t- • ,A :HAflQi4*>k4*&*> .MJiuSHKft W«ON«SOA¥S AMU. .SATUfcfA [No l 9 8 of Vol. IV.] LAWS OF THE UNION: SHCOND tjweokass dp tH£ eiwrfio STATES, A-t THE SECOND SESSION, Begun and held at the City ot Pk'.ladelphia* i#.the Stateiof Peunfylvania, on Monday the fifth of November, one thousand. seven hundred and ninety-two. AN ACT providing an annual al lowance for the Education of -4fitg4* Wereef. BE it enatted by the Senate' and House of Re>prefentatives of the United States oi America, in Congress afiembled, That the annual allowance to be made for the educa tion of Hugh Mercer, son of the late General Mercer, pufuant to the resolution of the fbrmer Congress of the dhte of the eighth of April- one thousand seven hundred and;feveu ty-feven, (hall oe four hundred dollars from the time for which he has been last paid until his be finifhed, or he lhall ar rive at fh'e age of twenty one years. And that the Comptroller of tHe Treaty be au thorized t'o revise and fettle the account of the said Hugh Mercer for his penfiorr to the present time ; the balance of whictt, as. also the annual allowances afbxefaid, as they (hall become due, lliall be paid to his guardian at the treasury. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, SprakYf of th* Haufc a) Reprofentativa*. JOHN LANGDOK, Present pro tmporc of tfie&tinQtc* APPRttVE-D 2, 1793* OEG. Pt gfitlerit of tht United States. L "AN Atr certain appropH ttions therfli) mentioned. Bfeit ifo&tiMt ana House 'bf Representatives of 'sHe tJnited Stbtits'ot ■ tp Cvvwtfc, ttfleitoWed', That titfre be appropriated to. the purposes hereinafter mentioned, to Mi petd Aut of arty monies, ♦Wis AMI 4h*w ; intfi' the Treai'ary ne th!' Chi Utoty bf vk W oFthe mint, for th» jr»«r e»e ttoqfaiA' (eve 6 bmxlr«d ««Ml »: tjifc ti««JthQuiptnd doH*rs ;—*he aflay-: if fifteen hundred dollars ; tlte chief collier, Welv e WfelV* Wt»h --i«kl MMrt ttertls, fiv* hundred tfftl- W*<«*c)u,iitiedeh toi>dred dollarj de 'f y*^r, . «ne i«jrea J>»i>died »rol ninety th'er> «imm two tlioufarid si* hun "-•SnM diifirtcfeft'avfrt'g'tKs iWpdJifes'of • •WAfei ng* gp t, 'Hfe vtole s Sta<>c«lor>r«fi rfent.wid VittfPi>«6den*, feAim nfctpucewlilig, •ne tboufand four hundred and ninety ■ d»n*fs :-7-ipr d>fcb»i*ip£,th« of Return IWeTg's lefcal re^refiiitatives •ffc(Wte>riheKG rtA, 'flrtt fit* otf tdrtr IWb - the pay, WXi*t»c« »hd forage due to Winthrop Sargent, jM JlJjßttrt general to the t-ro«pt late under the coin ■ta»4 |b CWilr, «*ehb)ivitnefl<« atteindiug the late c«n inittef appointed to enquire into »hf iaHure •f the expedit on tinder Genera] St. Olair, tour hundred doHars :—for paving tl»e pririci std tterk to the Secretary of Ae Senate, for 1»c fiervicet, fVom the fii'ft of Juty tothttdavth of Nsveiubcrjune thaoftnriievai btwdrl lars. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Sjfwfcr c*j. the Ho'j:■ i'j Kei lejeniutives. JOHN tAMGDOX, Prefdt'tpro tempore of the Sci'Utc. AffKOVEB, MAUCH q, 1793. G£o„ WASHINGTON, PrefnUntof the United States. AN ACT to repeal part of » refo' , lutitwi of Crultrreia of thf . ninth of Anguft, One thousand se ven hundred and eighty-eight, refpedHng the Inhabitants of Pott Satnt Vincent!?. BE is enaffed by the Senate and Iloufe Of Repreleutatives of the United States oi j America ii> Congress aiTembled, Tflat so much of the lefolution of Congress of the twenty ninth of Auguff, one thou'and hundred and eighty eight, as requires the French add Canadian inhabitants, and other fettiers at Post Saint Vincents to pay for the fujrvey of the several tra&s, which they right fully claimed, and which hud been allotted to them, according to the lawi and ilfjfges ot the government, under whjch they had let tied, be, ar,d hereby is repealed ; And thyt fiich fbrvc* s thereof, as may have been made, be paid for by the United States, not exceed ing the rates hitherto eftablifhcd by C6ngrefs for making fnrveys. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, ipcief of ike Htmji of Rtprrfmtdtiveu JOHN" ABAMS, Vice- Prrftdtnt fifth* United Stales, avi Prrfdenl oj t\e Senptc, FEBRUARY 21, 1 Jyfr GEO. WASHINGTON, Pre/id nt of the United,Statu. A Proclamation. By his Excellency Anthony WayRE, Efqujre, Mpjor General and Com mander in Chief of the Legion of the United States of America. WHEREAS the Pfcftdept of the JJafad Stores of America dnominate and by and with ihe advice and cdirfent of the Senate, has appointed three comttiiffioners to hold a treaty with the hoflile Indians at the Lower $Qn dujky on 01 ahogit the fir ft day of June next, tn fuing, to endeavour to effect a .permanent peace wiih those Indians : And whereas it would be highly improper,that any hofVle attempts (houid be made aga.intl any ps the India.n towns or set ' tkmpnts, whil ft the afor?faid treaty \i pending. Ia in therefore ordered by the ?r< fcdent, and I do, hereby, in Ins riatfie, most (oiemnly forbid and rrftrain any attempts being made ag-.inft any ot the Ind'an towns or fettlemems until the icful.t of t*he treaty is known. GI-VEN under my hand find deal a! Head- .Legionville, th'S 2ad day of April,- in the year of our Lord one thou sand fevifn hundred and nmcty-fhree, and in the fevrnucnih year of the Jnde ,pcnWe, iifieitfed at tl»i« re.fu(a], (tabbed him in a number of places, and lie expired a/nuHV ttye molt cruel treatment. The piifon ers of the temple, fuppprt, with the gttatelt conltancy and perfeitft ie- Agnation, all the evijs of their cap tivity. Notwitbttanding the fog, end a humid atmosphere, they walk ed this morning upon the platfonn of the tower. 7 hey supported thepi felves upou the battlements, and fixed theif e.yes upon the amazing height of t.heir litigation, the afßiift ,i|ig,image of their former gran deur. iylaria Autoniet e took the Dauphin in hpr arms, aijJ mpde biin vifw the prccipice quite cldfe to it. l'he fc ' qf Kg alii e has fee put for the a,r,uty of the. Var.; and both he and his father have quarrelled with Dunioui ier. NATIONAL CONVENTION. March 9. The ft objedt that ft ruck tJ}e Coavejuion this dny, with i'oine de gree; of fu,rprize, was to that- the tribunes wer.e filled, wicji men only.—There was* nut a tingle woman. On e)|(j,'jirj;, it was found, that the iji.eji, had prevejueH the wai|ien f'roia ejK-er'wg t.be hall. [Ojie fr.alf of the auditor,* tvad. ££• nerahv been woiuen.], Tb-e co,ni>iiiffij)iit';s deputed l;tye preceding day, to the legions, gaye an account of (heir njiffion, and ttye difpo&tion in which tbey found the — Th? report <>f the public danger having e.very, wlier? gone them, ifeey fo.upd all the city in flamed with and zeal to dje fetid their country. A new ai njy is going to ill'i.ie oiy of Rails ; new victories are aUout to signalize the infant republic, Sotnefeiftious havf. exp-.-eflTed their anxiety to the fommiHioners, re fpeetii'g the public tranquility dur ing the absence of the troops on ilpe frontiers i and fearing that fuvye counter revqlmionilts niight again cpnipite againlt the republic, re quired thai a Rcvolntianary l iiUu nal (hoyld be fftri^pd. On the report which the comniH fiopers made of (bejr demand, the convention decVeetj, thqt there (hall be ertablifhed an extraordinary tri bunal, to judge without appeal, qpd without having rerourfp iq the tri bunal of CaiHtttpn, all (onfpiratqrs and counter-teyolutionirts. The mayor at the head of tfie council general of the commune of Pari*, appeared at the bar, and con firmed the report made by the cspi> miifioners, of the general devotion of the fe