tHoufai.d two hundred ninety-two, dollars and seventy c«M«, which were fubjeft to be applied to any objed, agreeably to the discretion of the commander in chief of the expedition, and might have been applied ; if he thought proper, to the payment of the difeharged levies, and would have been fuf&cieiit for two months pay to the ofLcers, aud four months pay to the privates. This sum is admitted by the to have been in his hands, at the time of the discharge of tl*e levies, and would have been ap plied to their pay, if orders had been given by the commandei in chief of the expedition, for that purpose. Bui that no fiich 01 deis ever were received by him. The Secretary at War inieis» from theie circumllanccs, that no censure lliould be imputed to the war department, tor not having paid implicit attention'to this sub- j ei^- The circumstances tefpectiiigthis tranl a&ion have been attentively examined oy the committee, and appear to them to be the following : The quaiter-maller gene ral, upon his leaving Philadelphia, was fiiinifhtd with the of twenty thou laod dollars, for the use of that depart ment. He was afterwards furnilhcd with two other sums, to wit : the sum of seven teen thousand eight bundled and forty four dollars and tifty cents, on the twenty third day of July, and the sum of two thousand, two hundred and twenty-four dollars and sixty cents, on the seventh day of July, making together, the ium of twenty thousand and sixty-nine dollars and ten cents. It appears by letter from the Secretary at War, to the commander in chief of the expedition, that live thou iand dollars of this sum were to be applied to the pay of the tegular troops, it the commander in chief Ihould deem that a proper application of the money, which, however was not done. The remaining part of this money was intended tu term a kind of military chest, to anfwet con tingent cxpences ; subject however to the controul of the commander in chief. It appears that the quatter-mafter general, in addition toihufe supplies ofcafh, was authorized to draw bills on the Secretary at War, with this reftrittion that the commander in chief (hi uld approve of all draughts, and certify the neceffi'.y or pro priety of making them. The quarter mailer general commenced his draughts at Fort Pitt, previouily to his arrival at head quarters, to the amount of two thou sand liy. hundred dollars, and continued them after his artival ; but it does not appear that thofc draughts were certified, 01 Unftiontd by the commander in chief: all which draughts were honored by the Secretary at War. It is suggested by the commander in chief, that he pever coi.hdered the money, hefore-mentroned,appropriated to the pay of the levies, upon their difbhargts, nor, that it was ever intended to be applied to that objedl- He further fuggelts a want of knowledge of the money, laid to be on hand, at the time of the dilcharges of the levies, although he admits, that the quar ter-maller-general, (hortly after his arrival at head quarters, tendered him a statement of the calh on hand, whith he returned, without examination, observing, that he had already received fufficient informati on relatively thereto, from the Secretary at War ; that he was informed of the a- monies originally received by the quarter-master-general, and conceived that he could form some idea of the ba lance on hand, from the sums disbursed in confequencw of warrants drawn by him, which, he expected, were paid from that fund—that has want of information, as to the real balance, arose from the cir cumstance of the bills drawn by the quar termailer general, without his knowledge, or the requisite certificate Irorn him, which bills operated, as a relief to that fund, for their amount.—The commander in chief of the expedition further suggest ed, to the committee, in presence of the quarter - mailer - general, that, upon making draughts upon the fund before alluded to, he usually enquired of the quarter-master-general, whether it was fufficient for the jiurpofe of answering the draught, and upon repeating this en quiry, just before the discharge of the levies, he received for answer, •' that the chest was very low." This statement was acquiesced in, orat.leaft, not denied by the quaiCsrrinafter-gentrah The quaster-msfttr-generalhas furniflr cd the committee with a statement of his account, by which it appears, that he Lad on hand, or. the fifth day of Novem ber, one thousand fcven hundred *nd nine ty one, ca(h, to the amount of fifteen thousand nine hundred and twelve dollars, and forty-two cents, and two thirds of a cent, which, he fuggells, have been since applied to the use of his department.— This balance is denied to have been on hand, by the commander in chief, at that time : and he has furnilhed a llatement of dilburfements from the original fund } which leaves the amount of the balance, at the time of the discharge of the levies of one thousand four hundred eighty tiiree dollars eighty-fix cepts, exclusive of five thousand dollais. appropriated to the j of the old troopn. The commander in chief further sug gests, that there was no paymaster to the army, liorany person authorised to lettk the accounts of the soldiers and afcertaiu the real balances due to them> until the arriyal of Mr. Swann, on the thiid day of January, on thousand seven hundred I and ninety two ; >and insets, that he had no authority to dire£t a fettlcment and or der pay to the foliiiers, until he was in fo. med of the arrangements made at the j war'office, relatively to that object. This fuggellion is llrongly confirmed by a let ter from the fecittary at war, addrefled to the commander in chief, and forward ed by Mr. Swann, which designates Mr. Swann as paymaltei, and contains instruc tions relatively to the terms of fettling the accounts of the soldiery. The fame let ter feiv'ei td (hew, that the twenty thou sand and fixity nine dollars, and.ten cents, put into the pofeffion of the quai ter maiter general, were not conclusively dettined for the pay of the levies, nor so consider ed by the secretary at war. Ikcaufe it is affertcd in the lettef, that Mr. Swann is furnilhed with a sum of money fumcient for the whole pay of the levies, without makiii"" any deduction in confequenee of the monies futmfhed the quarter mailer general. It is alferted by the Secretary at War, in his communication to the committee, that the time of the feivice of the levies did not expire until after the arrival of Mr. Swann at Fort Walhington, particularly Gaither's and Rhea's battalions, the term in their inlillments having been, to serve fix months aftertheir arrival at Fort Walh ington ; which was deemed at the place of rendezvous. The time which had e lapsed from tile period of inlillmeuts to their arrival at Foit Walhington, or the evident impropriety of annexing such a condition to the enlistments, caused the condition itfelf to be dispensed with, and those levieswere adually difenarged (hort iy after the twelfth of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, in consequence of having served fix months, which is the extent of the service authorized by law, and actually received certificates at that time, of having per formed fix months service. Upon a re-examination of the residue of the original report, and the evidence now before the committee, they are fa tisfied with the fame, and find no mate rial alterations 0.1 correttions necefiary. A regard for candor has induced the • • r committe to adopt this mode of leport ' ing ; because the original' repoit is there by preserved, mistakes exilting in the fame, and which are now corrected, and the causes of those mistakes rendered ob vious, and the whole fubjeft presented to view, upon the fairelt terms, in ttie opin ion of the committe, to all persons in a ny degree coucerened therein. FOR SALE, By the Subjcribtr, at Walnut-Strut Wharf\ BILL of EXCHANGE Madeira Wine, Fit for immediate ulc, in pipes & quarter casks, TENERIFFE WINE, in pipes, SHERRY WINE, in quarter calks, WEST-INDIA RUM, 2, 3 and. 4 proof, OLD BRANDY, OLD SPIRIT, COPPERAS, BRIMSTONE, ALLUM, Two Baks 10-4 BLANKETS, and A Bale of MUSLINS. A new 13-4 Inch CABLE, 120 fa'.horns long. GEORGE MEADE Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1793. epim NEW TEAS. IMPERIAL,HYSON&SOUCHONG Of the very fii ft qua lily ,and late ft importation trom Canton, via New-Yoik, by retail, at No. 19, Third, between Chi-Cuu' ano ditto 200 ditto 400 ditto t,ooo ditto 15,000 diuo 16,737 Pri»e» 33,263 Blanks AO jOOO Tiic .iole design of this Lotrery being to facili tate other improvements together with the Public Kuildin j s—it is the particulai d< (ire of the Com m (Tinners that thefc may be effeOed with as few deductions from the Prizes as poflible— how fat their endeavors may be anfweredl, the Scheme of the Lottery will derr.onftrate. 'I he keys of the Hotel, when compieat, will be delivered to the fbrtunate possessor of the ticket drawn a againft its number. All the other prizes will be paid, without deduction, in one month after thi di awing, by the City Treafurcr at Walhington, or at such Bank or Banks as may be hereafter announced. The drawing on Monday the 9th of Ssptembei next, at the City of Wdftiing ton. Tickets mav be had of Col. V/m. Dickens, Citv Treiifurrr of Washington 4 of Meftrs. James Weji & Co. Baltimore ; ot Mr. Peter Gifman, Boston ; and at such other places as will be herealtci pubiifhed. N. B. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be given (or tnebtft, Plan of an elegant and con venient HOTEL or INN, with Hot and, Baths, Stables, and other out houses, ifpr efentcd on or bejore the 10th of April next; arid a pre ference will be givtn 10 the A'riift for a Con tra#, provided he be duly qualified to compleat his plan. The ground on which the Hotel and out houses are to be erected, will be a comer lot of about 90 "by 200 feet, with a back avenue to the stables, &ct. Sections and •clliuiates of the expense will be expe&ed with the elevations* &c. compleat ; and 50,000 dollars-mutt be re garded by the Archiufit as the uunoil limit in the exprnte intended tor this pur pole. S. BLODGtT, Agent for the atfausof the Qity. January ig< War Department, Ja nuary 28, 1793. INFORMATION is hereby given to all the military Invalids of the United States, that rhe sums to which they are entitled for fix months of their annual pcnfioiv, from ihe 4th day of September 1792, and which will become due on the 5111 day of March 1793, will be paid ou the said day by the Commillioners of the Loans withifi the states refpc&ively, under the usual regulations, viz. Every application for payment must be ac companied by the following vonehrrs : ill. The certificate given by the ftaie, fpecify ing that the person poflefling t)ia lame is tn ta6i an Invalid, and afcertaioing the sum to which, as such, he is annually iniitled. 2d. An affidavit agreeably to the following fpxm : A. B. came beforCiTne, one of the Juflices county of in the (late of and made o»ih that he is the fame A. B. to whom the original certificate in his poflcflion was giv en, of which the following is a Copy (the cer tificaic given by the state to be recited) That he fervtd (regiment, corps or veflel) at the time he was disabled, ana that he now resides in the ami county of and has rt fidcd there for the ialt years, previous to which he resided in In cast- an Invalid fliould apply for payment by an attorney, the said attorney, beiides the certificate and oath before recited, must produce a fpicial letter of attorney agreeable to the fol lowing form : I, A. B. of county of state of do hereby conilitute and appoint C. D. of uly lavktu! attorney, to receive in my behalf of my pension for fix months, as an Invalid of the United States, from the 4th day of Sep tember <792, and ending the 4th day of March 1 793- Signed and Sealed in the Prefcfice of Acknowledged before me, Applications of executors and adminillrators mud be accompanied with legal evidence of their refpe&ive offices, and ajfo of the time the i Invalid died, whufe pension they may claim* By Command of the President of the United States, (£3T The Piinters in the refpeflive States are re queued to publijk the above in their Newjpapers Jor the fpacc q) 2 months. PLA N S OF THE City of Waftiington, Sold by'the EooKSEtLERs, 20BSQN, CAREY, \OUNC, c JS CRUXSHJtfZ 50,000 «5»0£0 20,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 id, 000 10,000 5, cOO arc i,ooo s°° »00 10,000 10,000 5° 2 5 20 10 10,000 20,0®0 1 50,000 Dollars 350,000 H. KNOX, Secietary at War. City of Wafliiagton. AJakua** 7ih, NUMBER ,f Lou ... ,h» City w.lii? of . fcrrd tor fait at au&ioa, bythtCaaiauU iioueri, en the 1 jib day of Srpttaibcr ntxl — One touith pari of the putchife laoacy it labe paid down, the rcGducat three equal aawial pa'y rai-iiu widi yearly lulcrtllon ibe »bolc PfUKj pal unpaid. JOHN M. OA NTT, Qcku tUU*,,. Extract of au ACt of the General AfTcmhlv of M.nytaud, concerning the Territory of Cu- Jumoia, and the Cuy <>t W ifhin»ir> n •• Ht- It enacted, fkal any jurctirtr way h J;eJ or will, hereafter to le made. taXe fnt he!i ljr,is wu'nr, that pJt ej the \aid Tonttr, <*l.ukl, c> i" tkii SUtf, 1„ tVefivi muKi'ir us ij In u.„j , on. ten ft istatc ; the jme lands m