Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, May 01, 1793, Page 384, Image 4

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    3Y THE
PRESIDENT oj the United States
of America
A Proclamation.
WHEREAS it appears, that a state of
war exifti between Auflria, Prullia,
Sardinia, G. Britain, and the Un»ted Nether
lands, of the one part; and France, on the
other—-and the duty and interest of the Uni
ted States require, that they fbould with fin
rerity and good faith adopt and pursue a con
duit friendly and impartial towards the bel
ligerent powers.
I HAVE therefore thought fit by these
presents, to declare the disposition of the
United States to observe the conduit afore
faid towards thoi'e powers refpeftively; and
to exhort and warn the citizens ofthe United
States carefully to avoid all adts and proceed
iugs whatsoever, which may In any manner
tend to contravene such disposition.
AND I DO hereby alio make known, that
whosoever of the citizens of the United States
/ball render himfelf liable to punishment or
forfeiture under the law of nations, by com
mitting, aiding or abetting hostilities against
any of the said powers, or by carrying to any
of them those articles, which are deemed con
traband by the modern usage of nations, will
not receive the protection of the United
States against such punishment or forfeiture ;
and further, that I have given inftru<stions to
those officers, to whom it belongs, to cause
prosecutions to be instituted against all per
sons, who (hall, within the cognizance of the
Courts of the United States, violate the law
of nations, with refpe<Jt to the powers at
war, or any of them.
IN TESTIMONY whereof, I have cau
sed the Sea! of the United States of
America to be affixed to these pre
sents, and signed the lame with my
hand. Done at the City of Philadel
■—phia, the twenty-second day of April,
( L - s -) one thousand seven hundred and nine
ty-three, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the se
ven teenth.
G. Washington.
By the President,
By Thomas Dobfon,
BookfclUr, at the Stone-Houfc, in Second Jlreet,
On a Plan entirely new :
The Different SCIENCES and ARTS
are digested into the Form of Diftinft,
AN Account of the Cape of Good Hope,
Grafting, Universal Grammar, Grafles,
Greece, Greenland, Guam, Guinea, Gunnery,
Happiness, Harmony, Heat, Hepatic-Air, He
ra Id iy,Hindoftan, Hi ppopotan«us,Hiflory, New-
Holland, Horse, Hoifemanlhip, Hottentots,
Hunting, Husbandry, Hydrometer, with a great
variety ol Biographical and Miscellaneous Arti
cles. Embellilhed with sixteen Copperplates.
I. The work is printing on a fuperfine paper,
and new types, (cast for the purpose) which
will be occasionally renewed before they con
trail a worn appearance.
11. The work is furniftied in boards, in volumes
Or half-volumes, as fubferibers price
of the whole volumes, five dollars each, of the
half-volumes two dollars and two-tbiids ol a
dollar each. Ten dollars to be paid on sub
scribing, the volumes or half-volumes finifhed
to be paid for when delivered, the price of one
volume to be paid in advance, and the price of
each succeeding volume to be paid on deliver
ing the volume preceding it. No part of the
work will be delivered unless paid for.
111. In the course of the publication will be de
livered about five hundred copperplates ele
gantly engraved in Philadelphia: which by
far exceed in number those given in any other
fcientific dictionary. At the close of the pub
lication will be delivered an elegant frontif
piece, the dedication, preface, and proper ti
tle pages for the different volumes,
It isexpefted lhe woik will be compiifed in
about eighteen volumes in quarto.
(plr As several gentlemen who have honored this
undertaking withearly fubfcHptions, have only re
ceived a Jmali part of the work, they art earnejlly
requefled to complete their Jets, as far as published,
immediately, while the publisher JIM has it in his
' power to Supply them with the parts uihkh have not
been furnijhed. As the fabjeribtion will very pol
ity ie clofidby the firfi of July next' lift puhhjheY
cannot undertake to complete Jets ajter that period ;
Mud tha/e who wifli to become pojfejfors of this truly
valuable and important work, will pteaje apply before
the expiration of that time, that they may not be dif
The very heavy expence necejarih incurred in car.
tying on this work, makes it tndijpenfabh require
for the puHtfher to adhere more Jtritth than he has
done to the original condition, of delivering the vo
lumes only on being paid for them, ~
April 6, 1793.
May fee had at SAMUEL COOl'Eß's Ferry.
City of Washington.
A January 7th, 1793.
NUMBER of Lois in this City will be of
fered tor sale at auction, by the Commis
sioners, on the 17th day of September next.—
One fourth part of the purchase money is to be
paid down, the reftdueat three equal annual pay
ments with yearly interellon the whole princi
pal unpaid.
JOHN M. GANfTT, Clerk to the Com'rs.
Extra£l of an A£} of the General Afietnbjy of
Maryland, Concerning the Territory of Co
lumbia, and the City of Wafhingtoon.
" Be it- mailed, That any foreigner may by
dud or will, hereafter to be made, take and hold lands
within that part oj the jaid Territory which hex with
in this State, in the fame manner as if he was a citi
zen of this State { and the fame lands may hi con
veyed by him, and transmitted to and be inherited fy
his heirs or relations, as if he and they were citizens
of thu State : Provided, That no foreigner (hall,
m virtue hereof, be entitled to any further or other (
privilege of u citizen."
Jan. 19.
Ofthe very firft quality,and latest importation
from Canton, via New-York, by retail,at
No. 19,
Third, between Chcfnui and Market Streets.
N. B. A Jew Boxes oflfie above HYSON for fate.
Commission er s appointed by Government to
prepare che Public Buildings, &c. within (be
City of Wajkington, for the reception of Con
gress, and for their permanent residence after
the year 1800—
Federal City.
50,000 Tickcts at 7 dollars, are 350,000 dollars.
l Superb Hotel, with baths, )
out houses, Scc.&c. to cod J
1 Cash Prize
l ditto
l ditto
1 ditto
2 ditto
10 ditto
20 ditto
100 ditto
200 ditto
400 ditto
1,000 ditto
15,000 ditto
16,737 Prizes
33,263 Blanks
By this scheme at haft the amount of the tick
ets will return to the fortunate adventurers, and
yet the federal City will gain its object thereby,
in a magnificent building designed both for'pub-
Jic and private convenience.
Although some expence must necefTarily at
tend the conducing of the lottery, (which ex
pence will be taken from the principal prize) the
Coinmiffioners having agreed to present in re
turn a fufficient quantity of excellent free-ftone,
together with the best adapted lots for the hotel
and for the out-houfes, the value of the lottery
entire may be fairly rated at something more than
par: In this important instance it will be found,
on examination, to exceed all the lotteries that
have ever been offered to the Public in this or
perhaps m any other country. The keys of the
Hotel, when compleat, will be delivered to the
fortunate pofTeflor of the ticket drawn aagainft
Us number.—-AW the other prizes will be paid,
withoutddduflion,in one monthafter the drawing, by
the City Treasurer at Washington, or at such
Bank or Banks as may be hereafter announced,
for the conveniency of the fortunate adventq'ers.
The drawing will commence on Monday tfie
9th ofSeptcmbei next, at the City ofWaftiing.
1 ickets may be had of Col. W m . Dickens, City
Treasurer of Washington ; Thayer & Barttet, of
Charleston, South-Carolina ; Gideon Denilon Sa
vannah ; Messrs. James Wejl & Co. Baltimore:
Mr. leter Gilman, Boston ; and at such other
places as will be hereafter publilhed.
be given for the best Plan of an elegant and con
venient HOTEL or INN, with hot and cold
Baths, Stables, and other out houses, if brefented
on or before the ,o th of April next-, and a pre.
ferertcc will be given 10 the Artist for a Con.
tratt provided he be duly qualified to
cpmpleat his plan. The ground on which
the Hotel and out houses are to be erected, will
be a coiner lot of about go by 200 feet, with a
back avenue to the stables, & c . Sea.ons and
eft.mates of the expense will be expefled
with the elevations, &c. compleat ; and 50,000
dollars must be regarded by the Archiu-a as the
utmost limit in the expense intended for this
P ur P° fe - S. BLODGET,
jf l r Agent for lhe the City
March 5, 1793.
A noted covering Horse
TTE impoited from England in Novem-
L X bcr, fevcnieen hundred and eighty-fix an A
is now ten years old ; he is a bright* bay, X,
blaze,fifteen handsone inch high, is well form'd
has a great deal of bone and ftrcngih, and his
a 1 «l ual f to »«>' horse. His col.s are «
February 18, 3793. gt
5,000 are
2 5
Dollars 350,000
Ju]} published,
At the Stone Houje, Mo. 41, South Second-Street,
Decided in the Supreme Court of the United
States, in which is difcuCed the Qucftion,
Price Half a Dollar.
r T"' , HE ptibTic are hereby informed, that the
JL P'jtt-Road from Philadelphia to Reading,
is continued to Sunbury and Northumberland ;
thrnce up ihe Weft Branch of the Sufquehannah
as far as Licoming; thcnce to the Painted Post
(in New-York ftatc, near the foi ks of the Tioga)
thence to Bath (a town laid out on ihe Cohofton
Branch of the Tioga) thcnce to Williamfburg,
at the forks of Genefee River.
Letters for this new route will be sent from
the Philadelphia Poft-Ofticc every Wednesday
morning, at eight o'clock, with the mail lor
A weekly mail will alio be carried from
Beihlehem to Wil(ke(b3rre, in the county of
General Pojl-Ojjicc, April 6, 1793.
WHEREAS a BRIDGE is 10 he built over
Raiitan River, at the cily of Ncw-Brunf
wick, in the state of New-Jerfe) —10 acoomplifh
which, will require the service ot many carpen
ters and masons of experience ; Notice is there
fore hereby given, that any person or persons in
clining to undertake the whole, or any part there
of, by applying to the fubferibers, on or before
the firft day of Mav next, may have an oppoitu
nity of contracting for the fame.
Brurtfuikk, March 24th.
An Ordinance for securing thepundual
Payment of the Monits due on the
Subscriptions to th; Society for ejia
bl'tfhing Ufefut ManufaCiurts.
WHEREAS doubts have heretofore arisen
with regard to the power of the Society
to annex any penalties to the non-payment of the
instalments, agreeably to the terms of the fub
fcripiions. And whereas the Legifl.nure at their
la(t feflions, palled a supplement to the original
law of incorporation, removing the said doubts,
and fully authorizing the Directors to pass any
ordinance they may think proper, to compel the
pun£lual payment of the said ftibfcriptions.
Sec. t. Be it ordained, there/ore, h the Governor
and Directors of the Society for ejlablijhing Ufefut
Manufactures, Thai if any fubferiber or hisaffigns,
shall neglect to pay the second paymtnt of his,
her, or their refpeftive fubferiptions, together
with the lawful intercfl arising theieon, cither to
the cashier of the United States Bank. Office of
Discount and Deposit, at New-York, the calhier
of the Bank of New-York, the cashier of the
Bank of the United States, in Philadelphia, of
John Bayard, Esq. in the city of New-Brnnf
wick, in the state of New-Jerfcy, on or before
the thirteenth day of April next : That then and
in that cafe, all and every fha.e f.r (hares of such
person or pejfons so neglecting to make such pay
ments as aforrfaid, and the monies by them pie
vioufly paid, (hall be forfeited,.-,nd forever there
after veiled in the said Direftnrs, and their suc
cessors, for the common benefit of the said So
See. 2. And be itfurther ordained by the authority
aforefaid, That if any subscriber, or his afligns,
(hall neglefl to pay the third payment of his, her
or their refpefiive fubferiptions, together with
the lawful interest arising thereon, on or before
the thirteenth day of May next. That then and
in that cafe all and every (hare 01 (hares of such
person or perforis so negli fling to make lucli
payments as aforefaid, and the monies by them
previously paid, (hall be forfeited, and forever
thereafter vested in the said Dircftors, and their
fucceflors, for the common benefit of the said
, Scc / .3- A ' ! <i lc »further ordained by the authority
aforefaid, That if any subscriber, or his afligns,
foali neglect to pay the fourth payment of his,
if r '?r thcirrefpeftive (übfcriptions,on or before
the thirteennth day of July next, that then and in
that cale, all and every ftiare or shares of such
person or per Cons, so neglecting to make such
payments as aforefaid, and the monies bv them
previously paid, (hall be forfeited, and lorcver
thereafter veiled in the said Directors, and Iheir
lucceuort, for the common bencht ot the said
». NICHOLAS LOW, Governor.
Pajjedat hew-Ark, 20th February, 1 700
(Counterfignedj ELISHA BOUDINOT,
„ Secretary pro tempore.
BE IT KNOWN, that the proportion of spe
cie which may be paid on the refpeftive pay
ments of every original fl,are, by such Stock
holders ai prefer paying a moiety of said (hares
in Ipccie, in lieu of deferred debt, is as follows:
On the 13th of April, , 7g3 , wilh in _
lerdl from 10th July. 1793,
On of May, . 793, with ill.
tcrctt from 13th January, >700 , oc
° n s . 8 o
stockholders in the laid Society are hereby
"ed to' ' h3 ' l -' h ' r "brcri l ,e r , an/duly
the™ 3 , ' '"Omenta upon
fl ij V res wh,ch lhe V may rcfpec
ednmy offi '"r b °°\ S ° f t,ansf " °P»>-
ed at my office, in From-ilrcet, New-York?
February 21, jjgg
KTKEIF s ° ld byt »* mitor,
A lABLL for receiving and paying Gold —
k aC , C ° rd : ng '° La —Blank M a„r f eft s Z
And Blanks lor (he various Powers r,t At.„
ncceffary in tranfafting BuMm-fs at the T
or Bank of the ,he ufmedState*
Do!s. Cts>
1 63
DrtT*iet »/P£NjitvLT*!nn,
Thomas Dofuon, «f the bid Dtftrift k uj''
pofned in th»s "Office rhvTui !
Right whereof '£
w >rd« following, to wit. ™ Ife
" An Inquiry tfo P uni/i f
is nectary in Pcnnhk-tma H,u,/ "*
«' iUujirations. By Wi11,,,,', R Jji "*
" To wh , ch , s sdi( l „„ Z2n?
«• Penitential \ Houf of Philad.til f afld
" \ nUrxor &***g€me,:t th<reoj "'J*
" Lowno, of Philadelphia.—— // J , ''" h
•; ""n't?"/" "J «'*"» LotrZi?"'
'JhaU find,hat they p, KetJ /rom **"»• -
.. »>' *oicr A mlZl
l'tftiments* —— Montefq V
In conform,,, to ,he Ast of , h( . c f
the United Slates, intituled, .. An A&
Encouragement of Learning, bv fecund £
Copies of Maps, Cham „„d Books, to the i
tliors and Proprietors „f s uch c
Times therein mentioned." ' m S4<r
Clerk otthe D.llria of Pennf^j,
vinT*' T o ° b Z* u "" k '' S M '» V"rM.„'t>,
HiUtam Prue Young: Ridmlni, by A f cii J.
C "'" '■ BaUmorc, h J„ !s R ice J N;u
iy Thomas Allen : Bofion, by David We/I.
Morse's Geography
Revised, corrected, and greatly enlaced, L,
additional Ma fs, well engraved.
In a few weeks will be published,
By THOMAS and ANDREWS, Fault-, Souie
No. 45, Newbury.Street, Bolton,
I,i fwf, Urge 03am.
A NEW Edition of the AMERICAN
hftPa tAPHlf ' : Bein|! ll,e lar P ft
j A y G»ocr Ariry e«er p!L
lilhcd: Or a complete GEOGRAPHY of the
WORLD, brought down to the piefeot tm.e.
I N two parts,
The General Contenti art
PART I. - Ot Aftrotlomy, as conncfttd with,
and introdu&ory to the science of Gtography »
under this head will be gi.en an account of the
several astronomical fyftrms of the World, i«4
a particular dcfcription of the true one. A laWe
of the diatnetcis, periods, &c. of the frvrtal
Planets in the solar system— an account of the
Cdmcts and fixed stars.
OF GiocßAPHy—its use and progreftji.
figure, magnitude and motion of the Earth-*
Doctrine ol ihe Sphere—Geographical citclrs
Divifinns of the Earth into zones ansi climax
—methods of finding the latitude and lengiiude
of places from celellial obfcrvatiom—Globe*,
'nd their use—with a number of the molt use.
ful and entertaining Geographical Problcirsand
Theoiems Mips, and theirufe—fources6fheat
and cold-—theory ofthe winds and tides—length
of miles in different countries—iiainrii divitons
of the Earth— account of the Gregorian or new
stile, See.
America—lts discovery by Columbus
general description of the Continent, in which is
a lengthy discussion of the question, When,
whence, and by whom, was America firft peo
pled ? With a long and entertaining account of
the Indians,ana the late difcoverieson the nortb
weft coafl, &c.—North America—chrono
logical account of its discovery and fettlementa,
its divifirms — Danish America, British
America, IJn ited States of America—
general description of them, including a history
of the late war, and many other ufeful and en
tertaining matters. South America—itsdi*
visions, particular description of its several pro*,
vinces and countries. West India Islands,
*** This part of the work will be illustrated
by maps of the countnes described, from the
corre&eft copies.
PART ll.—Containing every thing elTcntial
which is cohtamed in the best and latest quarto
edition of Guthrie's and other Rritifh Geogra
phies, with felettions from celebrated naviga
tors, travellers and lelpettable authors of other
nations, &c.
Of Eu rope in general—its grand divisions,
particular geographical HeTcrrptions of its fev<i
ral Kingdoms and Republics, See. Of Asia—-
itsfituation, boundaries, general hiflory, parti
cular descriptions of its several divisions, &c.
Of Africa —its general history, boundaries,
grand divisions, &c. Also, new discoveries,
Terra Incognita, Geographical Table, alphabe
tically arranged—Chronological Table of re
markable events, discoveries and inventions, lift
of men of learning and genius, with other ufelul
*** This part will also he illullrated with
maps of the countries described.
THE Author is sensible that the firft edition
of his American Geography (which makes Part
I. of the above work) was in many instances dc
fe&ive, in others erroneous, and in
five. It has been his endeavour, as it was hi*
desire, in the present edition, to fupplv the defi
ciencies, correal the errors, and meliorate the
offenfivc parts of the last. To aflift him in this
business, he has received many valuable commu
nications from the heads of departments in the
general government, and from gentlemen of re
fpe&ability in the several ftatce. The descrip
tion of foreign countries (which composes Part
11. of the above work) has been carefully com
piled from the most approved writers on Geo- «
graphy, and ufeful information introduced from
the discoveries of the latest Navigators, Travel
lers, and refpe£table authors. Indeed, no pains
nor expenfc have been (pared to render this work
the moll complete, accurate, and ufeful of any
ever offered to the public.
City of Wafliington,
Sold bv the Booksellexs,