Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 17, 1792, Page 194, Image 2

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    Philadelphia, Nov. 1 7.
A correspondent observes, that there must be
some mistake in the paragraph which the
carting vote of the Vice-President on the Rcprc
femation Bill, as the cause of the oppofitioo in the
state of Virginia, to the re-cleft ion of that gentle
man. It is well known that the Vice-Prefiiicm is
in favor of a large and equal reprefeutation—his
vote against the r-uio of 30,000, was therefore pro
bably on the idea that luch a ratio would encreafc
the inequality resulting from the operation of an
unequal principle in the bi)l--but it would be
highly derogatory to the honor of any flaie in the
Union, 10 thro Wan odium on a member of a le
gislative body, for exercifniq the fiift principle o!
repubhcanifm in a free independent vote—there
fore the above insinuation against rhe truly repub
lican state of Virginia, cannot be founded in fa£t.
By a document presented to the House of Re
presentatives on Monday I ait from the Treasury
Department, it appears, that the total amount ol
public expenditures from the full eftabl)ftiment of
ihat depaitment to the end of the year 1791.
amoiints to 3,797,436 dollars 78 cents. The to
tal amount of money received during the fame pe
riod, 4,771,342 dollars 43 cents, leaving a balance
° T dollars 65 cents in the treasury at the
expiration of the year 1791.
Accounts from Liibon, which appear to be weli
authenticated, fay that there will be a great de
mand for grain in that quarter.
The general aflembly ofDelaware have ap
pointed Gunning Bedford, James Sykes, and
William Hill Wells, electors, to elefl the Presi
dent and Vice-Prefiden,t of the United States.
The Hon. William Br ad jo id, Esq. is cho
sen by the State of Rhode-lfland a Senator of the
United S:ates, in the place of the Hon. Joseph
Stanton, whose time expires in March next.
Hinry Sherborne, Efq; is chosen Treasurer
General of the above State, tn.the room of Joseph
Clarke, Esq. dcceafcd.
The following gentlemen came pa.Tengers in
the ship Delaware, arrived here on Monday
laftDr. Turner, MeflVs. Barnwell, .Huger
Carroll, Grand, Reefe, Witherfpoon, Harden'
Guy, Dvight;—and ten steerage palTengers.
The following gentlemen are chosen eleflrors
of President and Vice-President of the United
States, by the State of Rhode-Island, viz.
His Excellency Ar th u r Fen nek,
Hi* Honor Lieut. Gov. Potter,
Hon. William Greene, and
Gxorce Champlin, Esq.
The article in our last, referring to the Con
vention of Soutn-Carolina in 1788, mentions a
letter from the Governor of Virginia, " pro
posing a kind of league against the new Govern
ment." In explanation of the article, we are
authorized to fay, that the letter alluded to,
was not a private, but an official communica
On Friday the 2d inft. was executed in Hillf
borough, Orange county, North-Carolina, Sa
muel Fuller, of Granville county, for thehor.
rid murder of his own son.
Extraß tf a litter from a gentleman in New-York to
hu friend in Haiti more, dated Nov. 5 .
"A ve ; fel is arrived here this day, in thirty
days from Cadiz, and brings advices of the King
of Spain's having declared War against France
and marched a great army to join tile confede
rated powers."
Ixtratl oj a lain from a gentleman in Londonderry
-* " y ' " ' o •— -
dated September 4.
" The Jacobins, or Republicans of France
haying overturned the former order of things'
a bloody canteft is begun, in which it is hard at
this distance to fay which is right. It is cer
tain the friends of liberty have had many oh
ftacles to encounter; among theirgreateft and
most dangerous enemies are the' priests, but
they are now to be all sent to South-America
to till the earth. Fayette has fled from France
and it is said is going to America. At home'
Paine has fairly overcome Pitt and his col
leagues: in Ireland, Napper Tandy has con
que red the whole force of government."
From the New-York Gazette, November 14.
about twelve o'clock, the deputies
appointed in the leyeral counties throughout
this State, to folicitlegiflative remedy for the
late outrage, Hud t° have been committed on
t e right, of lutfrage, by a majority.of the late
canvaifing committee, assembled at the city ta
vern, and from thence formed a procelfion of
ber Var At °l e 'f ' V ? e I r °r ti,e afi " erablv cham -
Mr R V ,£ hou '* were met by
• a member from the citv and
eoiinty of New-York, who received from the
diaumanoj each deputation their refpeftive
Mmorak, beginning wrh the county of O t .
1 id 0 ' c /' H "; i:nan ' af ' tßl " a fton aid" pathetic
f<! fa'.table to the solemnity of the occa
',, n ', pr f- , l ' ,e petition to the Speaker
Vv e cannot b„ut ohfervc, the
T£™ceof a n„nib,r of our fellow citilenT
from various parts of the State. TheTS'
matter of the petition,, aod tbf
T4ie writer, tbe !neaf of n
a-n. file U lae p#rtjr fo;Ill . nt oppdfltu)n
to the excise, and in the new/papers they do not
folulh to juftify the audacious conduct of th«
coiifpirators against the law. Mark th< incoi>
lifter.ty of theie miiohtef-makers. They spare
no pains to hinder the col ettion of the excise.
v/hat must be done when that fnnd fails ? T&
find out another, the la id must fufply whar
he failure of the excrfe will oblige Congtefs to
call for—md is this the way to favor the ni
rereit of the farmers? Would they dare to lity
chat dry taxej will advance the landed interest ?
These men axe not deceivers, t.'io' they have
rid and run over the whole country to deceive.
They are opposed to every form of taxing tha:
shall touch them, and to any government that
fhatl require it. Tins, however, is neither the
desire nor the interest of the fenitble yeomanry
of America. The bawlers of liberty and no cx
cife, ought to add, land-tax forever.
" Lu ciws," Jrom ike American Daisy
Advertiser, [hall appear in our next.
The piece Jig ned •' O Gasar—M. Phtreius,,"
being perjona I, Jkmild have been accoinpan>ed with u
dijdojure of the author's name.. This, with the Com
municavon dated St. Mary'i," relate to a fubjefi
which is perhaps Jufficievtly exhaufied
Brig Maria, Parfotis, Boston
Jason, Lilli bridge, returned in distress
Brtfy, Padcn, Cape-Francois
Mary, Kennedy, H^mbfeig
Schooner (.opd Intent, Schary, Portau Princt
Delaware, Davij, St. Luitatia
Hawk, Dunn, Charlefloni
Es S lt '> . Jones, do.
Swallow, Odlin, returned indithefs
•Sloop Sally, Ingraharo, St. Kitts
6 per Cents,
3 per Cents,
.Full (hares Bulk U. S. 45
| Iharts, S7
Unfunded debt of the U.S. 21/6 on the principal
And on the Intereftup to lft Jan. »yBB, 13J.
PARIS, September 12.
THE number of men that marched from Pa-:
ris to reinforce the army from the 3d to'
the 9th instant, according to the account kept
by the Commandant General of the National
Guard, is 9,897. To theft are to be added
2,2"'0 that marched on the loth, and 5000 who
have gone from the neighbouring diftrifts,mak
ing in all about 17,000 able-bodied men, weli
equipped. The Commiifioners to
the diftridt of Soillons, &c. write that they lhall
fend 10,000 men to Chalons, well armed and
equipped, and 58 pieces of cannon of the arft
nal of la Fere.
The Commiifioners sent to Rochefart -write
that they have sent 37 waggon loads of ammu
nition by land, and that several veflels with
cannon are already failed for Rouen.
National Guards and Gendarmeries at
Chalons pvopofed vili Ling the prifpjis and exe
cuting summary juflice on the prisoners ; in o
ther words, imitating the murders at Paris.
™ t ' m detestable purpose they were diffuad
ed by the Commiifioners of the National Altera
bly there. '
The Commifuoners to the department of tlic
■oath write, that the mod perfect tranquility
eigns at Avignon, the garrison of which con
ifh of 4300 men well armed, difeiplined, and
■bedident. Two battalions of the departmenr
lf Drome, confiding of 800 men each, dcfir#
obe employed, and the Commi/fioners recom
nenri them as fit for immediate fcrvice.
The Administrators of the department of the
-owe,; Seme write, that having before Tent one
lattalion to the colonies, they have now lent
wo to the frontiers, and twelve pieces of can.
.011 for the defence of p aris ; that eight com-
, 3 "T bb e are read y t0 march to Meaux on
lhorteft and that the number of fai
ors at their difpol'al amounts to 15 000.
Commiilioners sent to Chalons by the Com
.onsofParn, state a number of volunteer,
art of the garrilon of Verdun, with a detach
[lent 01 tne regiment, formerly Walrti's, march
ng armed towards Meaux, had been flapped a,
™ M '' by Gendarmerie, and conduce
?,rr" a Tv , 1 hcfe men °» their march gavt
f k j wa! § lven "P by the Admini
.rative bodies and the inhabitants, who obli"
I J 3l / tc> surrend er; that they hac
ieen loaded wit.i favors by the King of Prulßa
"d t«e Dakeofßrunf W ick, who said to thero
nd to the people, « You have ODtM tQ
om our armies ; we come not to mak- wji
ipon you, but merely to re-establish Louis XVI
•n the throne. Far, therefo e, from
mr efforts, it is your interest to follow on
landard, or at lead to remain quiet ,rd the more as you are every wl,e4 betray
d, and your defeat certain." Tire Commi/n
7r:,t Eras
.a rne I,tn in ft. confirm this account T'»,
m u P nd a er te a nts nSiSbegUn ' '" d tW °
The Minister at War has announced the r?•<
<W d be
t evddp.ayed thegreaterffirr
orn in three C es '' " r "» v -' er
c£Zl£:tz;r''- o * rr ': ve in -
MHjaT *me f ' eraed 10
Oluded to, H P»me» cenwwwa *motEriitaieitr.
- to c»nfider them mcrHya» wiaiWFci
' spa M: thought that was do other war n |
I th » adopts one «T?
Jier.ofth.fe'afaniaiw,, either to^f I"
■q»n nd Jifat, i„„ „ ■
sbvious, without crimitatiftir an. I,
.dvertcd to thefexarfSj I°^' " C
rfthe troop,, andthefeftertorit, ohtS' r *
on mr. Dayton's motion, viz. I*what informa?'' poin **" he c<m ' d "«*
rhat tie Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary I SeCfttajy of TreaiiM^ 0 'j®'"" sl ' from the
of War, be notified, that on fVedntfday ntxt tljis I legifiaturc had poiic too farW "!!?" '''i'
House intend to take into conftderatiori, the Report I no fatisfaflion Wnutd result f'' f' *u
of the committee relative to tie causes of thefailure I ceedings, but that the bufi*ief "u *
of the late expedition, under the command of Gen. I more and more involved '' W - a ppe«t
St. Clair, to the end that they may attend the house I Mr. Boudinot. after (latino- f,„j . ,
to give fucb information as to theJlate offails, as I relative to the state of the Duhli T' *"
may be in their po-wer. time of the report-adverted to '
MR- WILLIAMSON moved to ftrifce out fume of wC '° Particular p, rl - Q
the laoterpartof the relolution,'which ?£"" «<** <* «*
'efpetSled the attendance of the secretaries on the He therefore „ r „^ K ,L TC, £ rt 18 fo ™<kd.-r
louse thiftttotion, if carried, leaves the refo- I from the heads on-h f necessity of receiving
ution a simple proposition to inform those offi- Nation which i,, r „ de .£ lrtment »> that infor
.ers, that (Jm house were, on Wednesday, to take Slpm
:he report On the failure of Gen .St. Clair's ex- t o be done Drevio,, ~7* tW °»gkt
pedition, into confederation- I cnn fi,i. raM t0 tat " n C "port lot®
Mr. Vienable objected generally to the refo- I Mr Fitzfimon. r A u n. ~
ution, a» inconsistent with tlie dignity of the I the resolution iL j'-j' **"6 again*
louse. He doubted the propriety of the meat SSrfotf
ure altogether. The gentlemen are not im- I «or the m®de * ormatron Eluded to ;
cached, and therefore the house has no right mark» toSKSi''T' S °" K rV
\o cite them to make their appearance : and I k„r .u v on the raport tho" it i a
with refpe<st to information, the houfecan com- I particulariv reolvV !'° u^/ 16 fllould
nand such from the heads of departments as nr n erfin LH l A WC l Ul l 0n y
hey may fee proper to require. He was at a Tnv fnl? PP so ps
oft m attempting to investigate the obj iSt of J has been faJE r ' cclvc<l °?•«'» "port It
he refoltition. He could fee no purpose {hat it been a militarv K
vould answer, which could not as well be ob- that ft wT,^fe •n" Wcl) know °
ained without it. f h " " 7"' in ?P° L mble to such an enquiry
Mr. White offered fevcral objection, to the L?h ofthe T* Hethe " g™ i
efolution, ofa similar import with the above. committel ,rr!/cr rOCtC , d:nSad °P teclb 7 th«
Mr. Dayton supported the motion by a few ZXv h the enqu.ry, to (hew
■emarks ftatmg the importance of that informa- If nftLt iorwl hln tr "° f
i°n which those gentlemen alone could g,v e _ Mr WillZ J. -ft
3e adverted to the report of the committee, out the lattL oart '.A* 1 movc < 110
which he oMerved had exculpated the command- ecually onnlfed to th b « hewa.
general on that expedition, whereas he wSs ,t , andfince
jf opinion, that the failure was owing to the lon both r,J f 8 Ttral ?««kraen,
nifcondudl of that gentleman. * L he rt house ' he w " <* o-
Mr. Tucker objected to the refol„tion_he nd'to V° ° f ital "
preferred the mode of requiring that informa- I thfcourfe whlh ° t I bsfinefs proceed id
set *•" m ° k -«'•»
:he praiflice of the house. He had not, he said on wM J r ;« ,<>rt ' the TOU^er S
thoroughly revolved the business in his own' I the house "a^o^"' 0 " fu , Ul,ded ! ara brfor e
tn.nd, and therefore was not prepared to state I Jlrt V 'bc 'Beompleatnefi of the re-
Full) the effeAs which would reful? from the" f. 0 "* "* S an ,mma 7»' the few bWks
doptionof the resolution ; but he would hazard I to * CC , a the W3nt "f time
thus mpch that it would form an innovation in Ihe m ! De e volum,nou ' papers rteceflkry m
tke mode of conduding the this r,% 7'a ' order to of tS#
house, and a precedentwWd, would 1,4 ""Ir" themfe!^s of W '
lead to perplexing and embarrafiine confequen I M V 4 °Werved, that he had not the fimld
.es; as it involved a conck.fionfnrrfSto T to investigation ofrtf
the principles of the government, which at an Ifh . J, wa ® fevor of all '"forihitfei.'
earlier day, would have been revolted from He I onkr Z ,h obtlUned ' he objeA^not?"
was decidedly in favour of written informa I 14, . mod( ; now contended for, whiA"
tion. written lniorma he: thought not only liable to all the,objedinw
Mr Clark was opposed to the refolntion-as m 'it many whih;
a member of the committee who made the r? r>
port, he had no apprehension ; with refped to ? ayton obfervel . that he was one of
information, the report and the vßuchers are be- he <£d*nnt "T ? d W ' th tht re P ort '
fore the houft; and such further enq.iirv mav tbe "nclufion which exctri- '
be made of the proper officers as the house mav J K u' comrnin . din £ officer, could be fupport
:hink necefTary house nay ed by the report itfelf. He adverted to &
Mr.Ames supported the resolution He L lt > that the com
ced the impressions which the failure of the late T !" U ? ha ' e be en highly he iiv
expedition had made on the public mind Cha fntT'f llo "' ne f\ of h ' s movem,TU % dila- :
rafters had fuffcred in the general estimation— I s JV" C i°' l lg ' and h -
it was of the utmost importance that a thomno-l, I P . b y the enemy. He thought that the re
inveftigation should take place that if the f'l I mar ' cs w^ fallen from gentlemen on
of the expedition w« a me« S T what had were illiberal, as they had'-
fortune of war, it mi<»ht be made to im.™ ? I virtua "y impeached his candor, when he wm.
br if it was owing to mifcondud, the blame wa's h° US ° f deV ' ati "f from its [t
might fall on the proper fubjeits. The vsra '. not h " lnt8ntlo » to hav< touched on the -
suggested to obtain information anneired tn I the report, but had been impelled to
him the best that could be the most m r, m theturn the dL ' l,£tc taken.
adequate to the object it was due L ;,,d' „ ; G " ry was ln lavor of the refojutiftn.
to truth, and to the national honor to take'ef- ft' cd on tbe magnitude of the objeS of
fedlual measures to investigate the hnln f inv est»S RtJon » and mfiftcd that it wa» the indif-- 1 '
roughly. This enquiry fppears to be the bT "f 7 ° f the h ° ufL '' to probe
ginning of an arrangement preparatory to an b 'ui the bo " om ' that ,f an X P erfo " , •
impeachment; on whom this will fall lj should , r 1" th 7 mar fuff;r - or thf
not presume to fay ; but still it places the bufi- I i "il" ?S- by whlch the na '
riefs in an important point of view in -! n, tional charadcr has fuffered, and so severe »nct
in the strongest manner the neceflitv nf - rl° *' u "P rol | u <sl've an expence has been inco!T«d,'a
ing the belt poiiible mode of afcertaininc/X," " 10m,t,n S probably to one million dollar* hat.
real state of fads. This he concc'v d !i . OWIn S to circumrtantes which could not b«
rot be dore so effeAually'as bv the ' C ° U avol< 3ed or controulsd, the puhlic may receive
fed in the resolution. 5 * pr ° p °- f«irfaaion as to the whole bufipefs.
Mr. Gilespbjecied to the resolution He ore 1 Ir " P ;'R' e ob j e c ted t0 tha resolution, particii
ferred a thorough discussion oftkf r. n „ . • u t0 precedent it would eltablifll; but at
firft place ; and a comparison of T ' "'i' C ' le ' ame time he was in favor of thi foiled •«-
with the report : and if, in the issue Jt'lhmU q . Ulry the bufi,ltfs w *« fucceptible of. He fail; '
appear neceffkry to call for r tlie mode prupofed would operate to clog the '
these officer,, it conld thenbe d"S™ b?" T freed ° m ° f and the fr « dam
present state of the buiineli, to a,.'oo7the rl-'r,,!,, 2 Mf ' A " les ' adv = rtl ng to the spirit of the re
tioti. would Jace the committee in a " P nrt > P olnt ed out the peculiar Ctuation of the
greeable Ct.uation. yaua- two (ecretarics, and that they did not Hand on
Mr. I,awranc« observed tint thr the fame ground with other person.i who sre
m their report, fay that for want of f- 'i"' not ""'mately implicated in the business He
had not been abfcco com,^"tTTit is a "" d VV° t,IC VarioUl which had heeß
parent, from the report itfclf ' t'nr ■ C *' rom precedent, from the fulJnefs of the
ture. He stated several pirticuiirs in"/)!"" 1 "" which the fuhjetf had undergone '
port which were inconDle-e «'i f i 1 * re " ln ,nr ''ands of the committee, and from the re
inierred, that there was material '-"' "' n, i . lenLo mark by Mr. J.ivermore, that fufficicnt had al
be received previous to !v... I( r\, rna " nn t(> re.iay been done. To this last ol'jeiflioii he
competent judgment on ihe b„Wf, ° h™/ r plied, by faying that the public
lerved, that a,"the information nv'l Lh- °|T W!U .' te ' i f " r ' h '' r f'tisfadlion, and that the house
law no neccfiitv of «,>,<) oo.iin r t ul . I c:,ci<l !,ot jidlrty thoafcivei to their conSitueoti
those olTi -ers in firO in a 've ? ltri " C0 ' \ n 'i'houi: a ftrirter and fuller tliat
Mr. Madison, in rolv - Q vi r ' a ' i t' l " of the faits might Ik hid before thcni.
that the bed pniFible m-id- o-j-»(VrT ' j Mr. Mauilou fiid, the mode now propofot
observed, that there fcunvvi't,? L ' ! invt,!wd a d * rt:li &ion of the only priuflicabie
el.un.ato oet.mewiitid.-a j mode of trinciting public bufincfi! and .ht
Brief Sketch Debate,
2 1/3
per cent, prem