N£*VA» * {V. J.) July 24. ixfra-V jrffpt the f ''los '' ' PAltil'jlli. M IE / Y . / ifie. t v - . 0) A iw. tk, f r f ram Mug oujtuioj J\o/il L r t"'vy. jsy i3j ».;tj3 ...j-aAWECIAfc*WiMWr«IG.;- tl«s t*•. .. '-the Rsv.Dt. Macwfi«i»rff ( - the n, \V ill'.ant PsartreftSffiitl;,', Efij. «ml } above pujWe. ;. ' ' Mr- Boudinut fwai for promoting Ufi'tui Pi&iuiTatfUi<*©*', laid the following report brt'ore .1 . . TiAit fbi SWuv.iker* in jtlje t.nvu iftiewi. 5 a-k haveiUlbdatt4f^^jii^^ l V d 'W*™- fciyey.uo * aMd 1 gh»ofllWr the fate 'V frdMrriftive & *fc*«Wil«tiM|jicli,' ; iittfcoenii d«(lroy it if remedied.[f*ti4 Shoenixikerj wifc the rd of this Soc.ifty ti» give efficient jftothtir m4afure» Wlat ai in ay : be in ifj ptpcr. —Your committee thefdfctc ; fubmir the following refoiutioiis. 1. RifolviJ, That this Society will life their Utjnoil endeavors to aid and ailill the aJTocia -1:011 of Shoeinikei s in the town of Newark. 2. RiMvcd, That it be recommended to the said aflociation, not to difpft r e of any men's (hoes of tl« value of fx Ihillingi and upwards, nqr of any women"! Ihoes of the value oi five (hillings and upward :, unless the fame are in. fpcfied by the committee to be appointed for 3. Rcf.'vtJ, That the e bs annually chosen >y this Society a committee to infpeft and tamp the (hoes offered for laic and made in Newark. And that Stephen Hays and Joleph Cafe be the committee for the prefcnt enluing year, who (hall take and lubfcribe an oath for the faithful performance of their trust, which lhall be Sled with the secretary of this Society. 4. Iljolvtd, That the laid committee be di rected to forjn some mode or device for flump ing or marking the ihoes by them inspected, so an to prevent impoiition on pu chafers ■broad. And that the said Committee (lamp no men's Ihoes oi neats leather under tlie va lue of fix {hillings New-York currency, nor no women's shoes of said leather under the value of live (hillings said currency £ nor (lamp any calf or goat ikinflioes under the value ot one dollar. 5. R folvcd, That the sum of one farthing be allowed to the la d committee for each pair of Ihoes they fliall infpeft. 6. Refohcd, That this Soc ; ety will take measures to have thel'e resolutions made known in the diftirent pans of the continent that trade in our Ihoes. \Thich report was read and adopted. * # * The f: vera I Printers throughout the Units Spates, who are jriend» tu the promotion oj Domejlic M:rtrnjaftu r es. are raqiejied to injert the Joteg oing report and refolution> in their rejOtilive papers. To the Public. Editor of the Gazette cf the United States, propofus publishing the Paper, under that Title, every Evening, Sunday's excepted. To render it interesting as a Daily Publi cation, it ihall contain foreign and domestic, cofhijiercial and political Intelligence Ef- fays and.ptTffcrV&tiotoV'toM) "smtf general :— Maritime j formation .I—prjeev Current of Merchandise and the Public Funds. Also a fu.ijmary of tfie proceedings of'Congrefs, and of ithe Legislature of this Slat* :—with a of Congreflionai Dehat.es, &c. Advertizing favors will be gratefully re ceiveci. TERMS To be printed on paper of the demy size ; but a larger size (hall be fubfttuted in Decem- ber next. The price Six Dollars per Annum, to be paid half Yearly. "When a fufiicient nurriber of Subscribers is obtained, the Publication lhaJl commence. tn the interim, the Gazette will be publilh ed twice as usual.—Subscriptions are refpeftfully solicited by the Public's humble feryant, JOHN F E N N O. (£3* are rci erred at the City Tavern, South Second S/ieet —by Mr. lhbfyn % ai the Stot.c Houjc—by other ptrjons who are i/» pajjrjjion ofjub- Jir'ptian paper s, and b\ the Ldittir ut. his Loujt, No. 34, North Fjth-Strect. Philadelphia, July, 17^3, INSURANCE COMPANY Pll! L AL»i.L I HI A. ]ll!y ill, Xjs%. VTOTICt is I neby given fo,ti)C trui«L». Ik (K L \ t)f 1.-fu «on t- Com |/r>'i»y ol .\'<»ijh Arirrt that «V Dii'£{»*»Jt?vi: '.l-.'c!iuv! a ci'v.dtnd .Uo mu da> )o! hx per iceni an trie a mourn of iiic si.d .nllalo-s. in fix months. For India and China rifques, in 12 months. For rifqius by the year, in eight months. For rifques for fix months, in fonr months. And for lifquti for any teller time, 111 three months. 4th, Loflts will be paid in tev days after proof ai d adjustment ; but if the note given for the premium shall not have become due within that time, the amount of it (hall, nevertheless, be de ducted from the loss to be paid. The Insurance Company of North-America hereby give notice to all whom u may concern, that, agreeably to the above rules, they arc ready to receive all orders for insurance, which may be addressed to them, accompanied with direc tions to some refponfir>le house in Philadelphia for the payment of the premiums within the time limited. In cafe the rifques offered faall be approved, the insurance iliall b_ immediately eftc £ted ; other wife notice lhall be given, either by aniwer to the perfoh applying, or to his agent, in Phila delphia, as may be ordered. By order of the Dirr&ors, EBENEZER HAZARD, Sec'ry. 4 w J u| y a Albany Glafs-Houfe. The Proprietors of the Glafs-Mmufaetory, under the Firm of M'CLALLEN, MCGREGOR md Co. BEG leave to inform the public, that they have now biought their WINDOW-GLASS to fuchperfe&ion, as will. be (ound, on companfon, to be equal, in quality, to the bril London Crown GlafV. Having fixed their pi ires at a lower rate than imported Glufs, they are induced to believe, that importations of this article will be difcontinucd, in proportion as their works are cxienoed,— They ptopofe to enlarge the scale of this busi ness, and as the success of it will depend on the patriotic support of the public, they beg leave to solicit thfir friendly pationage in the pursuit of a branch which will interest every lover of AMERICAN Manufactures., All orders tor W1 ndow-G 1. ass, of any size, will be received at the Store of Rhodes and Ma-cGregor, No. 234, Queen-lbtet, New- York, and at the 'Gfiats Wa r ehoule, No. 48, Market-dreet, Albany, which will be pun&uatly attended to. {pT WANTED, fix smart ast ive LADS, not exceeding 16 vtarsof age, to be indented as Apprentices, and regularly inftrtr£ted in the various branches of Glafs-M^king. Alfa, three Window-Glass Mdker*, to whom great encouragement will be given. Hay t, 1793 GENERAL POST-OFFICE, Philadelphia, May 27, I 793. 500 Dollars Reward. WHEREAS a ccrtaiu THOMAS SLO£S GANTT, has lately made his escape from Baltimore County Gaol, to which he was committed under a charge of having lobbed the E.iftern Miil, on the 28th day of January last J Notice is hereby given, that a re ward of five hundred dollars will be paid at this Office, to any perlon or perlons who (hall apprehend the said Thonas Sfoji Gantt, and deliver him into the cuitodyot the keeper of the (aid Gaol, or into the cuflody of either of the Maifhals within the United States, so that the said Thomas SJofs Gantt may be effectually feeured, and forth coming to anl wer the above mentioned chaige. TIMOTHY PICKERING, Pojl-Majler General. The following is a description oP the above named 1 homas Sloss Gantt : He is about fix feet high, strait and well made, has light co loured hair, tied behind, fair complexion and has a down look when spoken to. Madame Doutte, wife of M. Doutte, an inhabitant du quartier de Vallieres, loft her HuC band in the diUfters of the Cape on the 20th June last. She is ignorant of his fate—She re c]ue(ls that those who may have it in thrir power to give her any iniur tn •« lol.ows : 44 I believe che American Museum has met with exteniive s I may fay, with universal ap probation fiom competent judges ; for 1 am of opinion, that the woik is not only en>inenfly calculated o diflrm'rnate political, agricultural, philosophical, and tnh r valuable t r foi rranon ; h> rhai it h.ts hern unjorm/y conduced uith toflty 1 rut ion, and propriety. It to thete important fbjr&p be fupeittldcd the more immediate de- of rcSi uing public documents from obli vion—l will venture to pronounce, as my sen timent, a more useful literary PL At.' HAS NEVER BEEN UNDERTAKEN IN AMERICA, or one MORE, deserving of pub- LIC ENCOURAGEMENT." I.rU-5. By THOMAS JOUNMN, DAVID STUART,k DANIEL CARROLL, Efquira, Com mission e r s appointed by Government to prepare the Public Buildings, See. within the City of H'dJhington t tor the reception ot Con gress, and tor iheir permanent rcfidence after the year 1800 — A LOTTERY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE Federal City. rO,OOO Tickers at 7 dollars, are 350,000 dollars. LIST OF PRIZES, viz. 1 Superb Hotel, with baths,? 1 our houles, &c.&c. to coli J 1 Cash Prize 25.000 1 ditto 20,000 1 ditto 15. cOO 1 ditto 10,000 2 ditto 5.000 are 10 ditto 1,000 20 ditto 500 100 ditto 100 2<>o ditto 50 400 ditto 25 i,OOO ditto 20 15,000 ditto 10 i5,'737 P"iW"' ' 50,060 By this scheme at.leajl the amount of the tick ets will reiurti 10 the toriunace adventurers, and yft the federal City will gain its objett theieby, ina magnificent building deftgned both tor pub- Jit and private convenience. Although Tome ex pence mill necessarily at teid the conducing of the lottery, (which ex pencc will be taken from the principal prize) the CAainitHioners having agreed to prtfent in -re turn a fufficient quantity of excellent free-done, together with the best adapted lots for the hotel and tor the out-houfes, the value of the lottery entire may be fairly rated at something more than par: In this important inilance it will be found, on examination, to exceed all the lotteries that have ever been offered to the Public in this or perhaps in any other countiy. The keys 6f the Hotel, when compleat, will be delivered to the fortunate pofTrllor of the ticket drawn aagainft its number.—All the other prizes will be paid, without deduftien,in one month after the drawing, by the City at Wafliington, or at such Banks as may be hereafter announced, for the conveniency of the fortunate adventurers. The drawing will commence on Monday the 6th of Septcmbei next, at the City of Walhing ton. Tickets may be had of Col. Wm. Dickens, City Treafurrr ot Washington ; Thayer & Bari of Charleston, South-Caiolina ; Gideon Denijon, Sa vannah ; Me firs. James Weji£3 Co. Baltimore ; Mr. Peter Gi/man, Bolton; and at such other places as will be herealter published. N. B. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will fce given for the Plan of an elegant and con venient HOTEL or INN, with hot and cold Baths, Stables, and other out houses* if prefente4 on or before the toth oj April next; and a pre ference will be given to the Artist for a Con tract, provided he be duly qualified to com pleat his plan. The ground on which the Hotel and out houses are to be ereCted, will. be a corner lot of about 90 by 200 feet, with a back avenue to the (tables, &c. SeCtions and cftiinates of the expense will be expelled with the elevations, See. compleat. ; and 50,000 dollars mutt be regarded by the Architect as the utmost limit in the expense intended lor this purpose. S. BLODGET, Agent for the affairs of the City. March, 61793. epi2w Hercule De Sercey, /Voi* Leogatu, Ijlavd of St Domhgo, ■ MAKES anil (elisall foils of Mugs, Jacks, Porringers, Cu>ps< Stew.Pans, Lamps, tc.B. in Tin, plain or japanned—He also meuds old lin work. As he work's cheap, he hopes tor the pubHc rncouragcmeiH, , ' No. 23, Raocftreet, oew Front-ftreei. ' June 11. HERCULE DE SERCEY, DE Lcogane, Isle de St. Doimnque, tiavaille en ler Blanc, de toute. forte de manieres a coinmaude et a bon marcht. A Philadclphle, ce 2 2 J aiit, r 793. No. 23, Rac«-ltreet,-pres Froni-ftreet. (CF THE Post-Masters and other persons who may col!e& Snbfcription* for the Gazelle oj the United Stoles. on the terms propoied in the address published in our last, are requeued to forward their orders for the panels by the firft nf November next Philadelphia, Au'vji 3. TRRiSUJIY Dh?.\ II [MI NT, June a 6. i 79j \f Ol th« rctvy g»v, ,1, lild! v% it i_ i»c jvt.l at tjw On'.Ci.- o* the ScCfi ttoiy fcf cita I c«nih day ol & jj. it iim>i r iiixi ujeliiii«/rurgh,Yo» k-town&Carliflej 9 . Ai any place or place* from Pitilburgh to the rmni!h of Big Beavfrr Creak, and at the mouth ol li'g Heaver Cre«k. 3. At any place or places from the said mouth tq 1 lie upper falUofthc laid Big Beaver, and at the uppei falls. 4/ Ac any place Or places si om i'«,e hid upper falls to M.inonmg, and at Mahoning. 5. A' any pl-ce or places from the (aid Ma houtng over 10 the Hcatd Navigation of the river Cayahoga, and at the said Head Nav gattou, 6. At any place or plans from the said Head Navigation to the mouth of the said nverC4y*« hoga, and at the said month. 7. Ai any place or places betwixt the month of fhr Big Beaver Creek, 10 the mouih of the riv r aud up the said river to the Tufcarowas, and at the Tufcarowa*, and thence over to the Ca> ahoga river, and thence down the said river to its mouth. 8. At any place or places betwixt the mouth ol the rivet Mufkingum and the mouth of the Scioto river, aud at ii»e mouth of the said river Scioto. 9 At any place or places betwixt the mouth of Scioto rivei & the mouth of the Grrat Miami, at the month ot the Great Miami, and from thence lo the rapids or ihc (alls ot the Ohio,and at the said rapid*. 10. At any i>lace or placet betwixt the mouth of ihe Great Miami, up the said Miami to aui at Pique Town. 11. Ai any place or places from Fort Wald ington t(vJort-HjmUtQc, and »> Fart Hamilton. At any place or places from Fort Hamilton to Fort St. Clair, and at Fort St. Clair. 1 2. At any place or places from Fort St. Clair to Fort Jcfferfon. and at Fort Jcfferfon. 13. At any place or places from Fort Jcfferfon to the field of a6l ion of the 4 hot November, 1791, and at the said field oi a&ioo. 10,000 lO,OCO 10,000 10.000 10,000 10, coo 20,020 150,000 14. At any place or places from the said field, of art ion to the Miami VMiagcs, and at the Miami Villages. / 15. At any place or places from the said Mf ami Villages to the falls of the Miami river, which empties into Lake £rie, and at the said falls, and from thence to ivs mouth, and at its mouth. Dollars 350,000 16. At any place or places from the mouth of the said Miami river of Lake Lne to Sandufky Lake, and at Sandufky Lake. ' 1 7. At any place or places from the said San dufkv Lake, to the mouth ot the river Cayahoga. 18. At any or places from the mouth of the said river jfl c am j aC Prcfque I fie. 19 At any place or placcs from Prcfque IHc to the stream running into Lake Erie from to wards the Jadaghque Lake, and thence over to and at thelaid JadagTiquc Lake,and thence dew* the Alleghany river to Fort Franklin. 20. A? any place or places from Prefque Ifl« to Le Beuf, aud at Le Bcuf, 21. At any place or places from Le Beuf to Fort Franklin, and at Fort Fianklin, and from thence to Pittfburgh -22. At any place or places from the rapids of the Ohio to the mouth of thr Wabafh river, and from the mouth of the said Wabafh river to the mouth of the river Ohio. 23 At any place or places on the East fide of the river Mifliflippi, from the mouth of the Ohio river, to the mouth o{ the Illinois river. 24. At any place or plarts from the mouth of the fa d Wabalh river up to - Fort Knox, and at Fort Knox. 25. At any place or places from-For tiKnox up the said Wabalh to Ouittanon, and at Ouittanon. 26. At any place or places from Ouittanon, up the said Wabafh, to the head navigation, of a branch thereof called Little River, and at the said head navigation of Little River. 27. At any pla< e or plac< s from the said head navigation of Little River over to the Miami Vil lagc. 28. At any plac€ or p'acfs. from itie ?ryyjth sjj the river Teiuffeeto Occochappo 01 Bear Creek, on the said river, inclusively 29. At any place or places from the mouth of the river Cumberland to Naihville, on the said river, and at Nashville.. 30. And at any place or places within thirty miles of said Nashville to the Southward, West ward or Northward thereof. Should any rations be required at any places, or within other diftn&s, not fpecified in thrfe proposals, the price of the fame to be hereafter agreed pn betwixt the public and the contractor. The mtions to be supplied are to consist of the following articles, viz. One pound of bread ot flour, One pound Of beef, or £of a pound of pork, One quart of fait, ) Mwo quarts of vinegar, f n > , r > per 100 rations. Two pounds ot loap, f r One pound of candles, j The rations are to be furniftied in such quanti ties as that there (hail at all limes, during the said terra, be fufficient tor the confuOipiion of the troops at each of ti»e said poAs, for the fpaC'e of at least g» months in advaqce, in good and whole some provisions, if the fame shall be jequiied. ft is to beundeiftfcod in each cafe,that all lolfes fuflatnecVby the depredations of the enemy*, or by means of the troOpsof the United State s, shall be paid for at the pi ices of the articles captured or destroyed, on the depositions of two or more creditable ctiara&ers, and the certificate of a com mi fifioried nfcertaining the circum flariceSof the lol's, i®hd the amount o! the articles lor which cornpeufation is claimed. The contrail for the above supplies will be made either for one year, or lor two > <-*rs, as may appear eligible, heifo'ns disposed to contract will ihereiore • onfme the.- oilers to one year, or they may make their propnfitions foas to admit an election ot the term of two •• :ars. The offers may cornprile d!) ne places whicfc have feecn fpecified, or a j.>ait c. i ouk.