Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, December 22, 1792, Page 236, Image 4

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    BENNINGTON, (Ver.) Dec. 7.
BY the poll from Onion River,we
are informed, that the follow
ing melancholy accident lately hap
pened at Milton, on the river Moile ;
seven young men atteinp ii.g lo'crols
the river in a canoe, were by some
accident overl'et, and four of them,
viz. two by the nalne of Soper, one
Owen and one Irifli, were unfortu
nately drowned.
We hear from Rutland that the
Council of Censors, having complet
ed the business of their appoint
ment, adjourned on Friday lad with
out day. They have ordered their
proceedings, with the constitution
as proposed to be amended, to be
publiflied in the Vermont Gazette
and Journal, as speedily as may be,
for tne perusal of the public.
Samuel Hitchcock, Lot Hall, Le
muel Chipman, and Paul Brigham,
Efq'i s. are chofeii ele<siors for Preli
de lit and Vice-Prefident.
BOSTON, Dec. 8
On Wednesday evening last, by
virtue of a warrant iflued by Jul
tices Greenltfaf and Barrett, on the
complaint of the Attorney-General,
the Sheriff of this county arretted
Mr. Harper, one of the company of
Comedians who for fomeftime past
ha*e entertained the inhabitants of
this town, as guilty of a breach of
the law against Theatrical enter
tainments—and held him to bail to
appear the next day before the Jus
tices, and recognize for his appear
ance at the next Supreme Judicial
Court. At the end of the second
a«ft of the " School for Scandal"
which was then performing, Mr.
Harper came forward on the stage,
and read a card from the Iheriff,
informing Mr. Harper, that unless
the performances of the evening
were flopped, he should apprehend
forthwith all the persons of the
company. Much agitation ensued,
and the resentment of the citizens
at what they conceived to Vie a vio
lent and untimely nieafure, t!Hoo
vered itlelf in several spirited pro
ceedings, and a loud call for the
performances to go on : Bnt, at the
particular requelt of the perform
ers, the audience dispensed with the
entertainment of the evening, and
peaceably retired ; firft refilling to
accept the admiflißii money, Mr. H.
offered to return.
The next clay, Mr. Harper appear
ed before the juflices to recognize.
The coutt, for the gratification of
the citizens, was held in Faneuil-
Hall—when the Attorney-General
read a special order from the Su
preme Executive, direi'ting him to
make tlie complaint on which the
warrant was iilued, and then read
the complaint. On Mr. H. being
put to plead, Mr. Otis, one of his
counsel, objeded to the legality of
the warrant as contrary to the 14th
article of the Declaration ofßights,
which requires, that no warrant
lhall be illued, except upon com
plaints made upon oath : anet- the
complaint upon which the present
warrant was illued not being made
upon oath, the warrant con fee 11 e 111-
ly was illegal. Mr. Tudor, the o
ther counsel for Mr. Harper, fup
poited Mr. Otis's opinion—which
was combated by the Attorney-Ge
neral with imich candor and fair
nefs. Ihe opinion of their honors
being desired, one of them (Mr.
Barret) acceded to the validity of
the defendant's counsel. —In confe of which Mr. Harper was
liberated, much to the fatisfaiftion
of a numerous and resectable au
Mi. I IiPF.R, imprefled with (be
livclieft emotions of gratitude, pre.
jents to the citizens of Boston, and
Ih V v"t- V ' ' hctril, »^ofunfeigned
[ n ' a,iy favors : And
while be laments the neeeffity be is
Under, thus early to leave this hos
pitable capital, he fltall ever bear
in remembrance the obligations he
is under for their liberality, bene
volence and candor.
- Aln > It'J I.M-.MI.N !.
{_)- ? ' ''t ' 1 >>1 ~ri l', ■/ «*
/« L.U., «, ;i ,
,r ■ ' AR, ' F <U-!-4R TO Irr
u.\ uh.a'e.
Insurance Company.
THE OFFICE of the Insurance Company of
North-America commenced business on
Saturday last, and will continue open every day
Sundays -xcepted,at No. 119, south Front-Street
where orders, foreign and domeftie,will be duly
attended to.
Phi el phi a, November 20, 1792.
THE Stockholders of the Bank of the United
States are hereby informed, that according
to the statute of in.orporation, a general elc&ion
for twenty-five Directors will be held at the Bank
ef the Unifd States, in the city of Philadelphia,
on Mouday the seventh day of January ntxt, at
ten o'cock in the forenoon.
And puifuantothe eleventh feftion o\ the
Bye-Laws, the Stockholders of the said Bank ate
hereby'notified to tffemble in general meeting
at the lame place, on Tuefdav the eighth day ot
uext, at five o'clock in the evening.
Between December iJt, 1792.
William Shipley In the high Court ofChance
Complainan', ry of the State of New-
Jfohn Meng and o- Jerfcy.
thers Defendants. Prejenf,
Ilis Excellency the Chancellor.
THE Complainant having filed his bill of
Complaint against the Defendants in the
month of September, seventeen hundred and
ninety-one, and in the laid Bill of Complaint did
among other things set forth that the said Com
plainant bring ki?ed in his Demesne as of fee
of and 10 a certain T rati of Land, said to contain
nine hundred and thirty acres, situate, lying and
being in the township of Hardwick in the coun
ty ol Snllex in the State of New-Jersey, did on
the fir ft of March seventeen hundi ed and eighty
five, bargain fell and convey the fame in set; sim
ple unto John Meng and John Henderfon'of che
citv of Philadelphia, William Goodwin and
John Town, for the consideration of One Thou
sand Six Hundred Pounds in Gold or Silver—
Thar 011 the fifth day of the fame month of
March the said feoffees above named did execute
unto the said William Shipley a Deed of Mort
gage in fee simple of the said Tract of Land to
secure the payment of the said fxxteen hundred
pounds, with the lawful intercft which might
thereon accrue—That in the year seventeen hun
dred and eighty-fix the said John Meng and
William Goodwii did become Bankrupts with
in the intent and meaning of the a£ts of the Le
gislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and such proceedings were had against them that
in the fame they were duly declared
Bankrupts; and that they the said John Meng
and William Goodwin did in some short time
afterwards convey and transfer all their eftatc
both real and personal, and particularly all their
right and title to the premises above mentioned
to John Field, Curtis Clay, James C. Fiflier,
Isaac Wharton, John Kaighn and Arthur Collins
all of the city of Philadelphia, fubjeil to the
Mortgage so as a fore fa id given to the said Com
plainant.—That the said John Field, Curtis
Clay, James C. Fifhcr, Isaac Wharton, John
Kaighn and Arthur Collins soon after bargained,
fold and conveyed all their Right and Title of
and in the said Tract of Land unto Benjamin
Town of the city of Philadelphia, and John
Town, fubjeft to the Mortgage aforefaid—That
on the eighteenth day of O&ober seventeen hun
dred and eighty-five, the said John Town and
Benjamin Town did execute another Mortgage
to the said William Shipley for securing the pay
ment oftwelve hundred pounds in certain in
stallments—That in the month cf January seven
teen hundred and eighty-fix, John Town did
bargain and fell in fee Pimple all his Right and
Title t6 the (aid premises, to the said Benjamin
Town, fubjeft to the Mortgages aforefaid—That
in the month ol February seventeen hundred and
eighty-eight, the said Benjamin Town did con
vey all his Right and Title to the said premises,
to John Field and Curtis Clay of the city of Phi
delphia, upon certain Trusts unknown to theal
Complainant—That said Benjamin Town the
loon after became Bankrupt, and in pursuance
of the bankrupt laws of the State of Pennlvlva
nia, did convey all his estate real and personal
to a certain Rob#rt Raffton—That JtJttn Ileti
derfon did alio in the month of September seven
teen hundred and eighty-seven beeomc a Bank
rupt, and uuderthe bankrupt laws of the State
of Pcnnfylvania, did ailign and convey all his
cftate real and personal to David Lenox, George
Hughes, Matthew Clarkfon, Peter Baynton and
Richard Bache—And the Complainant doih. in
and by his said Bill, pray that thofc having
Right to the said Ellate may be decreed to pay
him what is due on the said Mortgages, or that
the equity of Redemption be forclofed by the
Derreeof this Court.
And now upon opening this matter this dav
by Kir hard Stockton, Esquire, being ofihe- com.
{halT'r <° <he Court
f pr" d defendants do rtfide in the State
«•, without the j.irifdiaion of this
Lo.irt ; and it appear,n g further to this Court
that wilts o. lubpoena have been taken out ac
corr.,„R to th e courfc of lhii that |he fa|d
w.usof fuopcena have been duly feved upon
the sam lever a I Defendants upwards of o,e
>rar rom this dav ; and that none of the said
Defencms li„vc his or their appearance
to be rntered m ,l, !s G.u-t to the suit of .he said
l: rt ' h " ef ° n °" lcreri b V hf s
' -> h.iii i"* that the said Uc
rn.Wsco c r htlr ?poc .„ anc , [Q be , mci( . d
loth'-' 1!' r V£ ' Com " !ai ""'t according
"lb, , lilt sos tliii Court ln tw „ n ,„ mhs ~J;
th'-s d., v , or tiu, ,he P..i b' l ! 1-,. ■ u
confribj to I iie (! ■ h T° (, "
S t cZl^ L l AM PATERS ON.
" ' W ' r ■?<>»• cp
'i-r The price of thi< Gazette is Three /j,v
fo£]': m ~- one U,J " hc «<*<' <>*< */%'.
■Vo,tk Fifth-Street,
By Older of I lie President and Dirc6)ors,
JOHN KEAN, Calhicr.
Seen mill he publifked,
thi SYSTEM or
Ufe<3 by Mi\Lloy b, in taking down the Debates
of Congress. A system so easy, that any man,
of ordinary capacity, may clearly comprehend
it in half an hour, and soon pra&ife it, in its
fulleft extent, without any further inftru6lion,
than what will be conveyed in a few pages,—
the whole ART being comprised in eighteen
simple characters, without any of those perplexing,
arbitrary marks, with which the learners of
other fyftcms are obliged to burden their me
mory, and embarrsfs their pra&ice.
Price, to Subscribers, One Dollar—to Non-
Subscribers, a Dollar and ha/J.
Subscriptions received by Messrs. Rice, Book
fellers, Market-flreet, and by
JOHN CAREY, No. 26, Pear-Strrcr.
Half a Dollar to be fiaid at the time of fubjeribing.
FOR Sale, a beautiful situation on the Po
towmack, adjoining the town of Alexandria
and in a line of dire&ion towards the Federal
City and GeorgeTown,in full view of each place,
commanding a profpeft of the river and adjacent
country of Maryland and Virginia, for many
miles; about 45 or 50 acres of Land, lying di
reftlyon the river, will be fold, with the im
provements, which are, a two-story framed
d welling-houfe, neatly finished, a kitchen, office,
brick smoke-house and dairy, two-ftorv framed
barn, a well of excellent water, and an ice
houle, a yard and garden, neatly railed and
highly improved, with a number of other ne-
CeflTary improvements ; the whole of the land
enclofcd with posts and rails, tenor fifteen acres
laid down, with different kinds of grass. Its
continuity to those three towns must render it an
objedt worthy the attention of any person who
wishes to invest money in a property that must
enhance in value, in proportion to the rapid in
crfafe of the Federal City, Alexandria and
George-Town. This property lies nearly in a
central situation to each place. The Potowmack
at this spot has a fine deep (bore and harbour,
capable of receiving velTels of any burden. It
may not be improper to obfervc, that men of
judgment think a profitable and convenient
Ferry might be erected here to the Citv of
Wafiiington and ▼ Ire Maryland shores leading to
Baltimore aod Philadelphia.—Also to fell, 215
acres of Wood-Land, about three miles distant,
which will suit wel! to supply the above in
wood and timber. The title may be seen to the
above property, which is indisputable, and terms
known by application to the fubferiber, living
on the premises.
December 12 th y 1792
200 Dollars Reward.
LOST, at Providence, or between Providence
and ISofton, a very small TRUNK, covered
with seal-skin of a reddish colour, with white
foots. It contained a quantity of South and
North-Carolina State Notes, and a few of the
State of Rhode-lfland ; with other papers,which
can only be fcn iceable to the proprietor. The
State notes are cheeked at the offices from whcnce
they issued. Any person producing the Trunk
(with its contents) to JOHN MARSTON, of
Boston, WILLIAM HALL, of Piovidence,
Messrs. PATERSON and BRASHER, New-
York, or Mr. SAMUEL EMERY, in Philadel
phia, (hall receive the above reward, or for any
part of the property, One Hundred Dollars.
Boston, Nov. 28
W ax- VV ork &Paintings,
ARE open every day and evening (Sundays
excepted) at the House lately occupied
by Mrs. Pint, No. 9, North Eighth-street
First Room—Contains upwards of 100
elegant Paintings, and about 30 Wax Figures,
in full stature—among which are Likenefles
of a number of the principal characters in
America; Baron Trenck in chains, an Indian
Chief, and fevera) beautiful young Ladies of
different States, ttc.&c.
Sicokd Room—-Contains eighteen large
Wax Figures, which form a Sociable Club,
or the Oyster Supper ; and the School for
Scandal, consisting of twelve female Figures,
making their observations on a young Lady,
who had eloped with a Footman.
Admittance One Quarter of a Dollar each
Mathew Carey
Rcfpcftfully fuhmiis loihc Citizens of the United
Sratrs, the following
Guthrie's Geography
I M P R O V t"l)
Of zul id, thtji are the terms :
1. TT (hall be publiihcd tn 48 weekly numbers,
1 each containing three (heels, or twenty.four'
patjes, ol letter press, in quarto, p. tnted with new
types on fin» papei.
II In tho rourfc of the work will bedelivered
-•onju thirty large maps, of the fame size as thofc
m the European editions, viz. moll of them Quel
maps on polt naper.
llci'tdis Ir i n the Bri'ifh editions, tiii
•'" I " ' 0l "' V'' Uni,;d States
- '«■ - it ri': ihe i'rjt (rig rav
&S in t
j . -ill he a nuar
?. „.. „ " ' • ' Q-J A o ad
\~r - . ' : ;I ■ ' 0n as
' ' 1 ■ V • i" . hi*'.; -.J..
cp 2 m
3. Duncan's Elements of Logic— cents.
4. Beauties of Fielding— cents.
5. Beauties of Blair—so cents.
6. Ladies' Pocket Library, containing Miss
More'sEflays, Gregory's Legacy, Lady Penning
ton's Advice, Marchioness of Lambert's Advice,
Swift's Letter to a newly married Lady,Mrs.Cha
pone on command ot Temper. More's Fables for
the Ladies, Price 6/6.
7. Smith's History of New-York. Piice adol
lar and a quarrer.
8. Elements of Moral Science, byJamesßeit
tie, l. l.d. profeflfor of moral philosophy and
logic in the Marifchal College, Aberdeen Price
three-fourths of a dollar. Ol this book the
Critical Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fay: We
have seen nothing on these fubjr&s more plain,
more perspicuous, or more generally ufeful."
N. B. It is introduced into the Univerfuy in Phi
9. Beauties of Poetry. Pricc four-fi/ths of a
12. Examination of the Observations of Lord
Sheffield 011 American Commerce—Pricc, on very
fine paper, 5 Bths of a dollar.
1 3. The Constitutions oi the fevcral United States,
with the Federal Constitution, &c. Piice five
eighths of a dollar.
1 7 The Doway Tranflatrbn of the Vulgate Bi
hl , in quarto—-Price, elegantly bound and lettej-
s°f 2 —plain, fix dollars.
18. Devout Christian's Vade Mecurn—Price »
quarter dollar.
19. Think well on't. Price a quarter dollar*
20. Chi iftian Econoiry. Price a fifth of a dollar.
21. History of Charles abridged-
Price a sixth of a dollar. K
22. Poems by Col. Humphreys—Price a
of a dollar.
23. Selett Poems, chiefly American—a
sixth of fc.dQflar.
Said Carey has for fa le, a large assortment ©f
Books, European as well as American editions,
which he will difpole of on the most reafonabU
terms. Country gentlemen, who favor him with
commands, may depend upon being supplied ia
the moil fatisfactory manner. A liberal allowance
to such as purchafc quantities for public librarici
or to (ell agiin.
For Sale, at No. 34, North-Fifth-Street.,
payable on all Goods, Wares and Merchan
tc imported into the United States; exhibiting
,r Rates payable on those imported in Ships or
VefTcls of the United States, and in Foreign Sh ps
VcfTels ; including the additional Duties '•
which the refpeftive Articles are liable*
. 111
VI. The futiferibers' names be
patrons of the undertaking.
Perhaps there is no science more entertains?
and ufeful than geography. It reveals the disco
veries of travellers—the remarkable curiofmciof
all countries, in nature and art—the fituam )n ot
provinces, cities, towns, villages, rive.s, &
tains in fine, the h: if or y, marine rs, cuflomi, laws
forces, revenues, and government of diffeieut nJ
It is an old ohfervation, that " there is not a
. Ton or daughter,of Adam, but has some tourer*
| with geography;" and that a knowledge 1 of th„
, fctence is inditpcnfablr towards the Audy of lui«
lory witlv advantage or fati»fa£l>nn. Indeed •
man unacquainted with it, rartnot difcotilfe on the
moll common newspaper topics of the day Without
betraying hii ignorance.
i So mntli for geography gen«r»liy{ With re.
Tpea to the prefeit plan, let itfjfSce to remark,
■ that.Gmhne's Geography has been long ack»o*«
jledgcd to be the best in the £rigUfl» language;
however, the account of America m it
Obvious reasons, been very erroueou, and defec
tive. The errors of former editions will be cor*
rested, and the defefls supplied, by gemleme«o#
abilities, who have engaged to fuperintendttii»
undertaking, and to avail themselves of all the in
formation that can be procured, to render it th«
moll complete edition extant.
. The Printer earnestly folieits the fnpport 0 f hi,
fellow-citizens throughout the United Stages: an A
a» no deposit is required, and every subscriber «iH
be at liberty to withdraw bu name, if, on tr#j.
he Ihould disapprove of the work, he hopes,hi
friends of science, and of American a«t« and ma.
nufaSttres will cheerfully and early patronizethi,
ureM work, the greatest and mod expensive, pro.
bably, ever yet attempted in America, in the typo,
graphical line, the Encyclopaediaexcepted.
Philadelphia, K'ev. «, ,;g 2 . (t'awtf)
800 K S,
No. 118, Market-Street, Phitadelphi*.
1. A MERICANMUSEUM,fiom itscomrtence.
/iment in January 1787, to June 1701, in
eleven vols. Price, neatly bound and lettered
feventeet. dollars and three fifths.
This work, which is now condutf rd on an im.
provrd plan, containing the best pieces published
for and against the proceedings of government,
will be found to contain at leal) as great a variety
of political, agricultural, and miscellaneous elfrvj
as any ever pu'blifhed in America. Perhaps i n '„ o '
one work are so many valuable documt nurefp<ft.
nig the hi (lory of this country, collected tcether
His Excellency the President of the United Slates"
has declared of it, that '« a more ufeful literary
plan has never been undertaken in America, nor
one more deserving of public encouragement."
The fubferi ption is two dollars and a half per
ann. Gentlemen in the country who widi to
be supplied with this work, are rcqucllrd to give
commission to friends in the city to fubferibe for
and receive ir Any of the back numbers
may be had in order to complete sets.
2. Smith's Letters to Married Women,on Nurf
•ng and the management of Children.
" We recommend these letters to the perusal of
those to whom they are particularlyaddtcffcd."—
Monthly Review, vol. jB, p. 101—Price, bound,
62 cents.
10. Blair's Sermons. Pricc two dollars.
11. Nccker'sTreaiifeon the importanceof Re
ligious Opinions.—Price four-fifths of a dollar.
14* M*Fingal, Pricethree-eighths of a dollar,
15. American Tcft Book. Pricc thret-fifths ot
16. G
11a of the Soul. Pricc half a dollar.