?rr. v.;:!i 1. f . M,- f:c j un der the cci:n{> at a!.,..id.-, v.'li.-r- they were cii -1.. - ;.a.t ;■ .i »'•.* J > j«t: raL.: •.Yen* going to ciw-iii'.: . t i tlficc Ii«l; ana piccciof C£ivji;n to my puU.ol Bd Biiunmc M. jetty belore Du'ikn k, i v Gin. Pjfcai X renvcycr, April 24. "Six, 44 Having tlje honor to command a fousdron of thips o! war o! his ISritanmc Maj , delbn- before Dunknk; and «e;idy 10 co operate with Vtoe threes that are advancing by land if) reduce »I .it row»r, one*. *•> fl uiin'bing, I lake ih»' liberty to inform you, thai if you have any proposal* to make, to * ndeav >r to chcck the progrt fs of a which mini infallibly i'ltvolvtf the town and inhabitants ot Dunkirk tr> total ruin and dclli u&ion, I *m ready to rcct ive lUcm, and to insure inviolability ot persons and pio perty. si I invite you, Sir, and all the inhabitants of Dunkirk, to take into fenous consideration the lad effctU which will ret'ult to you arid your families from refuting this conciliatory offer to prevent a farther ctFufion of blood, and tor put ting an end on your part to a war lo deftt u£tive lo the true ot your country. 44 I am lent to offer you the protection of a great and honorable power, until youi Conflitu tion shall be eUabiilKed o«i a (olid basis. 44 I Ihould not have detained the filhing boat les Trvis Suurs, MatHieU Charles Kezel. had not a brfilKh ptivateer 011 t Oft'-nd, to set at Viberty the fifherman Kczel. whom I now fend to Dunkirk with this letter i having detained his son as an hottagc til 1 , he brings me back an answer. I de clare on my honor, that when I rrceivc it, I {hall.teleafe the boat of M. C. Kczel, and his crew, to go wherever they may choose, and pay him also tor his iroub.e. 41 I declare solemnly, on the honor of an En glish officer, that if any person tiorn Dunkirk, will do me the honor to come and treat with me personally, his suite, boat and crew, shall remain facrtd, and that they shall have full li berty to return to Dunkirk whenever they think proper. 44 I am, Sir, 41 yotir mod obedient 44 humble fervan% 44 JOHN CLEMENTS, fenr. 4S Commanding tlie squadron o( the ships of 44 h ; s Britannic Majcfty, before Dnhki. k." Ctrpy 0 j the ar.fwer oj Brigadier-General Kercnvcyer, Comma nda at at Dunkirk. 44 SIR, 11 I have received the letter which you took the trouble to write to me to announte your plans, and the orders with which you are charged. I have only a few words to fay in re ply, ami theft are, that neither I, who have the honor to command in Dunkirk, nor any of the inhabitants or citizens, will ever liftentoany propofa!'tending to di(honor the French name. It is useless therefore' to lose time in epiftdlary correfjjondence, which would become tedious, and be at least illegal. Do me the hgnor to attack inc in a military manner, and I (hic to fixc i can-;'."- u tr»crn, I. K C, HORN, April ?3. "y a fivp ai:ivvd Iwit from BtfUia, in the ifUnd ol liain, tint (,chci»l Pioii -.ha# »r'« r cve re.tfon ti> expe ave eit.rclv abandoned their deli-tt • tbe bouy which came from Life ha* fallen back upon Orchies. There i". firing to day at one otOen. Ca:rfavt\ post«, but nothing which had the appearance of a serious attack. By t'ie ac con.it of deferte-s and prilpiters, they lolt 4.OJJ upon the Sth.—General Dtnipiere is find to have received a wound, of which i.e is iince dead. . The troop 1 ! arrived this evening in their former quarter*. The Anftrians had upwaids of 5X> killed and wounded, and the Pruilians 43a on the Bth. DUBLIN, May 23. By Sir lames Murray's letter wc Jo not find (hat the Frrnch, if th.-y did icallv 4 0c0 men on the 8 h, were much diilurbed by that dreadful wailc of blood, for they not only kept the field of battle, but fought again the r.ex; Jay, and on the 10th it appears ihai they rented in perfect order, caricd off their cannon, and were neither pursued or annoyed by ihe combined armies. LONDON, May 15. The Auft ians have made a requisition, through a Britifli officer, to our government, for various supplies, and among other arti cles for 40,020 tons of hay, without which they allure our Mini Iters that they cannot keep the field. The requifitioji fills, as we hear from ru mour, sixteen pages of paper. All the ne cpfTiries of flour, oats, beef, pork, and in short, provisions of all kind, cl.oat.hs of ail kind,,a.nns of all k'nd, (tores of all kind, &c. Sic. are enumerated,and without our aid tl>ey cann'Jt go on. These are pleasant circuni ffances for a country already so deeply in volved. A pleasure boat belonging to Yarmouth, in taking the diversion of (idling, and (hooting at the rock birds beyond the Needles,has been taken by a French privateer and carried in to St. Maloes. We underitand that the loss on both fides, in the late engagement near C.onde, is much was at fy*ft reported. The loss of the French is stated ro be 2000 men, besides 26 pieces of cannon taken. The French Ge nera) having been Completely foiled in the objedl of his attempt, which was to throw succours into Valenciennes and Conde, it is thought both thole places will very speedily surrender at discretion. PORTSMOUTH, May 19. The far) lowing, is an accurate ft ate of the line of battle fliips to a 5? =s.iy ?} I=. 2 J." s ra it|« R« 2 ctj "o 3 _"o -o 5 ■<2 ;3 I? »« ~i n» rt J. fro r* <8 0 a. O 7T -- ~ '— o !C Ships 72 73 I 49 8 5 3 6 Brigs,&c.'n'r in 91 114 57 Sch'rs. 51 70 19 J7 76 19 Sloops, 44 ji 7 jj 64 I? 273 305 27 Z4B 37-3 12* Coasters, 351 538 187 219 516 296 July 16 Extract of a letter from a Captain o£an Ame rican vessel at St. Euftatia,dated 23d June, 1 793) received yesterday. 44 The privateers play the deuce with the American vessels, that have no lea letters or pass—- that is to fay ft bey carry them into port, overhaul them front stem to stern, and oftentimes detain them a week or more ' they go through an examination, in which they are sworn and qoeftioned by the king' 3 attorney, whatever Jie pleases to alk, which inuft be very embarrafiing." In honor of the day (14th July) a number of patriotic French and American citizens as sembled at Corre's, where an elegant «ntei tainment was provided ; the national colours of France and the 13 stripes of America weff displayed in several parts of the city—and m the evening art invitation was given by the 'fammany Society, to the French Consul other citizens, at their Wigwam, where a cold c ollation was provided. EXAMPLE FOR CHARACTER WRIT) F ROM THE AUGySTA CHRONICLE LAST Sunday morning, Mrs. Li lius breathed Iter la ft, in the 79- h year ofr a lite ac voiid io virtue. In her last y.vars (Tic fuiFercd much affl ,^ ,on » with ihnt temper and disposition which a resigned will; andmetdcaih, <»« Krr dcli^ tr from pain ana forrovv, in confidence of'the re furreclion of the jujl. ? s* ►< tr c