Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, June 19, 1793, Page 440, Image 4

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jr \ ,
oj tie UmTiu ST At t§.
• ' . SEN ators;
Jf.'ttu- Mj tttji I ri,
John Lan'fdon, Livermorc.
■\ - r ■' ' Majfaikrftti.
- Gcwfc <JM>i. Caleb Stroqf.
1 : Jntde- If and,
William Braolord. Theodore FoAcr,
diver Elfwor<h. Roger Sherman.
fitepbta X. Bradley, Mofcs Robinfoa.
•" " ' Nrai-Yirk,
AuM Burr, Rufu: Kin£
' .I-;. ' k'ew-,frrfcy, '
Johfl Rftiherford, Frrdcrick Tiefioghuyfcn.
" Pt*nJ\!vania,
Albert CalUtiu, Robot Morris.
Gct»rge Hskd, John Viping.
Matyfakd, '
Htnry, Rtchtfd Mi*.
'Inn lim'w, Join Ti^tot.
. • _• lUnttaky,
John Brnwia, John iiwards.
|> » - Utrtk-OtrM—,
~B<dm>l» Hawkins,'Aietandrr Martin.
Pierce Baiier, K4ph iMfd.
,«£. . . . Curgia,
v> Cyan, jjuocs JiCkwn.
NicholasGilman John $. Sherbjurwe
Jeremiah Smith Paine Wingate
Filler Ames Benjamin Goodhue
Shearjafhub Bourne Samuel Holten
David Cobb William Lyman
Peleg Coffin Theodore Sedgwick.
Samuel Dexter George Thatcher
Heniy Dearborn Peleg Wadl worth
Dwight Foster Aucmis Waid
Rhode- JJland,
Benjamin Bouin Francis Malbone
James Hiilhoufe Uriah Tracv
Benjamin Huntington Jonathan Trumbull
Amafa Learned Jeremiah Waalfwoith
Stephen Mix Mitchell
V ermont,
Nathaniel Niles Jfrael Smith
J. E. Van Allen Henry Glenn
Theodorus Bailey James Gordon
Philip Van E!ias Talbot
Peter Van Gadfbeck Thomas Tread v. ell
Eztkiel Gilbert l°hn Watts
Xcw- Jcrfiy,
John Bearty Abraham Clark
£ lias Boudiuot Jonathan Dayton
Lambert Cadwalladcr
Jam' 9 Armstrong J hn W. Kittera
William Findley William Mon'gomery
Thomas Fitziimons Fred. A. Muhl nberg
Andrew Gregg Peter Muhlenberg
Thomas Hartley Thomas Scott
Daniel Heifter J°hn Smiley
William Irvine
John Patron
Gcbr:e! Chyftift John F. Mercer
George Dent William Vans Murray
Uriah Forrcft Samuel Smith
W.lliain limdman Thomas Sprig
Thomas Claiborne lofaph Neville
Jfaac Coles Anthony New
Wijham B. Giles John Nicholas
$amuel Griffin J°h" Page
George Hancock Jofiah Parker
Carter B. Harrifon Francis Preston
John Heath Robert Rutherford
Richaid B. Lee Abraham Venable
James Madison Francis Walker
Andrew Moore
Alexander D. Orr Chriftoplier Greenup
Thomas Blount Nathaniel Macon
William J. Daw Ton Joseph M'Dnwell
James Gslltfpie Alexander Mebane
Wm, Barry Giove Benjamin Williams
Matthew Locke Joseph Win Hon
Lemuel Benton Andrew Pickcns
Alexander Gillon Wm. Smith
John Hunter Richard Winn
Abraham Baldwin Thomas P. Carnes.
will meet the fiift Monday in De
cember next.
Boston, June $.
THE Supreme Exccuitve, we leant, has iffufd
certificates of the ele£h<in of ihe Hon..samuel
Holten, Pelec Wads worth, Dwjght
Foster, and Wilijam Lyman, Efquiies,
as Reprefentativcs to the Congiefs ot the United
A informs, that considerable
debate has arisen in the Hon. Council, on the
propriety of issuing certificates to the two last
mentioned gentlemen ; and that the debate arose
from the idea, that the last piecepts iflucd by
tht- Supreme Executive, were informal, if not
ivhoUy illegal; as the Keloluiion of the Legisla
ture required, that the number of candidates
Cent out to the people, (bould be double that of
the Representatives to be chosen ; and that in
the instance of the Western Diltntt, and county
of Hampshire, (in which those gentlemen are
declared to be ele&ed) which are entitled to
two Representatives, only three candidates were
sent out: The confeqnence of this proceeding
is, that the choice of the people has been fruf
trated ; and that the pcrfon to whom a great
majority of the free ele&ors gave their suss.ages,
is debarred being their Representative, from the
circumstance of having been voted for both for
the Dijlricl and Ctunty, of both of whicb he was
that drcUrr.V • Candidate. A llatement of the
v.ii<» i i .U.zichc ihe fobjfti. The biglielt
(•u;r,!..r n'«"> • ' >*a»<>394; aud they weie lor
iht diltnt: n, tiii cr—o: which tbe Honorable
Dwicrii had 3535, <ud the Hon. Sa
moil Li mam,'-'Bs9—i 'c imirr votes for the
mc.ribfr, v*; ri ol which thr Hoi».
William Ly«an had 3135, a»d the H.m.
Samuel Lymam, 2866. — lhus brine Candi
date . 0 li tor DjiriLi ;ud C'Mitly, Mr. Samuil
Lyman, notwitl.Ujndinif he had o! 6394 elec
tor!, the futfrag-s of 5725, for their krpicffi.ra
ti vr, he it dei.Ui.-d NOT KLECTEO * and thole
who had abt;ve two thooG*i»d Irfi votes of the
Jtuu eleffcrt, are declared to be ihe Reprejeatativet
oj the Ptofte. Th: will of the People, in - Re
public, IS said to be the Supreme Law. If tfjis
principle be just, this election will lie declared
illegal.—And our correfpoadeut k*s beet in
formed, ihif it i* ihe opintgsof the
and ablest lawyers in tne Contmoiiwealthy :h*t
the House of Rcpr-ft ntaiivcs o< the Uniled
States, who a>e judges of the qual ficatioos of its
owts members, will declare the elrfiion
and of course a new one njuft take pltce.
IT has hitherto been the pra&'ce of this
Seminary (as it was all along the practice
both pfthv* Oid College and of the old Univer
: fityj to exam ne the feverai rolls once a
week—and, on every fucb occaiion, to levy
fines (except where corporal punishment was
to be utfli&ed) on loch of the Students, as,
during the preceding week, had been either
late in their attendance, or abJent altogether,
at any particular fcilioj;.
But this practice, however good the design
with which it was it ft.tuted, was found to be
attended with some inconveniences. The
collet ion of so many petty fines was both
troublesome and degrading to the Profeflors.
Neither, after all, could the imposition ot
these fines be expected to produce the desired
eflfeft: for, ifconfiderable, they operated ra
ther as a tax upon the parents, than as a
punishment on the boys ; and, it inronfider
able, were but too apt to be disregarded —
And, as to corporal punishment, the inflic
tion of it so frequently, and ;n so public a
manner, could not but tend to wear out that
ingenuous sense of fti3me and regard to cha
racter, which it is one great end of education
to cherish and promote.
At a meeting therefore, of the Faculty,
held April 18th, 1793, it was unaninioufly
" First, that all fines and corporal punish
ments for attending # late, or for being absent
altogether, at any particular session, shall be
44 And, secondly, that, on the firft Wed
nefday of every month, there (hall he he-da
meeting of the r everal Profenorsand Tutors,
for the purpose of examining the general roll,
and comparing their several particular rolls ;
\frhen an accurate the attend
ance and behavior of each student, during the
preceding month, shall be; made out, and pre
ferred to his parents or guardian."
The faculty confide, that by thus extend
in&es it were, the authority of parents end
guardian*, there will be less need for the ex*
ertion of other authority : and that the ap
prehension of this monthly notice w\\\ be found
to have at least as much influence on the
minds of their pupils, as the apprehcnfion of
the weekly fines and punishments were found
to have formerly.
Published for the information of the pa
rents and guardians of the students and scho
lars at the University.
By order of the Faculty,
Philadelphia, June 11, 1793.
Are defred to take Notice t
THAT the Constitution requires Payment of
One Dollar on each Sfraie v on ihc Second
Monday (the Bih Day) of July n?xt, on Penalty
of Forfeiture of the Money already paid.
Such Stockholders as have not made their se
cond Instalment, are informed, that Payment
will be received at the Company's Office, No.
119, South Front-Street, either on or before the
said Day, as they mav find it qioft convenient.
June 8. 1793.
Albany Glafs-Houfe.
The Proprietors of the Glafs-Manufaclory, under
the Firm of
BEG leave to inform the public, that ihey have
now brought their WINDOW-GLASS to
such perfection, s will be found, on cotnpatifon,
to be equal, in quality, to the bill London
Crown Glass.
Having fixed their prices at a lower r*teth<>n
imported Glass, they are induced to helieye, that
importations of this article will be difcominued,'
iu proportion as their works are extended.—
They propose to enlarge the scale of this busi
ness, and as the success of it will depend on th
patriotic support of the public, they beg leavs to
solicit their friendly patronage iu the pursuit o.t
a branch which will interest every lover of :
American Man j factor es.
All orders for Wi ndow-Gl ass, of any size,
will be received at the Store ol Rhodes and
MacGricor, No. 234., Queeu-ftreet, New-
York, and at the Glass Wa r ehouse, No. 48,
Markct-ftreet, Albany, which will be pun&uaiJy
attended to.
WANTED, fix smart aflive LADS, not
exceeding 16 years of age, to be indented as
Apprentices, and regularly is.strutted in the
various branches of Glass-Making.
Also, three Window-Glass Makers, to whom
great encouragement will be given.
May 1, 1793.
In General AjjemVj, Ma) iejion, A. D. 1793.
RESOLVED, That an Ast paffrd hy ihi«
AIT. mMy at the May, A. D. 1791.
whereby lA.t* Bow in, Elq. C».™ IConer ot
Loans, was icqoefted »oi to loan an> *
certain drfcr.ution, .fried by th.- General I rea
fure, oi ihis State for M'.nifS due 10 ill. Soldieis
of the lau- Artny, in f .nfequence of their having
been fraudulently obtained, and the said Com
-111 <Hi oner was further requclWd 10 retain said
.Voies ill.his office until such fuwre ordeii Ihould
be thereon made,ac might consist withihe prin
ciples of yjftice and equity* be, aod ihe fame is
hereby repealed, so far as regards the detention
of*»hofe Notes.
It is further refolded. That the General Trea
surer atlvcrtife in all »he newfpaptrs in th«sftate,
and in the Gazette oj the United States, a d*fcrip
lion of the Note* thua fraudulently obtained,
with a caution to all perfoos not to purchase
Lift of Notes obtainedfrom theTreafury
Office by fraudulent Meafurei, to wit :
Whs delivered. ■T» uhm When Amount »J
tayatle. payable. tit ftee.
i-f d -
Scpt.2s.SharpoChamplin, 44 1 £
Prince Cafe do- n *8 2
Stephen Charles do. 30 9 10
John Brown 1214
Czfar Cady do. 51 a 10
John Okey do. 43 19 11
Oft. 14. John Reed do. 31 4 °
John Horfley do. 29 o 6
William King do. 22 19 5
16. Prince SayJes do. 38 it 10
Br idol Arnold do. 38 9 6
Caefarßofr do. 36 12 8
Cudge Cham pi in do. 40 11 10
Jack Greene do. 40 8 6
18. Joseph Tanner do. 43 7 10
Cato Vernon do. 20 3 3
Daniel Sharpe do. 30 11 3
Prince Randal do. 38 11 <>
foftiua Dick do. *9 19 7
William Negro do. 29 5 o
23. Joseph H jII do. 39 12 .5
Benjamin Sprague do. 30 to o
Peter Harris do. 38 14 6
28. Sfrphen Aldrich do. 22 14 2
Wiiliam Mac Call do. 3,5 8 o
Prince CHilds do. 27 12 2
Leicester Wheeler do. 19 2 4
Pal Hackmet do. 25 14 o
Abraham Smith do. 24 14 8
John Thomas do. 4110 8
Jark Warden do. 31 o 2
John Brifto! do. 33 18 »i
Benjamin Reed do. 32 4 8
Cato B?nnifter do. 27 2 7
Nathaniel Wicks do. «o 8 5
Beuoni Hathaway do. 36 17 5
tvar) Evan* do. 28 7 2
Joseph Merry do. 32 8 7
Pero Greene do. 28 16 9
Nov. 5. Benoni Hunt do. 40 5 o
11. Cato Brown do. 37 5 7
Africa Bmk do. 27 a 9
London Slocutn do. 23 8 11
Ja. k Mintborn do. 27 2 q
13. Tibbrt T. Hopkins do. 41 13 8
17. Jacob Ned do. 40 o 16
Boston Wilbour do. 42 7 10
Tonv Phillips do. 27 3 o
Ephraim Rogers do. 623
Robert Goreham do. 41 o 10
24. Robert Howland do. 39 3 9
James Singleton do. 21 15 o
James Cross do. 35 4 6
Cato Sianly do. 21 o 10
John George do. 19 19 6
John Crandal d*. 77 12 2
Prince Power do. 19 4 9
Benedi& Aaron do. 75 10 8
Caesar Shelden do. 12 18 7
do. 1.7 17 9
Scinio De Welfe do. iq 14 10
Bristol Luther do. 18 2 3
John Hufley do. 28 11 5
Dec. t. Benjamin' Sweet do. 602
Silas Mawney do. 28 15 4
do. q o 4
6. Jamrs Mac Sparrow do. 28 16 3
11. Cato Bourse do. 6 10 2
Prim Gardner do. 71* 3
Joseph Wilkev do. 18 4 8
Cornelms Drafkill do. 18 4 8
Pero F nch do. 69 7 6
Dublin Briggs do. 47 4 8
Bridget Stajce do. 19 16 n
Edward Eafterbrocks do. 10 4 1
Cuff Arnold do. 5 10 3
Prime Clarke do. <53 16 6
John Mc Donnal do. 12 4 7
13. George Rohbi.ns do. 21 o u
John Morris Obrien do. 25 19 2
Prime Brown do. 41 1j 11
Solomon Mathews do. 33 5 6
Tack Siflon do. 40 7 8
Newport Greene do. 35 3 7
Lbeneier CxCac do. 11 6 8
John Elliott do. 2103
Reuben Thorp dp. 23 o 2
Thomas Randall do. 24 11 2
Thomas Durfee do. 22 11 6
Daniel Mammon do. 29 o 5
Richard Hopkins do. 45 3 o
H< nry Hazard do. 25 3 3
Levi Cole do. 9 4 *1
Allen Southwoith do. 18 iq 3
Richaid Allen do. 74 18 >0
Dec. 23. William Chadfev, en dcman4- *3 9 o
Ichabod Simmons do. 4 1 1
John Brown do. 1119 4
John Gavit do. 10 16 4
William Ackman do. 42 18 c
Jack Coddington do. 7iq 4
Cjef««r Gaidner do. 812 7
Toby Coyes 60. 71 17 10
John Willfon do. 63' 16 5
25. John £avet do. 66 6 1
* John Garrison do. 57 15 3
IN OBEDIENCE to the atore recited A& of
the General Assembly, I do hereby caution all
persons from receiving any of the above men
tioned Notes, without the most plenary proof
being made that they wer» obtained from the
office by genuine documents from the soldiers
epi 2 w
■w ho pcrffiim»d , o Whwft ttv*
wrrr t>>ui a 01 troni (Kii !*»;■«. »C 'cu;«r
iv:s Oi
Gt oc i At - T i e» t hi er.
A r ewpofi t Hum 14- 17Q3-
Commission irs appoimed by CovrrnrrK-nt <0
preparr 'He Public buildings, &cc. wt(h*n th«
City ot Wajkl9gum % tor «>r rcxrp ion ol Con*
grcf*, «ut! lot ilic 11 fcrtuaeeitt 1 . faience /Ups
luc)carlßo0 —
Federal City.
50,«00 Tickets at 7 dollars, arc 350,000 dollars.
j Sopeib with baths. >
out h"ufes, to coll j
1 Ca(h Pnae
) ditto
2 ditto
2 ditto
,5, co« arc
2 5
10 ditto
20 ditto
100 ditto
200 ditto
400 ditto
1,000 ditto
15,000 ditto
16,737 P"*"
33,163 #l»nk»
By this scheme At itaji the amount of the tick
ets wjil tt'lurn to the fortunate adventurers,
yer the fcdcra| City will gain its objr£t t&ere.Sy,
in a magnificent building designed both ior pub.
lie and private convenience.
Although lorre expenre must ccccffdrily at
tend the conducing of the lottery, (*btchex
pence will be taken from the principal prize) the
Commiflioneis having agreed to prefcut in re
turn a fufficient quantity of exccijcni frce-ftone,
tog«ther with (he best adapted lots for the ho:el
and for the out-houfes, the value of the fouery
entire may be fairly rated at fornithine more than
par: In this important inftanrc it wul be found,
on examination, to exceed all the louents that
have ever been offered to the Public in this or
perhaps in any other counuy. The keys of the
Hotel, when compleat, will be delivered to tbe
fortunate poffi {Tor of the ticket drawn aagaintfc
its number. —All the other prizes will be paid,
without deduction,in one month after the dialing, l»y
the City Treafu*"er at Walhingtoii, or at such
Bank or Banks as it;ay be hereafter announced,
for the convenitncy of the fortunate adventurers.
The drawii.g will commence on Monday the
6th of Scptembci next, at the City of Waflung
Tickets may be had of Col. Win. Dickens, City
Treafurrr of Wafliington ; Tha er (3 B rtlet, of
Charleston, Souih-Catolina ; Gideon Denijon, Sa
vannah ; Jfames Wejl £3 Co. Baltimore;
Mr. Peter Oilman, Button; and at such other
places as will be bereattei publifbed.
be given for thebeft Plan ol an elegant and con
venient HOTEL or INN, with hot and told
Baths, Stables, and other out bouses, if prejented
onorbejori the 10/ A oj April next; and a pre
ference will be givm 'o the Ariift tor a Con
tract, provided he be duly qualified to
compleat his plan. The grciind on which
the Hotel and out houses are to be ere&ed, will
be a corner lot of about 90 by 2CO feet, with*
back avenue to the stables, &c. Se6ti<>ns 2nd
efti.nates of the expense will . be
with the elevations, &c. compleat ; and 50.00#
dollars miift be regarded by the Aicb't«.& as the
utmost limn in the expense intended tor this
purpot'e. S. BLODGET,
Agent for the aiiaus of the City,
March 6, 1793- ■
City of Washington.
January j.h, 1793.
A NUMBER of Lois in this C»:y will be of
fered for Tale at, by the Coromif
fioners, on the 17th Hay of September n/rxt.—
One fourth part of the purehafe money ir to be
paid down, the residue at three equal annual pay
ments with yearly inter eft on the whole princi
pal unpairi. • -
JOHN M. GANTT, Clerk ft> the Cem'rs.
Extra# of an Ast of the General Affemhlv of
Maryland, concerning the Territory of Co
lumbia, and the City ot Washington.
u Be it cnaftcd, That any \forcigr,er may by
deed or willy hereafter to he made. take and held lands
within that part of the jaid Territory which lies with*
in this State, in the f jme manner as if he a citi»
zen of this State ; and the Jame lands may he con
veyed by him, and transmitted to and be inherited by
his heirs or relations, as if he and they were citizens
of this State: Piovided, That no foreigner Ji>all %
in*virtue hereof, be entitled te anyfu>thet ot other
privilege of a citizen.'* •
l<n. 19.
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, WaiUftrect, New-York.
THE Subfcrtber intending ti» confinehimfelf
entirely to the FURCHASE & SAit of
STOCKS on COMMlSSlON,begslcave to of
fer his fer vices to hisfriendsand othet s, in the
Jine ofa Stock Broker. Those who may pleas*
to favor him with their business. may depend
npon having it tranfa&ed with the utmoP* fide
lity and di fpa'ch
Orders from Philadelphia. Boftrfi. or any
other part of the United States, w ii 1 be ftriftW
attended to.
May be had at SAMUEL COOPER'S Feiry.
z o.cco