Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 07, 1792, Page 182, Image 2

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    nearly 12,600, of whom more than
8000 were of the people. The Swiss,
it seems, weie nearly all drtink ; and
one of their fii It inducements 10 fire
was 1 tie difehajgc of tome mufquets
from the windows of the Thuilleries,
by pei sons in their uniforms, hut who
weie not Swils. Believing their corps
engaged, they then fired immediate
ly, before i hey had hesitated.
The allied armies have only to take
Thionvil'ie, Sedan and Montinedi ;
and then there will be no fortrefs on
that fide to prelent an obltacle to
their match into the heart of France.
Now inverted by the A oil tip lis and
Frisian* 1 , is a very itrang town of"
Kra,ice in Luxembuig and capita) of
a bailiwick. It was ceded to France
by the treaty of the Pyrenees, and is
aJvantageoufly seated on the river
Mofelie, over which there is a bridge,
defended by liorn work, 14 miles
north of Metz, and 19s mrrth-eaft of
Pat is. Long. 6. 15. east ; —lnt. 49.
31. north.
Which has recently futrundei'ed to I
the Duke of Brunfwick, is an ancient, I
strong, and considerable town of
France, in Loiratn, and capital of
the Verdnnois, with a bishop's fee,
ihe title of principality, and a strong
< citadel. It vas foiiiierly afi ce and
fvial city, divided into the Upper
ii- Lower towi.s, and is a place of
: >rtauce for the defence of C ham
ic ihe winds are 1 so strong here,
rlit y durst not raise the cat lie
i... to a proportionable height ; but
it is remarkable for its length, its two
choirs, and its four lleeples. There
ai e Abbeys, collegiate wii b the
p.u ifh churches ; and the molt curious
ft ruptures besides, are the bi(hop\
palace, the town house, and the Je
itift s college. The inhabitants a.e
nafed for the fine fweet-metrs they
make. It is feai ed on the river Mease,!
which runs through the middle, 42
miles S. W. of Luxemburg, and 150
E. of Paris. L«ng 5. 23. £. Lar. 40.
32. North.
It is divided into an npper and
lower town, the firlt of which is a
fortified place and the object of con
—Within the rampaits of
"Jjntif m iiiijiiix&fi t* r
> only ten are exposed to the
Jombs. Ihe walls may be
round in about fix minutes
J hey are protected by fifty pieces o(
cannon : nd fix mortars, the latter of
which are also secured from bombs.
— The garrison consists exatftly of
eighteen hundred men ; all useless
persons are removed from it ; they
have a well of joo feet deep: cis
terns filled with rain-water, and pro
vihons for thwe months.
Jumping Joe, executed last Fri
day at Kennington, was one of those
fellows who are deemed geniuses in
their way He was near sixty jears
e, had been fifiy-fix times tried
lonies, and had hanged forty
•companions. He obtained the
Ifcuf Jumping j oej i roi „
, which «a> so great that he
d leap ,nto the hafket of a (la ee
eoach, and out again, while the car
nage was running at the r ate of
eight m.les an hour. He was also
ChTiTti as f° r h |£ Ving rpeiU flXtec "
Chuttmafes successively i„ confine
">cnt, and probably no ; nnmerril,
The war with Poland being finifli
ed, and i he affairs of that kingdom
on the p.,, lt of being regulatfd Z
£jg. h i, .« r „,/ lh ?££ b Je
Rnfl.a will reinforce the body of
troops «hick are to march a.ainf
witlT' VV ' ,h 25,0 °° n,e "' f ° "hat S
e an aimy of jo,ooo ;o afljfl
tie operations of rhe Allies.
A vciy curious circumstance will
happen in about eight years When
Int^wT,fle adOP 'r dthe G,^>ri "
™ found nec'edary
t<> of r c " ,eila nt'-y. The
Virginian birt, c "; 2 f"»np, is s
icyi vears since n' . n . rc alf ' fonie
unce, in ti U j country.
i Don Frederic de Cravina, \»lio is
lariived in town fiotn Plymouth, tra j
vels at the expense of the court of
j Madrid, tor the purpose of viliting
| the navies of foreign nations, thofcj
jof England and Holland efpecialiy.
j His visits, however, are made in the
iinoftopen manner, and we may gei
j more by the strength of
sour navy, than by concealing any
i preparations, which he can fee con
cerning it.
What a fpctfacle was Paris, and especially
the place of action, on the evening of the loth
j of Auguit ! Labour and trade were interrupt
ed, the wo'rklbop and the counter deferred —
Amid apparent disorder, there was aftrong mix
ture it' ifrmternity, -
geaaoe, i.eneioijty, and barbarity ! Evtrv tircet
in arms, yet no outrage committed in the {beet;.
Bui 1 , aln ! the citi zen was grievouHy and too
otteu afflicted at the fight of patriots d>ing or
wounded, borne home by their comrades, and
followed bv their weeping family. Every eye,
every itep was directed to the palace which sent
forth volumes of 'moke. TheCarouzel appear
ed to be avail burning furnace. In order to
enter the palace it was neceftary to cross two at
its wings, which were reeking in their embers,
and to trample either on burning beams, or o»
bodies not yet cold. The court of the prince
was but another afpeft of the lame picture ; it
presented the ficadeof the palace battered fror
top to bottom by the national cannon, some of
which (fill eemcd to threaten the too long
abode of Roval vice. Here too the dead lay
ft re wed. But how describe the vestibule, the
flaii-caf'e, the chapel, and the apartments ? It
was ho: ror not to be exceeded. Yet even thi*
io ror might be endured, by recollecting who
had been their inhabitants. The walls and
loors were stained with blood, covered with
hioker weapons, and the limbs of nijpi, min-'e ■!
with torn garments, royal rohes, velvets Work
ed in gold with fleur-de-lis, furniture broken,
'nattered V3les, bottles diltributed to the met
cenary executioners of the despot, and dead bo
dies at every step !
J he palace gate leading to the terrace was
' °bftrufted by heap? of dead, almoil naked, and
as if still biting the dust, tlieir hahds gra'ped in
age to have fallen by the sword of the people.
Every alley of that noble garden, the admira
tion ol foreigners, and the pride of nature ard
of art, presented nothing but more dead and
more; some under the trees, feme extended]
beneath the llatues, and others strewed over
with graft and the flowers of the garden ; and
to give the last touch to this fearful scene, the
wooden barracks Of the Swift ail on fire, and
tle flames lighting thole who were losdinr nu
merous carriages brought to take away tbe
dead from the Place de Louis XV. By the fide
of this scene of horror fat Louis XVI.' the au
thor of all these lamentable tragedies, at a we)
replenished table, in the room of one of the
committees of the National Affembl*. eating
' ru -l» m the mmmnv tS
silent and enraged wife } (he biting her }ip,
not having been better fecondcd in hateful
crimes and deplorable guilt.
No part of the pa i ace 0 f the Thuilleries is
urt favewhe,. the cannon struck, and which
can be repaired ; but the barracks which R,r
---[ nunded It, and which spoiled its appearance,
thJn- ? ? ne< ! t0 flames > and are levelled with
ground. It is most likely that it will be
Bu",ef i n fU , tUre t0 * hHjl for ti,e aOembly.
Bu.eaus for the national business, and apart-1
Re* theMinifterS and P '' sfide »< o^tlLj
Domestic Articles.
RICHMOND, October 27
On 1 hurfday rhe annua] ballot for
nvenior of thi g commonwealth took
(' n ' e hou Jf ° f delegates ; when
his Excellency Heauy Lee, Esq.
to fill ,hat imponant and
dignified office for the enfuifig year
comment,ng the fir It day 0 f Decern!
ber next. '
WINCHESTER, (Vir.) OA 2o "
authentic imo« m , tlon -/'
a gentleman from Knoxville
£:zvr th i f ihe ohio^Si
tace he left on the i 2 ih infant we
" faVored ""*> the follo'wimr
ntei citing particulars :
On the 7th of September Tnhn
■Vatis rendezvoused 500 Creeks and
"h/n Y nd declar ed war again!!
he tinted States. A part of ' h
■ e^fe to Th• toWns Ponded to be ad
euers to G P '° Ceedi "g. ™d wrot ,
euers to Governor Blounrot Watts*.
air .
»rote a 1.,,. 7 also, in Council
»■.Ugnrt Bl"3r™£
|>'en g„i,,g to Warj and defire j jJU
,h *y agreed ',1 1 me COU,,cil
">'l. uh. f, , the re,,d «*oo S on tb,
making wai - , owed pnrpole o
Creek nation Ar° " u ,ie,, g er to th,
nat,on ; firing them to f ur
nifti alt the warriors tlury could spare
—and dilpaiched a frciichniaw and
a Halt bieed io leconnoitie Cumber
land, who, on their reiui 11, were to
ferv« as pilots, I heie intended spies,
in Head of fulfilling the object of their
mitfion, acquainted the people of
Cumberland with the true Hate of
affairs, and warned them to be upon !
' heir guard, whereupon General Ro-j
bertlbn ordered two-thirds of the mi-
litia of that country into- actual fe
vice. The Hanging Muw has inform
ed Governor Blount ih:it, on the 19th
of September, ( appointed, as
mentioned above) about 1000 Creeks
ai)d'ChejHjtef>es affemblfd at th<* Ruu-',
lutely marched again ft ihi'fettlement
of Cumberland. No information of
rheir having made an attack on that
place had been received at Kuoxvilk
on the nt-h inllant.
" Ihe Frenchman) and Half-Breed,
above-mentioned, were lately em
ployed by the Spanilh Governor, to
carry letters to the Creeks, Chero
kees, Chickafaus and Choc'taws, en
couraging them to come to Peirlaco
la for arms and ammunition, and in-
Itigating them to make war with the
United States.
" About the latter end of July, a
Treaty was held at New Oi le.tns, be
tween the Spaniards and the Creeks,
Cherokee's, Chickafaws and CJiotftavv s,
at which the former offered them
aims and ammunition, to go to war
jgainft the; United States, and tojd
them it would be for their interest so
to do—they also made them lavge
presents of goods. The Creeks, and
Cherokees of the Lower Towns, re
ceived their Talk.
Certain intelligence had been
received at Ktioxville, that a Spanish
agent resided for Tome titweat M'Gil
livray's house, who inveigled him,
together with a number of other
chiefs of the Creek nation, to attend
a Treaty lately held at New-Orleans
—and that they are now 011 their
way home from that place.
" Governor Blount has ordered
[near one half of the Holltein and
French Broad militia into actual fer
»ice, under the command of Briga
dier-General Sevier." j
I roip this derail of appears,
that the return of Watts, as menti
oned in a former paper, was merely
a finefle. r r '
About the 6ih instant, some Indi
ans attacked a flation on Little River
and killed three inen.—And, about
the Bih or 9th, a paity of them fired
on {ome persons coming from Ken
tuck)', killed one and wounded ano-
dvice to Farmer;, from re own eXf eruntt thisprrfent
IRS t, maki? your ground mellow and rich, .nd
then plant your cum hut two feet apart each
way, arid hul „„<■ k clnt ,j ln , hj j,. ttm „ t he way
dvc (iII c t and hoed it without plowing ; and
. When my corn was ripe, J mtafintd feyeral rods
} . n t'»nd mejluied theicorn ejca& y, and had tnou
i r n a bufht los cars 10 a tod ol ground,and it was
rhil Ifyiildit. 18 nib its of (hcllcy
Corn lo a hulhel of ears : And nnonthiH in paiticu
|ar I cut up eleven fuckers when thoporn
; " let, and dm d them, and put their, in tire barn,
and here were Icven then Iclt, and e..< h
one had an ear o' corn and one had two cars which 1
: f'ght ears produced , 774 kernels and all from on.
r| nt : And h»d a large load of ihe tops on about
one hondnd rods ol ground.
And I am of opinion, that the ground would
Dear to have been planted only one loot apart, aud
therefore might have yielded m .re than it did.
Neaif eld, 09. 3, ,- Qa
: I Perhaps the present is as intcrettirg a period
; as any that has or will occur in the hiftorv of
~ us country. It is a fart too notorious to be
■! at the moment when the people of
j the United States were in so wretched a litua
icrrrf > r I ° f ' :nion ' S° ver,, nient, and
theV were a,moft 'endy to will, for
tl* Gariix and Ocita," of .. M tv
I -'On,; us was as llrenuous in oppofirion to the
only means that appeared adequate to our lal
vation, as ever the citizens of America were
tbe mea,ure! ' ot their open enemies : This
party wrote and did more (for the time) to pre
vent the adoption of the new constitution, than
tne patriots did to lave their country from fo
.,e'g" ty, , ann '":~ l " going counter to'the advice
and machinations ot this antifederal junto, the
people laved themselves from a „ thAorrors „f
di union anarchy and Havery-thev placed their
dom"wfri s C°f P ror P er »tv, peace and free
fteos • j ' a , VC L tont " lU£d to attend their
Zl'T Wl * persevere in supporting
dffl« ? W " Ch haVC Kt " f! e mL.s of
v Vk B - t V e i cluud ' ; that relied on their prof
tß'-'Mfi ili Wl " Cuntinuc ,0 fl'me « ilb
-a.mj luitre, to tiie perfect day.
hovsfOF representatives
Monday, n„v. S) ~9 2
T®' Ht.u'e aflernblcd purfuanr »« ••
'enr ; rie,!t ~ t ' le t'-i-uwing inttiibeii belng""^
•ttMStE** l *~ J *
Gc-rrv, Mr."Bourne l»-
W,, Yn/' Lc "" ard ' Mr - 'i'totcherl- £"
ward, and Mr. Ainss. ' '
RheJt l/l rd—Mr. Bourn.
It;r n oni~ vi;-. Nile? ami Mr. Smith
»£!z£: h £2*> «r.
Mr A D.mon'~ Mr ' B ° Udinot ' Mr * Clwk .
1 ""'—Mr. Muhlenberg, and Mr. Fit,.
Key, »„<J Mr. Morr,,.
White ' Ml "Madison, Mr. V«.
nable Mr. Parker, Mr. Gile<, anrfMr. C
and Mr. f Mtr Mr -
JSfctSr* T, " k "' **-•**
Gtorg't,p—Mr. Baldwin, and.Jfr. WlUit ,
A quorum being p,*^
ed to bufiiief* \ t
Mr.Leonard, * new member from
Maifachufetts, appeared, productd bii
credentials, was qualified, ind took lis
A mefTage was sent to the Senate, by
the clerk of the House, to inform them
thru a quorum of tlie House were afTem
bled, and ready to proceed to bulinefs.
On motion of Mr. Boudinot, it was
relolved, that a committee be appointed,
to join with such committee as may be
appointed by the Senate, to wait on the
I i efident of the United States, to notify
him, that a quorum of both houses are
ailembled, and are ready to receive fiore
him any communications he may be ple;>f
ed to make.
Mr. Boudinot, Mr. Key, and Mr..
Moore, were appointed the committee.
A meiTage from the Senate, by Mr.
Otis, their secretary, informed the house,
that a quorum of the fenatt beinfj afiem
bled, in the abfeuce of the Vice President
of the United States, they had proceeded
to the choice of a Prelident of the Senate
pro tempore, and that Mr. Lanjjdon was
Oil motion of Mr. Boudlnot, it ws»
resolved, that the House proceed to a
joint ballot, for two chaplains of difFc.cnt
denominations, to officiate, interchangea
bly weekly, during the feflion.
This rciolution was sent to the Scnati,
Mr. Smith (S. C.) presented a petition
from ftindry citizens, merchant* of South
Carolina, complaining of the exorbitant
fees exadled in the admiralty court of
that state, &c.— Read, and referred t»
M'. ) Mr. ani
Mi. White.
A communication was read from the
Govei nor of Georgia, enclosing the pro
ceedings of the lsgiflature of that state re
lative to filling the vacancy in the Repre*
fentation of that state, in Congrefe; ty
which it appeared, that John Mifledgc,
Esq. was elected.
A message from the Senate, by Mr,
Otis, informed the House, that the Senate
have concurred in the resolution, for a
joint committee to wait on the President
«f the United States, and have appointed
Mr. lsard and Mr. Strong—also, that
they have concurred in the refolutiou of
the House for the choice of chaplains, and
have ele&ed the Right Reverend BiiWp
The House proceeded to eled a chap
l.Wn on.then part j the batinu Stctig
ledled, it appeared, that the Reverend
Do&or Green was chofcn.
Mr. Boudinot, of the committee ap>
pointed to wait on the President of ll,e
United States, reported to the House,
that the joint committee of both houses
had waited on the Piefident, ivho inform
ed them, that he would meet the two hou
fef> to-morrow, in the Senate chamber.
On motion, it was resolved, that th.
Clerk cause the members to be furiJilhe
with thiee newspapers, such as the) (■><"
chuft, to be delivered at their refpectue
lodgings during the session.
Adjoined till to-morrow, " o'clock