Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, May 29, 1793, Page 416, Image 4
— ■rr ' ' ' ~ DUt. Cti.Dlh. Ctr. j n d 7 r c r it i? v r <r ° ,If Ditto F ' r cafc , *50 P R I** & ttUKKLril* *-Sw»-et, best, in fl*fks, 10 50 u vjvaan t 1 ry.—Dollars 100 Ccms each. Ditto baskets, 12 bottles 5 Spermaceti pr. gall. 48 ( PHILADELPHIA, May 29. .Train 24 *7 Whaie 25 33 A Dlls. tij. Dili. its. p„rter pr. cask, 5 33 CTLNCHOttS ? lo j London, pr.dez. *bo iilum, pr.cyt. 433 J American dmo bot.incl. 1 4 160 Ditio, Roch pr, ii. 11 I Pir ch, pr. bbl. 1 73 2 A(hes, pot, per ton, * 120 jPork, Burlington, per barrel, 14 Pear), 137 , 4° 7| Lower county . »3 Arrack pr. gall. 1 .33 , 1 ,6 j r Cirolina 9 Brandy, common, <>1 Pea %, Albany pr. bushel 73 Coniac *j° ,00 |Pepper, pr. lb. 3^ Braziletto, pr. ton. 3- 34JPimeuto x 9 Bricks, pr. M. 4 ' (Rdifins, best, pr. keg 633 Bread, mip, pr. cwti o Ditto pr.jar 233 Ditto, pilot o {Ditto pr. box « 203 D, tuo, (mall water, per keg 3 6 R, ce pr.cwt. 845 Beer, Am ncan, in Rofln pr . bariel * 78 pr.doz. bottles included, 1 4 Ruin> Jamaica, pr. gallon > " Ditto pr. barrel, 4 °7 Antieua 1 Boards Cedar pr. M feet, 20 Windward 86 New England 12 >4 Barbadoes 8 7 T l It o I Country, Ni E. 62 Merchantable pine so 4 I c do. 10 67[Salt petre, pr. cwf. *4 33 Mahogany, perfoot 10 Sall'afras pr. ton 6 8 The above are the (b.iilop price., Shot ditto »4° '4' for the yard price, add i dol- Steel, German 9 )ar 33 cents per iboo. Engl.(h,bliftered, pr. cwL to • , f-A American pr. ton * ! 3 33 Brimstone in rolls, pr.cwt. 2 t>7 Crowley's pr. faggot »° t>7 Beef, Boston, pe. barrel is Snake root pr. lb. 20 4 e — Country ditto 9 S oap, Brown per lb- 6 ——Fr< (h, per cwt. 333 4 6 7 White 8 Butter pr. lb. „ Castile 11 ,n ke S s n 10 " Starch 7 Candles, Sperm, pr. lb. til Snuff pr. do*, bet. 4 560 ax ~, Spermaceti, refined, pr. lb. 4 8 —• Myrtle Wax M r , c Mould, tallow 12 Sailcloth,Englifli,No.!.pi'.yard, 30 Dipped# 11 Botton, No. I. ditto 36 Cheese, Engliih, pr. lb. '9 — No ". 35 Country 8 >3 Sugar Lump, pr. lb *i Chocohte ' ' 8 f Leaf, Tingle refined =4 Cinnamon * 4° 2 6 7 Ditto, double do. 33 ri IWM 1 331 Havannah, white »7 10 Soco,pr.cwt. » — Ditto, brown, M Coffee pr. It,. >5 '7 -Mufeovado, pr. cwt 13 15 Coal pr. bushel 2 4 33 SpmtsTurpentmeJ>r gallon 7 Copperas pr.cwt. 1 67 Salt Allu.n pr. bulhel 33 Cordage, American, per cwt. 767 8 — Liverpool 3d Cotton pr. lb. *7 37 —Cadiz *5 Co. rant, 12 Llfbnn Duck, Ruflia, pr. piecc jShipbuild. W. O. frames p.ton, 1867 ——Ravens 11 jDitto Live Oak, 21 33 Dutch fail duck, 20 I Ditto red cedar, per foot 33 4° Feathers pr. lb- 48 Shingles, 18 inch, per M. 333 367 Flax ditto 11 12 Ditto 2 feet, 6 5° b Flaxfeed pr. bush. °Pino 3 feet, dressed, >3 15 Flour, Superfine pr. barrel 5 fc? Staves, Pipe p.. 1000 3 2 Common, 533 White Oak hoglhcad, .0 33 Bur middlings, best 447 Red Oak do. >9 .> Meal, Indian 3 '3 Lcogan 2 ' JJ ditto Rye, 3 33 Barrel " Ship-ftuff pr.cwt. . , '4° Heading 2 5 3d Fustic pr. ton, 20 Skms, Otter, best pr. piece 4b7 . cc 1 -M inks 20 4 Gin, Holland, pr. cafe, 466 4 o 80 Do - Pr.gall. J* 9° I Dltto * rr / Glu<?, pr.cwt. 2 ° 33 Martins 2 4 1 , Ginger, white race, peilb. 7 F,flier.* 33' 67 Ditto, common 71 R , Ditto, ground pr. lb. H Racoons «7 60 Ginfeog, 20 4 Mulk-rats '» 20 Gunpowder, cannon, pr. q.calk, 373 i I graver pr lb ®7 '33 Ditto, fine glazed 4 i'n hair ' 20 3° Grain, Wheat pr. bufl. 1 7 ,s? —Deet.m Rye oc|Tar,N. Jerfcy, j 4 gal.p. bbl. Oats 351 Carolina, 32 gall. » Indian corn 60 Turpentine pr. bbl. 2 3. Barley 1 1 3| Tobacco, J. River, best 100 ID. 433 I Best (helled pr. lb. 7 inferior 3 33 | Buckwheat, per bulh. 4 C I —old 4 7 j , , nr , iaR fi*»l Rappahannock 3 06 1 Hemp, impo. ted, pr. ton, 12.0 14667 Coloured Maryland, 533 8 American, pr. lb. 4 o\ rwk 2 4° Herrings, pf-bbl. 3 Long'-leaf 2 4° Hides, raw pr. lb. 9 Eastern-shore 2 2 '3 JL VI i< Carolina,new 27 3 Hoglhead hoops, pr. M. 15 old? 3 33 Indigo, French per lb. 1 20 1 53 Tea, Hvfon pr. lb. 93 1 2 ® Carolina 1 1 20 Hvfon lk-n, 53 60 Irons, fad pr. ton, x 33 331 Souchong, 5° 93 Iron, Callings pr. cwt, 3 4 I Congo, 43 <5° Bar pr.ton, Bohea, 33 3" Pig . 2 4 Tallow, refined, per lb. 9 Sheet J 73 33rrin pr. box, 13 33 l 3 "7 - -Nail 1 33 Jve«.digreafc lb- 47 &3 Junk, pr.cwt 4 510 Vermilhon, do. <33 tb 7 Lard hogs pr. lb 9 g Varnish, per gallon 33 37 Lead, in pigs pr. cwt. 5 33 s°7| in bars 7 [Wax, Bees pr. lb. 25 2 7 white 1° 10 6;j Whale-bone, long 13 3° —red 64° 66 I Wine, Madeira, pr. pipe, 176 226 Leather, foal, pr. lb. 17 2C | Lilbon 120 126 Lignum vitae pr.ton, 0 | Teneriffe, pr. gallon Logwood 3° I -Fayal 5 2 Mace pr. lb. 9 I Port pr. pipe 113 33 Mackarel, bed or. bbl. 8 | Ditto in bottles,pr.doz. 4 — f cond quality 6 4 j — claret 4 6 ' Madder, best pr. lb. t6 2>-J Sherrv pr.gall. 90 120 Marble, wrought, pr. foot, :33 2 67J Malaga 77 80 Mast spars ditto 33 Molasses pr.gall. 44 47 Multard per. lb. J COURSE OF EXCHANGE. flour, hi bottles, pr.doz. l 2Ci Nails, Bd. t0,112d. and 2 o d. 1C On London, P" £ ■*<*> «">• 453 Nutmegs pr. lb. ; 8 ,t 90 oays 446 Oil, Linseed, pr. gall. Amftcrdam, 60 days, pr. guilder, 38 — Olive °7| 90 days, 36 Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, New-York. THESubfcriber intending to confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE & SAI E of STOCKS on COMM ISSION, begslcate to of fer his Cervices to his friends and others, in the line ofa Stock Broker. Those who may olcafe to favor him with the ir business, may depend upon having it tranf»£led witV the utmoit fide lity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Bofion, or any other part of the United States, will be ftriftly attended to. (t.f.) LEONARD BLEECKER. Jufl publijhed, By THOMAS DOBSON, At the Stone Houjt, No. 41, Soith Secovit-Strret A S E, A C Decided ill the Court of the Unitkb States, in wliich is difcufled the Question, WHETHER A STATE IS LIABLE TO BE SUED BY A PRIVATE CITIZEN OF ANOTHER STATE ? Price Half a Dollar. (£3" War.ird to.cowpleatfiles of this Gazette vurr bers 79 and 80—Six pencc each mill be paid by the Editor Jor a jew oj thoje numbers. 416 By THOMAS IOHKoQN, DAVID STUART,&DANIEL CARROLL, Esquires, Commission iki appointed by Government to prepare the Public Buildings, &c. within the Ciiy of Wajkingtori, tor the reception of Con grefj, »nd toi ihcir permanent itrfiiieD<;e after the ycarißoo— A LOTTERY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE Federal City. 50,000 Tickets at 7 dollars, arc 350,000 dollars. LIST OF PRIZES, viz 1 Superb Hotel, with baths, > r,m houffs, &c.&c.tocoll S 1 Calh 1 ditto 1 ditto 1 ditto 2 ditto 10 ditto 5,000 are i,ooo s°° ICO 5° 25 20 20 ditto 100 ditto 200 ditto 400 ditto 1,000 ditto 15,000 ditto 16,737 Piiees 33, >63 Blanks 50,000 By this scheme at leajl the amount of the tick ets will return to the fortunate adventurers, and yet the federal City will g*i° its object thereby, in a magnificent building di signed both for pub lic and private convenience. Although some expence must ncccffarily at tend the conducting of the lottery, (which ex pence w ill be taken from the principal prize) ihe Commiflioners having agreed to present in re turn a fufficicnt quantity of excellent frce-ftone, log.ther with the belt adapted lots for the hotel and for the 'Ut-houfes, the value of the lottery entire may be fairly rated a: something more than par: In this important instance it will be found, on examination, to exceed all the lotteries that have ever been offered 10 the Public in this or pe haps in any other country. The keys of the Hotel, when compleat, will be delivered to the fortunate polLffor of the ticket drawn aagainft its number.—All the other prizes will be paid, without deduction, in one month after the d) awing, by the City Treasurer at Washington, or at such Bank or Banks as may be hereafter announced, for the conveniency of the fortunate adventurers. The drawing will commence 011 Monday the gtfrof Septembet next, at the City of Washing ton. Tickets may be had of CoJ. IVm. Dickens, City Treafurrr of Washington.; Thaler £3 B'rt'ei, of Charleflon, South-Carolina ; Gideon Denijon, Sa vannah j MefiVs. James Wefi £3 Co. Balumoie j Mr. Peter Gilman, Boston"; and at such other places as will be hereafter published. N. B. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be given for thebeft Plan of an elegant and con venient HOTEL or INN, with hoi and cold Baths, Siables, and other out houses, if presented on or iejore the iofh tj April next; and a pre ference will be givfn 10 the Anil} for a Con trast, provided he be duly qualified to conipleat his plan. The ground on which the Hotel and out houses are to be cretfed, will be a corner lot of about 90 by 200 feet, with a back avenue to the stable?, &c. Se£tions and estimates of the expenle will be expected with the elevations. &c. compleat ; and 50,000 dollars mull be regarded by the Architc6t asthe utmost limit in the expmfe intrnried lor this purpose. S. BLODCE I, Agent for the atfaus of the City March 6, 1793. District of Pennsylvania, to wit. x T> EIT REMEMBERED, That on (Seal. ) l^e thirteenth djy of March, in / the fevemcenth year of the Indepen- v dence of the United States of America, Thomas Dobson', of the said D'ftritt, hath de ported in this Office, the Title of a Book, the Right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit. ** An F77 quiry how Jar the Punijkmentof Death <4 if necejfary in PennfylvUnia. With Notes and t* Jl/ujlrations. By William Bradford, Esq. 44 To which is added, art Account of the Gaol and ** Penitentiary Hovfe oj Philadelphia, and of the 44 interior Management thereof. By Caleb 44 '.ownes, vf Philadelphia. 1J we enquire 44 into the Causes of all human Corruptions, we 14 Jhallfind that they proceed from the Impunity 44 of Crrines r and not from the Moderation oj Pu -44 vijhmtnts Moqtefq. In conformity to the A£t of tlie Congress of the United Slates, intituled, 14 An A£l for the Encouragement of Learning, bv.fecuring 'he Copies of Maps, Chans and Books, to the Au thors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the Times therein mentioned." SAMUEL CALDWELL, Clerk of the Diltrift of Pcnnfylvania. «r The above work is fold in Charlejlon by William Price Young ; Richmond, by Archibald Ctifrie : Baltimore, bv James Rice : New-York, by Thomas Allen : Bcjlon, by DavidlVeft. Post-Road TO THE GENESEE COUNTRY. THE public are hereby informed, that the Post-Road from Philadelphia to Reading, is continued to Sunbury and Northumberland ; thence up the Weft B r anch of the Sufquchannah as far as Licoming; thcnce to the Painted Post (in New-York state, near the foi ks of the Tioga) thence, to Bath (a town laid out on the Coho&on Branch of the Tioga) thence to Williamfburg, at the forks of Genelee River. Letters for this new route will be sent from the Philadelphia Poft-Officc every Wedrrcfday morning, at eight o'clock, with the mail lor Reading. A weekly mail will alio be carried from Bethlehem to WiHkcfbarre, in the county of Luzerne. General Pojl-Officc, April 6, 1793. A January 7 ,h. 1793. NUMBER of Lois in this City "will oe of fered for sale ai auction, by the Commif« fioriers, on the 17th day of September next. — One fourth part of the purchase money it to be paid down, the refiduea< three equal annual pay ments with yearly interefton the whole princi pal unpaid. JOHN M. GANTT, Clerk to the Com'rf. Exiraft of an A6l of the Gt nrral Affcmblv of Maryl and, concerning the Territory of Co lumbia, and the City ot Wafbingwin. 4t Be it ena&ed, That any foreigner ma\ by deed or xvi//, hereafter to be made, take and hold lauds within that part 0} the JwW Territory which he* with in this State, in the fame tninner as if he was a citi zen of this State ; and the fante linds ma> be con veyed by him % and tranfmitied to and be inherited by his heirs or relations, as if he and the\ were citizens of thii State : Provided, That no foreigner fhall y in virtue hereof be entitled to any further or other privilege of a citizen Jan. 19. tf 5 ®,c00 25,000 20,000 I 5, c0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 150,000 Dollais 350,000 City of Waihington. Albany Glafs-Houfe. The Proprietors of the Glafs-Manuiactory, under the Firm ot. M'CLALLEN, M'GREGOR and Co. BEG leave lo inlorm the public, that «hey have now brought their WINDOW-GLASS to such pcrfeftion, as will be tound, on companion; to be equal, in quality, to the bed Loudon Crown Glass. Having fixed their piices at a lower rate than imported, Glass, they arc induced to believe, that importationsof this articic will be discontinued, in proportion as their works are extended.— They propose to enlarge .the scale of lhn busi ness, and as the success of it will depend on the patriotic support of the public, they beg leave to solicit their friendly patronage in the purf'uu of a branch which will intercft cveiy lover of American Manufactures. All orders for Vc'i ndow-Gl ass, of any ftze, will be received at the Store <of Rhodes and MacGkfgor, No. 234, Queen-ftteei, New- York, and at the Glass Warcbo\ife, No. 48, Maiket-ftreet, Albany, which will be pun&uatly attended to. Pr WANTED, fix smart aftivc LADS, not exceeding 16 vcars of age, to be indruit-d 4% Apprentices, and regularly inftru&ed in the various branches of Glata-Making, Alto, three Wtndow-Glah MAcm, to whom great encouragement will be given. May a« »793 PL A N S OF THE City of Washington, Sold by the Booss£i,;,eiis,, DOBSON, CAREY, YOUNG, & CRUKSH.INK, JUST PUIS USUI/), ■ By Thomas Dobfon, Bookfctter, at the Stone-Hsufe, in Second Jti cet, PHI LutUPKi A,- V O L O;M E Vill, of ENCYCLOPEDIA: or, a DICTIONARY OF ARTS, SCIENCES, and MISCELLANEOUS LITFRATURE, On a Plan gvtircly 'new : 8 r WHICH The Different SCIENCES and ARTS arc d uelled into the Form of Diftin&, TREATISES or SYSTEMS: THIS VOLUME CONTAINS AN Account of the Cap, of Good Hope, Grafting, Univerfa] Grammar, Giaffej, G<eece, Gtecnland, Guam, Guinea, Gunnery, Happiness, Harmony, Heat, Hcpatic-Air, He ra Id ty,Hindoftan,Hippopotamus,Hift,ory,Newr Holland, H<>rfe, Horfcmanfni-p, Hottentots, Hunting, Husbandry, Hydrometer, with a great variety of Btooraohical and Miscellaneous Arti cles. Embellished with ftxtern Copperplates. CONDITIONS. I. The- work is printing on a fupe»fine paper* and new types, (cast for the pmpofc) which will be occefionelljr renewed before they coii traft a worn appearance. 11. The work is furoifbed in hoards, in volumel or haif-volumes, as fublcribe- s chuff; the prifC o\ the whole Volumes, five dollars each, ot the halt-volumes two dollai» and two-: birds oi a dollar each. Ten dollars to he paid on fub fcribmg, the volumes or half-volumes fini fhed to be paid for when delivered, the price of one volume to be paid in advance, and the price of each volume to be p*:d on deliver ing the volume preceding it. No part of the work will be delivered uniefs paid for. 111. In the comfe of the publication will be de livered about five hundred copperplates ele gantly engraved in Philadelphia: which by tar exceed in number those given in any other fcientific dictionary. At the close of the pub lication will be delivered an elegant frontif piece, the dedication, piefacc, and proper ti tle pages for the different volumes, It is expe&ed the work will be comprised in about eighteen volumes in quarto. IT As fever al gentlemen who have honored this undertaking with early fubfc*iption s. have only re ceived a jmali part oj the work, they are earnefty requeued to complete their fas, as jar as publijhed, immediately, while tjie publijher Jlill has it in his power to fuppiy them with the j>a*ts which ha ye not been furnijned. As the fubjeri'ption will very pojfi bly be cloj'ed by the firji oj Jalv next, the pub![pur cannot undertake to complete jets alter that period; and those who zvijfy to become poJJejfors of this truly valuable and important work, toil! pJeaJe apply be fort the expiration o] that time, that they may not be dif appom led. The very heavy ex pence necrjfanly inevrred in csr ryirg on this work, makes it indifpenfabiy requifitt for the pubhfher to adhere more Jtrifllythur he hat done to the original condition, of delivering the vo lumes onh on being paid for them, April 6. l 703, The price of tins Gazette is Three Do'l&n per annvm— One h«/J to be paid at the tinu offui fcribing. epi2w rpim