treats his high-handed outrages. It Is almost needless to say, that resolutions demanding Commodore Paulding’s trial and. denouncing the government were | passed, as filibusters scruple at notbi ng. Popularity of Humbugs. s Too Late. — A young couple eloped from a /!' neighboring town lately, and When at a safe dis r "immediate i time* fr V«* bome <cre S °°” 1 J” a deficit i.f si.- officer was sent in pursuit, and arm mg at tl,e 910,446. - This is a vast amount to depend upon hotel where they were stopping, be imraean|iie the mere will of its creditors, who may at any . roo m, and fomjd them in time demand tins whole sum of over two mill- his erran;di wheniho young ' ol The^Trust Company has sIs.OOO invested in lady jsitka ringing laughj. 9 Ail may thus at once see this Compa-1 Don t you get bed top jum. John! ’ ; ny would stand in coaemf a rurt upon it 0«ly v lc , A ppuov E s of tub Act -TheNip about =§470.000 cash, hga.nst *2.000,000 m- . MV ; C .iss. pub debteduess, all of which is liable to be demanded ) • c ‘ rctu | ll3 thanks to the U. S. an^day! Its lauds cannot, of course, be con- wilker' on -Nica*. terted into cash m a day or a month, nor is it\. L Xicai-icua does not feel that her 1 ikelyAhat its other resources can be rendered , jnn > • {,£„ Ti oh»tedlin the least, and immediately\available. I Ymrari sirs Com. Paulding’s act was p4r- Wc make these statements of figures upon the ;. • for-im add*. “«s a man-pf authority of Mr. Lard,|the ditorof “Lord s De- Up pirates from a teeter and Bfnk Note Reporter.” for. Lord w ; “Ldfo? 2 that doubtless pelted in these matters, and, enter h. their ddmtnipn over it, altho taming no better opinion of.hts neighbOP-«Tth« y • Mi i ht belongtio s«tother sovereign Trust Company Bank thah others ought, perhaps * ‘ dm' bartdUa .apprehended; as Seels it to bc.his du% to blow upon them.- by U.o armed ves- His Reporter is very x rdmblc, | B J B of a friendly nation, odlWlpoint of a foreign of the various bank-notes is taken . as «>"««*• j t hich m ., y be placed dnder circumstan- He has here given die community, a ..warning j io those of the islahdhneationcd by Way against the Trust Companys 'weiikness, .f-ndlf .... ltion- » This i« a stunning tact to the sasrs u* * thons&ids of dollars were lost to the people, that moneyed men would avoid thpscdoncerna. Uni '.;many who.havjs.been blcd.frec agoin subroiuliigitheinselves to the •dies,’ and wilj ji«h snffer in thp > b they wHjfebclraw and ' .ington with the 'ltrwas to be submitted to. icdiitelydn conjunction with; ini the President endorsing it, all Democrats who rdNed to ; h traitors to the partyV see who wins the day, “Old x>.j. r . ‘‘Little Giant." If m- hiise a hrfeetie inihe North ; if ' '■” •' ora isw-jnafc- ► ifet'v «r * v .*<■•<.. v .. rt >. PEN ANT SCZ&0B8 I professional msnlirea so much from bind,-to mouthasa donfistl: 80b- It is rumored that i|x-Mayor Wood,-of York, is about to organise a mowmmt i 8 fitter of Got. -Wise for tho Pijetiddßcy. tSSBT A neir Democratic poper !» to be otar tedln Bollofontc, by B. B. J Hall, Esq., to bo called the “Democratic Patriot,’' tte Tyrone Herald. We wish him longlife and happiness, and any number of small editions composed ex clusively of original matter. ; The “ Bank of Crawjford gone into operation. Its oncers Van Horne, president, and q ier. i BSL> Nicaragua Walker's Vieo lion.—A revoWer in one hapd, i other, and a couple of niggers be care of the prisoners Some wng in Washington the troubles of tho administration nigger in them some way; it is ni; ana, and then Nigger-agua. i Uow the Case Stands.—G iptain Chftt anl of the Saratoga, is to be court i inrtialed for not arresting Walker, and Cbm. Pa riding came near being court murtialed f<ir doing so. Green—The youth vrjio carries one of Dr. Young's Pocket/EscdlApius’ ”in his pock et, and exhibits it publicly. e>n strebt corners, on Sunday. For shame, you ought to have more decency. j JSSf* The unfortunate youth who was drown ed a few days ago in a “ Hood of tender recollec tions,” was slowly recovering, but yesterday he unfortunately fell from the sublime to the ridic ulous and was fatally injured. B6L. In tlies county of Norfolk, a lady has six sons, each of which is six feet four inches tall. She says the way she drew tiiem out so was by feeding them on shanghai chickens. A hint for our short friends. BSk, The Napoleon dynasty is about to revive another guarantee of permanence. Information has been given to the newspaper correspondents, that the Empress of France has, by the advice of her medical attendants, left off riding. The Greatest Failure Yet.—A cotempo rary considers the present winter the most de cided failure recently recorded There has been j no winter yet, but in name ; and it is feared that Boston and even Canadas will receive but a meagre supply of ice. ( Benton on Douglas.—The following j good one is told of Old Bullion; Speaking of ; the Douglas defection he remarked, “We hear i much said about the people - that Douglas will j take off. lie has not taken off the people —the people have taken off Douglas,, Sir.” The editor*of the Rutland Herald , just married to a Boston girl, says that a pair of j sweet lips, a pressure or two of delicate hands, | and a pink waist ribbon, will jdo »c much to un- | hinge a man us three fevers, the measles, a * large sized whooping cdugh, a pair of | several hydrophobias and Ibtj doctor’s bill. ; Oli, my I The pum has not got over the lion- j I eymoon yet! Ogk, Tbeassels of the Granite Bank, Conn., have been found to be thro4 or Tour hundred in coin, u one dollar bill, ami a second hand safe, not yet paid for. The; managers issued about sl7,ooo‘worth..'of bills and .scattered them in various' parts of the country. The bank was kept iu a kitchen, and was to all appearan ces, an out aud out swindle. ; A young lady of very interesting and extraordinary intellectual capacities, of course, addressed a letter to her cousin living in a neigl^.” l '' ■ ” ;l ' ’ "s follows : i*«sSlP''*S e ' u “ » ['VO'ccr Cussin the wether where wo is are | *ld and 1 suppose we is awl;well an muther | the his Terricks au brother T ns got a *' b.iby an I boap theese fue lyne? will findc you .A" i n the saiin kondiahion rite suite your lectionat -ct . . ~ 1 kussm. Life Fbesebv.no is an article which has just been manufactured in Plnlodel It ii said to fit a manlike a sailor* mon key jacket, and ihcrefore not liable to *?«*!*- Som the body. shavings, enclosed in water flight■ oloth. V “}*® 3>Se>Sht and injury WgT ■. r v *u u j nffaflj tho buovaaat choruoter of th© S SS H"** left to to M r any othWway which is to gave lift- The Pods is in money to the out-door poor jn New York, ner whek amount U> and over two ’thousand tbns a week. Abouttwplve S& Arsons arc now! receiving coal and three thousand are aided wpth money. Riches of Deuu—A .gohlier f ™£ naihi probably every rnemberof the Guards An-edual division of the spoils is to be wide cxccfcd iE riclmeßS anything heretofore ‘ dreamed - ‘..i. •«rt. .» . . fiorroEßh SntipoTif op tub Mormon* —V«- r a?**^*^* 118 have been going the founds late,»to the estimated number of the Mot icons inUtah, and the armed force which they could possibly bring into the field agsinat the United States troops. Hitherto the -estunatesseem to have been greatly exaggerated. xM .SaexameDto Union gives thy following on the ‘• to the United States oertstts of 1850, the whole Mormon population, men women and chUdrfenf ampnnted to 11,886. In 1852, from the Minutes of the Mormon General Cou fweuoe. it appears that the population had in creased 6.851, making the total 18.206. Taking the satae ratio of increase, we have the whole Mormon population in 1857 amounting to 81,- 012. 'Ttikibg'fhit the relative proportion of chil dren which existed in 1852. with tbe increase of population, say 0,000, we have left 22,012. De duct £rom this amount one-half for the women, the same proportion that existed in 1853. and there remains 11.OOC! fighting men, including those somewhat advanced. This is probably the whole fighting strength of the Mormons. lounty ” has are Thomas inney, Cdsh- of Coloniza sword in the i rind to take The Mormon War.—Tbe California combina tion for carrying on the Mormon war from tbpt aide of the mountains has effected its, object. Gen. Scott will start for California next week, with full powers from Government to organize in that State an army for the invasion of Utah, if the latest advices from Salt Lake City, which 1 ! he ,shall receive in California, are such as to war rant the prosecution of hostilities. In that disc he will egip'oy the regulars now on tire Pacific side, and will nljmcall upon the Governor of Cali fornia for volunteers. I asserts that ■ must have in Kan- He expects to reach Salt Luke in June.'sitr.ul taneously with Col. Johnston. It is a part of his plan.of operations to conduct the. army up .the Colorado Hirer, which is believed to be nav igable for three hundred miles above the June tion with the Gila, and in the exact direction of Utah, 4.n officer of the army is now engaged in surveying the river, and so far as it has been yet examined, it haa been found a deep stream, without shoal or falls, with a current of three miles an hour.— Wash. Cor. 'ST. 1". Tribune ‘2Sd inst. '■ An ExTHAoEoiNAhr Occurrence/—An Old Fable Realized. —"A cook in the family of a citizen of Augusta, Ga., in cleaning a fowl, a few days since, found a cone shaped piece of 1 gold, valued at five dollars in the gizzard. 1 ’ j We copy the above to correct an error. It | was not a ‘ cone shaped piece of gold ’’ thusex- i traordinarily discovered. It wa,s a lottery tick- j et issued from the legalized lottery firm of S. j Swan & Co., of Augusta, Ga. The ticket tints miraculously delivered turned up to be u prize I and a capital prize at that. The numerous pa- j pers that have mtblished the above fabulous j statement should in justice make this oorrec- i tion. Swan & Co’s lotteries offer extraot'dlnA ! ry inducements. We understand? the cip|sp c > prize to be §OO.OOO ; and tickets for the lonsly small sum of §lO for whote numbers, i and f* and 2$ for. halves and quarters, are offer- j ed to those wishing to|fmake these investments f e ■ ‘'vrv State Constitution!: — The editor of the’ Philadelphia the following table showing that at aiieptime or another every State has submitted its cbnititutiou do the people.— We subjoin the table ; California, N'ov. 13 lS43;MJ.;liigun, Not. 5s ' 1660 Connecticut, Oct. 5 ISlhfNew Jersey. Awg. 13, 1844 Gloria. Ist M. Oct. 1831 iJJew York, Nov. 8 IS4« Illinois, March 7 1848 X. Carolina, Nov. 9 1835 Indiana, Aug. 7 1852 Ohio, June 24. 1882 lowa, Aug, 3 184 ft, R. Island. >ov. 21-22. 1841 Kentucky 18301 Tennessee, March. 1830 Louisiana, Nov. 2 1852|Tvxu», Oct. 13, tS-'.S Maine; l£?i. y ; ’ -J3-4-S. 1851 Miiryl:itul. Junc 4 Massachusetts, Alabama, Jan. 4 Delaware, Den. i \ Florida, Mississippi, Oct. Tin- success which cur agents air meeting w ith Is almost a-tonishing. Among tin- many evidences of this fact, we arc permitted to publish the following : Uen'tlkmtn—The following facts In relation to whatyonr Agents arc doing in this section, may he of use to some en terprising young man in want of employment. The llcv. John K. Jenion, of this place. has made, since lost Christ mas, over f 4,000 in his agency. Mr. David M. Heath, of Kidgly. Mo., your General Agent for I’lntt Comity*, is ma king J 8 per day'on each Sub-Agent employed by him. and Mes-rs. Welmerand Evans, of Oregon. M’o., yc-nr Agents tor Holt County, are making from to -ii jmr day, and your humble servant has made, since the seventh day of I.t-i January. ov r $1,700. la-sides paying for 3no’ acres of land nut of tin* business worth over SI.OW. You are at liberty m publish tills stnt-im-ut. ifyuu like, and to refer to any of the jinnies named. DANIEL GUEGO. I .rp’ltoii Mo. , With such inducements as wo offer, any |.<..ly can obtain Am,,.. *■ ~ ~, j. . * -i . : subscribers. V e invite everv gentleman out of eomlov- TkMPTING OfFKB. M. fi.'UllnruCt, in a let- . met. md every lady who desir-s a pleasant moniry-mtiJtiiig ter from I’nris, Buys tlmt there is n renewed ■ oeeupatiuu lo apply at once for an agency. Applicants unit. . .i .„ a „, f p ir j s (| l# . ahoiiid inclose !if> cents fur a specimen copv of the Magazine i , w'llci- will always be forwarded with answer to application. mltOU" ItlC i>.l *• J ' , * •*»»•», lujjjl Magnificent Uie F.mperor again mattes u< .n, \ SPECIMEN ENGRAVING. I'rof Agassiz, of the United Istates, to induce : to j.iace in the hands of i-v-tv p-r-on who him to (ill tin- chair unde vacant by M P’Or- , E ™P7 bigny. it. the •• Museum «« Jardin des Plantes Z*£SS* The otfer is iIOO.OOU- trancs' and a seat m the i w h i.pyUcuni tur!l um.il. ni-o specimens -fourput.lieation Senate ! i >f 'A -umbered subscription n ceijits. entitling frePntC - - ’V i‘ Tnt , n Mag-mine one year and -o a chance in I— —fy— the hold. rt I thi This offer is made only to these who de- L -VT tintprT ■ r P T-I I’l the distribution, ruts or to form clubs. Address OGAN HO Flhll.' —-L tri. i- | s,re to net as age _ OAKSMITIi & Co. J undersigned rcsp-clf\lly ivltonviS . . i No. 371 Broadway, New York, the citizens ofißlnir county-Mid others, J/rtfßliL- b. j that he, has opened up tbs L’KIAN Sm ire t HOUSE, fonnrtrly kept by Sh-r,tf Bee- I at the west end of Uollidayshurg; for . reception <>f strangers and travellers- Everything eiipnected with the house Ice been refitted n . ♦Vii. .»*,.«• with 4hr fttmitwrf. <tc.. \ , 1-h- house tsj large-and coimmaUoW, anil, veil calculate! .j for convenience and comfort. ... . . , ■ i ITis TABEKiwill be furnished w-db the v-ry i»st tie-timr - | ket can afford] and no pains or trouble will 1)1 sjmn d to . render those who may chon-e to favor lorn w llh tV-ir pa- ; Jronage cwufitahle and happy during th-dr stay With him His PTAI.H-lNt’ <s anipl". and an obliging and careful , 1 Jiosth-r will atwnvs he in attendance- I Dec. IT. 185|.—tfQ A FaiTJiKn. Dog. —During the time that Corn stock was engaged in murdering his father and mother, near Hamilton, N. Y.. a few days ago. A dog was in the room, and the prisoner that daring his bloody work, this animal sever al times attacked him ; tjiat he tried to kill the animal and get his heart, but was foiled in his efforts. After he lay down, the faithful dog sat all night watching by his lifeless mistress!— During the whole examination of the bodies on the inquest, this faithful, animal remained un der the bed, and could not be removed from the room. vJDNI IN ISTUAT O li ’S NOTICE. —Notice is herein- given that letters of ivdiiriiiist ration on the Jsstato of Martini Ilunt-r Into o| Locan toMii'il'li. ml* Ciuntr. have been awn ted hy tl.o Register of stud county, to the undersigned. All |iel~>»s knowing themselves imWhti-d to said estate are rw|iie.-r<;'l to make immediate payment, ami those haring fliiim* "m neeseiit them duly authenticated for settlement. pro. IT-tt.l \ 'JAMES 1/riVTUKIt. nheV- Oystkhs, OYSTKHH.- lii conee'iuence of tin- hard times, I have concluded to out down the price ”f niy OYSTERS to tin- lowest posst btt standard. They will hereafter he served up •>» t "‘*. ClmflnK Dish at TWfcN I \ CENTS, and roasted in tin; shell and sri-vcd np with all other accompaniments. TWENTY VIVE CENTS. They will also he furnished, in every olle .... at prices to correspond with the-tlmes. tr 3 ' ' JOHN KJEUKEU, Logon House, Uollidityshnrg. Doc. 17, tf.] OJNE AND LAMP OILS, 1 Caim)heu<i, Burning Fluid, CarlwU Jan. 3, ’56-tf J KfcdbWß 3. atone BUT the best Juno is, ’tf-iy] - au-To ILS, POMADES, Colosuu Extractß, SUaving Cr«um. TuUt^wv^ fcr «>Uc liy • ■ ■ - TTAia HAT. TOOTH ““> T '“"“ "jSSinn i _ OICH TOBACCO ANf> ‘lt u^UJjflaTOTodGlg^in Juno 18. W-ly,i ■ ~ •\roCJ GAN AIAVAYS>X)B - uk*** w^ 8 * I YOKE WHITE BBAI> & F ttUodirome-Orcen. to el to -E-MI- Ksmmm. ttardw all WEBYBODY J® 3JF?i£i !! Pi tod to toniaS i”% 318, ’BT-ly3 HBSBYXB®. 1 ' . *-1. - .85*. IS6I rt'Ucun-iiir, April. 1.-48 1780 Missouri.inly. 19i Ik-20 1819 N. ll.iDijfthirt!, Sept. 1792 1830 IViinsyl-vmiiii. IS3B l&ll-isoal!. Carolina. 1190 1539 : Vermont. 1850 1832; EMERSON’S MAGAZINE TWO QEEAT IK OKB- ; f9Q,000 COPIES THE”IfIBST MONTH 111 Magnifiobnt” programme fcrI8&8. Sa>,O(MIK SPLESDIDWORRS OP A*T. FIVE-DOU.AB KNGB AVISOS TO KVKBT SOBSCBIBBB- The greet Library offer. 'Agents getting rich. Tbe union of EM ARSON’S UAQAKXNE snd PDTKAMB MONTHLY baa given to the consolidated wmk a circular tionsccond to but one similar publication in the country, and has secured tons combination of literary and nrliinc; talent pnubably unrivaled by any oth-r uiogazina in tie world. Dunns the first month, the »jJ« in die trade sod demand from subscribers exceeded VO.OW cosies; and the : numbers already Issued of the.coasolldatod work ( ve really conceded to have surpassed. In the richness of their ilterary contents, and the beauty anc ptuftlfe ness of their pictorial illustration*, any maxacioe ever | before-issued from the American presa JUncoursiced by • these evidences of fevor. the publishers have determiMi to- I commence the new volume in January with still additional 1 attractions, and to offer such indufcemsnta to subscribers; as cannot fail to place- It. in circulation, at the hesdolAmet-1 icau magtuunes. IVilh this view they now announce ths following splendid programme. They Lave pmchsscdthat superb and costly steel-plate'engraving. “THE LAST bOPPEK,” and will present a copy of it to every ‘three-dollar suhscri-' tier fir the year 1868. It was engraved at a cost of over sd,Ut>J by the late celebrated A. L. Dick, from the original «f RapUad Morghen. after Leonardo Da Vinci, and 1* ths largest steel-plate engraving ever executed in this country,, U-lug three times the sire of three-dullur engiovings. ■ The first impressions of this engraving arc held at; $lO, and it was the intention of the artist'tbat none of- the tie gravlngs should ever be offered for a less sum than $6, lay ing richly worth that amount. Thus 1 every three-dolisr euiiscriher will receive the Magit/iue'oue year—cheap at§3 —and this splendid cugiuviiig, nchlv worth $5; thus getting for tjie value of s*. . j " e shall commence striking off the engravings immedi ately. yet it can hardly be expected that impressions of so large a plate can be taken asja.it as they will be called for by subscribers. We shall, tlxttonfure. furnish them in the ordei in which subscriptions are recnived. Tliose who dot sire to Obtain tlieir engraving efiriv, and ft via the first i Ihe presulons should send their subscriptions without delay.—, T'iie engraving rau lie sent rollers, by mail, or in any other manner, as auhs;rihers shall order. i f2i\ 00 TIV WORKS OF ART. Tn addition to the superb engraving of "THE LAST SUP-? PER." which will he presented to every three-dollur sub-, scribrr for ISSB. the publishers have oomph-ted arrange* incuts for the distribution. on the 25th of Ucdcuihcr, lb5S. of a series of splendid works of art. consisting of one hun dred rich and rare Oil Paintings, valued at from $lOO tosl -00u each. Also. 2.1*00 maguiiiceut Stccl-Piate Engravings, worth from ?i! to «5 each, and 1.000 tiiolce Holiday (looks, worth from $1 to $5 each, making, in all, over THREE TU- *USAND GIFTS, worth TWENTY THOUSAND DOL LARS. Inclose $3 to the publishers and you will commence re ceiving th<; Magazine by return mail. You will also re ceive with the first copy a numbered subscription receipts entitling you to the Engraving of x “THE EAST SUPPER,” and a chance tc draw One of those •■’X'UKEE THOUSAND PRIZES.” first > Because its literary contents will, during the year, embrace contributions from over cxi nc.vxiitm different writers ami thinkers, numbering among them the most distinguished of American authors. S mtul: Because its editorial departments. “Our •d)ur Window,” and "Our Olio.” will be conducted by an able editor—and it will su»pnea, in the variety and richness of its editorial contents, any other magazine." Titijti: Because it a ill contain, din ing the yce.r, nearly six hundred original pictorial illustration? from designs by the first American artists. F■vrtli.: Because for the sum of S 3 yon will receive this splendid monthly, more richly w.-JtV' that sum than any other tjioguzine, and the superb engraving of • THE EAST SUPPER ” worth ffth : Because you will very likely draw one of the Hires, thousand prizes to be distributed on tlie 26 th day ofD*»2ein ber. 1858— perhaps one that is worth $l,OOO. Notwithstanding that these extmoidinary inducements can hardly fail to accomplish the objects of tlie publishura without further efforts, yet they have determined to con tinue through the yCaj - . THE OBEAy LIBRARY OFFER. To any person who wllijjet up aclubof twenty fonrsub scribero. either nt one cr >ve will present a splendid olbrary. consisting ofsiyer Forty Largs Bound * -mmes. emhraeing the mnit popular amiss In tbc market. Tin- club may he found at the club price. $2 a year, with out tlie engraving, or at the full price, $3 with" the engra ving of the East Supper to each subscriber. List andsub hcriptlou of the Library, and specimen copy of .the Maga zine will he forwarded on receipt of 25 cents. Oval* 200 Libraries or 3.000 volumes, have already been diatrtbute'd in accordance with this offer, and w« etu-uid bo glad of ab opportunity to furnish s Lllunry to every clergyman, to every school teacher, or to some one at every post-olEse In ■ the country. ' Jan. 1 c -tf. *1 'HE fcK Mi LL .aiU O API This company ha-, for lh" purp<ne.of * ; COMBINATION ASjn m-i^ TJi-y have purch. heretofore curried on Montgomery Work' .it city, nod with t)i- erperie organization jut prejmred t\ nt more liberal tatca, than ii. ..gtnMishio""'. rih: COMbiNATION SAW-V isij, and h now generally ackil e i. most practical, and efficient h chine in the world. A large um careful operation In different sect ada. Culm, and South Amorim, . have been tested th-y are leinr factumts in pivfTeucc to all oh The tallowing letter t-iprw/ those wVfli nr" e.-ing the Coinh Me.s-sri'.Exiitsox <t Co.- ' »awmill I'lsehiised of yui . well and nve® than ,| lt .y ■ pi,.- d with i tin JOHN K'-VtlTKll UNRIVALED ATTRACTIONS* PHTHAM’S HOSTHLT. WtiSOSB WttT TOC SQOCLII BCR3CRIBS Kl% EMERSON S magazine For 1858. AGENTS GETTING RICH [W YORK S'I'KAM saw .MACUI.N COMPANY. TAIj 8350.000. been org mixed ipltb the ftlmvc capital ipplyiag the di'nftiml fur the UViUTAIihK STEAM SAW-MILL, raritovEp jiAcniAFiiv, the entire nuichii.ery business J. M. Emerson i Co-also the outers, on the Hudson near this co and lacilitics combined in its Ihrnuh machinery of all kinds i ever been offered at any other Jwuatt} J ‘ quirted. v and MILL was patented October, Nowiedged to be Hie cheap uiibtT manufacturing ma sher of them ore in sue lons of thin country, Can pd wherever their merito ulopted by lumber manu fcnnlb*. ieincn: 1 have tried the will guy that it performs O’ expectations. I am well ,f- “ et “upon a email stream I 1M AfS^OMETHiNGI YV kPT. BMUf.pn*~Q V > ASP YOCTO- r. no doubt. the most wonderful discoveryof L, for* WiU restore, mKJTkojnr.cover theheadof thebalcl with smoftlcrv Stn/wntrth. remove at once all uandtuff 1 cutaneous eruptions, »neh |i lt will core, iiiiiMl<w~Ty tn f 'i r * tbs hair sort, gioaf prtaerfe uJ the hair from &llinfc to exttome ST ffidfowlng to Horn a distinguished member of medical profession; st. Pats. Jsnuanr 1.1 W«. J Paor. 0. J. Woon—.Dear *.«“?«*jw| thtacertifleate. After being nearly bald for » teat | and haring tried aU the bait res tort no feithto s any, I was Induced, on hewing f* 1 It a trial. Iplaced myself In thehandr till thepreeent time, and U now illicit, blade end atron. toft and pleasant to the touch; end wlrvT what little there eras of It, and that WUet disappearing very rapidly. I etill nee Jmrr Joatwal about twice a weak, and shall eoon have a crop of hair. -iXow I had read all these ttog»~fQd * has not? but have not seen hitherto ' whwe a person’s hair was really benefltfed etc., of the day; and It really glrM the result of my experience. 1 p preparation to others, and it alrca< al sale throughout the Territory. its effects and have confidenn^B us as wholesale agents for tht^Toi ted, uud daily inquiries are made U for your discovery, and I, for oi for the benefit it bait done me, lor . long ago of effecting any such result of Bond 4 Kali /tom the Editor of the Rtai Ett Dear Sic:—Having become pm induced. Borne six week* since, to i naive. I have used lees then tw hair* have all disappeared; and all fully attained hs original color, y< Is gradually going on. and I am ii short time my hair will tieas darl been knnch gratified at the healtl the hair, which before was harsh ■ to cf>me out as formerly. Respectfully yours, / Caciruc J 1 I have used Prof. Wood’s Hair 1 mired Its woudcrftil effect. My hi thought, prematurely gray, but h; tiro. It has resumed its original c< permanently so. 0. J. Wood & Co., Proprietor*, Ui Market at- St. Louis, Missouri. . For sale lijr 6. W. KESSLER, Dm ONLY ONE ] OF DR. SAINfF< INVIGORATOR OR LIV la > wiulml to euro uny one troubled' uuw«4 the most desperate of cases, wii with scares a negb failure, roafar Will, vigor. VTe wiah to call the nttl i. t/mt the. Invlgomtor is cutnnona Ims used it in his practice for the I: •cess almost credulous, and It la en: and f.icts Vila 0.1.K' log com jaxw-d wholly of gums. j Some idea of the strength of these gj vrh. a It U known <jn« hottlß of the I a Tie Ul!i> h strength e g ane hundred doses of Ci of ilSMU'ietCrious effects. One bottle is the Barest thing known J bud effects of mineral poison of any kind 1 Only one bottle of it is needed to throw l the effect of medicine after a long sieknrs? One bottle taken for JaumUco removes nncstural color from the skto. i One dose after eating Is sufficient to re'd3 and prevent the iixM from rising and sottrll Only one dose taken before retiring prove One duoo taken at night loosens the bow Cures CvstiTenesfl. One dose taken after each meal will Cure { One dose of two tea-spoonfuls will, alwuj Headache. 1 One bottle taken for female obstructions ra of the disease, and makes a perfect cure. ! ■ Only one dose Immediately relieves Chou; often repeated ia a euro cure for Cholera 31. preventative of Cholera. . * “■ Oric du.-p taken oft mi will prevent the reel Uo'utf attacks, while it relieves all painful &£~One or two doses taken OcCulonaUj I remedies for cold ever known. 1 Thousand!) of cure* ef Inflammation, and ra lungs hare been cured by the Juvjgorator. One dose taken a short time before eating the appetite nml moke* Cod digest;well: One dose oft.-n repeated caroeDinrrhotalti while summer and bowel complaints yield find 'loo*. Go 3 or two doses cures attacks caused by] for worms hi children, there Is no surer, eat remedy in the world, us it ncvcr-folla.. I TfiVre is uo exaggeration In those' stat'm> plain mud sober facts, that we can' giro >vid while nil who use it are giving their unarm, in its favor ' i We wish all who are sick and debilitate) 1 , ti edy. and test it thoroughly, arid any who nrJ by its use we should like to hero from, a* wJ bear from the first person who has naedabot tor w ilhout receiving b>m) fit, for there are so medicinal virtues in it. that all, no matter ht have been affected, if their complaint arises fj ed liver, will be benefited, IT not entirely cun Sanford t Co., Proprietors, 345 Eroadwav. Dr G. 11. Keyaer, Druggists. Nu. 140 Wood Str whuk-»alc Agent. For sale by O. W. fflteft Altooim. —^ lUUi)LH.\T PBbSlTid FOURXIi YEAR OF ftlE 1 , Cosmopolitan Art Associaj THE FAMOUS DLSSELLORF GALLERY: OF Pll PURCHASED AtTa COST OF SIS *XP POWER’S iWOBU) nrIfOWSPD 8T»;f-*M GREEK ST.A I Ee-purcbasod for sir thousand doUliff, rh fl dred other works of Art, In Paintings, LcEiynfl tea, comprise the Premiums to,bo awardeia I bers of the - i I COSMOPOLITAN AttT ASSOCU .who subscribe before the 2Sth of Janunrv, 33 time the awards will take place. TERMS OF SUUSCRII’TtS Every subscriber of three dollars hjSatrtlf* A copy of the large and s ndld Stici “ Mamfesi Destiny,"oldo to A copy of the Cosmopol n ArtJonmiad A Certificate In the A war of A free admission to the Dneseldorf anlt«l leries. I Ihua it is seen that for every three dx^i 1 scriber not only receives a ‘■ i SPLENDID THREE DOLLAIIS 5 but, also, the beautifully illustrated TWO HOLLAR ART Each subscriber, is also presented wf 1 * Awards of Prcminms, by which a vain-' * Painting or Sculptor*. may be recelG 3 giving t» every subscriber an eoulva!^ 6 amlart and a Certificate omi«V Any on© of the leading $3 of Engraving and Art JournaUf deO 1 No person is restricted to a ainidc five memberships* raoittins flit an** I ®*® Engraving, and six ticket*? , - i Foil particulars of the Association s!* Jonrnal, which contains over sixty f ll *® price Jt/ty cents per number. to all persons who desire to subscifi 31 *® tags stamps, (15 cents.) ■ •' *5 Address C. L.PERBIi'SJj . : 6483*5^1 VALUABLE HOTKt T yOll SALE.—lhe' stjbecriwf I fe» at trlnite Sato, the B£D I TEL property, situate ontbe f ™“ eoww of Mata and at the Railroad Depot's Altoona. ? " iboiwe is a largetwtniiOfyfrsme ( ing eorertag iheentirefront wtaga pxfendtag back, ono of nlng room on the first floor. Th#J«£ and All'other. necessary c&jg\ led and dry cellar extent ii n-i „ Vere is a well of exceß* 1 , tr thwynrdA The house is well arwPL. andn«:ccntt«l position and c«*L«n : j>epot.3aaltee It a desirable props'!^ : toohgiflatwtbe business. Pot** pT l£a?f.-t P? ** U «»^>ubsccl^tE iti» ladteaof Vfouid i ttnua lha »nd vleir.?.'-- 1 .„ of SVW.T®. «/id and #-* ind .Uu > a»> ■am* w4*^l^ T^s-£ Si -VH -- ■-.'■S- 1 : '* Altoona. . (ft-ly OTTL] ID’S REMEDY, Lltw Complain Uieiecoml tat iepstlanttohc-Al lon of all to thi II by a physic! iwenty jfurtTf! fj 1 maybe (ban itor contain*! iclviUtont w rj sway itrftbo system . }iUow&9« <* I fit« itCUltC* • nightmare, 1 e«ptt/ r <ud i r»U*w Bkk ■eethtcsaj* leutedoM MM^Uars j of Robert kesot the I rlgxi irst forms, Ht to' tha is, while speedier they ore to prove, kcsthr.ct y tli iV: ;benefit k yet to Unvigo:v Konisi’.ng png they a derang- York.—, ’lttsbnrg,' Pmggist, ') , ET-ly , L’si fiNoa i sral hun md Broc so been- [ON. at which «»UUed oniiQiL I In the art,' in £Uw! B office pttead’ Wag two ifMWdl- M«.qfeko> bo iofv j| lotebnlWT »torch# ilfc boon , i IUUmaS >n«ii>htr.g; . view tbe iBXET. lAK- Bhafrjttvpjr ; ia th*j,] 8.-e -i-dir ftt thtrt I P^fi-DlAl 22&5K tLY—Ui ptk. Ocit-.ttJ lyenaio^.d tbs (4ce. I *SK^$Ni ffamr, V tfi *•>■''' | ■I •* 'V : i i 1 *■ ifW vj£; m nth-j ' tot wnt ;Ty ; 7 -.J >1; >'■ I 'gttttima fjL-s. LOCAL /Urtrrtjuuoa . on the femissnwis of to perform their duly n>« ing brief article, from th< (Bf. /.) editor- Althougl • fpcrl lof manning. We a reedera to read it careful seriously. Those to whe vr\U then »oo what a fear tVniiicd from commituau, it does, sbonW be promp immediately make amend xvu Hal iu fht«m w o Where is money.o.qm per for our next 2 without the cash iu adva vd until our credit is got two yearn fur uotlung, an or fkither our wife baa bt> ft r lurtbing.” tlur comj [ gts. Our landlord wants Pi wau| aboos, ami our will I . lire a. We avo out of »* f of out of meat, out jT in short of nearly ev< i ■ - conscience. We dodged t': * no longer, and ha', e d»«>) wo ere tired We haven ; et and >ua owa ua tviro t /are trying to live a chrisi t» Uen*eiV-It.affords us we al all, meet yoii tlur, I prefer to have you im.V a a tery greit obstacle in j place of rea*» M 1 , v Maihuaokb AHU De'Tl iy related ;Ottt tutoatr uish us with the pnrticul deaths. of which the; . .r.Ur that if«-may public , our readers expect ut »o £ of this kind which occur f- rounding country, and w ad wc übi dn the pa but .we have not, got t> even if »0 knew of them stances we do not hoar o publish saolUtemß free o tasking bftt that W. >••. with the 1 particulars. ' •we hare observed three ; -acssiqnß p«W oer office hare, not .been furnished Wo fumtsHopr paper f tors of all denomination turn that they furnish u tot which they officiate, id their congiegatlons, this. I|oC9.SBRKAK<Mn —rOa acme person, or persons 1 storo ortjttingcr aud Ui relieved the proprietors which wps in the till., boots and a vest. Thu trance through the bad chisel. The chisel -was the things taken. Frit ■iiCm at all satisfied wi his revolver “ went off.' to consideration that th trated bettreea 7 and" the daring of the thief markable. Our citizen watchful care over the Th« W«Aiasa. —Sin thia subje<KStEere has h. The ewrth is now coven some two or three inch; consideraftly cooler. V change.-if It will contii a good supplydpf ice for tionV* Alt doubts on this removed, as we learn tl at llolUdnySborg. 'lf -snow, good sleighing co W« wonder what has b< ship, as irhan Ue appeu failed to see hb shadow got wsjcd snd stCaApei ■again. ““ 4 i Ona Black List—Aa rnries throughout the Black LiaV’.ii* which have swindijed them an wo have BfUcluded to busily engaged in gc ■week shall publish chaj one of “lengthened awe and mnpy, who Uo no prised to see, their nuoi positions in it. Yo w ds during the last tWo “ Waitin’ for.the Wagon *• iustanter," as “oo shall awe." , ' Improvement-—Wc now busily engaged it front of our office, to c which the Hollidays! empty passenger and b When completed, we i ty cars will be placed of our office, the Brat the main track, and .* Vliicb take meals benj ding, and thus stop da gnu House. This is be of great C I : - Public, especially ' I i:l:l *s an |^lvMWr* sp T.% 1 -■ ■'">!?& ■I:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers