Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, December 12, 1792, Page 222, Image 2

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    Foreign Affairs.
THE day b f >re vf'*"' dav,"ttv h.i if* brother
lo ihtk.n ;o! .ii'iC, rfturtuw frn-Ti
wy 10 rej u.i h: army of eui s m our pu-
vi nee.
Puvmus to entering the French territory,
he delivered the following dilcourle to the royal
army of the piinc. s :
44 Sirs, to-morrow, the sgih of Au«uft, we
enter France. The iuc< els of '.he
which areentruikd to us is con iW. ted wi'h the
events of thai day,and oui conduct mar decide
the late of Fiance.
" You are nut ignorant of the calumnies
which our enemies are intcffantly loading us
vith, and the care they take to infnmatc that
our tmuive* for returning to our country, is to
glut our private revenge,
" Ir is by your conduct, Sirs, it is by your
cordiality with which we reccive the wanderers
who fly to our protect.on. that we (hill prove
to Europe that the Noblefle cf France, more il
lustrious than ever from their mi fortunes and
conftaocv, can not only conquer their enemies,
but pardon the errors of their fellow c®untry
" The powers with which we are entrufled
enable Os to make those demands which our in
terest and glorymay inspire ul to ; but we ad
dicts ourselves to French Ciicvaiicis, and tlv ir
hearts, filled with real honor, will never lorgrt
the duty which that njble fttiiiment inspires ■11
T his city has become the perfect asylum of
chath, a d y due not p. fs in which carriages,
loaded with bodies, are not brought in;
and if reports may be credited, Thionvilie has
not colt the enemy less than 3000 men. The
blockade ol Montrmdi is ftt ll continued by
General Clasrlaiti The King of Prulfia's agents
are ordered to buy up provrfiMns at any pnee
whatever; but imtwii handing thn, th • many
numerous bodies cannot fail of producing a
fpecdy and inevitable fcaiciiy.
/IffaJinMon oflhe Ki:;g of Prussia.
A ciriumilance has occurred here, which has
occasioned much alarm. On application front
the Prince of Condr, a person of the name of
I'Eveq'K, who is by ptofcffion a dcntill, and is
eftabhftifd at Strasbourg, has Skcii aoprehrnded
in conft-quencp of a difcoverv having been made
that he was engaged to affdffinate tlie Kin-' of
Pruflia. 0 .
This person has been employed profrflionally,
in the family ot the Duke ol Wui tcmhurg, and
attended the Dutchels in her late visit to the
Princess Ferdinand of PrulTia. Alter he was
laken into custody, he conf.-flcd the truth of (lie
charge—and added, that he had already received
fifty thouland livres, in part ot the reward which
had been promtfed him for the perpetration of
this horrid crime.
From the measures which are now taking, it
is probable that many additional patticuiais of
this biifmefs will foou be known. It may in the
mean time be considered as an additional evi
dence of the principles by which those aban
doned persons are afiuaied, who have usurped
the conduit ot arfansin Franco.
PARIS, September 17.
The defoi mity of vice, as somewhere observ
ed, i> fufficieut u> procure admirers to virtue.
From this principle, our modern philol'ophcri
are intent on representing their new libertv un
der all Ihe deformity of favagc liceniioufnefj, 111
order that theii disciples may hereafter be
brought to a due admiration of real libertv, as
confident with the happiness of society. Tins
is the only apology we can make for their Of
fering, not to fay encouraging ihofe horrid ciu
tlties which are daily dil'gracing every part of
Every day brings accounts that the new mode
of luminary juflice has laken place in many
parts of the Kingdom. At Lyons all theprifnns
were oprned on the 8 h and loth, as they hail
been at Paris in the beginning of the month* and
the unf.utunaic prifoucrs execut d in ;he
mannel ; a co.ifirmaiion that llrS general mafla.
tie his be; n theeftrft of a concerted plan, and
not of a momentary madness of the people. But
what verv txtiaoidinary is. that finre this
umveifal jail-delivery at Paris, not above ten
days ago, ihere are more than 500 peifons ar
retted and put in prison withnutany legal a£t of
justice. Some arc put in by the aflembly of the
common council, others by the fcftions, and
others by private citizen?.
M. Roland, who we mufl do him the juftiee
to fay, items very attentive to the ju f ticc of the
kingdom, has rrprelenteri ihefe illegal proceed
ings loathe Assembly, and warmlv demanded
that proper mcafures may be taken for prevent
ing them.
The of eiiblVng is almost over at Paris;
for the fact is, there air fcair.e lelt any fub'e&s
to work. M:ny ol our taverns, coffer. h.>i'i fis,
shops, and in,iri'ifa6t')ncs, are flint up, p,,,,1 v
for want of cult im, an,l partly l, l)m a Wlillt ol
fcrvants and workman to attend the m.
The trenches round Parts are nuking a verv
rapid progress, tlv,u?,h we think there will be
Jcarce any ocofion to make use ol them at letlt
before next summer. One of our pat, tots In,,
indeed, taken eft: dual means to his
PrulTian Maji (\v horn anyfurth.r huftile '3c
figns : he has deoofited w,t!, the Alfrmblv twen
ty-five hvrrs, to b- paid to any man that w,II
bring one ol the King's cats, and promiled twen
ty-live Louts d'ois lor his wind, tiesd.
There has cert ..inly hen fomc cnVaaeroent
between t! c arm.cs; l ni , we conlrlV » f tJll _
pot find out from any ol the accounts re,:, tve.l.
which 1-aity have l„ en the conqnrrots. Alt we
fee is, that ciihe, P.ovidmoe has been very k:,ni
(o he French, or tltnr h„, v i, sup, nor j[, ft,,,
a i l ; whe,, «« l"«r or five
» killed in the .oionr, thee are as mj „ v |, u „.
oredi li on in th.- latter.
« As the detail of' those dreadful event,
which have happened in Paris the last week
cat, gratify no mind that deserves to be "rati'
fled, I fliall lay afi.le the intention I had form
ed ot g'VKig th«ir h'ttory, and l])are both voa
33d m r : t Vrecital of scenes which are so
in . to humanity. Even to those who
fee in to dcv I nothing but victims of ordina
ry j! ; ce, who e crimes the verditft of*no jury
CouM ::io.e fully iubftantiate, and whose pu
n llmumt on t not to be lamented from its
infomaHty ; to thofl? the continuance of such
a a > trs i'<mu*w!iat too ltrong, and
t.iey * iit the sword of vengeance fliould
now he ihe*thed. Whatever may we the hearts
of thole w*jo have conducted thisprofcription,
they have the fen e to fee that some other
fueling' than the love of publicjuftice may be
excited, tiujpe, in the murder of de la Roche
foucauit, ti>ey lament a man, wandering a
little thron di error from the true road of pa
triotism, bnt a fine ere friend of the revolution
and jof liberty. Tiiehandof lome inalsonant
aTafiin has taken advantage of this havoc to
gratify private revenge; the profcribers glo
rying in every other deed, but lamenting and
disavowing this. Every precaution is taken
to hinder the repetition of such outrages ; the
feclions have formed a general confederation
among themielves, and each citizen makes
bimfelf re r ponfible for the lofs'and property of
his neighbour; from the in which
this is arranged, together with the patroles
who watch over its execution, the tranquility
of the city is not likely again to be disturbed,
and the seditious are certain of being appre
hended, before any mischievous deiigns can be
carricd into effect.
" Roufleau has alferted, that a revolution
is gained at too high a price, if it costs the
loss of one citizen. This axiom is contemp
tible, because it induces abjedt fubini/fion to
the vilest deipotifm. Liberty may, however,
be purchased at too dear a rate, when honor
and justice are made the facrifice. The ge
neral abhorrence of the are
t.'ie cleateft proofs that both the nationrl ho
nor and justice remain unimpeached, .'ince
every exertion was made by the constituted
powers tc hinder the violation of either.—
Every friend to freedom molt lament, that
its traitors (hould fufl'eranv other punifhnient
than those inflicted by the law, which has, or
ou;;lt to have fufiicientlv avenging powers,
whilst tyrants only are left to all'affinatkins
and proscription.
" Let these who heap undiftinguiflied in
famy on tie iv.tion for this act, if they are
willing to believe it the ast of the nation, re
flect, that li ice the revolution of 17f>9, tiiou
fands have fallen in defence ot those princi
ples which the treason of the court have now
made the principles of any man who has any
attachment to liberty. Let h ; m recoiled, on
the one fide, the maifacres at Nantz, Nifmes,
Montauban, Avignon, Catpentras, and the
Champ de Mars, where the pureit blood was
spilt by the Court and the ariitocraev ; wbilft,
previous to tiiis event, only one man n.-.dbeen
condemned, »nd very tew had fufFered from
the rage of tile people.
" It should be remembered also, that with
the concurrence, nay, with even the itwjta
tion of this court and the ariflocracy at iiojfie,
one hundred and thirty thoul'and Prussians,
Auftrians, Ruffians, and emigrants, had en
tered France; that the Duke of Bru.ifwick
had threatened death to the flighted refiiUnce
and his followers had given serious fpeciinens
of the modes in which they would inflict it, by
cutting off the lioles and ears of the men, and
nailing the lail to their heads; and beiides the
ordinary and allowed cruejties to women,
cutting olf their breasts, and murdering the
infants, &c. that this army was ou its march
to the capital, and had already taken the only
two forts that lay directly on its way ; that
at this moment, the exultation of the arifto
cracv in Paris, became as unbounded, as its
discovery at this time was imprudent, that to
repel rbofe invaders, not only the federates
who were in Paris, but con.lderable detach
ments ot the citizens were preparing to
march, leaving to the meicy of internal foes,
the fate of their and children; under
these repeated provocations, and influenced
by fears which appeared so well rounded, it is
not to be wondered at that so little resistance
was made at firft, to those whose refoiution
had b»en fixed for 10:11 c days to make so ter
rible an example, and in puniihing the guilty
now, furuifh motives to others not again to
provoke so dreadful a vengeance."
L O N D O N, September 17.
The count-, Horn, De Ribbing, Li jenhorn,
and Etrenfchwardt, who were accomplices
with Ankerflroem, in killing the King of
Sweden, have palTcd through Copenhagen in
tneii- way to Italy. Notwithftarding their
endeavors to remain unknown, Count Horn
was recognized at Helfinbourg, and the peo
ple a flailed him with stones, by which, how
ever, he was only slightly wounded in the
, „. La „ dy who ex ce"s in what Fielding calls
the flip-flop language, in a letter to a friend
from Margate, fay's, " that, though the place
J", upon the whole vast agreeable, the sea-air
has given her a tendency to a little impu
dent fever."
Societencincd is Lord Macartney tp
the hmperor ot China every information're
lative to the state of the Art., and Sciences i„
this country, that the lift fteet of the Philo-
I ot'nn T r r an T not P rintcd when his
Lo.dfltt,, .eft London, ot, Saturday sent
aftei hini to Portiinoutii !
Li the time of Lewis XI Vth one hundred
thoufund Frenchmen took refuge iu this coun
try query are thee more or lets „ 0 w >
PmrVlT'i "\ D ,hat U " b «Mo U s
h s I T ""fortunate
as a ' , ' ' ol> - itas ' 1 " " ,c <P«" "f hismufe ,■
* , ljr "; C in P ; ' ,n '. we men,ton hts douohtv
1 r' ,billy of China.—A tnca'urc
d,iK,e,l hy |i ,,, r 1 and enlighten- d poli cv
" >v, <c,l in 11 s etf, Cts nuy be productive of f
ssr™ a.tvanta g e,_,h. 1 t Per,,' O 1,.
hc ,norc ,hc cbullttions'of
tabbed tcmpcr.tha.t.LeproduQionsofgciu,.
AUGUSTA, (Georgia) Nov. 17.
On Monday last the Circuit Court of the
United States for this diftricl, was opened by
the Hon. Thomas Johnson, one of the AfToci
ate Justices of the Supreme Court of the Unit
ed States, and the Hon. Nathaniel Pendleton,
Dill rift Judge of this diftrift.
Four persons, v.*!.o failed from Eofion to
the liland of Martinique, and from thence to
Savannah in May last, were indi&ed and tried
for stealing on the high seas, near the Island
ot Martinique, a number of negroes, belong
ing to inhabitants of that Island; Samuel
Skinner, of Boston, who was supercargo of the
veiiel, and who appeared'to b®
was found guilty by rliejury, on.his own con
fedion, upon the 16th section of the law for
the purifhm'fnt of certain crimes again il the
United State*, and was feotence'd to receive
thirty-nine laihes, to pay a fine of one hun
dred dollars, all lawful charges of the profe
cutlon, and to stand committed till the Sen
tence was complied with. The other three
prisoners, to wit: Nathaniel Hickman, Ro
bert Watts, and Nathaniel Ridgeway, were
Samuel Skinner, pursuant to the above
mentioned sentence, was, on Wednesday last,
publicly whipped at the Market-house in this
We are informed that a party of white man
from the frontiers of this (late, has of late
made an incursion to the Cherokee nation,
burnt one of their towns, and killed three of
their people—That two of seven Indians of
the aforefaid nation, who had been invited in
to the ibttlemeffts to hold a friendly talk con
cerning the late murders by Indian*-, were
killed a£Warc9smill, in Franklin county, and
a the fame time wounded. These
traniacrions are, no, considered by the
doers of them, as striking the balance on Ja
va ge account—it is however aJFuining a great
deal, (to leave humanity and policy out of the
qucftion) for individuals to take u;jon them
lelves to judge (and carry into execution that
judgment) on matters which involve the ge
neral tranquility.
HA R T F O R D, December 3.
A correfphndent retnarks that nothing exhi
bits the human character in a m»re degrading
view, than the violeni attacks made upon the
V ice-Preiident and the Secretary of the Treasury.
That men so bold and diftinguifhcd in the cause
of America during the late icvoluion, so up
right, ingenuous, able, and indefatigable in efta
blilhmg a fyft?m of government and finance for
th? United States, and so much efteeaied and
refprfted bythegr'-at body of enlightened Ame
ricans, that fui ii men fbould be continually abu
lcd, ceniiircd and vilified by a little jattion of
zvtonghcadsy and avowed enemies to the prcfent
ccnftuuticn ot the United States, which has, in
ihiee yeais time, raised us from a wretched
stare of aifcord, and rescued our national cha
ra&er from infamy, is a fa£l no lets surprising
then degrading to humsfl nature.
But why abuse the Vicc-pufiderif, that oro
founcl ftatelman—that ilr.-dy pqtriot ? Why
abuse the Sccrctary of the Treasury, that di/c. i n
infe upright and pcrftver:ng financier ? Dues
not America rifteafy and fatislicjd with bis ad
miniftratioc ? Let the enemies of our peace be
a (lured that if the u>ijejl oj their leaders were pla
ced at the head of the Treafuiy department, he
uouU not dare to change the prrfent f\jiem of _/f
---tiavce. No man who knows the attachment
which the mass of fublUntial Americans have
for that ryfiem, and their determination is well
a- their powerto support it, would venture uuon
the hazardous cxjMiimrnt, The man or men,
who (hak< put lie credit or overthrow the fyf
tcm thit fupporis it, will be crushed in its ruin;.
NOTHING has tended more to abate the
influence of the fair sex on the manners
ot men, than the prevailin; pradfcice of card
plaving. Formerly, the character of the ate
was principally conformed to the nature of
their favorite occupations, war and hunting.
The foftneßand fine polity of French man
ners, is corißfledly swing to the women
But cards have flopped the progrefj of this
gentle power, and it is doubtful whether we
are not going backward radier than forward.
Talents are cultivated in proportion as they
are valued. It'a Lady has any thin? to fay"
it would interrupt V.'h'ft to fiiy it. If fte has
nothing to fay, the vacancy oi her mind mav
be concealed at the card-table. Wit and fen
ttment are babbling intruders there. They
are unheard, or heard only to disturb the va
cant solemnity of that pantomime Icene. The
potven of converlation rust for want of use
' ' lrds level the diftinAions of undemanding
and education. A common plea ior cards is
they relax the mind when it is overstrained by
attention to bafinef:. This is true enough,
for a,game or two, played for amufemeut and
not for money. But to play for money, is
ftraimng the miod again—it brings up un
friendly and mciti paflions—it makes beauty
and wit feebie by raising up a set of rival e
motions—the fear of ioiing and the hope of
gam. Ihe queen of trumps seems to the
gambler more sparkling than the queen of
hearts—and in fact we fee that a i.ian tired
of business, rerts himfelf by getting more tired
of cards. He plays till midnight, fill his head
akes, h;s temper is soured, his patience and
his money gone, and an itch for play is co—
trailed, winch brings him every ni.rht to the
gaming-table to lose more money, till lie has
neither money nor merit left.
It depends on the Ladies, and the Ladies
only, to keep this vice, the rival of their
c.iarms, out ofpoiire company. Tboie who
have sense and beauty, e'c iuterefted to do
it; and they are the per'ons to pre/cribe the
regulations oi" manners with the nicll urd-i
---puted authority.
Hoon will lc fuilija. i
the S Y_H r E KI OF
used by Mr.LLoYD, ,n .ak,ngd„w„ ( he Debate,
O Congress. A fyfteni so ealy, t,„t any man ,
n ,?, r hiu' y ? pdC " y ' ,n<i y elvai ly comprehend
t . ball an honi, an,, soon p rJ t„( c U1
n left extent without any i urlh( . r ln |tn,cuon,
than what will b convey.,! a f ew s _
/iJrX r , ART com P" fcd
Jiapu ihaiacicrs, without any of those utiniex.ti .
arbitrary matkl, with wh.n the li
are ohl ged to bu.dtntnet, me
mory, and cmbarrafi their prafttce.
Price to Sublcribera, 0»c Dollar-- 0 Non
ourKcrihi rs, a Dollar and haij,
Sunfcriptiot'i received b, MelTr,. Rice, Book,
fellers, Jvl.irk t- Itreet, and by
His n?/ HN C i AK S Y ' Nv " 26 '
' " " 1,1 the tin, „/
Between f),r'mi„T . n
Willi™ iiiplcy l n lhe high Court olCh® nee*
Complatnam, V ry of the State ul N ew .
johnMeng ar ( d o. Jerfcy.
then Defendants. ' p rr J ln
His Excellency the Chancellor.
HPHE Complainant having filed his bill of
■A Complaint againlt the Defendants :n the
month ol September, fevemeen hundred and
nrneiy-one, and .n the laid Billof Compiaiiit riwl
among other things set forth that the ,i d Com.
pi*mam oeing leizcd in his Dem lne aj of fee
of and ma certain Trafl of Laud, Lid to coutatn
•line hundred and thirty acres, situate, lying and
being ,n the townltiip ot Hardwick ,n the coun
ty of S'lll-x ,n the State of New.Jcrfcy, aid on
the fir it o. Man h Ic.entecn hunded and cighty
five, bargain fell and convey the Tame in fee fim.
pi' unto John Mt-ng and John H'ndctfon ot the
cuv of Philadelphia, William Goodwin and
John Town, lor the confident ion ot One Thou
fd id Six Kuudrt d Pounds in Gold or Silver—
That on ,be filth day ol the fame month of
March the said leoflees above named did execute
unto the said William Shipley a Deed 0 f Mou
gac;c ir fee fin)pie ol the said Trait of Land o
teenre the payment of the Kxtecn hnndr.d
pounds, with the lawful intfrell which nrnht
thereon accrue-that in the year fevemeen him
drcd and eighty-fix the laid John Meng and
''"am Goodwin did become Bankrupts with
in lhe intent and mrani igof the a&s of the Le
gislature of the Commonwe;lth of Pennsylvania,
and Inch proceedings were had against them that
in the fame month they were duly declared
Bankrupts; and that they the said John Meng
ana W iiliam Goodwill did in some short time
afterwards convey and transfer all their cfbu
both real and pcrfonal, and particularly all their
ngnt and title to the premises above mentioned
to John I'ield, Curtis Clay, Jamei C. fifher,
Jfaac Wharton, John Kaighn and Arthur Collins
all of the city ol Philadelphia, fubjea to the
Mortgage so as aioiefaid g'veo to the i:.:d Com.
the faiu John Field, Cuius
Ciay, Ja lies C. fifher, Ila t .c Wnarton, Jo:iu
Kaighn and Arthur Collins soon after bargained,
fold and conveyed all their Right and Title of
aud in the said Tract of Land unto Benjamin
Toy/n of the city ol Philadelphia, and John
Tov. n, fubj- fcf to the Mortgage aljrcfud —That
on the eighteenth day ol OQober ftv, nteen hun
dred and eighty-five, the laid John Town and
Benjamin Town did execute anoth,r Mortgage
to the f«iid \1 iiliam Shipley for securing the paj
ment ol twelve hundred pounds in certain 11.-
Ilallments—That in the month c 1 January seven.
teen hundred and ctglity.fix, Joliu Town did
bargain and fell in lee simple all hu and
Title to the laid piemil'es, t > the said B.nj inia
Town, fubjetl to tne Mortgagee aforefaici—That
in the month of February leveniaen hundred and
eighty-eight, the 3ei;j amin Town did con
vey 21 1 h's Right and '1 itle to lhe laid premises,
i° John F.eld and Curtis Clay of tht city of Phi
ladelphia, upon ccrtam Trulls unknown to the
Complainant—That the said Benjamin Town
soon alter became Bankrupt, and in pursuance
of the bankrupt laws of the State of Ptnnlylva
r.ia, did convey all h«seftate r-rl and pcrfonal
to a certain Robert Ralfton— That John Hen
derfon did also in the month ol September seven
teen hundred and beicine a Bank
rupt, and under the bankrupt Jaws of the State
ol Pv-nnfylvania, did and convey all his
eftae real and pctlonal to David Lenox, George
Hughes, Matthew Ciarkf.n, Peter Baynton and
Richard Bache—And the Complainant doth in
and by his said Bill, pray that those hiivirg
Right to tht laid Ellatc may be decreed to pay
him what i? due on the (aid Mortgages, or that
the equity oi Redemption be forclofed by Uie
Decree oi this Court.
And now upon opening this matter this day
by Richard Stockton, Esquire, being of the com*-
plainants counsel—it appearing to the Court
that the fa id defendants do reside in the Stai«
of Pcunfylvania, without the iurifdi£tion of this
Court; and it appearing further to this Court
that wi its of subpoena have been taken out ac
cording to the course of this that the said
writs of fubpaena have been duly served upon
the f.iid fever. 1 .1 Defendants upwards of one
year from this day ; and that none of the said
Defendants hjve caused h;sor their appemnc#
»a he entered in this Court iu the furt of the said
Complainant : It is therefore ordered by h-s
Kxccllency the Chancellor, th2t the said De
fendants do cause their appcaiance to be «ntered
to the suit of the above Complainant according
to the rules of ihss Court in two months from
this day, or that the Plaintiffs bill be taken pro
coulcfTo agreenbly to the diiedions of the a£tof
the Leg-flature in such cafe made and provided.
■ —The Complainant giving notice and making
publication of th s rule as in and i>v the said att
of the Leg'.fl.'tun: ij. provided.
Decctjiltr ijly 1792.
A TABLE for receiving and paying Gold—
graduated according to Law—ii!ank Manifefts—
And Blanks for the various Powers of Attorney
luceffiry 111 tranfa&ing Buuncfs at th« Treafmy ft
at the Bank of the Upucd Stale#.