Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, March 06, 1793, Page 320, Image 4

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    sO be SOLD, or LEASED
for seven or tf.n years,
ONE on Walnut-ftieet, near Founh-ftreet,
23 feet front, has two parlours below, the
lioni one by feet, the back parlour is
by 14 feet. The front room up ftai»s is
by 17£ feet. There are five good chambers in
this house, besides the garret is divided into
three rooms, iu two ot them there are fire-
The other House i» 27 feet upon Walnut
flreet, and 53 feci upon 4th street; there are tw«
£ood parlours below, one of them 25 by 20 1-2
feet, the other 25 by 18 1-1 feet, and seven com
plete bed-chambers; besides the garret is di
vided into- 4 rooms, 3 of which rooms have fire*
placcs. The kitchens are good ones, and aTe
tindrr the houses ; the largest house has also a
house-keeper's room. It is intended there (hall
a communication from boih of these houses
to a neighbouring ice-house, fnfficiently large to
supply 3 houses. Within 50 yards of these
houses, there wiH be compleat stables and coach
houses, for both houles ; they will be finifhed
in the most compleat manner, ana the keys
ready to be delivered early in the summer.
On paying half the money down (if fold) the
othrr half may be paid by inftalmems, or the
whole may remain for 5 years, paying interest
and giving security on the premises.
For terms of sale or lease, apply to the Sut>-
Who has jqr SALE,
Sundry Ground Rents,
J 7
In this city, amounting to twertty-five pounds
sixteen (billings and fix-pence, per annum.
Also, a quantity of BAGS, that will contain two
and a half and three and a half bufbels.
Jan. 19, 1792. efwi
February ift, 1793.
WHEREAS foreigners holding Stock in
the Bank of the United States may pre
fer receiving their Dividends in Europe, to re
ceiving them in America,
RESOLVED, That any proprietor of the
Capital Stock of the Bank of the United States
.residing in Europe, (hall be entitled to receive
either in London or in Amsterdam, the- half
yearly dividends which may be declared there
on—in London at the rate of one pound sterling
for every four hundred and forty-five cents, or
in Amsterdam at the rate of one guilder current
money for every forty cents and four mills—the
dividend declared in January of each year, to
be paid in London or in Amsterdam 00 the fe
eond Monday ol July following—and the divi
dend declared in J uly of each year, to. be paid in
London or in Amsterdam on the iecoud Mon
day of January following.
Provided, That every such Proprietor (pre
vious to the declaring of any Dividend, so to be
paid in London or in Amsterdam) shall give au
thentic notice to the President and Directors of
the Bank at which of the said Cities he will re
ceive the said Dividend.
By the President and Directors.
JOHN KEAN, Cashier.
City of Washington.
January 71b, 1793.
A NUMBER of Lois in this City will be of
fered tor sale at auction, by the Commit
fioners, on the 17th Hay of September next.—
One fourth part of the pHrchafe money is to be
paid down, the residue at three equal annual pay
ments with yearly interest on the whole princi
pal unpaid.
JOHN M. GANTT, Cltrk to the Cem'rs.
Extratt n f an Ast of the General Assembly of
Maryland, concerning the Territory of Co
lumbia, and the City at Wa(hingion.
"Be enaflcd, That any foreigner may by
deed or ail/, hereafter to he made, taie and hold lands
zvithin that part oj theJaid Territory which lies with
■tn this State, in the fame manner as if he was a citi
zen nf this State ; and the fame lands may le.con
veyed by him, and transmitted to and be inherited by
his heirs or relation t, as if he and they were citizens
tfthi, State: Provided, That no foreigner /b*U,
in Virtue hereof, be (ntit/ed to any further or other
privilege of « citizen."
J a ". 'Q- tf
50 Dollars Reward.
RAN away on the 25th instant, a likely Ne
gro Man called Isaac, about twenty-three
years oid, five feet fix or eight inches high, a
well made tellow, fond of talking, has a large
mouth, and (hows his teeth very much when
talking; had on when he went away, a brown
linen shirt, a short white kersey over jacket with
a very high collar and plain b-caft, with but.ons
■which appeaf to have been very gay ; a paii of
white keifey hrecches, a pair of white knit yarn
Hacking?, a pair of Ihnes wiih. firings in them,
and a coarse hat ; all ihe above clothes arc al
moil new. Said Negro was fprmeily the oro
perty of Mr. William Thomas, late of Kent
County, near George-Town Cross Roads, de
ceased, and has for several years been employed
in that neighbourhood, and principally by .. Mr.
Maxwell, and lately by McflTrs. John and James
Larmack, as a waggoner, whicii bulinefs he is
well acquainted wiih, and is what he prefers •
and has been engaged in driving a waggon Irom
laid Cross.Roads to lluck-Creck, & c . until
Auguftlaft. lexpcfthowUl make his way lor
the neighbourhoods of George-Town, Duck-
Creek, Dover or Wilmington. The above re
ward will i-.e paid, if delivered to me in th.s
place, or Thijiy Dollars if fccured in any goal,
la that r get him again. He i s an a ,,f u | f e n ow
and when taken, will make his el'cape, unless
particularly secured.
lalbot Dec. 28, 1792. em
May be had svSAMUEL COOPER'S Ferry.'
yvsr pußirsncD,
By Thomas Dobfon,
Seok fcUcr, at the Stone-Houje, in Second Jlreet,
On a Plan entirely veto :
The Different SCIENCES and ARTS
are diverted into the Form of Diftinft,
THE Hiflory, Theory., and Prasice, of ejich,
according to the Latest Difcovtries and im
provements : and full Explanations given of the
various detarhed parts of Knowledge, whether
relating to Natural and Artificial Oojefts, or to
Matters EccUfiaflical, Civile Military, Commer
cial, See. Including Elucidations of the most im
portant Topics relative to Religion,Morals,Man
ners, and the Qecotiomy of Life : together wirh
a Dcfcription of all the Countries, Cities, prin
cipal Mountains, Seas, Rivers, &c. throughout
the World ; a General Hiftoty, Ancient and
Modern, of the different Empires, Kingdom**
and States ; and an account of the Lives of the
most Eminent Persons in every Nation, from the
earliest ages down to the present times. Com
piled from the writings of the best author, in
Several Languages ; the most approved Dictiona
ries, as well of General Science as of particular
branches; the Tranfa£lions, Journals, and Me
moirs of the learned societies, both ai home and
abroad—the MS. lettures of eminent profeffors
on different Sciences : and a variety of original
Materials, furnillied by an extensive Correfpon
The Seventh Volume contains a description
of Mount Etna, Eudiometer, Exchange, Expe
rimental Philosophy, Svftem of Farriery, Feudal
fyftern, Fire, fixed Air, Fluxions, Food, Fortifica
tion, Fossils, hiftocy of France, Gardening, Gas,
Geneva, Geography, Geometry, Gilding, Glass,,
&c. with a variety of articles in natural history,
biography and mi feel lames. Illustrated with
Thirty Eight elegant Copperplates.
I. The work is printing on a fuperfine paper,
and new types, (cast for the purpofr) which
will be occasionally renewed before they con
trail a worn appearance.
11. The work isfurniftied in boards, in volumes
or half-volumes, as fubferibers chufe; the price
of the whole volumes, five dollars each, of the
half-volumes two dollars and two-thirds of a
dollar each. Ten dollars to be paid on sub
scribing, the volumes or half-volumes finifhed
to be paid for when delivered, the price of one
volume to be paid in advance, and the price of
each succeeding volume to be paid on deliver
ing the volume preceding it. No part of the
work will be delivered unlefspaid for.
111. In the course of the publication will be de
livered about five hundred copperplates ele
gantly engraved in Philadelphia : which by
far exceed in number those given in any other
icientific di£lionary. At the close ot the pub
lication will be delivered an elegant frontif
piece, the dedication, preface, and proper ti
tle pages for the different volumes,
It is expefled the work will be compiifed in
about eighteen volumes in quarto.
Those who wifti to becomepofleffbrs of
this valuable work will please to be early in their
applications, as the fuhfeription is nearly closed.
Jan. 23.
War Department,
Ja nuar y 28, 1793.
INFORMATION is hereby given to all the
military Invalids of the United States, that
the faros to which they are entitled for fix
niont hs of their annua! pension, from the 4th day
of September 1792, and which will become due
on the sth day of March 1793, will be paid on
the said day by the Commiflioners of the Loans
within the states refpeflively, under the usual
regulations, viz.
Every application for payment mud be ac
companied by the following vouchers:
lft. The certificate given by the ttate, fpecifv
ing tha.t tbe person poiTefling the fame is in fift
an Invalid, and ascertaining the sum to which,
as such, he is annually intitled.
2d. An affidavit agreeably to the following
form :
A. B. came before me, one of the Justice*
of,!the county of in the state of and
made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom
the original certificate in his pofleflion giv
en, of which the following is a copy (the cer
tificate given by the slate to be recited) That
he served (regiment, corps or vessel) at the
time he was disabled, and that he npw resides
in the and county of and has resided
there for the last years, previous to which
he resided in
In cafe an Invalid ftiould apply for payment
hv an attorney, the said attorney, besides the
certificate and oath before recited, must produce
a fpccial leti-er of attorney agreeable to the fol
lowing form :
I, A. B. of countv of state of
do hereby conllitute and appoint C. D. of
my lawful attorney, to receive in my behalf of
my pension for fix tnonthi, as an Invalid
ol the United Slates, from the 4th day of Sep
tember 1792, and ending the 4th day of March
Signed and Sealed
in the Pjefence of
Acknowledged before me,
Applications of executors and administrators
mud be accompanied with legal evidence of
T VI V >' VC ?' h r"' and also of ,l,c
Invalid died, whnfe pension they may claim
By Command of the President
ol the United States,
H. KNOX, Secretary at War.
PT TheP'J»t,rs in the refieahe Statu are r( .
puthfk the aiove in their Ntwfbafen J,r
thejpafe oj i mintii. t r J
By the Subjcribir, st Wahul-Street Wharf,
Madeira Wine,
Fit for immediit# ule, in pipes & quarter calks,
SHERRY WINE, in quarter calks,
WEST-INDIA RUM, t, 3 and 4 proof,
Two Bales 10-4 BLANKETS, and
A Bale of MUSLINS.
A new 13-4 loch CABLE, 120 fa'homs long,
Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1793. ep2m
Of the very firft quality, latest iropoitation
from Canton, iria New-York, by retail,at
No. 19,
Third, between Chcfnui and Market Streets,
N. B. A few Boxes of the above HYSON for sale.
Insurance Company.
AT a general meeting (by adjournment) of
the Insurance Company of North-America,
on Wednesday thei6th initant,
It was Resolved,
THAT the Instalments which, according to
the Constitution, will become due on the tecond
Monday of July and January next, or cither of
them, may b* paid by any Stockholder at an
earlier period ; and any Stockholder so paying
such instalment, or inftalraents, (hall receive a
proportionate fliare of the Dividends thereafter
to be made, calculating such (hare from the firft
day of the month succeeding luch payments re
fpe£lively. Extra£c from the Minutes,
Philadelphia, Jan. 23.
City of Washington,
Sold by the Booksellers,
A New Post-Road.
HAVING been desired to eftablifti a pofl
road from Reading, in the state of Penn
sylvania, to Williamfburg, at the Great Forks of
the Genefee river, Notice is hereby given, chat
proposals will be received at the General Poll-
Office, for carrying a weekly mail between
Reading and Williamfburg aforcfaid, by the
following route, to wit : the Great Road now
improving between Reading and the town of
Northumberland ; from the latter place to Loyal
Sock creek ; thence to Lycoming creek ; thence
in the new road to the Painted Port, on
river; and thence to Williamfburg.
The proposals will be received until the tsth
of March next, inclusively ; the carriage of the
mail to commence within one month after-
Necessary Poft-Offices are to be established on
the route, arid such persons appointed Post
masters as the Contractor (hall name, and tlie
Postmaster-General approve.
Within three months after the carriage of this
mail is commenced, the Contraflor is to state to
the Postmaster-General the days and hours of its
arrival and departure at and from the principal
Poft-offices, which experience (hall prove to be
moli convenient • and thereafter the mail is to
be delivered at the refpeftive Poft-offices at the
hours so fixed, unavoidable accidents excepted,
on penalty of one dollar for each hour's delay ;
and for the non-performancc of a trip, the Con
tractor to forfeit twenty dollars.
The term of the contrail cannot exceed eight
years. During its continuance the Contrtiftor is
to receive the ratesof poftageby law eftiblifhed,
and to have the exclusive privilege of carrying
letters and packets for hire, such excepted, as
ffijll be Tent by a fpccial meftenger, or which arc
or Ihall be by law declared free.
General PoJl-OJJice, Jan. t>2, 1793.
FOR Salt-, a beautiful (ituation on the P<j
towmack, adjoining the town of Alexandria
and in a line of diredion towards the Federal
City, and George Town,m full view of each place,
commanding a profpeft of the river and adjacent
country of Maryland and Virginia, for many
miles; about 45 or 50 acres of Land, lying di
reflly on the river, will be fold', with the im.
piovements, which are, a two-ftorv framed
dwelling-house, neatly finilhed, a kitchen,office,
brick fmoke-hbufe and dairy, two-(lorv framed
barn, a well of excellent water, and an ice
houle, a yard and garden, neatly railed and
highly improved, with a number of other ne
cessary improvements ; the whole of the land
enclosed with polls and rails, tenor fifieen acres
laid down, with different kinds of grass. Its
contiguity to thofc three towns must renderit an
object worthy the attention of any person who
wilhes to invert money in a propel ty that must
enhance in value, in proportion to the rapid in
cteafe of the Federal City,' Alexandria and
George-Towu. This property lies nearly in a
central fttuation to each place. The Potowmack
at this spot has a fine deep (hore and harbour,
capable of receiving veflels of any burden. It
may not be improper to observe, that men of
judgment think a profitable and convenient
«r"ru- mi S hl he "t6ed here to the City of
Washington and the Maryland (hores leadin,; to
Baltimore aod Philadelphia.— Alio to fell, 21 c
acres of Wood-Land, about three miles distant
which will suit well to supply the above in
wood and timber. Theiitle may be seen to the
above property which is indifputablc, and terms
known by application to the fubferiber, livinir
on the prcmifts. 6
Etcl2/i) ljjt.
Cp 2J»
'"PIiAT the Calhier he authnriCed
A from the proprietor of any numbt, „f to J
pl<»t (hares, ftich Certifi ates, not , n h „
name a, he ma, be the proprietor , ...J
cancelling the fame, to itf„e a new Cr,i,fi ciu
Certificates in lieu tfuteof, in theea mc ot ( w
proprietor. c *
JU.OLV.B, That m ,|| f,„„, Wfft rf
ewnpltat lharr, in the opital lUk .1 lht 8 „,,,
the Certificate. ol the lh..res iraii,le„ t( ) be ca«
'a- t' ' " cw or Ctl "Sc«» b«
if ,Umc of lhr '""''"""rpHreWt,
ir That ,h ' C " ,lfic, "» in k-"u, t
liliicd, be foi one 01 nnnt lharti, ti t( , t
prietor may rrquefl; and ,h< IICW Crrtijrafe or
w'' ?■" b V <W corr ffp<rtident*nunob»,»
ihole in lieu of which ihcy arc .iTurd
3 W JOHN KF.AN, Cfl,,;,
A further Caution.
ALL persons arc hereby cauiioned from rtce «
ing of Thomas Mache & Co. or anv ,„!w
person, four Notes of Hand, given by ih c | J[(!
James Carincr, of Wilmington, Nofth-Cirolir.i
la Samuel Jackfm, of Philadelphia, all beari„ R daii
the 19th July, 1785, amounting in the «n H >| ( t»
£.2,600 13 3 North-Carolina currency; the
greatett part ot which said Notes have been'pai*
to said rhonas Mache & Co. in proof of w h lc „
the (üblcnberf have the dcpofition of Mr.
Mauduit }atkfon, and other documents which la
fully and clearly iliuftrate the matter.
It is therefore cxpefied that this notice, witk
the one advertised in this paper in May and' Jm*
1791, will be a fufficicnt caution to the public. '
ROBERT SCOTT, ( Executor*
Wilmington, (N. C.) Jug. t, ,792. (,atn 9 m)
Stock Brokers Office^
t. No.4s,Great Dock-ll»«t, Ntw-YoitK,
THE Subscriber imendingto confine hi'nCif'
entirely to the PURCHASE akd SALs »,
STOCKS on COMMISSION, Begsleave tooffcr
his fervtces to hisfriends and otheis, in theiine
bfa Stock Broker. Those who may pleafr i 0 fg.
vor him witfi their business, may depend up«»
having it tranfaded with the utmost fidelity s ,i
Ordersfrom Philadelphia,Boflon, nr»ny othr»
part of the United States will be ftriflly att r „ c |.
I to.
No. 118, Market-Strut, Philadelphia.
A MERlCANMUSEUM,ftomitscommenr*
, r\. mem in January 1787, to June 1792,1*
eleven vols. Price, neatly bound and lettered,
seventeen dollars and three fifths.
This work, which was conduced onanivM
proved plan, contains the best pieces puMiftrd,
tor and againfi the proceedings of go\erflißent„
wilt b« fo.judto contain srteaßTJ fcrtat 1 nfihy*
of political, agricultural, and miscellaneous eflhys M
as any ever publilhed in America. PerhapsinMi
One work are so many valuable d«um<
ing the history of this country, colleflcd tugnher-
His Excellency the President of the United Sian%
has declared of it, that " a more ufeful literary
plan has never been undertaken in America, nor
one more deserving of public encouragement."
r 2. Smith's Letters to Married Women, on Nurf
!ng and the management of Children.
" We recommend tbefe letters to the perusal rtl
| those to whom they are particularly addteffed."
Monthly Review, vol. 38, p. 101—Price, boumt,
62 cents.
3. Duncan's Elements of Logic—7s cents.
4. Beau-ties of Fielding—so cents.
5. Beauties of si-lair—so cents.
6. Ladies' Pocket Library, containing Mifl
M ore* s ; E flays., Gregory's Legacy, Lady Penning*
ton's Advice, Marchioness of Lambert's Advicr,
Swift's Lett.cj to a newly married Lady, Mrs, Cha*
pone on command of Temper, Moie's Fables sot
the Ladies, Price 6f6.
7. Smith's History of New-York. Piiceadolf
lar and a quarter.
8. Element.vof Moral Science, by James B<rat«
tie, 1.1.d. profeffor of moral philosophy an 4
logic in the Marifchal College, Aberdecn»-Prie4
three-fourths of a dollar. Of this book thl
Critical Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fay : 4|! Wi
have seen nothing on these fubjc&s mote
more perspicuous, or more generally ufeful."——
N. B. It is introduced into the Univcrfity in Phi»
9. Beauties of Pgeiry. Price four-fi/ths of i 1
io, Blair's Sermons. Pricc two dollars.
U. Necker'sTreattfeon the importance of R»
ligioys Opinions.—Price four-fifths of a dollar.
12. Examination of the Observations of Lo»l I
Sheffield on American Commerce—Price, on veff
fine paper, 5 Bihs of a dollar.
13. The Constitutions of the several United Sr?fc| t
with the Federal Constitution, &c. Price five -
eighths of a dollar.
14. M'Fingal. Price three-eighths of a dollar.
15. American Jest Book. Price three-fifths c f
a dollar.
i 6. Garden of the Soul. Price half a dollar..
17 The Daway Tranilation of the Vulgate B !■»
bit-, in quarto— Price, elegantly bouad and
ed, 50/2—plain, fix dollars.
18. Devout Christian's VadeMecurn—-Pric c*
quarter dollar.
19. Think well on't. Price a quarter dolfcar,
20. Chriftiah Economy. Price a fifth of a doJilar.
2t. History of Charles Grandifon, abridgf d—
Price a (ixth of a dollar.
22. Poems by Col. Hum phreys—Price a thirl
t»f a dollar.
23. Select Poems, chiefly American--? lieetf
Gxth of a dollar.
Said Carey has for sale, a large a flour
Books, European as well as American rc itipus,
which he will dispose of on the mo ft lea fonable
terms. Country gentlemen, who favor him u'iih
commands, may depend upon being futr jlicd '■
the mod fatisfactory manner. A liberal al owance
to such as purchase quantities for public hbrvici
or to again, '