The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 04, 1858, Image 1

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• . 5«
«• 6 <*»
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• . . • , A *■ vn;
■<v Ex< >.,ituu =. '
by »U<- J«ar. Uirt*
’im£i> Canl*- tjct •'seizing 8
I id' yunr. . 00
ii [ulitical ch.vvci-r or inibvulual m-i
• uc.vtdiittf to th- iih. .Vf raW;
[ ,1 with the niimh.-r iii iiiaortious
tu.- i till thrlV. ami charged according
Ci m« per liar- for ••vrry iujDrtion.
ceding l‘ !i l;nd». fifty cents a Dqunre.
ft. junior.
■ I f*
jfdr evt% ns
When the shc’j
‘ Pop ! 'goef I
-PltUy girli||
fiU frotn,ouj
Pop I g*><
Cupid fun? •b’ flaai«—
Unfikcatß o * arson—
' Vi'hu. ii gißccrtniu height,
Pod !' parson.
Quite '.hrd
Mu lie
Into sunj
\whsn >
Out u?
> T ■ brandy /
Ami gastric tub#,
candy. {
' All earth can yield
V* to calm it;
| pB aml then >
. ti it I”
Kli^^B' e whipper;
•P ; «'
. «bile
„ 1 ftr
OllNDt AjM&l
cu,i iVnl <i Jo®!
M'c£l of JU&
■• To pitenJ n
“ To mmeh
c •trots arn.
“To iuiuein9*'
“To fattjs
“ To cute bog'" 1
’em in
bogs, smoko 'f®*
"To ketpcsttkj
bair off dose W
" To preveO l *®!
b<-f yourself,' or
"To makef
“To • ral**’ P o9 '
borVpoultryyft l^
L* |^Tb e faUof»fl
f WttandpPl
■ * Bcfiott thifflWSSi
jij&kA WiHftijgJ
. 'JCB^but:g(®SP
Br*- ‘
I’ubli.-lifit «nd I’wflrieWw.
ilaUy in advance,) SI M*
a: the expiration of tbb tlnio
1 insert i‘>u
$ SEE-
2 do. ■ 3 do.
$ T,y. * »
70 I (HI
100 - 160 200
160 2 00 2 60
>» UiH.ii three 1 months, 26cents pet 1
6 monthm
<4 3 tin
' 4 00
P 00
>- oo
In 00
i t oo
26 0-7
i digestion ;
Ifuirly cracked,
iigli ami blush —
Con. sir
ft-pouting lips,
t the honeymoon—
[ goods tills,
I shown its anil
rner, (may-be).
.ppy world,
bunfester’s heels,
?es next door,
fear is out,
the stairs,
loment fuetc-r,
jelling underneath.
,e plaster
little hoy.
indotr Ungers;
unto his nose,
ire enacted;
ima is scolding him,
tedeted the following ngri
»• recipes, for the special
K Just give them a pe-
,in cattle,”—Cut their-’
iw,” —Worh in
er-cup flowers.
Lent their heai
a a grist-mill,
p \Vc»tera bo|
jhnice; if of
•dm lice,” —Si
eking herself,
en,”—Get ago
—Cull at youi
night time.
■am on a lati
pbe parties ii
[Willing and S
t; ■
. OCUOtt.
paade WillingTjtiit®-
■ 1 • ,' V-. .}
f .shot went right
at&ny. ; | - --
i. the'ot]
S/. "?
could i
, ' i?>
. i
Skicct Ilfom.
i In 'he dulle-t. part of the dullest coun
try in England is situated the little demi- ,
semi-iashionahle bathing town of —Bless
me! —I was almost betrayed by a mere j
force of habit into the imprudence of cul
ling it by its name ,
I Ui up; .1 a lime there happened to
j the -aid little town, a very dull bathing
I season —evey town on the coast beside
was- full of company, bathers, walkers, don
key-riders, auuuterers audvpebble gather
ers. y et the luckless tqVq of -was
comparatively empty, i Huge placards
with “Lodgings to let” stared every'bddy
in the face, from eveay window in every j
direction, 'things of course were very
flat, all tanks of people were malcontent.
The shopkeepers were croaking; the pro
prietors of lodging houses in despair! and
the few visitors who had ventured thither
in hopes of making pleasant acquaintances
and dissipating their dullness wore sick of!
etnui As for that class of incurables, the
resident inhabitants, they, for the! want of
some better amusement, applugi themselves
with redoubled to their favorite win
ter recreations of cards, and the most in
veterate scandal of each other.!
In this state of utter stagnation were
things at when, one very; hot day in
the middle of August, a stranger was seen
to enter that worthy town corporate. In
the dearth of anything in the shape of
nows of variety which was felt so sensibly
at i—, an arrival of the stranger would
have been considered a seasonable mercy,
could be have been approached without |
the direful risk of contaminating gentility
by bringing it-iiito contact with some
thing beneath it. ' But this stranger en
tered the town in. so questionable a shape,
that the very fourth and fifth rate castes
in stood aloof, holding themselves a
peg above him. Even the shop-keepers,
mautna-makers, and waiters at the taverns
felt their noses curl up intuitively at the
sight of him. The groups of loiterers col
lected: at tbc- doojp
lemptoua comments on htm't© he pursued
1 vwir.
§‘s DM
7 00
,10 00
U 00
14 00
1W in)
4) i 00
1 75
10 Ooi
hia way, and the fewfasfcionabiWi thiit ches, on which were ,ated two Or mscor
were vto - be seen in the streets oast, super- those important people who hud from time
cilions glances of tarelesssulperlority immemorial invested themselves with the
him, for’he was on foot and-alone, attired dignity of the head persons in the place:
in a coat, waist-coat, and in short, a whole it is hardly possible to suppose such pco+
suit of that sort of nuxed'Clo^h-called pejp- pie ‘would condescend to exchange a low
per-and-salfc color, with a black silk hapd- remarks with a stranger of whom the only
kerchief tied about hU in a hauti'oal particulars known were, that he trudged
style ;he wore huge pulled o4er into town carrying his own bundle, wore
his knees, and to , complete the picture,; a thread-bare suit of pepper-and-salts, unq
carried a lmge,hundleiiu-a jred sijk lutnd- ! slept at the (dolmen Lion,
kerchief, at the end Of a atbut oaken cud- These worthies did not allow him time
gel, overt his shoulder t ' ' to make their acquaintance) but path an
Such was his dressy yet to close obser- air as if they dreaded infection, they lose
vers of character, there was something and departed, fs ot the least tin ’’ l oo=ei
wholly out of the .common way about the by
lonely pedestrian. ®......
preesion’ of cool dr —evinced for bis soci? i > lis
large grey eyes, t la his j ger proceeded to make hi/^ et , U
the prevailing set < ? tlt home on the bench as * m atcli,
nity towards him. comma- inheritance. lie die- 'ctime
bold enough to ' *? ty ox w itb an apparat
eycn if he had no , lightcdacigar; and;
a weapon of offe with grept a^parer
above mentioned. jtsTfae • ■ Af
hand that betoken /**• in 3 fi rs on the pro;
and power of mm s hone cd his cigar, 'p
, There certain. . . other bench
something in the i eristic l though tri'
his handkerchief 0 ! . tlu of 1 pants, f’
gait, that savoured la > hud his
Lvcn his way of mdus
not the look of a have
sturdy indfepend' - at'
dcred his bundle
cd that he const
bystanders as a
cuco. Yet there
forcibly arrested
one ; people who wo
selves that they
ing at once, neyetf
look at him
& The first step h*
,rietoiv ot
. as though
in his foe® 5
ie villa t*‘;the
no® find arooi
tis bundle- —,
y . But he
iet had passed
sh>- :
sfe°£ know, that
. aid a few of
hejfald ill*
Smuihe jUfin. the little corpora.
S. Afact; typrudential doubts of
thci probability of his
carrying any rawd of that, shape and co -
StbM W jeret^rftote^
foot in the* hi
Our pedr
even of 0 K
place w*
•I# 1 '
' ( ,- i .
Jt ‘ not ojvn t 0
‘'ohf him wort!
u ss turned •'
ras ti
'gh r-
/U 1
f gentec
shelter y
The witness of h -ssovereigiij to which
the stranger as a (jernier ; reso^/appealed,
procured him a isuppcir And bed, and all
things needful for!rest- and refreshment,
at a small public house, whose crazy little
creaking sign promised to travellers Good
entertainment ibr inan and beast.”
The next morning, being disencumbered
of the pn popular bundle at t|i© end of
oaken cudgel which he stilll either grasp
ed or flourished in a most nautical fashion,
he entered the reading room.
. ,“ it is no use pitting down yojar name,
sir, for you cannot-be admitted here,” was
the answer he received from the pert su
perintendent of this place ot fashionable
resort. '
“ Not on my paying the usual terms of.
subscription ?” deinanded the stranger.
“No sir, we cannot admit persons ofyour
description on any terms, sir.” A ,
“ Persons of my description ?” repeated
the stranger, most emphatically grasping
his trusty cudgel,; “and pray, sir, of what
description do yop suppose me to be r?
‘The Jack in ofjfice surveyed the sturdy
stranger with a li.-ok in which contempt
and alarm were oddly blended, as he re
“ Gan’t exactly! say, sir, but I am sure
none of our subscribers would choose to
associate with you.”
“ How do you; know that, you saucy
Jackanapes?” said the stronger, becpm r
ing a little choleric.
“ Why, sir, bceause. sir, we niako a point
of being* very select, sir, and never on no
accouiit admit persons of your description/?
“But it seems you do not know of what
description 1 am.”
“ Why, sir, no' one can expect to keep
these sort of things a secret.”
“ What, then, is it whispered about who
lam ? And what does that important per
sonage, everybody,say.”
“ Oh, sir, that; you are %hrokon-down
miller biding from his creditors.” ■ And
here - he cast ashvewd glance on the thread- i
bare of the straiiger.—
The stranger regarded/ him for a liioment
with a comic expression on his |
made him a profound bow, and walked oil. ]
Not a whit humbled by this repulse, the i
stranger repaired to the place of geucrah
jiyoftuuuulc, -atej.possession .of a va
cant place at thjs end of one of the oeu
■ pet 'd tw' - th: if
/set of loxiug
istily dispatch
ing one ot the
a few courteous
to its occu
id a gentleman-}, but
jU cither of a blasphe-
Uiituro, they could not
;d with a greater appear
.ution by the ladies, who
at the liberty the pepper-and
ean had taken, while the gentle
;vcd with a most aristocratic dc
, that he laboured under a xgis
. addressing those ladies. .
jir,’' said tW stranger, “ you are right;
,ok you for persons of politeness and
evoleuce. Itiscovering my error, i
crave your pardon, and retire. , .. ,
Although any reasonable person might
hive been satisfied from these specimens
“f the mlmbitauts off rthalitwas no
sport for a friendly .unknown individual
tl pitch his tent in; still,- -‘the imm who
dirtied his own bufidle persevered in his
endeavors to find Some iibcrul-imuded per
son therein, kef iron* high to low, a geu
orai feeling of suspicion seemed to pervade
.ri-r rosidbd in tho town a\vuole week with--
' out fittdffig a singlfi Qjtccptiop. 2*ay. worse
, hostess ofclhe Goldcfi Lionserved
up these oil dite with ..all tiieir ; vanatioi^
and da%- to S°®|v at
deate? in
in every thing that wasaaid: to_the proj*-'
dice of h<* gfiesi,. who 'BhfiWcd
so mucJi good taste as k
hfifore he conkuujbd
! she prudently m&i
business was always earned on at the (i,W;
shQ® do'so a da«k|
air of
of fhe
•was in
t~ , ia-,
r.T. ...^
/ * V
„ <
* ftfca*
said the stranger, dryly pointing with his
dak stick to the hieroglyphics, with which
the bar was giaced.
“Why, sir, to be sure, these are all
’sponsible persons,” stammered Betty Pa-
Her {Tiicat muttered to liimselt as lie
passed into the street. ...
" Rather hard that my credit should be
worse than that of J ack Smith, and Toni
Balls, and the rest, of Betty Pagan’s cus
tomers. Faith I must be a most suspic
ions looking fellow ! To be sure, reports
like these are of a nature to give the death
blow to my vanity, if that were a failing
that could be cured by mortification. lam
an ugly dog, I am aware, but I did not
know that my phiz was ill looking enough
to indicate an old smuggler, abrokeu down
miller ( but for that the pepper-and-salt
may be thanked,) a fraudulent bankrupt
hiding up from his a returned
convict, and a man having married three
wives, has run away from them all I”
The habitual good temper, and light
hearted gaiety of the stranger wasruffled j
and there was a compression on his brow,
and an angry glow on his check as he entered
that notorious, gossip shop, the Post Oflice.
The mail Lad just arrived, and the letters
having been sbrted, were delivered to theii
respective claimants.. But ihercs was one
letter that had not been claimed, whioh
excited general cyriossity.
According to invariable diurnal custom,
all the towns-peoplo who had nothing to
do, were assembled in or near the Post
Office —those who expected letters, to re
ceive them, and those who did not, to take
note of the epistles directed to their neigh
bors, and obtain, if possible, some clue
whereby to guess their contents —either
from observation of hands, or seals, or hap
ly from the expression of the countenan
ces of the recipients, or some hint or ex
clamation during persual.
The unclaimed letter was of a most
tempting appearance, sealed, surmounted
with a coronet —to the Right Xlou. Admi
ral Lord A B— and franked by
the Duke of A Many were the^
surmises offered on the subject. (Valid it
be possible that a man high lank
meant to honor them 'with his presence for ’
ilKr season: ' But then he had not engaged
iud'rings. A o matter, there were plenty
disengaged. The most noble duke evi
dently supposed that his. uncle was actual
i ly there and it was impossible for so great
a man to make a mistake. Lord A -■
j R, —— would doubtlessajrive that day with
!, his suite. It would be the salvation of the
| (own for the-season to be able to announce
{ sudh im arrival in the country papers—the
presence of my Lord, was perhaps a prog
nostic of a visit from the duke and mighty
AH present were, impressed with the ne
cessity of calling an immediate town meet
ing, to propose presenting him with the
freedom of the town, in a gilt box, which
by this time, the Ul’Ws
town tvere there were some whose
curiosity to *• co “““i
Want Epistle was so great to .w-tiaj
Item into tbe.ondonvox
J>, — 4 —in reading all that was
come-at-able in his hh£r; but the
W tohlcA so ajs'to baffle the most expat
in the worthy 4't of round-readings.
II ow far the ardor of making discover
ies would have carried some of th . e,u {“ ,u
not prepared to say— perhapslitimighthdvt
led .to felonious attempts on the smictit)
1 of the ducal seal and frank, had not the
I stranger (who had remained an uuuouced
! lis teiicr m the crowd, ai,d
the letter passing from hand to hand
throueb n large circle) now stepped into
the midst, and yaking a low bow, said
“ (rentlcinen, when von have amused
yourselves sufficiently with that letter, 4
Vill thank you to hand it over to me, its
rightful owner.” , . , •
,®. To you exclaimed tne whole town
and corporation in a breath looking uuul-
I teruble things at the thread-bare pepper
and-salt, of the independent individual be
fora them. v “ W c are surprised at your im-
I nudlmec in demanding this letter, which is
1 Ufd by the mkp of A -and ad
dressed to Admiral Lord A- W •
“I am he, gentlemen, returned the
stran-er making a sarcastic obeisance aU
1 “ I' see you do not think that the
1‘ *ou of a duke can wear such a_ coat, and
ciotv his own bundle on occasion. How
ever; I see one within hailwhocan w’Uuqss
to my identity. Here, you Jack Brace
kyprdf have you forgotten you rold cpm-
yotJT honor! No, no, my
('Lordship 4110 moment Lseenyoujbut Ir^
I memlbcreil your honor's humors too well to
Ee leathered many a hard gale together,
fd o*. , 4»d »ow „,
; Continued I»ord A. .. P
Ire; hot Batisfiedthat the
me- here are, I tru&, Boffiment prow - m
! .>< *-
I±. ‘ v < J^i!£
,c * , -VVT
f. **-.*, v ■’i.w-' ' ■•■
tv ? ".-
- ■■• -'>•,' < : . iv
"The post-master immediately handed him
the letter, and began a wning of the most
elaborate apologies, which his Lordship
did not stay to listen to, but walked back
to the Golden Lion, leaving the assembled
population of- mute with constertia*
That afternoon, the whole corporation,
sensible too late of ciiror,,waited in ahpdy
on Lord B -to apologize f6r
their mistake, and to entreat him to honor
the town with hia presence during the re
mainder of the season.
Lord A- B
„ . was busily em
ployed tying up his bundle when the dep-,
utation entered, and he continued,to adjust
it all the time they were speaking. When
they concluded having tightened the last
knot, he replied as follows :
“ Gentlemen, I entered your town with
every intention of thinking well of its in
habitants. But you will say that I came
in u shabby coat, carrying my own bundle
—and took up quarters at a paltry ale
house. Upon my word it was the only
place where you would give me admittance.
Your reception of me would have been dif
ferent had I arrived in my carriage. Gentle
men, I doubt it not, my rank, fortune, and
equipage will procure me respectany where |
from people of your way ot thinking. But,
gentlemen, I am an old fellow as you pee,
and sometimes try whether I can obtain it
without these adventitious distinctions;
and the manner in which you treated mo,
while I appeared among you in the light
of a poor and most Intensive stranger,
has convinced me of my error in looking
for liberality of construction here. And
now, scntlemcn, I must inform you that I
estimate your polite attention at the same
value that I did your contempt, and that
I would not spend another night in your
j town if you would give it to me for noth
j iug,' and so I wish you a very good morn-
As his lord ship concluded, he_ attached
his red bundle; to the «“<* of* w bludgeon,
and shouldering It, with a droll look at the
d’.o Uifitt-rd corporation, he trudged out qf
town with the same air otVsturdy indepenr
deuce with which he had trudged iq.
’4, ’ac sagacious town and corporation re
mained thunderstruck with adventure,
"However, their conduct ig the affair had
been too unanimous to admit of their re
criminating on each other the blapie of this
unlucky mistake; so they caniOtoth ew
resolution of making the best ota : ha« busi
ness, and digesting the bitter rebuke as
well as they might; moreover, they deter
mined that their town shpgid JR.Qt lose the
credit of a visit front so a
personage, and; duly announced in the
county papers, Lord A— > s
arrival and departure -torn the town of
Locis Na>oi.eon a Boars. — A wri
ter in Grain’s Magazine lor January has
come toward with some, important revel-
convicting the occupant of thp
Jmperiar throne of the basest im
J i —Ue |W,Ttfc ~
Htu tS5*. | turyjjf the Kepubllo'***
A. good story ia told of a Michtgao*
farmer who 1 recently went do***' to IlHlr-t i
S ‘‘lllS-[
. and woo<jri'r> > A
. - t -
... I iitiK r „. , .1 v, -*i JT 1 11 . i»»t• T by 8. Auttia AiUbose, £aa. $3,00. >
Vi f*V tj|"‘~ I ,, ' orelol (- m alms °v j The wort irtO&lly distinct from tb» AlCtfejttt^' :
JW,. .1 I. S lr( :.? f fninit in' career oi PwM°®- and crnbjUs** mud vahmble acdlrrt>f«|rtC(|fctt«|l vw.
sBSI|!S* fr
sou in her dying moments, . £ L .IAL JioSEY
self upon the French people as a genuine tunt j ro( j dollars! Here’s v ;
Bonaparte, and succeeded m reaching Uic c - ftarge five pe f ce nt a month, as you wahty\yyQ^ >>
1 throne. that leav ‘ust forty dollnMi>^-
The t-t'Tv is well told, and the objec
tions that 'would naturally be suggested,
are skilfully disposed of. M Uethjir n
will excite so much attention as pre
tended discovery of the son of Louis A, Vi.,
in the person of a Mr. Williams, a tew
years ago, remains to be seen.
BtAtTiF'-i- Metavhor.— Henry Ward
Beecher, in one of his “star” papers in
the Now York In<f'2>cn<h-nt, says:
•\Vo luivo known men, upon whose
"'•rounds waved magnificent trees of cen
turies growth, lifted up 'into the Uir with
v;ist breadth, and full of twilight and mid
,p lY ,—who cut down all these mighty
monarch*, and cleared the ground bare;
and then when the desolation was coni:
plete, and the fierce summer sun gazed tuU
into their face with its fire, they bethought
themselves of shade, and forthwith Set qut
a generation of thin, shadowless sticks,
pining and waiting until they should
stretch out the* boughs with protection,
and darken the ground with grateful shad
ow. Such folly is . viv
tree of life, the shad
and at/ instead, und
their own planting, 1
be? broad enough to.
sin of the air.
SQT Bishop Mar
thp humor %*•.
cpacliman was oju®*
.tyjjsifTeaa iw- to > oxw'
;'<riSidB,v^^; ..or.*-.
; Cft', -•-
\ A
■■ . * ; .
John Anderson, m3r <!•*
Tins exquisite ballad, constructed if
Eobert Bums out of a different and some
what exceptionable lyric, has always left
something to be wished for and regretted r
it is not complete. But who would TOlt*
ture to add to a song of Burns? Aaßurus
left it, it runs thus: —
John Anderson, my jo, John,
When we were first sequent.
Your locks were like the raven,
Your bounio brow was breqt'/
But now year head’s turned bald, JohJW>
You# lochs are like the snow;
But blessings on your frosty pow-
John Anderson, my jo.
John Anderson, my Jo* John#-
We dam the hill thegitherj
And mony a canty day* Johiv /
We’ve bad wi’ane aaithor:/
Now we maun totter down, John,
But hand in band we'll
And sleep tbegither aVtbQ foot,
John Anderson, ijoy Jo.
Fine as this is, it does not quite satisfy
a contemplative mind: when one hag
gone so far; he looks and longs for some
thin'l'' more —some thing beyond the foot
of thehill. Many a reader of Burns irnimt
have felt this; aud it is quite probable that
many have attempted to supply tho defi
ciency ; but we know of only > one success
in so hazardous an experiment. This - is
the added verse:— ; \
John Anderson, my Jo, John, - x.
When we Lave slept tbegither
The sleep that a’ moan deep,- Johtr,
We’ll waho wi’ano anitheri J
And in that better warld, John, <
Nao sorrow shall we "know .* •
Nor fear we e’er shall part again,.-
John Anderson, my jo. >
Simple, touching, tfue—nothing
ting, and nothing to spare y precisely ha»J^% r
monizing with the orlgmal stanzas, and
proving them by the fact of completing
them. This poetical-achievement isAttri
buted to Mr, Charles Gould, a gentimmyu—
of our town, whose life has been oluhfljp
devoted to the successful combination; <n |
figures —but not figures of rhetoric. Thh,,' 4
verse was written some years ago, but rit
has not'hitherto found its way into prniit;
yet it well deserves to bcincorporatedwith ’ /,'M J ' -u
the original song in any future edition' f
Burn’s Poems, and wo hbpe some publish* f ‘ •*
er Will Qtt, .tlua .:
Post.—An old
xnucH addicted to going sleieip' in oth^a : ■ \l|
■—a Habit which she avowed shccould J|9
not Help; One a ■ Jm ß
to take place in the; churchof
which' was i^piibymember/uad she W-'-Wm
informed her family that-shewas going '
it. Ohe of her daughters said to her,**li
is no use for you to go to church--ryou . \ |
will bo sure tp go tO vsldep/’ “I
care if I do,” she replied, “ I shall Hi at
my post.”
it for a year, , .av. -<?a . r *--
coming to you/' Borrower—‘‘Then if I, ;
wanted it for two years, th< r/a be some- 1
thing coming to you, eh!” ' ■ s
Something “’Salutary” in Kansas
—We have received d
the J£ansM Herald, puWiißsJ at r o&affi|
tomie, K.. T. It is opened with what t*
editor calls a “Salutary.” Good. ItjT
high lime something salutary was
ced into-Kansas.
Slating .—dtphn Phoenix iayaofsleigh
ing that this mode of eph
sidcred a great amusement ih tho
Being particularly dangerous to'lite and
limb, and usually terhunating pulmona
ry consumption, the pastime is v.cry prop
erly called slaying. ~ c -. : ;
a man m long i , - #
as he is getting up iri tlid vfOtW. A 1 W
bf wealth only pays bis .fcatchtf I #
year. Let bad luck
bill will' w | |
ahd hnngry ) |fe;
btoTfZIS, ." ‘i.Vl
Kxww Shoes. ' : ;■ '■- '■ f
- ■ BMAWX3 * Midi ** *
p«wwi within* ’lgJ
mil finmin» our itoefc. we efeSS & ■ J
■ irtods, and nill take f 4 &
may give ns a Alt •• P “ Mnre « ■ l >^,_jgk...^ll
050 'tf'T
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