* foreign Intelligence. BRUSSLLS, June 4. WE were greatly lurprized to fee the ex-general Dumourier arrive here, at the moment: when all the world imagined that '£■ had taken up his refulence for a iong time in the mountains t>f Switzerland : but we learn, that the pacific canton of Zurich, which he had chosen for his retreat, dreading the intrigues of this lubtie politician, begged him to quit that t«rr l itfe of one of tbefe; Izoard, was found a trunk, contain ing about fifty marks of (ilver. An other confpiraior, Huge, was iin - prisoned, and his interrogation be gan to throw considerable ,tiglu on this myfteiious affair, when lie con trived to strangle hiinfelft in the piifon, with the ribbon that tied his hair. Lezard, a municipal rjfficer, on hearing ot the apprebeiifion of Izoard, blew oiit his brains at the fort of Notre Danie de la Guard, where he was stationed as a senti nel over the Bourbon family j ai)d the secretary of rtie Jacobin Club threw himfelf out of a window, and was killed on tbe fpor. We have apprehended several of the conj'pi rators, and have discovered' that the plot extended to the neighbouring villages LONDON, jnlyug. An ofiicial narrative of a late Tally from Mentz; made by th? enchj speaks of the loss 011 both fides, as very severe—The bold dellg.n of the enemy in this expedition: was no less than to destroy thd Pr'jnffian camp, and kill or carry 6fF n Gy ■will have the road clear to Bour deaux. 31 ■ , Julv 7. The report of the defeat of Gaf toti gild the royalilts under his com mand, by the 'republicans com manded by general Biron, is ex ttpmely .improbable. The troops acluaHy engaged in the liege of Valenciennes, amount to iß,joC>. The covering armies under the prince of Cobourg and the duke of York, are about 80,000 more ; a finall army blockades Quefnoi, and about 4000 men are at Cotide. The Pruffiaivs, Dutch, the Englifh'cavalry lalt arrived and the 37tlv regiment, form the. line be tween Valenciennes and Oftend. By a veflel arrived ar Kalmouth,a letter is received from an officer on board the Windsor Cattle, dated with admiral Gell's squadron in Gi braltar Bay, on the 19th ult. which gives an account of theSpanilh fleet being then at anchor there. It Hates, that on the Britilh squadron firlt appearing off theie, the Spa nish admiral, taking them for the enemy, had prepared for action.— Besides the Spanish and Eugliih ships of force, there were 011 the above date ten Portnguefe frigates in the Bay, and it vtfas admiral Cell's intention, as soon as possible, to fail up the Straits, in quest of a French fleet of 25 fail. ihe Flora frigate and the Bull-dog sloop had been .very fortunate, having captured and feiu into the Bay, a French frigate and several merchantmen, some of which arc richly laden. • United-States* CHARLESTON (S. C.) iuguft YESTERDAY arrived the I Thomas, Peyrinaut, in 17 days si Cape-Francois'—ln this veUel ct 100 white paliengers: on her ] I'age Ihe plundered by the N Providence privateer Hoop Susan: Capt. Tucker, on the 30th oh plate and cash to the amount 60,000 crowns j. also thirty five groes-—(lie was then penniued proceed on her voyage. " ' Capt. Peyrinaut spoke with t Biitiih frigates Ihoitly utter he 1 eel ; the Captains of which, lb from availing themselves of thei trefl'ed and d*Tencelef» ftttte of enemy, congratulated them on 1 h happy escape, in terms equally, lite and humane. Such cond will ever dillinguilh the brave w rior and true gentleman from th lawlels plunderers and savage r fians with which the Wett-India f at present abound. The son of the late Count de Gra is amongst the paflengeis arrived the Thouia,. HANOVER (N. H.) Atigttft 26. Last week arrived here, the IV Mr. Ogden, on his return lrom excui fion tq'Quebec, through tl (late ahd Vermont. On Sund lalt he officiated in the new chur in Hartland. By him -yve learn, that great pea and prosperity prevail in thjeneig liorirtg provinces ; that the seal has been fertile, and the harvi will be very valuable, —Emigratio are constant into Upper Canada, a every encouragement given to m of enterprize. The national ger rofity has been extended to the Lt alifts, and large grants of land giv to them. That a mild and exc lefit fyftwo hundrec dollars, anil by the influence ot th' British commanding officer, thi 1 yonih of twelve years of age, ws ) redeemed,* and returned to hi: friejtvds. in Elizabeth- F«>wn> New Jeifey, on his way to his pai ents.