to Intrude as 'iccaOj, as grofecutors into the executive department, Gentlemen had not yet declared. 1 lie events wouM declare how agrec.ible it wn., to the peo ple of America, I fiat the House of Re prcfentativt:6 should attempt to contract the Prclideiit in tlie free exercise of his difcretioii in fei*£ling the proper inttiu iiteritl o! executing the laws. 1 lie pro secutors in their z-al hud forgot that it was effeiitial to rierfonal feeurity and free dom,that a per ton fhoilld not be condemned without an opportunity of being lieaid m his defence; no such opportunity had been indulged the man, whose icputation dearer to him as a man of honor, titan life, was attacked. He was willing howe vei, to proceed to the difcufiion ot the qucllion before the committee ; and in tegard to the tefolution immediately un der confideratiou, and to those which would fncceed in their order, as far as he might take pa>t, he should only (late the fatts in relation to the quellion immedi ately under debate, and endeavour to point out that relation. If these fails should be established and those relations underlined, he would run the venture to predict, that the sensibility by which the ingenious and intelligent Ameiican mind is attached to the objedt of the prosecu tion, from a confidence in his integrity and talents, will be greatly increased. The resolution immediately under con fideiation, charges the Secretary with vi olating the law of the '4th of Augult by ill. Applying a portion of the princi pal borowed under that a£l towards pay ing the interest of it. ad. By drawing part of the monies into the United States, without .the in ftruftionsof thePrefident. Refpe&ing the I ft. particular, he le quefted gentlemen to attend to a Ample statement of the facts. Money was in Europe applicable to purposes of appro priation in America. This being imme diately conne&ed with the 2d. paiticular chargt-d in the refolutiori, ai.d it being inftparably involved with other f acts re lating to that particular, he would now aflume it as a fact That money was in Europe appropriated to the aid of the finking fund, and which therefore might be brought here, the real fcane of its>de- Aination. It was also true that the mo ney arising from our domestic ttfources being destined to pay the interest on the foreign loans, we had of course money here destined to foreign purposes. To introduce the exploded nonsense under these cifcumftances of the ear-marks of meney, seems the objedl of the charge, which for no ufeful purpose would fub jeft us to the rifle and expence of fending the money to Europe and of bringing the fame money from Europe here. What did the Secretary ? He borrowed from one fund, he repaid with the other. He avoided all rifle and expence. He fully executed the purposes of the government. He did, in £a6l, what any prudent, ho ne ft agent would have done for his prin cipal, what every man of common sense would have done for himfclf. Had he pursued another course, had he tranfpoit ed money from Europe to America and from America to Euiope in the instance before the committee, it might be said with truth that he had given conclusive evidence of a paltry genius, wholly un worthy of the high itation in which he is placed. The next particular was that he had drawn part of the money borrowed under the ast of the 4th of August, into the U. States, without the inftruftions of the Picfident ?' Should the truth of this charge be ad mitted, it might be alked what authority had the House of Representatives to in terfere ? Was not this an ufurpa'tion ? Were we now to go into a confederation of the refpeftive fubjcfts afGgned the se veral departments of government ? Or was the House under the plausible pre tence of purifying the executive, to usurp the appropriate ajid most nectflary pow ers of that department? To whom was intruded the execution of the loan ? To the Prcfideqt, not the House of Repre sentatives. Who was to feleft the instru ments of execution ? Who was, to remove from office? Could the houfe,by any arti cle of the constitution interfere in vemo .val from office, but in the process of im peachment, which is declared not to be an obje£t of the picfeat prosecution ? He .would not here reft the defence, though the que (lions he had alked fuggelled worthy the confideratiou of those to whom they were .\ddrefled, and of the public. Before he proceeded to the mod imt portantciicumiUncesrelatingtothischargr, lie woukl take notice of the evidence «>n which the gentlemen relied. It was rnerej ly of a. presumptive nature—a prelumptU on he said he would Itake his refutation in believing wholly in Confident with the character of the President or his Secreta ry. Was it the character of the Presi dent, to admit fubje£ts of valt magnitude, committed to his management to be con ducted without his knowledge, by his im mcdiateandconfidential minitters? Would he not expel from his confidence the min 1 who should dare thus to conduct. On the other hand, is it poflible to sup pose that the Secretary could have pre sumed to have abused the confidence of the man on whose pleasure his exiflence absolutely depended ? It could not then be supposed confident with the character of either gentleman that any necefTary information could be withholden—that any important (lep would be taken by the fubordinatt; officer, without iuftruClions where.those inltrudtions wotild be necefTa ry oi expedient ; and that should he fail in that attention which the nature of his relatiou, and the fubjedts under his ma nagement required, it was a natural pre emption, that the President would do what was proper to be dor,e. Certain it was that it was not fubjeflt to any consti tutional controul of the House of fentatives. ' He said, that by the confti'tution of the Treasury department the general fupeiin tendance of the finances was committed to the Secretary. That by the ast of the 4th of Augult, 1790! which would be a gain mentioned : The Piefident was au thorised to caufeto be borrowed 12,000,000 it would be a question, whether, when this money was borrowed, the general fu perintendance of it was not in viitue of the ast, conflicting the Treasury depart ment committed to the Secretary. If this was the true.conllruftion no inftruftions would be necefiary to enable the Secreta ry to make the appropriations pointed out by law. This, however, not being neceflary to be relied on, he mentioned only cideniinally. He observed, that the money to be borrowed under that ast was solely appro priated to the difch'arge of art ears and in ftallinents, payingofFthe fote'igii debt. He wilhed that the committee would be pleased to notice as a fact to be-particu arly remembered, that there was no re ltriftions as to the time of borrowing ; on ly that they (hould be advantageous to the United States, and of this there was no criterion; the only security of the pub lic was the discretion of the President : It would thetefore never be a question, whether a loan made at 5 per cent interest, and 4 per cent, premium was within the authority' delegated. . He said that it. had been denied that 3- ny of the money borrowed in virtue of this ast could be drawn into this country. This was in his opinion wholly unfounded. He afifed where were the words that con tained this restraint ? He said, that all tjhf. money borrowed might, confident with the law have been drawn hither, iuvefted in produce, and that produce been deli vered in diicbarge of th? debt; and that in fact a very large portion had within the knowledge of every gentleman present been applied to that purpose, and very, advantageously to country'. He said if the President ftiould believe it advanta geous to the public he might not only draw the money here for the purposes mentioned, but fend it 'to China or to Lapland. He said, that by the ast of the 12th of Augull, in the fame year, a further autho rity was given to the President, to bor row 2,000,000 of dollars, to be applied to the purchase of the debt ; but in this cafe the interest could not exceed 5 per cent. Previous to the passing of this ast our bankers had made a proviHtniaUo** 3,000,000 of florins. It was aflced whe ther any part of this loan could be said to be applicable to the purposes of the last mentioned ast, or in other words for aid ing the finking fund ? And was it drawn here with the knowledge of the Prclident ? A iimple statement of facts, he said, would form the bell answers to both these quef- tions. It was, he said, stated by the Secretary as early as thp 25th Aug. 1790, that this provilional lrjpn was made, that it might be at command i« the course of the then 322 year. That the expediency of its accept ance, and the application of one thiiJ of it to the purposes of the act of the 12th of Auguit, was under the conlideiation of the Prelident. At that time, then, which was the earlielt pojlible moment, it was known to the PreGdent that the loan was made; it was known to the ligiflature what would be the probable application of it, and yet he laid it was now preten ded that every body was kept 111 total ig norance. This, he said, was not all, oil the 28th of the fame Auguit the Pieti dent authorised the fecretaty to cxecut , the power of botrowing uniLr the autho rity of both aits, and to the amount of 14,000,000 dollars, would it be said that thi whole money was intended by the Prelident to be applied to the foreign debt ? This would be charging him with an intention more ctiminal than had been alledged againfl the Secretary ; for he was not authorized so to apply more than 12,000,000. In the fame month the se cretary latified the provilional loan of 3,000,000 of florins, and expiesfly decla red it to be in virtue of the conjunct au thority of the two loans. This, he said, was not all. At the opening of the next session, on the Bth of December, 1790, and it was to be ob served that the firft drawing of the mo ney into this country commenced on the 15th of tliac month, the President in his speech communicated the loan, and ex pressly said, that it was made " in con formity to the powers veiled in him by the acts of the lalt session." Had not the le gislature then the earliest possible informa tion of the loan and of its intended appli cation ? In the fame fpecch the President informed the legislature, in relation to this fubjeft, that the Secretary had his direction to communicate such further particulars as might be requisite for more precise information. Afterwards, in the fame session, the Secretary had given the precise information which was directed by the President; he ftatedthe terms of the loan, which were at 5 percent, inter It ex clusive of premium, &c. and said that from thence a doubt had arisen, whether it was within the meaning of the ast of the 12th of Augult ; that in his opinion, it was very expedient and highly import ant to the general operations of the treasu ry, that it should be deemed to be within that act. That the residue beyond what had been appliedto the forcigndebt might be applied .to the purposes of that aft.— In pursuance ot this information, the le giflayire, to remove the doubts which had been expreficd by the Secretary in,the said session, pa! Ted an ast, declaring that that loan " should be con (trued, and dbemed to be within the true intent and meaning of the ast for the reduction of the public debt," and extended the operation of the ast to any future loans which should be made 011 the fame terms. He asked leave to remind the committee of what he had before dated, tljat there was no reftriftion as to interelt ot piemium to be allowed for loans made under the ast of the 4th of August ; it would therefore, he said, follow irrefutably, that the legislative in terference was not only unneceflary, but absurd, on the idea that ,no part of this loan was to be applied to other purposes than the foreign debt ; the words, too, of the ast, rendered the Intention perfect ly unequivocal and certain. Nor, he said, did the whole proof reft in the docu ments to which he had referred the con sideration of the committee. That tiio ney had been drawn into America arising from foreign loans had been Hated to the legislature at the commencement of their next session after passing the last mention ed act. This was by the Treasurer's ac cbunt then reported to Congress, which was explained and verified by the Comp troller's report, to which he referred the committee. The fame information had from time to time been given by the Treasurer, as money had been received by him from this source. He concluded ,by requelting gentlemen to review the evi dence he 4iad mentioned, and then, as their minds should determine, pronounce whether there was any foundation for fay ing that no part of the tirft loan was appli cable to the purposes of the ast of the 12th of August, or that it was drawn here with out the knowledge of the President? Was there any reason on this evidence to which gentlemen had hitherto confined them selves for affirming the truth of either of the propositions now imiOcdiately under con si deration ? [N. B. Ihe foregoing observations of Mr. Sedgwick were interrupted m the ccuifeof the delivery two or thtee t : in by the leading of official document, «W|! were called for, and by intervening 2 marks of other gentlemen who repeated ly rose immediately after the rea.W ~f those documents. To gl, e a m „, e netted idea of the (cope „t hisa. R „ mem the parts of Ins fpteeii ate co n >p,if c d one (ketch.] Mr. Giles remarked, that the Secrets,. before the function of the law was obtained. Mr, Fitzfimons obfervtd, on the charg' to ihe refoliition, that as the in. tcrclt of tiie money borrowed in Europe is payable w here borrowed, it was econo mical in the Secretary to interctl with monies there,which were to be draw,, here, and teplace the sum by taking the amotint from the funds here destined for that payment. A financial operation of this nature is fituple, and saves the trouble of drawing with the one hand, and ttmit. ting with the other. He conceived there was no just foundation for the firft char™ Mr. Lawrance said, that when the re' solutions calling for information from the department were firft brought forward, the public mind was impteffed within idea, that there were monies un accounted for ; this charge is now diopt and it is honourable to the officer concern* ed that after much probing, nothing i, found to support it. The enquiry now is whether a debt was paid out of this or that fund. He did not admit the fact, thkt it was paid out of any other monic, than what law ftriftly warranted. He went into a history of the business ftom i's origin. He dated the nature and purpofts of the loans. There was nothing to ore vent the President, he said, to consolidate the two loans ; provided such an arrange, ment did not interfere with the purposes intended by them. The President em. ployed the Secretary to obtain the loans under the joint authoiitv of both a&s, as it was found that the object could belt be carried into effect in such an arrangement. The money thus borrowed, became fubjedt to the apprbpriationsofboth acts, and not exclusively for the payment of the foreign debt. Then as part of that money was fubjeft to be drawn here for the redemp tion of the domestic debt, and the interest of the loan was to be paid with domestic funds, it wasperfeftly reafoaable to avoid further drafts and remittances, to pay the debt there with money there, and replace it here with money already here. The fact dated in the firft part of the refoliition is by this plain (late of the cafe substantially refuted, and appears altogether unfound ed ; but if the fact is proved, what is im plied ? no injury to the interests of the community ; the intention of the legisla ture has been in every point fulfilled. If the Secretary had acted differently, he would have been guilty of an absurdity, and to blame for facrificing the public in tt?reft and neglecting the spirit of a law, for a strict and unprofitable observance of its dead letter. Mr. Giles said the tranfaftion alluded to by the gentleman, to controvert tl e fact laid ddwn in the firft part of the reso lution before the committee was not im material as they had endeavoured to (hew it.' It was not merely a financial operati on to avoid the neceflity of drawing and remitting. The truth was, that the Se cretary had drawn over near 3,000,000 of dollars. The President's authority was limitted to 2,000,000. Mr. Lawrance was of opinion, that if the President, or his agent, had drawn the whole amount of the money obtained under both loans, he could not be said to have gone beyond his authority. He was authorized to borrow 12,000,000 to pay the arrears on the foreign debt, and to modify the whole. In the execution of this trull he might have found it advifea ble to draw to this country the whole of that sum. It had been found advifeable to draw for part, and to pay the French by dipping produce to St. Domingo. If the money expended so»- supplies to St. Domingo is deducted, the balance will be found less than 2,000,000. The committee reported progress and obtained leave to (it to-morrow. ['To hi* continued,. ] FRIDAY, March I The bill for extending the time for receiv ing subscriptions to the loan oj the United States, was read the third time and palled, the subscriptions, according to this bill are to be continued to the lafl day of fune 179*^* A message from the Senate by Mr. Otis, their Secretary, informed the House that the Senate have agreed with ail" amendment to the amendments ef the House to the bill fup plenieutary to tbe a