* ' ' T-' tromtbt UvYAI. UitK/.IK AMtHICAI* ' . i. » { Awitvd C'JI St. Cltf:X-J ful>fcHb;r having met witlj the misfortune to ;c total;)' shipwrecked, on the 12th day of Kebroary latf, in ihe bay of Boft n, culled Cohallet, <<n a ualied rock, near a place named Brulb-Ifland ; where he with his crew was' IVr 36 hours exposed to a most severe gale witb frolt and a thick snow, through which they could not bedifcernecl ; but as soon as the thick clouds be gan to "tifpeife, they inftmitly, to their great joy, oblerVed in 1 before noon, the people on fhoreendeavor itig to come out to them with boats, in order to lave theui, though the sea run so high t hat their boms were thrice filled with water, and one of the boats (battered, w herfby fix of the hands were nearly lolt. Not withllanding this, ihe feeling peo ple on the shore did keep up their Ipiriis, and the Parfou tbete, named Mr. Shaw, then pi'elent, encouraged them, by addrefiiitg them ;his: — •• l\ly friends 1 luted not to remind you us the fervids, we, as human beings, ewe one to another; being jutly con vinced of your good dtfpofed minds, but this is an extraordinary cafe, in which we Jnujl Jhev.') ourfl-jes ■ there are the lives of twenty men in quejlion, to be saved. who will, mojl certainly , be fro zen dead in less than an hour ; come, my friends, 1 11 ent:r the boat Jtr one /nan, although I am a bad mariner"— and alj the re It followed theßever end joyfully ; they" took us off the rock, made t heir home, ours, attend - ed us in our sickness, and carefully saved what they could from the (hip and cargo, even to trifles, as watches, buckles, buttons, spoons, with other gold and silver ware, belonging to tlie fubferiber, which they delivered him every night, coming iheir work. The probity of these Gran gers, affifling us in our diltrefs, 1 cannot express less in retaliation, but by my wa.mefl: and fi.ncerelt 'hanks, voluntarily acknowledging, -at the land poffefled by such indi iuals, is happv, and the unfortu r- man drove to ttieir ihore, can lnr fall in t|je hands of upright men. This I think incum- U 011 me to publifli. H. P. KLEIN. "Jutland, 1 793, -M -; ————— Kt ngston (Jam.) Aug. 2. the Printer of the Kingflon Daily A'ivf tifer. 1 Admiralty Office, Kingjlon, ) July 21, 1793- > c \3 ESTLE ft tN , to publish the cn.clofed w , t . as the speediest notification rendiake of his honour the Lieu whicViovernor's inftrutflions, di tbatc» 0 t, e given by rue to. the than at, v. .. < n . plies t U ers P ,lvate armed (hips five use ~ et' f''°tn this office. unneceirijentlemen, stand the very obedient fervanr, study, asiju. Wai.ker, Dep. Ree. I am aw, ' r b will be in. leges are nJ u !/- 2 7j »793 by mutual irv bcoufe they ;fire of bis honour the mutual interQveriior, that in the (uffer their re. gj ve|l j„ f ulu , eto dice» will vi, & They will f.fl.vateers, they may be, are not wjouh»l terms, forbid rifling ing without pt, pafTengers or 4 i?'i. a< as may fall in which rmiy be d J ed either to ttfh proceedings bpi 11 g fen fib are by no itfelf i thai the U) j, e fautftioned by tion of a count. gran(ed ' b ho mtnt in Ihe c** ■*? , J tereft: that 01)1 > 10 Pirate: made to othci e is determined, b< by individual 0 dil'couiuenance am quenry, or ir of a riifmtere; T ed onl,bc, a r o » our lobe » S'r nati.nsth.n tt obedient servant, of the iiifliiin W. Aw> S ec ' » nd ,he P° ;,c /Reg. Ct. Ad. gard to 12 ' hoped by th < country can "OKCrS OtJIICC) this point o» t| . llr „ ti New .y o , k . been io copfii.e h|nifi:li turned .he ASJ & SALE o, *" cp f m^, c 'lMlS^loN,be i . s leave «,(,!. t° n An,' istriendmnd olheis. u< th« friendinip tov ■ . friendOl, D **'!l P disposition ,0 Ol.it ! may united motives of tn.ei th ' W utm °« hd«. ill-will, could uige her. On the fuppoikionth!' to claim the guaranty, ah' S- ' 'f r ' before we were afkt d, on &VL&LL fciK her of being the aggrt ITor in »h#ratalo£Tl To be Sold il «' .< r y it iv a rt: s.i le, A Valuable Lot of 16 Acres »>i i, \' D. lyir*«j ott \he rud irad i«lg lujfii "ivi i'ii 10 1 r«rn on, i V -rni.es from Piif i-cii)!. ; *'nn -j i?il- y ill(i | h£ k.-fioulc, au<- no-j|. iind c*i;r Utiiug ft-ram of Water ipnn nj iluougit. the fame; a dv-rli r.tih ait efttty iwn on tiie lower ;hre oil ihuupy-i II >>r ; a 1 l ch<n adjo.nuiy. w» t |> a cellat uod#r ( thc whole, ud a wull of water 1} tfce door; »lfo, 170 hearing jpple-trrej, aqd.two or th-ee •• » of watered meadow. There will he an ind.f- I'irwble Any person inclining to i<u>cM»\ [iff# know the let pi-. ot laic l<v ap plying ic.thv Subscriber on ibe dich ilrs.-, MATTHEW CLARKE. Sephwler 14,1793 (tp 4 w) George-Town, September 9, 1 793- THE Commifiioncr* of the fedeial B..Minings having received onlv one or two days pre vious lU th'c dine MfJpointed-tor the commenc,-. in <h of the drawing of the, H'u/ktngton Hotel Lottery. il.at a nuniocr ot Tickets which had tu-en di-ppfhcd f<vr Tale in the hands ot oeifons at a d -lbnee, v. ere IhlJ Unfold ; and there bemg no fund ttiaUliihcd to pay any loss thai might In (piia'ned b.y keep :i£ ihefe. tickets 1 lie ,11 fl; o! the City, they Coio?n«fl}onjL"is) detcrtqyicd to defer the drawing until ihcy con!d be all fohi. * b Under these circumftancvs, a number of gen tlerpr«» <rf ti-.»s to>vn, and the City of Washing ton, formed rhenjfelves into a company, and • ook upon ihemfeiyes all the tickets remaining on hand, on the express condition agreed on by tie Comnuflioocrs, that the drawing of the Lottery Ihou.'d absolutely commence Mijftmt, anri bccQnlioued wttliouc interruption. The SuOlcrihers haye been. appointed a com mittee to mat -. o the dotitcns of tfti's cl mpanv, ; which was formed on public, not pfivwic mo t lives-And in purluance of rheir initrutkions, .iiey uo* jufoccn. the public; that Tickets will be depomecl- with the following gentlemen : G. Scoit, Baltimore I'own j J. Djvidfon, Annapolis; D. Crawford, Upper Mailhoio'; b. Lowndes, Bl?.i 4 .eniburg; B. Turner, Port tobacco ; J. W.lJcinfon, Calvert County ; J. Fonwtck, St. Mary's County ; G. Mur'dock, Frederick 'lown; H. Clagete, Hager'& Town ; M. Watifbg, GeorgeTown ; W. Hot bei t, Alex andria; W. ThumpUm, Colchetier ; J. Muf ehent. Dumfries.; R,. Jfntton, Frederttkiburg ; 1. j Caiupbejl artq Wnaier, i J e ; S.iin. Love, Newgate— Who wifi fc4l rfir fame until Saiutday the 2lft inft. at the original price of 7 dollars. Ifp contrary u> the exp; of the com pany, ~>y ol ti»-n remain unfold when the drawVng a mreflaiy at tention to feye tfiemwfvv* from loft, will com pel them to advantage of the rife in price, vvniCM will cenaitily take place. .. . B. STpDDIORT, ]. MASON, J. M. I.TXC.AN. w. TV A R i \ G, f ( 1 . I. l' ; - t ,Y r,,i ' TvBETBH. • ! la ,tn« P:i(J.pttiya of cacp of tfic ptuicipal t»wqs ! on ihe > eb«tSn«M7irQ&c*faw lift <»f each day,*s |dtawiiig pirns, wilfhr : e< Wt»»"fl4 that no out ma y be imtjoled ,©jib* ifljt take <« plit«h»f« of drawnHicWts during the drawing. iOA S<Ale, EY f . ;..M A T JH.JE-W'..C-iA R E-Y, I "h'^is«*.• • Mjikct.ftreit, ; Hr%E- • fWji,;. .1 : ' domituWfineiit'lO JahiisrV, 9787;' to! fS '•< lertninliioivm':BL<Jciinbei r , i«§i, >iitwflvr : Va- ' a I*4 lejocfedj liiiwi. >• L V' e T'i 0 " •>( tb f. of thc-UnUpslr Jsta<ts, tW a« iyllowY: i -*l A Wnifcom has met jwrtji fay.» : Vith<uoi«rfe] *p !ptqba|io(j| tfvnijcowMieni jydgts - ¥ for I at„ ;<j w* ii>lVetu4«ui&- jcalcaMtdw tiifirmiitaYi (finical, agricJtuiaJ,' jp<Yilof*{>iiiC4i, ajxl ;r Tout thar it has bepit unijormh can&uttxduxiklafie, >attcntion t andp/ppriflj;.' J, I to. i Mivpojum lh« n»orc in»med»«itc de figft of refciiifyr public document* fiaoi obJi 'vion—l will venture to prononncc, 2s ray fen ;timcnt, THAT A M(Vr F. USErt'l literary ( p f;' A wHAJ K£ v , li.CJi.ltf uMD (IfAKKU -JK CA, Of OIIC More D€i 5L% V i't» c Of py j l jß £ |" cc ; AC&^EN-r."' TO- THfi-PHfiLIC. (jL3 IHE hoi to r prvpofes to continue the publication oj the G*ztLT'y,t qr the United ,STATEs,>r dijlant circu/atjov, after the jiijl 0 f \Decetncer next. on tfie ftjUvwinp ten/is y viz. It Jhallb-e publjhed on Wednesday's qnd Satt rd a ys, on paper oj the Medium Jize —which ii i«rgcr tlian the p-njlvt. 77it priUy Three Dollars per ani)uip,exqlwfive of pottage. Suifcnptions to he received by the refpe&ive Pcji- Myter, tH,,oU£iiMt Uu.UtiU J or/nth other felons as may fee .firopa to colled them. 7he papers to be forwai ded b\ pojl.tuice a tctck, mpadetsto contain ieji than six papers- and ro litbfcrtpHons to be riuivtd for a lefi term than h* months. Payments to b( Conjtand) Jix months in ■ advance. 'I went} pei Cf nt. jiom the prut '"r.i'C ** * * IT+ *' u '' "Uoiced t u thoje b,h o col- Jed and Jor uiafd thcfitycription money, jree of ex f pe'je, injull oj all thaiges Jor then trouble in the ; bujitiejt. 1 hepubhcition h'Weonfa■ n a\ vfual, a variety of I* "g'"l epys-Jo/eijn and dom,Jl,c inWUgeiu, ' and a fnmrnary of the prtsctedines of the LeeUtaiusc >of the Union, Qic. Si .-litert,on zoill be paid tv dijpaichipg the paper 1 ! with punttuality, and Sub- I enters m ,t depend on receivjnr them as reaularli ■ a.' the pa/ls arrive. ,y, -♦! June 8. 544 -~j ift "" To the Public. r Editorof the GazettjJ of t 7 NilEi> JL States, propoles pubiilhing the Papfer, .11 xlci thai Title, every livening,Sunday's l excepted. To render it interesting as a Daily Publi cation* it (hall contain foreign and domeltiC) commercial and political Intelligence Es says and Observations, local and general Maritime information Prices Current of Merchandize and the Public Funds. Alto a l uminary of the proceedings of Congee fs f and of the L?giflature of this State .—with a jketch of Coagreffionai Debates, &c. Advertizing favors will be gratefully re ceived. TERMS. To (* printed on paper of the demy /ize but a larger lize ih»ll Ue substituted in Detcju t>er next xe Six Dollars per Annum, to be paid hajf Yearly. When a fufneient number bf Subfcrtbers is obtained, the Publication stall commence. hi the interim, the Gazette will be publl/h ---ed twice a week as ufuai.—Sublcript-orts are refpeftfully solicited by the Public's humble servant, JOHN FEN NO. SidlfcriprroHs are rkeivtd *t the Cits Tavern, South tiecmd Stttet—iy Mr. Ddfin, at the Shut* ttker ferjdml wlit trein ptjft/fu* tf fui-' /riptitui pa/itri, and by the £*luoi , fit kit hmfe, AV 34, A'urih FiJth-StreO. THE EDITOR MOST earnestly requejts those ofhis diflant Sub cnbcrs who are in arrears for the Gazette, to make payment as soon as pojjible.—l hofc persons ivho have receivedfubfcription money on his account are dc fired to remit the fame. The arrearages J'or the Gazette hive accumulated to aferious amount—Serious, us th/ty are the only resource to discharge very serious engagements incurred in the prosecution of this ex fenjtvepublication. Philadelphia, June 26. ~ '"fifsT ev*imir By Thomas Dobfon, Sookfcllcr», at the Stcnc-Hovfcy in Sccoud Jirect, F'Hi'LAOK L I'HJA, Y O L U M E IX, of ENCYCLOPAEDIA: OR, A DICTIONARY OF AR.TS,SCIENCES, 1»» MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE, On a Plan entirely nsxu : BY WHICH THE DIFFERENT SCIENCES AND ARTS arc digested into the Form of Diftiutl, TREATISES OR SYSTEMS: THIS VOLUME CONTAIN?' HYDROSTATICS, Hygrometer, f-Jiftory of Japan, I.eland, jrrufMem, J ow s.' India, InJcCts, fhlurance, 1 #eland, Italy, KemAjfhatka, Knighthood, L»ogu»ge, Law, LegrrdWmain, •vis li a gn at variety ot and Mifa<■ 1- la neon's Articles.—lllullratco wjjl,h thirty-one elegant Copperolates. *§" ■ CONDITIONS. I. -Tbfc-york ■ is* printing and new types, (cast tor the pu-pole) which will be occasionally renewed before tbty co,i)- tract a Worn appearance. 11. Trie work, is furn;fhed in hoards, in volumes or half~vo<ume*, as fobfci ibers chafe; the price ot the whole volumes, five dollars each, ot halt-volumes two dollais-and two-thuds ol a dollar each. Ten dollar's to be paid on (üb fenbrng, the' vMumes or half-volumes frnffhed tq be paid lor wlkiv delivered, thepriceofone volume to be paid in advance, and the price of each (ucceeding volume to be paid on deliver in% the volume preceding tt. No pan of tbe work will be delivered urVl'efs paid for-. 111. In tbe eoui fe of itie publication will bedc li\ercd about five hundred copperplates ele- ganily engraved in Phi)«uiclpHia : which by tar exceed m number thofic given in ajiy other fciemifn dictionary. At theclofrot the pub lication .will be dfelivertdan elegant Frmntf piece, the dedication, preface, and proper tj» tie pages for the different volumes, ' It is expected the work will be compiifcd in about eiglueen volumes in quarto. The tubfenptiun will continue open on the above terms tall the fir# day of September next, to give oppoiumity i 0 thole who are uot yet labtciihe.s, forwent. Thole who have fubfcribcd, and got only a ' small part ot ttje work, ate requeued to com plete their, feu*, as,t>ar as pub'lilhed, as soon *6 poflible, as aker the fijft ol ne*t September, by which tuns the tenth volume is expe&cd to be ; ready, the publifhdr will not consider hiinfelf bound' to make up those felts which arc not completed u»p to th?t period. Phi/adcl&hjfli lu.r>e K|j 1 793 V Seat of War. For Sale, as. M. CAR,EY's St or:, No, 118, Mariiet-itrcat, A Sheet Map of the Flench, Austrian and Dutch Netherlands in .Wuch the flWgrefv. of the prefcnt b€ traqed.——, , Ja three eighths cj a d6H ir And a Map of the Tltr.ee. No,Uiern Diftrift. of France, divided into Departments rnce %'oj a dollar'. Maps of the United : ~ A "- V fpi'ited gentlemen, pof (elfca.ui mater,ab so, correcting and in,pry ing the Maps of the fevera! States, will lay r Cafe - V undcl ' ver . v particular obligation', by communicating them. H<; is l„ immediate want: of iome tor New.Jersey and Delaware : ot winch States he is now preparing Maps. Guthrie's Geography: _ The fubl'cripfion for this wo. k will be com doU^T^ a V^. prefWt rate twelve dollars, t, 11 the full o;.v of November next: alter Which, It Will be raiied to fourteen d a l uy s. Auguji 14.. War Bcpartmt::*. T.V>'ORM.VI lON ' "J! I 1 Mituaiy 1 <i» of i, » L -„, . rt 'V /' I • 111 fuini 10 which ihry ai« iutitud t„ " March last, and which will become ,i„"ur, 5... ol Scp.cmbr, „c*,, will be paid 011 th , f "! day by .he Comn,ifli ulieu ol the Uw. J„~ ... the Sta lt , refpcetivcly uqdc, the vfcu J'' 6 By Command of the \l ii. KNOX, Srerttury ct'lVan N B. THt Pmntrrj.iv tkt refti:(!i vl •a Treasury Department, NAu&ufl 10, 1793. oT j'^ E 13 l,er eby jjiven, that PrnpoAh will be received at the Office of the Se cretary of the Tl-ealttry, until the I4:hdav <>t September next inchifively, tofurnifh by contrast tse fallowing articles of Cbadiing, »ur the use at" the United States, viz. 4,800 Hats, 5, 120 Stocks, J, 123 Stock-Uafps, z£j,4Bs Shirts, 5,123 Vests, 5,120 Coats, 9,600 Woollen Overalls, 9,600 Linen ditto, 19.230 pairs of Shoes, 9,630 pairs 01 Soclts, 5,129 Blankets, 320 Caps, 320 fmrs of Leather Breeches, 040 pairs of Boots, 320 pairs ot Spurs, 640 p.prs of Stockings, 1,520 Rifle Shirts. t0 de "veredatthecitv of Philadelphia ; „ ne fourth pai tof the whole number of IniM on or before the 15th of Fe bruary, one fourth 011 or before the 15th of April, and the remaining half on or before the I sth of June, 1794. T he articles must be agreeably to fiich pat terns as (hall be direfled by the Secretly for t.ie Department of War. Payment will be made as soon as the whole of the articles (bail" nave been delivered. ej>t!4'S. Treasury Department, Nnrrrw , v 1793- U l ICE is hereby given thai p.upoUs *111 be icceiveo UM ,il thc i-j-h diy , )f n C «, inriubvely, by David Henly a, Kuoxville M» ihe XcJTitory Sou, h Weft ot.the Ohio, Jor ,hi iupply of •'II ratiuns whicb may be requirid to the ule of the Uniied States, liom the h ft c?av i January to the thjrty.fi, ft ,l ay ot Dccembe, 1 794' both days inclusive, at the plnces, sr. within the diftri&s hcieafter mentioned, v 1. At any place or places from the mouth "J TeßS.ffi.-c-~u* CL:^J.. rr , o. Bear Creek, on tne laid River inclufivtiy. 2. At »»y place or place. S from the month of the nv&i Cumberland to Nalliville, on the laid rivet, and at N'alhvillc. 3* A* anv place 9/ places within th'/ty miles of laid Nashville to the Couth ward, weffwaiu. of ncirtli wand thereof. 4. At filed foe'* Lick, or or place* between (Ik; said Lick and Nafbviile, 5. Ai any place oi places from Bledfoe's L'ck to the doffing ok Cumberland rive r, along ihe new Trnccj-at or near the great Salt Lick, and aC tlyrfaid doffing place over Cumberland livrr. 6. At any place or places along the said trace, nointhr crofiing of Cumberland river to the mouth of Ciiocli river, and at the said mouih of Clinch river. 1 7. Ac any place Or places between ,lh* said Tiiouin ot Clinch aid Kuoxville, anil 41 Knox xille. 1 - 8. At any place or places on the north-wefty en frrmi'.ers °f Walking!on and Hamilton dif tritts, in the Teintoiy South oi the Ohio, fiom Ihe mouth of Clinch to the Virginia line. 9. Al any pljcc or places on the fouthem ftqntieijrol ihe said diftndU ol and Hamilton. . 10. .»l any-other phicriir ptac** 1,1 I.K Ull - Suuih of ihe Oh-.0, no! herein mentioned. 1 he rations to he fuppltcd arc to confifi ol the following articles, vi?. One pound of l»«ad or flour, One pound of beel, or j of , pound oK park,, ■ Half a jill of brandy, rum or whisky, One quart of fait j Two quails of viuegarf Two pounds ol soap £ P cr 100 rat >° ,,s - On pound of Candjes^ Tberatioiis are to befumifiici in fuc'h quan titiKS, as that there (hall at all t„ ms , duiinif the laid 1, rm, be (ufficrenl for the confumprtdii oh the iroojjf at cach lon or cither Itatumarv poll, wliu.h is or may be elhbl.flled for the fpoce of at It-all three months in advance, in and wholelomc pioVifions, if tbe fame (halj be re quired. Itisiofceutt-lciftnod in each caff, that alt Jolif s fuilaincd by the depredations ol thf enc-r ---nj'ej.prby of the t.onps of the United States, (hall be paid for at the prices of the ar ticles captured or deftroved, on the depofuiom ol two or more creditable charaftrr-, md the, ceriihcate of a commiflioneo officer, alccrtaininff Ihe circumjUncw of the lois, and the amount o£ the articles for which compension is claimed. l-hole who may b«oror proposers are «■- qu lied to trmifmit without delay to the Secre taryofthe 1 rcafury duplicates of (l.tir propofalj. Ihe propolals will t,e decided upon at Knox- V '', a where the said p av id Hcnly wilt make kno* n the ofter which is «c"cpted, and will conclude the coiitrsft. P L A~~ OF THE City of Washington, •Sold by the BooksmxeHs, DO-BSOK, CAREY, iOUXC,, is ChUJCSUAXX WW^tu ill N- S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers