Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, June 29, 1793, Page 452, Image 4

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    TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Joac 26.1 793.
NO"I ICE is hereby give a, that proposals will
be received at the office of the Secretaiy of
the Tieafuiy, uotil the fourteenth day of Sep
tember next inelufively, for the fupoly of all
Rations which m«y be iequ;red for the ofe of
the Uuited Slates, fiom the firft day of Januavy
to the (I day of December 1794, botn
days Urdu live, at the places, and within the
diituds hereafter mentioned, via.
• 1. At «mv oiace or places betwixt York-Town
ar«d Cailtflr, in the ftaic of Pennlylvaota, and
Pi:ifouigh,York-to%» n&Cailifle.
2. At any place or places from Pituburgh to
the mou'bof B?g Beaver Creek, and at the mouth
of Big Beater Crerk.
3. At any place or places from the said mooth
to the upper fallsof the (aid Big Beaver, and at
the opper falls.
4. At any place or places from the said upper
falls to Mahoning, and at Mahoning.
5. At any place or places from the said Ma
honing over to the Head Navigation of the rivnr
Cavahoga, and at the said Head Navigation.
6. At any place or places from the said Head
Navigation to thr mouth of the said river Caya
hoga, and at the said mouth.
7- At any place or places betwixt the month
of thr Big Braver Creek, to the mouih of the
riv-r Muikingum, and op the said river to the
Tufcarowas, and at the Tufcarowas and thence
over to the C'yalioga river, and theoce down the
/aid river 10 its mouth.
8 A* any place or places betwixt the* iooth
of the river Mufk-ngum and the rnou:h of (he
Scioto river, and at the mouth of the (aid liver
9. At any place or places betwixt the month
pt Scioto river & the moaih of the Great Miami,
at the mooth of the Great Miami, and from
thence to the rapids or the falls of the Ohio, and
at the (aid rapids.
10. A', any place or places betwixt the mouth
of <he Great Miami, up the said Miami to and
at P.qje Town.
11. At any place or places from Fort Wash
ington to Fort Hamilton, and ai Fori Hamilton
At anv place or places from Fort Hamilton to
Fort St. Clair, and at Fort St. Clair.
12. At any place or places from Fort St. Clair
to Fort Jefferfon, and at Foit Jefferfon.
>3. At any place or places from Fort Jefferfon
to the field of adinn of the 4th of November,
1791, and at the said field of action.
14. At any place or places from the said field
of adion to the Miami Villages, and at the
Miami Villages.
15. At any place or places from the said Mi
ami Villages to the falls of the Miami river,
which empties into Lake Erie, 2nd at the said
falls, and from thencc to its mouth, and at its
16. At any place or places from the mouth of
the said Miami i;ver of Lake Erie to Samiulky
Lake, and at Sanduflty Lake.
17. At any place or places from the said San
dufky Lake, to the mouth of the river Cayahoga.
18. At any place or places from the mouth of
the said river Cayahoga to Prefque Isle, and at
Piefque Iflr.
59 At any place or places from Prefqoe Isle
to the ft ream running into Lake Erie from to
wards the ladaghque Lake, and thence over to
and at the said Jadaghque Lake,and thence down
the AHeghany river to Fgrl Franklio.
cc. At any place or places from Prefque Isle
to Le Beuf, and at Le Beuf.
21. At any place or places from Le Beuf to
Fort Franklin, and at Fort Fia&kiin, and from
thence to Pr.tfburgh.
22. Ai any place or places from the rapids of
the Ohio to the mouth of the Wabalh river, and
from the mouth of the said Wabafh river to the
mouth of the river Ohio.
23. At anv place or places on the E-ft fide of
the river M-ftfliopi, from the mouth of the Ohio
river, to the mouth of the Illinois river.
24. At any placc or p'accs ftom the mouth of
the said Wabafh river up to Fort Knox, and at
Fort Knox.
25. At any place or places from Fort Knox op
the (aid Wabalh to Ouittanon, and at Ouittanon.
26. At anv placc or places from Ouittanon,
up the said Wabafh, to the head navigation of a
branch thereof called Little River, and at the
said head navigation of Little River.
2j. At any place or places from the (aid head
navigation ot Little River over to the Miami Vil- !
28. At any place or places from the mouth of
the river Tent flee toOccochappo or Bear Creek,
on the said river, inclusively.
29. At any place or places from the mouth of
the river Cumberland to Nafhviile, on the said
river, and at Kaihville..
30 And at any place or places withm thirty
miles ol said Nafhviile to the Southward, Weft- j
ward or N'orthward thereof
Should any rations be required at any places,
or within other diftrich, not fpeeified in th»*fe
proposals, the price of the fame to be hereafter j
agreed on betwixt the public and the contractor.
The tations to lie supplied are :o consist of tbe
articles, viz.
One pound of bread or flour,
One pound ot beef, or jofa pound of pork,
One quart of fait, }
Mwo quarts of vinegar, f
- n *•%. * * > per icc ra f .
• n * • » - I
Two pounds of soap.
One puuod of caod
The tobefurnifhed in such quanti
ties as that there (hall ai ail limes, during the bid
term, be fufficient tor the consumption of tbe
troops at each of the said pods, for the space of at
least 3 months in advance, in good and whole
some provisions, if the fame (hall he required.
lii» to be under Rood in each cafe,that allloffes
sustained by the depredations of the enemy, or by
means of the troopsof the United States, (hall be
paid for at the pticcs of the articles captured or
destroyed, on the depositions of two or more
creditable charsders, and the cetiifirate of a
commifljoned officer, afcertainin* the circum
ftancesof the loss, and the amount of the articles
for which compensation is claimed.
The for the above fappties will be
made either foi one vear, or for tioo years, a> may
appear eligible. Person* difoofed to contrast
will therefore confine their offers to one year, or
they make their p r opofinon»fo as to admit
an election of the term of two yearr.
The offers inav compr*fe ell the places which
fcavc been fpecified, or a part oi them oulr.
Hercule De Sercey,
Frc* Lioi*nt, IJLticf St. Doming ~
MAKES ana lei s all lots of Mugs Jacks
Porr.Qgcrs, Cops, Stew-Paoj, Lamps, dec.
10 1 10, plain or japanned—He also mends old
fin work. As he porks cheap, be hopes for the
public encouragement.
No. 23, Racc-ftreet, near Front-street.
June 22.
DE Hie de Sc. Dominque, travaille
en frr Blanc, de toute forte dc maniercs a
ccmiwodc et a bon marc he.
A Philadelpbie, ce 22 Juin, 1793.
No. 23, Race-llrect, pres Fiom-ftreet.
At hu Store, No. itS, Mai,
X commencement 10 January, 1787, to tU
termination io December, 1792. in twelve vo
lumes, price, neatly bound and lettered, nine
teen dolltrs and one fifth.
The opinion of the President of the United
States rcfpe&ing this work, is as follows :
" I believe the American Museum has met
with extensive, 1 may fay, with untverfal ap
probation from competent judges ; for I am of
opinion, that the work is not only eminently
calculated to disseminate political, agricultural,
philosophical, and oth-r valuable mfoimat.on ;
bat that it has been vnijorm'y condußed viik taflc 9
attention, and propriety. If to these important
obje&s be fuperadded the more immediate de
sign of refcoing public documents from obli
vion—l will venture to pronounce, as my sen
timent, that a uozi ustri'L literary
AMERICA, or one uox E deserving of pub
[mm 5.
By Thomas Dobfon,
Boeifilltr, al the Stone-Hnfe, it Stand Jlrett,
On a Plan entirely new :
arc digested into the Form of DiflioS,
HYDROSTATICS, Hygrometer, Hißory of
Japan, I .eland, JenifaJem, Jews, India,
Intc&», Infurante, Ireland, Italy, K&mfchaika,
Knighthood, Language, Law, Legerdemain,
with a great variety of Biographical an 4 Miscel
laneous Article?.—lliuftrated with thirty-one
elegant Copperplates.
I. The wotk it printing on a fupcifinc paper,
and new typo, {call for the po'pole) which
will be occafionaily renewed before tlicy cou
traft a worn appearance.
11. The work is furnilhed in boards, in volumes
or half.iolumtE, as fubferibers chufe; the pure
ol the whole volumes, five dollars each, ot the
half-volumes two dollars and two-thirds of i
dollar each. Ten dollars to be paid on fub
fcribiog, the volumes or half-volumes finilhed
to be paid for when delivered, the price of one
volume to be paid in advance,and the price of
each fucceediug volume to be paid on deliver
ing the volume preceding it. No part of the
work will be delivered uniefs paid for.
111. In the courfeof the publication will be de
livered about live hundred copperplates ele
gantly engraved in Philadelphia: which by
far excecd in number those given in any other
fcientific difiionary. At theclofeof the pub
lication will be delivered an elrgant frontif
piece, the dcd .cst on, preface, and proper ti
tle pages for the different volumes,
It isexpeQed the work will be comprised in
about eighteen volumes in quarto.
The fnhfcription will continue open on the
above terms till the firft day of September next,
to give opportunity to thofc who »se not yet
fubferibers, to come forward.
Those who have fubferibed, and got only a
small part of the work, are rrquefted to com.
plete their setts, as fir as published, as soon as
poflible, as after the firft of next September, by
which time the tenth volume is expe£ted to be
ready, the publilher will not consider himfelf
bound to make op those fetu which are not
completed up to that period.
Philadelphia, "June ig, 1793.
Albany Glafs-Houfe.
The Proprietors of the Ghfs-M»nufaclory. under
the Firm of
BEG leave to inform the public,that they have
now brought their WINDOW-GLASS to
such perfc&ion. ss will be found, oo companion,
to be equal, in quality, to the best London
Crown Glass.
Having fixed their jmcef at a lower rate than
imported Glass, they are induced to believe, that
importations of this article will be diifcontinued,
in proportion as their works are extended.
They ptopofe to enlarge the scale of this hirfe
ness, and as the success of it will depend on th:
patriotic support of the public, thev be* leave to
foLcit their friendly patronage in the pursuit of
a branch which will inteieft e\ery lo»er of
AMERICAN Manufactures.
All ordeis for Wi kdovtGl ass. of snv fixe,
will be received at the Store of Rhodes and
MacGiecor, No. 234, Q'leen-ltreri, JCcw
York, 2nd at the Glils Wa'thoufe, N.>. 48
Market-street, Albany, virhich will be punduji.y
attended to.
IP" WANTED, fix smart i&in LADS, not
exceeding j6 years of agr, to be indmi/d as
Apprentices, and jeguUrly mltruQed la ifce
various branches of dab-Making.
Also, ilirce Window-Class Makers, to whotn
great encouragement will be given.
■*&/»1 >793- '
Are del r»d to take Notice,
THAT the Conftitulion require* Payment of
One Pol ar on each Share; on the Second
Monday (tbc Bth Day, at July nrxt, on Penalty
of Forfeiture of the Money already paid.
Such Stockholders as have not made their se
cond luftalmeni, are informed, tha: Payment
will be received al the Company** Otce, N«.
119, South Froot-Strrfi, either 00 or before the
f*xd oay, as they may find it mod convenient.
June 8 1793. ey/9j.
1360 Acrci of excellent
Lying » a* com? of Aa&vt, m <i"
tmaof Vnjrtm, on one M the pri»cip*l
kittchfitf within 6* aiila *f
the Inter, (raU irkice it n ior bow
at fen or miln Ulii» h»ita.
Beside* the advantage? of these lands, for the
farmer or cultivator of tobacco, they are sup
posed, from a ftr.all though fuccefsful experi
ment made by the late ColfChifwell, to cootain
an abundance ol metals, which, if not of a pre
cunei (as has been even fuppoled) are certainty of
a very valuable kind. The belter howc»cr to
ascertain this fad, and p!ace the purchaser on a
fafe footing, in so hazardous a bufmefs, as all
tbofe fubterianeous researches, without the nt
rnoft certainty of an abundance of the desired
ore, are supposed to be, every reasonable and
necessary a&ftance or indulgence will be ren
dered those inclined to tn«ke the expeiimccr, as
well as every otheT necessary information given
by the printerof this Ga7ette in Philadelphia, or
CharlottefviUe, Virginia.
Stock Brokers Office,
So. 16, Wall-street, N1 w-Yor k.
r T I HE Subscriber intending to confine himfelf
X entirely to thr PURCHASE & SALE of
STOCKS ou COMMISSI ON, begs leave 10 of
fer bisfervices to hisfriends acd others, in the
line ofa Stock Broker. Those who may please
to favor him with their business, may depend
upon having it tranfa&ed with the utmost fide
lity and dispatch.
Orders from Philadelphia, Bofion. or any
other part of the United States, will be flridly
FACTURES, arc requcfted to take notice, that
the fourth aod last pay meat is due, and mud be
made on or the 13th day of July next,
cither to the Cafbier of the United States Bank
Office of Difcouoi and Deposit at New-York—
the Ca(hicr of tfce Bank of New-York—the
Cashier of the Bank of the United States in Phi
ladelphia—or John Bayard, ECq. in ihe cry of
New-Brunfwick, in the state of Kew-Jei fey.—
And that the (hares of all petfons neglf&njr ro
make such pay roent, and the monies by them
prcvioufly paid, will then be forfeited for the
common benefit of the said society.
That the fufcfcr:bcr is duly authorized to make
the requiGte tndoifmeuts upon the certificates of
shares, and that books of transfer are opened at
his office in Front-street.
Netu-Ymi, June >2, 1793. ( r P"3')
Philadelphia, May 27, I 793.
500 Dollars Reward.
HH CANTT, has lately made his cfcape
from Baltimore County Gaol, 10 which tie was
committed under a charge of having robbed the
Eastern Mail, on the 28th day of January lafl :
Notice is hereby given, that a reward of five
hundred doljars will be paid at thu Office, 10
any person or per Tons who rt>ail apprehend the
said T/tom'aj S/ofi GunJt, and deliver him into the
custody of the keeper of the said Gaol, or into
thecurtody of cither of the MarQials within the
United States, so that the said Thmat Slefs Gar.ll
may be cfFe&ualiy secured, and forthcoming to
answer the above mentioned chatge
I\jl-K[ijlcr General.
The following is a description of the above
named Thomas Sloss Cantt: He is abrut
fix feet high, ilrait and well made, has light co
loured hsir, tied behind, fair complexion and
has a down look when spoken to.
City of Washington.
A.... January 7ih, I?QQ.
A UMBER of Lo«f in this Cuy will Le of.
feredfor sale at auft.on, by the Com mi f.
doners, on the 17th day of September next -
One fourth part of the purchase money it 10 he
paid down, the refidueat thieerqual annual pay.
menu with yearly intend on the whole princi
pal unpaid.
JOHN M. CANTY, Ctrl tc HeCtm'rs.
Extract a s «n-A& of the General of
Maryland, concerning the Territory of Co
lumbia, and the City o» Wjihinßion
V /' B ; U I C °^ C<i ' V"* <" v foreigner wa, * r
deed or Bit//, ktreajter talc made, take ard ho: a / a , v,
mtAin that parLo) the Jaid 7e, , ii o r\ a!,(h he, u;'h.
" " tit five •***> cr as if te ujsa at,
ten of this State ; and the fame fandi !r.a, ie c.>n
"tied iyiitt, and tranfmitled to and bt n-eril'dh
>»' te,„ or relations, as lj he and the, a f r f
rft»u *(ve: P,ov,drd, That a/ ,
n virtue hereof, he euot'ed to atv/wlto or othe,
trun/ege «/a iiiizen."
V"- »9-
i TvJ c K £ T &
In .he KDtRrtL CITY I-OTTIitY,
y •"«! «i SA.\.UE». LoOPfcß's It'iy
UOST 'timefiy tkeje oj iu dijim. i«J.
JinkiTt who ire i« nrrcut Jer r,e Ctteite, fj
mem eif-nai }}f)ii{e.—Titfe ferjm* »-•.<> iti (
recmei J Mjcnptin mcr.ej n ku are defr.d
to remit tie fame. Tie ar 1 ear&gijir ue Gazette
hive auumwtei to e/eriou jme.nt—Seru*i, z,
tiey dretkeoth te/tmru to rerj
c*g*icme'.ti I'-lired IM tie pro/it* jt tf tin ex.
ferkvepmHcetii*. Juae 16.
or THE
RzfpcßfuU? addrejjed evrry Cnttfmin f/ Same
» tieCftineit urnd tfl.tji of America.
A SOCIETY H2l lately hero instituted In t^; 4
State, called the Historic a l ton rr, ■
:he proteffed defi'n of which n, 10 coll,u, 0., :
fcTTe and communicate, ma.erinlaforacon pi e ie
history of this coanirv, and accounts of all n u .
able efforts of human i.,ge..u y and indufi
fiom 1 lie beginning oi 111 (ettlemenr. In
fuancc ot this pun, ihey have alieadv ai.uff.d a'
Urge quantity of b».ks, pampblcu aad jnaaa.
fcripu ; and aie (hi! in (catch of more : A cata
logue ot which will be punted for tee :nlorn<>.
lion of tbe public.
They have alf> encouiag. d the publication of
a monthly pamphlet, in wn ch it given itie ie( u jt
of their enqjines, into the naiuia.', political a-<i
ecclefmlical hiltory of this countrj. I, r; .
quested (bat you would contribute to it* value
and importance, by aiteot'on to the ankles an.
nexed. The Society beg leave to depend cu
your obliging anf» er to tficfe hejds ..f inquiry,
when Icifure and opportunity v.-ill pirmit." '
Your letters addieffcd, free of cucnfe/loil e
fublcriber, will be gratefully recent, and dt. y
noticed in (he Society's publications; and y..,i
will have the fatislafiion of contributing to t pi
general flock of knowledge, with w! tch J
hope to entertain the public.
Ia tbe name, and byoroerol -he So ie
kit' I" -£ ofTs 'i >o,,, *Wß#*«««:y.
itapelnfcUs, Met. 1,1-)fu
Articles on which the- SrdtlJ n^|
«. The rime when your town or chv was "n
corporated ; its Indian name; when ihe fettlr
nient began; .whether it was in'tcriub'cd, a:<
by what means; to what Colony 01 County i
alterations, what they are, and when made.
2. The exploit#, labours and fullering* of tl't
10 war; particular account u! cz-.
vacations, deaths, captivities and redemptions.
3. Divtfions of your tow,n or ojv in p*riihci
and prccinft;, or the ereflion of new towns
within the formir limits.
4. Time of gath-ring chnrches of ever y de
nomination ; names ot the leveral M.niftrrs;
the timesof their fcttlemcn:, removal ind dean.'
and their age at the time ot their deaih. '
town, or within yonr knowledge, wh6 nave
been remarkable lor ingenuity, rprife, litfl
more, or anv other vaiuable 'accnmpliftmfn';
an account of their "iicrary produfiions, and if
poffi-ile, copies of them.
6. Topographical di fcripUon of your town
or county, and its vicinity r mountains, river*,
foods, animals, vegetable pruduaibns ; re.
maikablc falls, caverns, mineias, flonrt, fcflili,
pigments, medicinal and poifonOils fubflantcs,
their ufea and antidotes.
7. The former and present slate* of cultiva
tioa, and your thoughts on farther improve*
men;j, cither in refpefi to agriculture, roadsot
8. Monuments and relicks of ihe ancirnt la.
dians \ number and present Hate of any remaiu*
ing Indians among you.
9> Singular instances of longevity and fecun
dity from the fiift fettlemem to the prtftnt tiwie.
10. OafervatioDs on the weatner, diTcafpjt,
and the influence of the«climate, or o* particular
fiiuations, employments and aliments, efpeci
2''y 'he effefi of fpiriiuou* liquors on the human
M* A cc i,wate bilH of. foccifying
IP Mfwliih, tlie proportion 6f Si rib? ana
death},aod the jocreafc or dicieafc ©if fK>f>uiii
12 Accounts of manufa&ures and fifheries,
and thoughts on the farther improvement of
1 3- Modes of education, private or publi£{
what enconragemrot is given to fchbols and
colleges, and what is done to advance literature;
whether you have a social library, what is the
number of books, and of what value.
14. What remarkable events have befallen
your ft ate, county, town, or particular families
or per lons, at any time.
P. S, The Conrfponding Members of this
Society are requeued to tranfnvt co the Coire
fpondin5 Secre'ary, any hist >ru»! infoi mat ion
of which th y may be pofleffed, refpe&ing any
part of the American Continent and I (lands. to
gether with printed ads and journals of Afcm
bl es and Conventions, whether citil or ecclesi
astical And the S«x:iety will gratefully reetive
from them 120 from all other perfors
>ny books, pamphlets, inanufcnpts, maps or
plans which may be ufefal in forming an histori
cal cp'l. t^.«»n—;md «tV nvural or artificial pro
du£)i<ms \* hirh vbay rnUtgt the Museum.
The Libi irv *ad Museum are io au
apartment of Tancuil Hail. /ffiv jfrfipdefiroas
o* making a fearrh ?mnng the books **r manu
friots, many have access to them under such re
gulations, a> may be known by applying to any
onr of »h'* members.
l"fl publipJid,
At the Stone Houje, A'o. 41, Souli SeccnU-Stretl,
D"c: J jd n the Supreme Court of 'he United
Stmtes, in wliTch is dlfru.TVd the 1 Oueftion,
Price Half a Dollar.
LETT til,