Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, January 23, 1793, Page 271, Image 3

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    ».»as taken for granted Mr. Tucker had sp
oiled for the appointment, but no evidenee ot
fhis is adduced—fevera! circumstances were
mentioned to Ihew that the contrary was the
fact and that he was called to discharge the
dutVes of the office. The question is, whe
ther he ought not to have his necelfary cx
pences incurred in attending the courts re-
509 dollars was fuperceded
by a motion for 309 dollars, which was agreed
to. The committee role and reported the
bill with this amendment, which was adopt
ed by the house, and the bill ordered to be en
rolled for a third reading. .
° In committee of the whole, Mr. Steele m
the chair. The report of a feleft Committee
on the petition of loleph Henderfon, was ta
ken into cinfideration. This rcporf proposes
-a resolution, that a yearly salary of dol
lars should be allowed to the petitioner from
August 1778, to August fB2, as pay-master
to the navy board for the Eastern Depart
ment : the question on agreeing to this refo
lutionwas put and negatived—the committee
rose and the chairman reported, that Ihe
committee do not agree to the resolution.—
After fame observations this report was dila
greed to by the house—the report of the feleft
committee then came under confide ration ;
*he blank in the resolution was filled with
100 dollars, and a bill ordered tP be brought
in. ,
A mcflage was received from the Senate by
' Mr Otis, their fecretar*, informing the house
that they have paifed a bill refpeaingt'ugitives
from justice, and perlbns whoefcape from the
service of masters, and request the concur
> trite of the house.
Adjourned till Mondny.
I, January XI,
The Bill to compensate John Tucker was re
committed to the committee which reported it.
The hill received from the Senate on Friday,
refpeding fugitives from justice, and persons
eli.api»g from the service of matters, was read
twice, £ committed for Monday next —interim
lOQ.copies to be printed.
, , a bill for the relief of sick and infirm seamen
was read twice and committed for next Monday
week. Ordered, that 100 copies be printed.
In committee of the whole, on the bill to au
thorize a loan in the notes or certificates of the
individual llates, to the amount of the balances
•which on a final settlement of accounts shall be
due to them from the U. States.
Mr. Steele in the Chair.
Thebi 1 was read by the clerk, and then dif
'en fled in paragraphs. A motion for the com
mittee to rife and report progress, was after some
deb te agree to j the object was to amend the
Ijirovifo of the second fetHon which varied from
the pip«ifo in the resolutions on which the bill
was founded. The committee rose and was dif
tharged. The bill was recommitted to the fe
ltft whiclr reported rtr; ivho Jwvinp
made the neccflbry amendment, reported the
bill to the House, which was twice read, and ta
ken up in committee of the whole immediately.
Mr Steele again in the chair. The bill was
read by the clerk as amended. Mr. Mercer mov
ved the following proviso to the firft fe&. viz.
Provided that no such note or certificate fhallbe
fubferibed by any person other than the original
owner thereof, or his legal representative or
guardian, other than an assignee, unless it lhall be
proved by the oath or affirmation of the party
presenting the lame to the loan officer to be fub
feribed, that such note or certificate was not
transferred to the person in whole name the
fublcription is made, at anytime between the
day of and the day
cf and unless it shall appear on oath or
affirmation, that the person in whose name the
notes or certificates may be fubfcrib .d, is the
realboni fide owner thereof.
After a lengthy debate, which continued till
after 3 o'clock, thecomraittcerofe, and report
ed progress. Adjourned.
TULSDA Y, Jan. 22.
Mr. B. Bourn pre&nted the petition of Jo
seph Lawrence, which was read and referred
to the Secretary of war.
A repot t was read from the Secretary of
v/aron the petition of Thomas Wifhart—laid
on the table.
Mr. Grove called up the report of a fe!e&
committee on the petition of H E. Lutterloh,
made at the last fpflT;on, which being lead,
was on motion of Mr. Grove referred to a fe-
Ject committee, to report a bill puriuant
Mr, B. Bourn pre r ented a petition from
{he manufacturers of cordage in the town of
Providence—Hating the injurious operation
of the revenue law in respect to that article—
particularly in regard to the drawback of the
duties on foreign manufactured cordage—and
praying that said drawback may be allowed
on imported hemp, when manufactured into
cordage and exported ; or lucb other relief
as Congress may fee proper ; referred to a
feleft committee-
Mr. Wil'jamfon reported a bill to promote
co;nmeice by t'oc incjeafe of American fea
inen, which was twice read, and committed
for Tuesday fortnight.
In committee of the whole on the biH to au
thorize a loan in the notes or certificates of
the individual States, &:c. Mr. Steele in the
Mr. ASercer's proviso was under con
sideration —Come oljeftiop being made—Mr.
Mercer otTered the proportion in a new foi in,
still prefer vinjj tt>e original object rerpefting
transfer* or fain of debate
was renewed on tbi> mctioo. The qucftion
being at length taken, the propofittbn was
p«j;atived, 32 to 38.
The second feftion b*inf, read, Mr. Sturgcs
moved an addition, which authorizes the states
refpeiHvely to prescribe tht (cverallpecict 9f
the notes or certificates which 4!ialJ be fab
fcribed to the loan*—This was agreed to.
A proviso was moved by Mr. William .on to
the following purport—That no certificate of
any state shall be conlidered as the debts of
the state which fliall not be recognized as inch
by the Icgiflature thereof, within 12 months
after the'fame (hall have been subscribed.—
Without deciding on this, the committee role
and reported progrels —and the lioufe ad
For the GAZETI f. of the UUI'l ED STATES,
To J •—s B d.
GREAT Sir, I much admire your daring
' spirit, ■[
Founded no doubt upon a world of vie) it:
For what like merit makes a man audacious ? (
Your hands so pure—your heart Jo very fimfliy
Would (bame the {antimony ot a temyle,
And make a Anch'rite appear ungracious.
You cut no f peculating capers,
You fte.-» from offices no papers,
You bribe no clcrk to break his trust,
You rob no war-worn soldier of his bounty,
Butxiding post thio' state and county,
Write on your modesl j ront B d the jujl!
The Democratic Lords of Negroes,
Who I ate in patriotic league rose,
Observing your high geniuswonder jl&jhing,
Have shaped an office to a tradbon —
In which they alk your fierceft a&ion,
As jumper to give Hamilton a thra thing ;
Nor mean their Mightmefies to stop at that,
But more to dignity your cat,
Qf W— n's bioad (boulders take your mea
And when the blood and fritters fly,
The great D~ -n men will cry,
Gods ! what a pleasure !
Philadelphia, Jan. 25..
The British ports are opened for the ad
mission of grain, and will continue open till
May next.
From North-Carolina we learn, that »he le
gislature of that ttate has lately determined, that
the for Riprefeniativefi in Congress
shall be held on the second Thursday and Friday
in February next.
We also learn, that Mr. Williamfon has re
queued of his conftiuicnis in the diftrift of E
denton, that he may not he confiden d as a can
didate ar the next ele&ion, as the arrangement
of his privateafFairs requires more of his time
than he has lately been able to command, conli
dering the ftotc of his health, during the Jum
mer's recess.
ExtraO from a Cape-franch Paper (the Genera'
H - — 1 ./•11. - ,i 11 I
Monitor) ojthe 14tk Deccmbtr, 1792.
4< 111 consequence of the advices received
concerning the delay still attending the accep
tation of the draughts drawn by the adminis
tration of this colony upon Mr. Laforefl:,
Consul-General of France at Philadelphia,
Mr. Sonthtmax, Natwrttil-Grvil-Conrimflronef,
has made the following; requisition to "Mi.
Tern an, Minister of France to the United
States, and has added the molt pressing inltan
ces to induce him to take effectual measures
to prevent a further delay of the acceptation
and payment of these draughts. The Direc
tor-General of St.Domingo has written at the
fame time to Mr. La fore ft, to let him know
the real situation of the colony, and to do
away any doubts that might be entertained
of the legality of the draughts. Consequently
it may be presumed, that 111 future, the pay
ment of the draughts already drawn, or thole
that may be drawn hereafter to complete the
four millions of French livres, granted by the
Nat onal Alfembly the 26th of June lafr, upon
the debt due from the United States to the
French Nation, will meet with no kind ofob
In the Name of the Nation.
National CiviUCommiffion.
We, Leger —Felicite Sonthonax,
Nationaltivil (owmijjioner, delegated to the French
Leuard IJlands, there to re-cjlabhjk public order
and tranquility.
Coufidermg that the colony of St. D -
mingo y exhausted by a calamitous war, is in
ablolute necessity of the fund*, which Lb© Na
tional AlTembly has confided to the difyofition
of the Marine Department, upon the Ameri
can government, by the decrce of the 26th of
Ju'ie last.
That this decree is well understood in the
I(lands and on the Continent: That if, to put
it in execution, and to confer its beneficent
effe&s on the colony of St. Domingo, it be ne
cessary to wait for an official notification from
the Agents of France to the American Go
vernment, the colony, in the interval, may
be precipitated into the gulph that is daily
preparing for it by the negligence,or perhaps,
by the perfidy of the Ministers.
That it is the duty of the National Civil
Commiflioners, invested, by the law of the
22d of June, and by that of the 17th August
last, with the Colonial Di&atorftiip, to remedy
in virtue of their powers, the evils caused by
the culpable silence of the former agents of
the executive power of France, and, above
all, to use their utmost endeavors to prevent
the people committed to their jurifdiftion,
front fufferinft the dreadful scourge with
which they are threatened feom the want of
provisions and money.
Require Mr. Ternan, Minister of France
to the United States of America, in the name
of the French Nation, in the name of the Co
lony of St. Domingo, ready to fink under its.
own ruins, to press with efficacy his negocia
tions with the Government of the United
State*, to obtain from the said Government,
in virtue of the decree of the 26th June last,
font to him by us in the mouth of Ottober,
the completion of the four millions of French
livres, and to apply that sum to the discharge
of tl»e neceifary expences incurred in furnifh
ing provisions to the Colony of St. Domingo,
and particularly to the payment of the
drmghts already drawn by the administration
of the Colony for that purpole.
Making thefaid- Mr. Ternan responsible
for all the evils that may lefult from his not
extcuting this our requisition j protesting
evfn, in that cafe, to accuse him to the Na
tional Convention and to the Minister for
foreign affairs.
Given at the Cape, this 9th day of De
cember, 1791.
By the National Civil Commiflion.
Signed, SO N 1"HON AX.
O. F. DEt-PECH, Secretary to the Gonimiffion.
Richmond, Jan. 16.
yie are informed, that on Friday night last,
teftore-houre of Mefl'rs. Divers and Lind'ey
in Charlottefville, was burnt down, together
with'fix or seven other houlfesj thelofsftlf
tained has been estimated at about 60001.
The causes offpewing out of wheat, are—
Firjl—Too much moisture in the foil—and,
Secondly, Frost. The remedies are, to avoid
sowing either wet or four, or springy foils;
and to ditch, trench, or water furrow fuf
ficiently those fields the fanner fufpefts in
either of these particulars.
Manuring well, is also an important, arti*-
cle ; but when the evil has taken place, let
him not forget to roll his wheat as early in
the spring as convenient, after his fields are
dry enough to admit of Ht: This, and a good
top drefiing of ripe manure will revive and
strengthen the roots which wpuld otherwise
peri fli.
I do not enter into the reasons wherefore
the fie are the caui'es and remedies ; but give
them (imply as mv experience. An attentive
farmer will ibon perceive their iorce ; the ig
, uorant will cavil; your Gaiette could not
contain all that might be written on this fub
jeft, highly Vol thy the investigation of the
ibientific gentleman Farmer. Nat.Gai.
At a stated meeting of " the Pennsylvania
Society J'or promoting the Abolition of Sla
very—the relief of Free Negroes unlawfully
held in bondage—and the improvement of the
condition of the African race"—held on the
7th inft. the following Officers and Commit
tees were elected and appointed to serve for
the present year, viz.
Preiident— James Pemberton.
Vice-Prefidents—'Wiiliam Rogers, William
Treasurer —John Evans.
Secretaries—John M'Cree, Jo'eph Sanfom.
Counsellors—William Lewis, JohnD. Coxc,
John Todd, jun. Miers Filher, Joseph Tho
mas, Thomas Rofs-
Electing Committee—Thomas Harrifon,
John Warner, Joseph Budd, Joleph Shoemaker,
John Todd, Caleb Attmore, Joleph Moore,
IfaacPearfon, John Oldden, John LetcMvorth,
Benjamin Kite, James Whiteall.
' Committee of C.onefpondence.—-James
Pemberton, William Rogers, Samuel M. Fox,
Samuel P. Griffitts, John Kaighn,Jofeph San
iom, Caleb Lowiies.
At a meeting oj' the Direiiois of the Society for ejla
bl if line Vjeful Manufatlure j, held at the town of
Paterjon, on Tuesday the if of January, 1793.
THAT if any stockholder ihall pay the
third payment of the original subscription,
with the lawful interest thereof, from the
13th of January inft. on or before the 13th
day of next May, that no forfeiture lhaHbe
exacted from iuch perfoti or persons making
such payments.
Rcfolved, That the Governor, Mr. Watson
and Mr. Leroy, be a committee to form a
plan for a lottery to raise a pait or the whole
of the monies authorised by the Charter for
the lociety, and report the fame to this Board
at their next meeting.
Extra&Yrom the minutes.
James Griffiths, Clerk.
Liberty is order. It is to society the law
of its nature, and ought to afford to this ge
nerated the certainty that the next
will be fre?, that we now have in the win
ter, that the spring will cloathe the earth
with green. Instead of this order, this per*-
fiction of reason, our high-flying scribblers
who care as .little as they know about the
principles of liberty, make it consist Dot in
order, but innovation, change, anarchy—not
in calm reason, but pafiioti, emotion, and ex
travagance. They applaud a wild ranting
fury, and call it the tiiie spirit ot freedom.—
It is well this is not true. For excess cannot
last long, and liberty, initead of being fafe and
durable, would be the most uncertain thing in
the world. What paflion gives to-day, it may
deitiolilh to-morrow.—Our anti-federal scrib
blers condemn permanent laws and fvftems,
to secure liberty, property, and order for ages.
They had rather lee the government of the
people, and its most r.ccefTary infhtutions,
adapted to the pailions of the day. A wife
nation will prefer such regulations as secure
permanency. It is worthy of the cauie of
freedom, and it is expe&cd f. om this coun
try, whose example is already precedent and
authority, to Jhcw that monarchy is not more
stable, more orderly, nor more efficient, than
the Freeflt government in the world. Liberty,
by indicating health and vigor, promises long
life. • Our fcribbiers would fedtice her into
excess and debauchery, which would produce
diseases and death.
The world has been too long governed by
opinions which owe their influence to their
antiquity, more than to l heir intrinf.c justice
—That government is neceflary to the en
joyment of freedom, and all its concomitant
bielfings, must be conceded on all hand.—but
that the true interest of the governed and tlie
governors is infcparable, is a truth that man
kind have been flow to learn— though hifloij
confirms and expcrieuce is inculcating it eve
ry day.
t) Eh AT L
DEBATE is but a long fucceftort
Of*ideas riling in digression*
'Tis not ex petted that your text
Should indicate What may come next;
For inftauce* is your text abtjes y
No word in language more -amules, y
Nor fcrves for move fetceniHc uses; j
It i& a catch-\f-ord that impofcs,
()i> those who're jvoverred hy their liofe^—
It is a word of rfrongeft fcenfc^
That strikes Out meanings never sneam—
It is a Word of conjuration,
Eletterilmg all the nation—
It is a word importing mere*
Than all that lias beenfaiti before *
•And though you never state oneiativ
To (hew the rogues in thought
You need not seats to inifs your aim
And steel a patriot's hbnor'd Namet
6 per Cfr.Uj so/i.
3 per Cents, ■ . itjia ■
Inferred, 12^4
Full shares Bank U. S. per r.cnt.pfretni
By Thomas Dobfon,
Btokfeller, at the Stont-Houp, in Seu»d
Oh a Plan entirely new :
The, Differ ent SCIENCES aitd ARTS
arc dig cited into the Form of Diitinli,
THE Hi (lory* Theory, and Prallice, of eachj
accord ing-to the Late ft Dilcoveries ant! im
provements : and full Explanations given of the
various dctached pajts of Knowledge, whether
relating to Natural and Artificial ObklVs, or id
Matters Eccl< fiaftical, Civil, Military, Commer
cial, See. Including Elucidations of the tnoft im
portant Topics relative to fteHg.on,Moftaf*, : MJan*
ners, and the Oecouomv of L le : together with
a D fcription of all the Countries, Cities, pitii
cipal Mountains. Seas, Rivers, &c. throughout
the W/)rld ; a General History, Ancient and
Modern, of the different Empires* Kingdoms,
and States; and an account of the Lives of the
most Eminent Pcrfons in every Nation, from the
earlielt ages.down to the present times. Com*
piled from the writings of the best authoisy in
several Languages ; the most approved D lliona
lies, as well of General Science as of particular
branches ; the Transitions, Journals, ana Me
moirs of the learned Cocieiics, both at home and
abroad—the MS. lelturcs of eminent profefTor#
on different Sciences : and a variety of original
Materials, furnilhcd by an cxtenfive Corrcfpon--
The Seventh Volume contains a deferiptiotl
of Mount £tna, Eudiometer, Exchange, Expe
rimental Philofophy,*Syfterh of Fanirry, Feudal
fyfttm, Fire, fixed Air, Fluxions, Food, Fortifica
tion, Foflils, history of France, Gardening,
Geneva, Gttfgraphy. Geometry, Gilding, Glass,
See. with a variety of articles in natural history,
biography and mifcellaniej. Illuilrated with
Thirty Eight elegant Copperplates
I. The work is pi inting on a fupcifinc papery
and new types, (cast sot the pu»pofc) which
■ occasionally renewed bc-fote they con*
naft a woin appearance*
11. The work is furnifhed in tioafoS, in volume*
or half-volumes, as fubferihers chufe; the pi n e
ot the whole volumes, five dollars each, oi the
hall-volumes two dollars and two-thi>ds of a
dollar each. Ten dollars to be paid on fub-'
fcribtng, the volumes or half-volumes fimfhed
to be paid for when delivered, the prire of one
volume to be paid in advance, and the puce of
each succeeding volume to be paid on deliver*
ing the volume prcccding it. No pm of the
work wiil be delivered unUTspatd for.
111. In the couifeof the publication will be de»
livered about five hundred copperplates ele
gantly rngraved in Philadelphia 1 which by
far exceed jn number i-hofe given in any oth«.r
lcientific dictionary. At the close Ot the pub
lication will be deliveied an elegant trontif*
piece, the dedication, preface, and proper ti
tle pages for the different volumes,
It isexpe&cd the work will he compiifed in
about eiphtcen volumes in quarto.
(J3 Those who wish to become poflefTois of
thifcvaluable work will plcafe to be early in theic
applicat ions, is the fubfciiption it nearly closed.
J an - 23-
Insurance Company.
AT a general meeting (by adjournment) of
the lnfurance Company of North-America,
on Wednefdav the i6ih inibnt,
It was Resolved,
THAT the Instalments which, according to
the Constitution, will bccome due on the (econd
Monday of July and January next, or cither of
them, may be paid by any Stockholder at an
earlier period ; and any Stockholder so paying
iuch inllalment, or instalments, (hall receive a
proportionate lhare of the Dividends thereafter
to be made, calculating such share from the firft
day of the month fuctceding luch payments re
fju&ively. Extract, from the Minutes,
Philadelphia, Jan. 23.
THE Officers of the late Ncw-Je*fey line a»e
rcqucited to meet at the houl ol Jamcs
Dkake, in Ntw-Biunfwick, on Thurlday the
ftvcjiih day ol Fcbruaiy next, at the huurot 1 t*n
in the moroipg, to take into conliderction the
application of different of the laic arm-),
now bifoic the Congref> of the United States.
January tfrh, 17^3,