it was reporteS there, tliai a French fleet of cowfiderable forefi, bad fallen in,with the Britifti . £ait aad Weft India outward bound .fleets, undjer convoy of two men of •war and four frigates, off Cape-Fi iiUtcie, and captured 160 l'ail. This report bad been corroborated there by accounts from Cape-Francois, Ja iuaica, and some other places. ELIZABETH-TOWN, July t?. On the lorlv inftaut, arrived here in guod health, by the way of De troit. Niagara, and Genefee river, Oliver Spencer, of Columbia, in the Weltem Territory, from whence he was taken last July, by two Sha wanele Indians', and carried into their nation, where he was detain ed a prisoner, until redeemed a few jnonths palt, at the price of fitfty pounds, through the kind inteipo litjoi) of Col. Richard England, on the application of the lad's numer «us connections and friends. t STAUNTON, July 6. $ttra{h of a letter jro,m a gentleman in the.Southern Territory of the United States, to the Printers hereof, dated KuoxvtlU, June 17. << I can a (lure yon from good au thority, that the Spanilh govern ment does not take an active part •with the hostile Indians —but that on the contrary, the government of Louifianaf, has wrote more than one letter to the Cherokes nation, dif foading them from pnt'fuing their hodilines againttthe United States. Thcfe letters together with the cx eriions, appeared to have the de filed effedt on the minds of the In dians, t'ney had agreed in council tD to Philadelphia this fumuier, to visit the President agreeable to an invitation from him, and had a(- fembled at the Hanging Maw s to tonfult on the time of llartifig, and the route they Ihould ptarfae, when on the 12'h intrant, Captain John Braird, who had been ordered out for the prote> diUriilt ; and [hough all the chiefs .«f both the Cbeiokee and Creek nations were to go to Phila delphia, I am afraid our fitoation W'nild not be bettered—the friend fliip of tlvefe wandering aborigines of I his country cannot he purcbafed, and the manner in which Congress attempt it, js'of all modes the molt U'lfa-voiable to 'he aitfcinnient or the ot jetk, -hey pick up fotiie who are considered the principal rharac tei s in the nation, and to belt-«bey give extraordinary presents—and who are they but thole who It-'ve killed the molt whites ; and wiien the young fellows fee such high te wards bid for ihe scalps of the citi zens of the Uni ed Sta es, they are encouraged to take their ha.chet or guji, and repair to our frontieil, as the only wav to secure an honora ble and friendly introduction to Philadelphia. mTIMORE, Jnlv 18. Tht Inhabitants of Caps-Francois TO THt Inhabitants «/ Baltimore. WHAT a piinlul and at the hine nine con foline fprftarlr doe» the town o) nn ire now fjidint' What lcen> *ol #I#and ass fci'.ng lym pi'by ! What a ptel ne of wietchcdocfi aud bc o. ficeiite ! {Utec eldping Iroff* Ihe honor i of fire »n(l FummA—(win all the (uiy >h«t a horde ni fa»ag«« can br,fupp|fad captt'k of, whole fmili are in to effiile lothe-fm*lkl friitiUK ni ol humanity odi towuiy—abandoning out foi tfSnes, fc?q:»ire(s Sv the tatfori of frrtm twenty !<► thirty years; us-a iline of abfoltiie waut — »r. >fl of us (tparated from our huiband?, our. wives,' out parent#, our" children, our Uierids.— A pain ful' resignation *io the (lifpcnf«>»iiiirs of piovidfiicc was alone capaMcof atrcftmg ciic ciFcdls of our defpatr :—But this Provide nee has givc.ioufljr re ferred us once mote to talle of happifiefs—Savor ing us with a rr.oli prosperous navigation, it has condu£fced us to a hofpi table flvjre, where all the citizens have received us with open arms—* r where.every heart has expanded with pity for our dif793 Dollar s. New Hampfliire, - 181,407 MalTachu'etts, - . 2,889,922 Rhode-Illand, - . 698,084 - - 749,9"5 New-York, - . .. 2,528^85 Pennrylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Dollars, 21,005,568 Mk.'Tsn no, In the following extract from Mr. Trumbvll's McFtnga! nay be traced the genuine features of those writers in the National Caiztte x who arc tn c jjjntly laboring to render the government of the u»ion odious to the people. b\ giving it a place in your paper you will oblige A Rrtder. " YE dupes to ev'ry factiouS rogue, Or tavernpratiig demagogue, Whole tongue but rings with found more full, On the empty drumhead of his. {bull, Y u do not know what noisy fools LI e you, worse simpleton?:. for tools 1 For Liberty in your own byfenfe I? but for crimes a paVMit licence ; To break of law th' Egyptian yoke, And throw the *>oi Id in common stock, Hedtice all grievances and ills To Magna Charta of your wills, Eflabl (h chea's and frauds and nonsense, Fi am'd hv the model of your conscience, Cry justice down, as out of Kafliion And fix its Icale of dep'eciation, Defy all c editors to trouble ve, And oafs new vears of J*.w■ (h jubilee ; Drive judge* our, like Aaron's calves, ByjnrifJiftions of wli ti- Haves, And make th-' ba and bench and steeple, Snbnrit t' our fov'ieigi Lord the People ; Affil e each k-ave his whole alfets, By gen'ral amnesty of debt-; plunder rile to pow'r and glory, ■And brand all property as tory^ Exoofe all wares to lawful leisure* Of mobbirs a id monopolizers; 3'eak heads and windows and the peace, ' F .r yon.* own int'reft and increase j Dispute a;'d pray and fight and groan, Pgr public »r.J mean own.' 479 Philadelphia, Jiily 24. y«B»fday.arrived here a (hip from Scot- J4nd, prize to the Xebeque Sans Culottes, of said to be worth forty tiiou:aLid pounds ilefiiog; Tjw privateer Sans Culottes, which cap tured the Betfev, belonging to this port, 'tis fVtd, failed from Nantz the 2cJ:h April*— consequently the account of that city's being taken by the Royalists the 2lit, is premature. The letter from Baltimore in our last, in forming of an arrival in 32 days from Cork, with an account of the defeat of the combined army, turns out to be a mistake. An ertprefs arrived in town last Saturday frof it the Commiflioners to the hostile Indians, ■nid, we hear, brought favorable intelligence ■.rjjijVjftiiij tfce progress of the treaty, , foytfhe Salty, Capt. from Cape-Fran cois, which (he left the 4th of July, we learn, that at that time about one. fourth- of the remained (landing, but entirely defer ted bv the white inhabitants. A few negroes re mained, who' were employed *in burying the dead. The ConiraifHoners Santhona* and Polverel remained at Ha lit du Cap, a final! the leveral 'cities and town? on tie 'Continent:; driven to l'«»e their lire? from t!icir country by the cruclliand ofnrxdcrom *ar and anarchy— •Sorely theirdiftrefles d.-fcrve ccmmil'e.'ation and relief! This till is not intended to 'effrn rh.« cha ritable donation' ofou' citze"-—wt-.r, • fcfsr, their zet', i' liipii'j jrg the wtntjnf thrift WftrelM Sra -ten. Wlint i* a flat? as Wa«* f Ask rhe urfSr ttinat?s tfoisi Cape-Fraucwß ? Luooire of the the mertfiaoi-, the farfaersl of C?-s?at : B itainbeijg'd thou lards add umis of thousand . of the sons of indtittr y and ingenui ty dmijiJld* from their looms, their their manufacturing- ho life.— aot knowing wnich way to turn or what to do : rhe ftreains ot lupport are exhausted—their pockets tail receiving their weekly families are deftftute, then* children cry for b>ead t ifi a land which perhaps the day btfo- e " ed with milk and honey."—Lun human nature con tern plate the fbe-.e without horror J But it this sketch contains the brig; = f hdf- < : tie medal, what must the ievej;fe be ? T.''c?'e arc bus as the negative milcrie* 'y.i'war; though in every commercial maftufaftu ir>g and agri cultural court Cry, similar evils are inevitable* Vet when we extend onr views to Irenes where havoclepds the front, and farhinC clofcs the i'ear, what an Sfcq-uifite edge is gfiteri to our painful fenfarionw—can it lie pwiMb'e that there-are-in. tiiis happy icob'ntry,- being"? in the fiiape of men, who aciv\>t;ak3 measures etfa&ly calculated to plunge us into tin? dreadful fit nation ?—Forbid it Heaven 1 There are a th.oufand particulars, fays a correspondent, m which the circumstances of the people of the United States are altered for the better, in confecjuence of the opera tions of the general government. J*et any man of the least cantjor advei t to the-contraft between the present lit nation of the mechanics of the United State*, particularly in our sea* ports, and what it was immediately preceding the adoption of the NVw Conffctutioi —and A' it does not produce emotions of patriotic gra titude and pleasure, it mutt be owing p» the want of every principle which enters into the coinpofition of a good parent, or a 2en. ARRIVED at the POi< I aj F-HILADEIPiI [A. Ship Wjlhinyon, Geor, Cayrntit Bug Georgia Park t, Bariowt, Ch-»Utt.>n Carolina, Sch'r. Peggy, ' Sloop Driver, Extratt cf a Utter from Neuj-York, dated Friday morning July 19. J 44 News of the day is, That a privateer which fa led frotn Bpitdn for to £et a French commission, ard 14 male nr.d female paflengsr*- Robestfoiv--*" "Stilus. The'F'loia~s ci go is »a 1 nccl at C (.lurk part ed with the privateeY ai d prize ten day* about leagues from the coaft> bblli bound to this port. 6 per, 18'"3 3 per C-nts, jcji " Deferred, lt /i full fharej Bank IT. S. 6 percent, adv« (£5" Hal lam and He.nry beg leave to in form jhctr friends and patron?, that they have cnmpleat?d their Steam Ventilator* andfhuee themselves the Theatre will be found lu-future much cooler than any othp.r oubhc building m Philadelphia. 1 ,* .• New- Jersey, ) TVY virtue of 2 Writ to me SuJJex { J3 directed, ifTu<-d out of ihe High Court of Chancery of New'.Jerfey, at the suit of William Shipley against John Ming and others ; I fhal! expose to faleat Public Ven due, on the firth day of February next, between thehouts of Twelve and five in the Aftcrq on of the fame day, on the Prrmifcs, the following; described Trad of Land, with its appurtenances, fituatr in the Townfhip'of Oxford and 'County of SulT x, beginning at a Chcfnut Oak Tree,cor ner of Daniel Cox's land, and Handing in the 1 1 tie of a foimer survey mace to Thomas* Steven* son, being vnatked wi h the letter B. and thcnce extending along Coxc's line (firft) south fifty de grees wrd filty-five chains and ftvenly-fivc link', to a B ack-OakTree corner of Joseph Shi a pen's land (second) fouih nine degrees and mi nutes, w< ft mom chains and fixty-five -links 10 a fofked White-Oak Tree, masked wi;h the let ters R and B another of the fa id Shippen's cor ners (ilmd) thlnce norih eighty degree*,.caft one hundred and forty-five chains, to a post on the fnuthtily fide of Paquaofle-P iver,' belis» also a corner of John Reading's land ( thence north Itmfy-r.iiYe degrees w« ft, one tiunrircd and thi* tv-' wo cbains to the piace of beginning, containing nine hundred and thirty acres with iht usual allowance for toads and high ways-— The f2me Premises are within v -;ht miles of the Rivet D Uware ? andihere it thereon a tonveni (tit Grift MfH with two- pa r «./ Sre>ne«V» Saw Mill m ;;o«»d repair, V. iih a Efficient ft 1 cam of water" for their use—a Dwelling floufe, Stoic Honfe, and fcv« rai ffaatt build r.r s. MARK THOMPSON,Sheriff. Ddui d*y aj Jub, i7