J A AAUONAL PAPER, PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY JOHN FENNO, No. 34, NOBTH FIFT H.ST RUE T, PHILADELPHIA [No. j6 of Vol. IV.] f«|iiM4riiA r *793. Mathew Carey Xefpcftfully informs the Citizens of the United Stales, that the Maps tor his intended edition of Guthrie's Geography IMPROVED, Are now engraving—and as fooi* »» a fuiHcieot number of them art Hnifhed, to fecurc a re» ' gular fupplv during the publication, whicH - will probably be early ncj(t Spring, the wori wijl be put to press. He returns his acknowledgments to the very refpettable number nf Subfcrjbers, who have come forward thus early to patronize this ardu ous undertaking. He allures them and the pub lic in general, .that n© pains or expenlc lhalJ be spared in the execution of the work. Terms of the Work : I. IT (hall be published in 48 weekly numbers, each *ootaining thiee (heets, or twenty-four pages, of letfer press, in quarto, printed with new types on fine papei. 11. In tbecourfeof the work will bedel Ver ed about thirty large mips, of the fame sice as thofein the European editions, viz. most of liicm Iheet maps on post paper. (pT Besides the maps in the Britijh editions. this work will contain nine or ten American State Maps. 111. The price of each number will be a dollar, to be paid oh delivery. $dT" Ah advance required. IV. Subfcribcts who disapprove of the work, on the publication of the three firft numbeis, >#e to be at liberty to return them, and (ball have their money repaid. V. The fubfcribcrs' names {hall be prefixed H patrons of the undertaking. *»* Subscriptions received in Philadelphia by the intended publilher ; in New-York, by all the booksellers; in New-Haven, by Mr. Beers; in Hartford, by Mr. Patten; inßofton,by Mcff. Thomas & Andrews, and by Mr. Welt; in Bal timore, by Mr. Race; in RicbmAtfd, bv Mr. J.Carey; in Charleston, by Mr. W. P. Young, »nd by furidry other persons throughout the United States. (lawtf) THE Subscribers having been appointed a committee of she Board of the Tiuftees of the Univerfiiy of North-Carolina, for the pur pose of receiving proposals from such gentlemen as may intend to undertake the inftru£Ucm oif youth in that institution, take the opportunity of making known to the public their wish that such gentlemen (hould fignify their incfinaiioft to the fubferibers. The objects to which it is contemplated by the Board to turn the attention of the ftudems, «n the firfl eftablilhment, are—-The study of Language?, particularly the Enghfti—Hiftory, ancient and modern—the Belle-lettres— Logic and Moral Philosophy-—the knowledge of tr*i Mathematics and Natural Philofophy—Agripul tare and Botany, with the principles of Aruntain of power—the true sovereigns of* America ! There is not a word of truth in all flourifh, and yet, if juries were now iiift ef tablilhed by a law ofGongre-fs, we (bould have every word trumpetted in our ears by thjß falfe friends of liberty and the people. Mr. Fenno, It is obffrved that you have been liberal in your pub> lie alio* s of remarks tefpefting the mover of the re folutipns of the flbtfe'of Representatives» requir ing a cUvelopement of the realjlate of the Treasury —It is reauejltd, as the only atonement, that you re-print the endoftd piece faucd Frankitn, and any other which maxferveio present to the public v tewy a fair jialement oj the quejlion on both Jides. THE appeal made to the public by the Se cretary of the Treasury in his reraoo ftrance of February the 4th, against the reso lutions ofCongrefs for information relative to the (late of the fund?, teems with indicati ons to attract the public attention. Though it be overlooked that griat delay was incurred in prep ring and tranfinitting this performance to London,whilft thefelTion, and the investigation were porting rapidly to an end ; Though nothing is asked touching this foH citude and anxiety, to keep up the price ol Hock and certificates in a foreign country ; Though the indelicacy ofprinting the paper in hand-bills, and in circulating it without the permiflion of Congress, is admitted- to be no infringement of the Constitution ; Yet the ijpirit and Bavour of the piece ought to receive that free inveftigation,wiucb it solicits by its own example. A FAEMER. The palitict of such of our representatives A FAG SIMILE.