him free lo exercise, vttfctn tfce (iinTul s rectjirtiesiiy". "* I In tfftimony wlicrcoi, I t»a»e" c£i(t& AW Te the etiy Ph3»- drlphia, the iWellth day of tuly, in ih'•>£ princess at Lifbpn, dauglner eflhe Prinrt o(• Brazil. She was baptitoed b/#4 nantej, thS firft two Maria TheTtefa. "Vbe tereniohy wi■? performed mvitK'a jng of water, up for that pur. polo, last January, from the river Jordan, in Asia. AUTHENTIC M PRC A STILE INFORMATION. It has been laid, that the last arrivals from prance make no mention of a decree of the National Convention relative to goodsbelong inq; o their enemies, Sound on bourd neutral velTi U. From the ti,ror,;q*e ue Par>s % how ever, a very respectable* paper, edited by tw* members of the Convention, we translate th< ©Mowing ariicie. Gen. Adv. government appear defiroo of treating as wildbeafts, who'ari to be Srouglit to fu'nnit thro' hunger o»il», for they have order ol neutral veiTels, loaded with prorlfions for out port*, to be ftopt: If e«r,Tfrj»rif4js A»«rrai»tfSj lr is t!;t »ccesiriek ut life are 8» ' The | Con««rnTM>» has dccrefed tfcis dny, Tli«t#fay, Mwfife viMMUrtiwMfMt -•♦Marine, thaft*tbe tf-Wfif'Silj*' j>rTjr»t«srs may stop and fend into '(ke all vefll-li Wftrtt- Tides# in thfe •< r.i Extra# v} a Idler jfr&' a {A&iqT'm (Spain) to kiy ttrrifpciWik ig#m, o**4 ' < i- •■ i 44 The scat citv of wheat hjL& beo< To great here this foiae time pail, rhat we riay jufliy fay we are bordering on a famine, in confe duezjee of the few at rivals from abroad, which nas obliged us to mix a porttofl of Bariey, Bi ans* Indian Corn, &rc. wltt! our breacfV to* make ,the little exiftencies of wheat go as far a? porfible; and even this fabftitute, we fear, would have been ere now etui a ufted had we rot fortunately the arrival of some cargoes from different quarters 1 . 41 A parcel of flour and wheat lias obtaifli ed here the exhorbitant pi ice of 110 per qr. for tlx?-wheat, and 20 1-2 [current dollars*,] - per barrel for the flour, free of all charges, and ready money. We think these prices will be maintained until harvest, that pro mise? preuy well, in consequence of tire re frefhing ihnwers lately experienced, and even after, they wjll.be supported very high, for in years of the greatest abundance, the crops ne ver fuflice for more than about three .or four months consumption, which is materially in created, as we have to supply a large* army in France, that is entirely dependant 011 us tor succours, and from what quarter we are to look to for such fupplie3, we know not." * A dollar currency in Spain is in vaUe about E\trac7 of u letterfrom Bojlon, July 13. I 4 Fallen man !" he paots for. liberty, and yet perseveres in destroying freedom. But I have the Conization to belie that a vast majority of the people are more pleased with our government, than the people of any other nation in the worldwith theirs—and the puff ing and spattering in fomtf abandoned papers, is the work of very few. Two or three scribblers in a State can ke>°p up the dust, and make some folks believe they are numerous. A re cent matter here will g'tve food for the Honi :*• A suit is militated agatinft this State., as you will fee by the papers, and Qur wife. Governor, ever fiaunch irt defending his sovereignty p r *s away, and all his fetters will join in the cr>— Tirtie only can reveal the confeqliences>—- I am a believer in Judge Jay's lawdo&rine : but w'uether there is enough of the true re publican spirit and principle in our country to ftipport a true republic, time only can de termine. Our great profeffed doflrine is, 44 a government of laws, and not of Ac cording to this principle (which is the life and foulof republican government) not only States, but the Nation, ought to be suable ; and as the Natjoci appeals to the Jaws to recover its due from individual citizens, citizens have au equal right to appeal to the law foi justice— otherwise the government is riot a govern ment of laws, but a government of men. I was at ftrlt sorry the a&ion v, as brought for ward so soon, in the cafe of Georgia, but per haps it is best to bring us to the touchstone now, and fee whether we have virtue and repubjicaniim fufficient tp maintain our go vernment * It will try our democrats, who talk so ioud and so much about their republi canism 44 Ynu query as to our reprefentntives—-I corjecere and most Bearty wishes for its com plete and perfect eflib'ifhment, are debeii Uv'iitu To'tt 499 FOR THE GAZETTE. The CHATTER of ABSURDITIES. IN those a {pint of ablurdity shall tlie people ihall fay one tiling, and (vote' Who dub thcmfeives the organs of fbe peo ple, (hail-fay another—and ihe voice of the peo • pit; fliafi not from their own mouths, , or from, that of their elected fubltitute*—but in 'the.lying oracle* of the kciei (kit iking prophet? of the fatlfe gods, wlwtm neither the people nor their fathers worshipped. The people ol the raft, and the we(f, the north, and the froth, • lh*n fa,y .there ic peace—and neutrality ihali be (he counterfi^n—but the sons ol rapine and plun -4r of anarchy, coolufionand every evil woik, i the couhcerfign, and foal: sub ; Ait ute.in lieu thereof a (hibboieih, called Craft tiicfce, of which they know neither the foiee or meaping, having never felt tb. imprclHon there of. And in thole clays the people (hall be ail in all; and yfei the doings of the people (hall be rcfiled and>idtculed oy then pretended friends ; and the rights of de&ioa lhall be contended lot, and the men whom the people hwcjreely defied, ' (hall be traduced and ftigmat ted as a band of pickpockets and rogues; and yci the infallibi lity of the people (hail be let up, as Ntbuchad- Jet up a great image, lor all nation?, tongues artdl people, to fall down dud woilhip. And 1 this great image (hall deliver oracles, and lark and light faying.*, yea windy out Of a hollow cavity, even from the belly of the fame—albeit, but one voice only (hall be heard,, and that alone (hall be infallible, tho' it often (peak in an unknown tongue. And there (hall br a Babellous jargon- of languages in ihofe days; afid ih« enemies ol peace (hall lay they arc the ffiejids of order, while they rail against law and government; and they (hall call themfelvcs the fupportrrs ot union among the tribes, while they exert their power to bicak the links Of the chain /f»l harmony. . They (hjill alio malign the Con stitution, the palladium ol Liberty, anO yet pie •/. icj be (ticklers lor principles, without an at tachment to men. They shall, in ihofc days, make mccfTant eftort* to destroy the confid nee of the people in the.work ol iheir own hands, if by »Jiy means «hey may induce them to under mine the foundations of Liberty, Law, and G9. ionmatti, laid by their belt and molt experi enced workmen ; and all this they lhall do un der the plaulible pretext of being iiiends to the inteiefi of the people. Yea, they (hall openly propole to the people, that they return to a (and* tope union—and a confederation of heads so dilproportioned to each othei, that they appear wheij arranged, like pins'head?, and billiard balls. And 10, in thok days thne (hall be a fountain opened, and a putrid Itream (hall issue thereltom ; and wholoever (hall drink thereof, (hall have a wouderlul change wrought in his Vifdal faculty ; for albeit, before he had imbibed the poisonous draught, the Columbian world exhibited Nature in her molt beautiful auire, Ind the musical founds ol peace, plenty, and freedom, vibrated in dulcet nous on his ears ; from henceforward, nothing but a barren «> fait, is presented to his imagination, and all ifhe hell of flavciy and difticfe haunts his pcr » teiwty I and yei, ftiauge to tell, until this ? scene fj. teaiized, such will be the (ing-song of the day, that all the vigilance of real patriotism will be neceflary to lecure the solid bleftings (njoyed. -And moreover there shall be a molt wonderful sympathy between congenial fouls more than 3000 miles asunder—and Euro pean politics shall no longer be reprobated as the bane of Columbia—and the vifiou of political Empirics (hall run iu parallel linest-and the piofp«£b of rnarchy and confufion Ihsll be painted in the fame colouit iri both hemispheres, and this (hail turn the monilcr 61 European po litics into a bugbear, yea into a philolophical blending of the equality and liberty of both woildj. And the United Slates ol Columbia (hall depend on God and their own llrengih, until the Dt ity is no longer recognized, and then the independence, freedom and exigence at Columbia'thall depend on The partisans of that insubordination at id licence which is the liberty of vice,thole who ar* the mrjl (lamo'oiij, illiberal, fr.J impudent, iq tlbe caule at what they falieiy (all republi- ere not, it is faiily prelumable, the (rut men, who, in the moment of public adver iity, d : ftrej> and terror, would be the last to quit the post of true patiiotifm—cne post of difficulty, duty, danger, glory. , Thf'Ol'fcU 1N I JPI «IT Of REPUBLICANISM is ill I'iMftlATK and EQUITABLE in CoUN «i l, as i.eak less and t«rki*i.e in tie moment 6] rej'JiJite ACTION. Serene, deliberate, col jjtttc, humane, true patriotism rtjei mag. nani*oujly to the regretted, although refuijite, combat ; and, sublimely vi rclding iht potent fwotd of tqutly, fmitci the power ol defpolifm, and commai.dt locial order anil repose. United America, hiving patted ihrough the revolutionary confix, now enjoys the smiling i adianci <»f Heaven ; while the deep-charged temped inverts the old world. Turning from the or ient Eden in thi west, a far ditte rr nt profpift demands attention j For (ernes like \a hat »he Ameitcan citizens have witneflcd, may Kf* R EA Ll2 ED OVER A WHOLE CONTINENT. \ And. idea «n view, ihe eye c^phiJofo , now rtgfrty fix on Europe f Extend the vuw yet further ! Contemplate th EXPANSIVE ENERGY OF PR I NtC IVJ, ES , and eyt the UniveHt! Thin eftimasc the couifc. of events, *nd consider what the piofpcft porten«t«! *fhr allocating of the champions of liberty, agjinft rheconfpirating fui>p'»riers of despotism, the £ff*mbhng of their rclpc&ive power?, in va rious quaiicr# of the globi, the conflicts of their numerous forces— iow ft ke the tnind, as ap- CONVULSION'S OF THE WORLD* And a GENER AL EARTHQUAKE, undoubt ed! v # mult OVERTHROW THE COLOSSI'S OF DESPOTISM. 0 For THIS CONVULSIVE CATASTROPHE, THE WORLD HAS BEEN PREPARINC FOK centuries. T I form an eft! mat r of the iub ji4i, open a broad eye on the IJnivctfe. 4od view •its ptogrefliye revolution! EXTRACTS. SiniMr it h-.u heer moittJify'afiwetcA fey th» a#ui-pa£ific junto, tiiat the I'refluent of tne United States tie IcntttttfHtt.* the peopltfin the ftocttota'atfen i*t'Noutralit|-. It most pteafwi W every Wai lepupfl can to find, tb«r rtttre is a>atr piolpsu of atV unequivocal rfecifion of th» gee&iOft. Metft iftgs Have been Biw in many of tbt tiowas an<) iflf of Wbit?l», tw r osCnfti Ifaat *W fair or of tiifc Priitternationi (J)hhSr,rtgi( <»*£ a g»«it- ihßny ji-'acei, »■<:<{ ffrere u n&ibiAt W- teii-SdjfJ a»in tc thro'the'Union. . * ' QlfF.RliS-! Bf'p CsrrtSpenM.l / *" - - — —- Whether tiie power of railing or levying soldiers or failoi s in any country, is not ap ; pfropriate to tbe-foverevpjiityof such coiwtcy • If two Juch powers are or may be exereifctl at one and the fame time in any partxular Country, i* nor the Government ofiuch ce, Americans) to fervke on hoard the French frigate";, blameable, and pernicious, being attended by the (lime definitive confequcnces ? The following is the artirje referred to in ike above Que} id. u By this verdict, which, ajccoiding to the charge of the court, includes a d£c;fipu on the law as Well as the JaLf?j, tt is now eftahiifhed, that a citizcn of the United States may law lull/ enter on board a French privateer; and, it i* prefumabJe,that no other prolecution,for t)i«;- fame cause, can be sustained—as it would be contrary to the principles of impartial juliice, that any man ftiould, in future, be convicted and puniihed, for doing ichai iu Gideon Henfteld was no crime, and incurred »*>penalty." Nat. Gap. To the Editor o/ M; Na t;onal Gazette. PHILIP, between youjand I, They've made you believe a lie ; The author of not John Fenno— lufiiu U an Artifl — Fftil, And tho* yov (wear yas you a.-?//, With his most matter ly quill, Juflice is done to the Poet Phi Frereau. ARRIVEDtfMAe PORTgj PHILADEI.PHf A. Sch'ir. M»ru, Pe»plei,° N. Providence ams Si. Amcrica, Wfiifeinjton, Cjpe Frjucots Sloojl'Mnrniag Star, Wild«ri, Virgjiifa Lark, Burrow*, St. Mariin» Nantucket, July 23. Arrived here the following velTels ftoin a whaling cruise, on the coalt of Brazil—Ship Columbia, Joseph Bcnnet, 900 barrels whale oil ; brig Leo, William Ciifby, 55 > barrel ;; brig Amazon, D. Giles, 65} ; &ip Columbia, Philip Foldick, 700 barrels. INFORMATION FOR NAVIGATORS. LlT'l LF. F.Ci, HARBOR. When you arc in the lat. 39> 3'i N. and wilh to proceed into Little Egg Harbour, run in for the land till you discover two beacont on or near the extreme point of the N. lleach, bringing them in one line they will beaf W. N. W. from you. Run in that direflion till you paCs the south break-head, which lies on the larboard hand. You will then discover two beacons on Tucker's beach, bearing S. W. by S. at the fame time Tinker's hou!« will bear S. W. By (leering in this direction, you will carry in ia f.et water over a middle ground, which lies on the (larboard har.d. But in order to keep the heft water, you mud haul dole in with the foutli breaker, as there is no danger within half a cable's length, where you will carry t'rom 16 to 18 (eet wa* ter, and regular foundings on the starboard hand, with fuflicient room to work a topiall veflel, that does not exceed 12 feet, but with a leading wind you ruay run in with a draught of 14 or 15 feet with fafety. When you are up with Tucker's beach W. N. \V. is your courle to the Fox Burrs, or Weft-Ms (h, which you may lay along fide of with inlety, in )6 feet wafer. This hnrbor is very con venient in the winter seas.m, being free from ice, and feyeral other obftacies. The beacons 011 thf north beach are two spars, 4J feet in length, and a sixty gallon calk haif way up ; and a ten gallon calk off top, each painted black, the" pars are white. Those on Tucker's beach are spars painted white and red, with a plank halfway up, in a horizontal direction, ai d blatk. These bea cons are perceivable at fix. or eight miles dil- (Signed) ?*«{«fiP*" ». of ■ th* Vigilant Cutter. -Davio M/ihius, firft b«nf h Pilot f>>t New.YorJt. PRICE Of STOCKS 6 per Ctr.ti, ) 7 9 3 per C-nt», 9,9 Deferred, ICM7 Fall fharet Biok 0. 5. 3 pri ccui. t/t