.—The King or' Prussia, when he begati his retreat, (fcnt f"r the cidevant Monfienr, and Generii C.~ ' yt, and sddneffed tfccm ts follows :—" You have both deceived me ; J will flill extricate you from the bad fitua tio'n in which you are, but you will remem ber me." Gen. Bournonville's letter to General Du mourier, dated March, Oclocer 5. The ma terial parts are, 44 The weather is very bad ; I have not been able to make use of my in fantry ; they were 38 hours in going two leagues ; tbev had no bread to eat these two days; we have taken horses from the ene my, two prisoner*, and 121 of their Tick. I have declined burdening mylelf with so great a plague j and have sent them to their homes; if I had hearkened to the wifli of my volunteers, we should have buried them in the mud ; if this disorder continues raging, the enemy will not get back either horses, men, or cannon ; they are much in want of the former for their artillery. 44 The King of Prullia and Monsieur passed this way ; the former yefterdav, and the lat ter the day before, appearing to be very much frightened. However, the retreat of the Pruflians is conduced with the greatest or der •, the van-guard pal Ted Tiern at twelve o'clock lad night, and Grand Pre at two o'clock with sixty carriages full of their lick, and I let thejn carry the plague farther on— but am in readiness expecting you. BOURNONVILLE." Tuhsdat, October 9, A debate arose on the decree f-efpeffing the emigrants ; and it was finally decreed, that such of them as are taken with arms in their hands Shall be executed within 24 hours after being fir;i proved to be emigrants be fore a mi'.itarv commilfion of five person*, to be appointed by the etat major of the army ; foreigners who have quitted the set vice of France (ince ; d ftrawjwbich I directed to be moved im- Hearing thro no account or the mediarelvmd sent to Landau I have demand- « et^nl y > |l ie garrifoo returned to the town, ed a conti bacioi) of i ,233,033 l.v. V.7.20J. .of arcelv had thev retired, when the Of the njiit noble Chapter, 430,03; ..i t. c o- -< ' , ' m i e „f horse. who B.lh., PS a,d 633,003 of t(.e .n commandant of a patrole ot none. This opjrsion Will he finiflisd before the ar- having been out reconnoiti wg, had io.t rival of the Count Deihach, and 1 ihall a'fo , three of his men. tode lip on 8 mil gallop, have e vaulted Spires. Cctobf.R J A letter was read t'roin the Minister for Foreign Affkiis, in which, afrer relating the proceeding between the French Iletident and the Con lie; J, he announces that he withdraw froci G.«cv» u the 4th i ift v."rt&cat taking leave ; but remitting to the Council, the note of which he jets i copy to twe afiembl*. " In thiso'fcite'of things ('ays the mtmfter) end LGiSictrr.zg hew important it is to in vent even yet if polfible a rupture that wight bring on a war with the Helvetic Body, the Executive Council'have thought it .'heir duty to authorise General Montefquiou lot to em employ force, to oblige the troop*ot Zurich and Berne to quit the territories >f Geneva, but to expose to them the dangc of perfifl irtg in a resolution, which circunftances do not make neceffarv, and which i-not author ised by any treaty." The note of the Minister chiely has for its object, to demand of the Gene\efe the pun iftifiient of the magistrates, vho have, by their manoeuvre provoked the requisition made to the cantons of Zurich, md Berne for troops. The Minister at War comiuinicated the following extract of a letter iroin General Dumourier to the Minister at War : Vou.ycrs, Oct. 9. " I have just divided into two parts the ;irniy under my command in the Ardennes. The brave Relief man, my companion in arini, and Itif intiinatrffriend that has been said, done, and written,to excise animosity between us) undertakes to chafe from onr territory the enemies who I afiijre you willneverenferFrance again by this terri b'e frontier, Consternation and ruin contribute to ruin the army of the enemy, aud Keller man will easily accompli(h their deftruftion. The King of Prussia is departed for Berlin, where his army follows him. He has had a Ihocking conversation with the two ci-devant Princes ot France. He reproached them with having deceived him : he told them that they had exposed him to be ill received in bis own kingdom, and that he would remember it to them all his life- After this conversation, the truth of which I guarantee to you, the two French princes went to the castle of Vouxiers, from which I now write to you. " \Ve took l'uch quantities of equipage as to enrich our soldiers. Yefterdav the carri age of Monsieur was brought in. We avoid taking the waggons loaded 1 . , to lave irar arm<- from cor.tagic... in fliort, I an trr, particularly after the diversion made at Spire, and after that which I have planned with Kellerman, that the Germans will not again penetrate into Franca : I flicild be •.. ..ing to ?r.v duty of a General, if I lolt ten days in marching at the head or the tail of the columns, and if I did not on the contrary,em ploy them in arranging with the council all the operations which may give prosperity to our military affairs. Letter from General Dumourier to the Prefi- tl The honour of the French nation has been fulliedby two battalion-? of the Federates of Paris. The Minister of War will give you account of the measures which I have taken to punifti the guilty. Our liberty would be soon loft, if such arts were not fuppreUed—l lhall deliver up to von the disturbers unarmed —do you appoint judges for them. The conduct of thele two battalions Mau confeil and Republican, was explained in a letter from General Cliazot ? commanding at- Rhete!. Four Pruflian delerters had been ta ken prisoners, who, according to the report of the municipality, were desirous of entering into the service of the Republic. These two battalions fell upon them in the inoft inhuman manner,and notwithstanding thetears and fup pi'cations of their own General, like ruffians and butchers, cut them in pieces. The or ders of General Dumourier were, that these two battalions should be surrounded by the army, and forced to lay down their arm?, standards and uniforms. That they should be forced to deliver up the criminal? who com mitted the inhuman mafTace at Rhetel, who, under an escort of iod men, should conduct tUem to Paris, and deliver them up to the National Convention. That the reft of the battalions should be broken—their arms and ' abits laid up in tne military store, and their colours sent back to their diftrifis, to be by them confided to men more worthv to bear them. This ineafure was highly applauded by the Convention. A 1-Tter from General Cuftine was read, dating, that he had imposed upon tie Canons and Bishop of Swires, who were great friends'* to the Emigrants, a contribution of 450,003 livres. " Sptre, Oft. 5. German account of the talittg of Spires. Official account rubllfhtd by order of the " Colonel de Winkelman, towards evening of the 29th of Sept. received ad vice of the approach of the enemy to the number of 30,000. The Aultrian troops and those of Mentz, marched out froyi the city at eight o'clock at night, to de fend the four gates, and remained under CUSTINE." (Signed) 11 Patriot Miniver, 44 DUMOURIER." dent of the Convention. 41 Citizen PrcHdcnt. " DUMOURIER." Electoral Court of Menti, with intelligence that the en«my were not - • .1 . » r Our troops returning then far diilant « «» . k-ir foi mer pofitiou without the walls, received about noon the French army, wliom they found to amount to 17,000 men.Uv ; difchargeof their cannon. The canomde was kept up with great iptrit on *$oth > «>f St. • ' ''«f ' of Lib.rty difpiayed other miii J r out wliidi cofifigj ev-« raiy t» • dence in their chics, obed.ence, parienceand r severance. That part of the 'republic con of a dry foil, destitute of wood and water T-<« Germans will renumber it, th-sir imptre Won* w.Il perhaps lertil.z; thefifca, plains whj< . h are now drenched with it. Th; ieafon w s commonly ramy and cold ; our folJiers wer* badly clothed; were destitute of ft raw to ie upon; had no covering, nn I remained fome-. times two days without bread, because tile pot'i tion of the enemy obb-ed onr convoys to t ,r e a long circuit, by croli-roads, which are very bad at all fe a foils, and which were then f"": by the Ion;; rains ; for I m ufl do jiiflice to tU purvey*. ircvilSon' and for.-.,;e, withl'undi.. ' the obrt.c es »f had roids, wa weather, ana-I, r ecrer movenpsf, wjiicl. I wa , obiigcfL to concuii iron? th< Hi abundance a. far as poffi >.e ; • ani" happy in declaring, that we are indebted to their car* for the good health of the soldiers. (Ap* plaufes], I never heard them murmur. Songs' and joy would have made one take this formi-f dable camp for one of those camps of pleasure, where the luxury of kings formerly embodied' automata, for the amnfement of their miftrefles and children. The soldiers cf Liberty wetc supported by the hope of conqu.-ft ; ihuir fa tigues and fufferings have been rewarded. The enemy have funk under famine, mileryanddU eafe. This formidable army, diminilHed one. half, arc fled; the roads are strewed with the carcases ofhorfes, and dead bodies; ICrHerman is in pursuit of them with more than 40,030 men, while I shall march with a like number, tp the 1 ill (lance of the department of the Nortl., and of the unfortunate and refpe&ablc Belgians and Liegeoife. I have come to spend four days here, only for the purpofeof fettling,with the etecutive coun cil, the p'isn of th- rriiitey campaign, i inbract ■is opportunity of prcfenting my rel'>ei2l to you. I shall n®t take any new path ; I lty.ll ftiw fttyfelf worthy of t'.n-.miji'Y,r>tr fyg ■ ren of Liberty, and to fupportthofe law • ' icii the sovereign people are going to eiU for themfelvfes, b" you, rhci Tr>:u - f :s>"' ■Lcciap-iuf',] The President's An Tver. u Citizen-Genera!, " THE recep ion you have met with, from the National Convention will expreis to you much better than I can thtir iatiataSion with your and that of your colleagues, and the opinion they entertain of you. Continue to dire& the courage and zeal the army ; conti nue to guide your soldiers, and brethren in arms in the path of honour and of vi&ory; continue to serve your country vrith fidelity, and you will have new claims to the esteem and grati tude of the republic The Convention invites you, as well 25 your brethren in arms, to the honour of the fitting." The General was then introduced into the i Hall, together with the officers wh n tten 'ed j him, on the table, as did a)f<> 1 > ' i- ' aot-fCi eral -Morton, bis militar; u. - tions. I T mort that the Conventiontirm request General Dumourier to give m feme information refpe&ing the letter of General Dillon." President — " General, do you Vnow any thing of a letter written by General D llon to the Prince of HefTe Cafful; and do you know what was the intention of that General in wri ting it ? The National Convention expedts some information from you, as the Executive Coun cil informed them that they hoped you would be ablet® fatisfythem in this refpe&." Dumourier—"l received a copy of that letter, but I considered it a mere bravado, and of very little importance, especially as Dillon, two days after, pursued the Heflians with the utmost vi gour. lam of opinion, therefore, that it is not Worth notice." An * General of I prefer "Convention whic 1 had dify._, -i, arc. vviii\> " th<- fotdicreof liberty had . % uom the enemy. Th: Convention