Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, September 18, 1793, Page 541, Image 1
c^/ yt • "" . " A NATIQHAI PAPER} "" ri -~ J Tr rrr li'm I i~L J J ,L_ J' _ 1 ' -I- ' ' ■ 1 ■ ■ » - ■ ..i... . , , BYJdtiNfCNW, No. 34, NOfTB, FIfTU.STH££T, FHILAP^LKHXA [No. . Jtf of Vol. IV.] ■ \y EDME ' SPAY> September .8, , 795 . R. I C H M O N D, (Virginia.) Jul olio wing ts thi+iddrefs of the citizen i as dndiii vicinity Jo the President of the ihited Stat a. Richmond, Aifguft 17, 1793. fMPIiESSED with a full cmivi&ion of the wiklomofyour adminiflration in general, &■ especially approving that system of conduct Tffhich you have adopted, ind (teadily oblerv ed towards the belligerent powers of Europe we, the inhabitants of Richmond and its vi cinity in the commonwealth of Virginia, are happy in an opportunity of conveying to you their genuine fentiinents. When propitious heaven had crowned with victory the efforts of your country and yoiir- J'eli, while rejoicing America enumerated the blclliiigs to be derived froij) so important a revo utiog, it was not reckoned among the teatt of tbem tha', in future, the people of this favored land might in peace pi their own happinifs,though war -And violelfte Ihould desolate the European world, or drench it in human blood—So too, when the good genius of Amerii a had deviled that change in otir government, which her wifdmn has since a itoptedjit heltl an argument atfotrie weight ugainft the necefiitv of this (change, and all"in opposition to it with one voice declared, that, situated as this country is, no njadnefs or.fol ly could ever be To lupreme -as to involve us again in European contests. Nor was this opinion, so uniform and uuiverfal, in favor of peace, derived from any other lource than a knowledge of the real situation and a con viction of the real intfcrefts of America. It is impoflible for the eye of cool and tempe rate reason' to survey ihefe United States without perceiving, that, however dreadful the calamities of war may be to other nations, they ar6 still more dreadful to us, and howe ver important the benefits of peace to others, to us they are fti.fl more beneficial. From tilofe whose province it is to make war, we expert every effort to avoid it con. filtent with the honor, interest and good faith of America ; from you, fir, to whom is as signed the important talk of, ''taking care that the laws be faithfully executed," we have already experienced the mofl: active and •watchful attention to our dearest interests. Ever iince the period when a just refpe& for the voic4 ot your country induced you to abandon the retirement you loved, for that"' high station to which your iellow-cit izcns una nimously called you, your conduct has been uniformly calculated to promote their happi ness and welfare : And in 110 instance has this been more remarkable, or yonr vigilant at tention to the duties of your office more clearly di covered, than in your proclamation icfpf&ing the neutrality of the United States. As genuine Americans, wUh no other in terest at heart but that of* our country, un biafTed by foreign influence, which hiftoi y in form? us s»as been the bane of more than one republic, onr minds are (/pen to a due fenfc of the propriety, jitflice, and wifdorijfflp" tnis measure ; and we cannot refrain from ex prefljng our pleasure at its adoption. We recoiled' too well the calamities of war, not to use our belt endeavors to retrain any kicked citizen, if fuc'l* indeed can be fodnd among u*, who, disregarding his oWn duty, arid the happiness of the United States, in vi olation of the law of the land, and the wish tft the people, /hall dare to gratify his paltry paflions at the rifle of his country's wel fare, perhaps of her existence. W* pj ay heaven to manifeft' its tial care of these Hates, by prolonging to tnem the blellmg of your administration—ants )nay the'pure spirit of it continue to animate rhe government of America through a fU'C ceflion of ag|es. Signed by-desire and on behalf of the nresting, GEORGE WYTHE, Prefidcrtt, (Tefte) ANDREW DUNSCOMB, Sec'ry. • • ANSWER. To of Richmond and its vicinity. I'dtow-Citizens, AMONG the 1 numerous expreflions of" tfie foiiJe, in favor of the xvhi<bh r have been adopted -for the observance of neti trality in the present war of Europe,none- is niorfe grateful to me, than that of Richmond and its vicinity. ■ in'wticli'if' lay's viairu to nly affectioliare ii c k\i dwTe d eM T In recolle&ieg the anticipations wAhivei-S of a pacific policy, as'ntoft- con' Jiinant with the lituation of the United States «fcd't!ie : getmis of Cut- government, it is a Whtfn'tlitf o'ccili'dn for exemplifying it' o«Ur«, fefitilttgnt's' eorfei? P" nd .itif with if appehf tit j)erva<fce»«iry; paW the cnirjmimirv, This fteadmefs of* views, M»Wylionlora!We to the national fharafter, is wel ' «rtculat*dto ft'ppfert in" the adminiftra. tion of oar aflair*, afplrit conftarftfylivbra ble to the gieat hbjeft of peace.' the, boft rnd fibcereft- eftdet-; JWs t° thvj 'end, may fonietiniei prove inet- ItMUjfi, vet H will always be a (ource of con. l«»riort&«ld'*»!U.dfagetociit, that'theia)jin>i of warj jl -at my time they {hkllfic ck- have beer, unfmight af>* unpro ,«**&. Ever* gdod cifeen will then tattt events with that firnincfs and perfeverarce w#ich naturally accompany the conVcrinifnefs ot a good cause, the conviction that' there is no ground for ft If reproach. True to our duties and interests as Ameri cans—firm to our purpofjL a s lovers of peace —let us unite our iervent prayers to the C.reat Kuler ot tJniverfe, that the jus tice ;,nd moderation of all concerned iV.ay permit us to continue in the nninterrupted enjoyment of a blelfing vvhlch we so greatly prize, arid oi which we ardently wish them it speedy and permanent participation. GEORGE WASHINGTON. At a general meeting of tbe inhabitants of the town of Petcrfburg (Virginia) ami its vicinity, at the comt-boufe of the laid town on Monday the 2d September 1793. .-THE committee appointed by the town m'ccfing held 0:1 Saturday last, to draw up'and propose to the p relent for their con fideration, certain refdiutions, this day pro pofcd to the meeting the resolutions follow ing, viz.— Re f *olv«d, T ha* it i«»c©nfi{ient with the true irttereft of t!ie United Spates, as well as their good faith, to preser ve the ftrifteft neutrality in the prAfent' situation of Eurdpe. 7 hat; we highly approve, and are firmly re foived ftridtly to oblerve the President's late proclamation, because we believe it was dic tated by a profound knowledge of the lute rests of th6fe states, and by a sincere and ho neil desire of promoting their real happiness and prosperity. That we will use every exertion to dif ; countenance andTupprefs'all fnch tiefigns and procee&?rfgs as in any manner tend to inter - rtjpt that harmony and tranquility which we enjoy under a just and pacific admiuiftratifm °* ' ia ipP' government. That the intei ference of any foreign power or minister in the internal adiriiniitration of dur govermnent, is an infringement of the sovereignty of the people, tends to destroy public cwjfidence, to introduce confufiui* and anarchy, and therefore ftiould excite the in dignation and reprehension of every indepen dent American. I any attempts to diminifti that confi dence which our citizens repose in the difin- of the present chief magilbate of the United Spates, are equally ungrateful, illiberal and urjuft. Resolved, That the Chairman tranfrtiit the foregoing refdltltidns to Thomas Jefferfbn, Efq & req;uefl. him to comiriunicate the fame to the Prefideirt of'the United State*. And the said resolutions being levei ally and dirtin<sVly read, were nnaniinoufly adopted. And the meeting confirming, the following resolution was prdpofed and unanimotifl'y a greed to. _ Refolveri, That we consider the combina tion of the despots of Europe ngainft the Ii- Uertiesol Fiance, as having a direct tendency to destroy the political happiness of mankind ; & though we fefej aniritereft in preserving our neutrality, yet it is our fineere w'iihj that ii ]>?rty and the rights of man may be the pre vailing piilicipies throughout tie universe. THOMAS G. PEACHY, Chairman. THE Grand Jury for the of the counties of llenrjco, Goochland, Ha nover, Chefferfield, and Powhatan, impressed with the charge delivered to them by the pvefidlng Judge of this d*iftii&, have directed .their attention to the fubjetfis M'hich it pre sented to their notice, upon some of winch tfiev think it proper and to express their sentiments. Adverting alio to the nature and objess of their inftitutitfn, thty consider thenifeli'es to be fully authorised, as oiVen as the occasion shall be fufiiciently prefling or important, to animadvert upon the laws and proceedings of the government. In the prefeht calamitous (late of foreign hoftilitres, the Grand Jury conceive that the I.onor and happiness of, this country ale in a great measure involved in the conduct which its government ihall purl'ue towards the na tions'a't war. They consider the United States as bound by the treaties as %vell a$ their dea eft inter ests to observe a Itri<st neutrality towards the belligerent powers, and therefore they teftify in this public manner their high approbation of thole measures which have been adopted by the President of tlie United States, to procure a pun&ual observance of that neutrality and thereby* to p eferve the'honor and toe promote the true inteieifcs of this country. The Grand Jury, estimating as they ought the foverelgnty and independence of these United States, view with a juit indignation all attempts of foreign powers or their Minis ters to influence the measures of our govern ment, or to detach the confidence oi* the peo ple frotii those to whom they Uave committed its administration, such attempts ought to be confide Ted as high'infults upon the people of America, as incitements totbe boldest treason, and as calculatcd to plunge the government and Citizens of the United States, into all the evh of anarefcv and diiorder. CARTER BHAXTOK, Tirmin. 541 HELVIDIUS— No. V. TTAVINGfeen that the executive has no A A conftitntionn] right to interterc in any question whether there be or be not a cause of war, and the cxtenlive confequinces flowing Irojn the do&rines 011 which a claim has been a flirted, it remains to be enquired wihether the is better warranted in the fact Which he a flumes, namely that the proclama tion ot the Executive has undertaken to de cide the queltion, whether there be a cause of war or not, hi the article of guaranty be tween the United States and France, and, in so doing has exercised the right which is claim ed for that department. Before I proceed to the examination of this point, it may not be amiss to advert to the novelty of the phrai'eology, as well as of the doiflrines, expounded by this writer. 'The iource troni which the former is evidently borrowed, may enlighten our conjectures with regard to the foqice of the latter. It is a just obl'er viitien also that words have often a gradual influence on ideas, and wh'iij used in an improper jenle, may cover fallacies which w. ;,tberwfe efc2|w (!l"i I allude particularly to his application of the term gmtrvmcn't to the txceulive authority alone. TPhe I'roclamaiion is " a manifefta- tion pi the ferife-of the government; 4< whv did not the government wait, &c.—The policy on the f>aj t-of the government oi' removing all doubt as to its occu dijpojition/'* "It \vm of great inrptotarfce that our citizens fliould un derihmdas early as possible the opinion en er tained by thegovmnnint, &c." If j„ addition to the reft, the early manifeftation of the vieui of the government, had any effect in fixing iht public opinion, &c. The reader will probably be struck with the reflexion, that if the Procla mation really portl-iTed the character, and was to have theeifeas, here ascribed to it, fonie thing more than the authority of the govern ment, in the writer's sense of government, would have been a necefiaiy sanction to the ast, and if the term 44 governineut be remo ved, and that of« Pieiident" fubftitoted, in the sentences cjuoted, the j lift ice of the re [ flsftion will be felt with peculiar force. But | I remark ortl}-, on the Angularity of the llile ! adopted by the writer, as fiiewing either that . the phrafe«t«gy of a foreign government is more fatrtilrar t'o him than the phrase "logy pro|*r to our own, or that he wiflies to propagate a familiarity of the former in preference to the latter, I do not know what degree of difapprobatton others may think jjue to this innovation of language, but I consider it as far above a trivial criti cifrri, to obfervc'that it is by no means un worthy of attention, whether viewed with ' an eye to its probable cause or its apparent tendency, " the government/' unquestiona bly means in the United States the whole go vernment, not the executive part, either ex clufjvelv, or ptc-cmincntiy j as it may do in a monarchy, where thefplendor of prerogative eclipse;, and the machinery of influence, di refis, every other part of the government 111 the'former and proper sense, the term has hitherto been used in official proceeding-;, in public difcuflions, and in private difconrfe. It is'as fliort and as e»jy, and less liable to misapprehension, to fay, the Executive or the President, as to fay the government. In a word the new diali& doiild not proceed either from neceflity, codveniency, propriety, or perfpicuitv J *110 being in oppolition to com. mon tifage, so marked a fondnefs for it, jnf tifies the notice iiere taken of it. It (hall no important subjecT: of the crefeut paper. I proceed therefore to observe that as a " Proclamation," irt its ordinary nle, is an address to citizens or fubjefts only; as it i always nnderflood to relate to the law acluullj in Obeifiwi, and to be an act partly and exclu /ivcly Executive ; there can be 110 implication irt the name or the Jo>m of such an inilrument that if was meant principally, lor the infor mation of foreign nations ; far le(s that it re lated to an eventual Jhpulation on a fubjedt, ac to be witnin the I.egifiaiive province When the writer therefore undertook tf e-'gi at't h s new prerogative on the Procla niation, by afdibing to it so unusual, and 1 11 implied a meaning, it was evidently incum bent 011 him to ftiew, that the/M7 <if the in livument cou'd not be fatisfied by any othe conftruftion than his own. he done this No. What lias he done ? lie has called th< Proclamation a Proclamation of neutrality he has put his own ai bitrary meaning on tha phi afejand has then,proceeded in his arguments ami his inl>renf||s, Wlth 3,1 much confidence, as if no qneftion was ever to be asked, whe ther the tirin " neutrality" be in the Procla mttion ; or whether, if there, it could jufti ly the ufir he mates of it. It has appeared from nbfervations already made, that if the tirtn "neutrality" was in' the Proclamation, it cou'dnbt avail the wri ter, in the prfifent difcuflion ; but the fact ll rto Itch iprm is to be found in it, nor any other < * Tie uAiler Iff hi ttot fn the Jape paper, A'». ''//> to'Junx.Jfcid, " HtKiii Prefiiimt announced his own dilpofition,, ketvtmU have tan tJtfrffc, rile rtilh tttfifn, ijrujt pTsfnmption.- [Whole No. 458.] term, of a meaning equivalent to that, j u whick the term neutrality is uiid by him. There is ti.e less pretext, in the prefer* cafe, tor hunting alter any latent 01 extra ordinary objefc) beraul'e an obvious am) legal one, is at hand, to fatisfy the octalion r. n which the Proclamation ili'ued. The exift enceot war among several nations with which the United States have an extensive inter course; the duty of the Executive to p,c lei ve peace by enforcing its laws, whillt thole la\vs C»>iitinned in force ; the danger that fn difcreet citizens might be tempted or fur. prised by the crisis, into unlawful proceedings, tending to involve the United States in a war, which the competent authority might decide them to be at liberty tn avoid, and which, if they ftiould be judged not at liberty to avoid, the other party to the rtenlual ccn tr J in 'B hr not be willing to iinpofe on them ) thtfe Jurtly mfyht have been fuificient grounds <0? the meafurc pursued by the executive, and being t<?gal and rational grounds, .it wouid be wrong, i( Mere be no nficeffity, to look beyond them. It there be any tiling in the Proclamation of which the wrtrer.eotild have made a linndlef it is the part which declares, the itjfw/itten, the duty and the intcrcj} of the United States, in relation to the war ex tHng in Kuropt. As the Legislature is the only competent and coiiftitut iOn a I organ oi the will of the na ti o;. j that is, of it? difoofttion, its ditty anil its in terelf, in relation to a commencement ol w&r ( in like manner as the prelident and Senate joihity, not the President alone, are in relation to peace, afre'r wai has been commenced J will not dissemble niv wifli that a language left exposed to criticism had been preiered ; but taking the expiefiions, in the sense of the writer hiinfetf; as analogous to the fan. guage which might be proper, 011 the recep. tioii df a pubiic Mihilier, or any filn'ilar occa sion, it is evident, that his conUruftion can derive no succour, even frbns this rel'ource. If the Proclamation then dties Hot rtqtitri the eonftruflion which tills writer (iaj taken the liberty of putting <>n it j I leate it to be decided whether the following confederations do not forbid us to' fnppofe, that the Presi dent could have intended, bv that ast, to em brace and prejudge the Legiflutive -qtieftiotf whether theie was, or was not, under the cir cuinftances of the cafe , a taufe of War in the article of guaranty. It niiewn rtaf fncfi an {hv'nfiaj would have dfYrrpeß a pVeroj-ative not V c%«# rn the Execiijive, indiivencimfejffdfy vetiid in artother appnVtmeiit. ill the Conftitutiona! power of deciding a question of war, the Lo.'iflaiint ought to be as free to decide, according to iis own fcnfe' of the public good, on ore tide »< on the other fide. Had the Proclamation prejudged the question on either fide, ar.d t, ro . claimed its dcc'fion to the acrid; the Lcgiflature instead of being as fiee as it ought, might hi thrown under the dilemma, of either lacri ficing its judgment to that of the Kxccqm t ; or by .oppufiog the Executive judgment, t ,f producing a relation between the two deiia. t merttsy extremely delicate among ohrlelves and oi the worlt influence on the national character and intereiis abroad ; a variance of this nature, it wiil leadily be perSeived would be very different from a want of con. formity to the meie rccommmddtions of rhq Ex ecutive, in the meafnres adpptcd by the Lei giilature. It does not appear that ftch a Proclama tion could have even pleaded ant call, Jinn either of the parties at war withY arc?' for an explanation of the light in which the guar ty was viewed—whiMl, indeed, no polit v* indication whatever was given ofhoftile pur poles, ir is not conceived, that any power could have decently made fiach an applicar t.on—or it they had, that a Proclamation would have been either a fatisfaaory, „ r an honorable an Aver. It could not have been (atisfaftory, if serious apprehensions w lv tertained, because it wou'd not have pro. cee.ded from that aut:.o tv which ;,ione could definitely pronounce the will of tlid United States on the lobjert. It *ould not have been honorable, becaiife a private <li. ptomatic anfwei only is due to a priva te di plomatic application ; and to hwe done lb much more, would have marked a pnfiiani mity and want of dignity in the Execut.v* Mag'itrate. Dvt wnether th? Executive whs at was not applied ti>, or whatever weight,be allowed i« that cirenmftance, ic ought never to be pre. fuinrd, that the Executive would so abruptivf lo puftl'ulvj and so foleinnly, piocecd to t ,; f. claim a f'enle of the raff,, which the oiler party might consider and w (h to lupport l.y difcaflion as its tine and reafbnable import. It." afliedy indeen, in a tone that fiufficienfly difflays the spirit in which th; w iter ton both the Proclamation and the rreat v. " 3d the Executive Hand in need of tl,« hV- gicof a foreign agent to enlighten it aj to the duties or the inteiefts of the nation ;„r Was it botnd to »fk his content to a flep which ap. pciredtn itlelf confident with the former, an< conducive to the latter ? The sense of treaties was to N- learnt the treaties tbtnifelves." Ha<! he coufulted tis Vattel, 4**, iTfk r»v ■>* K' *? 2-i J^:!.-; iV.-t'O.-if &■"■