Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, February 16, 1793, Page 300, Image 4

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February ift, »793
WHEREAS foreigners holding Mock in
the Bank of the United States may pre
fer receiving their Dividend* in Ltwope, to re
ceiving them in America,
RESOLVED, That sny proprietor of the
Capital Stock, of the Bank of ihc United State*
in Europe, (hall be entitled to receive
ciihir in Loudon 01 in Arnlteidain, the haii
yeariy dividends which may be declared there
on—"in London at the rate of one pound sterling
for every lour hundred and forty-five cents, or
ia Amftordain at the raie ol one guilder curreui
money for every forty cents and tour mills—-he
dividend declared in January of each year, to
be paid iu London or in Amfteidani on the fc
cond Monday of July following—and the divi
dend de lared in July of each year, to be paid iu
London or in Amflerdam on the (econd Mon
day of January following.
Provided, That every such Proprietor (pre
vious to trie declaring of any Dividend, so to be
pan! in London or in Amrtndain) thail give au
thentic notice to the Prcfident and Direflors ot
the Bank at which of tlie said Cities he will re
ceive the said Dividend.
By ihe ftxfidcnt jnd Oircftors.
JOHN KEAN', Cafkicr.
THAT the Cafh<er be auihonfed to receive
from the prop' letor of any number of com
plcat (hares, such Cemficates, not in his own
name, ;-s he tna> be the propiictor of; and after
cancelling the fame, 10 iflue a new Certificate or
Certificates in lieu thereof, ;n the uame ot such
Resolved, That in all f.nurc transfers of
Conmlcat (hares in the capital flock of ihe Bank,
the Certificates of the tiansferred be can
celled, and a new Certificate or Certificates be
ifTued in the name of the transferee or purchaser.
Resolved, That the Certificates in futtue
ifTued, be foi one or more (hares, as the p*«>-
prietor may recjuett ; and the new Certificate or
Certificates (halt be ot correfpondeht numbers
with ihofe in lieu of which they arc issued.
JOHN KEAN, Cashier,
Insurance Company.
AT a general meeting (by adjournment) of
the Insurance Company of North-America,
on Wednesday the 16'h inliant,
It was Rcfolved,
THAT the Instalments which, according 10
the Conftnution, will becomc due on the tecond
Monday of July and January next, or either ol
them, may be paid by any Stockholder at an
earlier period ; and any Stockholder so paying
such inllalment, Or inftalmeim, (hall receive a
proportionate (hare of the Dividends thereafter
to be made, calculating such ftiare from the firit
day of the month fuctecding luch payments rc
fpedtively. Extract from the Minutes,
Philadelphia, |m. 23.
Si R,
YOU will please to notice, that I intend
to file a Bill in the High Court of Chancery*
in the Stat* of Maryland, to compel you to con
vey the following Traits of LAND, to wit—
Harbin's Lot, <ontaining one hundred acres of
land; Evans's Ihance, containing fifty aoesof
land; Piney Grove, containing feventy-t-wo and
one half acres of land ; and pait ot James's Trait,
containing twenty-five acres ; in the whole, twp
hundred and forty-fiven and one halt acres of
land ; fituaie, lying *nd being, in Montgomery
County, In the State of Maryland ; agreeable to
your Bond of Conveyance, entered into by you
to me the twenty-sixth day of November, 1781.
I am, with due rcfp«.£t, thy friend,
Ann Arundel County, State 9J Maryland,
Februar\ \fl, 1792. (ep 10W)
A New Post-Road.
HAVING been defued to establish a poft
ro»id from Reading, in 1 lie state of Penn
sylvania, to Wiiliamfburg, at the Great Folks of
the Genefee river, Notice is hereby given, ihat
proposals will be received at the General Pofl-
Office, for carrying a weekly mail between
Reading and Wiiliamfburg aforefeifl, by the
following route, to wit : the Great Road now
improving between Reading and the town of
Northumberland ; from the latter place to Loyal
Sock creek ; 1 hence to Lycoming creek ; thence
in the new road to the Painted Post, on Tioga
liver; and thence to Wiiliamfburg.
The piopof-lj. will be received until the 15th
of March next, inclusively; the carriage of the
mail to commence within one month after
Neceflary P<>ft-Offices are to be established on
the route, ami such petfons appointed Poll
matters as the Contra&or (hall name, and the
Poihnaflct-Gt neral approve.
Within three months afier the carriage of this
mail is commenced, the Contractor is to ilatc to
the Poftmaflcr-General the days and hours of its
arrival and departure at and from the principal
Port-office*, which experience {hall prove to be
moll convenient; and thereafter the mail is to
be delivered at the refpc&ive Poft-offices at the
houtsfo fixed, unavoidable accidents excepted,
on penalty of one dollar for each hour's delay,;
and for the non-performance of,* trip, the Con
trador to forfeit twenty dollars.
Ihe term of the contradl cannot excced eight
years. During its continuance the Contractor is
to receive the rates of poftageby law eftabltfhed,
and to have the exclulive ptivilcge of carrying
letters and packets for hue, such excepted, as
JhaH be sent by a special meiTenger, or which are
or Ala]l be by law declared free.
Geiifral PoJLOJJice, Jan. 22, 1793.
May be hadaISAMUEL COOLER.'* Fcny.
City of Washington. 7th, 1793.
A NUMBER of Lois in this Ciiy will be of-
Icfitl tor f.»le at au& on, by the Com mif
fn'iios, 011 ihe 17th <iay of Sep'cmbcr next —
One fourth part of the purchase money is to be
paid down, the rcTiduc ai three equal annual pay
ments with yearly iute.rtfton the whole princi
pal unpaid.
JOHN M. GANTT, Clcikto the Com'rs.
Extract of an A£ of the Ceneral AflVmbly of
Maryland, concerning the Territory of Cu-
Itimbi*, aud the City ot Walhington.
" Be it enabled, That any foreigner may by
deed or will, hereafter to be made, take and hold lands
within that part of the laid Territory whir ft fas with' t f
in this State, in the fame manner as if he was a citi
zen of this State ; and the fame lands nay be con
veyed by him, and tranfwitted to and b: inherited by ~
his heirs or relations, as if he and thes were citizens
of thn State: Provided, That no foieigner J/idl\
in virtue hereof, be entitled to any further or other
privilege of a citizen
Jan. 19.
FOR Sale, a beautiful Gtuation on the Po
towmack, adjoining the town of Alexandria
and in a lint of direction towards ine Federal
City and GcojgeTown,in full view of each olace,
commanding a profpett of the river and adjacent
country of Maryland and Virginia,'for many
miles ; about 45 or 50 acres of Land) lying dt
re£lly ou the river, will he fold, with the im
provement*, which arc, a two-story framed
d welling-houfe, neatly finifhed, a kitchen, office,
buck fmoke-houle and flairyt two-story framed
barn, a well of excellent water, and an ice
houie, a yard and garden, neatly railed and
highly improved, with a number of other ne
cessary improvements ; the whole of the land
enclofcd with posts and fails, ten or fifteen acres
laid down, with different kinds of grass. Its
contiguity to thole thiee towns mult render it an
object worthy the attention of any person who
wilbes to invest money in a property that mull
enhance in value, in proportion to the rapid in T
crealfc of the Federal City, Alexandria and
George-Town. This property lies nearly in a
central (ituation to each place. The Potowmack
at this spot has a fine deep shore and harboui,
capable of receiving veflels of ai*y burden. It
may not be improper to observe, that men of
judgment think a profitable and convenient
Ferry might be creftcd here to the City ©f
Wafhingiou and the Maryland Ihores leading to
Baltimoieaod Philadelphia.—Also 10 fell, 215
acres of Wood-Land, about three miles dillant,
which will suit well to supply the above in
wood and timber. The title may be seen to the
above property, which is indisputable, and terms
known by application to the fubferiber, living
December 12 th% 1792
BY the Commiflioneis appointed to prepare
the Public Buildings, &c. within the Ci'y
of Wafbington, for the reception of Congress
and for their permanent residence after the year
Federal City.
50,0 c© Tickets at 7 dollars, are 350,000 dollars.
1 Supeib Hotel, with baths, )
out houses, &c.&c. to cofl )
1 Cash Prize
1 ditto
1 ditto
1 ditto
2 ditto
10 ditto
20 ditto
5, cOO are
2 5
100 ditto
200 ditto
400 ditto
1,000 ditto
15,000 ditto
16,737 Prizes
33'®6j BUi.ks
The sole design of this Lottery being to facili
tate other improvements together with the Public
Buildings—it is the particular desire of the Com
miflioners that these may be effe&ed with as
few deduttions from the Prizes as possible—how
far their endeavors may be answered, the Scheme
of the Lottery will deir.onttrate. The keys of
the Hotel, when compleat, will be delivered to
the fortunate possessor of the ticket drawn a
agaiufi its number.
All the other prizes will be paid, without
dcduflion, in one month after the drawing, by
the City Treasurer at Wainington, or at such
Bank or Banks as may he hereafter announced.
The drawing will commence on Monday the
9th of Septembci tiexi,atthe City of "Waftiing-
Tickets mav be had of Col. W m . Dickens, City
T/eafurrr of Washington ; of MeflYs. James Wejl
B Co. Baltimore ; of Mr. Peter Oilman. Boston j
aqd at such other places as will be hereafter
be given for the bell Plan of in elegaiu,w>4 tr>n
venient HOTEL or INN, with hot and cold
Baths, Stables, and other out houses, ifprtfetited
onorbcJoTc the 10//1 ej April next ; and a pre
ference will be given 10 the Artist for a Con.
tract, provided he be duly qualified to
compleat his plan. The ground on which
the Hotel and out houses are to be erected, will
be a corner lot of about 90 by 200 fret, with a
back avenue to the stables, &c. Sections and
cltiinaies of the expenfc will be expected
with lite elevations, &c. compleat ; and ,0,000
dollars mult he regarded by the Aichiteft jsthe
utmost limit in the cxpriife intuidcd lor this
P ur P° fe - S. BLODGET,
Agent for the affaiis of the City.
January jg.
By Thomas Dobfon,
BookUUtr, at the Stone-Houfc, in Second Jirect,
The Different SCIENCES and ARTS
THE History, Piaftice, of each,
according to the Latest Discoveries and im
provements : and full Explanations given of the
various detached parts of Knowledge, whether
relating to Natural and Artificial Obje&s, or to
Matters Eccltfuftical, Civil, Military, Commer
cial, See. Including Elucidations of the m<»ft im
portant Topics relative to Religion,Morals,Man
ners, and the Oecouoinv of Lile : together with
a Description of all the Countries, Cities, prin
cipal Mountains, Seas, Rivers, See. throughout
the World ; a General Hiftoiv, Ancient and
Modern, of the different Empires, Kiugdoms,
and States; and an account of the Lives ol the
mofi Eminent Pcrfons in every Nation, from the
earliell ages down to the present times. Com
piled from the writings of the bell tn
frveral Languages ; the molt approved Dictiona
ries, as well of General Science as of particular
branches ; the Tranfd&ions, Journals, and Me
moirs of the learned societies, both ai home and
abroad—the MS. le&urcs of eminent profeflors
on different Sciences : and a variety <>f original
Materials, furnilhed by an extensive Correfpon
dc nee.
The Seventh Volume contain# a description
of Mount Etna, Eudiometer, Exchange, Expe
rimental Philosophy, Svftem of Farriery, Feudal
system, Fire, fi)ce'd Air, Fluxions, Food, Fortifica
tion, Foflils, hiftoryof Fiance, Gardening, Gas,
Geneva, Geography, Geometry, Gilding, Glass,
See. with a variety of articles in natural history,
biography and miscellanies. Illuilraicd with
Thirty Eight elegant Copperplate*.
I. The work is printing on a fuperfine paper,
and new types, (cast for the pin pole) which
will be'occafionally renewed bcfoie they con
tract a worn appeannce.
11. The,work is furniftied in boards, in volumes
or half-volumes, as fubfenbers chufe; the price
ot the whole volumes, five dollars each, ot the
half-volumes two dollars and two-thirds of a
dollar each. Ten dollars to be paid on sub
scribing, the volumes or half-volumes finifhed
to be paid for when delivered, the price of one
volume to be paid in advance, and the price of
each succeeding volume to be paid on deliver
ing the volume preceding it. No part of the
work will be delivered unless paid for.
111. In the course of the publication will be de
livered about five hundred copperplates ele
gantly engraved in Philadelphia: which by
far exceed in number those given in any other
t'cientific dictionary. At the clofc of the pub
lication will be delivered an elegant frontif.
picce, the dedication, preface, and proper ti
tle pages for the different volumes,
It iscxpc&ed the work will be comprised in
about eighteen volumes in quarto.
(pj" Those who with to become possessors of
thisvaluable woik will please to be earlv in their
applications, as the fubfeription is nearly doled.
Jan. 23.
ep 'in
January 28, 1793.
INFORMATION is hereby given to all the
military Invalids of the United States, that
the sums to which they are entitlrd for fix
months of their annual pension, from the 4th day
of September 1792, and which will become due
on the sth day of Match 1793, be paid on
the said day by the Commiflioners of the Loans
within the dates refpettively, under the usual
regulations, viz.
Every application for payment mud be ac
companied by the following vouchers :
lft. The certificate given by the {late, fpecify
ifig that the person po(letting the fame is in fa 61
an Invalid, and ascertaining ihe sum to which,
as such, he is annually intnlcd.
Dollars 350,000.
2d. An affidavit agreeably to the following
form ;
A. B. came before me, one of the J udices
county of in the (late of and
made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom
the original certificate in his poffefiion was giv
en, of which the following is a copy (ihp cer
ttficate given by the state to be lecited) That
he fcrved (rer.irnent, corps or vcifel) at the
time he was disabled, ana that he now resides
in the and county of and has r»Tided
there for the last years, previous to which
he reiided in
In cafe an Invalid (liould apply for payment
hv an attorney, the said attorney, befidesthe
ceitificate and oath before recited, tnuft produce
| a fpeeial letter ot attorney agreeable to the fob
[ lowing form :
I, A. B. of county of slate of
do hereby conlfitute and appoint C. D. of
my lawful attorney, to receive in my behalf of
my penfton loi fix months, as an Invalid
of the United States, trom tlie 41 h day of Sep.
teinber t/9 2 » ending the 4th day of March
• > wa-.
Acknowledged bifote mr,
Applications Qf executors and administrators
inult be accompanied with legal evidence of
their refpeflive offices, and .If,, of the tit,,..- the
Invalid died, whose pei Ciou they may claim.
By Command of the P»\ iident
of the Unitfn States,
11. KN'OX, Secretary at War.
T !! C S'J" ! f rS "" Otitis are re
qucJUd to pubhjh Iht above in their Ncujpapcn hr
the r '< -re 0 j 2 mattli., Jr 1
On d Plan entirely neat
are diverted into the Form of Dilbndt,
War Department,
Signed and Sealed
in the Preftnce of
A further Caution.
ALL per.on. are hereby caui IIJIKI I | 10nl _
■ng of riwnas Mtche & Co. or „ lv ' k
pr.ion, tour Nulri ol Hand, K ivrn l>v .1 . i
James Gardner, of Wilmington, Nout.'r "i
to Samuel Jack/on of P!„l„.ldph„,,» be.,,,,,?''
the 19' h July, , 7 8 5 , amount,,,;; , ht vh 7,.;' e
£.2,t00 13 3 North-Carofina cii.uncv •,£
greatelt part ot which (aid N olr , havr !
to-fawi r/iomui Maiku & Ct>. m proof ot J f
the fuhlcril.f if n«e the-dcp'.fitmn of Mi V'' rll
Maudult Jart/on, and other do, i.mtnls Wlt'ii 'l
fully and clearly illuftiatc ihc owutr. .
It u therefore exptfced (hat this \ mKt •.
the one aovcuitd n
■79' i wll ' bt » lulficiem caunonw ihc iH,,.li
w;i,„i» s tc«, (K. C.) A,,f. 1, i 7 q,,.
ruiNTIO AKDltllll
M A T HEW C A R £ y
Mo. 118, Market-Street, I'MUdelthiu '
mem m January 1787, to Junet7g :i ,„
eleven vols. Price, neatly bouud and Jcucitd
feventeer. dollars ana thiec fifths.
This work, which is iiovy conducted nn an im.
prov.d plan, containing the best (MetM-puhliftfd
lor and agamft the proceedings ol goteiniveut
will t)C found to conjoin at It Ml as girat a variety
ofpolitical, agricultural,and uiifceliaDcous tflijs
as any ever publifbed in America. Perhaps iu nd
one work arc so many valuable ntsrifptct
lng the hiiloty of this country, coikfltd together.
His Excellency the of the United States
has declared of it, that " a more uTcful literary
plan has never been undertaken in America, nor
one more defervrng of public encouragement."
The fubfeription is two dollars and a halt per
ann. Gentlemen in the iourKiy who wilh l 0
be supplied with this work, are r'equeftcd 10 ,#ive
commiflion to friends in the city to lubfcnbe for
and receive if Any of the back numtcis
may be had iu order to complete fcts.
2, Smith's Letters 10 Man led Women, on Nurf
,ii({ and tile management ol Ctnldieu.
" We recommcnd these letters to the perufil of
those to whom they are particularly arldielfed."—.
Monthly Review, vol. 38, p. sot —Price, bound,
62 cents.
3 Duncan's Elements of Logic—74 cents.
4. Beauties of Fielding-—SP cents.
5. Beauties of Blair—-50 crius.
o. Lsdies* Pocket Linrary, containing Mtfi
More'.sEifays, Gregory's Legacy, Lady Penning
ton's Advice, Marchioucfs of Lambent Advice,
Swift's Letter to a newly married Lady,Mis.Cha
pone 011 command ot Temper, More't Fables for
ihe Ladies, Price 6/6.
7. Smith's History of New-York. Piiceadpl
lar and a quarter.
8. Elements of Moral Science, by James Beau
tie*L.L.j>. profeflor of moral philosophy and
logic in the Marifchal College, Aberdeen...Price
'hree-fourths of a dollar. Ol this book the
Critical Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fay : "We
have seen nothing on these lubjcfcts more plain,
more perfpicußlls* or mo/egenexaily ufcfui"
S. B. It is introduced into the Uuiveriiiy in Phi.
9. Beauties of Poetry. Price tour.filths of a
to. Blair's Sermons. Price two dollars,
n. Nk cker'sTreanfeon the imponance of Re
ligious Opinions.—Price four-fitrh* ol a dqllar.
12. Examination of the Oblcrvations ol Lord
Sheffield on American Commerce—Price, on very
fine paper, 5 B'ths of a dollar.
13. The Constitutions of the fevcral United Stafij.
with the Federal Confkitution, &c. Price five
eighths of a dollar.
14. M'Fingal. Pricethree-eighths of a dollar.
15. American Jest Book. Price tlnee-fifths of
a dollar.
16. Garden of the Soul. Price half a dollar.
17 The Doway Translation ol the Vulgate Bi
ble, in quarto—- Price, elegantly bound and luiei
ed, 50/2—-plain, fix dollars.
18. Devout Christian's Vade Mecura—Price a
quarter dollar.
19. Think well on't. Price a quarter dollar.
20. Chi i ilia it Economy. Price a fifth of a dollar
21. History of Charles Grandifon, abridged—
P~ " sixth o f " liar.
a jloJ
'rice a
22. Poems by Col. Humphreys—Price a ihiid
of a dollar.
23. Sclc6l Poems, chiefly American—Priflft
sixth of a dollar.
Said Ca u e y has for sale, a large afforttrcnt cf
Books, European as well as American t'dmori*,
which he will dispose of on the moll ic&fftaafeU
terms. Country gentlemen, who favor him with
I commands, may depend upon being fupplicd in
the most fatisfactory manner. A liberal allowance
to such as purchase quantities lor public libraries
or to (ell a^ain.
r PHE Subscriber* having been appointed a
JL committee of the board of the Truflets of
the Urnverfity of North-Carolina, tor the pur
pose of receiving proposals from fuck gentlemen
as may intend to undertake the inftroflion of
youth in that institution. take the opportunity
of making known to the public their wilh that
such gentlemen should fignity their inclination
to the (übferibers.
The objefls to which it is contemplated by
the Board to turn thi attention of theftud'tuif
on the firll eftablifhmcnt. are—The si"dv of
Languages, particularly the fftgUfh-H&fl***?*
ancient anß modern—the Bclle-ieitrcs— Logic
and Moral Philosophy—the know ledge the
Mathematics and Natural Philofoohy—- Agrici: ; -
lure and Botany, with the principles of A'ch>
Gentlemen eonvcrfant in tlitfc branches ot
Science «iud Literature, and Who can be wcl»
commerced, w;ll receive vfcf'v h&nidTon»e
racement bv the lioard. The ewcrei(Vs of jnC
infti.tution will commence as early s poinDl®
after the compile?ion of the buildings ol the un>-
vcrfity, whitu are to be com railed for iwniech
aielv. SAWUFL ASH£ f oj»2ra