lhation, that in tlic parts of Trance he fltjll fat doc he will allow the alfignats to cireul'ate. This is laying, in the AuJinan tongut, that, were he 10 be allowed 10 do fa, he would inundate the whole of the territory of the Republic With forced aflignats." Letters trom Toulouse slate, that the regiment of Angonmoife is em its march to the' valley of Auu, which has been taken by 800 Spaniards. Letters Irem Baynnnc also ftiite, that a Soauilh army has invaded the French territories. No Ids thin eleven Theatres, with perform ances every night, Sundays not excepted, are at this time open in Paris. The Gutllttfinc 1 ragc dies, however, draw ,away much ot their,good company. By letters from the Hague, dated the ult. we have accounts frorp Paris as late as the 19th Apiil. A decree ol confifcation of the pioperty ot M. Egalite, had puffed, without prejudice, ho vevtr, to the claims of his creditors. One ol*t'he fir ft rri. rcamile bouses 111 the city has received advices from Holland, (latiiig, that the French convention had pailou a decree, pro hibiting the fubjefis ot France Irom paying any bills acccptcd by tln-m, drawn by at War >wiih th-at country, and liiat even a pnnilhment ■was annexed wlnrever this decree was disobeyed. The Suffolk, of 74 gum, with the General, God lard.and Lafcellcs EaU Indiamen, and a .large convoy, failed the jd i-iIV. for the Downs. The Camani of the Spanilh Register ihip btO't ill here,-took the French privateer to he an Al g, rir.iS having r.eve." seen the new National co lou's,or In aid of ilie war; and from a diea.l of being inad. Haves, flood an a&ioil ot 5 hours, 111 which he bad ie:i men killed, .11J 37 w .unci -d. Hisupper woiks vrrecuii 1 < ly flnticted, aod his •people having heen at lea from tlw nni'- he left T.una,could no louder uippoi*t the fatigue ot the ■action. The mate of the privateer itronglv re commended a run to America with the prize. The Spaoilh Regitter fmo is found 10 be of much greater value than at tirfl eftimatcd. She will ceiiamly produce a million fterlmg, which is the riclieft veffei that ever put to tea. But fomr go so far at to lay that (he w.ll fall nothing lli>.ti oT i ' The cargo that remained on board theSpanifh Regilter (hip, on ine 14 h of April. wHtch was the day 011 which (he w«> reraomred, couflilt nf the fallowing articles, viz. — t6-chefts of money, f ven of which are gold, the tell plate ; 7 2 cwt. of red wood ; 206;. qumtal#of bark, of different weigh s, from too to 300 pounds each; 2400 quintals of cocoa ; 4887 quintals of copper ; s>o quintals o! lead ; 112 quintals of wool; 162 tjuiuials of fu»ar; 2:14 pounds of medictn ; '338 pounds ot rxtraft-d baik; 71, pounds of greale of cocoa ; 150 pounds of balsamic Pern ; 250 prepared hides; 119 (kins tor rasping ; 8 dozen ot fine leather; 3 barrels of honey; 3 dozen nf Peru wine; 11 eases of different pro- duftions ot Pciu. "• On the rc-rapture from the French bv the l&fcton, of the valuable Spahifh p»ize Register Ihip, part of the tffefts ot which, to'the amount of coq'oool. haji been puL-ijn_board the French privates- " *** '-nrVi.my, vfon, whether the £ f nghln captors are not enti tled to lh6 whole of the latter, as a complete prize from an enem# —tho'ollls to salvage for f<» muclvas remained on board theSpanifh (hip. United States. B Q S T O N, June 15. Extra# of a letter jran London y April 21. On thfc 15*h inft. the unfortunate General Blauchland?, formerly Governor of Hifpan.iola, was beheaded at Paris. The greatest fin;p!i city of manner's, an inexhauffciblefund ofgood nefs, the purest foul, the most scrupulous cxer ci'e of every moral and religious virtue, a sol dier's intrepidity, united to theexpeiience of art old indebted solely to his merit for Ins advancement, and an unsullied behavior in mhfy di'Sc'iilt (lai'i.ons —»vere characldr iftics of this man, a£jd they're!! entitled him t£ crown, in hi«? lalt .-moments Ins fnoderatlon and fir nine !" appe ir WAojy t Convention, in order dav morning off Egg Harbor, (landing in for the to e cried. IHe C''nX,.,fifjgjj referred his Capes, having loft her fore and mizen top malls, trial to tnc 1 ribunal of Pa> who alps had and main-top galfant 3naft. There was a cotifi the charges against Col. CanibefOn- ~n iCj derable gale ia(i Frniay on th^coaifc. officers u idev cognizance. The tribunal,..- , t «i£tr IKe left there, the Cipt;iin £ John MoO'e, of Kit teryj was tak n sick, wi" h the diford-r called the black, vomit, and the filth day after died. The Mate [Mr. Elijah Hodgdon, lon of M'«?jor Hodg don, ot DoverJ was tak< n with-the fame difrtr der, the day after the Captain, and died about 36 hours after him. John McKiottih, Esq. merchant, of Tobago, took paft«g p in "He ship to come here for his health, and also died, three days before the fluparrived here!— Mr. William Hanlon, ot Dover, took the command, and Mr. Samuel Holbrook, the mate's birth—'both for tunately iuving navigation) and conducted the ship tafely inio t his port. ■■ >'■>+—** Philadelphia, June 26. The Bntifh Packet Portland, Capt. James, failed from Halifax for New-Yoik the 6'h inft. A vefffl arrived at New-York which left Halifax the 10th, brought this account. Captain Fultord informs, that when he left Francois, about the 8 h or 9th of this month, there a £,re eight French (hips of the line ond three frigates, and that no intelligence har 1 -L _ —i U rca h. d that placc of che capture of Martinique or Guadaloupc, nor of the bombardmeut of St. .Pierre. In consequence of an application from the Executive of the United States, to the Governor, as commander ill chits ol the nmitia of Pcnu f)lvariju a party ofthemilina was, on Saturday I ast, put oa board the (hip William, now id this port as a prize to the Citizen Genet, f«»r the pur«- pose of detaining hrr, until, by negotiation, it is decided whether fhc is a legal puze ; the court of admiralty for this diftridl having pro nounced the cate not within its jufifdiflion. The business of a parliamentary reform is again agitating with fpint in England. Petitions from a great number of towns and parifheshave been pvefented 10 ihe House of Commons: iht fe, after some finall objections as to form, have been committed. This is the only effec tual remedy for the evils of the ftntilh govern mrnt ; and perhaps i»i a country where pieju dicts and even h-*ve acouired an unjuit veneration from their antiquity, it the only f-ie mode ot feeding a radical curc lor poluttal Uif- cab. 447 , iFrom.to a scnl'mm in this cuv, ; n forms, that ihe ihi p I*i!mi, J I.crw r 'oiMaiquc hoju Liv«rpoo,ooo-i. Or f iing. The explain abJl fit IV and , w!k> do not ftanrt in need of any thing." The price of Stocks is (Ijtionary —this appears portentous ot a rile—There is another orcurn- stance-— Som?,ivki>f>. Sloop Hope, Webb, do. O we, Merchant, Newbury port William, Lunt, " V do. Belfey, M»fs, New Y ok Ddpatch, Werks,' Portland fyT Price ofStods at in cur IjJi. TH £ ID IT HOST rat*'ft J rr/jttji! lio/t trj hn di/itnt Sub. firiirrs w*:o are ' * arrearsJer the Ctutte, to rate fa\a ent as fieu ai p"/j'"ie.— < koj'c ptrforu uho hart rtaiotJ fnUcriptioH nancy as hit ac ,>unt are di fired to remit ihe fame. The Jet tue (>azetle hive accumulated to a f-ru us ..mount—ieruw, as thr\ ate the oni\ refunt In Jjihirje ven Jetrous tagtjtme-U tm»tn4 in :ie [lofccvrion of Ihii ex. fer.J/m puiiiulioa. PhiUdclph a, June 26. TREASURY D!t? \HTMNTT, June 26 N r O'l ICE is heir b v $ \t, the Treasury, unnf'he louneen-.h day of Sep tember next in^lufively,■fpV the supply of ail Rations whiclf May be required for the use of the United Mates, from th:; firlf day of Januaiy to the thiifv-h-it day of D» cember 1 794. both days inciuovc, at the pines, and wiuiin the diH» »6ls heii'ifcer »'nen'toned, v\t. 1. At any.place 01 plate* bet wixi arid CavUlli*. lii the fta'e of P nniy.lv una, and Piti{but£.h|&at Piufbu-gh.Yot k-to wii & Car lisle, ?. Ac any place or places from Piuiburgh ti> tbc motvhof Big B> aver Creik, and at the mouth of, Big Beaver Creek. At any place of places from the said mouth to the upper iails of the laid Big ii aver, and al the upper falfs. 4. At any place or places from t ie fata upper falls to Mahontngt ari( J al Mahouingi 5. At any piacc or. piac« * Irom itie taid Ma honing over to the Head N of the r»vef Cavaboga, and at the laid Head Nav gatior.. At any place o» places Irom tUc laid Head Navigation to the mouth of the laid iwer Cttya hoga, and at the said mouth. 7, At ftnv plate or places betwxt the mouth of the Bikj Beaver Creek, to the mouth of* the riv r MufltinJum, and up the said river to the Tufcarowas, and at the Tufcarowas, and thence over to the Cdwahoga river, and thence down the laid river to its mouth. 8. At any place or places betwixt the moulh of the river Mufktnguto and the mouth of ths Scioto river, and at the m >uth of thw said river Scioto. 9 At any place or plarcs hetwixt the mouth of Scrdfo river & the mouth of the Great Miami, at the momh of the Great Miami, and from thence to tire iapids or the falls of the Ohio, and at the said rapids. 10. At any place or places betwixt the mouth of she Great Miami, up the said Miami to and at Pique Town. 11. At any place or places from Fort Wafli rtjgton to Fort Hamilton, and m F«>rt Hamilton. At anv place or places from Fort Hamilton 10 Fort Si. Glair," and at Fnn St. Crair. • 12. Ar any place or plates I rom Fort St. Claif to Fort J< fIF( rO>n, and at Foil jeffcrfon. 13. At anv place or places f rom Fort Jefterfon <0 the fit Id ol ast ion of the 4 h of November, 1791, and at the said field ot afction. 14. At any place or places from the said field of action to the Miami Villages, and at the Miami Villages. 15. Ar any place or places from the said Mi ami Villages to the falls of the MiamVjiver, whith empties into Lake Erie, and at the said faffs, and from thence to its mouth, and at iia mouth. 16. At any plare or placcs from the mouth of the said Miami river of Lake Erie to Sandufky Lake, and at Sar.dulky Lake 17. At any place or places from the said San dufky Lake, 10 the mouth of the rivet Cayahoga. 18. At any place or places from the mouth of the (aid livei Cay«ihoga to Prifque Iflc, and at Prefque Ifl-. 19 At any place or places from Prefque Iflc" to the ft ream running inm Lake Erie from to wards the Jadaghquf Lake, and thence over to and at the lard Jadaghq'ur L-»ke,and thcnce down the Alleghany uverto Fori F''«itikiiiw 20. Ar any place or place* from Prefque Lie to Le Beuf, and at Le Bcuf 21. A? any place or places from Le Beuf to Fort Franklin, and at Fort Franklin, and from thence to Pi.tfburgh. 22. At aoy place or places from th? rapids of the Ohio to the mouth ol the W.ibafh river, and from the mouth of ihe laid Wabafh river to the moinh of the river Ohio. C - At guy-place or places on the E»ft fide of the niTi M iliffippi, fiom the mouth ol the Ohio river, he mouth ot the Illinois river. 24, Ar any plarc or places from the mouth of the la:d Wabalh river up to Fort Knox, and at Fort Knox. 25. At pUce or placca from Fort Knox up . the laid Wabafh to Ooittanon, and at Ouittanoo. 26 At any place or places from Ouittanon, up the fa;d Wabafo, 'o «l>c head navigation of a branch thereof called Little River, and at the said hod navigation of Little River. 27. At any place or placrs from the* said head navigation of I.mle River over to the Miami Vil- ' lagr. ?8. At any place or places from the mouth of the rive r ».<> Occot happo 01 BtarCieck, on the said river, iuclultve!y 29. At any place or ptures from the mouth of the river Cumberland to Nashville, on the fu»d nver, and ai Nafhv:l!e.. 30 And at any place or places within thirty prdesof said Nashville to the Southward, West ward or thereof- - <&yild ;«nv tc'tions bcrre.- -~r J, _ p' 3f4 CS, or within in thelc proposals, price ot-the fame to be hereafter . agreed on betwixt the public and the coiurador. The rations to be fuppl'.ed are to COnsist ol thf * following articles, viz. One pound of bread or slur, One pouud of beef, or }of a pound of poik, One quart of fair, } Mwo quar.t* of vinegar, f .• 1 , . , > per 100 rations. Iwo ponnds of loap, ( r One pouud of can