nih. cti.piii. en. _ Oil, nittn pr cafe 2 s'' PRICE CURRENT- —s*c. t ,b>fe,i l ,-o J &,, 10 ru BU »»T,i..-Dou«»..ooCt«i. «cK. 0.i«» b-lkil., .2 bjiltlc. 5 Spermaceti pr. gall. w t© PHILADELPHIA, MAT 7- 7j£!" —U haic *5 OJ Us. Dlh.Ch I'jricr pr. c<«fk, 5 JJ NCttORS 7 »«» /flfuin, tn ItlU, pwwi. 433 —A.n.rK,... u.uo bo.-.ncK . 4 > Dun, Roch pr It . " ? Uc , h ' P r \ bbl . , 1 7J " * A«hJ.,po»,p C rUr, « 2 ° >'o.k Burl,ng.on, per barrel, 4 ip car i 137 '4° 7 ' Lower county *3 Arrack pr. i.Il. »33 I>6 Carolma si Brmuy, common, 85 P a , Albany pr. bushel '3 Cm.uc 9° 100 frpp". P r - lb - " Braziletto, pr. ton. 8* 34 .'imento Bricks, pr. M. 4 7 Kaifins, heft, pr. keg Bread, thip, pr. cwt. 2 2 7 Ditto pr.jar 2 '33 Ditto, pilot 3 7 Ditto pr. box 223 Ditto, finail water, per krg 3" 4° ;» !Ce pr. cwt. 3 Beer, American, in bo'tle*, R.olin pr. barrel pr.doz. bottle* included, 1 £ u m, Jamaica, pr. gallon 112 Ditto pr. barrel, 4 / • — 1 Qf . Boards Cedar pr. M feet, " 2 ° Windward —Mew England > 2 *4 Barbadoes Oak M ,b Country, N. E. 1,1 Merchantable pine io 24 $al wf , 4 33 %or 3 u Sadafra, pr ,o« 6 8 -r——Mahogany, per foot t hot F diuo , 4 o .4' Tne aboveare ih ihallop price*, ' , ~ ~ o Steel, Gerrpaii ? 9.r the yard pnee, add 1 del. ! EngtKh.bUtteit'd, pr. cwt. 19 33 cc,lls P" »• — America* pr. ton S8 < in rolls, pr.cwt. ? | Crowley's pr. faggot icr "7 Beef, Boft'oll, per barrel >2 inake root pr. lb. s ® i —— Country ditto 9 1 J ioap. Brown per lb. ——Fri lb, peV cwt. 333 4 ' Whit* ' Butter pr. lb. V Castile 11 -? k Jg« 10 itarcb 7 Candles, Sp'erin. pr. Ik. V fc nu ff pr. doz. hot. 4 5. Wax Spermaceti, rthnrd,, 4 — Myrtle Wax * Sailcloth. Enlrlifti.N&Apr. yard, u8 Mould, tallow t Boftrn, No. I. eiltd .1° Dipped XT t r *9 Cheese, EnglTlh, pr. lb. *9 i, '°* * 2 - 8 13 ' " gar , r r P ' f fiWd 4 Chocolate >8 » | finale:»fh.33 Hannah, wW '7 _ 17 1 Ditto, brown, 11 Cocoa pr. cwt. » 7 r i ♦ n «a ie *7 MuTcovido, pr. cwt. 13 -5 Coal pr P . 'bufccl 2 4 f 37 r* nn i °7 Anurn pr. 3o Copperas pr. cwt. 1 * . » o-j S, d „T A""'""' '5 jj.-f-p* s . r *a Lisbon £1 Currants - Duck, R,ufTia, pr. piece 13 Ship build. W. O. francs p.ton, 1807 •——Ravens I ,° Ditto Live 0«k, 33 Dutch fail duck, 20 Ditto red cedar, per foot 3S <0 Feathers 4 8 Shingles ,8 ,nch. p«r M. 3?3 |®7 Flax ditto " IL , Ou.o 2 feet 650 6 Flax feed pr. bu(h. c Ditto 3 fee,, drefM, 13 U Flour, Superfine pr. barrel' 6 !«aves P'PS >°°P. 3' ——Common, 5 67 —Whr.e 6aU hogtbead, 20 33 Bur middling., best 447 Red Oak do. 190 —Meal, Indian 3'3 Leogan H33 -t—ditto R>e, 333 — Sa ", el „ Ship-ftuff pr. cwt. v4O —Heading ... 2 4 W F uft,c pr. ton, Skins, d)tter, btff pr. 4^ *. „ * Jr rr —-Minks «o 1° Cm, HoJiand, pr. cafc, 1 p . Fox , srt >y 40 80 Do- pr. g all. &= 90 -Drtio red i«o Glu.c, p/.ewt. io 21 33 M arl ,6s 24 * - Gmgcr, white race, per lb. 7 £ifticr 33 e 7 Ditto, common 7 Bears 3 Dmp, gfo'und 10 Rocoon , s 7 60 Ginseng, 20 s 4 Mu (k-rats 11 »o Gunpowder, caanon, pr. q.cafk, 373 4 Beaver, pr. lb. 67 133 , O'tto fipc glazed , ; 4 Dee., in ha,r *0 .3° Gram, Wheat pr. bulh i y 1 27 ' " Rye 6c Tar,N. Jersey, 24 gal. p. bbl. 1 ——Oats 35 Carolina, 32 gall. 2 ~—-Indian corn 60 Turpentine pr. bbl. 233 J Barlev i 1 3 Tobacco, J. River, heft ioold. 433 '•• '■ 15eft (belted pr. lb. 7 inferior 333 ——Buckwheat, per bush. 40 - 4 "7 * , c- c Rappahannock 3 33 Hemp, imported, pr. ton, 120 -.4667 Coloured Maryland, 533 8 American,pr. ib. 4 5 D k i 0 Herrings, pr. bbl 3 " on gl,.k f 24= Hides, raw 9 Eaftevn-lbor. I 3 t 3 J: O PJ j. ~ Carolina,new a 7 3 Hogihead hoops, pr. M. 15 o]di g gg Indigo, French per lb. 1 40 j ,53 Tea, Hyson 93 1 28 Carolina i i 20 Hyson (kin, 53 60 Irons, fad pr. ton, 133 33 Souchong, 50 gg. Iron, Callings pr. cWt, 3 4 Congo, 43 50 Bar pr. ton, 84 Bohea, 33 36 • ■ Fig 24 Tallow, refined, per lb. 9 Sheet 173 33 Tin pr. box, 33 13 67 ——Nail rods t 33 Vetdigreafe pr. lb. 47 53 Lard,' hogs 9 ,0 Vcrm.lhon, do ,33 >67 t . 5 - r y c Vamifh, pergallon q-j xj i.ead, in pigs pr. cwt. 533 567 v ° a/ -in bars 7 Wax, Bees 65 B7 white to 10 67 Whale-bone, long 13 30 —red 6 40 6 6 Wine, Madeira, pr. pipe, 176 116 Leather, foal, pr. lb. 17 20 Lisbon 1 *o 126 Lignum viia: pr. ton, 5 60 6 —Tencriffe, pr. gallon 63 Logwood 30 F dya l !U aC t P i r 'K b '(i tui a Port pr. pipe ~333 Mackarel, r-r. bbl. 8 Ditto in bottles, pr.dor. 4 ftond quality 6 4 Claret 4 6 Madder, best pr. lb. 16 20 Sherry pr.gili. 90 ijo Marble, wrought, pr. foot, 133 267 Malaga 7-7 80 Mast spars ditto 33 MolafTes pr.gall. 44 47 Mustard per. lb. 8? COURSE OF EXCHANGE flour, ill bottles, pr.doz. i to k/iiu/hiui, Nails, SI iod. 12d. and vod. ,0 0,1 London . a j 3° days, per £ .too fterl. 455 Nutmegs pr. lb. 7 8 at 60 days 456 at 90 aays Oil, Linseed, pr. gall. 66 Amfterda m, 60 days, pr. a -, Olive 87 90 day*/ B {\ Stock Brokers Office, No. tC, W>H-ftreet, Ntw-Yofe k THESuhfciiber intending to. confine himfclf entirely to the tHJ&CH Ai& & SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, begsleave 10 of fer his services to his Friends and others, in the line of* Stock Broker. Those who may please to favor him with their buTmefs, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the utmost fide lity and diTpltch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boflon. or any ®ther part of the United State?, will be ftri&ly attended to. LEONARD ftfrETECKER.- 0-f.) a 66 g 7 DEPARTMENT of STATE, to wit. NOTICE is hereby given to persons inter: elfrd in the property or the proeeediites ot CLAUDIUS PAUL RAGUETT. a cituen of Pennsylvania, lately decealed, ai Bourde-aux, in Fiance, that on application at the Office of the Secret;'ar\ of State, they may receive infor mation i<-lative thereto, as tranfmittcd bv Mr. Fenwick, Confu! for the United States at Bourdraux. GEORGE TAYLOR, jun. Chief Clerk. Philadelphia, April 30, gt 83" The price of this Gazette is Three Dollar j per anmiK—Ont hmij t» it paid at the time af/ui ftni iMg. 392 By THOMAS JOHNSON, DAVID TL's/KT,lk L)A.\IELCARROLL, Es quires, Commission its appointed by Government 10 lie I'oDlic Buildings, &c. within ilie Ci'V of H'ljhington, for the reception of Con grrfs, and lor ihetr permanent rcfidence after the ytrai 1800 — x A LOTTERY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE Federal C itV. $0,000 Tickets at 7 dollars, arc 350,000 dollars. LIST OF PRIZES, viz s Supeib Hotel, wi«h bath*, ) out houses, &c.& coll ) 1 Cash Prize l ditto 1 ditto r dtito - r ditto 10 ditto 20 ditto 100 ditto 200 ditto 400 ditto i,ooo ditto 15,000 ditto i6i73T P r '"» 33, Blanks $0,000 By this scheme at leajl the amount of the tick ets will return to the fortunate adventurers, and yet the federal City will gain its object thereby!, in a magnificent building dciigncd both for pub lic and private convenience. Although foroe expence must neceffarity at tend the conducing of the lottery, (which ex pence * ill be taken from the principal prize) 1 he Coinmiflioncrs having agreed to present in re turn a fu&cient quaiuity of excellent fiee-floue, together with the best adapted lots for the hotel and for the 01H-houfes, the value of the lottVry entire may be fairly.rated a' Jomtthing more than far: In this important instance it willbetound, on examination; to exceed all the lotteries that have ever b'een offered to the Public in this or perhaps in any other £ounuy. The key's of :he Hotel, when compleat, will be delivered to the fortunate pollYffor of the ticket drawn aafcaintf its number.—Ail the other prizes will be paid, without deduflioh, in one month after the d; awing, by the City Tre'afurer at Wafnington, or at such Bank or Banks as may be hereafter announced, for the convetriency of the fortunate adventurers. The drawing will commence on Monday the 9th of Septembei next, at the City of Wafliing ton. Tickets may be had of Col. Wm. Dickens, City 'freafurer of'on ; Thayer & Burtlet, of Charleston, South-Carolina ; Gideon Denjon, Sa vannah ; Messrs. James WeJIZ3 Co. Baltimore; Mr. Peter Gi/man, Boston; and at such other plaies as will be heieafter publiflied. N. B. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be given fnr the best Plan of an elegant and con venient HOTEL or IN-N, with hot and cold Baths, Stables, and other out houses, if pre/ented on or bejore the ioth 6J April next; and a pre ference will be givi n 10 the Ariift for a Con tra&, provided he be duly qualified to compleat fiis plan. The ground 011 which the Hotel and out houses are so be ere£led, will be a coii tier lot of tG leave to inh rm the public,. h,, lhr .r. XJ now brought il»c>r WINDOW n such pcVfefllou, JS w ll beL„^ o £*f'• Having fixed tlwif p,i. :e , „ , imported Giafs.ihty are nd„ «< lilt d'llrT^.s atlcitd rtt to. r—wwj WANTEDi fil fnfan LADL^ exceeding 16 years of age, to be igd Apprentices, and' rr-uUrlv inHmaefr i. ,3 varirfus bratithci of CMafe.MsViri!.. A If", threr Wlrtddtar.(sU» . great encouragement will be ijivfcn, May. 1, 1793, Ahi Ordinance Jor feci, ring tkc p,i„tha\ Payment of the Monies due on til Srlbfcfiptib'ns to the Society j or eh- I'lijh'ing Ufefut Manufa&ures, ' WHEREAS doubts have heretofore an fen Willi regard- to the pnvfrr ol'tKr Snci t , v to'armcxafiy prtiahn-stb Air tnn-paVmrni nfftfe niftal'tnenls, agreVabiy t» rflt" MThi*.,F(K»ft(|i fcripiious. A-nd whr, ca, ttu . U,.a« utr „ lift, puff d a (implement to ihcor :p ,„,i la w of ncoiporaiion, removing the said <». utu alid' iuilv- a-uthorizing the fimftori to pass my ordinance they p'Toptr, ibtuihuAlft pt the said* fuhfcfiptinn). St. t. He it otiatnei. thtrefoic iv ttu Gmuut ard Direflors of the Society for ejlabljlfi'ni if any (uMcr.her'tiHis. R\ it (hail neglefl to pay rile second pavnWntot b>i' her, or' their lelpcflive ful.fcrmnohs, '.rtnettirr wuh the lawful inteif ft arifmg thereon, mlici 10 the caftiicr o! the United Statu Brnk Otfice of Difcounr and Dv.sofit, at' ?Crw-"f.>r'k,tftecalttiirr of the bank ot Ww-Y.Ak, the eaftnw „( t)t e Bank nf the Unued St-tie'i, in' c.{ John Bayard, Esq. in the city nt New-Bruirf. wick, in the state o( New.Jcrt v, on or be'ore the thirteenth day of Apiil next : Thit t'tVeriarid in'that csrff, all'any tvi'rv fha.e or (harts of feS person ot persons so negle£lini> m make tuen pay. merits as aforesaid, and the monies l>y ihero pre. vio\jfl> paid, (fial! be forfeited, and tnVcrcnhcic. after vifted i'ri rVic (aid D'rfflors, and thtll (no eefforD, (6t the eotnlWon beßtfit of the ti\i S.'. e-iety. Sec. 2. Ard be it further ordain >di>x thtauihrtty a[oTn o# b ' h ' R . (crrft ! 1 i.m 1 Jlh January, 1793, J On iht-ijih of July, 17981 Stockholder, in ihe (aid Snc>c«'« •*"*> riohflcd, that t, 1 (it fubfctil.i r, am duly autho rised lo niake Ihi fMjUlftit iiitftAfrthcnrt »pi thr certificates of IViaies w hieh thev rtriy it fn tivcly hold, and that booksof tranattr aretpr' ed at my oiJice, in Fiont-lir»' . lk PoffcSoMt from Philadflphia to **•"*; it continued to Suobury jiiii N'orihumbciiJ"' . thence up .be Weft Branch of (he a, far .Airman,; tbcn« lot fn New-York state, near the toilftollM TP) thence to Bath (a tow.. t»ift out or. ih« foh Branch t)F the trog.J thence to WW** at .he forks ol Genefee River, i . t-![ers lor tins new route will b fil/ ihe H.Udelphia M-Office "'r v Wei. r morning, at cigh't o'cloclt, «.ib the m' Heading. j f,«m A wee'k'ly rn#.l w'H a.lo be j Bethlehem to WilfltcOurre, >» the "> Luzeinc. General PD] let, AM'6, 1793- (£}' Wanted to cdmphaiflts $J^' s ij, Urng M-Si* fMt ** *m»"> Editor jor a jew oj tfaj* mcers ' fp»2w