Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, August 24, 1793, Page 514, Image 2

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    IciMkwrf il t<t*6levcf, «hi 4 (b«« we
(VUW UlMfciyii us BirmWiUraaw-.
On the H>:e*r n ar «T
m * di&ilte, bur.
liis rhsutxedltes it y. mod like- tp be)
is l y M<i IliUlWi att
dagfrfytiniVvcr WPth the oajii'c of
'tW<f>oU*&\4 nftliniifit) ft. tie but a ptdujt.
gaflaut people, yet, being
tbe prevail.
V r V>ore iiini the
itj.a.r »>cK' r <>l' a foiiitd Jndfl^ti£ab|£,'£yU
gntt**' *>. t»Jt« .DB#f j :«bat *'
wJlliKfJ. /»Vws, pientii>i*ed .
' t«rm< tikto&hhft oqt.the
. . al-.,
. yourniVicix- [
tiut|v.fp>» Jlit of fforcct .fftufth. I I
-wi j-ijipjiy iliffilay '
pprffcin.*r|)«je ,co>iidn& had »l- j
■Mwtyn tytifjyv<»f*i>W t» the, wel- j
1»« -#'ilijj op«u try, happening tu express bim
fylf «ri*.|p4r)peis modejatk.ii ■
»ot tti'our j
bt«iW:e«. with :♦>•» ufW ♦eberotiu-e, irame (
tirvrwly affajjwl Itiitiwltjr the W»H ds, JW>j<v7, i
. "t- Kn^tJom»u—-t(ii? had {Be deiifed *f-
a -ilop tB hijTok/eT*3ti*'Si *l»d atf; ;
near » miinit« p«oduced cbh '
»> i o»s#e^'.'
fyfiAkk fiJjfS-tm, tM* BafeV '
appear is ynftf>y«>l Jbalt- ttill rfaliV'
to"tpMa'in. fo»—I diCtJfcfm aH yo«r-niuneapihjj
EtislMliinan, iiOT f J'rt»icl«na«t, l»it I am, what
i i>> il■ infinitely beffiliitthCm all, an Ameri
can and a Repabij* an.'' So Otylvg,- be iiiarch
cd off with »n ajr of conscious propriety.
Tin on my frieitils'aittt 'in this miiriner de
tect aJljrpttr en«£ies, tStl, ilvfc' t u( route
prevail, whei)
fi£. ariftocrjtte Ai»cJtt«s dfgovernment aud
•.cVll locieiy Qiall bo eitt»rc]y brotttepi, and (he
•>«ii'iE=h< of tbe Onited $itajrcs enjoy
Rifclits ol' Man. . -. CATjiiINE.,
Foreign Intelligence.
F £ A N C E.
Sitting if Sunday,
A LETTER was read from the
MinHter Claviere, dated the
firft of June, at 8 o'clocb in the
morning—be complains of having
been compelled by reiterated incn.i
e'es to abandon his pod, prays the
Convention to place his pei sou be
neath the fafeguard of the
to cause his i o be examined.
Referred to i lie committee of Public
Safety, with direction to report con
cerning the uiinilter Clavieie.
One of the i>ecretaries read a let
ter fi.oiu the Cominillaries of the
departments of Haute Loire and of
Lozere, united at Saint Cliely ; they
;iiiiiouiice that Marvej>>ls is in the
power of the Itifur.geirts ; that
Mandes is ready to falj ijito their
hands, and that already the blood
us the Patriots had been Ihed. The
Cum mill'ai ies transmitted 10 the
Convention, ah arret which they
bad published for the purpose of
drawing from all quarters succours
O'i niCnj arih's, and ammunition.
> A member afl'ured the Convention
that marvejols was not in pofieilioii
iif the rebels, that the town was in
a condition to make a long refill
&nce, at lealt that it would not be
t pic en by surprize.
*> Couthon—l demand that the Com
nMffarles sent to ibe department of
Lozere, be authorjfed to take all
Cuch mealures as they shall judge
proper, 10 ari elt the progi ess of the
lebellipDi Decreed.
Lanjiiinais—l demand permilfion
lo make a uigtion of ofd«r in refer
ence to wliat partes on every fide of
us, in regnrd to lhe condition in
whicli we are, in relation) to the
gtnerale, ivbich ive contihiuillj bear
beating— (ibe fpeakcr is interrupted
by uinnnurs. ihe Prcfident consults
tjie Afleinbly, and Lanjuinak Iras'
periniiiion to proceed) — I will speak
j(fajd lie) plain but iiiterefling
itruths ; not fucli as will be injuri
ous to liberty, but such as will pro
xiOote the fafety of the Republic ; it
ir notorious, that for three days
pall, you have been deprived of the
power of deliberation, that you have
been improperly influenced from
within and without; and that an
authority which rivals your's, now
lurroutids you with their hirelings.
1 £ [Here began violent clamours,
' with a cry of dwi, tiii4Ji.,.do-wn. j. .
Lanjuinais cdijUMjuei^ —For three
days pait you ha*e witnelied a tlion
\ land irregularities and disorders :
an ambitious power has raffed lifelf
by your fide ; ic has revived the
troubles which it on the fir It day
affected to appeal'e.
Nothing has been rcfpedted, not
even the inviolable feerecy of lec
ters—they have prevented my re
ceiving from the coinuiuue and ten
uous of Rennes, a letter which de
dales that 1 have defervcd well df
my country. [Here Lanjuinais was :
ltoppe'd by murmurs and hootings.]
Drotiei — I affirm that the fatt ad
vanced by Lanjuinais is falfe, and
that the secrecy of letteVs ha*' not
been violated. The Ditec r torof the
poll is piefcnt, let hia» be Wtfard.
Lanjuinais rcfunies bis speech—A
new committee has usurped the func
tions of tlie executive council; many
other committees have in like man
ncr afiumed the placet of theconfti
to;ed authorities. The revolution
ary committees of the fetftions con
tinue 10 exercise the powers which
you have declared not to belong to
liieui. A provisional commandant
has been named contrary, to law ; a
new iiene is in pi epaiation ; you
will wirnefs it in a few hours. On
Ttour-Way 1 predicted what would
take place—prui* this day by my
predictions. Yellerday you were
prcfenied wiih a new lilt of pro
fcciptions; what have you done,
you have referred it to the commit
tee of public fafety—and thereby
annulled the decree which declared
the address presented against 22 of
your colleagues to be calumnious.
[Loud clamours here again inter
rupted Lanjuinais ; Legendre and
fonte other members rufhirig for
ward to the Tribune; the tumult
continues, the Prefiderit put on his
hat; order is reftoi ed with difficul
ty]— Lanjuinais concludes, by-de
manding ihat the revolutionary au
thorities ellablifhed in Paris^' sos"
three days part, should be abolished,
that their aJts fhopld be annulled ; ;
and that henceforth any perfoii who
should ufurpan illegal power,fhould- 5 i
be declared without the protection
of the law, and that any Citizen
might put him to death.
The debate was here interrupted
—the Prelidenc announced a depu
tation from the forty eight seCtions,
and from all the conftiluted autho
rities of Paris, demanding to .be
heard at the bar—admission was in
rtantly decreed, the deputation pre
sented ihemfelves, and he who spoke
f on their behalf, said—
Deputies of the people—during
four days the people of Paris have
not quitted their arms, the peace is
preierved, and their, perleveraiiie
applauded—but the pillars of the
; temple are fliook, the counter-revo
' lutionifts have, dared to ralfe their
' heads, let them however tremble,:
' the thunder is lTeartl, and it w+tt- [
' quickly confound and dettroy ttjern.
The crimes of the fadtiotis member
1 of the National Aflembly arekttown;
1 we conic to denounce them for the
1 last time j instantly dccree that they
arc no longer worthy of the liati
- onal confidence—put them in ar
rest, we will answer it to their de
partments with our heads—The
f iafety of the people is yet-for a md
-1 luent in your hands; pref'erve k ;
e or We declare to you, that we our
e selves will interpof'e. [Loud ap
plauses.] The Aflembly, after con
, i'ultatioii, refers the petition to the
committee of public lafety.
f After coiifulting when the report
i fliould be made, it was ordered to
e be within two days—The deputies
r of the provisional commune after
1 this order withdrew, in the'rnittft
s of reiterated appUufes.
s Cambon—The committee of pub
-4 lie fafery are now aflembled, aiid if
I you will give us half an hour, we
will prefer.t you the measures ne
ceflary to save the Republic.
c Richou, made a motion, for a de
s cree for a provisional arrefi of the
; deputies who had been denounced,
■ in order thereby to prevent Uiemif
-1 fortunes with which they weie
1 threatened—the tumult continues.
' It is demanded that the fitting of the
• " committee of public lafety should
1 be permanent until they report on
the state of Paris.—Decreed. V. V;
Leva(Te til.opens ihe difcullion con
ceriiing .ihe arrcit of the denouueed
Lacroix offers the plan of a decree
neceliary to remedy the evils expe
rienced in the departments of the
inferior Loire—Let the National
Convention recall the Citizen Cou
ftaed, and let tlietn decree rhat those
persons who have been set at liberty
after having been seized as fufpecl
ed, (hould he again confined ontil
)we ar's : able to obtainmove full in
formation: This plan of a decree
-was adopted. Julien,ot 1 ooloufe,
demanded as an amendment that
the comoi jftaries sent into the de
part mferifuf Loire> fliou-ld also be
recalled. Decreed.
Barreire had permiffionto present
meafnres to be adopted for the pub
lic fafety—he proposed to the de
put res who itood denounced, l<>
make a facrifice of their rights to
the public fafety, and to.deposit, for
a time, their powers upon the altar
of their country —You are not igno
rant, said he, addressing himfelf to
them, that your presence interrupts
our deliberations, and flops the la
bors of the Convention—give to
lyour cqnftituents this mark of your
love of your country, and thecoun
try shall be saved. He finally pro
. posed the following decree :
tft. The National Aflembly pro
nounces the suspension of the mem
bers who have been the caufeof ilte
inquietudes of the people.
2d. They shall be under the pro
tection of the department of Varift.
3d. The Convention shall employ
itTelf during their present fitting to
nominate the ininifters to replace
- Bouchoue, Le Brun and Claviere.
Ifnard declared that he ftifpended
hlmfelf, and immediately took his
feat on Che bench of the petitioners
—Santhonax and Dufaulx followed
Ifnard's example—Fauchet, my lite
*is at the disposal of my couiiii^f; I
am willing to offer it as a facrifice.
Barbaioux —I declare that I can'
not suspend myfelf from a power
that is not my own.
Lanjuinais—l have proved thslt I
love my country, I will not now be
lie myfelf—therefore you are hot
to iixpetft tny ■voluntary •
or diiuiifiloii—l can make no facri
fice j we are now in ?he midlt of
bayonets, and before the mouths of
cannon ; the debate is refmned -le
fpedting live project of a decree of
feied by Ban ere; frequent inter
ruptions took place, a tumultuous
debate arose in relation to the arm
ed with which vhe hall was
surrounded, and which hindered:
the deputies the citizens.ofthe
tribunes from palling the thi elhpld
of the door ps a , sudden ail .the
•deputies exclaimed that- fliey were
no longer free !
At leven o'clock the President
>roke up the fining by adjourning
liie project of Bai l ere ; the Aflem
bly immediately rushed ouc in a bo
dy to fraternife with the armed ci
tizens who fitrrounded the national
palace ; after which they ve-entpr
ed their hall—Couthoii, all mem
bers of the Aflembly Ihould poll'els
a confidence that they are free ;• you
have jtill found 011 ail (ides., and at
every step, a people who are good,
but irritated, and desirous of jus
I do not at this time vote in favor
of the decree of acculation againll
the denounced members, but feeing
that the opinion is llrongly maiii
fefted agaiirft them, I demand that
they be put in arrelt in their own
houses; 1 comprehend in my motion
the comiuiilion of twelve, and the
the miniiters Le Bi un and Claviere ;
this propofitioii was adopted.
The members arretted are Verg
niaux, Barbaroux,Salles, Genfonne,
Guadet, Petion, Brifl'ot., Chain lion,
Buzot, Biroteau, Liduu, Lafource,
Goifas, Lanjuinais, Grangoneuve,
Lehatdy du M.oii>ihm, Lefage, Lou
yet, Valaze, ilie members of ilie
coniniiflion of twelve, excepting
tliofe who did not sign certain or
ders of arrest, and the niinifteis
Claviere and Le Bruii are also ar
'J he lilting adjourned at ten
. r. ..
United States.
1 1
R J C H M O X D # Aufluft tj.
The following quetfciori is proposed tor dtf
coflion at the next meeting ol a certain facieiy —■
WHETHER the late Proclamml on n i on,,
mending to the citizens a ftnet ncuirjinr, oculs
:o prodncc Goad or LviliWln other wrri'ds—-
Whether depriving jfpru JCw aery wurut Piilnj s
of the choice of filling 4-ii< «r uuili.s't»v 4/t Matter
ing, and some o'hers ot tilling high Unions in
the line and stats, cad be conjpenf./ied By iavinj
two or thiee millions of peaceable citizens from
rhe blood (hed, loifcs, and dii&fcifc*, wh«clv «
ftaie of war will certainly feting r>o tin ®
O, the gloi ious. 11 inr s ofc caul a/ton, march ing,.
coudter-marching, imputing and drafting ;
When Negto p»ope»ty irr particular, wnl be
si ioiecuie that thole who arc wuimui inay have
Negroes for a long.
The Captains of the three Independent Coin,
oames of Hotfe, Gtenadicrs and Light-Infantry
of this city, reqneft Mr. Pleafants, editor of the
Richmond and Manchester Advertiser, 10 con- •
tradi& a paragraph in hit paper of Mouday Uft,
viz. (thai their Independent Companies paraded
on Satu'day the 10th of August, to celebrate
that day) They never did, nor never intend to .
celebrate the bloody massacre of tnoufands of
their fellow-creatures. _ r
JOHN WILSON, Capt. Grm?dicrs. '
WM. RICHARDSON 1 , Capt. Inf. *
WM. AUSTIN, Lieut.Lt. Dr-g.-
Richinond % Angujl 14, 1793-
GEORGE-TOWN, Angnft 17.
By a census of the inhabitants of the City
of Walhington, taken on the 12th inft. it ap
pears, that the number exceeds 820, and that
for the last fix months, there has not the death
of either man or:woman taken place in the
city ; it is to be observed, that or the above
number a great proportion are artists in the
different branches of building, and from di&
fererrt parts of America and Europe, the cli
mate agrees with their confti tut ions, and they
enjoy in this city equal if not fttperior health,
to what they have experienced in any part of
the Continent.
Signed in behalf of the ihhabitants of the •
City of and at their request. fta*
Augujl 12,1793.
James Hob an,
TRENTON, Augufl 21.
The direQors of the Societv for tftablifhing
ufeful Manufactures, have rfrfufved to Cfe& a
Lottery for raising 100, coo dollars, agreeably to
an a& of the Legiflaturt of the State of Ndw-
Jti fey. It is expected all the tickets will soon
be fold, as the plan appears to be the best and
mod eligible for the purchasers of tickets, of
any which has been offered to the public for a
Irtng time. There are but one and a quarter
blanks to one prize, and every afiuranee and
precaution has been taken to have monies
paid by the managers from time to time as re.
ccivcdy into the banks at New-York and Phila
delphia, to lemaiu therefor the purpose of pay-'
lug the prizes, which arc to be
discharged alter the lottery is drawn, by a
check Upon one of the banks. There are three
clalfcs—-the firft prize in the firit class is 5000
dollars ; ditto in the second class is 9000 dollars.;
ditto in the third class is 16,009 dollars.
Ihe direfciors Of ihc society have appointed
the following peifons as fuperinten'dants and
dirc&ors of the drawing of the loUery, viz/—
Nicholas Low, Rtrtui King, Herman Hoy,
James Watson, Richard Harrifon, Anjjah Haui.-
mohd and Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-'
York—-Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Nfauhew'
M'Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city o&/
Philadelphia—-Kltav Boudioot,- James
John Bayard, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua
Wallace, joseph Bloomfield and Llilba Boudi
not, of New-Jersey.—-John N. Cumming, of
Newark, Jacob R.Hardcnbergh, qf N ew-BrunU
Richard Wells, of Glouccfler, are ap
pointed by the fuperiuiendanta as
managers, who luve jpvpi bonds *-ach in 4P,©qo/
dollars, wnh fquc fulficicnt fecurit-res, for dif--
charging "with fidelity and punctuality the trull
repolcd in them.
NEW-YORK, Aug. 22.
New.York, ,13th Aug.. 1753.; •
2d Year of the Republic. K ,
Citizen GENET, Minifler Plenipotentiary from flic
French. Republic to General WASHINGTOX y
President of the United States :
I N'T rust go in this part of. the world with,
the interetts and right* of the French people, <>*
you arc'with those of the citizens of
I have sworn to my country, and imputed it ds
a (acred duty on myfelf never to permit private
confederations or other motives foreign from
the general weal to impede me in what I
ceived the line of duty. Myconduft has accord
ingly been marked with all the energy and
franknefs which ever c) ara&erize a true repub
lican. Toyoualoue, through the Secretary of
State, have I complained of tire piincipJes yon
have adopted, and remonstrated agaiuft deci
fioju which ; have ieftrlt£<i therefrom. To you
alone have I declared that the Federal govern
ment, far from manife&ng any regard tor our
generous conduct towaid*. this country—for the
ne*v advantages which we were offering to her
comm?rcc~—or for the re iterated demonstrations
of our real and difiuterefted frientitfiip, were
facrificing our inteiefU to those of our enc/nies,
by their interpretation of the treaties which ex
ilt between us. To you have I reprefeiued
without rcferve that this conduct did; not ap
pear to correspond with the views of the peo
ple of America, with their defrre to observe
with fidelity their public engagements or
their affectionate regaid for thccaule
upon which very t xiftence and
depend. Certain decisions of voui tribunals
and ve'rd i£U of your juries, pride d to the fpntU
mcots of yom Uilow-ciuicus publicly txprtlf