Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, July 24, 1793, Page 480, Image 4
DtU. it:. DUiAts. ' —TT Oil, Dittft pr cafe ' 25 C 1" PRICE c U R R E N I . Sot,,, bc&, in tU<ks,?r.LoK 10 S' «;• 100 cem * - ch ——-Tram 2 4 2 « PHILADELPHIA, July 24- whji? , 5 1 a oils.a*. du».tt». eon " v-"*' ■ ':.f 11 • A 0 1 ondon,*. iVmCHORS pr.l». 7 American ditto bot.incl. &iiu<ri } £n«riiih. pr.cwt. 433 Pitch, pr.bbl 1 73 2 Ditto, Roch pr. lb. Pork, Burlington, per barrel, ,b Aihes, pot, per ton, _—Lower county l * 5 C Pearl, »37 H° c „ rtilll Arrack pr. gall. 1 33 g. Peas, Albany pr. b.fhel 13 Brandy, common, _ 3° Cnniac 9 Pimento Brazilctto,pr. ton. or t n Brick,, pr. M. .4 I 7 befl, pt. keg 7 Bread, (hip, pr. ext. * *7 D tlo pr. jar 3 33 Ditto, pilot , . 4 Onto pr. box 3.-B _ p:t;o, fma'.l water, per ktg 3 « 4° R.« pr.cwt *7H ' BeJr. American, in bottles, Rosin bottles included, » 74 Ru™,r. gallon Ditto pr. barrel, 6 *»"$" g6 Boards Cedar pr. M feet, 2° Umdward New England >4 Barbados 6o ———Oak M 1 ——Country, Merchantable pine 2 4 Salt petre, pr. cwt: >4 33 —-—-Sap, do. SalTafras pr. ton 6 Mahogany, prrfoot ' c Shot ditto >4° '4 l I The above are the lhallop prices, Steel, German 9 tor the yard price, add 1 dol- Eng!ifh,blifleied, pr. cwt. 10 lar 33 cents per 1000. Amei lean pr. ton "*3 33 Brimstone in rolls, pr.cwt. 2 67 - -Crowley s pr. fag c ot Beef, Boston, per ba'r.el >= Snake root pr. lb. 4 Country ditto 9 »° c Brown per lb. goer oer cwt. 3 33 4 6 7 — ™ hlte ~ Butter *6 j Castile in ke?s >° 12 * ta " h , . 4 SCo Candles. Sperm, 47 Snuft pr. doz. bot 4 5 — Wax 53 56 Spermaceti, refined, pr. IK * Myrtle Wax J 3 Sailcloth,Engli(h, yard, 4° ■Mould, tallow *3 Boftonj No. I. ditto _ Dipped 12 No. 11. "25 Cheese, Englifli, pr. lb. 20 Stig'nr Lump, Country 8 *-3 Loaf, firigle refined Chocolate J 5 * Ditto, double do. Ciniiamou a 4° 2 Havannah', white M Cloves 1 33 Ditto, brown, ,0 ' 11 Cocoa pr. cwt. 10 11 Muscovado, pr. cwt 9 Coffee>. *4 . Spirits Turpentine pr. gallon 2^!c; Coal pr. bulhel 2 4 33 Salt, Allum pr. bufoel 23, Copperas pr.cwt. 1 —-Liverpool 33 Cordage, American, per cw t. 10 £adiz 25 p Cotton £ 7 3' - —Lilbon 2 ' n Cut rants 13 Shipbuild. W. O. frames p.ton, po ~ Duck, Rufiia, pr.ptece 14 5 Ditto Live Oak, « - R r C | n i 1. i 3 ao Ditto red cedar, per foot 37 45 t Dutch fail duck, '5 Shingles, t S inch, per M. g33 3^7. Feathers pr. lb. 4® Ditto 2 feet, 650 6 Flax ditto 12 Ditto 3 feet, drcfled, »3 1 5 Flaxfeed pr. buCh. c Staves. Pipe pt. iooo 3 ? Flour, Superfine pr. bariel 33 White Oak hoglhead, 20 . 6 Red do. 19 o° ; — r ßur befl 5 Leogan 21 33 ; •w—Meal, Indian 3 'o Barrel ——ditto Rve, 3 33 Heading * 32 —Ship-ftuff pr. cwf. >4? 1 Skins, best pr. pietii 467 ?uftic pr- ton, ao —-Minks so 4° Gin, Holland, pr. cafr, 466 Fox, grey <0 So Do. Pr gall. 9 c Drtio red 1 *0 , Glue, pr. cwt. i_ ao «' 33 Mart.ns *4 « ' \v 1 uge 1, «nlte j^ce,. per lb. ; Fisher? 33 D 7 Ditto, common 7 Bearj 3 D't'-o,,ground pr. lb. —Racoont '7 6c 1 Ginseng, 20 a 4 Muflorats 11 6unpowder,cannon, pr. q.calk, 3 73 4 Braver, pr. H>. *33 Ditto, fine glided 4 -l—Dccj, in hair 3" Grain Wheatpr.bat,, 93 ,jc Tar>?) . Jer „ y . gi b6l . 0 ;„ !! Carolina, 3 « gall. 2 , , P pr.bbl. *3.1 —K: . . »jj» Bed shelled pr. lb. ' 0 !d 4 ——3uckwiieat, per bush. 4° Rappahannock p 33 Hemp, imported, pr. ton, 160 Coloured Maryland, 533 American, pr. lb. 4 £ Dark, Herring-, pr.bbl. 3 L °" S " ! '' a / * 4 ° •7 Hides, raw pr. lb. 9 t 2 v 3 Hops »7 Carolina,new a J 3 Hogshead hoops, pr. M. ij ' ° ,c) ; 3 33 « ~ _ . ,i , Tea, Hyson 93 » 28 Pidigo Frcnch per lb. t67 Hyson Ik n, 53 60 Carolina Souchong, 93 . Irons, fad pr. ton, »3S 33 Coflgo, 43 jc V«n, Callings pr. cwt. 3 4 Bohes , 33 j6 Bar pr. toA, Tallow, refined, per lb. Q t ; 5 73 33 T ' n pr box ' *'3 33 '3 «5f Nailroda toi 33 Vefdigreafe 47 53 Jjnk, p.r. cwt. 4 5 Vermillion, do. 33 167 Lard, hogs. pr. lb. .9 iC Varnish, per gallon 33 37 Lead, in pigs pr. 533 5 Wax, Bees 27 —-—in bars • 7 Whale-bone, long 13 00 white 10 10 67 _ rc d 6 40 6 6 Wine, Madeira, pr. pipe, 176 226 Leather,foil, pr.'lb. 17 sc Lisbon , s o 126 lignum, vitas pr. ton, S6O 6 Tenenffe, pr. gallon 63 Logwood 30 i 2 Mace 9 Port pr. pipe ~333 Mackarel,b c ft pr.bbl. 8 D.tto in bottles, pr.d ol . 4 -f court quality 4 S"' arct ~ 4 6 . il.idder K V ; ft Pt.' % >6 Sherry pr.gall. po 110 !farl)U, Wno«((H», pr. foot, !33 *6; Malaga . 77 80 >!aft spars daio 33 Mobiles pr. gall. 30 4 c Mustard per. lb. 8: W . in bottles, pr.doz. » ?.c Nails, iod.\2d. and %od. ic NutMegs pr. lb. 7 8 Oil, Lirtfeed, pr. gall. ;c - —-.Olive 87 Stock Brokers Office r N<r.t6, Watl-ftreet; N'iw-Yo**. 'T'HESuHfcrib'ei inieridinj; to eonFne himfelf 1 entirely to the Pt'R'CHASr & SALE or STOCKS <m COMMISSION, begs leave to of fer f'' cnt ' s and others, in the Jine Broker. TtioTe who may jplcsTe -IP fc»l*nef», may depend upon with thcutmofl fide lity and|d»vpi^<%£;-, Ofders Iplin, Boflon, or any 4 V* te ?« willbe-ftriflly attended IQ* {•.!,) LEONARD RLEECKRR. COURSE OF EXCHANGE. On London, at 30 days, per £ .100 ftcrl; 456 at 60 days *$3 33 at c ofl|i pr. guilder, — 9^Br«. Vmfterdam, BANK 0/the UNITED STATES JULY tft, 1793. NOTICE is hereby given that there viil he paid at the Bank after the tcth inft?nt, to" the Stockholder* or their Reprefentattve* duly authorized, FOURTEEN DOLLARS and FIFT Y CENTS for e?ch Share, being the divi dend declared for the last fix months. By order, JOHN KF.AN, Oibier. <T3 W TICKETS In the FEDERAL CITY LOTTERY, May be had at SAMUEL COOPER'S Ferry 480 R V L J". S • r „ >,eobfc.vcd in faulting 1 """ ,ls wUl ' IUC Insurance Company OF NORTH-AMtRICA. 1 ;S* lorW-yn . nvilrhou.. ».ur the o.dcr for ,nfuran« !a opted " thr office and .he policy mult be ft? -sir, r-t& 1 mull be give:., in len day., payable ' For° Am'cican and Weft-India rife|ues, » |, rfC „„.hs a'tcr the dated he policy. for h uiopra" rifqura, ' n "* months. F , Inda and . ifqucs, in is montht. For 1 r.ueshy Ihe year, ... eigm months. Fo, ..(que. to. fix mouths, «» »onr muuihs. A..d to. .i!qut» toi any Ulta lin.e, .« offtt will be paid in It* Jayl after proof and adjuftitient ; but .f .he note given lor ibe Irrniun. lhall no. have become due w.lh.n .hat I U„n . the .mount ot it lhall, neve.thelefs, be de dufled 'rom the lots to be paid. TUt Insurance Company of North-Ame he.ebx five notice toall whom it may concern, that, aire- ablvto .lie above rules, they are re «dv to receive all Oldera lor inlurance, which may he addnftd lothem. accompanied tiom to Ome refponfihle bouse in Philadelphia for ihe payment of the premiums within the "in c'll tVVifques offered lhall be apnroved, Ihe infurao.e lhall h, immediately effefled ; nthfTwife notice shall be given, either by anlwer m the pt-.lon apolyini;, or IO lr.s agent, in Phila delphia, ai may be oiderrd. , ' |}y rtrdet ol the Dtrjfao.s, wil EBENtZER HAZARD, SecVy. jj I 'i 3 II 1 c« ft \[ I , s« INSURANCE COMPANY. PHiLAfiB-LfHiA, July ill, 1/93' NOTICE is heteby ijiveii 10 i he membi is ol (he Infu'ance Company ot North Ameri ca, that the Di' fto.s have declared a divdrnd (to this dav) of fax per cent on theamouni ot the i fiift inllalmcnt, and of one per cent per month, ni thf turns paid towards the second and thud inftalmcMf, calculating fioni :he li>ft day of the month following ihat in which ihefe pay ments were made. The Divided will be paid t» the Stockholders or ibtir Repiefenistives, at the Company's Office, (No. 119. Front- Street) »t 3IIV time after the 7th >oft. KBKNF.ZFR HA7ARI>, Sec'ry. As the members rf this < mpany are much iiflerfed throughout the United State), the Printers inthefatraljlaicure requejled to give the il« « tlace in their tievjbapers. Albany Glafs-Houfe. The Proprietors e/riAGlafi-Manufaaoty, under jhc'Tirm of M'CLALLEN, M'GRF.GOR and Co. BFG leave to inform the puHit, (hat ibet have „ ,w Wrought their WINDOW-GLASS t<r such pcr f t'flion, ,8 will be found,on com pan foil, be equal, in quality, to 'be best Loudon Crown G'lafr. Havm. fixed their prices at a lowrr rateihan imported Glass. they are inducejrto believe, that 1 mportauoiis of this article will be di {continued, in proportion as their works are cxtenced They p.opofc to enlarge the fc»>s of t>u, bufi „ef.; ami as the fu. cets of it will depend on the t f, irirwx «, * L - r ~Klir, they brg leave 10 solicit their.friendly patronage in the purfuir of a bunch which will inter eft e\ cry lover of American M a n 0 sac t u r'f s. All order* lor Wi ndow-G lass, of any size, will he rrcvivrd at the Store of Rhodes and MacGrfgor, No. 234, Queen-Orecr, New- York, and at tlie Glals Wa r ehoi»fc, N0..48, Maiket-ftrect, Albany, which will be punftu3iiy attended 10. WANTED, fix smart active LADS, not exceeding 16 of. age, to be indented as Apprentices, and regularly inftru&td in ihe various branrhes of Glafs-Mdking. Alfa, three Window-GUfs M*ke'ri, to whum enccuiagcrnent will be given, May 1, 1793. GENERAL POST-OFFICE, Philadelphia, May 27, 1793. Dollars Reward. WriEREAS a certain THOMAS SLOiS GANTT, has lately made his escape from Baltimore County Gaol, to which he was committed under a charge of havin® robbed the E?ftern Mail, on the 28th day of January Uft Notice is hereby given, that a reward of five I hundred dollars will be paid at this Office, to any prrfon or persons who fnall apprehend the said Thomas Slofs Gantt, and deliver him into the custody of the keeper of the said Gaol, thecuflody of euher of the Ma>(ha!s within the United S'ates, so that the said Thonas Sfofs G&nlt may be secured, and forth coming to answer the above mentioned cha»ge. 4* *3® 40 The following is a description of the above named Thomas Sloss Gantt : He is about fix feet highj llrait and well made, has light co loured h2ir, tied behind, fair complexion and has acfcwn look when spoken to. Madame Docttf., wife of M. Dovtte, an inhabitant du-q»mtier ce Vallierts, loft her huf hand in the d;fafters of ihe Cape on the 20th June last. She is ignorant of his fate—She rc quefts that those who may have it in thei»" power to give her any information her huf hand, would lend h to the house ol Mrs. Hud son , Kigh-ftrcet, Bzlamorc, where she resides, or to Madame Qi'an.te, 'n the fame ftrerr.—— A re-pub'icaticn cl the afove'&y ihe [tueral trirters ts refuejiid. V epi:w TIMOTHY PICKERING, Toji-Mojler General. To -the i TllEEtJitorDftlicGAZtTni " StatV.3, proposes pißlVßiini tl,e I*P ' * under that Title, every Eveniog, Souda; Vs excepted. To render it interesting as a Daily Publi cation, it fliall contain foreign and domett-, commercial and political Inteil £ etlfe Kf fays and Observations, local and general:— Maritime information s—rPrice* Current 1 1 Merchandize and the Public Fund-;. Also * summary of the proceeding* of Congre s, an.} of the Legislature oi this State •— u 1 (ketch ofOngreffional Debates, &£. AUvEßTtzrvo favors will be g*»te(uUy. re- ceived. TERM S. To be printed on papeVbf the d-iTi* fiz£ J' - but a larger size, lhallbe fubllituted m Oeciiior ber next. The price Six Dollars per Anrum, to br paid half Yearly. When a fofilrfent riuraWrwHhibftfrfterj 1* obtained, the Paolication ftraH tommeo(*. In the inte.rirti, thi Gazette Ofil! he pfabfiffj ed twice a week as ufival.'—SpbfcViptions a tie . 1 . H - A .ic ■ it * A • refpeAfnlly solicited by the PnblicVimmbir fer»ant, ■ . _, JOH-J4 PENNO, ■ . SvlJ!tif>tion art rrttmtidt lit CitfJamTk,' South Secoiti SiiM—iy Mn Bfikjm. 4t Hmfe-n-iy otlur ptrJpyii ati& W y(.faj[t&»n Jinpliyn petti/*« Editor at ih httfc t,'a. 34,, A!ort% FiJlH'Streei. ' Philadelphia. Jufy. i 793? THE tOII OK MOST ratvejlh rcque/ls tlioje «J h's ot*i SuU fcrihe's who are in arrririJor !> * Gez 'tte, to makt payment as jfioiat ptJjkMe.—Thife perfcm who have receivedfikfcripHoi money itn his euccant ate jiprci to remit trie fame. The arrearage*.}"' 'Gazelle hive accumulated- jfi ajkrittus anupirt—Serious, at they are the or>l\ fffiarie to Vfv f riouS engagements incurred in 'the pnifmicno) 'tin ex pert/we publication. HhikdtMpiiia, jiirti i-6. 7VST PUBLISHED, By Thomas Dobfon, Book fetter, at the Stone- in Saend frret, f'HILADffI.PWTA, VOLUME IX, o. ENCYCLOPEDIA: OR, A DICTIONARY Of AR'! S. SCIKNCIS, AND M ISCF.I.LANEOUS j.ITFRrtiL'RE, On a Plan entirely rtetx> : BY WHiCH THE »»T SCIENCES aj.O ARTS are dmeiied into the Form of 13iilii)£t, TREATISES or $Y6TEM&: Tills VOLUME COKUIM TtYRKOSTATiCS, Hvg.nmmr, Hi«o.» of iJL Japan, I.cflan'd, j.rufajem t Jttvs, India, }nfc£t«, Irtfurante, Ireland, Italy. IC«rri ; naik*, Knighiho'»d, Language, Lav/, with a great variety of B.ojgrapr>\e«l arid Miwel laneous AmcW.—lliuftratec with thirty-ouc elegant Copperplates. CONDITION' S. [. The-work .a printing on a fuperfine paper, and new types, {cast (or the pu-poie) kH'cH will be occafvonaUy renewed before they cou traft a worn appearance, [I. The work is fu*nifi>ed in boards, in volumes or half-voiwmes, as fabferibers chufe; the prif• ot the whole volumes, five dollaf s each, ot the JialUvoiuipes two dollar 2rtd two-thirds ol a dollar each. Ten dollars to be paid on fub fcrib nr f the volumes or half-volomcs finifhed to be paid for wfrtn delivered, the price of ore volume to be paid. \n advance,and Jhe price of each fleereding volume to b*/ paid on deliver ing cKc volume preceding it. Ro pan of the work will be delivered nnlefs pwid for. 111. fn the eourfeof the publication v/ill be r?f livered about five hundred copperplates ele gantly engraved in Philadelphia: which !y far exceed in number $hose given in any oth<?f fcientific dictionary, , At the clofr of the putv lication will he delivered an elegant frontis piece, tht dedication, preface, and propel tie pa-ges for the different volumes. It is expcOed the work will he com pi i fed ifl about eighteen volumes in quarto. The fubfeription will continue open on ih« above terms till the firft day of September next» to opportunity to those who arc not yet (übfcribei-s, to cr>rne forward. Those who have fubfcribcd, and got only * small pari of the work, arc requeued to com plete their setts, as far as published, as soon « poflible, as alter the fit ft of next September, by which t»me the tenth volume is expected to be ready, the publi(her will nf>t consider hirnfejf bound' to make up th'ofe sett* which are not comoleted up to that period. Philadelphia % Jwe 19, 1793. 1 Hercule De Sexcey, From Leogditc* Island of St. Domingo, MAKES a»id fell* -41 fo.ts of Mu?s Jarks» Porringrrf, Cups, S:ew-Paos, &c« iu Tin, plain 01 jipanned —He also mends old liti work. As he works cheap, he hopes foi thi public toc^uragement. No. 53. Race-llrcet, near Front-ftreflt. lune »2. HERCULE DE SERCET, DE Leogane, Isle de St. Dominque, travfillc en fer Blanc, de toiite forie de panicles a commande ct a bon marche. A Philadelphie, ce 22 j-'iu. »793- Ko. 23, Race-fireet, pres Jfiout-fcree:.