Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, April 06, 1793, Page 353, Image 1

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    —£ —— —>—— —' ''■ - ■ ''''
[No. 89 of Vol. IV.]
Bcgon knd WW at the City of Philadelphia,
io tlit State af-Petinfylvaqia, on Monday
the fifth sfNoveflntaer, one thuu/and
seven hundred and ninety-two.
An ACT sot- enrolling and Kcenfiijg
Ihips or veflels to be employed in
the coasting trade' and fifheries,
and for regulating the fame.
BE itenaftedby the Senate and House of
Repre Tentative? of the United States of
America, in Congress alTembled, That Ihips
or vessels, enrolled by virtue of lt An ast for
registering and clearing veflels, regulating the
coasting trade, and for other purposes," and
those of twenty tons and upwards, which (hall
be enrolled after the last day of May next, in
puifuance of this ast, and having a licence in
force, or if less than twenty tons, not being
enrolled, /hall have a licence in force, as is
hereinafter required, and no others shall be
deemed ihips or veflels of the United States,
entitled to the privileges of Ihips or vefTels
ejn;>i<»yed in the coasting trade 01* fifheries.
it further er<acted, That from and
afTcT 1 next, in order for
the of any (hip or velTel, (he (hall
poifefs the fame qualifications, and the fame
reqixiiite-, in all TCfjwgXsy; complied
with, as neceflary for regilte"tnTg
ihips pr reffeTs by the ast, intitutled An ast
concerning the registering and recording of
Ihips or veflels/' and the fame duties and
author ties are hereby given and imposed on
all officer", refpeftively, in relation to fuel}
_ enra'nieoi*, the fame proceedings (hallbe
had, in flmilar cafec, touching such enrol-
ments ; and the (Hips or veflels so enrolled,
with the matte, or owner or owners thereof,
(hall be fubjsft to the fame requilites, as are
in those refpefts provided for veflels register
ed by virtue of the aforefaid ast; the record
of which enrolment (hall be made, and an ab
ftraft or copy thereof granted, as nearly as
may be, in the form following u Knrolment
in conformity to an ast of the Congress of the
United State? of America, intituled, " An
ast for enrolling and licensing (hips or veflels,
to be employed in the coasting trade and filhe
ries, and for regulating the fame," (inserting
here the name of the person, with his occupa
tion and pla :e of abode, by whom the oath or
affirmation is to be made) having taken and
fuhferibed the oath (or affirmation) required
by this ast, and having sworn (or affirmed)
that he (or (he, and if more than one owner,
adding the words " together with," and the
name or names, occupation or occupations,
place or places of abode, of the o"-ner or
Owners) is, (or are) a citizen (or citizens) of
the United States, and sole owner (or owners;
of the (hip or veifc], called the [inserting here
her name] of [inserting here the name of the
port to wtiich (he may belong] whereof [in
serting here the name of the master] is at
present matter, and is a citizen of the United
States, and that the said (hip or veflel was
[inserting here when and where built] and
[inserting here the name and office, if any., «f
the person by whom Hie (hall have been fur.
veyed, or admeasured] having certified that
the said (hip of veflel has [inserting here the
number of decks] and [inserting here the
afiinber ®f mads] and that her length is [Vn
ferting here the number of feet] her breadth
[inserting here the number of feet] her depth
[inserting here the number of feet] and that
flie measure? [inserting here her number of
tons] that (he is (describing here the particu
lar kind of vessel, whether (hip, brigantine,
{now, schooner, sloop, or whatever else, to
gether with her built,and fpecifying whether
(he has any or no galley or head) and the said
(naming the owner, or the master, or other
person acting in behalf of the owner or own
ers, by wboin the certificate of admeasure
ment (hall have . been countersigned) (wiring
agreed to the description and admeasurement
above fpecified, and fufficient security having
been gjven, according t« the said ast, the said
ftrp or veflfel has been duly enrolled, at the
port of (naming the port where enrolled) —
Given under my hand and seal, at (naming
the said port) this (inserting the particular
day) day of (naming the month) in the year
(fpecifying the number of thd year, in words
at length.)"
And be it further ena&ed, That it (hall
and may be lawful for the collectors of the fe
veral diftrjets, to enrol and licence my Blip
or veHtl, that ma? bo registered, upon fitch
registry being given up, or to register a'ny (hip
or vessel, that m&y be enrolled, upon such en
rolment and licence being given up. And
when any Ihip or veiTel (hall be in any other
diftriift, th»n the one to which (he'-belongs, the
collector of" such diftrift, on the application of
the mailer or commander thereof, and upon
his taking an oath or affirmation, that, ac
cording to iiis best knowledge and belief, the
property remains, as expressed in the register
or enrolment proposed to be given up, aftd
upon his giving the bonds required for grantl
- remitters, (hall make the exchanges afore
faid ; but in every such cafe, the coll:ftor, to
whom the register, or enrolmnet and licence
may be given up, (hall transmit the fame to
the register of the treasury i and the register,
or enrollment and licence, granted in lieu
thereof, ihall within ten days after the arri
val of fnch ihip or vessel within the diftrifl
to which (he belongs, be delivered to the col
lector of the said diftrifl, and be by him can
celled. And if the said mailer or commander
ihall neglect to deliver the said register or en
»olment and licehce, within the time afore
faidyhe lha.'l forfeit one hundred dollars.
And l)e it further enacted, That in order
to the licenfmg of any ihip or vessel for carry
ing on the coasting trade or iifheries, the hus
band, or managing owner, together with the
matter thereof, with one or more sureties to
the fatisfa&ion of the collector granting the
fame, (hall become bound to |>ay to the Uni
ted States, if such (hip or vessel be of the bur
then of five tons, and less than twenty tons,
the Aim of one hundred dollars; and if twenty
tons, and not exceeding thirty tons, the sura
of two hundred dollars ; and if above thirty
tons, and not exceeding sixty tons, the sum
of five hundred dollars; and if above sixty
tons, the fnm of one thousand dollars. In
cale it ihall appear, within two years from
the date of the bond, that such (hip or vessel
has been employed in any trade, whereby the
revenue of the United States has been de
frauded during the time, the licence granted
~—i vessel remained in force; and
the matter of lue-ir fliip or vessel (hall also
swear, or affirm, that he is a citizen of the
United States, had that fnch licence (hall not
be used for any other vcfT^,
ploymen t, thaw that-itrr~wJi?ch it-is specially
granted, or In any trade or business, whereby
the revenue of the United States may be~de
frauded ; and if such (hip or veflel be less than
twenty tons burthen, the hulband or manag
ing owner (ball swear or affirm, that lhe is
wholly the property of a citizen or citizens of
the United States; whereupon it (hall be the
duty of the collector of the diftrift compre
hending the port, whereto such (hip or vessel
may belong (the duty of fix cents per ton be
ing firft paid) to grant a licence, in the form
following: " Licence for carrying on the
[here insert, coasting trade, whale filhery, or
cod filhery, as the cafe may be.]
" In purfuanee of an ast of the Congress of
the United States of America, intituled,
" An ast for enrolling and licensing Ihips or
veflels to be employed in the coasting trade
and fifherics, and for regulating the fame,"
[inserting here the name of the hulband or
managing owner, with his occupation and
place of abode, and the name of the matter,
with the place of his abode] having given
bond, that the [inPert here the description of
the veflel, whether (hip, brigantine, snow,
schooner, sloop, or whatever else (tie may be]
called the [insert here the veflel'j name]
whereof the said [naming the matter] is mal
ter, burthen [insert here the number of tons,
in word?} tons, as appears by her enrolment,
dated at (naming the diftrift, day, month,
ami year, in words at length—but if (he be
lels than twenty tons, insert, instead thereof
proof being had of her admeasurement) (hall
not be employed in any trade, while this li
cence (hall continue in force, whereby the
revenue of the United States (hall be defraud
ed, and having also sworn (or affirmed) that
this licence (hall not be uled for any other
veflel, or for any other employment, than is
herein fpecified, licence is hereby granted for
the said (inserting here the description of the
vessel) called the (inserting here the vessel's
name) to be employed in carrying on the (in
serting here, coasting trade, whale fifhery, or
cod fiiherv, as the cafe may be) tor one year
from the date hereof, and no longer : Given
under my hand and seal, at (naming the said
dittrift) this (inserting the particular day) day
ps (naming the month) in the year (fpecifying
the number of the year in words at length)."
And be it further ena&ed, That no licence
granted to any (hip or vessel,. (hall be consi
dered in force, any longer than such (hip or
veflel Is owned, and of the description Pet forth
in such licence, or for carrying on any other
business or employment than that for which
flic is specially licenced, and if any (hip or
vel&l be found with a forged or altered licence,
or making use of a liccnce granted for any
other (hip or veflel, such (hip or veflel, with
her tackle, apparel, and the cargo found on
board her, (hall be forfeited.
Saturday, April 6, 1795.
% * '.si lie it further cnttfted, That after the
l»ft cfsy of May next, every (hip or veflel of
Went* tons or upwards (other than such as
1 are regiflrered) found trading between diftritt
and diftrift, or between ditferect places in
the fame diftrift, or carrying on the fifhcry,
: without being enrolled and licensed, or if less
than twenty tons, and not less than five tons,
without a licence, in manner as is provided
by this ast, such fliip or veflel, if laden with
goods, the growth, or manufacture of the
United States only (diftitled spirits excepted)
or in baHaft, (hall pay the fame fees and ton
nage in every port of the United States, at
which (ha may arrive, as (hips or velTels not
belonging to a citizen or citizens of the Uni
ted Stares, and if (he have on board any arti
cles of foreign growth or manufafiure, or
distilled fbirits, other than sea-stores, the Ihip
or velfel, together with her tackle, appare!
and furniture, and the lading found on board,
lhall be forfeited : Provided, however, if
such or vdffel be at sea, at the expiration of
the time, for which the licence was given,
and the matter of fucb Ihip or veflel (hall
swear or affirm that such was the cafe, and
lhall also within forty-eight Honrs after his
arrive deliver to the coltefcor oi the diftriit
in which tie lhall firft arrive the licence which
lhall hive expired, the forfeiture aforefaid
lhall net be incurred, nor (hall the lliip or
veflel Ve liable to pay the fees and tonnage
Anii be it further enabled, That the col
lector of each diftrift (hall progreflively num
ber tie licences by him granted, beginning
anew at the commencement of each year,
and shall make a record thereof in a book, to
be by him kept for that purpose, and (hall,
once in three months, tranfrait to the Re
gister of the Treafirry, copies of the licences,
which/hall have been so granted by him ; and
also of such licences, as fliall have been given
up orretnrned to him, refpeftively, in pur
suance of this act. And where any ship or
vessel shaH be licenced, or enrolled anew, or
bein^licenced and enrolled, fliall afterwards
be registered, or being registered, fliall after
wards be enrolled, or licenced, Air (hall, in
every such cafe, be enrolled, licenced or re
gistered by her former name.
And be it farther enacted, That if any
If Ed 8 s
fSTO, lhaH proceed on a foreign voyage, with
out firft giving up her enrolment and licence,
to the coDcctor of the diltrrct comprehending
the port, from which (he is about to proceed
on such foreign voyage, and being duly re
gistered by such collector, every such ship or
vessel, together with her tackle, apparel and
furniture, and the good?, wares and inee
chandizc, so imported thexein, fliall be liable
to seizure and forfeiture : Provided always,
if the port, from which, ( such ship or vefTel is
about to proceed on such foreign voyage, be
not within the diftrift, where such ship or
vessel is enrolled', the collector of fucb diftrift
(hall give to the master of fiich ship or vessel
a certificate, fpecifyuig that the enrolment
and licence of such fliip or vessel is received
by him, and the time when itwasfo received - ;
which certificate fliall afterwards be deliver
ed by the said master to the collector, who
may have granted such enrolment and li
And be it further enacted, That the li
cence, granted to any ship or vessel, shall be
given up to the collector of the diftrift, who
may have granted the fame, within three
days after the expiration of the time, for
which it was granted, in cafe such (hip or ves
sel be then within the diftrift, qr if die be ab
sent at that time, within three days from
her firft arrival within the diftrift afterwards,
or if she be fold out of the diftrift, within
three days after the arrival of the master
within any diftrift, to the collector of such
diftrift taking his certificate therefor ; and
if the master thereef shall neglect, or refufe
to deliver up the licence, as aforefaid, he
shall forfeit fifty dollars ; but if fnch licence
fliall have been pre vioufly given up to the col
lector .of any other diftrift, as authorized by
this ast, and certificate thereof under the
hand of such collector, be produced by such
master, or if fnch licence be loft, or destroyed,
or unintentionally mislaid, so that it cannot
be fonnd, and the master of such ship or ves
sel shall make and fubferibe an oath or affir
mation* that such licence is loft, destroyed,
or unintentionally mislaid, as he verily be
lieves, and that the fame, if found, fliall be
delivered up, as is herein required, then the
aforefaiff penalty (hall uot be incurred. And
if f«ch licence shall be loft, deftroytd, or un
intentionally mislaid, as aforefaid, before the
expiration of the time, for which it was
granted, upon the like oath or affirmation be
ing made and fubferibed by the matter of
such ship or vessel, the said collector is here
by authorized and required, upon applica
tion being made therefor, to licence such
ship or vessel anew.
And be it further enacted, That it shall
and may be lawful for the owner or owners
of any licenced ship or vessel, to return such
licence to the collector who grunted the fame,
[Whole No. 41 j.]
*t »Y time within lllii vear, for wJielv it
was granted, who (hall tfcoif e*n«el
•the fame and (hull licence fucti veifef knew,,
upon the application^the owner or owncr',,
and upon the conditions herein before re
quired, being complied with } and in cafe the
term, for which the former licence Wa* grant
ed, shall not be expired, an abatement of the
tonnage of fix cents per ton lh&ll be made, in
the proportion of the time so u nexpired.
And be it farther enacted, That every li
cenced (his) or veflel (hall have her name, and
the port to which she belongs, painted oil Jipr
stern, in the manner as is provided for re
gistered (hips or vessels, and if any licenced
(hip or veJTel be found, without such paint'
ing, the owner or- owners thereof (hall pay
twenty dollars.
And be it further ena&ed, That when the
niafter of any licenced ship or vessel, ferry
boats excepted, (hall be changed, the new mas
ter, or, in cafe of hw ablenc«, the owner or
one of the owners thereof, ftiaH report- fodi
change to the collector residing at the pot*
wliere tbcfam? mavtiapptfii, if ttlere be one,
otherwise, to the col.'edtor i efidiug at my
port, wbere Curb (hijj or vcffcl may nexr ar
rive, wfio, upon the ojtfh or affirmation of
fiich new niafter, or in r»'e of his absence, of
the owner or one of the owners, that he is a
citizen of the United States, and that such
(hip or vqflel (hull not, whijc such licence con
tinues in force, be employed in any manner,
whereby the revenue of the United States
may be defrauded, (hall endorse such change
on tha licenco, with the name of the new
matter ; and when any change (hall happen,
as aforefaid, and such change (ball not be re
ported, and the endorsement made of such
change, as is herein required, such lh.ij> or
veflel, found carrying on the coaftuig trade
or fiiheries, (hall be fubjeft to pay the fame
fees and tonnage, as a veflel of the United
States, having a register, and the>faid new
matter (hall forfeit and pay the sum of ten
And be it further enacted, That it shall be
lawful, at all times, for any officer conceriu>d
in the colleftlon of the revenue, to infpeft
the enrolment or licence of any fliip or vessel $
and if the matter of any Ihip or vessel {hall
not exhibit the fame, when thereunto requi
red by fUoh oificer, be fliltt pay one hundred
And be it further enaffed, That the master or
commander of eve/v fh'p or vessel licenced for
carrying on the coasting trade, deflined from a
diftrifl: in one Stale, to a difrtift in the fame, or
an adjoining Slate on the fe« eoaft, ar o» a navi.
gable river, having on board, either diftilted
fpuita in calks exceeding five hundred gallons,
wine in calks exceeding two hundred arid fifty
gallons, or in bottles exceeding one hundred
dozens, sugar in calks or boxes exceedingUtree
thousand pounds, tra in cherts or boxes exceed
ing five hundred pounds, coffee in calks or bags
exceeding one thousand pound), or foreign mer.
chandize-in packages, as imported, exceeding
in value four hundred dollars, or goods, wares
or merchandize, confiding of fiich enumerated
or other articles of foreign growth or manufac
ture, or of both, whose aggregate value exceeds
eight hundred dollars, shall, previous to the de
parture of such, ship or vessel, f»ora ttw port
where (he may then be, make out and £übfcrib«
duplicate manifefts of the whole ol such cargo
on board such ship or vessel, ftecifying in.such
manifefts, the marks and numbers of every cask,
bag, box, cbeft or package containing the fame,
with the name and place of residence of ev*r«y
shipper and confujnee, aud the quantity (hipped
by and to each, and if there be a collector or
ftlrveyor, residing at such port, or within fiy p
miles thereof, he (hall deliver such manifefts to
the collector, if there be one, otherwise ta the
furvevor, before whom he shall swear or affirm,
to the best of his knowledge and belief, that the
goods therein contained were legally imported,
and the duties thereupon paid or secured, or if
spirits difti-lled within the United States, that the
duties thereupon have been paid or fecurcd,
whereupon the said collefior or fuivevnr (hail
certify (he fame on on the said maniftfts, ooe
of which he (hall return to the said master, with
a permit, fpecifying thereon, generally, the la
ding on board such (hip or vessel, and author
izing him to proceed to the port of hisdeftina
tion. And if any (hip or vessel, beini; laden
and destined, as aforefaid, (hall depart from the
port where (he may then be, without the master
or commander having fii (I made out and sub
scribed duplicate manifefts of the lading on
board such (hip or vessel, and in ea!e there be
» colleftoror surveyor tcfiding at such port, or
within five miles thereof, without having previ
ously delivered the fame to the said collrftor or
futveyor, and obtaining a permit, in manner as
is herein required, such master or commander
(hall pay onehnndred dollars.
And be it further enacted. That the master or
commander of every (hip or vessel licenced tor
carrying on the coasting trade, having oo board,
eitherdiftiHed spirits in calks exceeding five
hundred gallons, wine m calks exceeding two
hundred and fifty gal lorn, or in. bottles exceed
ing one hundred dozens, sugar in calks or box
es exreeding three thousand pounds, tea in chests
01 boxes exceeding five hundred pounds, coffee
in calks or b*gs exceeding one thousand pounds,
or foreign merchandize in packages, as unpoll
ed, exceeding in value fout hundred dollars,
■ •*